Chibi MagiK

Story by foxohki on SoFurry

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Male chibi fox/ female feral fox sexings...

In a world dominated by anthropomorphic chibi creatures, power is sought through magic, brawn, and cunning.  Some seek strength through taming one of the many feral animals that run rampant throughout the world, many of which possess untold abilities.  This is a story about a chibi fox who befriends such a feral.

Vulpine, Lupine, Feline, the three known races of chibi who dominate over these lands.  It is a place wrought with struggle and strife, needless fighting in the names of gods and goddesses.  My name is Tristan, and although I am of the fox breed, I have never quite fit in with their beliefs or their way of life. Our divine Vulpine rulings came from Kitsune, a large sentient feral fox god who was said to have nine tails instead of just one, and flowing crimson fur to match his powerful fire magic attacks.  Though neither I nor anyone else I know has seen this god for themselves, we were to obey his every whim, his promises of power and prosperity spurring everyone on to do so. Kitsune's teachings unified most of the fox clans and brought peace between them, but they seemed to be in direct conflict with the other two gods who belonged to the Lupine and Feline clans, which poised the three races to constantly be at war and in a never ending turmoil. Their gods; a robust chibi wolf with amazing physical strength and a beautiful female chibi tigress with a fearsome feral panther companion, I have my doubts whether any of the three actually exist... We Vulpines are known for our magic; to be closer to Kitsune, foxes will train ruthlessly to master the fine arts of spell casting and elemental manipulation.  Likewise, the Felines and Lupines would tend to mimic their god's abilities in hopes of pleasing them and to become more like their idols; not that they couldn't practice magic if they wanted to, that was just kind of seen as more of a fox thing.  I myself am okay at magic I guess...  I never really practiced it as much as everyone else, I had always wanted to obtain power through ferals like the Feline clans did.  I was often teased about that... My shy demeanor and strange affinity for ferals has made me somewhat of an outcast and a loner, and at the ripe age of twenty, I have still yet to find a mate...  Nor have I mounted a female even once...  The only female in my life was Kitsu, a feral fox who I had found about six months ago in the forest near my village; her name a tribute to our god Kitsune.  She was on the verge of death when I had happened across her, left abandoned to die by her mother for being a runt was my best guess.  It was not uncommon for that to happen, life was hard for ferals in the forest, and the weaker pups would often be denied their mother's milk so that it could go to the stronger ones to increase their chance to survive.  Upon hearing the quiet whimpers that alerted me to the cute little weakened kit, all alone, no one in the world to care for her, I decided that I would.  Scooping her up in my arms to take her back to my home, I nursed her back to health, and that was that. We quickly became the best of friends me and Kitsu, and over the course of the six months that we've been together I have tried to train her how to fight so that she could become my combat companion, just like how Felines would use feral cats to do battle.  She wasn't the most skilled or powerful fox, her naturally smaller runt body made sure to that, but she always seemed to try her hardest and I loved her anyway.  I had expected all the vulgar comments and muffled murmuring of foxes in the village talking behind my back once they heard I had actually acquired a feral fox and was training one, that's why I was somewhat hesitant to look for a feral train in the first place...  But when Kitsu came into my life I just had to try...  I was finally so close to being able to achieve my dream.  No longer did I seem care about what the other foxes thought of me.  I will run away with her to become rogue if I have to, maybe even look for a more accepting clan with no faction or god that they choose to blindly follow. I would never leave Kitsu's side if given a choice, but I did need to go to work so we could afford food and the other basic essentials, and if people saw us walking around together in public I fear the comments would become too unbearable with her there right next to me...  My job I had acquired at the local veterinary clinic after begging the owner enough, though no fox would ever train ferals for combat, some did keep them as pets, and when they got hurt they would end up there.  I figured it would be a good idea to know how to heal them since I had always planned on training one, and after being there and training for a few years, I have learned the basic feral healing spells and medical procedures and will never have to worry about Kitsu if she were to get hurt. Anyway, that's pretty much my life up until this point.  It's noon now, and I had just gotten off work, so am currently making my way back to my house.  Kind of an odd schedule, I worked early mornings and then again for a  few hours at night before closing.  Nothing to out of the ordinary so far today, just a feral fox pet with a broken foreleg, easy enough for me to heal, he was picked up by his owner about an hour ago.  Soon I was going to get to see my favorite feral fox!  And as my forepaw extends to turn the doorknob in front of me, the familiar scent of my four legged vulpine friend wafts into my nostrils as I push it forward to open the front door of my home... "Kitsu! I'm back!"  I yell, closing the door of the run down shack that is my house behind me as the always quiet Kitsu comes running to greet me without so much as a bark, nuzzling the side of my leg affectionately.  "Did you miss me girl?!"  I ask as she sits down in front of me, wagging her tail happily as I kneel down to her level and wrap my arms around her, hugging her while I run my forepaws up and down the orange on back fur.  "Because I sure missed you...  Err... Hey...  Do you smell that?  It's like nothing I've ever..."  I say, breaking my hug to look at her as I talk, stopping mid-sentence as I notice her turn her head to the side and avoid eye contact with me, the white fur on her cheeks turning a light shade of pink in what I could swear is a blush, suddenly realizing the aroma is emanating from her. "You, oh... Umm..."  I stammer, a lust sensation seeming to set into my body as I continue to take the air surrounding her into my snout.  Though I have never mated, I was not so naive that I didn't know the basics of it...  I knew she was around that age now, and judging by the way the scent is affecting me and by how she responded the way she did, she must have entered her first heat. Technically speaking, all the female feral foxes in the village were supposed to be fixed so that they couldn't have heats. It was said that even though they were feral that their heats could still affect a male chibi, and as I feel my member slowly unsheathing, it would seems as though they were right...  Still, I would never get Kitsu fixed.  The whole thing just seemed so cruel to me...  To deny them that basic animal right just so that chibi's wouldn't be tempted to mount their pets; an act strictly forbidden in this village.  Though I have no idea how to handle the situation now that she's actually in heat... "Are you in heat?"  I ask to make sure, her cheek fur turning a bright red color now as she quickly lies down to hide her face with her forepaws and cover up her embarrassment.  Kitsu did always seem unique in that respect.  She seemed to display much more emotion and a deeper understanding of things than any other feral I've gotten to know as a veterinarian. "Aww!  It's okay!  It's a perfectly natural thing that happens to all females, even chibi ones!"  I explain.  "So there's no need to feel bad or embarrassed about it!" Still kneeling and at her level, I grab her forepaws with my own and pull them to the side of her head.  "So let me see that cute little face of yours okay?!" Staring up at me with adoring eyes and cheeks still flushed, I stare back at my heat stricken female companion, thinking about how I should handle this.  Pretty much my only option would be to keep her inside all day until her heat goes away, if anyone found out she wasn't fixed I would be in big trouble and they would make me give her the procedure.  Uuggh, and it seems as though I'm going to be stuck with a constant erection every day while she's like this...  The couple of magazines I have of foxes doing naughty things with each other will be getting used a lot it seems... Deep in thought, I am suddenly pounced upon; my muzzle lips getting coated in feral fox saliva as Kitsu's tongue licks and licks me, her forepaws resting on my shoulders while her warm furry stomach presses into my own bare one.  Chibis never really wore any shirt type things unless they were female, to cover up there, err...  Tender areas up top there...  The most I ever wore was a loincloth; normally covering up my sheath and balls, it now helped to hide my throbbing erection as well... "Mmm, Kitsu, what are you doing?..."  I manage to say through closed lips as I'm barraged by her lapping tongue again and again. Quickly getting off of me, she walks backwards a few paces to stare straight down at the floor and avoid eye contact blushing. "I'm sorry... I just thought..."  She whimpers in a voice tiny and high pitched, befitting of her small feral body. "You can talk?!"  I exclaim. "Eep!"  She yells startled  "Well I... Yes... I can... Please don't be mad!"  She says as she jumps on me again to wrap her forelegs my neck and bury her face into my chest fur. "Why would I be mad?  That's amazing that you can talk!  I didn't even know there were ferals who could talk!" "Well...  I don't know...  Because like you said, other ferals can't talk...  I thought you might think I was weird or something and not want to be my friend anymore..."  She explains, her face slowly turning sideways against my chest to peer up at me as she talks. "I've known you all your life!  There's nothing you could do to make me stop loving you...  You're my little Kitsu!" "You say you love me and always tell me how cute I am...  But you still don't seem to want to mate with me... "  She tells me, breaking her hug to sit down in front of me and look away avoiding eye contact again, triangular ears lying flat on her head as she blushes more in embarrassment. This was too much too fast...  First I find out she can talk, and now apparently she wants me to mate with her.... I start to think hard on how I should react to all this, when she begins speak again;  "I could smell your arousal, so that's why I kissed you...  I just thought..."  Her sentence stops for a moment as I am reminded of my unsheathed maleness, still thumping uncomfortably against the fabric of my loincloth.  "Just thought that you that you loved me in the way I love you..." "Kitsu...  You're my best friend, you mean the world to me and I love you more than anything.  I will mate with you if that's what you really want.  I don't care of the village forbids it, I can see no reason why we shouldn't..." "You will mount me then?!"  She asks, turning around to raise her rump and lift her tail, present her puffy wet sex to me. Her heat really seemed to turn her into a sex crazed vixen, not the shy fox she normally was.  Her hindquarters hiked up high to give me a good view of her nether regions, I see that her vagina looks a bit different than usual, the tiny triangular folded flesh that was usually there gone, replaced by a larger inviting hole...  Aimed directly at my now, the scent her sex emits seems to overpower all my senses, all thoughts consumed with mating as my member jumps up and down excitedly, anticipating being pushed inside the waiting fleshy entrance.  Still, I am able to hold onto some threads of sanity and pushy naughty thoughts aside before I actually go through with it. "Your body is so much smaller than mine though...  I don't know if it will fit, I don't want to hurt you..." Breaking her submissive stance to turn around and wrap her forelegs around my waist, she hugs and nuzzles me my stomach affectionately. "Please! I love you and I want you to do this, we won't know unless we try...  It feels so uncomfortable down there, I need you to fill that hole..."  She tells me.  "It seems like your male part is already ready to go..."  She goes on to say, her muzzle going down underneath my loincloth to sniff at my erect maleness a few times before giving it a lick. "Mmm..."  I moan as my penis is touched for the first time by someone other than myself. "I'll coat it in my saliva to make it slippery so it slides inside me easier okay?"  She says, her forepaws quickly sliding my loincloth downwards to display my bouncing member and then start licking along my length before I can even respond. "Kitsu...  That feels... So good..."  I tell her, placing my forepaws on the top of her head as she laps and laps, lightly gripping her ears to move my digits along them and pet her. "its flavor is like nothing I've ever experienced..."  She tells me, stopping her licks to nuzzle against my penis lovingly with the side of her cheek, her fur rubbing along it to give me more pleasurable sensations. "Can I...  Taste your 'flavor'?"  I ask. Without a word, she responds by lying down and turning over to lie on her back before me, her snout pressing into my balls as she spread her hind legs wide open, snorting a bit as she deeply inhales my musk and starts licking at my sheath and the base of my member in her new position.  Placing my forepaws down on either side of her body, I slowly raise my hindquarters and lean forward to gain access to her female parts; feeling her tongue licking at the tip of my penis now as a kneel over her and stand on my forepaws.  Lowering my chest until it presses into the creamy white fur that covers her soft belly, I lay over her with my front half; resting my elbows and arms on either side of her thighs as I lower my head to her crotch to return the favor of her pleasurable lickings and taste her sweet smelling sex. My muzzle just a few inches away from her heating vagina, I feel it's warmth on my fur as it radiates the alluring scent of want and lust into the air around us, and my tongue leaves my maw to lap at the feral vixen's virgin sex.  "Feels amazing..."  She tells me as I start to lightly run my tongue over her slick female hole a few times, already a bit wet with her female juices.  "Kyaa!"  She howls in pleasure as my tongue slides inside and I begin licking hard at her inner flesh, her tail wagging back and forth on the floor happily. Continuing my tongues exploration of her most intimate area, I suddenly feel Kitsu's forepaws wrap around my lower back to pull my hindquarters down on top of her; my member becoming encased in a wet warmth that could only be the insides of her maw. I hadn't expected her to do something like that...  She really must have thought about what she would do when mating with me in advance, I wonder how long she has actually wanted to do this with me. Stopping my lappings of her sex for a moment to prop myself up with my forepaws and look backwards in between our furred bodies, I cannot even see my maleness as it seems a perfect fit for Kitsu's longer feral muzzle.  Feeling her teeth lightly sink into my red fleshy organ, I can tell she is being careful not to hurt me, and an immense pleasure surges through my loins as her tongue wraps around my length to tug it downwards until slipping off and licking at the tip a few times.  Her tongue starting to snake around my penis to do it again, I realize she must have found those dirty vulpine sex magazines of mine...  There was actually a yiffy story in there about a chibi fox and feral vixen pet pleasuring him just like she was to me now.  I guess that means she taught herself how to read as well... As she continues to tongue at my member with a technique so perfect it was almost she had done it before, I quickly go back to licking at her own sex; my arms sliding underneath her thighs as my forepaws grip her rump fur and pull her hindquarters upwards to steady her as my tongue wiggles deep inside her vagina.  I may be a virgin too, but I knew what females liked from those same naughty magazines she had found... Suddenly she stops giving my member any attention as I feel it leave the confines of her maw, cold and alone away from her loving touch. "I need it...  I need it inside my vagina...  Please...  I can't take it anymore..."  She tells me panting while I stop my tonguing of her sex to prop myself back up with my forepaws and look back at her noticing my member shiny and wet after being coated in her saliva, a bit of the liquid dripping from the tip and onto her neck fur as she twists underneath me to lay on her stomach. Getting up to crawl forward until she is out from underneath me, I feel her furry behind bump into my own as she presses our rumps together and wraps her tail around mine, then slowly walk forward to untwist our tails and leave my touch completely.  Turning around to face her, she presents to me again; forelegs kneeling on the ground as she keeps her hindquarters standing, tail wagging excitedly in anticipation as she aims her inflamed pussy lips in my direction, asking me to mate with her body's submissive posture. "I know you like this position the most..."  She says looking back over her shoulder to stare at me while I remain stunned looking at her form, mentally preparing to mount a female for the first time and mate with this feral vixen who I was completely in love with.  "I was able to smell your special male scent on all of those pages in your magazines that had females in this presenting pose. I know it's the one you paw off to the most...  I may not be a chibi, but does my rump attract you?"  She asks, wiggling her butt back and forth.   So she had  found those magazines, I knew it...  "I think I like your rump even more than a chibi's..."  I tell her, crawling towards her on all fours to mimic a feral as I get ready to mount.  "I might have always been love with the feral form...  Maybe that's why I wanted to have one as a combat companion so badly.  Kitsu...  I can think of no one more attractive than you..."  I go on, my muzzle just inches away from her waiting sex to sniff it's pleasing scent one last time, before I... "Ah ha!  I knew you liked ferals in that way!"  She yells, quickly breaking her stance to whip around excitedly and face me muzzle to muzzle.  "Your male scent was especially strong on that one page where the feral vixen did that tongue thing with the chibi fox's penis in her muzzle, It was almost as if you had sprayed your kit seeds on it a hundred times!  I thought you might like it if I did that tongue thing for you, so I practiced it on bananas!"  She tells me all happy and worked up. She really seemed to have me pegged... "Err...  Yes...  But I had always tried my best to not think of you specifically in that sexual way though, before now I mean...  I never wanted to screw up that special bond we shared by doing something to you that might break it.  It is true though that I've thought of you as the sexiest thing on four legs for a month or two now.  I would often see you doing something cute and it would leave me with an erection that I would have to take care of, and I would always end up reading that story with the female feral fox, picturing her as you..."  I explain.  "But really Kitsu?!  Looking at my magazines?!  Did you paw at yourself while looking at them?!  And you practiced that on bananas?!  I ate those you know!  Who is this yiffy little fox and where is the shy  innocent Kitsu that I know and love?!"  I tease her. "Eep!"  She squeals as she realizes she told me she looked at my magazines. "Well I...  May have pawed at myself a little...  Female ferals have urges too you know!  And now that I'm in heat I just can't hold back the ones I have for you any longer...  Now mate your vixen!"  She tells me, turning around to present herself to me again. Seemingly hypnotized by her bouncing vagina as she wiggles her behind in front of me in her seductive stance, I am quickly on top of her without so much as a word in response; my stomach lightly pressing into her lower back fur as I stand over her on four paws, getting ready to mount. "Good male..."  She tells me, raising her rump a bit higher to contact my crotch as move it forward against her, my member going straight up against the fur on her behind surrounding her puckered upper hole.  "Take me like the bitch in heat that I am...  Fill my vixen hole like a rutting feral fox..."  She tells me, then giggles.  "Isn't that what that one female says in that story of yours right before the male... Kyaa!"  She cries as the tip of my member finds its way inside her vagina, the end portion of it slipping inside until I meet a bit of resistance. Slowly pushing my crotch forward to slide more of my self deeper into her female passage, I can feel the multiple walls of her tight fleshy tunnel against my invading penis as it opens her up, getting increasingly harder to squeeze more of it inside her smaller body as she slides forward on the floor some.  Her heating liquids and our combine saliva still not seeming to be enough lubricant to get me inside very easily, I hear her start whimpering as her claws struggle to gain traction and I continue pushing myself against her. "Am I hurting you?"  I ask, starting to pull myself backwards after hearing her weak cries of pain. "No... Don't..."  She tells me, back peddling on the floor with her forelegs to try and keep me inside her.  "It hurts a little...  But it feels really good to be stretched and have you in me, please don't stop..." "Whatever you want Kitsu...  I love you my little vixen."  I tell her, leaning further forward over her body to lie completely on top of her and wrap my arms around her upper chest, my head falling to rest on her neck as my chest and stomach press into her back fur, both our hindquarters remaining up in the air. My arms gripping her to keep her steady, I thrust my crotch hard into her behind and hilt the entirety of my unsheathed chibi penis inside her small heating feral vagina, feeling my balls brush up against the soft fur of her lower stomach.  "Kyaa!"  She cries out, whimpering a bit more as my maleness fills her sex, disappearing into her body to connect us as one.  It was a good thing I didn't have a knot like a male feral would, there's just no way she would be able to take it... My body hunched over my female lover's form, my penis fully inside as I remain standing on my hind legs being careful not to put all of my weight on her, she twists her head around underneath me to press her left cheek to the floor and look back at me as best she can with anxious orange eyes; sparkling orbs a shade so vivid and unique that I've never seen on any other fox, chibi or feral, one's that I knew belonged to her and her alone. "It's in..." I whisper to her, and then start licking the side of her muzzle lips to kiss her while I let her body adjust to having such a bigger maleness inside her than there should be. In response to my lappings she closes her eyes and opens her maw slightly, so I start to lightly suck along her lips as continue to explore the longer muzzle of her feral body with my mouth. Very slowly I start to withdraw myself, but her tight vagina seems to want to keep me locked inside as I feel it's fleshy grip come backwards with my member.  The bright red organ not budging at all as I feebly try to bring it out, I decide I should start things off as gentle as possible, and quickly hump it back into her. "It... It just feels good now... No pain..."  She pants, my penis rocking forward along the insides of her  body as her vaginal walls hug me and move with my thrust. Her words pleasing my conscience by getting rid of any worries I have of her wellbeing, I begin to repeat the process of having our two combine sexes move back and forth together, weakly pulling out to then push back hard into her; my instincts telling me to hump wildly and increase my pleasure, my love for the fragile vixen overpowering the desire and allowing me hold back. Suddenly her already terribly tight vaginal walls get even tighter as they clench down around me, an intense pressure surrounding the length of my penis as her soft inner flesh pushes down hard against me from all sides, increasing the pleasurable feelings of being in her tenfold. It were almost as if her vagina were trying to squeeze the sperm right out of me, and as a wave of emotional and physical bliss washes over me, it seems to work as I cum inside a female for the first time; my chibi fox sperm shooting deep into her feral vixen womb. "I'm sorry..."  I pant, no longer having the energy to stand on my hind legs after orgasming and collapsing onto her, forcing her hindquarters to the ground as she lays down under my weight, my sperm continuing to squirt into her. "What for?  Thank you for putting your kit seeds inside me...  Now we are truly mates..."  She replies as I remove my arms from around her body to place my forepaws on either side of her and raise myself up on them. "For cumming so soon without you... I want you to feel that kind of pleasure too..."  I say as she turns her body around underneath me to lie on her back, my penis twisting a bit in her vagina as it remains hilted inside. "Well chibis can cum as many times as ferals right?  Just keep going and try to put more of your male juice in me!"  She tells me, humping her crotch upwards into me a few times to encourage me to move my penis along her insides again. Staring down at her as she lays on her back beneath me, I lose myself in her cuteness and the fact that I just mated with my Kitsu...  The little feral fox who I had found in the woods six months ago...  My member deep inside her, she was no longer just a kit, she was all grown up and a fully developed female.  And not just any female either, my female...  My mate... Feeling a wet tongue run over my snout snaps me out of my thoughts, and I quickly follow the vixen's little licker with my own as it tries to retreat into her maw; our muzzle lips pressing together as our tongues greet each other, mouths joining our genitals in being sealed together, making me feel even more at one with her.  Continuing our passionate interspecies kissing, I lay my arms down along the upper half Kitsu's body and place my forepaws on her head to steady her as I slowly start to rock my crotch back and forth into her again; hearing small pleasurable grunting noises coming from her as I hump into her to grind our sex's together, her fur rubbing against mine as I embrace her lovingly and run my tongue over hers, feeling nothing but pure emotional and physical love as I begin to mate her again in an attempt to bring her to an orgasm.  Doing my best to please her body with mine, I feel her vagina begin to squeeze along the length of my penis again and again, and I grip her ears lightly with my forepaws to move my digits up and down the sensitive black furred triangles on her head to pet her, trying my best to increase her pleasure as her female orifice increases mine. "That feels so good Kitsu... How are you doing that?..."  I ask, breaking out kiss. "I don't know...  It's just happening without my control..."  She pants back as I lower my head to the right side of hers and start nuzzling her cheek and neck, making sure not to stop my pushing and pulling of our attached sexes.  "I think... I think something's... About to happen..."  She tells me, her panting becoming even more staggered as I suddenly feel her vagina spasm around my penis, rapid fire clenching and releasing in what must be a female orgasm.  "Kyaaaa!"  She howls as she vibrates in pleasure underneath me, wrapping her forelegs around me to hug me. I quickly return her embrace, sliding my arms underneath her to hold her tightly as I feel her cumming female flesh ripple over me and bring me to another climax of my own, more of my sperm shooting into her feral fox body as I move my head up above hers to lick along the fur on top of her muzzle and forehead. I guess that was her first ever orgasm, It does seem like it would be harder for a female feral to bring herself to a climax on her own... "That felt amazing...  I love you..."  She tells me as we break our hug and I lean backwards into a kneeling position, staring down at her as she lies on her back, glowing with happiness.  "I'd do anything to please you Kitsu...  I love you too."  I respond, placing my forepaws on the upper part of her white furred chest to find her top set of tiny nipples and prod them with my digits. "It feels good when you touch those..."  She tells me, my paws trailing downwards to play with her middle and bottom pairs of sensitive fleshy bumps. "I've touched them before while giving you a belly rubs." "I know...  And it always made me wet between my hind legs whenever you did...  You don't know how long I've wanted your paws to trail further downwards and touch my female hole...  How long I've wanted to mate with you..." "It couldn't have been that long!  You're only six months old!"  I exclaim, stopping my teasing of her nipples to place my forepaws on the ground and slowly stand up on my hind legs; feeling her vagina tug on my penis as it finally starts to slide along her loving tunnel to make its way out. "Can you...  Can you slide it in and out of me?  It feels incredible to have it move alone inside there..." She says as my maleness finally slips out of her female hole, a large amount of my sperm flooding out to make a sticky mess on her lower butt fur. "That is the actually way you're supposed to mate, at least, that's how they always described it in the stories I've read.  I didn't want to risk hurting you though by trying to mate you that way,  I mean, you are so much smaller than me... I was just happy to get myself inside you at all...  We can do it the proper way if you want, but I need a moment to rest, I didn't know how tiring humping a female could be..."  I tell her, lying down on my back as my exhausted member slowly starts retreating into its sheath. "It happened about a month ago...  When I knew I wanted to be your mate I mean."  She starts saying, walking forward to lie down on her stomach next to my side. "I smelled a strange scent as I walked by your bedroom door.  It wasn't closed, so I peeked my head inside to see where the strange smell was coming from.  And that's when I saw you pawing at yourself while looking at those magazines with foxes mating...  I then realized it was you who was emitting the scent, it was your musk, your arousal... It filled the air as I stood there watching your pads move up and down the length of your member, unsheathed, a bright red fleshy thing that I've never seen before between your back legs...  My own hind legs felt weak as your male scent continued to fill my nostrils, causing a new feeling to set into my body I had never experienced before...  Lust...  My loins started to ache for you, itching to have you inside them.  You, the fox who had saved me as a kit and cared for me when no one else wanted to...  I had already loved you more than anything, and after I spied on you that one day I wondered what it might feel like to love you physically as well...  Ever since that day I've wanted nothing more than to be your mate."  She explains while climbing on top of me to lay over my chest and stomach, blanketing me in her fur as she stares down at me and tells me her story. So she was about five months old when that happened...  I suppose that is around the age most ferals start to get interested in things of the sexual nature... "I see...  So you actually saw me doing that...  I'm still amazed by the fact that you can talk Kitsu, you should have known I wouldn't have been mad at you or thought of you any differently, you should have told me sooner!"  I tell her, resting both my forepaws on her lower back to scratch that one spot on her that always makes her kick her hind legs around. "Hey don't do that!  It's so weird!  I can't control my body whenever you do that, it just sorta kicks on its own!  Kind of like how I couldn't control that thing my vagina was doing..." "What, you mean this?!"  I say, scratching the spot hard with both paws. "Grr!"  She growls playfully, quickly jumping off me to face me and crouch down low to the ground on four paws, tail happily wagging as she gets a look of thought on her face, her tail wag turning to a slow sad one as she breaks eye contact with me to turn her head to the side and stare at the ground.  "Well I...  I've actually been able to talk since you found me as a kit that one day..." "You what?!  Since then?!" "Eep!  Well yes...  I don't know why I am able to talk though... I can't seem to remember anything before then...  For weeks after you brought me home I couldn't seem to muster up the words to thank you for saving my life, and in that time I had tried to talking to some other ferals and realized they couldn't talk back...  I just didn't want to disappoint you by being some weird talking feral!  I wanted to make you happy by being a normal combat companion for you!"  She tells me, still not making eye contact and looking at the ground as she blushes in embarrassment, seemingly back to her old shy Kitsu self. "That's ridiculous Kitsu!  You shouldn't ever have to pretend to be someone you're not!" "I don't know... It was dumb I guess... I...  Ahh!"  She cries as I pounce on her from behind to tackle her to the floor, gripping her in my arms as we lay said by side and my undersides press into her back. "Don't worry about any of that.  Your my little Kitsu, and I'll always love you no matter what!"  I reassure her, and she turns around to lie facing me and lick my muzzle in response. "I'm not just your little Kitsu anymore!  I'm your mate now too!"  She tells me, her right forepaw going down between us to prod at my exposed member which had apparently become unsheathed again as I laid hugging her soft fur and smelling her heats ever so enticing scent up close.  "I guess you're ready to put it inside me again now?!" "Your heat has turned you into such a horny little vixen!"  I tease, lining up my maleness up with her messy vagina. "No!  I just... Kyaa!"  She howls as I quickly penetrate her and hump a good amount of my penis inside her vulva, then tighten my arms grip of her to slide the rest of it into her body.  "It didn't hurt at all that time..."  She tells me, wrapping her forelegs around me to hug me back. Withdrawing my maleness until It is about to slip out, I then quickly ram my length into her again. "Tristan... It feels amazing..."  She tells me as I begin humping into her again and again, about half of my member sliding out of her tunnel before being pushed back hard into her depths, tight warm flesh beginning to squeeze in convulsions around my red organ with every hump as it had done before, loving the noises she mewls with each thrust and the feeling of my sensitive sex rubbing against hers as it embraces and massages me. Continuing the increasingly familiar motions of mating with my favorite vixen, I have the sudden urge to feel more of her body against mine; so keeping my left forepaw on her back, I quickly move my right one up to the back of her head to guide her muzzle lips to mine and lick at them a few times before entering her maw, my tongue joining my thrusting penis to be inside her body as I take in all of the pleasurable sensations of having my most sensitive areas contacting and moving against hers. It isn't long before I feel her body begin to react to my treatment; her entire form shuddering against me as I hug her tighter with my left arm to begin humping faster into her, the folds of her vagina clenching sporadically in orgasm around my penis, becoming increasingly wet and slippery inside the fleshy tunnel as a warm wetness of female cum coats my member.  My vixen in ecstasy, I continue to thrust into her writhing body until she comes down from her climax and her convulsions are rhythmic once more, then quickly and painfully withdraw my member to get into a kneeling position before her. "Can I...  Mount you like a feral again Kitsu?"  I ask panting, my maleness dripping female juices and some of my own pre cum, pulsing hard and on the brink of ejaculating, aching to go back inside her. Without a word she shakily stands up to turn around and present herself, beautiful feral rump in the air as she hikes her tail upwards to reveal her glistening wet jewel and then turn her head around to look back at me wantingly.  Slowly walking forward on four paws until I am over her, I reach backwards with a forepaw to place the tip of my well lubricated penis just inside her vagina, and then quickly squeeze myself back inside the heating female hole.  Wrapping my arms around her chest, I start humping into her with our new positioning, quickly reaching another orgasm as my overly excited member unloads more of its white liquids into the belly my mate. Falling over to lay on the ground exhausted, my penis leaves Kitsu's body, a trail of cum being formed on the floor between.  Suddenly I feel a tongue licking at the tip of my penis, and I look down to find Kitsu lapping up the male liquids still dripping there. "You don't have to do that...  We should probably get you in the shower to clean you up, your behind is very messy you know."  I tell her laughing a bit, knowing it was mostly my doing. "I like it's flavor though!  It's a bit salty, but yummy!  And I know it belongs to you and the kind of pleasure you must feel when it comes out, which makes it taste that much better..."  She replies, laying down to bend over and lick at her cum filled sex and all the combination of our sticky juices that covered the fur on her crotch. "Wait...  Have you already tasted it before?" "Eep!  Well I...  May have licked at those pages of your magazines a little bit where I smelled it's scent...  I was curious!" "Kinky Kitsu!  I think that is what I will call you from now on!"  I tease her. "Shut up!  I'm only kinky for you!"  She squeals, pouncing on top of my laying body to grind her messy rump up and down along my chest fur.  "Were mates now and you're mine forever!  I don't have to lick it up from pages, I can get it straight from the source if I want!"  She goes on to say, her head going down between my legs to search for my member.  "Where did it go?!" "It's resting...  I'd love to mate more, but now that you've just gotten me all wet and sticky, I too really need a to take shower.  It's almost time to go back to the vet clinic you know!  It seems as though we've been mating all day." "It's okay you don't have to!  I will clean you up!"  She exclaims, beginning to lap up the sticky juices she just stained my fur with. "Well okay...  It does feel nice..."  I tell her as she starts to lick at the fur on my chest, then slowly move down to my crotch to lick all of the female juices that splashed onto my sheath as I humped into her. "I thought you said there was no more time for mating..."  She giggles, noticing that my member has been summoned back up, unable to stay hidden under the coaxing caress of her tongue over its furry holder pouch. "You're making it come out!  I can't control it!  It's just one of those things!" "Interesting..." She says, prodding the red stick with her right forepaw before giving it a long slow lick. "I'm taking a shower!  I don't trust you cleaning me there!"  I yell, quickly getting up to run to the bathroom. "No!  Come back!  I can clean it good!"  She yells laughing while chasing after me,. Turning on the faucet to start the shower, I wait for her to come in after me and then grab her as soon as she runs inside. "Noooo! I hate showers!"  She cries as I lift her up and place her back down in the bath tub, water raining down on her as I get some shampoo in my forepaws to start scrubbing her butt fur with. "I know you do!  But maybe you'll like them now that we're mates..."  I say, a few of my digits slipping into her vagina to clean and pleasure her there. "Oh, you've never cleaned me like this before!"  She giggles, lay down on her forelegs to arch her back instinctively as I pump my digits in and out of her sex Positioning myself behind her, I bring my muzzle to her butt and start to lap at the outside of her sex and the puckered tail hole just above while simultaneously placing my forepaws on either side of her body and running them up and down along her fur.  Continuing to scrub her torso with my paws, my tongue delves inside her vagina to search for more of her sweet tasting female essence, and I feel it quiver and clamp down on me in response; folded vixen flesh convulsing around my mouth organ, just as it had done to my penis before.  Moving my left arm underneath her body and my right one on top,  I begin scrubbing her undersides and back while starting to thrust my tongue in and out of her heating hole. "I think I'm beginning to like showers..."  She huffs as my tongue leaves her sex and I place both my forepaws on top of her rump to push her hindquarters down and make her lay flat on the floor of the bath tub. Crawling over her prone form, I lick at the nape of her neck and rub her wet cheek fur with my forepaws from behind, before moving them to her forehead and under her neck to clean her head.  Grabbing onto the base of her forelegs, I flip her around so that she lays on her back underneath me, and then start to lick at her top two nipples and the fur the covering her upper chest; while my paws move up and down the lengths of her forelegs to wash them too.  Backing up over her body, my tongue begins lapping at her bottom set of nipples while I grip the base of her hind leg sand run my digits along their length to clean her second pair of legs.  Finally my licks trail downwards along her crotch fur until I am lapping at her sex again, and I place my forepaws on the insides of her thighs to lightly trail them downward to the soft mound of flesh surrounding her vagina and then rub and rub the sensitive area.  Digging my way inside her feral fox vulva again with my tongue to lick and slurp and suck on her sex, I feel it ripple and spasm against me; hearing pleasurable sounding whimpering noises coming from Kitsu as female liquids come running into my maw for me to drink. "All clean..."  I tell her as I quickly give her tail a rub down to finish washing her. "I love showers now!"  She giggles, quickly getting up to jump on me, wrapping her forelegs around my neck as she lick at my muzzle lips affectionately. Licking her tongue and muzzle back a bit, I then stand up to leave her touch and start washing myself in a hurry. "Ahck!  I'm going to be late!" "You should just quit that job and stay here with me!"  Kitsu tells me as I get out of the shower and she follows closely behind.  "You obviously would like to mate more..."  She says, noticing my unsheathed maleness, very erect after cleaning her in such an arousing way. "But we need that job for money!  It is true that I would love to be with you all the time though...  And I am actually getting tired of this village and all the ignorant foxes in it...  Maybe we could try and live off the land for a while, rabbits are easy enough to catch. We could look for a new home somewhere and maybe find a place where people would be accepting of us!"  I tell her as I grab a towel and run it up and down her body to dry her off. "Ya!  Let's do that!"  She squeals excitedly as I begin to dry myself off with the towel now. "Okay then, we'll do it!  But I should really get to work just in case there are any hurt ferals that come in tonight, I owe it to the manager who was nice enough to give me the job there in the first place.  I'll tell him that I'm quitting in the morning alright?"  I say as I walk over to my loincloth and put it on getting ready to leave. "That's fine...  Just remember that I'm in heat and I need you!  So come back as soon as you can!"  She yells as I make my way over to the door. "As soon as possible!  I love you Kitsu!  Byeee!" "I love you too!"  She tells me as I close the door and start running as fast as a chibi fox can go over to the veterinary clinic, already a few minutes late.

Eevee Loves Flareon Milk: Chapter 3

Male Flareon/female Umbreon and Eevee cub I suddenly found myself awake with a stirring arousal and morning erection like I always did, except it wasn't aching with need like it usually was... I could feel a certain someone's tiny teeth and...

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My Purple Furred Goddess

Male Umbreon/Female Espeon *Note* This is a poem/rhyming thing/whatever you want to call it, about an Umbreon and Espeon who are mates and role-playing. No actual rape is occurring >^.~< I prowl the night alone, my rings shining in the dark as I hear...

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Six Tails, One Pichu

female Vulpix/ male pichu cub It was Vulpix's second heat, and she pretty much knew the routine by now...The female fox looked somewhat uncomfortable as she lay on her large boulder planted the middle of a riverbed, flowing water all around.  It was...

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