The More Things Change

Story by TastesLikeGreen on SoFurry

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The More Things Change By Green

Matthew Avery stopped outside the house, taking a moment to calm his nerves. _ It's just a party, after all. Nothing too special, waaaay ordinary._ But strangely, that didn't help. He knew lots of people he didn't know would be there, and he was hoping to meet people. More specifically, he was hoping to meet someone... special. He knew that in all likelihood, he wouldn't find a boyfriend at a random party like this, and that he'd probably just get drunk and have a good time with his friends. But he couldn't help but hold out hope.

The moment for introspection over, the lanky raccoon walked up to the door and knocked, hard, for he could hear laughter and loud music inside. After a couple of seconds the door swung open and Michael Rook greeted him with open arms, the red on his pink cheeks making it clear that the human was a bit under the influence. "Avery! Great to see you!" He threw his arm around the raccoon's shoulders and showed him off to the people nearest the door, a large, buff Rottweiler with a funny grin, and the incredibly shapely golden lab on his arm. The looks in their eyes told Matt (apart from the fact that they were tipsy as well) that the presence of other people was the sole thing keeping them from tearing each others' clothes off and rutting on the floor like ferals. "This is Matt Avery, I toldja about him, without his help I'd still be in Grade 11 chemistry. Come on in, Matt, grab a beer, make yourself at home. Mi casa es su casa." "Heh, thanks, Mike." Mike sent him in the direction of the kitchen with a strong pat on the back, and Matt tried to clear the blush from his cheeks, hoping no one had noticed. He and Mike Rook weren't exactly really close, they hadn't interacted much since the tutoring sessions Mike had mentioned, but the athletic human had always been thankful to him for it, which was of course why he'd gotten his name on the mass email about the party. The reason he was blushing, though, wasn't that he was embarrassed by Mike's outgoing behaviour, it was that for a while back in school, he'd had a tremendous crush on Mike; he'd always had a thing for humans and the toned-but-not-too-built baseball player was exactly what he liked in a guy. That's what lead him to suggest the tutoring sessions in the first place. He'd never had the courage to actually say anything about it to Mike, but the athlete had inadvertently made it very clear to Matt that he wasn't into guys. He hadn't been infatuated with him for a long time now, though, the blushing was because he'd fantasized about the human more than once while 'getting in touch with himself'.

Pushing that thought out of his mind (especially the fantasy bits, last thing he needed at a party was a hard-on), Matt walked through the kitchen, grabbing a random beer out of an ice-filled cooler as he passed by, and proceeded into the living room. The music was coming from the other side of the house, so this room was being used for casual conversation. He was not terribly surprised when a familiar voice called out to him as soon as he set foot in the room. "Hey! Matt! Over here!" A familiar human girl was waving at him from a large chesterfield off to the side, a crooked grin on her face. Casually heading over, he wordlessly tapped his beer against hers and sat down next to her. "'Sup, Jules?" "Just relaxing, taking it easy, looking at boys. 'Sup with you?" "The very same." Julie Kim had moved to town a few months back, and she and Matt had quickly become inseparable, hanging out together at every opportunity. He was surprised, honestly, how quickly he'd been comfortable enough telling her the truth about himself. "You haven't missed much. Hawk's here, he should be coming back from the can soon, uhh, there was a chick fight in the backyard earlier, but they pretended to make up and have been satisfied to glare at each other since then, and so far only two guys have thought I was Chinese." Julie was fiercely proud of her Korean heritage, and took mild-to-medium offence when she was confused for one of the other Asian ethnicities, though in truth, her family had immigrated from Daegu when she was barely out of diapers, so apart from insisting that K-pop was better than 'the crap they put out over here', she was no different than anyone who'd been born and raised here. Matt was silently glad she'd added that part after he finished his swig, since it made him snicker, and he didn't want a case of Beer Nose while he was on the prowl. "I don't know why you're so sensitive about that. There are a zillion Morphic species on the planet, at least it's obvious you're human. Ran into a guy the other day who thought I was a possum. A possum! Can you believe that? I mean, hello?" He gestured indignantly to his fluffy ringed tail and then to the mask of dark fur around his eyes. The minor scowl that had appeared on Julie's smooth face disappeared as she giggled at him, and he couldn't help but grin along with her, betraying his faux-upset appearance. Caught, he put on a little bit of the 'exaggerated gay friend' voice that amused her so much. "Don't get me wrong, possums are great, I hear they're fireworks in the sack, but come on, girlfriend!" "Who's coming on their girlfriend?"

A chimpanzee, smiling as wide as his species was capable of (which was very wide indeed), vaulted over the couch and sat down on the last remaining spot, on the other side of the raccoon, all without hitting anyone or spilling a drop of his beer, an imported Mexican variety. He casually threw a foot up on his other knee, leaned back, and threw an arm over Matt's shoulder, winking at him and laughing. "Did you see that? Perfect. And I've downed two already. Fuck yeah. I bet that made all the ladies moist..." Jules rolled her eyes and pretended to yawn. "You look up 'classy' in the dictionary, Hawk, and you're gonna find a picture of you." Most people assumed there was an exciting story behind the chimp's nickname. The truth was simply that his name was Timothy Hawkins, and he didn't like 'Tim', said it was 'way too gay, man' (In his defence, he didn't stop apologizing about that for about three days after Matt came out to him). "You know you love it." Julie wordlessly slugged him in the shoulder, but the grin on Hawk's face remained just as large as he switched his beer from his hand to his foot. Like his feral cousins, Hawk had an opposable thumb on each of his feet, and he liked to show off by not wearing socks and using his feet as extra hands. Julie, in turn, liked to point out that he was getting germs and dirt all over whatever he was picking up, but Matt thought it was amusing enough. "Man. That was the most epic piss I've had in months. Felt like I was in there for hours... If anyone asks, I was with a girl." Julie grinned. "I didn't know you were into that kinda thing, Hawk. Kinky!" Realizing exactly what he'd said, the chimp blushed and looked around worriedly. "What? N-no! Shut up! I don't want any girls hearing that!" The human glanced down exaggeratedly at the lumps on her chest, then over at Matt. "So, you wanna tell him, or should I?" "Shut up, Jules, you know what I mean." Matt chuckled and took a swig of his beer. He was feeling much more comfortable now, though he figured he'd have to venture off without his friends if he was to find that special someone. Jules held her own bottle up to the light and closed one eye, frowning when she determined it was empty. Leaving it on the floor, she glanced over at Hawk again. "Hey, I thought I saw your sister earlier." "What? Alice is here?" "Well, I don't know any other blonde chimps..." Chimpanzee facial expressions had a tendency to be more exaggerated than those of other species. The frown that appeared on Hawk's face was rather epic indeed. "Aww, dammit, she must have heard about it from one of her dumbass friends." Matt finally spoke up. "What difference does it make? It's not like she's gonna steal a guy you had your eye on or something... Unless there was something you wanted to tell me." The raccoon gently cupped his hand over his friend's and batted his eyes at him. Instantly, Hawk stiffened from head to toe, a look somewhere between embarrassment and panic in his eyes. Matt couldn't hold it for long, though, and soon burst out laughing, Jules quickly joining him. Hawk blushed and looked away, grabbing his drink out of his foot and taking a swig to give himself something to do. "Dammit, man, that shit ain't funny..." Jules threw her arm around Matt and hugged him tight, continuing to laugh. At this point, Matt realized that his cheeks felt warm, and wondered if the unfamiliar brand of beer had a higher proof than he was used to. "Come on, Hawk, what's he gonna do, get you drunk and force you to do him? You always act as if you think he's gonna jump down your pants or something, goddamn that's funny. Come on, Mattie, I'm gonna grab another drink. Let's leave Casanova here to his hunt."

As Matt and Julie walked back over to the kitchen (ignoring the rude gesture Hawk sent their way with no less than three of his limbs), Matt quickly downed the last of his beer so he could join his friend in getting a new one, leaving the bottle on a shelf covered in random trinkets as they passed. Matt quietly wondered what was with the bag Julie was carrying, strap slung over her shoulder, a bit too big to be a purse. He figured if she wanted him to know, she would tell him. "This is a pretty well-behaved party," Julie observed. "Other than the girlfight earlier, there hasn't been anything physical, nothing's wrecked... well, I've never been here before, maybe shit's missing or stolen, fuck if I know, but it's going pretty well so far." Matt shook his head, still mildly impressed by the girl's ability with casual profanity. The kitchen was a large, wide-open affair, and small clusters of chatting young people were gathered here and there, leaving plenty of room for others to pass through the room and/or reach the coolers thoughtfully set out for the occasion. Julie reached in and grabbed a bottle of that same brand in each hand, passing one to the raccoon before opening hers. They paused only to tap the bottles together in salute before they each took a swig, moving to lean against the counter and just people-watch, something they both liked to do. After a minute or so, Matt spoke up. "So, you think Hawk has any chance to hook up?" "Here? Probably not." She stared at her drink as if deeply contemplating it. "He tries to come across as this big macho ladies' man, but he's got no game. Needs to fuckin' chill, you know? I figure eventually, though, he's going to stumble across a girl who finds his goofiness adorable." "Sounds about right." Matt wanted to ask something else, but the question evaporated from his mind as Julie leaned back; he realized, thanks to the cut of her shirt and the fact that she wasn't wearing a bra, that he could see one of her nipples at this exact angle. Blushing, he looked away. "Hey." Almost unwillingly, he looked back at her, and blushed even harder at the grin on her face. Did she know? Come to think of it, why did he care? He didn't even like girls, if he straight out told her, she'd probably just adjust herself and thank him. "The rat over by the stove." He glanced over, hoping it was subtle, and forgot all about Jules' chest. The Morphic in question was tall, not exactly thin and not exactly muscular, and he had a great smile. And as the llama he was chilling with said something that was apparently funny, he let out a charming laugh that made Matt feel warm and fuzzy on the inside as well as on the outside. Jules spoke quietly, but the words still sent a tingle up his spine. "So, ringtail... would ya?" Immediately, Matt imagined himself being taken by the strapping young man, kissing him passionately, having sweet nothings whispered in his ear (Matt actually didn't know what that meant, but even the term 'sweet nothings' sounded romantic, so he hoped to experience it someday), and finally feeling 'full' emotionally as well as physically. "...Oh, man, yeah." Suddenly the raccoon realized he was staring, and shook off the haze of lust, mildly embarrassed. At least he hadn't gotten lost in fantasy, an erection would have been so humiliating. Jeez, you'd think I was a schoolgirl falling for her teacher or something. I'm surprised there aren't big cartoon hearts in my eyes. Acting casual, he turned back to Julie, who was still nursing her beer. "What about you?" "Me? Sure, I wouldn't mind a piece of that... but I doubt it'd happen." "Why? He talking about how much he hates humans or something?" "No." She winked at him. "Because he keeps looking over at you whenever you're not looking." "Wh-what? At me?" She laughed softly and took a drink before continuing. "Mmm-hmm. I'm pretty sure he was checking out your ass when you walked in." "Whoa. I don't know, are you sure?" "Trust me, Matt, I'm good at this. I can always tell when someone's got the hots for someone else." "Well, uh, what should I do?" She gestured vaguely in the direction of the hallway. "Check it. He's gone to go take a piss or something, so - " Matt's ego took a hit there. "So I should just go hit on him in the bathroom? I - I'm not one of those guys, Jules! I'm not so desperate for a dicking that I'll - " "No, no, no! You hang around in the hallway until he comes back out, and then you 'happen to be passing by' when he does. Jeez, Matt, chillax." "...Oh. Okay, that actually sounds pretty good." A moment of silence passed while they stared at each other. Julie swore under her breath in Korean - the swearing part was, admittedly, an assumption on his part, as he didn't speak Korean, but with Jules it was a fair one to make - and grabbed onto him, pushing him towards the exit to the hallway. "What are you waiting for, then? He's not gonna be peeing all night!"

Matt felt really nervous doing this by himself, but even he, with his limited social knowledge, knew it would probably be awkward if he weren't alone. He didn't have too much time to dwell on it, though; almost as soon as he'd located the bathroom, the handsome rat exited. As he passed a very, very intoxicated hedgehog, giving the guy an understandably wide berth, Matt took a deep breath. When the rat was passing him, he almost chickened out and blew it, but quickly forced himself to say "Hey." There, I said it. I said it and he heard it and I can't take it back, so let's see where this goes. The rat stopped and turned to face him. "Oh, hey." Matt's blush increased in strength imperceptibly as the rat smiled upon seeing him. "H-hey. I, uh, I couldn't help but notice..." His heart was beating so fast it was distracting. This was oddly intense. He swallowed, his mouth dry. "I s-saw you looking at me earlier, in the, uh, the kitchen, and I was wondering... if you'd like a little company?" That last bit was something Julie had once told him to say if he couldn't think of anything good to break the ice with. The rat had been hanging out with a group of friends in the kitchen, and both of them knew that both of them knew that, but the rat's smile widened (putting a flutter in Matt's stomach), and he nodded. "Sure. I'm always up for making new friends."

Matt wasn't aware of moving his feet to make it happen, but suddenly he found himself on the upstairs balcony with the rat, leaning against a railing, gazing out over the neatly-maintained backyard, and hanging out more or less in privacy, the guests inside currently distracted by a large group of people loudly singing along, wildly off-key, to 'Hey Jude'. With his new companion, who had introduced himself as Josh, right next to him like that, the raccoon could smell his cologne, a musky scent that he savoured as they spoke, about nothing in particular. They had similar taste in music, but wildly different ideas of what made a good movie; Josh liked flicks that focused on gunfire and explosions, while Matt preferred them to focus more on character interactions and personality. Neither of them were especially into videogames, though they both did play the occasional game if it caught their fancy. They even bonded over past experiences with stupid people; Matt had noticed security guards shadowing him through large stores on more than one occasion, no doubt solely because of the stereotype that raccoons were kleptomaniacs. Josh, meanwhile, had faced cold looks, sneers, and distrust from people who assumed that rats were all dirty, diseased criminals. All in all, things were going swimmingly. Well, not quite. The main problem Matt faced was that the booze had him in a very 'creative' mood. Every time he looked at the other guy, something wildly inappropriate would pop into his head, whether he was wondering how big his cock was, or what Josh's chest fur would feel like against his own, or even whether his parents would approve of him dating a rat. He was definitely warming up to Josh, but this embarrassing tendency kept him feeling awkward around him. After a few minutes, it was clear that Josh had picked up on it. "Are you okay, Matt?" "Oh yeah, I'm f-fine..." "Are you sure? You haven't made eye contact in five minutes, and you seem nervous as hell. When I saw you with that human chick, you seemed way more comfortable. I didn't think I was that intimidating..." Matt grinned slightly and shrugged, forcing himself to look at the other boy. "You're right, I - I'm a bit nervous, sorry." "It's fine, meeting new people can be weird." "It's not just that, it's..." He trailed off, blushing and looking away. Josh leaned over until he was within the raccoon's vision again and smiled encouragingly. "...It's?" Matt took a quick swig for courage, then closed his eyes and forced himself to say it. "...I don't normally get to talk to really cute guys like you." _ Oh Jesus, I said it. What if Julie was wrong and he's not actually gay, what if he's really offended, oh man, oh shit..._ He felt a hand gently come to rest upon his shoulder. He opened his eyes and dared to look. The rat was smiling wider than ever, a very warm look in his eyes. When the timid raccoon met his gaze, Josh lightly squeezed his shoulder. "So you think I'm cute, huh? You know, you're pretty easy on the eyes yourself." Matt was floored. He couldn't let out anything more coherent than a quiet 'meep' as Josh turned to directly face him, placing his other hand on Matt's other shoulder, as if holding him in place. That wouldn't be a problem, though. Matt couldn't stop staring at the warm look in the rat's eyes. His heart was beating faster, his mouth was really dry, and the booze wasn't helping him calm down any. Josh leaned in, his voice soft and quiet. "God, I'm glad you said it first. I hate telling people I'm gay. Never know how they'll take it. But you were right, before... There's just something about you, Matt. I can't take my eyes off of you..." "I... I..." Matt tore his gaze away from Josh's like he was afraid the rat was trying to hypnotize him, staring intently at a random dandelion in the yard below. "I've never... well, I've never... never done anything before... not with someone else." Josh leaned in close and whispered conspiratorially. "It's okay. I've only ever, uh, been with one other person myself." Letting out a sound that was about halfway between a whimper and a sigh, Matt gave in to the instinctive suggestions running rampant through him, and wrapped his arms around the rat. As Morphics often tend to do before moving on to closer expressions of affection, the two young men began to nuzzle at each other, rubbing their cheeks together, feeling the texture of each others' fur, as they unconsciously pulled each other closer together, hugging the other male tight. Josh's scent filled Matt's nostrils, and he lightly licked the side of his neck, just once, without thinking about it. Josh sighed happily, and lightly nibbled on the skin in between Matt's shoulder and the base of his neck. The raccoon, arousal teasing at every nerve in his body, felt himself stirring in his pants, and Josh, who had clearly noticed, let out a tiny, quiet moan, and began grinding his hips against the other male's. Matt was starting to wonder if they were just going to fuck right there on the balcony when Josh pulled back expectantly. When Matt looked up, the rat wasted no time and leaned in. The raccoon had just enough time to think 'Holy shit, this is it, my first kiss!' before disaster struck.

Just before their lips would make contact, a sudden look of something akin to panic flashed across Josh's face. Before Matt could even ask what was wrong, Josh suddenly pulled back, turning away from the raccoon and grabbing on to the railing so hard his knuckles were probably white under his fur. "Oh God! Jesus... I'm so sorry, but I - I just can't do this! Not yet..." He sounded like he was fighting back tears. Matt was completely stunned, his beer-addled mind not being fast enough to deal with this rapid change of situation. Josh continued speaking without him saying anything, fortunately. "My boyfriend, the one person I've been with? We broke up three weeks ago. He - he left me. I thought I was getting over him, but when I went to kiss you... dammit, I'm so sorry, Matt, this isn't your fault." He looked over his shoulder at the raccoon, humiliation and shame clear in his eyes. "We were together for a long time. I guess I'm still in love with him. Fuck! I don't know why I thought I would be good to start up with someone else already, I can barely listen to the radio without a song reminding me of him... do you hate me?" Matt was fairly embarrassed himself, but he was a nice guy, and he couldn't help but feel sorry for him. "Of course not." He put his hand on the rat's back and began rubbing in what he hoped was both platonic and soothing. Forcing his disappointment out of his voice, he tried to sound comforting. "I get that you're not ready yet, maybe you should go find those guys you were hanging out with earlier, nobody has to know about this." Josh turned to face him, still looking pretty bad, but trying to smile. "...Thanks."

Josh took the raccoon's advice and quietly left, after exchanging IM names with Matt, who remained behind, dejected, and finished off his beer while staring up at the moon. He did genuinely feel bad for the rat, but it figured that the first time he found a guy who was interested in him, the poor guy had baggage. When he emptied the bottle, he tossed it down to the grass, but remained where he was, not exactly in the mood for company. Which only made it appropriate, then, that it was almost immediately after that when the silence was disturbed. "Matt? How'd it go? I saw that rat coming back through, he didn't look too good..." He let his head hang down and sighed. "Go away, Jules, I'll tell you tomorrow." "...That bad, eh?" His temper short, he turned around and glared at the human, ignoring the concern on her face. "It was going great, actually, until he freaked out because he just got out of a relationship. Leave me alone!" His cheeks felt really hot. He was either drunker than he felt, or... fuck it, it didn't matter why, he was too busy being angry at his friend. "Matt, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to send you after damaged goods! But you can't just stay out here feeling sorry for yourself, you've got to -" He roughly (and quite uncharacteristically) pushed her out of the way and stormed inside, not wanting to hear whatever motivational speech she had planned. "All I've got to do is get another beer." He didn't know the house at all, and by now he was definitely at least a little drunk, so he wasn't sure how to get back to the kitchen from upstairs. But he didn't want to linger near the balcony, so he picked a random direction and walked determinedly that way, soon finding himself in a plain hallway with several rooms. Great, I'll be able to just hide out here until I feel better. Or pass out. Whatever, fuck it. He picked a door at random and opened it... and stared.

It was a bathroom, sparsely, if tastefully decorated, but he wasn't staring at the toilet or the sink or the kitten pattern on the shower curtain, he was staring at the sight directly opposite him. The Rottweiler and the golden Labrador retriever he'd met in passing when he first arrived had apparently had the same idea for privacy he did. But they weren't swimming in self-pity. The lab's top was bunched up around her neck and shoulders, and her skirt had been flipped upside-down, her panties around the ankle closest to Matt. The Rottweiler was shirtless, the garment draped over the closed lid of the toilet, and his pants were around his ankles as he knelt behind the retriever, hunched over her, his large hands roughly gripping her breasts, thrusting into her with impressive stamina. They were side-on to Matt, so while he couldn't actually see their joining, he could see the rottie's impressive balls swaying beneath him. Matt had already been in a confused state of mind, and now he was shocked into stillness, unable to do anything but stand there, gaping at them. The smell of sweat filled the room and washed over Matt as he stood in the doorway, along with a hint of the Rottweiler's natural musk, and something else, something he'd never before encountered, that could only be the scent of the golden lab's arousal. That, more than anything else, filled his nostrils and teased at his nervous system, making it even more impossible to think. As he stood there stupidly, his eyes widened as the lab, panting like a feral, saw him standing in the doorway and smiled at him, winking as she spoke, strangely casual considering she was being rutted. "You're letting -ah- all the c-cold air in. J-join us or go, but -Ohh!- either way, close the d-door..." At this point, her lover briefly glanced over at the raccoon and grinned so wide he showed off his appropriately sharp canines, then put them to use, biting down on the skin at the base of the lab's neck, causing her to arch her back and moan shamelessly. Matt finally managed to move, stepping back and closing the door as the girl breathily groaned "Harder, baby, harder!"

After everything that had happened in such a short time, Matt was practically in a state of shock. His aching prick was steel-hard in his pants after his inadvertent voyeurism, and his nose still tingled with the female's scent. But why had it affected him so strongly? He would give up a foot to be fucked by a man as muscular and powerful as that Rottweiler, so why was it her scent and not his that he couldn't stop thinking about? Was she in heat? No, if that were the case she'd have to be completely stupid to be fucking in public, there would be a crowd of whimpering, horny canine males gathering in the hallway. Besides, he wasn't even a canid, he was a procyonid, a term that didn't get thrown around a lot. Her estrus pheromones would probably give him a hard-on, but they'd hardly be enough to make a gay ringtail want her. He was idly wondering whether a heated raccoon could make him cross that barrier when he heard a familiar voice quietly muttering in Korean. Closing his eyes in surrender, he quickly adjusted his pants in an effort to make his erection less obvious. "There you are! Been looking all over, Christ! You know, I'm just trying to help, you don't have to be such a dick about it." He shrugged, his ears tilting back in shame. His anger had evaporated while he was too busy watching the shameless couple fucking to focus on his own situation. "I'm sorry, Jules... I just wanted to be alone for a while, I've never been shot down before, even if it wasn't my fault." His eyes avoiding hers, he focused on that odd bad she was lugging around. At least until she made him smile. "Hey, Matt, my eyes are up here. Huh, I think that's the first time I've ever had to say that to you. Figures you're checking out my fuckin' accessories and not my assets." When he looked up, she was smiling too. "Does that mean I'm forgiven?" "Yeah, I can't stay mad at you, ringtail." She held out a fist and they bumped knuckles. Things were cool again. Matt, who had shaken off the effects of the odd scene he'd just witnessed, gestured back down the hallway. "So, you wanna find Hawk and hang out?" "Actually, I haven't seen Hawk in a while, I heard he drank too much, again, and got really fucked up. I guess it works for him, though, 'cause apparently he was putting the moves on some blonde chick." "Man, if that's true we're gonna be hearing all about it." "No kidding. In gruesome detail, too." There was a moment of silence between the two friends. Matt heard a muffled noise from the bathroom behind him, remembered that there were people doing The Deed inside, and hoped that Jules hadn't noticed anything. Actually, he should probably try to move the conversation away from here in case the golden lab was a howler or something. The thought quickly wandered off as Jules took his focus back. When she spoke up again, there was an odd, sly tone to her voice that seemed out of place. "So... if Hawk's busy, you could always try to make good on that crush you never admitted..." The raccoon laughed once, derisively, looking away to hide his embarrassment. "You're kidding, right? Mike's as straight as they come. And I stopped staring at him with puppy-dog eyes years ago." "Oh, I wasn't talking about Rook, Matt." He rolled his eyes and started to ask the obvious question. "Well then, wh-" He felt her hands on his shoulders, and was suddenly forcefully turned around again to face her. There was a look in her eyes he'd never seen before. An odd mixture of supreme self-confidence and triumph, like she'd manoeuvred an enemy into a trap or something. But he was no enemy of hers, and this hallway was no trap. She leaned in, and her eyes seemed to sparkle in the dim light. "I was talking about me."

He pushed her aside, blushing even as he scowled at her. "Ha, ha. You're hilarious. 'Gay guy wants a girl', it's comedy gold. Fuck off, Jules." She moved to prevent him from walking away. "This is no joke, ringtail." He was pretty thrown off, the look on her face was flat and determined, she hardly looked like she was mocking him. "Jules, what...?" She placed her hands, once again, on each of his shoulders, and looked him dead in the eyes. "Do you remember the pool party we went to a couple months ago?" "Y-yeah, of course. We didn't really know each other that well, that's where you first told me how much better Korean food is than the stuff you get around here." She ignored the callback. "Well, do you remember how you couldn't stop staring at me?" "What?" "I don't think you were even actively aware of it. But whenever your mind wandered, even for a second, your eyes would wander to me. Nobody else noticed, they wouldn't be looking for a gay guy leering at a girl. But I always see these things." His cheeks were quite hot now, and it was only partially from the drink. "No, I was -" "And don't try to say you were checking out my bikini, we both know you're not the super-girly cross-dressing type." He tried to back away from her, to give himself room to think, but she just stepped forward again, remaining firmly within his personal space. "I saw you, Matt. You would stare at my chest or my ass for a couple of seconds, realize what you were doing, then blush and look away. I'll bet you just thought that it was a coincidence, that you, I don't know, just happened to be looking in the direction of my boobs while you were daydreaming." Suddenly he did remember, because that's exactly what he had thought had been happening. But if it had been so obvious that someone else had noticed..." "Y-you're crazy, Jules. I - I've never felt that way for any girl, and that was one day, months ago." "We've been hanging out an awful lot since then, and I can see it on your face plain as day, see the way you instantly cheer up when I walk into the room for the first time, see how down you feel when you find out I have to leave. Fuck, I've only been on one date since I've known you, and you were so bitchy about it you'd think I'd slept with your dad or something." He shook his head, trying to clear it of these annoying doubts, protesting his innocence. "Only because that guy was all wrong for you!" "Sure, but neither of us knew that before the date, and you barely knew the guy at all! You just didn't like it, and you didn't know why, so you assumed your instincts were telling you he was a creep." It all made sense when she put it like this, it was all so reasonable, that was the part he was having trouble with. "Julie, this is crazy, I don't - you're just -" He tried to step away from her again and was interrupted when he backed up into the wall on the other side of the hallway. Yet again she raised both her arms, holding him firmly, if gently, against the wall. He whimpered and instinctively reached up and grabbed her wrists, but did nothing to push her away. Triumph burning in her eyes, the human leaned in and whispered to him. "If you won't listen to me, ringtail... listen to yourself." And then before he could utter another syllable, she leaned in and kissed him.

The raccoon was so completely shocked by her actions that he froze, put up no resistance against her, let her push her tongue between his lips and into his mouth. The first thought that went through his mind, once he had recovered enough to think, was Oh my God, how could she? Then there was mental silence for a couple of seconds, and then; ...Why aren't I stopping this? And then, after just a heartbeat's span of time, another passing thought caught his attention. Jesus, does her skin ever smell good. Wait, what? Once that tiny comment had made itself known, suddenly a ton of opinions he didn't even know he had started showing up. How soft and smooth the skin on her arms was against his fingers. How much he secretly enjoyed her usual take-charge attitude when it was directed at him in that manner. ...The feeling of her thick, stubby human tongue teasing against his own. Overwhelmed with unfamiliar feelings, he shivered from head to toe and moaned, a decidedly odd feeling while someone had their lips against his own. Clearly sensing her victory, she let up on the pressure and broke off the liplock. Her point made, the look in her eyes was now warm and kind as opposed to intimidating. He was blushing almost as hard as when he'd walked in on the canid couple doing their thing in the bathroom, though that was the furthest thing from his mind at the moment. Despite the lowered intensity, he still found it hard to meet her gaze. There was no denying it, he was reacting to her like a potential mate, not a close, if casual friend. "I'm sorry I was so aggressive there, Matt, but I knew you wouldn't even consider it if I didn't make you face facts." "Julie, I... I don't understand... how can someone... how can I not know that I'm attracted to someone? How can I even be attracted to you if I'm...? All those guys, all those dreams..." She leaned down, placing her face in front of his gaze and smiling gently at him. "It doesn't mean everything you thought you knew about yourself is a lie, Matt, it just means I helped you figure out something that was already there. I haven't magically made you straight, dude. The way you look at guys? Pfft, Scarlett Johansson couldn't make you give up the rainbow." A moment of silence passed before he found himself snickering. "...You know how stupid that sounded, right?" She was blushing, but she didn't seem at all bothered by it, nodding with a familiar smirk. "Yeah, well, it sounded better in my head. The point is, you can still crave dudes all you want, but you also like girls after all." She let out a heavy breath and then continued. "I... I saw how crushed you were when that guy freaked out and left, and I thought maybe you could still be happy tonight. You - you're... aw, fuck it. You're everything I want in a guy, you're smart and funny and we have really interesting conversations about movies and politics and stuff, you're easy to hang out with, I mean, look how fast we became best friends! But after I realized that you were into me, I also realized that... that I'm into you, too." He grinned at that. "I kinda figured that part out when you kissed me." The smile didn't last, and he rubbed his forehead, his mind full of new concepts and ideas. "I don't know, Jules, this is a bit much to take in..." She placed her hand on his cheek, rubbing his fur soothingly, and he shivered again. "Do you really doubt the way you feel?" "N-no, but - why haven't I ever felt it before? Aren't you supposed to think you're straight before you find out you're bi, not the other way around?" "It's not like there's a fuckin' manual for this stuff, ringtail." She shrugged. "Maybe you're 99.9% into dudes and I'm your one exception." There was yet another moment of silence between the two. "Jules?" "Yeah?" "How did you...?" She laughed once, quietly. "I've told you a dozen times. I always know when someone has the hots for someone else." And as she leaned in to kiss him again, he whispered "I'll never doubt you again."

This time, she wrapped her arms around him and pressed her body against his, a whimper escaping his lips at the feeling of her unfamiliar contours. When she sealed the deal and kissed him, this time he returned it, his flat tongue wrestling against hers, exploring her mouth even as she explored his. As he became more and more comfortable with the new experience, he returned the embrace, placing his hands on her back and rubbing her shoulder blades. Something felt odd for a moment, unexpected, and he idly wondered if it was because she was a girl, before he realized her gender had little to do with it: he wasn't feeling any of the friction caused by rubbing fur that was trapped beneath fabric. Underneath her clothes, she was perfectly smooth. He had been so distracted by the admittedly important revelations she'd brought him that he hadn't considered the fact that she, like all of his favourite fantasy men, was human. Sighing through his nose, he began kneading harder against her back, feeling the lust growing within him as he traced the flawlessness of her skin. Soon he was kissing her with more hunger, his tail twitching agitatedly below him. Acting uncharacteristically bold, Matt pushed his hands under her shirt without asking, groaning as his fingerpads glided over her skin, smoother than he'd known skin could possibly be, realizing as he reached the nape of her neck unimpeded that she wasn't wearing a bra. He started, eyes snapping open, as she retaliated by pushing a hand down the front of his pants. The raccoon's toes curled up inside his shoes as she squeezed his package through his boxers, his manhood already fattening and growing longer, expanding in her grip. He was actually starting to wonder if they were going to do The Deed right there in the hallway when he nearly leaped out of his fur. Without warning, the door to the bathroom swung open, and the Doberman and the golden lab walked out, looking tired but very, very content as they nuzzled against each others' faces, their clothes in disarray and sweat soaked into their fur. The scent of their frenzied lovemaking washed out into the hallway to envelope the embarrassed human and raccoon as the lab winked at them, grinning widely. "Room's free, your turn. Have fun!" The canids laughed to themselves as they walked away, and Julie and Matt stood there in awkward silence.

Shaking it off after a few seconds, Julie turned to Matt, the hunger in her eyes having been tempered by the embarrassment. She leaned in close and whispered in his ear, her usual bluntness fully intact. "Okay. I really, really wanna fuck you, but I don't wanna be sloppy seconds in a stranger's bathroom. Do you wanna find a bed?" Still rock-hard, despite the awkward moment, Matt could only nod in stunned silence. Julie took his hand and walked down the hallway, peeking behind each door. The first was a towel closet, the second was some kind of study, with bookshelves and a large desk ("We'll call that 'Plan B'."), and the third was, mercifully, a dark, tidy bedroom. Julie turned to him, a wild smile on her face, and then pulled him inside, kissing him before the door even closed behind them. It was brief this time, as she pulled away to go to the side of the bed and turn on what appeared to be a reading lamp, filling the room with a dim light. She sat down on the bed, laying her ever-present bag on the floor, and leaned back. "Now then, where were we...?" The smile melted away as she saw the hesitation in Matt's eyes. "I - I'm sorry, am I going too fast?" He blushed and studied the fine carpeting beneath his feet. "No, it's just..." The raccoon glanced her way, blushed harder, and looked back at his feet. "I'm really, uh, subby, you know? I always thought... Well, this would be my first time, and I always thought that when I lost my virginity, I'd be the one on the bottom." Matt wasn't really sure how he was expecting the human to respond, but he wasn't expecting her to laugh. When he looked up, confused, there was triumph on her face and she was rooting through that bag she'd had with her all night. "What did I say just now, ringtail? I didn't say I wanted you to fuck me." Sitting back up, she held up her hands, grinning from ear to ear. In one hand, she held a small bottle of lube. In the other... in the other hand, Jules held a small leather harness shaped something like a jock-strap, with a dildo jutting proudly from the front, shaped like a human penis and finely detailed, with small wrinkles in the "skin" and veins lining the stiff shaft. If it weren't dark green, it would almost look real. "...I said I wanted to fuck you, Matt."

A moment passed, with the raccoon staring in shock as she casually put her prizes down on the bed beside her and smiled at him. "Okay, so I might have left this part out when I told you I wanted you. I was already planning on telling you at this party, but when I saw that guy checking you out... I got nervous. You know, second-guessing stuff. So I sent you his way, but when that went south... I don't know, maybe I thought it was a sign or something." A moment of silence passed before she blushed, the certainty in her eyes slipping. "So... what do you think?" "I..." His mind suddenly catching up with the moment, he blushed deeply and grinned at her. "I think I'm really, really turned on right now." Relief showing plainly on her smooth face, she laughed and gestured at him. "Then what are you waiting for? Off with 'em!" He stood for a moment, staring as she opened her skirt from the side and dropped it to the floor, his gaze lingering on her featureless black panties. He was snapped back to reality when she spoke up again. "Come on ringtail, let me see more of that soft fur of yours." Moving quickly to catch up, he tugged his shirt off and wrestled with his belt buckle until it surrendered, his pants falling away and freeing his legs to the cool air of the room. Stepping out of his pants, he bent over and tugged off a sock. He was about to do the same to the other foot, until a sharp thwack on his rear caused him to yelp and leap into the air, startled. Julie was laughing, unsurprisingly. "Sorry, Matt, but you have such a nice ass, it was begging for a good spank." He started to give her a withering look, and then realized that she was already naked. His mouth suddenly very, very dry, he walked towards the bed, his heart pounding, incredibly aware of his achingly erect penis tenting out his boxers, the sock on his left foot forgotten. He climbed onto the bed, but before he could move to the far side, Julie grabbed him by the hips and pulled him towards her, tugging his underwear down to his thighs. "I've wanted to get a look at you for so long... God, you have a beautiful cock, Matt..." Hearing her talk about him like that sent a delightful shiver up and down his spine, but not as powerful as the one that resulted when she suddenly placed her tongue against the base of his prick and dragged it up towards the tip, where she pursed her lips and laid a kiss on him. The raccoon was convinced he was about to receive his first BJ until she let go of his hips and gently pulled him down to lie next to her. He boldly put his hand on her side, trailing his fingers back and forth, not daring to move towards her breasts or pelvis, shivering at the feeling of her skin against his finger pads, so impossibly smooth; it was like feeling silk after a lifetime of wool sweaters. She nuzzled her cheek against his, which surprised him, given that it wasn't a human gesture, and then whispered to him, her voice unusually soft. "You ready, ringtail?" "Y-yeah." "Then what are we waiting for?"

Soon he watched, his tail flicking back and forth nervously, as she put on the deceptively simple apparatus, noting the stubby vibrator on the inside. She explained that it would press against her clitoris (not the word she used) while she worked him, so that she would get a physical tingle out of it. He swallowed nervously as she slathered the rubbery green erection with the lube she'd brought, making sure to get a thick, thorough coating of the stuff. "You like what you see, Mattie?" He nodded, unable to take his eyes off it. It was actually a bit bigger than his own penis, but rather than being intimidated, he just found that oddly appropriate, considering he'd long since figured out that he was a bottom at heart. Speaking of which, his heart rate was increasing just from imagining what was about to happen, something that was made easier by Julie's casual dirty talk. "Just think... all this cock is gonna be all the way inside you soon. How do you feel, knowing I'm about to take your cherry? I sure hope this fits. Might have to cram a couple inches in there, but I'm sure we can make it work. There." Her smile was unusually predatory for a human. "Turn around, bend over, and lift your tail." He shivered slightly, liking the way she was taking charge like this. That would have been his choice of position anyway, though, 'face down, ass up.' He'd literally had dreams where he'd been taken from behind like that. As his fluffy tail floated into the air, he closed his eyes, barely daring to breathe, swallowing a whimper as she ignored the obvious point of interest and instead gently trailed her fingertips across his dangling scrotum. "Mmmm, niiice and full." "Please, Jules, I - I can't wait much longer..." "Alright, alright, I'm just teasing." He let out a quiet gasp and tensed up as she touched his anus with her other hand, her fingers slicked up with something wet and very, very cool to the touch. He relaxed almost instantly, though, and closed his eyes to savour the feeling of the human rubbing and massaging his backdoor, biting his lip when she increased the pressure, the tip of a single finger slipping inside him, the first time anyone had penetrated his body, so that she could spread the lubricant onto the walls of his virgin entrance. She pulled back out for a brief second, then continued spreading more of the gel into the raccoon's tight rear. "There we go, nice and slick." "Julie? Do you think you're overdoing it? I can feel it r..." He swallowed, pushing past the embarrassment. "...running down my balls." "Wouldn't you rather be messy than sore? There's no such thing as too much lube, hon." He grinned from ear to ear at the casual usage of that word. 'Hon'. He liked the sound of it coming from her. Eventually, she judged him lubed enough, and gave his butt a light, playful smack with her dry hand. Soon, she pulled a small handcloth out of her bag, cleaned the lube off her hand, and took hold of his hips. His heart began beating faster as she clicked on the vibrator inside the harness and pressed the tip of the faux phallus against his anus. Then... silence. "J-Jules?" Her voice was unusually breathy. "Tell me you want it." "Wh-what?!" His surprise came not from the fact that she was acting dominant; that was clearly to be expected. His surprise came from the fact that that was, word for word, what a sexy human male had said to him in a recurring dream where Matt was in a very similar situation to the one he now found himself in. "You heard me." This time there was no hesitation, he knew just what to say, thanks to those dreams. "I - I want it, I want it! Please, master! Please fuck me!" Just as he was mentally patting himself on the back, he heard a rather exaggerated tsk, tsk from behind him. "And here I thought you wanted it." To his horror, he felt the tip of the dildo move away from his entrance.

Before he could work up an answer, he felt both of her hands on his ass, one on each buttock, squeezing and kneading gently at his flesh and running her thumbs through his fur. For a moment, she dropped the dommy persona as she muttered to herself. "...Wow that's soft. I'd, uh... I'd heard the jokes about raccoons, you know, that being with you guys is like fuckin' a pillow, but I never really believed it..." The poor boy was hopelessly turned on now by the way she was talking about him. Whimpering with need, he pressed back towards her, to no avail. "Come on, Mattie, you know what's wrong with what you said, right?" Dismayed, he wondered if, just like those dreams, he was going to get this far and then fail to lose his virginity, when suddenly it hit him. In his excitement over the similarities between those dreams and this situation, he'd forgotten the most important difference. "...I'm sorry, mistress. I was just so excited because I need it so, so bad... Please fuck me, mistress, I'll die if I don't get it!" He let out a whimper for good measure, and was rewarded with the end of the toy poking back into position, and her hands on his back, rubbing him soothingly, like he was a scared pet. "Alright, Matt. That's enough teasing. You don't have to call me mistress, by the way, but A+ for that. This is it, ringtail. Time to make you mine..."

She gripped his butt more firmly, and he let out a long, quivering ohhhhhh as she pressed forward, the head of the dildo pressing determinedly against his anus until the muscle relented and allowed it to enter, slowly sliding into his backside until he felt a sudden twinge of pain and whimpered, clenching his teeth. He was determined to ride out the pain, to be strong, but he had barely conceived of this idea before the pressure relented; she left the faux phallus right where it was and moved a hand to the small of his back, gently rubbing. "Easy, there. No need for you to have trouble sitting tomorrow, right? You've taken dildos plenty a' times before, Mattie, just relaaaaax." Unfortunately, this just made him clench down on the intruder in his backside even harder, but Jules was patient, simply continued to pet his back, and it wasn't long before he was more comfortable with the situation. Since she couldn't actually feel the erection buried in his backside, she gave a little push to test his resistance, and found the results to her liking. She began pushing again, and this time was able to hilt the toy in his rear. "How does it feel, ringtail?" "God... I'm - I'm so full..." It was now that she pulled back, almost entirely out of him, before pushing forward and driving the dildo home again. "Mmmmm, I'm very happy to hear that." Soon, Julie had worked up to a slow, steady pace, thrusting and withdrawing as Matt whimpered and squirmed beneath her; she could feel his toes curling up with each penetrating thrust because his feet were pressed against her legs. "Oh - oh, Jules..." "You like it? Good. That makes me smile. Hey, Matt?" "Wh-what?" Without interrupting her rhythm, the human leaned forward, until her lips were just shy of her lover's ear, so that he could hear her even though her next words were a whisper. "I just wanted to remind you that after all this time, you're finally being fucked." All he could do was moan.

Despite her comment about how he had taken a dildo in the past, Matt was overwhelmed with the myriad ways this was different. He could smell her sweat in the air, hear the satisfied noises she was making as he writhed under her, feel her body heat against his own and her thighs pressing against him with every thrust... it was heavenly. He was so distracted by the sensory overload coming from her that he didn't even notice when, several minutes after they started, she began moving her right hand around his torso to his underside - so that he let out a high-pitched yelp when she casually took hold of his achingly stiff penis. He was already aroused enough that he was drooling pre onto the sheets beneath him, and he didn't think he'd be able to hold back his pleasure for much longer. "Shhh, relax, ringtail... you just keep taking it like a good boy and let me worry about your cock, okay?" His mind was already flooded with pleasurable input as the dildo, as "her dick", rubbed and scraped and teased against the tight walls of his rear; now he had all that, going slightly faster than before, and her oh-so-fucking-soft hand wrapped around his tool, squeezing and massaging his hot flesh with a tenderness he hadn't known the brash tomboy even possessed. He found himself humping into her hand, pressing back against her thrusts, and he had to stuff a hand into his mouth to contain his cries, but he didn't care because it all felt so goddamn good. A shudder ran down his back as he felt the point of no return rapidly approaching, and his breath started coming harder and heavier, shivering underneath her, which did not escape her notice. She chuckled and began speaking to him as if he were a spoiled puppy, something he was not ashamed to admit (not at the moment anyway) was turning him on even more. "What's this? Is my little ringtail close? Is he going to make a nice, sticky mess all over the bed? We don't even know who sleeps here, and you're going to get your wet, dirty come all over their nice clean sheets? Naughty, naughty ringtail..." As he approached the precipice, Matt's mind was going a hundred thousand miles an hour, and his heart was pumping faster than he could ever remember it going. It was hard for him to think, much less put together a coherent sentence. "Oh - oh fuck... J-Jules, I'm - I'm gonna come, I'm gonna come!" She dropped the puppy act and moaned, her thrusts suddenly becoming harder, slamming to the hilt in his backside, sending a pulse of pleasure through his body each time and all but guaranteeing a powerful release for him. "God, yes... do it, Matt, come for me!" The raccoon buried his face into a pillow as the joy exploded out from within him, muffling his moans as his penis throbbed in Jules' hand, spurting his hot seed onto the sheets beneath him in thick, gooey strings. He pushed back against Julie, wanting as much of that glorious prick inside him as possible, feeling himself involuntarily clenching down on it; by now, the silicone toy was so warmed up from his body heat he could swear it felt real. With the green cock hilted in his backside, he couldn't help but hump against the human's soft, soft hand, wanting every ounce of pleasure he could wring out of this orgasm as his semen oozed down over her fingers, to be spread back onto his spasming prick like lotion. When his climax came to an end, Jules braced her dry hand against his butt again and pulled out, as gently as she could, a quiet schlick noise making Matt shiver as the strap-on freed itself from his confines. Fairly exhausted, he still had enough awareness to make himself fall to the side instead of straight down, not wanting to get come all over his fur, at least not in a place where he couldn't get a shower. As Jules wiped her hand on the already-befouled sheet, a corner of Matt's mind tried to make him feel guilty for orgasming all over this poor person's bed, but the strength of his afterglow let him ignore it easily. He heard a dull thud from behind him as the strap-on fell to the floor, and soon Jules, now delightfully sweaty, spooned up behind him, wrapping her arms around him and kissing the back of his neck. "So how was it, ringtail?" "It was... it, uh..." He swallowed. "You were amazing, Jules." He pushed off the bed enough to turn to face her, finding that the smile on her face was almost as big as his. "Good." They kissed again as he wrapped his arms around her, and for a time, that was all that mattered.

A few minutes later, she pulled back a bit to peek around his head for a glimpse at her watch, and moved back in, finding whatever the time was to her liking. This movement, however, offered Matt a glimpse at her chest, and he realized he'd skipped an important part of foreplay. As they continued making out, his right hand travelled away from her back and began exploring her body. She let out a pleased 'Mmmmmm' noise as he reached her butt and gave one of her rounded cheeks a quick squeeze, before moving his hand around and daring to venture between her legs, the first time he'd ever wanted to touch any girl that way. As his fingers brushed against her lips, he was immediately struck by how wet she was, which he'd been expecting, and how hot she was, much warmer than the other parts of her body currently pressed against him. He experimentally dragged his fingers from the bottom of her slit to the top, intending to get a feel for her new and curious shape, but she pushed back from him a little, letting out something between a sigh and a moan. "Jules? You okay...?" She wasn't making eye contact, and he could clearly make out her blush. "N-no, I'm good, it's just, uh... that vibe was nice and all, but I didn't get off from taking you like that. It's okay, I don't, you know, mind or anything, it's just left me a bit..." He could almost hear her becoming more embarrassed. "...Sensitive." Grinning slightly, he cupped his hand against her mound, feeling her juices soaking into the fur on his fingers, feeling the rest of her shifting and twitching as he rubbed her very lightly with the palm of his hand. "You sure you don't want to come? I know I would..." "C-come on, ringtail, quit teasing me, you were gay until tonight, it's not like you're gonna want to go down on me already..." She did have a point there. Given how little attention he'd paid so far in his life, that part of her body was strange and mysterious to him. He'd heard it said both that the taste of a woman was horrific, and the delicious nectar of the gods, and the conflicting stories confused him deeply. But he still wanted to make her feel good... "Well, you gave me a handjob, maybe you can just tell me what to do with my hands, and we'll call it even." "Matt..." "Come on, what do you like? I won't tell anyone..." She shivered against him as he began to drag his whole hand against her parts. She let out something that almost sounded like a whimper, unusual for a human. "Jesus, ringtail, you're making me so wet... gonna ruin my panties like this..." He leaned in and kissed her neck, right where it met her pale shoulder blade. He was continuously amazed at how smooth her skin felt against him; even the hair brushing against his fingers as he massaged her labia was trimmed short and fuzzy rather than long and unruly, as he'd been lead to believe by porn was the standard for humans. "You'd better let me take care of you, then, so you can dry off a little." As his fingertips grazed the hardened nub at the top of her slit that he was reasonably certain was her clitoris, she shuddered and pressed herself against his hand. "Bastard. Talkin' all sweet and sexy like that while you molest me... alright, I'll tell you what to do."


"Like this?" Several minutes had passed, and they were sitting on the bed facing each other, legs spread, their knees at each other's hips, as Matt, hunched forward, hands on her loins, obediently took Julie's advice on manipulating her bits, and she mirrored his lean, her head against his shoulder, hands on his back, partially for something to hold onto as the pleasure slowly grew, and partially because she was still too embarrassed to look him in the eye. "Y-yeah, but a little bit harder, and - ahh - you should stop letting your fingernails scrape it." "Scrape what, again?" Even her growling reply was tinged with her ever-increasing lust. "You know exactly what, you fucker!" "Refresh my memory, beautiful." "Fuck... don't scrape my - my clit, okay?" "Ah, right. Gotcha." "Ringtail?" "Yes?" "I - I can't wait anymore, please, I - I want you to... ah, Christ, this is embarrassing..." He turned his head and kissed her cheek, which was almost as heated as her vulva by this point. "I promise I won't laugh." "...I want your fingers inside, okay? Th-the ones that aren't, y'know, pushing my button..." He didn't reply vocally, he just pushed the first two fingers on his left hand inside her, hesitantly at first, then poked around inside, feeling her slick, hot walls squeezing against the intruders and shivering at the velvet touch of her femininity. Julie thrust her pelvis against his hands and let out a quiet whine. "Yesss, just like that, oh man... Now - now get fingering, wh-what are you waiting for?" Obediently, he began to thrust into her as she'd recently thrust into him, while his other hand remained outside to tease at her folds and throbbing clit. "Oh, oh God, keep going, Matt... So, on - don't you dare joke about this part - on the, uh, on your left... inside me, I want you to feel for a spot where the texture is, shit I don't know, uhh - there! Right there! Ohhhh, fuck me... C-can you, you know, make sure to rub that spot when you, uh, push in?" "Of course." "Ohhhh, man... yeah, this is - this is fantastic, just keep that up, babe, I - I don't think I'm far... Wait, no, fuck - don't! Why the fuck are you stopping?!" "Kiss me." "What?!" "Kiss me and I'll finish you off." As she begrudgingly lifted her head from his shoulder, she muttered something in Korean. As before, he assumed it was nothing she would say in front of her mother. He was impressed; her blush seemed supernaturally dark, leading him to idly wonder if her skin could burn from the intensity. He didn't make it any worse on her though, leaving the funny comments behind as he leaned forward to kiss her, his tongue pushing into her mouth just as his fingers resumed their manipulations. She moaned directly into his mouth, a sensation he found delightful, and then wrapped her arms around his torso like she was holding on for dear life. Almost immediately, she was hungrily attacking his tongue with her own, her hips thrusting against his hands. She was right, she really was close. Before too long at all, in fact, she broke off the kiss and cried out wordlessly just as the walls of her pussy clamped down hard on the raccoon's fingers and she began to twitch and shudder. He recaptured her lips, though now her tongue didn't do much of anything except lie there submissively as he made himself at home in her mouth. Meanwhile, he dutifully followed her instructions, fingering her as best he could with the rhythmic contractions of her love tunnel making it hard to thrust into her, and kept tweaking her throbbing clit and teasing her darkened, swollen labia, feeling gouts of her hot juice soaking into his fur and the much-beleaguered sheets beneath them. Her climax went on and on, until finally she pushed away from him, shaking visibly. "Okay! Okay! That's enough! Fuck, are you trying to finger me to death or something...? I - I need to lie down, Matt, I'm dizzy..." Concerned, he helped her down to a horizontal position, moving with her and rubbing her back. "Jules? Are you okay?" She looked up at him and grinned weakly, still flushed and breathing hard. "Of course I am, ringtail... you just made me come really hard is all." She leaned over and placed a kiss on his cheek. "...Thanks."

He lay there on his side, staring into her eyes, as she got her breathing back under control. After a few moments of silence, he cleared his throat. "Jules?" "Mmmm?" "D-do you remember how I said I felt, uh, full when you were, you know..." "Fuckin' you? Of course." He bit his lip for a second, then forced himself to finish. "Well, I didn't just mean, you know, full of cock. I, uh, I always feel really lonely after I use the toy at home, because when I'm done it's still just me in bed by myself. I feel empty... in here." He placed his hand on his chest, over his heart. She smiled slightly. "...And now you feel full." "Y-yeah... Julie? Can we, uhh... was this, like, a casual thing to you, or do you want... to go out with me?" "You mean you want me to be your girlfriend?" He nodded, unable to speak. There was a moment of silence that lasted about five million years in Matt's mind. Then, the human wordlessly reached over and placed her hand over his on his chest, lacing her fingers between his. "...Me too." He couldn't help but let out a high-pitched squee of excitement, and reached over to pull her against him for some high quality cuddling - and almost instantly realized, as her leg brushed against his manhood, that he'd gotten fully hard again at some point while getting her off, but had been so focused on her pleasure (and then on his concern for her when she was dizzy) that he hadn't even noticed. Blushing, he placed his free hand over it, as though she hadn't already made him hers. "Oh, sorry, I -" "Wait, ringtail... ummm..." Now she was biting her lip. They really were made for each other. "What is it, Jules?" "...I want you to fuck me." Given all they'd already done, he only looked a little surprised, and he didn't even blush this time. "What, right now?" "Right now. I thought it would take a few weeks before you'd even look at my pussy, but here you are, already comfortable with frigging me off." She hugged him tight, not bothered in the slightest by his erection pressing against her pelvis. "When you said you wanted this to be more than a one-night stand, I knew I wanted it. Because... aw shit, I'll just say it. This'll be my - my first time, Matt." "You mean your first time with a morphic, or..." "No, you dumbass, my first time ever!" Her scowl lessened slightly as his eyebrows shot northward, light dawning on him. "Oh! Sorry, I didn't... wait a minute, you've dated a few guys before, you told me that! And when I was, you know, fingering you, I didn't feel a, uh, a... whatever that barrier thing girls have is called." She blushed deeply, looking uncomfortable. "Well, none of those guys got me! I don't have a, a hymen anymore, I've used toys and stuff, but I'm still a virgin, I swear!" Matt had noticed in his dealings with girls in the past that some words were more embarrassing to some girls than to others. His own sister, for example, turned beet red under her fur and got very uncomfortable at the merest mention of the word 'panties', which had routinely brought him great delight on laundry day, and she'd seemed supremely embarrassed when she actually had to say it. Julie was displaying the exact same reaction to the word 'hymen'. But that was really neither here nor there, so he tried to focus on the moment. "It's alright, Jules, I believe you. But... are you sure you want to give up your cherry to me? I mean, what if we're wrong and I go back to only liking guys?" She actually laughed at that, her mood clearly improved, the blush slowly fading from her cheeks. "Matt, honey, from the smile on your face when you were playing with me earlier, I'd say that's probably not a problem. What are you worried about, that you're were-bi or something?" She reached up and gently ran the back of one soft, smooth hand over his furry cheek. "Relax, ringtail. You're not gonna let me down." And with that, she took hold of his arms and gently, but insistently, moved him until she was lying on her back and he was on all fours above her.

"Oh man..." "Shhhh, take it easy, Mattie, I won't let you hurt me." Her demeanour was so different from the way it had been while she was pegging him, for a moment he had the paranoid thought that this was some kind of trap. But she leaned up and kissed him on the nose, and such thoughts rapidly evaporated. "Well, you sure you don't wanna be on top?" The human winked up at him, and a tiny shiver ran down his spine at the lusty look that followed. "Tried that already, remember? Your turn." With that settled, the raccoon took his rigid member in hand and lowered himself down towards her body, feeling her arms reaching up to encircle him. While he awkwardly attempted to line himself up with her opening (which was a lot harder than straight porn made it look, he discovered), she said, in a faux-casual voice, "No, Matt, I don't have a condom, but don't worry, we're both clean and I'm on the pill, so we're covered here. Thanks for asking." He glanced up and gave her a look, and she just giggled - a giggle which was cut off by a surprised gasp as Matt, who had finally found the right angle, thrust his hips forward without warning, his prick pushing past her welcoming lips into the wet velvet heat of her love canal. As she had said, there was no barrier of flesh to be broken, no momentary pain, and the toys she had taken had gotten her more than comfortable with accepting an object the size of Matt's stiff cock, but there was something unexpected, something warm and real and alive about the fact that it wasn't just a silicone toy, it was a real flesh-and-blood phallus attached to another person who cared for her. The rush of pleasure that flowed over her with that first thrust wasn't physical, it was emotional. "Oh - oh fuck... Matt..." Her lover could only whimper in pleasure.

They stayed exactly like that for a moment, like they were expecting fireworks to go off or an orchestra to start playing. Instead there was only their hands on each others' bodies, their slightly increased heartbeats, and their just-barely-audible breathing. That, and the feeling of union. Every time one of them shifted even slightly, their parts rubbed and slid against each other, and they became more and more aware of the reality of the situation. Julie broke the silence first. "...Well, ringtail, congratulations. We aren't virgins anymore." "Heh heh, yeah..." "So, do you want to just stay like this until someone walks in on us, or did you want to fuck me at some point?" He blushed, but grinned at the same time, belatedly pulling back and thrusting into her for the second time, shakily starting the rhythmic motions burned into his instincts. "You're kind of a bitch sometimes, you know that? Fortunately, I like that about you." As he thrust into her again, she stretched out on the bed, arching her back (which had the side effect of pushing her breasts up delightfully) and grinning as ferally as a human could. Then she wrapped her arms around him, digging her fingers into his fur. "Mmmm, Mattie, you're so soft." She laughed as he leaned down and licked the skin between her breasts. "And you're so smooth." As he straightened out his back again and leaned in to kiss her, leaning on his elbows and gently cradling her head in his hands, she let out an appreciative noise and lifted her legs, curling them around him loosely and pushing down as best as she could on his down-strokes. Neither of them cared whose room this was anymore; in fact, neither of them were currently aware of the fact that they were in someone else's house, or that a party was going on downstairs, or that the strap-on had gotten lube on the fine sheets when Jules dropped it on the floor. There were no more words, no more light-hearted barbs, no more witty banter. All that mattered was each other's warm bodies, the sensations of making love, the feelings of experiencing a friendship evolving into something more, something unexpected, but something deeply appreciated. The next time either of them broke the kiss off, it was Matt, moaning 'oh God...', looking into Jules' eyes, his expression making it obvious what he wanted her to know. I'm going to come soon. She nodded silently and locked her ankles together, holding him tightly in place, her answer just as obvious. Don't you dare pull out. Hugging her tight against him, he increased the speed, the urgency of his thrusts, the molten heat and friction of her soaked walls squeezing against him conspiring to send him flying past the point of no return. He moaned loudly, not caring if he was heard at this point, his entire body shaking as he ejaculated deep within her, the human's love tunnel gently squeezing along his throbbing length, almost seeming to milk his orgasm of every last drop of pleasure, even as it milked his penis of every last drop of his seed, each spurt painting her walls with the raccoon's hot cream.

When it was finally over, Matt rolled to the side, and they were once more looking into each other's eyes. Matt leaned forward and kissed her on the nose. "Thanks, Jules... that was awesome." She grinned that crooked grin he liked so much, finally aware of why it was that he liked it so much. "More or less awesome than having your can rocked?" "Hmmm, you know, I'm not sure. I think I need to try them both again, just to be sure." Julie gave him a quick peck on the side of his muzzle and sat up, reaching for her clothes. "Fuckin' A. But we can't do it tonight, hon, even if we were up to getting down and dirty all night, it's getting really late and the party's gonna end soon. Plus, if we stay here, Rook's gonna know it was us who got come an' juice all over these sheets." "Much as I'd like to cuddle, I can't argue with that." He sat up, and the two began to dress in silence. Around the time Jules was putting away her strap-on, Matt spoke up again. "Hey..." She didn't look up from wrapping the dildo and its harness in a towel, to protect the bag from any staining. "Yeah?" "You called me 'hon'." She looked up and smiled. "Well, yeah, I'm your girlfriend now, ringtail, we're supposed to call each other stuff like that, aren't we?" He blushed and returned her smile. "Yeah... I guess we are." With the heat of lust no longer clouding his senses, he really thought about that for the first time, though nothing that occurred to him suggested that he'd made a mistake. "Do you think our friends will be weirded out that we're together?" Strap-on firmly packed away, she stood up. "Nah, maybe a little bit at first, but..." An odd look came over her face. "...What's wrong, Ju - uh, babe?" The term of endearment didn't quite feel right in his mouth yet. He would have to work on that. "I've never slept with a guy before, and I, uh, guess I should have taken a minute to clean house... there's come running into my panties." He couldn't help but snicker. "Lesson learned, huh?" As they headed towards the door, Julie's blush diminishing slightly, she shot him a sideways glance. "Whose room do you think this is, anyway?" "I dunno. Didn't look like Mike's." "Good, I'd hate to think of those biceps getting our stuff on them." He turned to her and put on his best 'mincing stereotype' voice, flapping his hand at her limp-wristedly. "Forget the arms, have you seen that boy's butt? Mmm-mmm!" She pulled him in close and laughed. "Having a bi boyfriend is going to be so much fun!"

It was late, and both of them needed to get home. As they headed down the stairs, they discovered Hawk sitting at the bottom of the staircase, looking distracted. Jules nudged him lightly with her foot, and he jumped, startled. "Shit! Oh, it's you guys. 'Sup?" Julie crossed her arms over her chest and gave him a Look. "Hawk, where the hell have you been? You disappeared on us." Her new boyfriend couldn't keep the grin off his face as he added his two cents. "I hear you were hanging out with some blonde girl. So, did the famous simian charm finally pay off? Wink, wink, right?" The chimp paled and looked a little panicked. "Wh-what? No, no! I - I was just hanging with some other friends, there was no girl... nothing happened, I swear!" Matt and Jules silently exchanged a glance, then turned back to their friend, Jules shaking her head at his antics. "Alright, monkey, it's too late and I'm too buzzed to get to the bottom of this, but don't you worry, as soon as we're up to it, we'll find out why, exactly, a horndog like you wouldn't want us to think you scored with a girl." He didn't look thrilled about that, and looked at his watch in what was blatantly an attempt to change the subject. "It's getting late anyway, I was gonna head back. You coming, Avery?" The chimp's house was in the same direction as Matt's, though Julie's was the other way. "Yeah, alright. Just give me a second." He turned to the human and, with only the tiniest amount of hesitation and a little blush, kissed her, right there in front of Hawk. "I'll call you in the morning, Jules. Had a great time." "Me too, hon. Hey, a bunch of us were gonna see that superhero movie on the weekend. You wanna come with? I know that's not your thing, but it'll be fun. It's been out forever, so we should have the theatre to ourselves. We'll sneak in some beers, maybe a little green, make an event of it." He smiled. That was exactly the kind of thing she would invite him to before what had happened tonight. "Wouldn't miss it for the world." "Good." She leaned in to give him a hug, and as she did, she whispered in his ear, "And then we can go back to my place, and I'll make you come so hard you won't be able to walk straight for three days." Churring quietly, he replied, just as quietly. "Like I said, babe. Wouldn't miss it for the world." They broke off their embrace and said their goodbyes, and as Jules left the house, Matt went to join Hawk at the door (ignoring the questioning look on his face), briefly stopping to wave at Mike Rook, who nodded and raised his beer in salute before returning to his conversation with a border collie Matt didn't know. As Matt and Hawk walked outside, the chimp finally raised the obvious question. "So, you and Jules... you gonna tell me what that's about?" He kept his voice as casual as possible as he responded, trying very hard to keep a straight face. "What? Oh. We're going out now. Didn't you know?" Matt turned away from the confused chimp to hide his smile, ignoring the plethora of follow-up questions for the moment. He had worried that once Jules wasn't around, his mind would generate doubts on his feelings, but he felt pretty secure in how he felt towards the human, silently thanking her again for opening his eyes to the truth. He also couldn't help but think that despite the fact that they were now a couple, Jules' behaviour towards him wasn't all that different from how she'd acted when they were best friends... it just happened to involve more kissing. It's like they say, he thought to himself. The more things change... He pulled out his buzzing phone and found a message from his new girlfriend, wishing him a good night, instructing him not to dream of any other girls or guys, and reminding him that they were still on for hanging out and watching chick flicks tomorrow. ...The more they stay the same.