Seasons of Space

Story by Kandrel on SoFurry

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Warning! Warning! Warning! This story contains all those things your mom and dad said they'd tell you about when you grew up, in hopes you'd never ask again. Avert your eyes, lest this missage burns itself into your retinas, for I can't be held accountable for your marred purity! And all the rest. You know the deal. 18 blah blah don't read blah blah legal blah blah... Okay, enough on with the story. Warning! Warning! Warning! __________________ The Seasons of Space - By Kandrel

  • * * Akins admired himself in the body-length mirror. Tonight was a special night, and he had his part to play. Occasions like this didn't happen often, and he needed it as much as the rest of the crew. Pulling the harness straight over his chest and adjusting the ring around his tail, he posed, at last happy with the results. Staring back at him from the mirror was a thin fox, no taller than four or so feet tall. He turned, muzzle still facing towards the mirror as he made sure the slightly rubbery harness was hugging tight to his fur across his otherwise naked form. Straps over his shoulder met mid-chest, then ran around his waist and under his crotch. A thin ring connected the straps around his waist with the ones running between his legs, then connected in turn with two more running up his back and over his shoulders, completing the outfit. The black rubber contrasted against the fox's fine reddish and white fur. Running a hand down his form and tweaking at his sheath, he smiled, licking his lips in anticipation. Akins attention wandered as he prepared, grabbing matching rubbery ankle bands from the low glass table next to his bed. A hundred years ago, people had thought that space travel would be an exciting. Ships zooming about, lasers flaring, warp tunnels and black holes. Akins had seen the old shows on the flatscreen, and had to admit that it would have been much cooler that way. As the ship's navigator, he knew how things worked out here in the vast expanse, and nothing could have been further from the truth. Space travel consisted of years of idle time, and idle time was very bad in a small enclosed space. Boredom fed tempers, and tempers fed little disputes that became big issues. The biggest threat to starfarers now was themselves. Akins pulls his tail straight and reached through the mirror, the surface shimmering as his paw passed through it. He pulled his hand back, two small tubes grasped in his fingers, dropping them to the table to his right. He took one and spread some liquid onto leathery fingertips, then ran the fingers beneath his tail, shivering a little at the cold sensation on bare skin. The other tube had a slightly creamy substance, which he rubbed into the thin webbing of one of his ears. Feeling ready to face the crowd, he shook himself out, fur flattening obediently, then opened the portal to the cramped hallway outside his quarters. By now, Akins was used to the jump in his stomach as he stepped from the normal gravity in his room to the reduced gravity of the hallway. He let himself drift to the floor, then bounded off towards commons. Standing outside the door to the only really spacious room on the ship, a large okapi stood holding a sensor. Her arms were crossed and hoof tapping, glaring at the fox as he approached. She wore a long medical robe, though the front was unbuttoned and her front was bared and naked, devoid of even the harness Akins wore. "While you're up there primping, I've been waiting out here instead of joining the fun in there. What the hell took you so long?" Akins had the good manners to look apologetic, ears falling and tail swishing in apology. "Sorry Debs. The captain wanted me to wear this again, and it's a flat bitch to get it on right." With a devilish smile, he held out his left hand, palm up. The okapi held the sensor to a bare spot on the fox's wrist. Three seconds later, a bright blue and a chirpy squawk signaled the end of the scan, and the medical officer held the device out to Akins, handle first. He took the scanner and held it to the okapi's own wrist, waiting for the same light and squeak before handing it back. Smiling and turning, Debby touched a hand to lit pad on the wall and opened the door to the commons. Giving a flit of her short wispy tail, she strolled in, followed closely by the fox. The smell of the room hit Akins' nose like a hammer. This Heat Party was in honor of Keesha, the only other canid on board, and the fox had forgotten just how the smell of someone so close to his own species affected him. Panting a little in the warmth of the room and blinking to adjust to the lower than usual lighting, he padded towards the center of the room, looking for an opening. The entire crew of the Gambit was here, gathered in twos, threes, and more, and not a single of them wore a shred of clothing other than decorative. To his left, Davies, an old military panther, was licking at the neck of Gaven, the hare in charge of sanitation and recycling. Leaning back on the railing behind them and watching the pair, Jiles the rat was receiving rather intimate attention from Kares. Kares, a small nuthatch, was in turn was kneeling and fingering herself, holding her wings out slightly as to avoid dragging them on the floor. Towards the center of the room, he could see the hostess of the party, Keesha, bouncing on the lap of Gareth. Akins drank in the sight, pawing at his own sheath as he watched the german shepherd stuff herself full of ursine cock, the bear below her grunting and pushing his hips up to meet her. Gareth was the ships captain, and had probably claimed the first turn with the canine in heat. As Akins watched, he felt a familiar presense press itself to his back, towering over him. White and brown striped breasts spread around his neck and covered his ears, while legs clamped around his tail, a wet female crotch riding the base. "Thought you could get away from me, sneaky? You owe me for making me wait for this." Debby knelt a bit, bringing her head down and nipping at the fox's ears with her flat teeth. She ground her hips against his, slit dripping juices around the thin fur at the base of the fox's tail. "Wouldn't think of escaping, ma'am." Akins muttered sarcastically, then yipped as he was picked up bodily, thrown onto the padded matt next to the screwing bear and dog. He looked sideways, winking at Keesha and smiling widely, before the striped thighs landed straddling his shoulders. "Start licking, Akins, you're not going anywhere 'till I cum." Putting his paws on the okapi's inner thighs, Akins ducked his muzzle and obliged. The rest of the room disappeared as legs clamped over his ears, eyes seeing nothing but the thinly furred white belly and crotch, and the smell of excited giraffe filling his nose. His tongue lashed out, touching the sides of the puffy slit grinding against his chest. His attentions were rewarded by a tight squeeze of the thighs. He huffed a breath out, breathing across the hot slit and sniffing at the liquid dripping into his fur. Starting to lap, he pushed his tongue into the cleft between the lips, then dragging it backwards slowly, gathering the liquid on his tongue and savoring it as his paws slowly pulled at the thighs, spreading Debby's thighs a little as he started to probe gently into her. He felt a thump on the floor next to him and felt paws on his thighs. Debby turned her head momentarily, then turned back, smiling at the fox she'd trapped. She ground her hips against him harder, running the spread slit through his fur as his tongue dipped into her depths. Akins strained his head, but couldn't see around the girl straddling his head. Soft tongues touched his sheath, and a paw twanged at one of the harness straps against his belly. One of the tongues touched his half-erect cock, worming between the bare skin and sheath, digging down into the fuzzy pouch. The fox started to lift his hips, humping against the feathery touches on his own equipment as he redoubled his efforts on the okapi. He felt weight lift off of his chest as Debby straightened up. Akins caught the glimpse of Sari and Seth, twin mice who were engine techs, working over his crouch and winking at him between the thighs circling his head. The okapi wasn't done with him, though, and settled onto him again. Her spread thighs caught his muzzle and pressed down, pushing the tip of the fox's sharp nose into her slit. Akins grunted an Debby gasped, and the fox felt the velvetty walls of the okapi's sex close in around the sides of his muzzle as she sank onto him. He opened his mouth, tongue flicking out and licking at her insides as she began to bounce, cunny slurping and dripping messily. Akins worked his tongue and muzzle as best he could, closing his eyes and supressing the instinct to pull his head back as his whiskers were rubbed. The okapi was much taller than he, and was built to take things much larger than his muzzle. In no time, she had sunk on to him, his cheeks puffing out against her lips as she finally came to rest against the bridge of his nose. A muzzle clamped around his own shaft, now hard and throbbing, as the mice decided to go a little farther. Akins chuffed, blowing air into the okapi's slit, and she shrieked over him. He felt the dampness increased to a flood, and the passage around his muzzle flexed and squeezed, cutting off his air. The thighs squeezed around his neck, the fox feeling just a little light-headed. After a moment, debby stood, liquid still dripping down her leg, and let Akins take in a breath. Head now free, the fox scrubbed at his muzzle, licking and rubbing it dry as he glanced down at the mice. Sari had his cock in her mouth, suckling on it slowly as her fingers traced along his sheath, and Seth was behind his sister, thrusting into her languidly. To his side, he heard a grunt, and a thump as Keesha ground her hips against the bear. Akins head twisted to the side, watching as Gareth started hosing down the canine's hot insides with cum, the slimy mix dripping from between her thighs and matting the brown fur of the bear's crotch. Debby, legs shivering and unsteady, settled next to the bear. She stroked his muzzle as he came, resting and recovering. Akins felt his legs spread, paws pulling them apart. He glanced down and saw that the mice had been joined by a the ship's medical technician, Lims. The tiger was larger even than the bear, muscled and broad of shoulder. Kneeling and lifting one of the fox's legs, he smiled down at Akins. "Been a while, there, foxy. If I didn't know any better, I'd say you were avoiding me." He rumbled. Everything the tiger said always seemed to come out somewhere between a growl and a dull roar. Akins was half-conviced that the tiger was half feral, and it made being manhandled by the veritable giant even more exciting. "My ass can only take so much of your tender love, Lims. Use me more often than once every heat cycle and you'd break me." The fox felt his hips being lifted, the tiger pulling them up level to his kneeling crotch as if the fox weighed no more than a toy. "Then I'd better take that offer now, if this is my last chance for a month." Lims growled back, and Akins felt a thick pole of flesh poke at his tail end. The tip was skinny and tapered, though he knew from experience that he was about to take something the girth of his wrist. The tip slowly spread his cheeks, then his pucker, the liquid he'd spread there earlier making the penetration slick and painless. Well, painless until the invading cock started to thicken, until the fox gasped, caught between the pleasure of the mouse still sucking on his throbbing shaft, and the burning pain of being stretched wide enough to take the thick tiger cock straight to the hilt. The tiger leaned over the mouse, gnawing over Sari's neck and skull as he started to thrust slowly into the fox. Sari shivered, and Akins felt her teeth lightly graze his knot. Akins groaned and clawed at the floor with his paws, hind end held in Lim's powerful grasp and writhing a bit while being used. Seth squeaked behind his sister, his own orgasm dripping down her spread legs as he shivered. The mouse pulled himself free and flopped down next to Akins, pushing his cock towards the fox's muzzle invitingly and panting, still squirting feebly as the fox's tongue slowly worked over its length. Akins heard a canine huff above him, and he looked up, seeing Keesha standing near Sari. The german shepherd slapped the mouse's rump, earning a squeal and a gulp around the fox's shaft. Sensing the dog's need, Lims lowered the fox's hips a bit, the incredibly thick cock staying lodged in Akins' rectum as he shifted. Keesha spread her legs, her slit still dripping juices from her mating with the bear. Sari lifted her head, letting the shaft slide into the warm air as Keesha straddled the offered hips. Lims gave an encouraging thrust, causing the fox to grunt, and the vulpine cock to jump on his belly, slapping against Keesha's drooling slit. Panting, she caught the shaft in her paws, angling it up and sliding down its length, forcing Akin's thigs against the tiger's crotch. Bouncing back and forth between the tiger and the dog, Akins started to whine under his breath. He heard the soft squelching noise as Seth started to stroke his shaft over the fox's head, still dripping juices from his sister's cunt and his previous orgasm over the pointed muzzle. Akins grunted, pushing his hips up against Keesha's and yipping clenching his eyes shut as her cunt squeezed tight around his knot. Deep in sensory overload, the fox could only grunt and wheeze as his hips were lifted and dropped by the powerful tiger, pleasure coming from too many angles to control his own movements. Lims let his own growl fill the room, and eyes turned as the tiger forced his thick shaft deep and stopped moving, all of his muscles tense. The noise from the room slackened and died, all of the couples and groups watching as the tiger overflowed the fox, cum gushing in gouts from the fox's over-full ass. Akins yipped, knot flaring and his own shaft throbbing, shooting runny vulpine spunk into Keesha's needy slit. As his panting slowed and the blood stopped pumping in his ears, Akins heard the smattered applause of an appreciative audience, before the observers returned to their own pleasure. Lims lowered the fox's hips very carefully to the ground, making sure to avoid the puddle that had formed beneath them. Akins legs were still to jittery and sore to move much, but he had enough energy to lift his head and smile, still locked in the dog that was now sitting on his crotch and panting. He heard a grunt above him and shut his eyes just in time for the first splatter of mouse cum to coat his muzzle, catching in his whiskers and dripping through the still-matted fur covering his face. He wiped the liquid clear of his eyes, careful to catch it all before opening them, smiling up at Seth. The mouse, still hard and wanting, stood and went in search of more action while the fox lay, resting after the strenuous ordeal. The tiger lay next to him, stroking his chest fur, about the only part of the fox that wasn't now soaked, matted, and stained. "Need a breather, foxy, or you ready to rejoin the party?" Akins felt the cunt around his knot squeeze, then slowly lift away as Keesha stood. Still in the grip of her heat, she trundled off unsteadily with barely a glance back, leaving the tiger and the fox to cuddle in the afterglow. "Mmmm, just a moment there, stripey. You take a little getting used to." Shivering and snuggling into the striped chest, the fox rubbed his muzzle against Lims' fur, rubbing mouse semen into the orange and black fuzz. "Hey!" "Hey what? You'd get it on you sometime tonight anyway." Lims pouted a frown at the fox, then stood, giving Akins a helping paw to his shaking feet. "You're probably right. Get back in there foxy, this party isn't even half over, and you've got other admirers to see to." Akins caught a glance from the long-eared Gaven, whose ass was being stuffed by the snarling Davies, and returned a wide grin of his own. "I think I'm feeling up to it, what about you, stripey?" Akins stated as he ran his paw over his still wet and dripping shaft, winking to the tiger before wading back into the fray. _________________________________________________________________ (Fin! All characters in this story are copyright J. Fox Rosenberg and any other resemblance to other characters is only incedental and unintentional. Reposting is permissable, however, all reposts must be in original form, and must contain the author's name unaltered.) Send Kandrel mail! fox at foxyonline dot com Comments and suggestions are welcome, flames can go to hell!