Black Project Files Chapter 21: Roswell Part 7

Story by Duncan213 on SoFurry

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Black Project Files Chapter 21: Roswell Part 7

July 12, 1947 8:40AM at motel room 15: Vance and Grace both wakes up in each other's arms, Vance smiles when he sees Grace laying beside him. Vance's thick cock gently presses gently over her lower belly and the feeling of her belly parsing rubbing over his dick makes him murr in pleaser.

Grace opens her eyes smiles at Vance and said "I think I should take care of that for you."

Grace grips onto his still hard dick as she slides it into her muzzle making him moan loudly. Grace starts to suck on his dick fast and hard vary quickly making Vance gasps and moan loudly. He start to pant when Grace jerks him off when she sucks his shaft he arches his back gripping the sheets. Then she starts to bob her head on Vance's shaft slowly at first but start to speed up.

As Grace speeds up she smiles up at Vance when she feels his claws petting her head and as he humps her mouth. Soon Vance bucks his dick deeper into her muzzle a few times before cuming into her mouth. When Vance cums into her mouth she slows down her head bobbing on his thick shaft and drinks down his cum.

Then she lifts her head and then rolls off the bed and bends herself over the nightstand. Vance smiles at Grace as he grips her romp and slams his hard dick into her pussy.

Grace's claws digs into the wall as she screams in pleaser and arching her back. One of Vance's clawed hand move onto the table top boxing her in when he moves his muzzle when he starts kissing her neck at her other side.

Vance's tail takes one of the chair that sits by the desk and asks Grace "you want to sit on me, hun?"

Grace said "yes, on the bed you don't need that chair."

Vance's tail puts the chair back before they can continue to make love Vance glances at the time.

Vance polls out his dick and asks "do you need anything, there is a diner you can go to."

Grace said "no, I will go to the diner."

Vance polls out their uniforms and puts on his uniform as she puts on hers. Grace said "see you latter today I have something planed for you and it's going to be a long night too."

Vance said "sounds grate, I can't wait, don't forget your sunglasses."

9:00AM: Vance gets to the command center when Vance walks in after opening the flap he recognizes tom and Lilith in the crowd.

When Tom sees Vance he asks "did you and Grace sleep well last night and can I get you something for you?"

Vance said "yes we did and no, it's okay."

Tom said "there are three men including a supervisor that want missing and 213 need something to go down to Sloss Furnace in Alabama in a week."

Vance said "I will go or I will find someone to go."

Tom said "good, I and Lilith will be on a plane to Wright-Patterson Air Army Base in Ohio, I suggest putting both Grace and Linda with us."

Vance said "I don't think she will like that much, how much time do I have for that?"

Then Lilith walks to Vance and hugs Vance and said "it's grate to see you dad, mom talks about you a lot."

Vance asks "how is Diamond?"

Lilith said "she is grate and thinks about you all the time, we moved from Bodie to Long Beach after getting the ammo factory in the war."

Lilith looks more like her mom but with her dad's eyes and Tom is more xeno looking but with a slightly snake like body.

Vance said "I know, she gave me a letter about it."

9:06AM at the motel's diner: in frount of the diner are gas pumps set up for the occasional passer by. A jeep and a '48 Ford with the U.S. Army white star logo over the hood.

Inside: Vance walks in and sees Grace at a booth she smiles and asks "what's happening?"

Vance said "there is a mission at Alabama and I need someone to fill in for me."

Grace said "should I go?"

Vance said "no, it's not safe, your still new to the Air Army Corp."

Grace said "I understand, I still want you as my mate and I need mom's blessing and I think she want to find something out about you."

Vance asks "what is it?"

Grace said "in the letters I said you're a real good lover in bed."

Vance blushed and asks "did you go into detail about our love making?"

Grace giggles and said "yes, I did."

Vance said "I can see why she wants to sleep with me, do you know what room she is staying?"

Grace said "room 18."

Vance sees someone knock at the window signaling him to go back to command. Vance said "I must go back to command."

9:11 AM back at command

Tom said "we found someone to go to Alabama."

Vance asks "who?"

Tom said "John Wickenburg."

Vance said "it can't be he disappeared last year."

Tom said "he's back, he will report to White Sands when he is done with the mission."

9:13AM back at the diner: Vance sits back into the booth.

Vance said "I need to tell you something."

Grace asks "what is it?"

Vance said "the Government wants to get you on a plane to Ohio."

Grace said "there is only one way to get me on that plane."

Vance asks "what is it?"

Grace said "to get me pregnant."

Vance said "I knew you might say that."

9:23AM outside room 18: Vance knocks at the door no reply, then he tries one more time Linda said "come in, it's unlocked."

Vance opens the door and walks in he heir running water in the bathroom. The running water stops then Linda walks out in her human form naked.

Linda smiles and said "I've been vanting to sleep vith you and I vill do you."

With a snap of her fingers Vance's cloths vanish from his body."

Vance finds himself laying Linda onto the bed boxing her in with his arms. Linda smiles up at him, her fiery gold look at him glowing in the darken room in lust.

Then Linda said "don't be shy Mr. Vance, fuck me as hard as you fuck my daughter.

Vance hold her down on the bed, grabs his own dick to a line it to Linda's pussy then pound it into her.

She grits her teeth and holds her arms around his neck and screams in pleaser.

Linda quickly gains control and flips him onto his back onto the bed and starts to ride him. Linda pants and moan when she sits on Vance's dick and she grips her legs around his hips to prop herself up.

Vance helps her up holding onto her outer thighs as she holds onto his chest. Vance grins as he sees her claws coming out of her fingers.

Vance smiles up to Linda and said "I see your really getting into it aren't ya?"

Linda said "yes, you feels so good in me!"

Vance murrs as her claws run down his chest as her wings grows from her back when she lets him grope her plump tits. She pumps herself harder on his dick screaming in pleaser as she throws her head back and arch her back.

Vance becomes more aroused when she start to slowly turn to her true form. Spreading her wing as Vance starts to speed up inside her. As you can guess they made love all day and most of the night.

End of Black Project Files Chapter 21