Only YOU Can Save The Wolves - 2011

Story by tannim on SoFurry

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Only You Can Save The Wolves

Only You Can Save The Wolves

by tannim

June 03, 2011

Tony hurried down the road, muttering about the leak in his gas tank. It hadn't been there the day before, either that or he forgot to get gas. Three blocks from his own house. THREE FUCKING BLOCKS. He said angrily as he passed "Death Valley." It was just a low spot in the road with trees on either side, but as a lot of squirrels tended to run between them, the name fit well.

The man tried to avoid them, and did so as he walked too, just running past. He was nearly past the tree line when a dark shape jumped out and grabbed him. A large hand covered his mouth while another picked him up effortlessly. It happened so fast he didn't have time to even grunt.

Tony heard a leathery crack and a strong WHOOSH of air, then the light returned. His eyes widened when he saw he was in the air then bulged further when he saw what was carrying him. Black scales ran up the arm from the hand covering his mouth and much of his face. A well muscled torso flexed with the effort of flapping his wings.

He tilted his head up to look into his captor's face, but found his vision clouding up. The hand squeezing his face wasn't allowing any air in, the other arm around his middle squeezed what air he had out of his lungs. A pair of sharp teeth and dull golden eyes were the last thing he saw before he passed out.

Tony awoke to an unexpectedly painless head. He felt fine, aside from a bit of tenderness in his middle and feeling like his nose had been flattened. Looking around he found himself in a cool brick room with a wood floor. A window up high in the wall showed it was night outside, though he didn't recognize it at the time. There was plenty of light coming from the bulb in the ceiling for him to see. Panic built steadily and encouraged him to get up.

There were a few blankets on the floor in a pile but no other furniture than the bed he'd woken up on. Even that was sparse, if surprisingly clean. The only way out he saw, was a very heavy looking door which even his panicky mind knew would be locked. He tried it anyway, and was not at all surprised when he was right.

A bowl of water sat on the floor near the door with another, empty, bowl next to it. He was about to pound on the door when the lock turned loudly. As he jumped back onto the bed, he noticed he was naked for the first time. His skinny body was bare for his captor to see, even with a lifetime of living as a modern man forcing him to hide his flaccid penis with his hands.

The same black dragon that had stolen him away stood in the door way, one hand holding a keep, the other holding a leash. "Time to go, human. Things to do tonight and I don't want to be kept from doing them." He stepped into the room and tossed a collar to the man. "Put it on and... no, I'll put it on and save time."

Tony scrambled away from the large male, very much and very obviously male, dragon. He didn't get far though, and his captor's hand darted out to squeeze around his neck . Again the human found himself unable to breath, but with the added pain of his throat being squeezed. While he fought against left arm choking him, the right hand easily and calmly slipped the collar around his neck and closed the simply locking ring.

It would have been easy to take off, had Tony thought of it. Instead he dropped to his knees clutching his throat and concentrated on breathing. A tug brought him to his feet again and the man let himself be led out. The rooms passed by in a blur of space and sparseness until he found himself stepping onto a grassy lawn.

Trees grew all around it, but it was mostly open. There was a surprising amount of light from two fires on opposite sides of the lawn. They made his eyes water at first but he adjusted to the mix of darkness and light. A canine form darted out at him and knocked him to the ground with paws scratching against his chest.

Tony yelled in surprise and fear at the sight. A large wolf scrabbled at him, it's hips humping the air in desperation, though a chain kept the canine from really getting on him. While the man jerked and crawled back, a chuckle came from behind him.

"Oh, don't be afraid of Silver here. He's going to be your best friend." The dragon crouched and pulled Tony to the grass before him. "REAL good friends. In fact, you are going to love him. One way or the other."

"Let me go! You'll never see me again, I promise, I didn't see anything!" Tony winced at his cliché, but it was too late to say anything better.

As has happened in every story he'd ever read or saw, it was ignored with an annoyed grunt of disgust. The naked human tugged against the hand holding his leash at his neck. He couldn't get away, he couldn't even look up very high.

A yank forward drug his knees along the grass uncomfortably. Another yank and Tony moved on his own, crawling to easy the dirt digging into his knees. The wolf lunged at him again as he was tugged closer. Sharp biting teeth, however, failed to rip him apart.

Instead a large hairy body pressed to his and a cold nose pressed to his bare and barely haired balls. He kept his eyes closed, for a few moments, while loud snuffling came from behind him. When the animal's tongue drug up his sack and crack he yelled and pushed away only to have the dragon push him back.

After the shock of that first lick he didn't mind so much. The wolf was soft and warm and the night was surprisingly cool. Even the large fires weren't enough to keep the nude man warm. Being warm came with a strange feeling price though.

Silver's broad canine tongue drug over and into his ass rapidly. The wolf's narrow muzzle slid over and twisted left and right around his tight dark ring as though he were loving the taste. Tony'd heard of people letting dogs lick there but he'd never been brave enough. Being forced to accept it though, didn't make it any less humiliating, or enjoyable.

He looked up at the dragon standing over him and found himself looking into the male's massive balls lowering to his face while their owner spoke. "You're just about ready to be bred. Silver's going to make you his precious bitch." A whine came from the eager feral animal, but it could have just been one of many others he'd already made. "Yeah, he's ready too. Come on, Silver, MOUNT."

Tony felt the animal's weight land on him an instant later. The wolf's seemingly slender form was surprisingly massive. Fear replaced the pleasure of having his back warm. Silver's forelegs wrapped around his waist and something hot and semi-hard poked into his left buttock.

The human jerked his arm up but it was stepped on by his captor. Jerking his other arm up and back to push his unwanted rider off he found it too was blocked, but a big black scaled tail. A tear ran down his face as the rapidly poking canine shaft finally found it's mark. Silver's hips slammed forward hard at the moist clenching ring of muscle to bury his bone fully inside.

Tony thrashed harder against his draconic kidnapper. "Let me go you sick fuck!"

There was no reaction other than to press his reptilian groin harder to the captive's face and shutting him up. A smile formed on the long scaly muzzle above him, but he didn't see it. The look of defeat on the weak man's frame let the dragon pull back to stop smothering him. Tony just stared at the ground under him wanting the wolf dick to stop moving.

Silver's hips pounded tirelessly in and out and all the while spurt copious pre-cum insid. Every thrust his wolf dick seemed to grow thicker. Every thrust the man's ass gripped eagerly around that swelling meat. Tony tried not to like it and forced himself to think how bad it should have felt instead of how good it did feel.

"Go on...Accept it. You know it feels far too good to stop without tying the knot with your new mate." His scaly owner teased.

The captive resisted, but in the end gave way . His rider's soft chest pressing to his back and barely furred belly slapping into his ass cheeks was oddly pleasant. Even the copious stream of semen, or so he assumed, spraying from his rider's rampant shaft made him want it more. Tony's ring clenched rhythmically in time to the wolf's hips after a bit longer and by that time Silver's penis was swollen as full as it could get.

The extra girth stretching his ring open had a much rougher texture than the smooth surface of the wolf's flaccid dick. While the feral canine violated him, those bulging cock veins dragging along the interior of his tight ass ring made it almost worth it. Tony's own manhood swelled much slower than the much more wild partner, which had a bulb growing at the base worrying him.

Knowing what that flesh bulb was for did nothing to make it less worrisome. His ass felt uncomfortably full already just from the initial girth. The animal's knot stretching his ring was too much extra, even with the constant stream of pre adding a bit of extra lubrication.

Tony yelled loudly in pain when it swelled more and banged against his ring, then louder still when the wolf hammered in one last time and couldn't pull out. He wanted to be anywhere else as the knot continued to swell. Pressure inside made him think he was going to be torn open but Silver didn't even slow down. His paws clenched together tighter while the rapid thrusts turned wild and frantic.

With less length moving in and out he could piston amazingly fast. The human lay there under him in defeat. He looked up only when Silver suddenly stepped over him and dismounted. His cock stayed inside, throbbing and pulsing and constantly unloading more watery liquid inside.

Tony didn't feel anything like a climax, but he knew enough about canines to know Silver had probably cum already before dismounting. If it weren't for the situation or the massive knot hurting his ass, he might have enjoyed the situation. Instead he tried to pull away on his own to get it over faster and found himself growling at the dragon holding his leash.

"There, I did it you sick fuck. Now let me go!" Tony's inner self winced, not used to talking so forcefully.

"You're not done yet, bitch" The dragon pat his head like a good dog. "You did well enough." , A quick jerk made Silver yelp as the human was rolled, knot sliding around in his ass, over onto his back. "and You'll do well enough again, and again, until I decide you are done... and that won't be for a very long time."

Tony stared up at his captor and groaned. He was feeling wrong inside. It wasn't having a wolf dick in his ass, something deeper made his heart beat unsteadily.

Looking over himself, the man realized he was erect. He didn't understand how he didn't feel it, even as it swayed with his heartbeat he couldn't feel it. A hand touching it felt as though he were touching a finger for all the pleasure it gave him. Another squeeze around it and a sharp pain in his ass made him let go.

Silver had again tugged at his ass, though he couldn't pop out yet. A little of the canine's seed dribbled out around the tie, but the rest stayed inside. The feral animal wanted his cock out as much as his bitch did.

Tony took a deep breath, trying to calm himself. After a moment he sniffed again, deeply, and realized he could smell the muskiness of the leaking wolf spunk. He could smell a lot of things he hadn't noticed, the dragon's feet and own musk, even that it smelled different from Silver's.

One hand jerked up to his nose only to find that it had flattened a bit. His formerly generously long nose was not quite flush against his face. Even as he touched it he could feel it pulling back further. With the flattening, however, came a bulging of his face itself. Two fingers traced around his nose only to feel his skull under it push out against them.

Tony traced his face in a panic with both hands, the steady growth of his elongating face was slow but even pressing against it didn't stop it. There was a bit of pain with the growth. It was similar to the ache of knocking his head against something. The discomfort didn't grew any worse despite the length his face extended.

He found he could see his nose after a bit less than a minute. Touching it felt as it always did, except for the shape. Something sharp pressing to his lower lip made him gasp. Fangs, by the feel of them. They'd grown in his mouth at the top and bottom of both jaws, "muzzle" he found himself thinking instead of jaws.

The fleshy hairless muzzle wrong, but he couldn't do anything about it. That ache of change built all over his body within just a few more seconds. From his chest to his feet nothing felt "normal" after his face had finished growing.

His muzzle had grown as long as Silver's and even slightly longer. He felt his chest widen and thicken with his arms and legs also changing. Muscle grew under his skin, bone shifted uncomfortably inside. Both legs bent painfully until he pulled them out from under Silver.

The wolf didn't seem to mind at all. His cock was still knotted to Tony's ass and he looked quite comfortable sitting there enjoying the powerful clenching around it. Every time the man moved it squeezed him again and it only grew tighter as the effects grew.

Above Tony, the dragon tapped his chin and watched. Fine hairs were sprouting up all over his back and arms, so thin they were nearly invisible, at first. More sprouted up after them, each in a random place all over the man's body. Some were longer than others, but all were black. There was no way for his captive to see them, but he didn't have to yet. He had other things to worry about.

Tony felt itchy spots breaking out all over, but couldn't seem to scratch them away. They felt deep inside rather than on his skin and no matter how hard he clawed at the skin above it, he couldn't affect them at all. A severe "wrong" sensation, he couldn't think of a better word, erupted from his groin suddenly, making him forget all about the itching.

His balls sagged down and grew not quite twice as big. The scrotum surrounding them didn't grow at all for several more seconds. Tony's captor's hands rubbed over them, seeming to enjoy squeezing the clearly outlined testicles inside. With their enlargement came another change, one that the pair of hands on his sack kept him from noticing at first.

A dimple formed just behind the man's sack. It grew steadily larger and protruded higher while the dragon continued to tease him. Silver's dick was in the way a bit too much but it was just visible pushing up and out. The flesh around it turned more pale while the bulging flesh itself darkened a little.

At the center of the raised flesh a crease folded inward down to his groin. The crease grew slightly wider while another crease at the bottom of the mound formed a T section in his flesh where they met. Short black hair nubs spread out around the base for a centimeter towards his occupied ass ring but then stopped. The bulge itself swelled into an inch and a half high V shaped canine bitch pussy.

Only when it was fully formed did Tony's captor let go of his heavier nuts. A finger stroked over that female sex organ and the man, or former man, jerked violently in surprise. He pulled away from Silver and the dragon's finger but a snarl from his wolf mate made him freeze in place.

Tony didn't understand the sudden desire to stay put for Silver, he wanted to get away from them and whatever was happening to him. The touch along his...his whatever it was, had given a jolt of much too strong desire to be good. Another touch made him hang his head and twitch his ears. That twitch made him turn his head sharply as though he could see them.

He raised his hand up to touch them only to stare in amazement at the fingers. He had soft black flesh on each fingertip. Another pad, much wider, darkened his palm. Every nail ended in a sharp claw as well. His hand had become more of a paw, similar to those of the dragon again stroking that spot under his ass.

Tony finally touched his ear and wasn't too surprised to find how long they had become. The lobe flesh had spread and smoothed during their transformation. Both of his ears stood upright into those of a dog or wolf.

A sudden wet noise reached his ears along with an intense relief and a powerful musky male odor of sex flooded his nose. He shook his head violently at the overwhelming scent and managed to stumble forward another step before the leash went taut. Tony caught himself before the collar choked him and had to pull back to scratch intently at his chest.

The itching sensation was back with a vengeance with the other stimulation gone. At last he noticed the black hairs covering him. There were so many he had taken on a darker hue but they were still sprouting from his skin. More and more sprouted as he scratched. From his chest to his thighs and all around his body they made themselves known. Each one brought with it an irritation leading to his scratching.

His penis caught his eye just as his hand had. It still looked human, overall, if he didn't count the bulb at the root like the one that had just popped out of his ass. The flesh seemed more translucent and thinner, with the veins spider webbing along it in oddly enjoyable patterns.

Tony's cock had turned from fleshy sort of pinkish to slightly white in the middle with a much redder tip and base. The veins were all red though, and gave even the white area some threads of color. Those same veins were also raised and when he dared to touch his stiff dick they made him feel far rougher than his fully human cock had every felt.

That roughness made his whole body stiffen in response. It was a lot more sensitive than his old erection too. He was glad it still had his tip, until he saw it was changing shape. Tony grabbed at his tip with panicked fingers but he couldn't stop it at all.

His cocktip narrowed from a mushroom like tip to a narrow point. He thought it was round at first like a cone but further touches let him find the head was a wedge instead. It really was a dog's cock he realized, or more likely, a wolf's. His gaze lifted to his captor again, then back down to his fully canine shaft.

It was equally as long as his human dick had been, but that was the only way it still resembled the old shape. His knot held down a bit of soft looking flesh that he realized was his sheath. He hadn't noticed that forming from the spare that had once made his cock flesh loose. More hairs had sprouted over it and even his belly, but he was more interested in the dark flesh tone of his balls.

Their shape had remained about the same. They had swelled a bit and hung a bit looser but they were close enough. The color, though, had changed from generic white human flesh to a doggy skin dark pink. Hairs had sprung around them, too, at the top. For the first time he could tell the color was black.

He touched his balls and slid his paw behind them to squeeze and lift his pair. They were pleasantly heavy and felt great to touch just as before. His pussy behind them, Tony's thought's stopped while his fingers explored what they had touched.

Soft flesh yielded against his probing fingers but made him shiver almost as much as touching his erection had. Cum had drooled out of his ass over the flesh to make it nice and slick. It had to be a vagina, he knew, what else could have made him feel so strong a sexual sensation, but it wasn't like a human woman's. He had a canine pussy.

A pussy! It was a strange thought, having a female sex. Tony was more surprised by the fact that he had it at all than it's shape. With the changes that had already occurred to him made, the canine aspect easier to understand. He couldn't figure out why he'd have a cunt at all though. Another look to his captor and Silver didn't help.

Neither dragon nor wolf gave any clue, they just watched him change further. The animal cleaned his cock off with his tongue in between casual glances at Tony. Those eyes seemed much more intense and captivating to the man. He shook his head to clear it, but found his gaze and, more so, his nose focusing on Silver.

He was almost grateful when his fur growth sped up to distract him. The hairs sprung up so fast and steady they built to a constant nearly orgasmically strong itch. Tony scratched madly at it but it didn't ease up. His face was fully covered with fur first, the muzzle fur was much shorter than the rest with less surface area to fill in. His arms were fully covered next, followed by his legs and chest.

The fur finished at the top of his ass crack, culminating into a great discomfort that made his bones ache. His itching stayed just as strong, mercifully, as that eased the agony in his rear. He felt something pierce his flesh, and just keep piercing it. He felt something growing out of him there, something with nerves that fired constantly as the change worked hard to finish.

The man looked back, tears in his eyes, at the pretty new wolf tail that had sprouted from his spine. Fur traveled up it even as he watched and with it a new awareness of its presence when the hairs brushed against him or even a stray breeze. His nearly orgasmic itch triggered a true orgasm just seconds before his tail was fully covered.

Tony's eyes rolled up from the first peak in his new hermaphroditic body. Semen spurted from his cock in a much thinner watery spray than his old body, but with much more force. The strength, the pressure, of his orgasm made him buck harder into the air than he ever would have as a human. One hand tugged at his erection to work out the pleasure. It wasn't enough. He needed something More.

He jerked his free hand down his balls to slip three fingers behind them along his new pussy. The exotic joy of that touch almost made him ignore his maleness after that. It was so wet down there, so slick and slimy with his feminine lust.

One finger found his clit and that single first rub brought on contractions all over his body. The feminine orgasm added to his male peak wiped his mind clear of any worries, fears, or thoughts. Escape? Freedom? His new body? He didn't think anything of them, his mind was blanked by the few seconds of sexual bliss he'd been driven into.

The man's thoughts stayed blank for several seconds while his orgasms overwhelmed him. When the pleasure finally faded, really only about fifteen seconds total, he found himself staring at the dragon before him. Tony wasn't sure what to make of what had happened or even what had actually happened.

His captor's large hand held the leash tightly while he pulled the former man to his feet. "Have a nice little orgasm, Mace?"

Tony stared blankly, not recognizing the name. It took him a few seconds to realize the dragon was giving him a new name. An angry spark grew in his gut at that. After being kidnapped and forced to be raped by a... a beast, he wasn't going to accept more degradation or abuse. He jerked his hand up in a nasty swing toward his captor's face. The whole world went black around him before the hit connected.

He woke up back on the same bed in the same room as when he'd first been kidnapped. The room spun around while he stared up at the ceiling, very dizzy. Tony sat up and immediately shut his eyes to stop the spinning. Everything seemed brighter and stayed bright in his eyes, even after he'd shut them. The colors with his eyes shut were different, somehow, and everything was sort of wavy, but he could still see it all.

He noticed for the first time his own nose when he opened his eyes again. It was at the end of the long muzzle he'd been hoping had just been a dream. As the room stopped spinning and he woke more fully, he looked himself over. Furry body, slightly stronger arms and better built chest, long claws, soft but still oddly stiff penis housed in a bit of flesh. Tony realized that he really had become some sort of werewolf.

Another thought made his hands tug his balls up and bend over. Even the dog-like pussy was still there. He sighed, for a moment, then paused. Looking like that wasn't THAT bad. A flash of color, or at least, it seemed like color, made him jerk his head up. Instead of staring however, he sniffed.

"What..." Tony smelled the dragon coming and was amazed at the way the scent made him see a sort of color as if he were watching his captor through the wall. "Wow, I guess That explains that..."

A moment later, the door opened and the same dragon as before entered, with Silver in tow behind him. "Good to see you up, MACE." He let the wolf go and pushed Tony back down onto the bed. "Feeling better, MACE?"

"I'm no..." The former human swallowed hard at claws digging into his chest. "I'm feeling better." When the claws let up he gasped for breath before risking the question. "Why?"

"You're name is Mace. I choose to call you Mace, so that is your name. My whim may change later, and if it does, you will be someone else. You're consent is not needed about it." He leaned in again, his breath hot and, surprisingly, not bad smelling. "Any problems with that, Mace?"

The anthro wolf swallowed, feeling that spark of anger at the treatment building again despite his answer. "No. What do I call you?"

His captor stood up without bothering to glance at him again. "You don't call me anything." The leash was tossed over to him again just like the last time. "You just do what I tell you. Put that on."

Tony growled but fought the annoyance. The change wasn't bad despite the lack of choice in anything. He'd always been a dog lover anyway. The thought finally made him calm down enough to grab the leash and connect the end to his collar. That he hadn't even noticed it earlier didn't occur to him at first.

He glanced around to Silver, where he lay on the blankets on the side of the room. The feral wolf seemed happy enough with muzzle held alert and upright. Thoughts of that male's knot in his ass brought an unexpected and not entirely unwanted stirring in his loins.

Tony, or Mace he supposed, found the arousal much different than before. There was a scent from Silver that tickled his nostrils but there was also a scent from himself. He had to deal with both scents as they mixed into a general feeling of desire.

His pointy wolf dick peaked out of his sheath, much as his old shaft would have stiffened. It was joined with a slight swelling to his new female sex and an urge to have something spread and fill those inexperienced folds. Silver perked his ears up higher and sniffed the air more deeply.

Mace found the wolf's scent changing in response to his own arousal and looked at the dragon again, not sure what to say. The large male just stood and watched impassively. He was on his own with no clue as to what to do.

When Silver climbed to his feet, though, he knew what the two wanted. They wanted him to take the wolf again. With the leash and collar around his neck he was basically their pet to be bred as they liked. If only he, or at least his body, didn't want it so badly.

Mace, he may as well use the name as it wasn't bad, really, ignored the scents in the air as best he could but with his new female sex urging him to fill it, he knew it was a lost cause. He darted for the door in one last bit of defiance but just fell backward when the leash jerked to a halt at the end of its length. The dragon hadn't moved even slightly despite the jarring jerk from the leash stopping his werewolf pet.

Mace's neck ached a little but he was surprised to find Silver licking his face. It was only one lick. One quick slurp before the wolf nuzzled his neck as though concerned. The wolf smelled so good and he seemed like a nice animal.

"Fine. I'll do it." The former man said more to himself than his captors.

It was an effort to push himself far enough for slack in the leash, but Mace managed it. His breathing was already heavier from the brief choking but with Silver so close he was sniffing deep to take in the hot odor of his lust. Mace climbed onto all fours for the wolf, then grunted in surprise at the broad tongue swiping over his lupine Bitch mound.

Silver licked his pussy four times, four wonderful times, before pulling away to mount fully. All the werewolf could do was brace himself moments later when the feral male mounted him. His weight wasn't a real problem for Mace again, but with each strong thrust the beast made, he had to struggle to keep his balance.

Just as before Mace felt the animal's hips jut repeatedly forward. In another situation, he'd have enjoyed the feeling without any reservations. In a moment later, he did anyway. Silver's wedged cocktip tip poked at his new bitch hole and he forgot all the problems he had with the wolf and even the dragon. It felt a lot better than in his ass and with the strong scent of lust in the air, it was all he wanted.

Mace let his body rock in time to the animal's frantic thrusting without being sure if he were thrusting back to meet them or not. Sex on the receiving end as a female felt much better than he'd expected, even if he did have his male parts as well. Being filled up in his vulva had more sensation and more pleasure from taking it up the back door.

He could feel the smooth slick flesh of Silver's still swelling member and as it grew inside with each thrust, every vein and rough patch of skin at it's fullest. The way the wolf's sheath tip kissed his v shaped pussy mound was an exotic sensation. That soft flesh slid down on the first penetration and then squished when he bottomed out inside.

Shortly after the first few thrusts, the first few spurts of his pre-cum sprayed in. Mace felt their heat and the spatter of each jet much more clearly in his pussy than he had in his ass during their first time. They were oddly pleasant and there were so many spurts so quickly. He hadn't realized how much Silver had pumped into him before and hadn't been awake to feel it all pour out of him.

That heat sank in deeply while his rider's cock swelled to its fullest. The heat spread while his rider's knot popped in and out of his cunt from tireless rapid fire thrusts. At first he thought it was just the fluid sloshing around his sex, but soon he felt it spreading throughout his arms and down his legs. While he didn't know what was happening, exactly, he was smart enough to know it was similar to what happened before.

Mace looked at the dragon where he stood idly stroking himself. His captor obviously enjoyed watching the scene and Mace knew he was enjoying being bred too. He could feel his own erection achingly hard but he didn't want to touch it. Focusing on his pussy being pounded felt so much better, especially with that hot feeling running through him.

The pleasure from his semi-forced sex built, but not in any way he'd ever felt. Silver's hips slapped against him with the knot bulge at the base popping wetly in and out each time. That seemed right. The heat focusing intensely, almost painfully, in his limbs did not. There was no way to know if it was normal or not as he'd never been changed to a werewolf before, male, female, or both.

He couldn't see the subtle changes taking place in his muscle tone and even bone density. His rather nicely shaped masculine edges softened to a sleeker, more curved feminine design. The effect on his legs was more visible than in his arms, but Mace couldn't see that. He did feel his thighs brush against Silver more as his hips widened and realized something new was happening to him.

He looked back just in time to feel his hips pop from bones shifting inside, then to his captor when the dragon spoke. "He's changing you into what he needs."

Mace just stared, stupidly and a semi-happily from the pleasure, waiting for more explanation while Silver's knot made its presence known more fully. The dragon said nothing else and mace let his attention drift back and forth from dragon to wolf and back to the other. He found himself paying more attention to his bestial lover more after his captor's silence drug on. He needed to be fucked more than he needed to know.

Silver growled and grunted in his ear with the efforts to breed the larger hermaphroditic wolf and Mace found himself enjoying those sounds. It matched his arousal and the enjoyment of their sex. If it weren't for a growing ache in his groin, his male groin, he would have been happy. Instead he had to push himself fully upright on all fours and look under himself to see what was going on.

The big canine phallus was still there and as full and dark and dripping as he felt it should be from his arousal. It pulsed just fine, but while it was large, it didn't seem as large as it had before. It seemed to be getting further away from him too as it shrank into his grown. Panic rose in him, tempered by the pleasure Silver was giving him, and he tugged away just moments before the wolf's knot could pop into his lust swollen cunt lips and tie them together.

Mace growled at the pressure from that extra mass bouncing against his pussy when he finally pushed back. His own dick was still heavily on his mind despite that insistent knocking on, and lustful itch in, his female genitals. He stared at his cock for several seconds before noticing that his testicles too were shrinking.

"He doesn't need a male." Mace jerked his head up at the dragon's casual statement. At the look of panic on the werewolf's face the dragon pumped his erection faster. He just loved the look of realization that statement had brought. "Humans have hunted his kind down and slaughtered too many of them. He needs a nice female to help him repopulate."

Mace hung his head a few moments, trying to block out the pungent scent of masculine lust and hot sex around him. He could feel his body changing, still. The muscle tone shifted under his chest and abdominal area and left him shivering at the strange sensations. Even his face had the tickle and twitch of changes. The hard angle of his jaws softened to a rounder curve, along with most of the other masculine edges he'd had. Silver's hard thrusting hips only helped confuse his body's reactions to those adjustments.

The wolf above him struggled to pop his knot in with each thrust, but mace decided it was too big to slide in. At least it felt too big with how massive it felt each time it bumped against his tight canine cunt. It did feel good though. Oh it felt so good. His sex squeezed loved the pounding against it and he found himself pushing back into them even with the changes happening.

Mace's breathing came heavier and louder as they both grew more anxious. His ears swiveled to the sound of his own pleasured grunts. They sounded so much higher pitch than they had before. With that pitch came a weight on his chest that made his head jerk down.

The first hints of his breasts had made mounds on his chest and, as Silver's cock finally popped in, he saw those fleshy bulges swell further. His nipples capped both burgeoning breasts where they too grew larger and thicker. The nubs lengthened to close to a penny long each. Behind them the full womanly chest was hanging down much further.

He didn't know much about cup size, but he could tell they were decent sized. Close to grapefruits each. If the wolf wanted a female to nurse some pups, he decided he'd probably produce plenty for them.

Mace tried to look past them and managed to pull them apart in time to see the last remnants of his scrotum disappear. His balls had turned to raisins before they and the skin holding them smoothed out entirely. The new canine penis he'd been happy enough with diminished fully immediately afterward, leaving him with a smooth feminine belly.

Above him Silver grunted in orgasm once his body felt the full tie for a few seconds. There was no change in the constant spurts of fluid that Mace had felt the entire time to mark the orgasm. The watery pre felt just as it had before, it was just cloudy with semen instead of clear. The only real difference was he got to feel the massive knot inside him while the animal's cum sprayed in.

"He doesn't need you to so human-like either." Mace again jerked his head up to see the dragon. The male's voice sounded strained and just as he turned away to look over himself again, his captor's cock swelled and spat its own load onto the floor. "Nnng.. You'll have to forget... speaking normally."

"What do you mean?" Mace couldn't keep a hint of worry out of his, or her he supposed, voice. The feminine pitch to her voice made her ears droop, but the possible loss of speech made that new pitch much more tolerable. She couldn't imagine not being able to speak, then she no longer cared. "Unnn!"

Silver tugged at the fat knot he'd tied to Mace's cunt, then gave a happy grunt and stepped over her. Thoughts on the continuing changes to her newly female body were pushed aside by her lover's thick cock knob shifting inside. It rotated with his new position to stand butt to butt with her. His balls pressed against the back of her bitch V while his tail brushed over her buttocks.

Mace arched her back when Silver gave a firm tug, and pushed back to ease the pressure. The wolf just kept tugging until she stopped and resisted him. Frustration, confusion, and her own pleasure left her feeling a bit rebellious and she finally pulled away.

Pressure built quickly on her sex and the werewolf snarled back at the animal. Silver stopped a moment later and simply looked back at her, panting. Mace felt the arousal far more clearly after that tugging and the familiar tingling heat of change with it.

Pain flared up along her legs suddenly and she yelled again. Like the knot tugging, though, almost as soon as she complained, it stopped. A flood of orgasmic spasms hit her cunt hard and she pounded her fist into the floor yelling in waves of sexual bliss. With that pleasure came a gush of fluids dribbling out of her. Mace looked back at her legs, trying to see what had hurt so badly only to feel so good.

They were growing smaller, just as her manhood had. The bones rapidly shortened in both upper and lower legs. Much of the muscle and fat around them seemed to melted steadily away leaving only a bit behind.

At first she couldn't tell where the extra mass went, then she the sound of her orgasmic juices splattering onto the floor below broke through her orgasmic haze. Her eyes drifted to it, looking under herself, and watched the puddle growing as rapidly as her legs were changing. The mass she lost was leaking out of her as a very impressive load of feminine ejaculation.

Her arms hurt before her legs finished changing. That too stopped just a moment after it hit. Her breasts, her chest, even her head, everything spiked with pain, for an instant, then the sexual bliss grew stronger. Mace could still see and hear and feel the changes, but any thoughts were driven out of her head with that sexual high.

Like her legs, her arms grew shorter. Unlike her legs, they didn't shorten too much. Instead the fingers retracted back into each other as much shorter bones and joints. The tendons reshape around them while all along each arm the muscle tissue redistributed instead of being expelled.

Remaining muscle mass in her legs also spread around, tightening and toning and reshaping into much more feral structures. The formerly straight legs bent both forward from hip to knee, then backward from knee to ankle. Her feet, had also reformed and extended forward from her ankle to the former ball of her foot. Each toe had condensed into short canine paw toes with the same fur poking out from between them as still covered the rest of her body.

There was still plenty of extra size, but her orgasm faded almost immediately after her arms and legs had shifted from more or less furry human to fully bestial wolf. Her breasts were still shifting, but they were doing so by sliding down her chest and then belly as though melting. Both of her nipples divided as the womanly mounds spread out, first in half, then the new nipples split in half again.

Each of her six nipples shrank into small nubs as they settled into their new positions. Not having the heavy flesh pillows on her chest was actually a relief for Mace. Having never had them before they'd gotten distracting even in the short day she'd had them and hour she'd been awake with them.

With them out of the way she could see her torso rounding and narrowing into a far more canine shape. Her belly pulled in, her chest pushed out. The bones along her spine popped, oddly painlessly, into new alignment. Her neck lengthened just a bit, but she couldn't tell any real difference to her head.

Everything looked the same to her, if slightly grayer. Without a point of reference she couldn't see that her skull had slimmed down a touch and her ears and neck had grown more fur. Mace's neck especially had a much thicker mane of fur around it that thinned as it ran to her chest and down to her belly.

All over her body, the lush black fur had grown longer, shaggier. She looked like, and was, a full wolf. Though she was a little larger than Silver, everything about her was that of a wolf bitch. Even her tail, which had quietly resized unnoticed next to her lover's, had changed to that of a bestial wolf the likes of which she'd see in a magazine.

Mace looked to the dragon and tried to speak. Her throat felt weird with it and the only song that came out was a garbled cross between a howl and a bark. The look of loss on her face, the look that should have been there, was not. There was a vague begging look, but otherwise her face looked the same as it had before she realized speech was no longer an option.

Her captor had left the room anyway, leaving her with only Silver. The male wolf seemed more intelligent looking to her new eyes and senses. She could almost read him just from his posture and scent that he was sorry for having to put her through it. His knot still pulsed in her cunt, still felt very pleasant, but his sex wasn't the only thing she could smell anymore.

Mace wondered how to communicate with him, or even if she could, but her captor came in before she could try. He crouched next to them both and pet their backs. His hand trailed a bit lower to squeeze Silver's balls and her bitch V around the wolf cock filling it, but only for a moment.

"Your kind devastated Silver's pack and most of the wolves like him. Your kind is going to provide breeding stock to replace them. Since you liked animals already, especially dogs, you were a perfect candidate." The dragon traced a finger around Mace's anus. "You'll be spending the next few days here until pregnancy is assured, then you'll have a bit more freedom."

He didn't elaborate beyond that and a sudden firm tug by Silver trying to dislodge his knot kept the new bitch from trying to ask. Her cunt squeezed harder around that fat flesh bulge as though trying to keep it in and Mace found herself hoping to keep it there. She'd grown quite fond of that fullness in there. That lovely pulsing. The frequent spurts of liquid. The way her inner walls reacted to his rough shaft with even the slightest movement.

Another orgasm was building, she could feel that, and she needed him to make it happen. Speech seemed unimportant anyway, as did worrying about escaping. An orgasm with barely even moving was much more important right then than her losses. If she could just keep him in her just a few more minutes she knew she'd peak again.

Silver didn't seem to want that though. He tugged at their join hard enough to make her yelp on and off, but that only made her hotter. It stroked her deeply enough to arch her back in pleasure. Another tug, another yelp, and a happy bitch found herself tugging away too.

A deep breath made her turn to see her captor's member still mostly stiff. He'd spent already once despite that stiffness. His remaining seed drew her enough to twist for a lick. The urge to lick his musky dick surprised as much as the fact that she enjoyed it.

Licking with her new tongue was far different than her old one. There was a bit less taste but a lot more texture. The tongue had formed around his tip letting her gather a variety of tastes of the same thing, each with their own subtle nuances. It was enough to make her forget about her impending climax, for a few seconds.

She settled into licking him while Silver settled into growling and tugging. It was almost as if he was slightly jealous that she was pleasuring the dragon, but when he suddenly popped out he dug his own tongue into her well fucked, wolf cum leaking bitch slit. Mace immediately licked harder to try to express the pleasure, then snapped her jaws shut just a quarter inch away from her captor's manhood as Silver's eager licking pushed her to her peak.

Mace felt the blissful muscle spasms all along her body. She drooled heavily while her cunt twitched in time to her lover's mouth work. Long canine tongues could slip in deep and work into the crevices so much better than her own human one could have and Silver worked as though she were his water bowl to lick dry.

The peak lasted about as long as in her less bestial form but somehow, she liked it better. There wasn't so much of a tired feeling and she felt more aware of those around her by scent and by sound. Perhaps it wouldn't be so bad, at least the sex would be good.

The dragon hadn't lied to her. She spent the next few days taking Silver every few hours. In between she got to know the wolf more. He could speak easily to her after just a day of practice. It was mostly in subtle body language and sounds, but there was a bit of something extra, something magical that helped too.

In a similar way to how he had changed her from human to wolf he could send some of his thoughts directly into her mind. It involved less sex and more paying attention, but it worked. His mental voice was sweet, somehow. Not at all growly or rough as she'd pictured in the past.

Silver was the one who told her why she had lost her more humanoid form. In order for her to carry his puppies, she had to stay the right shape for them. As they were wolves, so too did she have to be a wolf. For conception, for the full term, for the birth, and even throughout the nursing. Any other form would damage they pups and even Mace found that to sound unthinkable.

From her knowledge of normal dog puppies, the former human realized it would be a long time before he'd be anything other than a feral wolf. It seemed like a long time away. As time went by, however, it didn't seem so long.

Silver didn't apologize for what they'd done to him against his will and as her belly swelled with her puppies, Mace found herself being glad they had done it. She'd not been too happy in her old existence. With the new one she found great pleasure both from her new sex life and the growing pregnancy. All the puppies squirming and kicking inside as they grew. All the walks through a very pretty forested area with Silver and especially the nights without worrying about a job.

Mace lay next to her lupine mate a couple months later. She felt so full from her growing pups and even more so from the milk in her teats. Her eyes had just closed when a pain in her middle made her yelp. Silver was already sitting up with his muzzle waiting to press against her.

He was very comforting throughout the whole labor. The gentle nosing and his calm breathing helped her through the contractions and the pushing. Her captor wasn't around to help, only Silver. The only one she needed.

Mace was amazed at the pain of birthing, at the powerful contractions, at the gaping of her sex despite nothing stuffing in to open it. Passing each puppy through her cervix and through her sex itself was hard, but it left a strange happiness in it's agonizing wake. One, two, five, they all came out mewling cutely. A smooth birth, Silver told her. His posture and thoughts made him seem proud.

Mace looked up when her captor came in. He wasn't as bad as he had seemed originally. The big dragon gave her food and water so she didn't HAVE to hunt as well as let Silver stay there almost as a pet. It had taken a week as a wolf, but she'd forgiven him. He was happy to see her puppies too.

"Congratulations on your first litter, Mace. That's five more young wolves for your new pack. You have a long way to go, but it's a start... and a hope." He crouched down to pet both wolves fondly. "Keep it up and you'll save his kind.

Later, as she lay nuzzling her pups into place along her belly, she realized she'd never been so happy as a human. She had a mate and no people nagging her, though with the puppies, that would probably change, to a degree. Mace let out a soft grunt of pleasure. Their little mouths nursing were rather nice feeling, at least until they bit too hard.