The Chronicles of Sethros: Chapter 3

Story by Gryphus on SoFurry

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#3 of The Chronicles of Sethros

It started raining when I was about a mile from the nearest village; I still hadn't found anything to wear yet, to keep the rain off me as I carried the tigress. I kept to the side of the road, in the shadow of the trees. I'd rather not give my brother the Idea I had survived for as long as I could. I shivered as lighting broke the dark sky, the rain heavy rain somehow turning into a torrential down pour. By the gods......the only way this storm could get worse is if I ran into a company of guards out here.... After what seemed like ages I decided I should find a place to bed down for the night, I looked up at the sky, the dark clouds blocking out the sun as the storm continued. I quickly checked on the tigress to see if she was alright. I started to move through the trees as I pulled back her long, flowing black hair from her face. I couldn't really describe how beautiful she was. Her face was perfect, and not a scar or blemish as I was sure the rest of her slender, curvy form was. Her fur was soft as silk, her flowing green dress only added to her stunning elegance. Get your head out of the clouds you lemming... I think as I quickly go back to the task at hand. I eventually found shelter under a large oak tree, the storm showing no signs of letting up as I laid her down against the tree. I frowned as I eyed her blood stained clothing, making a note of helping her clean them when they got to town. I turned to have a look around, the heavy rain making it hard to see any farther than 20 ft at most.

From what I could make out we were on the edge of a clearing near a small pond, maybe a lake but I doubted I would find out until the storm passed. I turned back to the tigress, sitting down beside her as I yawned slightly, preparing for what could very well be a sleepless night. I noticed how cold she looked as I shivered myself. I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her close to me, nestling her head under my own as I took a deep breath and blew heated air over us. My eyes widened as she started to stir, pressing her against me as we huddled for warmth. She was purring quietly as she opened her soft green eyes and locked them with mine.

"W...where are we?"

She said softly, her voice light and surprisingly soothing for someone just regaining consciousness

"'re safe, I won't let anyone hurt you..."

The tigress pressed herself even closer to me until I could feel the low rumble of her purring against my bare chest. I blush lightly, thankful that she didn't seem to notice.

"Thank you...."

She said simply before slowly raising her head and licking the side of my smooth, scaled muzzle. I felt like I was turning bright red as I hugged her tightly and murred quietly while she nestled her head back under mine. As she slowly drifts off to sleep I kissed her forehead lightly, feeling my own eyes growing heavy. The rain poured down while we huddled under the tree, sleeping soundly despite the thunder and lightning overhead. I felt at ease though, knowing that we were safe for the time being...

I slowly stirred as I felt a steady, rhythmic stream of water drip onto my forehead from the branches above. I slowly cleared my blurry eyes as I find myself alone. I get up and quickly look around, wondering what happened to the tigress. I squinted as I stepped out from under oak tree, the sun shining bright on a cloudless day. It felt so good to have the warm sun on my scales again. I urgently started to look for the tigress. I could see what I thought was a pond was a massive, beautiful lake. gone swimming maybe? I thought, guessing she wanted to clean her clothing. All the same I thought it would be better to find her.


I called out loudly as I started to look around the water's edge. I heard movement behind me, my ears twitching as I turned. A quiet yip of surprise escaped my muzzle as I feel too soft, short furred, stripped arms wrap around my neck, resting gently on my shoulders. Before I have a chance to say anything I feel the tigress's soft lips brush mine as we lock our muzzles together. After a minute or so I broke the kiss and looked down at the beautiful feline.

"I finally got a chance to thank you for saving me...."

She said with a light, warm hearted smile. She blushed a lightly, as did I while we stood there for a second. I let my eyes wander from hers, seeing she had washed herself along with her dress. I quickly looked back up and nuzzled her lightly.

"Mm...What should I call you? Or do you go around nameless, saving people from bandits?"

She said jokingly, her soft giggle mixed with the gentle rumble of her purring. I grinned and chuckled; caressing her a little as I slowly wrapped my arms around her waist and pulled her a little close, murring as she pressed herself against my smooth scales

"My name is Seth..."

I said with a smile. Everything seemed to fade away when I stood with her. My thoughts were only on her as I waited for her to reply.

"Well, thank you Seth....I owe you a lot more then I could hope to repay. My name is Zephira by the way..."

"It's a shame we had to meet like what are you planning on doing....?" I ask curiously as Zephira started to pull me to a nearby tree.

"Mmmmm....Well I was thinking I would reward you for saving me first....We can worry about everything else later..."

I slowly slid my paws down her firm rear, taking my time to see if she would pull away. I felt her tail flick teasingly between my legs before slowly picked her up, cradling her in my arms. Zephira giggled softly, holding onto my neck as I slowly kneel down and leaned back against the tree with this beautiful tigress on top of me. I kissed her deeply, slowly letting my gentle claws caress her soft, furry body. She slowly got up, sliding the straps of her dress down her arms before letting the elegant green dress fall to the ground.

"'re a goddess, I've never seen anyone as stunning as you, let alone met them...."

I smiled warmly as she lay back down between my legs. Her luscious, perfect breasts brushed against my bare, smooth scaled chest. She let her delicious looking wetness gently dripping onto my pants as I glanced down at her slit, already able to take in her alluring scent.

"Mmm....thank you...."

She said as she blushed, licking and nuzzling me back. I kissed her deeply, holding it for ages as I slid my tongue into her muzzle. My long, silken dancing with her's as I savoured her taste. She pushed her tongue past mine, the low, content rumble of her purring letting me know she was enjoying it as much as I was. I could feel her paws teasing my sides and groin. Zephira broke the kiss, neither of us really wanting it to end. She slowly ran her paws down my sides again, this time sliding my pants down. She grinned and gently grinded her now dripping wet slit against the underside of my shaft as I quickly kicked my pants off my ankles. I was partially hardened already but that didn't last long, my large draconian member had quickly swelled to full size. She licked the tip of my muzzle lovingly before sliding down between my legs, the tip of her amazing snout not more than an inch away from my tip.

I felt a rush of pleasure surge up my spine as Zephira's rough feline tongue start to lap at my dragonhood. I couldn't even dream of holding back the growing moans as she lavished my tip with her tongue. Wave after wave of pleasure shot up my spine as she took me into her muzzle, her amazing warmth and wetness driving me crazy as I started to feel the pressure build. Zephira never stopped licking, her tongue always moving as she started to bob her head and take me deeper into her muzzle. I could barely hold myself back from thrusting up into her muzzle, gripping the root of the tree with one of my claws while resting the other behind her head, urging her on a little. After a minute or two she had only taken me to half way before my eyes widened as she took my entire length into her muzzle and down her throat, her muscles rippled around my shaft and tip. I was gasping, almost roaring with pleasure as she kissed my base and licked my balls a little.

"Ugghhh...I'm gonna cum if you keep doing that..."

I moaned as she pulled back; giving my entire length one last, long lick from base to tip as she looked up at me with her beautiful green eyes. She slowly slid back up, straddling my waist as my cock throbbed. The goddess of a tiger brought her muzzle to mine once again, locking her sensual muzzle with mine. This time I could feel her aggressiveness, forcing her tongue into my muzzle and wrestling with mine. I quickly wrapped her tongue up with mine, my loud murring matching the loud, deep rumble of her purring now.

"Mmmmm...You taste great Seth...Heh; we can't have you cumming just yet. There's so much more to come..."

She said as she slowly broke the kiss, raising her hips up to line her dripping wet pussy up with my shaft. I could feel her warmth radiating from her slightly parted lips; my tip nestled in her outer most folds.

"I'm sure you taste better much better...I could sit here all day and kiss you...."

My muzzle met Zephira's again as she slowly sat down on my cock, both our eyes widening as I felt her insanely tight walls clench around my member. I could feel every ridge, every detail of her inner walls as she slowly started to buck her hips up and down my length, only taking me half way. I gripped the tree's roots, almost tarring them out of the ground as the white tigress's hot, soaking wet depths made me roar with pleasure. I started to thrust up to meet her hips, slamming my entire length deep into her folds, pushing through her cervix as a few jets of pre escaped me.

"Oh....gods I can feel you in my belly..."

Zephira moaned as we started to pick up to pace, her moans and roars matching mine. I couldn't believe the feeling of her walls, rippling and massaging my entire length as it almost tried to pull me in deeper. I reached up and gently squeezed her breasts before pinching her nipples lightly, playing with them until they hardened. I pulled her close and gently suckled on one of her nipples, massaging and cupping the other as I thrusted as hard and fast as I could.

"Ugghh...I think I'm gonna cum...Zephira you're so tight!"

I gasped as I tried to hold back

"Stop trying to hold back, I want you to fill me...."

I roared loudly, throwing my head back as I thrusted one last, hard time before almost exploding with cum as an immense wave of pleasure shot up my spine. I was in pure bliss as she roared with pleasure, her own orgasm making her quake with pleasure. I pulled her close as we started to settle, kissing her deeply as a little of my seed started to leak out of her filled pussy. She lay down ontop of me, purring like crazy as she enjoyed the feeling of my cum filling every inch of her folds. I slowly wrapped my arms around her as she did the same. I nestled her head under mine, feeling her warm breath on my collar as we panted and rested. Every now and then we would kiss and lick each other lovingly as we slowly drifted off in each other's arms.

"Mmm.... so are we gonna get going soon or do you want to rest for a bit?"

I ask as I rest my head and close my eyes

"Let's rest for a bit...that was amazing."

She said before quickly slipping into a peaceful cat nap, her tail flicking as I coiled mine around hers. I soon followed, for the first time in months I felt happy, not because of what had just happened but because I was holding someone I loved in my arms, cradling Zephira lovingly as I slept.