The Gridiron Gang
This is probally my most extreme story written, a character who is so.. unspeakable that I doubt I could ever play him properly even. You are warned, if you have any sensibilities you probally should pass on this one. Written rouighly 3 years ago, so unlikely to get polished)
The Gridiron Gang
by Talonsaurn
A X rated story with a very evil rat, M/M, AV, Scat, and brutality.
(Gridiron's Profile/description is reproduced near the end,)
Gridirons right eye glimmered in the full moon light, the darkness was his succorer, the demons of the night quelled in fear.. He felt the cool night air on his back, the chilly wind of late winter just made him hungrier.. From the alleys he stalked, the tough and gamey meat he had eaten the last day was slept off. The destitute were nourishing enough but stringy. They broke easily.. The beast of a rat needed more for. The monster ran in the shadows, bounding agianst walls, draging claws against the poor quality masonry, leaving thick gashes. He paused.. Closed his eyes, focused his senses, he heard giggling, he smelled meat... He turned his head to look at a building... reading the small lettering on a plaque. "The Home-A place for Wayward and needy Children". He nodded, it looked like feeding grounds... He took a look at the manhole nearby and nodded to himself again.. Then a voice entered his mine "Hey bub.. you got some..." The voice never got another word off, Gridiron's right eye turned to stare at the vagrant that was addressing him. Had the rat not dined on his type all day yesterday he would have eaten him right there, but the pallet demanded a new flavor..
Gridiron's tail whipped around with a snap, coiling around the vagrants neck in one motion sudden motion, then snaping back with a crack. He didn't get another breath, let alone a word. The mans body slumped forward, face down in the gutter. Gridiron paused, turned around and looked over his snaping tail with a evil grin "Your not dead, i know a totally snaped neck when i hear one, but i bet your going to be numb from the neck down for life. He gave a wicked grunt and turned around bending over and lifting the destitute man by the hair "Tell ya what, if i remember, i'll come back and gobble you down to put you outa your misery.. Till then." Gridiorn curled his tail tip under a garbage can lid "You can stay here" Gridiron dropped Matt down into the can and slammed the lid down over him. Sealing him in tight "Your all garbage anyhow"
The "Home" was never a well taken care of place, it was all to much like a Charles Dickens distopia. Many people would call this place filled with a personality, pathos, and a breath of the past. What the people who lived there would say was that it was filled with rats, roaches, and bad plumbing. The theory behind the destitute conditions was that in such a grim surroundings the people sent there would focus on doing anything to get out, and the only way was to "Pass" the bars on the windows and locked doors might be a huge fire hazard but the outward facade was hardly showy of the truth inside. There had been a few attempted escapes. The curriculum varied from person to person. A reform school, a fat camp, really any fault of a child would be excised from them...
"Warden" was watching over bathroom. It was roughly designed like a normal public bathroom, a greatly modified public shower tiled with light blue tiles, small windows up high, always open to let the air circulate(of coruse the bars were there. A half dozen stalls and a dozen urinals provided ample facilites. Warden smoked in the bathroom, his job was to make sure there wasn't a repeat of the hazing that sent a kid needing stitches last week. It was amazing what could happen when misery was couped up like this. For the dreeryness of the place warden felt himself as a good person. He never did understand why the lord had him be the first witness.
Gridiron came up through the sewer.. he pressed his nose against the drain that dominated the center of the room, he sniffed, the smell of meat drove him on, the nasty rat soon realized he couldn't get his arm through to reach the mans leg. His ravenous eyes stared up the mans pants for a few moments. He was so close... Gridiorn was tightly wedged in the drain, hardly a pipe, it had emptied almost directly into the sewer. He slid his tongue through the grating and stretched it to meet the mans leg, just to short. The beast in Gridiron got out and he wraped his slender fingers aorund the grating and shook.. and nearly feel down into the sewer proper when the grating came off without any real effort. He Snarled ravenously and punched up, sending the grating agianst the ceillingl only to land back on his head as he crawled up.
Warden stared at the monstrosity emerge from the drain, the long furry clawed fingers scraped on the tiles while the arms draged up the head and the rest of the body. His first glance at the monster was at the eyes. The head shifting and twisting its way up, cracking the nearby tiles as it rose slowly, emerging a body far far to big for where it was coming from. Fur caked with slime and grit from the sewer it emerged from. Its ears were stuck to its face, along with more than a few things that were picked up in the sewers, a pop later and the monsters shoulders broke through, the chest was wide, muscular, each breath cracking more tiles. The bestially rats arms stretched at him, clawing inches from him as he backed up. Warden found his voice" Get out of here! Everyone, get the shotgun, theres a fucking big rat!"
Gridiron rose like a demon from the sewer, his gut poping through with a almost comical wet splurchy sound, the only part of him not muscular. The gangly from certainly fit the part. Thick wirey muscle driped sewer water as he loomed, staring down at the man, his jaws slightly agape tail thrashing behind him, snaping into the stalls at head height, making a massive dent. He focused on the man to such an extent that his tail backswipe missed the kid on his hands and knees making a break for it. The smell of the bathroom had a strong effect on Gridiron. It had always been a good place to get people with there pants down.. and that was half to getting them totally naked. "Fucking big? Big fucking is what i am" Gridiron said, standing bowlegged infront fo Warden. The naked rats body started to show the truth in this, thick ratness emerging as the balls started to fill.. Warden might have saved the kids from the monsters attention... only to get all of it on himself... Gridiron snaped his tail slaming it on the ground and leaving a dent "Let me just show you..."
Warden was speechless. His eyes stared at the thinner fur on the monster rats stomach, eyes taking in every thick grimy follicle.. his view was blocked out by the shadow the beast made. It was.. dark brownish as best his mind could say. Terror flowed throughn his own body as his eyes moved up, finding it just as fearsome. The rats body screamed "nasty" but the gruesome deep set face said "evil"
As Warden turned Gridiron moved forward, grabbing the mans hips, lifting, and thrusting all in one motion. Not bothering to strip the fellow he slammed his tapered rat cock right into where it should go. The ratmeat forced its way against the slacks butt, and shoved in with a uncaring ease, sliding into the fresh unused behind. It was one thrust, and only took a follow up to bury his rod into warden to the hill. The texture of the mans pants rubbing the rat arousal as it ground in, tearing it slowly, it wouldn't stretch that much with a pylon of phallic rat meat jabbing it in the way it shouldn't go. The horny rat wasn't going to delay the sexual gratification for such niceties of taunting or getting Warden naked. Rat nuts throbbed.
It all happened so fast Warden was in shock, he found the monsters fingers around his waist, holding him, grinding him, tearing at his clothing even as he felt the monsters hips thrust and then he realized. He was being RAPED by the rat demon.. he couldn't fight, he couldn't even clench tight at the speedy abuse. He screamed but it was drowned out by the heavy grunting of the monster, his own clothing starting to fail at the rough treatment, the ripping sounds seeming to echo through his whole body. His legs kicked air as the throbbing escalated, cock plunged far to deep in his body.
Gridiron's lanky back arched as he leaned back and made a gutteral roar, cock pusling with a furious orgasm into the man haning from it. The hot rocket exploded into the depths. He pulsed his release quickly, eyes closing fingers clenching, nuts swinging in bliss .a shredded hole in the pants hugging weakly against his shaft base. His tongue lolled out crudely as he grunted. "Think I was cocky then meatbag" He snapped, feeling his passions pour out like a filthy geyser.
Warden's hell esclated as the rat cock spewed out hard and fast, the burning heat from within growing more and more. The hot burning spurted into his belly as he screechded.. it lasted under a minute, but before he could even get another breath he was riped from the cock, the monsters voice echoing in his ears. "I so fucking needed release." Warden was held by a claw around the neck, shambled clothing and torn pants dangling from him pathetically. Gridiron stared down at him, licking his chops brutally... and then opened wide,far to wide and the poor mans face was enfolded by ratjaws, Fanged jaws ringing his had, tongue pressed under his chin...
Gridiron had the bathroom fuck, now the feed. He placed the mans whole head in his jaws and held it there, dangling with on hands, feeling the kicking and squirming "Fuckiieee.. you'd just love for me to bite your head off.. well your ain't getting off easy like i did in your body" He kept a few small spurts in the urinal, dribbling to an end as he snapped his his head up, nearly snapping wardens neck but stunning him long enough for the grimy jaws to compact over the mans chest, squeezing the life out of him. opened wide and chugged down the meal, using just his agile jaw muscles to pull warden down kicking, arms pinned to his side. Shoulders pressed and bulging his gullet wolfed down the man. His own voice garbled, Can't relish you pissboy.. there ain't a fixing bar in the toilet"
Warden lacked air, his face was wraped tightly in the rats gullet, feeling each swallow through his body, the lips moving up him with all to quick regular chomps, its tongue breaking into the cuts and holes in the clothing, making him squirm, his kicks got weaker and weaker... he didn't get a good breath before being swallowed afterall. He tried to breath but was almost ready to pass out, the stench overwhelming every neuron on his body.
Gridiron closed his jaws around Wardens hips his tongue snaping, laping, stealing tastes as the meat went down, fiddling through the well worn holes, into his pants, up and down the hole, feeling around the sweaty meat. The legs kicking had gotten weaker, but it was no mater, the rat got the flavor on his lips and tongue and swallowed the mans huanches down into his throat, feeling them work back and forth, twisting weakly from the ravaging, pants wouldn't protect him long.. Gridiron blinks twice as he felt something hard slide from the man and down against his gullet his tongue only having been able to take the faintest of tastes before the object slid down into his stomach.. metal.. it must be the keys. Grid shook his head and smiled while he wolfed up the legs, bolting them down. He never needed keys, but it could only help his feed.
Warden landed and crumpled into the hot musuclar belly, his body thrashed, struggled. Life wasn't long, the stomach oozed and smothered him, quickly draining and digesting his tender body with grizzly brutality. His senses shutting off, he knew he was going to be just fuel for this monster, his keeping of the keys would probaly doom others... the warden had failed. Man to ratflesh had begun.. and many more would follow that path this evening
Gridiorn's jaws hung wide open, tongue agily sliding around his face, slathering himself with his own drool, his fingers clutching the man bulge well outlined in his muscled gut. He snickered wickedly, snapping his tail and sniffing the air. He stretched slightly, feeling his stomach finish the digestive murder he started. HE snapped his jaws closed, lifted one side of his lips and picked a few shreds of the mans clothing from his lips "I call that roughage" He snickered.. I've had worse." A flick of the ears and a sniff of the nose and Gridiron chuckled "And i smell the main course... you boys got a much bigger rat problem than you ever imagined" Gridirion scurried as best a giant rat can, stomach swaying slightly with the pace.. the bulge still had a lot of growing to do afterall.
Manny had a deep hunger, in the Orwellian distopia of the "home" that was a sin. But the destitute of the lardy were used to sinning. They made plans.. One of these was to pay off the vending machine salesman.. Sure the machine only showed healthy snacks but if you pressed both the "Raisin Health bar" and the "Personal Salad" buttons at the same time you got a three musketeers bar to come out
instead. It was one of those wonderful developments that the opressed always did. Disposable income was paid out to those who could satisfy illicit needs. Manny stared at the machine, smiling with expectation of a sugary treat while no one was around.
Gridiron had infested the hallways of the "Home", the stench trail he left would warn some. He didn't think that far ahead, he was following his nose.. sniffing around, running his fingers over the various lockers, listening for life. Most people had been warned by Wardens Sacrifice. They had also been unable to escape through the normal means.. they decided to barricade themselves inside there dorm rooms... shame cell phone use wasn't allowed.. However.. Gridiron could taste the scents in the air, he'd get each and every one of them... but as he turned a dark corner bright light stunned him.. Narrowing his eyes he saw someone at a machine.
Manny put in his money, Six quarters, he slowly pressed both buttons at once with his chubby right hand, leaning in to hear the drop.. he heard heavy steps behind him, approaching with startling speed and then.....
Gridiron slammed his front against Manny's back, belly to his chest, pinning him to the vending machine and making it creak, unbalanced, The still firm mangut of the man rat slaming hard into Manny;s shoulders, grinding slowly, twisting with the rats motions on the stunned boy. Grimmy fur rubbing down his neck, follicles scratching a bit as the monster made a deep grunt, sliding his hand down to bat at Manny's hand, then slowly press at the buttons himself snicker "Ohh.. a candy machine." Gridiron pressed his middle finger onto the button closest to Manny's face hard, he bucked against he machine, making it shake. "Lets see.. i got.." He took a step back and stared down at Manny" I got a nice fat boy! Thats the best kinda Candy." He against slammed his firm gut against the boys skull fingers on the side of the vending machine twisting it from its moorings and slamming it down on the ground, himself atop of it with Manny in the middle, face getting scratched up by the crumpling machinery.
Manny screeched, his body was flatted against the vending machine, causing it to malfunction and shoot health foods and drinks against his lower half, causing him to slip, not enough to get out of the grip. This sorta thing happened, getting pushed up by stronger kids.. this was no kid. "Stop, I'll give you all my money, don't be so rough" he whined. he couldn't see the monster that was abusing him, but all the other senses told to much. The smell resembled a mixture of decayed meat and sewage, with a linger dampdog smell. Many's clothing only protected most of his body from the skin tingling sensation of the gruff hard fur rubbing against his body, screaping and brushing him back and forth, even his light Tshirt wasn't total protection from the monseter snarling above his body. Its voice was inhuman, strangled through what sounded like gravel to the tender chubby kids ears "Ya must be 300lb of fat tender meat" Didn't help Manny's feelings one bit. The body heat of the furry monster just added to the terror sweat running down his chubby body... but it wasn't untile those wickedly long fingers grabbed and squeezed his love handles that he started to kick and writhe at his fullest.
Gridiron scuttled back, hands pinning the boy to the machine easily, the blind kicking wasn't going to help his dinner, he watched the feet for a moment before diving his head forward, catching them both in one gulp, the sweaty lads legs kicking knocked off one shoe... a quick plunge to his belly and it was gone. The rat pressed his face down, long eyeteeth moving down the struggling legs even as manny managed to look over his shoulders, his hand now free.. Gridiron was of the old school of preadation, you only needed to control what was going in next. He dug his fingers into the kids gut. The kid could barely tough his hips, let allone fight as Gridiron scuttled over him in a much more accurate way "Your not a problem for this rat boy, your going to meet your friends... and the'll come to meat you " he made a grunt, a kick inside had cut off the last few words. He sunk his fangs into the boys pants, puncturing them and pressing into his fleshy fat behind.
Manny howled in pain, the quick look back at the monster rat was plenty, he scrabbled to pull himself up on the vending machine, his hips being brutally swallowed, he pulled himself up a full foot, his belt didn't take it well, a pop and his pants went down witht the rats jaws, leaving him in his polkadot boxers. A moment of victory was short lived the jaws planted themselves over his hips again, it felt like slow motion the wet lips sinking against his fleshy, rat spittle running down his thighs and crack. He squirmed, bucked and screamed. The tongue poked, prodded basted him, leaving hotter strokes on the sweaty behind before licking under his belly feeling the shaded part of his body, those nasty fingers dragging the massive gut his parents had wanted to relieve him of , his rolls of fat sliding into the slavering lips. Savoring his sweet flesh, the tongue sliding under his shirt and into his navel.. his legs couldn't even move anymore, wrapped in the rats gullet.. it was huge... it was impossible. He risked another glance back to see a all to terrifying bulge in the rodents stomach area "noo.. noo don't!" Manny cried.
Full of manchild Gridiron said nothing, the pants sliding into his mouth was a bit of good luck, he got much more flavor that way, and now his jaws worked the fat belly in, kids these days, they were just asking to be ratfood, but it was certainly a rich flavor. He let it waft into his palate feeling the fat move and tremble.. He then moved his jaws up and swallowed hard, sending the gut to the back of his maw, feeling those kicking feet well burrowed deeper in his gullet "Mmmm your fat ass is ratfat" He mouthed around the less firm parts. It wasn't long till the boys arms were pinned up against his head, the rodents tongue lapping his pits, holding him helpless....
Manny's voice ended shrilly, his eyes looked down his nose, he saw his outtline wiggling in the massive rat, his body bulging out that foul body who was rubbed against him, the smooth gullet walls undulating against him endlessly. The slick swallowing adams apple urging him down more with each gulp, Tears ran down his eyes as the monsters tongue licked into his mouth, a twisted kiss. Gridion swung his head up chugging with just the head motion, slowly forcing the head back into his throat, showing off a ever closing view from those smiling jaws. Squeezing the kids arms to his face before dragging them all in together, Manny broke down into whimpering, his body over heating, the fat belly bulge he had moving down , feeling the constriction of the gullet against it.. soon he'd be the belly bulge of the monster.
The savage thrill of devouring the lardy morsel like that stirred the primal hungers through Gridirons's whole body. The pleasure started in his belly, ran up to his head, and then down to his tail encouraging a quick ruthless snap of it. He felt the man inside of him, slowly sinking, twisting against the fate even as Gridiron held still, just savoring the sensation, the fading taste. Letting his tongue give a final agile lick to the brow and then close the jaws firmly around his hands. Letting the poor kid dangle in his ravenous ratty esophagus.
A few moments later though he opened wide, turning over on the wrecked machine and closed his jaws.. almost.. the man had managed to brace his hands against his upper and lower jaws, elbows pushed against his palate to buttress them.. he closed his jaws a bit to only find the resistance continue, elbows wedged against his gumline. Gridiron grunted. He could use his hands to just pry the man off, but it wouldn't be as fitting.. his oozing gumline should make the elbows slip... and a few seconds later they did. Pain rushed through Gridirons jaw though. The fucking elbows lodged in the joint area of his teeth, fingers sliding around the back of the pallet.... another swallow and.. the fucker was still stuck.. just like something behind the teeth. The rat growled a bit, shifting his jaws to no avail. He started to taunt, maybe some word'd get the right position to dislodge this crumb into his gullet. "Tough fucker... well i think your bone's digest or rip from your shoulders first fatty" It didn't occur to Gridiron that dinner wasn't in a position to hear him well. He clenched his teeth again and managed to get his teeth closed, closing his eyes he tried one more swallow... then in anger swung his head. Hitting his right cheek against a locker by pure chance. The sudden forceful jaw sent a slight ringing through his head, but more importantly it hit the kids elbow up and over... the fingers slithering down his gullet. No longer braced the other tough hand soon wiggled down after.. "See, Rats are never beaten ya shitball.
Deep in the monsters belly Manny was crunched up, his fat belly being pressed against by his sore legs, the acids of the stomach had already started to work, the last thing he wanted to think about was that he was sitting in the gooy bony remains of someone else, his own clothing wasn't much help.. every part of him tingled, starting to burn.. his still shoed foot kicked around, pushing out on the belly as best it could before stomach muscles forced it back. His body contorted, his belly pressed against the hot oozeing stomach wall. He shivered as he felt his shoe press into something that cracked.. his breathing raced, the stomach clenched... he spent his last five minutes in the ultimate glutton's hell.. being food for one like him.
The satisfied rat licked his chops, letting his mouth hang open while he made a short but resonating belch. He spread his haunches and stretched a bit, poking at the newly added bulge to his belly "Boy are you fat, maybe your just a cow" He remarked while he traced the outline with index and ring finger, poking occasionally to see if he could make it kick. He slowly turned on his side a bit and let out a large fart stretching the top leg he made a deep moan" Ohh yeah, it was worth it, you'll be a nice bit of fat." His tail slid into slot on the vending machine and yanked, pulling out the 3 musketeer bar Manny had wanted "Mmm.. fat boy musta loved this.. well fuck, i'm the kindest rat in the world" He took the bar daintily in two fingers, opened his jaws wide and droped it in, downing it without even swallowing. He closed one eyes, hearing nothing of a response he got himself sitting agin. Gave his stomach a punch "Get moving lard ass.. make my belly jingle fat boy, Your just three musky belches then!." He got no response, Gridirion clenched his teeth and grumbled under his breath "Bastard wasted all his life giving me a hard time, won't even stay alive to let me enjoy the afterglow. " That being said Gridiron felt terrific. His belly was getting at least a bit more proper looking for a bastard predator. He got to his feet, spread his legs and lifted his head to the air.. well then i just have to get some more friends to have fun with do I.
(finding the dorms.)
-finds the dorm of manny's friend, wrestles the belly bulge, armpit
Bunk bed
Caught in tighty wites
Terry wasn't to concerned about things. The fact that there had been screaming, warnings that the kids should stay in there rooms and so on was nothing really surprising. It happened every few months or so. Someone smuggled in a gun and went nuts. He was just getting dressed after returning from the shower, the discarded robe on his upper bunk, his fresh tighty witties just pulled on when he heard the sounds outside.. and then the heavy but fast breathing... he took a few steps and leaned against the door. Listening curiously.
Gridiron's belly swelled and pulsed, pleasure rippling through his body, he had tracked the boy backwards, his fading aroma easily picked up by the ravenous rat. It ended here by the door. His mind was racing, the smell of another meal was so close, he pressed his eye to the peekhole.. and saw another eye on the other side.. his breathing raced. He heard the door lock turn. He only snarled for a moment, bent down and spoke under the doorway, tongue licking in for a brief moment "Don't worry little boy, I have already had my way with your friend, you'll be joining him real real soon. His long claws started to slowly remove the hinges from the door. The locks might be new but his experienced eye had seen the lack of quality so much. He bent over and thrashed his tail against the door, pounding in time with his newly rising hunger. "mmmm you smell delicious.."
Terry couldn't breath for a moment, this was no joke, whatever was out there smell was wafting under the door, and even through the walls.. the pounding of the wall was nothing compared to the sounds he heard by the base of the door. His eyes swiveled around in his head. He had nothing of a weapon.. maybe.. maybe he could distract it and make a run for it as it reveled in itself sneaking in.. he grabbed his smuggled cigarettes, and started to light one, taking in deep breaths.. It had an added benefit of starting to calm him when he heard the metal of the hinge fall away and the monsters voice echo "I'm almost there little boy, and do i have a surprise for YOU!"
Gridiron wiggled the door a bit, getting a gasping scream from inside, he smelled the thick rich aroma of the terrified morsel, mixed with something he couldn't quite place.. He didn't care.. he enjoyed playing with his food. His belly wasn't going to start screaming for more food till his ratty nastiness had its fun afterall. He used his long claws to remove the second hinge and waited a moment, clenched the door and tossed it behind him, screaming out in ecstasy "Here's daddy!" Standing au natural, belly bulged over his crotch still faintly twitching. His tail scraping into the ceiling tiles behind him, with a nails on the chalkboard sound.
Terry was ready, before he could even see the monster he exhaled a lungful of the carcinogenic smoke into where he figured its eyes and face would be, scoring a direct hit. His eyes then took in the monster. It was only a second of seeing the massive form, muscles like pulsing beads on a wirey frame, every bit of the furry creature ripped from the nightmares of humanities racial mind. The fact that it was buck naked really didn't add anything. Terry's second action was to dive between its legs, hand forward with the lighter, flame exposed to "Singe" the sensitive areas on his acrobatic dive. Unlike Manny, Terry was quite fit..
Gridirons eyes burned a minute, the cloud of smoke in his face irritated his body. He howled mostly in frustration with himself for not realizing in time, however he immediately was rearing back a hind leg to apply his revenge.. All he needed was one extra second. He was given it by the kids admiration of his demonic frame. At the same time as the lighter heated up his unmentionables for a second his foot slammed into the kids face, sending him head over heels thrice and into the bunk beds lower bed with a massive concussion to his face. The lighter sent skittering over the ground the cigarette landing on the rats left breast. Simmering a moment to no apparent effect "You little FUCK" Gridiron said as he crawled into the room, slamming his foot down on the lighter and extinguishing the flame by pure accident "You wet little boy, you have the balls to do that shit to ME" Gridirons voice echoed with a mixture of rage and indignation.
Terri had a dent in his head, if there was a xray there he would have a few fractures too... his right eye swelled painfully, his vision was foggy. He struggled to get up but fell back down, every bone in his body ached. His neck especially. He saw the foul rat in his room, its stomach shirting uneasily with each step, hanging slightly from the rodents hips. Each step it took closer to him echoed in his ears, steping on his knocked over CD rack, putting the grubby feet all over his clothing.. it was dirty, but after a rat was on them..." he shook his head, realizing he wasn't thinking straight, he managed to get to a sitting pose staring up at the rat, its head blocked by the upper bunk, drool dribbling down like a slow drizzling rain, His eyes focused on the chest. It was muscular.. it was something he admired in a man, but not a monster, each breath made the chest move out.. Sweat dribbling from his fur as he panted. Terri's mind kept focusing on the wrong things and by the time he managed to get his mind off the body the face had come down to smile "Like what you see boy? GOOD... cause your just going to be having your final moments as fuel for this hot rat body.. isn't that NICE.. and finally one of you isn't soaked in tasteless clothing..."
Gridiron was feeling rather good, the smoke was a distraction, but it made the fight all the better when he thought about it. He was working up a sweat. He smiled with his nasty grin at the little guy, sniffing at him almost comically "Mmm.. every one of you is a little different. Your sweating, i see it glistening with your freshly washed body, Your going to just die for your next bath.. but.. You are going to be me soon enough.. and we already share one thing.. he snapped his jaws forward grabbing the boy around the middle and dragging him out with one motion, his voice echoing while he hunched to fit in the room "I'm getting all sweaty takeing you and your boys into my nasty body" He phantom chewed a few times.. playing"
Terry Screamed as loud as he could, he felt the teeth snap around him, the torrid rat breath on his middle, the tongue lapping at his belly and navel, leaving sick feeling trails He felt a dozen, maybe two dozen sharp small teeth pressing into his flesh, not piercing, but the grungy desiess infested jaws closing around his torso while his head and legs hung out, kicking and thrashing for something to grab. The pulse of the monster beat hard in his ears mixing with the husky bellows of the breathing His own lungs compacted.. his eyees stared down at the belly seeing his own legs kicking from the other side of the jaws. "Noooo" he wailed.. the belly shielded the rats modesty, but was probably worse, the bulges were all to evident still, each motion seemed to sway the taunting gut. The monster shoot him, further straining his poor neck. He looked up at the monsters dark lips ringing his torso, drool welling up around the base of those teeth... he'd be bitten in half.. bisected by the horror.
The young man was a savory treat.. his flavor ran down the rats lips and onto his tastebuds, a few extra licks a final shake and Gridiron had done what he wanted to... get a taste... he needed that.. He grinned around his meal evilly and turned his head, stretching it almost painfully, sliding the boys face to the rodential armpit just as Gridiron lifted his arms, holding them behind his head. Before the man could get his hands up he was being ground into the wet stench producing gland, smooth flesh rubbing against his face, some of his softest fur areas all things considered. He huffed and chuckled around his entertainment.
Terry was dizzy from the shaking he struggled to keep his dinner down only to come face to face with the pit gland of the beast, he tried to get his hands out to stop but they were to slow, ending up with his face plowed against the sweaty orifice while his hands and arms strained around the man thick bicep of the gross rodent. The thick hairs around the beasts pits held the concentrated ooze he was now seeing all, thick viscous droplets wedged between the dark follicles, trembling with each breath the beast made. The smell made his face wrinkle, his nose wanted to run away from his body, it made even his ears hurt, he could "Taste "The musky sweaty aroma even with his mouth closed. He coughed and gagged, pulling back his hands and pressing at the biceps, pushing the horrible gland away. The arm came down, crushing and smushing his face between the muscles and the gland, holding him tight, his hair rubbing the smooth flesh. The pulsing of the beasts bloodstream making slight whooshing nosies as he ,everything seemed to be magnified by his torment.
"Mmm.. you like that fleshboy? You like smelling your betters sweat, rolling over you as I use your hair to dry my marvelously happy body" Gridiron snickered evilly, feeling the mans face press his soft flesh grinding it around slowly, churning it in the twisted headlock. His jaws still on the terrified boys middle his tongue sliding all over "mmm.. you must, your taste is getting better and better boy.. you might be the healthiest snack i have.. " He ran his tongue down Terry's left thigh sliding his tongue around, pulling, tugging. "not even one claw needed" Gridiron snickered.
Terry nearly blacked out, his throat was being squeezed like a vice while the rat moved his arm back and forth over his head, the dented skull getting more and more abuse. His legs hung limply, the fight drained from his body by stench, taste, and pure brutality. What kept him awake was the terror.. he too was being tasted, sensed and rather than being appalled the rat seemed happy with its experience, and preparing to send his young body to a fate that became clear. The monsters head twisted, its fingers pressed his limp legs,shoving them into the lips, jutting them into the jaws... preparing for the inevitable.. Terry couldn't even cry in the armpits embrace. He felt his toes pressing the back of the jaws, the gooy muscuosly slime coating the back of the throat warming his trembling feet like no hot bath could.
Terry got his fingers clenched around the rippling bicep, his fingers digging into the grubby fur, He kicked his legs hard, slamming them back into the rats jaw, even with the lack of air he wouldn't go down easy. Each struggle got another squeeze between the arm, the pit, and the side. His felt the grime get under his finger nails just as the sweat dribbled into his eye, from your own brow was bad, but the monster rats sweat sent pain through his whole body, he started to convulse a bit, only brought on more feeling his underpants pressing against the monsters upper palat, he bucked, squeezing his toes on the slick inner gullet flesh, the hotness engulfing them provided no purchase though. His pulse raced. His heart in overdrive...
Gridiron swallowed the man from the armpit hold, it was rather easy, until it started to kick him from the inside, he grunted a few times, shook his head, but couldn't snap the back, so he wolfed forward, driving his teeth in deeper each time, dragging Terry down the gullet, feeling his body wrap in, once his fabric encased hips pressed through into the maw his knees were already over the edge to oblivion, no more leverage.. The rat would take the man down nice and easy.. he let his tongue play, feeling Terry up, savoring the flesh again and again, the fight had made dinner perspire as if it had run a marathon, a delicious glaze on a nicely shaped body...
Jerry's vision had been an extreme close up of rat fur and flesh for so long he was relived when the muscular arm moved away, his finger grip slipping off with no effect, to much greasy grime on the rat.. he took a deep breath and looked down into the heartless eyes of the monster. "Fucking rat bastard" he shouted, only seemingly get a smile" the kids glance looked around as best he could, gasping for breath, pressing his fingers to stop the monster in any feeble way he could imagine, in a twisted way, hip deep in the monster let him look down on it all at once, the muscular front, the obscenly growing gut and the overall "Grittyness" of the horror. He losts his words after that insult.. the rats pleasured "Mmmmming" was a topper to every whimper he made.
The rats paws flexed, all four of them, the sweet flavor was sliding into his jaw mostly to gravity, and the death lock his gullet had on anything that passed over the edge of his maw.. His tongue darted, wrapped, and scraped along Jerry's body. Each pant he made made his belly hunger more. Gridiron almost choked himself laughing when he realized that the boy had a full size mirror nearby, it was the work of a moment for Gridiron to swing his tail around the mirror and tear it from its moorings.. It was just as easy to hold it in place, letting the rat model his dinner, admire his body in ways his eyes never were able to reach. It made him chortle even as he brought his jaws up and down to help the s swallowing motions, inch by inch the mans waist passed the lips, stroked the fangs, dribbled sweat on the gums and slide down nice and easy into the streamlined sopping ratchute.
Jerry's chest was heaving he stared down at the rat, the bulge he made was nothing to the stomach that was approaching, he twisted thrashed and screamed at the top of his lungs, his fingers pressing down on the nose and chin, back arching with every lick, but the rats gullet was a strong muscle each swallow dragged him in a few more inches, his pressing up just made the swallow seem stronger through his whole body.. staring down the backside of the rats body just showed off the muscles and the wicked tail he had not scene earlier, the powerful ass, flexing with each swallow, spreading his legs a bit, the mixture of sweats dribbling down his face into the waiting jaws below him "Mmm.. you know boy, My sweat makes you a fine treat, i think my next meal I'll have between my sweaty legs.. maybe you'll be alive still to chat with him in your hell!." He shivered as the rat got to his knees, leaned forward and snapped his tail, teasing his own hole "you'll be reborn as a pile of rat shit.. thats all"
Gridirons voice echoed all around him. The rat brought down his jaws hard around his neck, the nose blocking the view of the rat rump... but slowly exhaling hot breath into his pale face, letting him stare into the monsters eyes as he slide down slowly, bite after bite. Gulp after horrible gulp. Gridirons body screamed in pleasure, the look of terror in Jerry's eyes was a certain kind of nourishment too.... but he took one more bite and Jerry was gone.. the face squirming in his maw. Gridion kept his jaws closed, letting the drool build up, threatening to drown his dinner even as the inexorable gullet took him down inch by inch.. The rats pulse started to slow... the breathing heavier.. coming of the thrill of the take some.. He felt the mans chest slide against his adams apple, soon the hearts would be as close as ever, one on its way to oblivion, the other to get stronger and stronger.. The rat took a massive inhalation of the aromas, the scent of his victory, the sensation of the mans smooth body undulating down against his hungry gullet.. Bliss flowed through the evil rat.. He would soon make life extinct...
Jerry couldn't breath at all, his chest was squeezed tighter than he thought possible, his heart crushed in the esophagus of the monster, eventually though his decent slowed thanks to his own feet, they felt a gooy soppy ground. .that gave way suddenly under him, dragging him down with a few short gulps. The sudden drop from the darkness of the gullet to the darkness of the steamy slimy stomach. His knees buckled and his last whimper echoed from deep inside the monster... but was lost in Gridirons tightly pursed lips.
Gridiron closed his eyes, it was easier to focus when he cut off senses no longer needed... He lied to himself of course, leaving one eye open to see the drop of dinner into the already bulgy belly. It was a sight that never got old. He then let his mind wander, feeling each twitch, each slosh,each struggle of the heavier and heavier gut. He broke into a deep laugh that sent it sloshing, mixing in moans with the laughing "Mwhahahahaha.. Gosh darn't i'm getting fat on these boys" He howled, echoing his voice as he laughed to himself, thrusting his hips against the bulge , he bent over and put both his arms around his belly, rolling over onto his back and kicking out both legs, knocking out the top bunks supports, brining it down. He hugged his stomach and wetly licked the grimy place, sucking on the newest firmest looking bulge. And finding a lot more wiggling... He snickered evily at his perverted luck..
Jerry landed in the slop, crushing bones and feeling the remains of his friends poke at his nearly naked body, he was buried in the grainy slop for almost a minute, the quicksand like horror forcing him to use up strength to just get his head above the sea. He couldn't even struggle much, his pulse broke records. The heat of hell mixed with acid, his face pressing the stomach wall, so close to the outside. So close to life.. and he was tightly wrapped in the belly.. as he was about to cry the little comfort of being close to salvation ended. He felt utter darkness press in from outside. And then a crushing compacting sensation over his head, the tell tale teeth pressing over his face again, deadened greatly from outside.. it was just pressure now Grinding and twisting his head, holding it above the thickest and nasties of acids... slowy crushing it as the whole body got hotter and hotter.. the stomach hitting its next gear. Digesting him alive.. the quicksand was eating him apart....the horrible thoughts passed his mind .. he'd just be a head on a spine in the end.. and not even that..... No hell could be worse than this rat....
Gridiron kept his jaws closed on the head bulge till every trace of life was gone, the massive wet hickey on his gut was nothing to be upset about, the sloshing and slobber dribbling over the strange bulges and cavities in his stomach curvature were just more charm, leaving interesting sticky trails for the next to see. His fingers kneaded the growing gut amorously as he slowly struggled to get up after dispatching another morsel.. The bulge twitched, sending a trill of pleasure that nearly paralyzed the rat. And then nothing.
Gridiron felt the bulge settle limply in his gut, he moaned in pleasure, rising to pure estcacy in his ravenous victory, The Rat punched up with tremendous force , slamming his fist into the ceiling and through the ceiling, creating a foot sized hole and showering the rat with plaster.. he stared up and heard nothing.. the sudden shake knocked something off the table above, a picture frame landed on the bridge of his nose. His beady eyes looked over the photo. Gridiron's luck had stuck.. He just punched into the room of the guy he had in the bathroom... no harm done... heck, he could even .. enlarge this little cubicle so he could stretch out and take a ten minute nap to digest and settle his needs. The rat started some interior decorating in his own fashion
a few minutes later Gridiron was on the bunkbeds, separated and laid side to side they served a nice bed for him, around the mattresses were atop a pile of rubble. Gridiron sprawled out fully, moaning in pleasure. His stomach shifting slightly with each breath. His own paws running over his body, feeling himself, his muscles, his bulge, his long deadly tail and ending up satisfying his other hunger.. he figured he could take a few minutes to digest afterall...he had found the source of all the smells.... He never wondered if all the carnage and wrecking he did would rouse others. Gridiron thought for the moment, and this moment was for his private time with his hardy belly.. the loved icon of his depravity, he stroked it, rubbed the outline of each bulge and gave a snicker "To my muscle ye go, like all your friends" The rat then used the bedding material and anything else that was handy in ways that would never allow another sane person to recycle the fouled objects...
Much time passed, many screams echoed.. the rat problem got worse and worse in those hours....
Gridiron was no longer able to scuttle, going on all fours was not an effective option, he had gorged on children, scarfing them down a room at a time.. they were all nicely packed in small rooms, he had blocked the door, and dinned, sweeping and snapping his tail around anyone who had managed to escape. His greedy face had caused a rather large swelling in his midrift, countless odd bulges, looking almost like he swallowed a dozen bowling balls, and pins to boot. He playfully napkined his face with the last boys 9 inch nails shirt , Tossed it in the air and bated it with his snaping tail , followed up by his claws, letting the shredded remains land on his grubby self.
He hiccuped a few times, then winced. That last boy.. he was a tough one, and he had a good throwing arm with that ipod. Gridiron got a thrill of the fact he might have just ended a baseball carrer before it got started.. that was worth a belch.."batter up" Gridiron grunted as he found the kids bat, and used it for some satisfaction before tossing the defiled piece of wood against the bared window. It splintered on contact, raining the rat in a cloud of splinters and sawdust "Fuck" He grunted and shambled out,. He was full, it was a good meal, and some part of him just needed that one extra little bit of evil to make his day complete... Oh well. Gridiron
Some time before though, there was one person who wasn't due to be devoured in there beds by a filthy ravenous monstrosity from styx. Sam, Sam had seen too much, he really had. He had heard the alarm but decided to find a better place to hide. He figured at first that the library would be a good place... The doors were very thick afterall, and it could be locked by that heavy steel bars. But he wouldn't make it there...
Earlier in the night He had come around the corner to watch something out of a horror movie. A ten foot rat was brutally abusing one of his friends. He watched in horror as Manny was slamed to the vending machine and only managed to look away when he saw the grissly demise start. He felt his pulse racing to an unheard of level, struggling to the best place he could think of to hide. The Janitors closet.. There was just enough room for him, and he closed the door.
As he hid he tried not to think of the monster prowling the halls. He heard it go by his hiding place thrice.. and the screams echoed from everywhere.. The smell lingering as the beast past, searching for people to abuse. His own safety was rather due to the fact that he was smart enough to spill turpentine on the ground, covering his own scent.. though it made him light headed.. after he heard nothing for a while he peeked out.. he saw nothing.. he made a break for the doors out of this hell, running as fast as he could, agily navigating the halls. He had planned the escape long ago, but never from a threat such as this.
Sam found the door to the entrance open., he burst through without thinking, but managed to right himself on the newly polished marble floors. The entrance to the Home was well maintained, the show for the public. He got to the front door nothing the door wouldn't open.. it had been locked.. from the inside. Sam started to panic.. he looked into the lock, peering for a moment before he got an idea. A quick dash to the front desk found him a pen, he quickly struggled to imitate what he saw lock pickers do, trying to move the tumblers. His pulse raced, He only was thinking of escape.
Meanwhile Sam's great escape was heard, Gridiron had finished storing his last meal. He was amazed that he had missed something, but it was a good amazement, more fun for the stuffed rat.. he tried to run but ended up face planting on his belly with a Grunt. The nasty Rat righted itself and started with stealth rather than speed, stalking the last runner by sound and smell. Each step closing the door tigher on the final meal. It was hardly five minutes before he hunched over and squeezed through the door to the grand entrance, seeing the boy reverently trying to fix the lock nearly caused the rat to give himself away with a hearty laugh. The rat moved in behind him, taking a deep whiff of Sam. The kid wasn't as fat as the first young meat, a bit chubby around the middle, nice hair.. very nice hair.. dark complextion. Probably was here for petty theft.. nah... he should be better with picks, the first part being that the lock would need something far finner than a pen. He took a deep breath, held his stomach in one paw and made an introduction.
_ Minor scat warning _
Crouching down and shifting his shoulder he "blocked" Sam a few feet of the ground and into the crux. of the doorway. He took some time to let it sink in, feeling his furry shoudler grind into the kid, pressing his face into the wooden frame. Pulling back a moment then leaning against Sam again applying more of his heaviness with each passing second.
The rats thick meaty left was planted underneath Sam, preventing him from sliding down "Can't find the keys when you really need them" Gridiron snickered, leaning over, letting his jaws gape open, dribbling over Sam's head. "Shame your not strong like me, I could just tear my way out.. but you see.. I like where i am" Gridiron pulled his whole body back onto to ram it against Sam again a second later, just letting him drop a foot more toward the ground.. Holding Sam with the bodies of his friends, the forcing a very pleasurable massage by his struggle
Gridiron took in a deep breath and bounced his hard bulgy belly against Sam's body pressing him down "And I loved all the other boys here, they just were good enough to eat.. and eat i did " He snaped his tail like a whip. "You want the keys badly.. would do anything for them right... anything" He held this pose, enjoying having the last morsel under his belly, ringed by his legs, the whipping deadly tail enticing like a snake between them.
Sam stared up at the monster, the rat was pure naked evil.. shreds of cloth from his meals linkering, the still arms, heads and other bulging parts in that massive ponderous gut were far more obvious, he couldn't count how much The rat had done.. his mind boggled at the possibilities. The stomach hovering over him made sickening gurgle sounds, intermixed with a low sloshing that was almost constant and a wet schlurrpy sound that rumbled every minute or so.. grime driped with sweat down from the thinly stretched stomach... the fur thin enough for him to actually make out a few of his friends still features.. and most of the others race.. He remained silent as the rat leaned a paw down and scratched a bulging "head" Sam remained silent, or more accurately made incoherent babbling whimpering sounds.
"That sounds like a Yes! "Gridirion said. Slinking his tail down between his legs and wraping it suddenly around Sam's chest, squeezing hard and driving the air from his lungs "Well.. I think the keys were in the first person I ate tonight. They might corroded by now, but you know, your a lucky boy, i bet there already in my bowels.. how bout you go have a reach up there and see if you can find salvation" He snickered with an almost pleasant tone. The tail snaped back sending Sam like a shotput against the polished floor, crashing into a table with a thud. The tail whip snaped the ground as Gridirion aproached again "Come on now.. don't you want to save your life.. you must be thinking i couldn't eat another chubby boy like you.. a chubby boy who wasn't in his room like he was supposed to..
"But.. but.. "
"Thats where you gotta go... I don't really BLAME you for not going to your room... afterall.. your not digested yet... " Gridirion slammed his footpaw down on Sam's head, pinning his skull to the ground, applying just enough pressure to make the skull throb. His claws curled slightly around it, grimmy toe claws ringing his nose.
Sam was speechless, his face was being steped on, two large rat toes spread over his face, he felt the claws digging into his scalp, he could see only halfway through the toes, the half that was blocked ouut sported hairs that scratched at his face, poking his eyes as the rat shifed the feet. He watched Gridiron lean back lift his gut and try to smile down over it. The small favor was that Sam only saw the end of the rats nose and his twitching whiskers. He closed his eyes, waiting for his head to be crushed. "Come on boy... chubbikins isn't talking" The smell of the rats feet squeezing his nose did litle to help, and even worse when the foot covered both mouth and squishing his nostrils together. Each flex of the meaty rat haunch cut off his air more and more. He was about to black out
"Well..." Gridiron said, voice taking a nasty turn "Fuck you... I WANT something up my ass and your just the right size" He lifted his foot and snapped it, tossing Sam by the head in a slow upward arch. With his own momentum he got to all fours, lifting his rump, kicking the ground and spreading his heavy haunches. With both long fingered hands, his belly supporting his bulk for the moment.
Sam flailed in the air, screaming helplessly, he stared down at the villianous rat just in time to see the grungy anus of the monster aimed right at his decent, the hole opened with a foul gass just as he came down. He just closed his eyes in time... But his face and neck plowed deep between the rat cheaks
Sam was about to move his hands when Gridiron moves his, his spread rumpcheaks slamed on his shoulders, tightly pinning and holding his face inside.. and keeping his hands pressed to his side. Sams whimper was long lost in Gridirons muscular fatass.
"Scream all you want to your freinds! There all up there, every single fucking one of them.... Rat stew into rat fat and muscle...and sexy rat tush.. isn't it just your wildest dreams" Gridiron chortled, never knowing that the words didn't make it to Sam's ears, being burrowed in hot rat ass tended to be a good muffler..
Sam opened his eyes, but there was nothing to see.. light found no home here, his hair rubbed the smooth walls, his face rubbed against the grimy smoothness, feeling the filth chute. His ears could only hear faint sounds.. like clogged pipes.. it was in the distance.. but all to close. .the smell... his nostrils were literally overloaded, every nasal sense burned out by repeated putridosity
Gridiron closed his eyes and sat down with a thud, driving Sam up his ass like a spike, the face burrowed a foot or two in, the broken chest struggling for breath right past his anus's opening, and the more chubby parts of the guys body still squirming, spasming, fingers clenching tightly around nothing. Gridiron groaned a bit, Sams hair was a nice added sensation deep inside, he could feel every inch of the body burrowed in him, clothing and all.. it provided a nice dichotomy of sensations.. and it allowed some motion in the tight ass.. even if just slipping out of Sam's shirt slightly. Gridirion pulled himself back up, dragging Sam's weal;u kicking form with him, then sat again with a suden thud, driving the pile of man up his bum to its knees, a nice full sensation filled the evil rodents body. A few cracks of ribs and hips echoed up his body. Gridiron snickered happily, His meaty powerful hips were doing JUST fine... He slowly got to his feet, lifted one leg and slid his fingers down, pushing up the legs one at a time, making a satisfied bellow when both were snuggly past his o ring. "Good luck chuck, Hope ya find the keys before my hungry ass takes you. "He sniggered "Oh, i didn't mention that now did I. "Gridiron slid a paw to his face and made a face of mock concern "Deary me, what a bad bad rat I am" With that Gridiron returned to his sweep for anything with a pulse...... leting his ass have supper.
Sam was utterly entombed. The foul fetid rat ass crushed and squeezed him from all sides, the very life being sapped from his body, he could manage a few twitches of his toes, a few blinks, and maybe a scream... the later he chose against because of what was near his mouth. He tried to twist his head that way and this to get leverage but the big rat ass just squeezed, here was no give in the smooth tunnel.. he felt each step the monster take like an extra vice, the hips compacting him, grinding his body, the smell making his flesh tingle so. The hot pulsing walls pressing down on his flesh with a slow steady increase in preasure.. his skin itched bellow the surface, a feeling of being dragged tauter and tauter with the ass flesh.. The feeling made him sick he tried a few more kicks
Gridiron had little luck finding more meat, he had scraped every last bit of food from the Home and ended up in the Chapel. He was already an affront to God, feeling giddy enough he stood on his own two feet, put his long clawed fingers around the large holy candlestick and lifted it with ease. "Shall we dance" He snickered rudely.. and then started to put on a show of it, dancing naked, with all the gyrations. He couldn't sing, he knew that but he didn't mind, belching out crude tunes such as "War" and "Dancing with yourself"
Deep inside Sam was sick, turned in every way he lost track of up and down, even weting himself wouldn't help.. he couldn't move enough.. his body started to feel really strange.. , then his face was totally covered by ass, feeling it start to suck on him, absorbing his body slowly as the rat gyrated, The grime and sweat rubbing into his flesh, then being reabsorbed dozens of times in a minute, each time taking more of him, striping him bare slowly, anquished screams came to him but none would hear. The smooth anal walls dragging him into its helish meat directly,. Anything soft and organic felt the oozyness of being stolen.. Sam would mercifully pass out utterly before it got into his brain... some things no human can stand.
Gridiron was actually having fun. It was rare for him. Sure he was trashing the holy place, but he didn't care, moving his bad ass self was wonderful. He kicked, twisted, and thrashed his way to the climatic scene of "Flashdance". Leaning against the chair, tail held high like he was going to mount a phantom in the chair and then a rumbling echoing fart slid from between his cheaks, building in power and then blurting out in a pile of striped grubby bones and messed up clothing, all that had remained of Sam.. A holy vestment fluttered down and landing on his face.. and doing nothing, "Fuck it all, I think the kid didn't make it in time."
(end game
Gridiron picked his teeth, grabbed his pisser with one clawed handand took a long satisfing urination on the sign, he felt a certain need to leave a trademark. Marking his hunt, his kills. He rarely remembered to do the same one twice of course. He wrote a name in it, a few dirty words, and left it as a mess of deep yellow stain. It was hard to aim when his stomach hanged out so far and so heavy he was doing it blindly. He had lost count of how many he had eaten, the tomb of dozens of not so little sweaty little bodies packed to tight.. just so tight.. Gridiron closed both eyes and gave a belch "Fuck it kiddos, your going on a sea voyage in a few hours, so just settle down food, then you'll FLUSH!" He planted one foot on the sign, leaning in, stretching his tail and crushing it down into the grass before adding a rat fart to the night air with a sharp blurting sound "Fat kids give me gas i guess..."
The beast left without another word, Gridiron only cared about himself, and at that moment.. at that moment he was going to digest the tender meat.
Gridirons stomach had went down some, his loins sure hadn't, nor had the need to expel the waste he had made out of those poor little people. He put a claw against his pucker and gave it a stroke, it was time.. his meals were useless to him now.. He looked over his body. Actually, that wasn't totally true... it could give him one last pleasure. The rat looked for a nice big trashcan to relive him of his needs.
For all the jokes, the insults and the various other ridicul the econo-junker line of trashcan had recived it was the most popular in cities because of its cheapness, but moreso because of its toughness, thus when Gridiron planted is gluteous maximums down on it it crumpled, crunching down a third or the way but managed to stay structurally sound.. considering the massive girth of hard rat above it this was quite a sales point, on the other hand no one would know it...well.. maybe
Matt had stopped screaming long ago, and went into a deep depression, his paralyzed body was utterly helpless... His numb legs and arms proped against the sides of the empty can, his head at a painfil angle. He had been sobing a long time but was almost asleep when the darkness of the trashcan was replaced for a moment by the gorgeous view of the moon rising on a new night, another moon soon filled his view. The base of the horrible tail that made him a cripple, and then the powerful rodential hauchers, his screams came again but the heavy ass blocked the newly revealed hole at least as well as the can lid had... and the straining of metal echoed loudly around him, the ass came closer, pancaking the trashcan a few inches at a time, dragging the foul ratass to his face, not an inch over his nose... but the horrible creaking metal sound continued, having held up the monster ass at last..the scraping sounds of its fur and flesh against the metal echoed.. his terrified eyes struggled to ignore thedarkness that just wasn't dark enough to hide it all.. it was seared into his mind. It was no worse than the stench building up, the rat ass was far from clean, it dribbled who knows what onto his body, each motion seemingly to get a new gag inducing smell.
Gridiron honestly had no idea about the depravity he was about to unleash on he who he had so recently maimed. Matt was nothing to him afterall, just him being his sadistic self a night ago. He had his tail around the can squeezing slighlty as he put his hands down to satisfy himself while reliving himself. The rat took his time, finding the Econo-Junker quite a comfertable seat for his mass. His nuts bounces slightly on the rim as his toes flexed, his eyes closed, he moaned, jerking as he felt his anus open.. plop.. that was a quick one... the prelude. He put one hand on his ratness.. and the other on the side of the crunched can, fingers taping idly.. he hummed slightly between moans, almost a happy tune.
Matt was in the garbage, and now in the toilet, he avoided screaming just in time for a blotch of ratpoo to land on his eye, he shook it off, and screamed only to lose it in half a gag at the stench and lingering feel. He bounced his head up only to dislodge something worse.. The intermixed bones of the rats dinner in a thirty pound dribbling dump over his face and body. Matt's mind had then snaped. Terror and fear was everywhere... the horror kept coming.. slowly, the grave went from rat ass to trashcan atop of the poor man. Time stood still.. the sounds, the oder, the hotness all blent together in the mans final nightmare..
Gridiron timed his jerks as best he could, but came before he finished, the orgasmic dump filled the can up plenty though, the afterglow and satisfaction flowed though him. A whip of the tail to pick his large rat teeth and he slumped off the trash can, leaving a messy stain down the side. He scraped his ass with the lid and replaced it on the trashcan, the stench wouldn't be held for long, but Gridiron would be on his way by then, messy, but satiated, for the moment. He let out a muffled belch and grined "Nastier and nastier... that's music to my ears"
Gridiron the Rat
At 9'4 Gridiron has grown from a pest to an epidemic. A muscular rat with wide hips and a modest gut. Still he gives a rugged gangly appearance. There is little on him not built to be a survivor. Body has obvious scars, mostly apparently old knife wounds, face and chests mainly, some on his haunches. A few of these were obviously stitched up, the others have healed natural. His motions seem to be both fast and slow at once, muscular shoulder blades twisting as he leaps, always ready to feed
His face is crowned with a smile that is faintly disturbing at the best of times. But on a more descriptive nature he has a few whiskers missing, deepset eyes look small among the rest his skull ,large flared but slightly folded back ears seem to mix utility and streamling. His snaping jaws open wide, revealing a forest of teeth, a slender active tongue and a face that can swallow something as big as it, deepset eyes large flared ears.
To his chest we see a more normal heavily built rat, tight peck muscles wraping around a six pack. Abdominal muscles are tight and tough, The trunk maintains a defintly streamlining even though it gets far thicker near the haunches, a blessing of his species, the wide hips show little if any fat, huge haunch muscles, thighs, and a pelvis designed to handle almost thrice his weight if needed.
They anchor provides a a very sizable collection of muscles to move him fast, letting him kick out with his hind legs like a pile driver, slaming his footpaws through stone work without much trouble. The meaty lets twist and snap, able to kick behind him with almost the same force, flexiblity of the rodent body not hindered at all by the crushing strength of the legs.
between his hips hangs his grapefruits and other bits, fully aroused he tips at just about a foot and a half of ratcock, nicely tapered(add in knot?)
Flexible, strong, and prehensile tail swishes 14 feet behind him, curling and snaping at people if he is in a good mood, coiling like a noose around the neck and lifting if not. His control of his tail is amazing, it is able to lift just over 500lb, and manipulate it with some dexterity