Legend's Tale

Story by Talonsaurn on SoFurry

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This is an X rated story, Involving Elephants of the well hung variety, a bit of vore, a bit of soul sucking and a detailed transformation that truly makes it X rated

Legend stroked himself, he held the brown man in his trunk as it screamed, his prehensile nose wrapped around his naked middle. He slightly adjusted the man, staring at him approvingly. They never really looked that good. They were so common. His thick stubby fingers jacked slowly as he leaned back on his throne, Rare marble, carved over the centuries he lived. Nothing he owned was short lived. Not his jewelery, not his legend, not his primitive furniture, and least of all himself. He slid his twisting tongue from his gaping jaw, rubbing it on the kicking mans leg, feeling him up with casual aplomb, thinking idly. The flavor wasn't bad for there kind, and the smell rather swarmy, a decently smooth texture.

With that he shoved the man into his maw sideways, spreading him around, and letting the toothy leathery portal stay slightly open...he enjoyed the little extra fight and hope it gave dinner.Its frantic screams more like squeals to his mind. His tongue roved and probed lazily around the thrashing little man. He quickly uncurled is trunk, tilted his head back and made a smooth easy swallow, the struggling brown man slide down his gullet with the muffled whimper of the dammed. Legend sighed deeply and looked down at himself. He chuckled soflty, the feeling of the little hands pounding his belly was hardly visible from the outside. Eating people was arousing, it was a pure pleasure that was made for him. That being said one human like that just wasn't enough, he was a beast, the natives were flimsy, they were common... he still needed a good long pawjerk to get off even when eating a few. He cradled his predgut potbelly slightly with his spare hand. Four like that didn't do it either.

He jerked a few more times and got release on his lower belly, feeling it clench happily around its meal Legend leaned back. It was how it was. He was The Legend, it was as it should be. He wanted for nothing but more. More riches, more experiences, more people...Legend was perfectly happy except for the lust to be a bigger legend. Already nearly thrice as tall as the largest man he seen.. and two and a half tons more... He was lucky that he seemed to "NEED" less to eat than he should or there would be no one left to worship him.

Legend awoke the next evening to a strange smell. He was used to the natives, they worshiped him for good reason.. there smells and sounds were well known and he rarely bothered to let his throned slumber be disturbed by such minor things. He demanded many things of them, they really had to work while he was asleep... elephants were renown deep sleepers at times. He had fallen asleep adorned. Thick golden bracers, silver cock rings and earrings. He hadn't been properly cleaned in about a week, removing much of the shine to the metallic glory of the symbols. He slide a few fingers down his domed belly, no sleep eating yet... good.. that killed half the fun of devouring sentients.. but if some natives committed suicide that way he was fine with it. He slowly got to his feet, staggering slightly.

The crescent moon was low in the sky, the darkness of his home blended with his own hide to make him seem to fade into the shadows... even at such a massive size he moved with a experienced light foot. The soft swampy ground deadened each step. The old river had dried up long ago, in no small part to make his own "hot tub" that the natives had to beg to use for there own drinking water... Deepset eyes didn't see much of what had tantalized his smell yet.. he let his trunk slowly lead him through the jungle, the native life hardly reacted.. he never bothered the animals. It was just one more thing that put his tender victim more in the dark. Legend followed his trunk..and he found..meat... the best kind..

When his eyes saw the man, his cock throbbed hard, stiff almost immediately. It was a male, no doubt, it was also pale, white, and a virgin of the rear. All sweet nectar to his lusts. The flesh of the white man was something he had rarely got to savor. He admired the rare delicacy, white chocolate into his domain He stared from his seclusion. The man looked to be a hunter, it seemed that only the whites were dumb enough to hunt the legend. He looked the man over, appraising. Just under 6 feet tall.. wearing a pit helmet, khaki colored vest and pants, white shirt. His weapon was made for hunting elephants, overly large, almost comically to legends mind. The fresh washed smell of the man was unmistakable. The civilized man was quite flavorful...his thick cock pulsed, groin hairs almost twitching in expectation. Legend slid down one hand and just smiled

Reginold Burma was hunting a dream. Old sepia grained photos of this area had showed glimpse of tusks of massive size.. terra incognito. The going rate would make him rich, but bringing a prize like that to the club would make him a member for life. He would have a story that could top anyone else at the Gentleman's club... he was sure it must exist... or the remains.. he could always falsify a story.... just needed the ivory..

He stepped on something sticky and off white, looking down he found his foot immersed in a slightly viscous smooth sticky substance that covered the ground. His boot gave slightly but he was unable to pull free "Fuck.." The smell of the sticky goo was salty, with almost a musk like punge. After three minutes of trying to yank his boot free he put his hands down to unbuckle it. The sun was blotted out from the jungle . The smell of male was everywhere.. and the sight was beyond terrifying.

The white man had been caught on Legends "Tar pit" release, and now was staring at its source as Legend leaned on two hearty tree's, legs spread, cock dangling lewdly near the mans head, his huge nuts swaying. He slowly crouched down, knees bending, nuts sinking lower, hovering over the tary release as the man stared at the gargantuan manphant. The phant got his trunk down, its tip curled around the guns barrel, lifting and twisting it slowly, careful to keep it pointed away.. the mans shoe was left on the stain while his other kicked and thrashed struggling now that the initial shock had worn off, awe and terror exuding from his body as he screamed. The other boot buckles popped and the cummy tar patch kept the mans footwear. He clung to the gun for his life... it was almost comical to the ancient legend

Terror.. Sweet terror was all that slide into Regi's mind, he couldn't think, he had a death grip on his gun. The elephant was massive thrice his height and probably twenty times his weight, it moved slowly, but with a lot of momentum... and now he was dangling from his gun 20 feet in the air, staring into the elephants eyes, the majestic trunk, the huge jaws. The animal looked man like in posture but such a bestial look, unabashed... uncaring....It would have been worth a fortune mounted on a wall but right now Regi wished everything he had to be home. It was carrying him.. He thought about letting go, falling.. but he might break a leg, and what was more sickening is the fact he saw some rocks being pulverized into a fine dust under the elephants footsteps. He screamed shrilly for help, but didn't risk anything else

Legend sniffed at the white mans clothing. He never understood why the pale meat was so obsessed with clothing, both in a warming sense and a covering there god given gifts. Most of the brownies had little care, they knew better, baking in the jungle was bad enough, you didn't have to help it along.. He shook Regi a few times to try to get it to slip off, but it was belted, a tilt of his massive head and a tusk hooked under his lether belt *Pop* Regi's was down to his under pants. A quick intrusion of his tongue up the mans legs yanked those right off down his feet with little trouble even with the white mans attempt to kick the elephants hardy skull.


Regi found new levels of fear.. the beast was taking his clothing off with his slimy tongue. His whole body trembled at the sensation. The thick wet slobber dripped from his newly naked body, his own maleness dangling weakly. He made a whimper, feeling the tongue slide up against his belly, lifting more and more. Then pulling... the pressure on his body soon relented, the fabric snapping and tearing around him, leaving him utterly bare. He let go of his Gun.. but to late, he found his scalp being sucked on by the elephants trunk tip, holding him up as his weapon clattered uselessly to the ground bellow. Only to get one huge foot stomping it into oblivion

Legend finally had returned to his throne, he sat down heavily, sagging back against the sturdy stone, legs fully spread. His throne had no need for armrests and he liked to let his endowment rest too... He scratched his ass idly with one paw moaning as his shoulders shifted, letting him almost reach a especially annoying place on his meaty tush. Soon enough though Legend was comfy and inspected his catch.

Regi shivered in terror his eyes moving up and down the dark elephant from, it seemed even bigger, handling him like a doll. Legend was perched on a throne, clean, sturdy, but around that throne were bones, thick piles of gunk, and horrible remains of other humans displayed in bestial primitive ways.. that mixed with the jutting stomach, heavy look and shere ravenous stare gave Regi all the evidence he needed to deduce a man eating elephant. The fact that it had human jewlery and markings over its body did little to give him hope, nore did the firm man thick elephant cock jutting out happily. Human's weren't known for treating there own kind well afterall.

The trunk around the naked man hips let Regi kick and struggle, Legend knew this, he enjoyed watching, sitting on his throne again, one hand gently on his sack as he watched, his tongue ran around his lips a few times. He wanted to taste the man. He let his tongue slide up the mans left thigh, the huge taste organ slowly weeding its way up, getting a good flavor, the sweaty rich aroma was far more arousing than just eating a brownie... but Regi had long since realized that white men had a purpose greater than sagging his stomach.. He lifted Regi into the air moved him slightly and slid his pointed(though not especially sharp) Right tusk into the puckered anus. The smooth tusk sliding in like a surgical instrument. Legend was an expert in the careful insertion of such a device, and took great pleasure even if his tusk had no sense organs....

Regi nearly froze as he felt the smooth tusk slide up his backside, hard, slightly curved.. it was going to skewer him... maybe wearing him as a grizzly piece of jewlery. He felt the smooth harness slide up him, almost delicately, slowly spreading him wide open.. he felt his anus try to clench, but it helped not a bit, the slowly thickening tusk seemed to slide in with a smoothness only aided by his own perspiration.. the trunk around his waist slowly bent him backward, keeping in line with the tusk a few sharp pains in his abdomen mixed with a strange sensation he couldn't place, his legs started to tremble..

Legend sighed, taking his trunk off of the man, it was set now, his hands idly rested on both of his heavy thighs, letting him focus. His tusk.. it was fully impaled, the man still had a foot and a half of his ivory glory sticking from his newly enlarged cock, it was burrowed through the whole body though, and at that moment it started to glow from base to tip, startting with a faint blue.... and the pleasure started to flow... even with no sense organs it was orgasmic to set his trunks to drain the intangible, the soul, the spirit, the very essence of a victim.. it was a almost surgical procedure he had learned centuries ago. He sucked in air to help it along, even in his own mind.... he'd have it ALL

Regi felt a numbness start in his chest, a strange body wide sensation that seemed to billow and bulge, a deep area he couldn't explain stared to sting. Then ache, as though he was being wrenched apart by a corkscrew, a deep unpleasant tingle ran through his body, then nothing but a strange barely audible "Schlurapps" sound. His mind boggled

Legend had the first course of the mans soul.. the twisting of the tusk and slight alterations it engaged to do its work had to take the meal in bites, working out some the spark and letting it soak in, each meal increased the huge and depth of his tusks color... this first course had made it from a pale blue to a deep full sky blue. The sensations into his mind were delicious, so he let it linger, but soon the tusk was grinding and screwing into the very depths of what was immortal in the man...Legends tongue licked idly at the mans trembling feet, they were a bit chilled from the experinace

The numbness was back in regi, stronger this time, inside out, everything was still working, but he felt his very essence being torn apart, left in shatters, then a massive phantom pain echoed through every bit of his body ,every single bit of him hurt, he screamed, nothing came out.. the pain passed... there was no damage on his body when he looked down(Apart from the tusk burrowed in his ass)

Legend slurped the soul again, the whole thing had been shredded and torn asunder, only a little left, cleaning up the essential shreds.. the "Work" was done. He was rock hard from the process... it was hard to focus.. he wanted what came next soo bad..

Regi was slack, he just waited, his mind felt cloudy, he couldn't tell what but something was very wrong.. if it was colder the signs of loss of soul would be clearer, the lack of self and being would soon be all to apparent though... but none of the tell tail lack of breath in the cold stuff yet.. or the lack of healing, lack of a soul was a dire illness.. but it wouldn't get to run its course

Regi hung from Legend's Tusk, eyes glazed, barely there, his essence had been stolen into the glimmering ivory, the dulled point was burrowed so far up his body he felt it in his neck. The thick ivory soul drainer soon finished its work.. Regi never knew what really happened... he wasn't religious afterall.... but he did feel legends stubby hand squeeze his head, slowly lifting his violated backsdide from the tusk. The newly enlarged anus all the more open for what would come next. He didn't see Legend remove his grimy cockrings

Legend was in bliss, the feeling of euphoria that flowed through every neuron on his brain excited him in ways he hadn't in ages, his body felt younger, more virile. The ponderous beast held the now limp man by the head, his own cock so rigid and hard it was painful. The white man might taste good, but there essence was so pure and unique that the transfer of vitality made him grow in all the right ways. Legend slid the man down to meet his hips ,sliding the newly enlarged ass onto his proud pecker, grunting with bestial glory as the warm man barely fit, the tight flexible cock woke the man up, but all his subsequent thrashing just kept legend hornier than ever, each press down with the powerful paw put another few inches of elephant meat into the naked white behind. The garbled screams meant nothing as Legend slowly sheathed his mighty obsidian tackle into the ivory behind

Regi was struggling to stay alive, awake and other things. He had been impaled on the beasts massive maleness, the tapered phallus having went up his battered bum like an enormous python, he could barely breath, his arms twitched and grappled but couldn't get anywhere, his own legs ended up wedged under and between the massive elephant scrotum, the nuts bigger than his head almost sticky with sweat. Holding them tight to the funky flesh. He twisted and struggled but the thick meat inside him was well routed, his tears ran down his body as the beasts flesh didn't pulse the normal way... the way he had expected it.. it was more... sucking..his breathing continued to race

Legend moaned, pleasure of unearthly delight flowed through his body, pure sensation, an afterglow without an explosion of seed, the shere manhood he had buried was exhuding the powerful alteration aura. Without a soul the victim was at his dongs mercy. His nuts pulsed ,slowly sticking to the mans legs, the body starting to sink into his flesh, only just the bit, the whole human body spuring such pleasure he almost could black out. The naked white flesh grinding against his body was starting to become black already, he knew the man wouldn't tell.. the insides came first... they always did.. it took some time. It was only going to get better..

Regi trembled, his body was still he felt, stiff.. inside, his torso wasn't moving as it should, his chest felt tight, his lungs struggled to breath.. it was only then his glazed eyes saw his fingers.. they were turning black.. in panic he started to press down at the obscene bulge inside him, desperate to try to get himself oof. His screams echoed into the uncaring wilderness. Legend totally ignored them. Except that he put both his grubby cock handling paws down to hold his arms in place to his own body. "You fuckerrrrrr" Regi moaned patheticly, his flesh getting darker and darker from deep inside.

Legend smirked, his eyes closed, his fingers tensing around the man.. it was far along, the mans bodily functions, his organs were already black as the elephants dong.... life would be nothing now.. his own breathing was only as alive as his cock... separation was impossible now. He felt heavy, his sack overfilled with lust and the powerful concoction to make meat MEAT.

Regi couldn't move his legs, they were tightly tucked against the beasts crotch, feeling the pulsing of the sack all around them.. and then the sensations started to fade.. as if they were no longer his.. terror continued to bubble as his own view started to go from color to black and white, a dark film starting to seep over his eyes... just further darkneing his own pale bodies transformation, getting stiffer and harder, his senses dulling more and more. The slow transformation leaving less and less of him, his jaws slack, feeling the thick wiggling member slide into the back of it, throbbing and slightly oozing... in a few more moments... he was trapped in the prison of a stiff black ebony flesh phallus.. his mind the last hold out.. the security of the skull the last place to be breached.

Legend let out a massive trumpet that echoed throughout the land, the very moment Regi was utterly gone, soul to fuel his life, body to fuel his cock, he let one eye open and look down.. His cock was as human like as it would be.. it would fade slowly, but now.. he could admire it for now, he laid back spread his legs and let his overfull nuts dangle, the black ebony glimmered, such distinct bulges, he could almost make out the screaming face around his slit. He slid his thick fingers around the small bulges of the mans shoulders, the thick long arms, the ridges of the legs on his ponderous sack. He moaned as he fingered himself slightly, then twisted his thick muscular cock, twisting it, controlling the tough hide like the man could not. Regi was part of legend now... the hunter thought he was well hung before, but Legend made him hang better than any of his wildest dreams Legend licked his lips as he looked down at the detailed newly enlarged cock.. it was begging for a proper use....

Maxwell's Silver Ramblings( Jacob part 6)

Note well- // Idle lion paws are the devils playthings\\ This set of scenes followed the core story, further fleshing out personality and style, its not especially oragnized, but scenes are scenes, figured some folks might like it, more a collection...

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The Lotto of Life

(written in jan 09, a favroite done for a handful of freinds, realized i never posted most of it to other places, just the first segment seems to have been elsewhere, so enjoy it here(might go through it for a edit if i get the time. **The...

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Bearly Legal, The Exploits of a Gladiator Polar Bear(Prey POV)

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