First Contact, July 18th 2011 10:43 PM

Story by MrFox on SoFurry

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#1 of First Contact


This story has some pretty bizare and crazy themes! If you are not into M/M M/other and Cock Vore I would not advise reading this story! I repeat! If you are NOT into Cock Vore DO NOT READ THIS STORY!

That aside I believe this is a great story and I had a lot of "fun" writing it. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did. The first two parts are slow but it speeds up after a while :)

Alos there are Furs in this story! The Aliens are Furs! The characters in the story are also sort of furry hehe so just hang in there till the end and let me know what you think.

July 18th 2011 10:43 PM

First Contact


It had been an uneventful night so far. Pat's dad was out with some friends and as usual Pat was home alone. Having always been a pretty independent kid Pat didn't mind the lack of his dad's presence, in fact he was enjoying the peace and quiet.

All that changed though when Pat noticed something bright outside his window. At first he ignored it and tried to focus on his TV, but the light was annoying him so he turned to look outside just in time to see something about the size of a school bus flying over his house. The strange object was on fire and in a few short moments it crashed into the woods behind the house.

Having forgotten about the TV Pat raced downstairs and then outside. A loud crash came from the woods just as Pat emerged from him house. Normally Pat would never go out like this at night, but Pat had grown up playing in those woods so he knew his way around. Curiosity won in the end and Pat decided to set out after the flaming object to see what in the world it had been.

The woods were pretty dark, but Pat knew his way around them well enough, and the moon was out tonight so he could see well enough to make his way. The crash was further than Pat had thought and he was about to head back home in defeat when he smelt the faint smell of smoke nearby. Pat followed the smell and almost stumbled into a large crater in the middle of the woods.

"Holy shit!" Pat said as he looked down into the wreckage. That wasn't a meteorite! It had been some kind of fucking space ship! The crater was littered with small shards of metal and Pat couldn't resist reaching down to pick one up. It didn't seem like any kind of metal Pat had ever seen so he decided to put the shard of metal in his pocket just in case.

The middle of the wreckage was still smoking and it looked like nothing on earth could have survived, but as Pat got closer something in the rubble moved. Pat jumped in fear, but he was too scared to move. Some sort of creature pulled itself from the wreckage and towards Pat. It's burnt form was impossible to make out. Only it's head and torso seemed intact along with its upper arms and some of its lower body. The alien crawled slowly towards Pat until it stopped a few feet away and seemed to give up.

It reached out towards Pat and seemed to want him to come closer. Pat didn't think a nearly dead alien could hurt him so he closed the distance between him and the alien and reached down towards it's outstretched hand. As soon as their hands touched Pat felt a jolt of searing pain. Pressure started to build in his head as Pat felt a terrible migraine explode behind his eyes. The pressure seemed to get worse and worse and Pat could barely think straight. It was like the alien was fucking with his brain or something.

After a few moments of the painful exchange the alien let go of Pat's hand and relaxed. "I am so sorry Patrick Flynn" it said to Pat's surprise, "You must carry on where I could not" it said and changed its position.

Pat watched in horror as the alien pointed some sort of strange tube like organ at him and started to spray white sticky fluid at him. Pat tried to stumble away but he only managed to smear the stuff all over himself. "I'm so... sorry" the alien said as the spray stopped and it gasped it's last few breaths.

Pain and nausea wracked Pat's head as he stumbled up the side of the crater. Somehow after a long and painful walk back to his house Pat managed to find his way upstairs. As he passed out on his bed the strange goo began to seep into his skin. The alien cells sensed their host was in danger and they rushed to repair the damage to Pat's brain. In the process many of the memories Pat had received were damaged. As he slept the alien bio mass healed him and then dispersed throughout his body. The new cells were weakened now and it would take them a while to recharge and begin their real job.

Please comment and tell me what you think! I really enjoy hearing from my readers and I promise to try and reply to everything!