To Help a Friend

Story by drakoman on SoFurry

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#1 of Life and Love in the Army

(This is a reprint of the origional 'Life and Love in the Army'.


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Back in the time of knights, swords, and magic, humans and half-human, half animal creatures called Baigan lived in semi-harmony. That is to say, humans and Baigans of specific areas had banded together to fight intruders. There were still some who thought humans or Baigans were better, making peace fragile.

Miles from civilization, an army patrol was going through training. The patrol was all Baigan except for one soldier. That one human soldier was named Joseph. He had joined this particular army because he had always felt more comfortable around Baigans. In fact, when he was younger, all of his friends had been Baigans. There had been Geoffrey the wolf, Taki the gryphon, and Berome the dragon, among others.

Berome and Joseph were as close as two different species could get to being brothers; they were almost inseparable.

Now Joseph was in the army with many Baigans. After joining in a life-long commitment, he found a problem in his platoon. Most of the Baigans were specist. They felt that if you weren't a Baigan, you were less than sapient. Joseph was almost constantly being bullied and pushed around, but he stood his ground. He was not one for starting fights, but he could definitely end them. Although he was skinny, he could match blows on any ground with a Baigan. He had joined the army to hone these skills, as well to be able to protect the species he cared most about.

Another day began with Joseph rising at dawn, before even the Baigans, and going outside the patrol tent for his morning run and stretch. They had set up camp in a large forest meadow. Joseph breathed in the fresh air and sighed as he remembered Berome's reaction to the army. He started running as he recalled Berome's exact words.

They were both sitting on Berome's rooftop. The dark skinned boy in a green shirt and tan shorts was sitting next to his silver-blue dragon friend in black pants with a hole for his tail. They were discussing what they wanted to do when they were older and Joseph brought up the army. "What do you think about the army, Ber?" Berome flicked a rock down the rooftop, his green eyes flicking back and forth, thinking of his answer.

"To tell you the truth, Jo, I don't really like the army." Joseph cocked his head to one side as Berome continued. "I'm not saying you shouldn't join, but just that I don't like all the violence armies cause, how much pain people are left with when they hear their family or friend has died. I can just imagine and that scares me. I don't want to have to go through that and I don't want you to either." Berome hugged Joseph more tenderly than any human had or could.

Joseph returned the hug, knowing that Berome needed one and not worried about his friend being gay. In fact, he already knew Berome was bisexual. Joseph was as well, but they kept that to themselves. Joseph smiled as he hugged his babyhood friend, remembering all the great times they had had in Berome's room alone. "Don't worry, Ber. If I ever join the army, I'll make sure to stay alive just for you." This caused Berome to hug Joseph closer and kiss him on the forehead.

Joseph was rudely ripped from his memories by a violent kick. He landed in the grass, managing not to hurt himself too badly. As he got up and brushed off, he turned to see Temper, a large Baigan lion and his buddies, all laughing and pointing. It was times like these that made Joseph wish that he still had Berome to watch over him. Sadly, Joseph hadn't seen Berome since he had gone to join the army.

Before Temper could do anything else, their commander, a Baigan bear named Bruin walked up. "What's all this then?! Private Temper, what are you doing now?!"

Temper smiled and made an innocent face. "Joseph tripped, Sergeant Bruin. I was just making sure he was ok." Joseph took a shaky breath as Sergeant Bruin stepped between him and Temper.

"Is this true, Private Joseph?" Temper looked at Joseph from behind Sergeant Bruin's back. He raised his eyes, indication that if Joseph gave a displeasing answer, Temper would do something about it.

Joseph shook his head. He wasn't going to take it any more. "No, Sergeant. Temper pushed me over."

Sergeant Bruin grunted and gave Joseph an approving eye and turned to stand in front of both groups. "Temper! See me later!

"PLATOON! ATTEEEEEEN... TION!!!!!" Joseph, Temper, and the rest fell into orderly rows, Joseph ending up in front of Bruin. Sergeant Bruin took a deep breath, filling his lungs with air. "I have an announcement for you! We have a new medic mage!" This caused some head nodding and relaxed smiles. Medic mages were good at what they did. Sergeant Bruin continued. "You will address him as Medic Drak!"

Joseph's eyes widened, then narrowed at this. That was Berome's last name! "But it couldn't be him." Joseph thought. "He refused to have anything to do with the army..."

Sergeant Bruin ended by telling them, in no uncertain words, that they would have to wait for the Medic to call on them. Medic Drak would know when they were injured. With that, they were dismissed to begin their tasks. Joseph hauled water, helped prepare breakfast, and other things throughout the day. He could almost see Temper steaming while doing the worst jobs, like washing the plates, washing clothes, and other things. Joseph knew he would have to be careful; otherwise he could be in serious pain "At least you did the right thing, not beating the shit out of him." Joseph knew he was a better weapon's handler than Temper; if they had gotten into a one-on-one fight, he would win.

That night, Joseph dreamed about one of his and Berome's 'alone times'.

Joseph was sleeping over at Berome's house. Joseph was lying on Berome's bed reading when Berome walked out of the bathroom. "Hey, Jo, could you help me with this?" Berome stood in front of Joseph, completely naked, as was Joseph. He was sporting a hardon twice as long as Joseph's and extremely hard. Joseph chuckled and led Berome to the bed, laying him on his back. Berome rumbled as he moved his tail and wings out of the way. Joseph straddled Berome's cock and gave it a long lick, savoring the sweet taste. "Ooohhh... come on, Joseph, don't be a tease."

Joseph smiled into Berome's cock as he quickly licked over the rest of the length of dragonmeat. He then stood and placed his anus just above Berome's cockhead. He moaned a little as he pressed down, ass opening from previous encounters with his prize. Berome muffled a growl as his cock entered Joseph's warm lairs.

Joseph pressed down until the entire cock was inside him. He then began to lift back up until only the head was inside. As he pressed back down, his own cock hardened until it reached its full 5". "Look at what you've caused, Ber" joked Joseph. Berome's answer was to bring his tail around and wrapped it around Joseph's cock. He began moving it up and down his friend's cock, squeezing lightly. Berome also licked at his friend's penis with his long, reptilian tongue.

Joseph moaned at the ministrations of his friend. The tail scales were catching slightly on his skin, thrilling him even more. The tongue, the tail, and the cock in his ass were all too much. He came powerfully, covering Berome's tailtip and muzzle with his cum. Soon afterwards, Berome hilted himself into Joseph with a muffled roar, spraying his hot cum inside his friend. "Mmmmm... thanks for the help, Jo" whispered Berome, hugging Joseph to his chest and laying his head on Joseph's.

Joseph hugged back, stroking the smooth scales. "You're welcome, Ber." They fell asleep together on Berome's bed.

Joseph woke from his dream to feel the chill of outside and grass on his back. He had gone to sleep with only his pants on, but he now felt only his underwear. Looking around, he saw tree shapes, telling him he was in the forest. He didn't recognize his surroundings, so he must have been a long way from camp. "Wha...what's happening" he asked. He saw a shape above him with bleary eyes. He rubbed his eyes to clear away sleep and felt a strong clawed foot hit his side. He groaned in pain as he felt a fist enter the area previously occupied by his stomach.

"I'm beating you up, that's what's happening, you sorry excuse for a sentient being. You knew what would happen if you gave Sergeant Bruin the wrong answer." Temper punched Joseph in the stomach again, leaving Joseph with no breath. Soon after, Temper's friends all started beating up Joseph as well. Joseph could feel ribs cracking and his organs beginning to pain him.

After about half an hour in which Joseph hadn't screamed once, Temper stopped his friends. He knelt over Joseph and looked him in the eye. "Now I'm going to leave you here in the forest for whatever lives around here. See you in hell." And with a last kick, Temper walked off through the trees with his friends, back to camp no doubt.

Joseph had no idea how long he lay there blacking out from pain. After what seemed like days, he heard footsteps. "Oh, no. It's Temper again, come to beat me more." As the footsteps stopped, Joseph heard a gasp. Whoever it was that had come rushed over and knelt in front of him, looking into his face. Joseph looked to see worried green eyes and silver-blue scales. Joseph's last thought before blacking out again was "So it really is Berome."

Joseph woke up on a bed in the infirmary tent back at camp, imagining that this was what a punching bag felt like. He focused on his body, discovering that he was naked underneath the sheets. He started to lift his head, but dropped it as he felt burning pain. He groaned once, rousing the tent's other occupant. Berome walked over to Joseph on the bed and held up a cup of blue liquid. "Here, this should help with the pain." Joseph drank it all, realizing that Berome hadn't recognized him.

After the drink was finished, Berome began to chant a spell. "It seems you have external injuries and internal injuries." He changed his chant and held his now green glowing hands over Joseph's injuries. The wounds healed, skin sealing perfectly, leaving no scars. Berome looked down at the one human in the entire platoon.

"What were you thinking..." he wondered, remembering Joseph, his friend. "Well, I've healed your outer injuries. For the inner injuries, you need to drink something. One minute." Berome walked out of Joseph's sight, but Joseph could hear him rattling around. He walked back with a vial of clear liquid. Joseph took it and swallowed it down.

Berome chanted another healing spell, focusing on the liquid. Joseph could feel his organs mending themselves. As Berome continued chanting, Joseph said "I knew you would always be a medical mage, Berome." Joseph chuckled as his friend stumbled over a word, immensely surprised.

"Joseph? Is that you?" Joseph nodded and Berome sat down beside him, hugging his friend close, putting his chin on top of the human's. "What happened to you? How did you get so hurt so far out?"

Joseph pulled away and looked Berome in the eyes. "That dumb lion Temper and his friends drug me out into the forest and beat me because I got Temper in trouble." Joseph saw Berome's irises turning red in anger. "Don't start getting violent, now. I want to deal with this on my own. The only way I would allow you to help is if you had some spell that put me on completely even grounds..."

Berome's eyes grew big and bright. "Actually, I do have a spell like that. It is permanent, but from what I know of you, you'll like it."

Joseph cocked his head the same way as when they were young, further endearing himself to Berome. "What does the spell do?"

Berome smiled and kissed Joseph on the forehead. "It transforms you into a Baigan." He chuckled at Joseph's surprised then blissful face. "I knew you would like the idea." Joseph could only nod in agreement. "First things first; you need some liquid from my body." Joseph's answer was to kneel down in front of Berome. Berome dropped his robe, exposing his large sheath.

Joseph reached out one hand and stroked the scale-covered sheath while his other hand rolled Berome's balls. After a few minutes of this, Berome's cock was at its full 14". Joseph sucked Berome's cock into his mouth and began to suckle like a baby. He managed to pull 10" of the 14" cock into his mouth and throat. Joseph could feel his own 7" stiffen as Berome began to hump into his mouth, slowly at first, then quicker as the mood took him. Berome tried to hold out, but he still didn't have the mental control and came into Joseph's stomach. Joseph managed to swallow everything he was given.

Berome pulled out of Joseph, preparing the spell. "It's your choice of whether to stand, sit, or lay down. Seeing as you'll be adding three new limbs on your backside, you might want to stand." Berome backed away from his friend and began to chant.

From the first word, Joseph felt like he was being engulfed by fire. But it was as if he couldn't feel pain. He felt the heat, but only felt the dull ache of the burning. Soon, he felt his body popping as things changed inside and out.

The change started at his head. He felt his hair grow down his back, turning brown. He also felt horns growing backwards from his scalp. The burning moved down to his face, pushing it outwards into a draconic muzzle and covering it with emerald green scales. Joseph's neck extended a little as well.

The changes moved down to his chest. His small but hard and well trained muscles bulged and grew until it seemed his scaled chest would burst. He relished in the newfound power as the burning gave him an eight pack. His hands didn't change much, only growing claws on the finger tips and increasing a little in size. He felt three points on his back with increased burning; two on his shoulder blades, one above his butt crack. He moaned as two big wings burst from his shoulders and a thick, fully prehensile tail burst from his tailbone.

The burning moved down to his cock and balls. His cock thickened up a little, then was covered by a large white scaled sheath. His balls grew from about the size of a hen's egg to the size of a human fist. He stroked his new sheath as the burning stretched his legs and gave him more muscles, changing his stance to a digigrade stance. Now, instead of walking on his foot, he would walk on the balls of his feet.

Joseph roared as the transformation completed. Berome watched with awe and happiness for his friend. Berome walked over and looked at the tattered clothing around Joseph. "Maybe I should have had you take off your clothes first. Oh well." Berome led Joseph over to the bed. "Joseph..." Joseph looked into Berome's green eyes with his gold ones. "Could you..." Berome turned and lifted his tail.

Joseph's eyes widened in surprise. "Are you sure?" he said in a deep voice. Berome nodded and Joseph came over behind his friend. Stroking his maleness to full hardness, he pushed the naturally lubricated head into Berome's asscrack slowly, not wishing to hurt his friend. Berome moaned a little as Joseph's new manhood speared into him, pleasuring him as never before. Joseph heard the moan and sped up a little, lying on Berome's back, careful of the wings and tail. He grabbed Berome's once-again hard cock and stroked it in a countermeasure to his humps.

Berome was enjoying the attention. Not only was his friend a dragon, but he was giving it too him. Then, as he felt his friends clawed hands on his hardon, Berome had to stifle a particularly loud moan of pleasure.

After a few hours, Berome and Joseph came together, both stifling their roars as best as they could. Both got dressed in proper clothing, then Berome went out to explain the situation to Sergeant Bruin. All three agreed to keep it silent.

The next day, Sergeant Bruin called attention. Everyone fell in except for Joseph, who had been renamed Jerome. Sergeant Bruin moved Jerome up beside him. "Everyone! This dragon beside me is your new platoon member Private Jerome. Private Joseph had to leave for health reasons" Temper chuckled. "so Jerome has come to take his place! Private Jerome is Medic Drak's brother, so be good." Jerome's heart leapt at that statement; that was another thing they had agreed upon.

Everyone was dismissed to do the daily chores and practices. Jerome didn't get two feet towards the watering lake before Temper and his friends stopped him. Temper walked up and looked Jerome in the eye, having to look up a little. "Look here, Private. In this platoon, I lead. You do exactly as I say, or you'll end up just like Private Joseph."

Jerome shook his head, wishing he could see Temper's face if he knew. "You know what? I think not." Temper was taken aback, but then his look of surprise turned into one of anger and he punched at Jerome.

Jerome easily caught it and twisted. Temper bent over from the pain and the direction of the twist. Jerome decided to finish this problem once and for all. "Now, if you don't want me to break your wrist, you and your friend's will leave me alone. Believe me, I can cause more pain than you might realize." With that, he let go of Temper and walked off, knowing full well that Temper wouldn't bother him again.

He brought the water back to the medical tent. Stepping inside, he saw Berome waiting, tapping his foot. "Was that spike of pain caused by you?" Jerome nodded and explained the situation. Berome laughed. "Ah, how the mighty have fallen."

Jerome walked over to Berome and gave him a big hug, putting his head on Berome's shoulder. Berome returned the hug, a little confused. "What's this for?"

Jerome pulled back and stared into Berome's eyes. "For being so kind to me, even though I wasn't a Baigan. And for being my brother in this new body."

Berome looked away, shuffled his foot a little, and looked back up. "I wanted to ask you something." Berome was having trouble getting the words out, so Jerome hugged him again and massaged his back. "I... wanted to ask you if... y-you'd be my... mate."

Jerome kissed Berome, their tongue's intertwining. After pulling back, Jerome stared into Berome's eyes. "Of course, Berome."

(Blah! Took me forever to write this! Ok, any and all comments would be lovely. If you want a sequel tell me and I'll try and direct my moods towards a sequel.)