Dogs Have Needs Too

Story by Rasuran on SoFurry

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I had a thought the other day. You always see stories about girls getting screwed by a dog...but never through the dog's perspective. I was bored so I thought I'd give it a shot.

Warning: This story contains sexual encounters of both hetro and homosexual nature between both dogs and female humans. If you are not 18 or older...shame on you for finding this! Now Enjoy :)

Jeff (as the humans called him) barked happily as he bounded down the front porch to meet the Dalmatian entering the front gate, "Hey speckle-butt, how's it hanging?" The Dalmatian in turn laughed, and retaliated with, "Fine hairball, gotten any good tail lately?" Jeff smiled and stated quite mater-of-fact way as they began to sniff each other, "Fairly good Ben. And though she may not have much tail to speak of, doesn't mean she was no less a bitch!" They both barked loudly at the bad joke, "Ya, I guess she don't need tails to be called it Jeff. And...speaking of tail," the Dalmatian slowly turned lifting his tail high to show of his butt crack, "Aren't we forgetting formalities?" Jeff quickly took on a state of composure and pride as he replied with dignity, "Ah! But of course my dear Ben. How can we even have the nerve to call ourselves dogs if we do not greet ourselves in proper canine manner" Ben had to restrain himself from falling to the ground from laughter as he watched his Golden Retriever friend walk like some old regal human as he headed towards his rear. When he reached it he lifted his nose like a regular 1st class aristocrat adding, "Proper form and all that sort of thin, What What."

Then he deftly lowered his mussel, burying it deep in Bens pucker, and inhaled. The Dalmatian felt his eyes roll back despite himself. Although a true blue heterosexual all the way, he still loved the felling a dog of any sex that had to admire his rear. Of course Jeff had to make it even more unbearable. Being the ass-hole he was, he would stick out his tongue after his sniffings, and gave his entire butt crack, from balls to tail, one solid, hard, flat, lick, not missing a single spot. Ben ground as he did it, trying to hold back is boner in his sheath, knowing what Jeff would say. Jeff of course was loving this. Although the tastes he had to experience where not exactly pleasant, the result was. To feel his poor Dalmatian friend shiver, trying to restrain his primal urges was almost too priceless. He smiled evilly as he reached the end of his tongue treatment, making sure to press deep inside Bens back-door before pulling away.

Ben turned sharply in annoyance at his friends last assault, looking annoyed as his friend laughed as him, "Bet you liked that didn't you dal-fag-mation!" Ben looked pissed at that, "That didn't even sound funny!" Jeff laughed, as he began to turn around, "Ok, Ok. You know I kid dud. Now hurry up and say hello to may ass so we can get on to more important shit." With he lifted his own hairy tail.

Ben ground, but this time in annoyance. He always hated sniffing Jeff's butt. Being a golden retriever, his ass was so damn hairy. It always reminded him of the vine filled forests in Africa he had seen pictures of. Ok, maybe it wasn't that bad. You could easily see his balls and pucker, but the hairs always tickled his nose. But he sighed knowing it had to be done and leaned forward. And just as Ben had placed his wet Dalmatian nose up Jeff's rump, he let loss a fart that sent him gagging as he inhaled the fumes that surrounded him.

Jeff laughed again at his evil trick, knowing he'd gotten his friend good that time. But just as he was turning around to a apologize, he felt to paws grab his back. He turned to see Ben holding on, his face still by his rear, but this time with his tongue out, and a evil grim on his face. Jeff yipped in surprise but tried to pull away, but too late. Within seconds Ben had pulled himself forward, jamming his tongue deep up his friends butt-hole.

Jeff ground as he tried to hold back his dick as he felt his ass of a friends tongue exploring his depths. He knew if he pulled a hard on he'd never hear the end off it. Jeff for his part was kind of enjoying himself. Although the taste was bad, the revenge made up for it. And despite himself, he had to admit that the felling wasn't all a bad one. He made a mental note to try this with a bitch some time, preferably one without a hairy ass. Suddenly with a grunt he heard Jeff give in. With the swiftness of a rabies shot, he pulled out of his friend rear to few his prize. A beautiful 7 in. cock for all to see, "Well," commented Ben, doing an excellent interpretation of a gay voice on TV, "lookie at who's the little faggy now? Aw, ain't it cute? It wants to come and play with the other boys." Jeff for his part watched with annoyed amusement at his Dalmatian ass of a friend prancing about like a fag, as he waited for his dick to slip back away. When it finally did, he quickly jumped the Dalmatian. They both fought in the yard for a while until Jeff finally pined Ben to the ground. They both looked at each other for a moment, the Jeff smiled, "Truce Faggot my dear old chap?" Ben smiled rolled over to stand, and bowed elegantly, "Oh rather, you old butt-licker you bean." Jeff not wanting to be outdone, bowed back, with his tongue hanging out. This sent them both barking happily as they walked towards the back yard.

"So you say you have important business to speak of?" "Indeed I do" answered Jeff as he headed over to the only big tree in the yard to take a piss, "I think she is ready for another butch to pleasure" Ben perked up at this, and quickly walked over to the retriever who was already making a stream. Ben in turn raised his leg and began to piss adding, "You've been talking about this little bitch for a while now, how she's done things you've never seen done, and how she's always so tight. I'm telling you it's been fuckin torture! So when do I meet her?" Jeff only smiled as finished his piss. He lowered his leg as Ben kept going, say rather casually, "But you've already meet her" The Dalmatian stopped pissing instantly, lowering his leg to stare his dick of a friend straight in the eye, "You little turd! Well who the fuck is she then?!?" Ben could already feel his dick starting to grow inside his sheath in pure excitement and agitation. He could feel pre dripping from its end as at slowly began to emerge in eagerness. Jeff was taking his time, and he hated it. When he finally did answer, he was speechless. He lazily turned towards the humans house he lived in and said, "It's Mary"

Ben stared in disbelief at his suddenly very freaky friend. His dick remained undecided what to think. Mary, was his humans only daughter, 16 maybe 17. He recalled seeing her only once. He had to admit she did look nice, with long flowing brown hair, and a fairly nice ass to look at and smell. He continued to stare at his friend, who was now sporting his hard-on proudly, since there was a female in question. Jeff was amazed at how it throbbed so urgently for this human, but all he could say was, "How?" Jeff grinned, and eagerly explained.

"It was about a month ago. She had just gotten off that big yellow monster on the road and headed straight up stairs to he room. I didn't really care at first. I was to busy trying to get myself off (it had been a few weeks since my last screw). Anyway I was about halfway though licking my balls when I suddenly began to smell something. At first I though my mind was creating pussy smells for me to cum fast, but it but it didn't smell like bitch pussy. So I followed the noise upstairs, and lo and behold, there lies Mary, butt naked on her bed, fingering herself in my general direction. Of course being the red-blooded male I am, I felt it would be nice to assist her in her carnal pleasures. So I happily jumped up on the bed and began to lick her lovely cunt. I had to admit, she tasted delicious, very sweet and easy to swallow. Plus, she shaves, so I wasn't getting any hairballs. At first she tried to push me away, but quickly gave in, and started to moan. I took this as a good sign, so I dug deeper, trying to taste and lick every portion of that fantastic little pussy. For her part she moved her hand up to her nipples for some reason, who knows why. Anyway, it didn't take long before she screamed, bathing my mussel in her amazing cum, which I quickly licked off before cleaning her up. It was about this time that I realized that I was sporting a boner between my legs (surprise surprise), and I noticed that she was studying it. At first I thought it was because she had never seen a duds dick before, then I remembered that guy she screwed last year on the couch. Then she seamed to make up her mind, and she turned over on her hands and knees, with he dripping pussy and pucker facing me. Naturally I thought she wanted me to clean out her rear to I did. I buried my mussel against her pucker, which I may add smelt much better than yours, and forced my tongue in. She ground and seamed to enjoy it as I was rimming her insides, yet pushed me back. By then I was a little confused I must admit of what she wanted. She kept waving her ass in front of me but didn't want to be tongued, then I remembered my ragging boner. I debated for a moment as she fingered herself, I think she was waiting for me to decide. I had to admit, it had been a while since I fuck, and he dripping human cunt was looking more and more appetizing. So I thought 'what the hell'. And so I jumped her. I felt a cold hand grab my dick and I felt I enter moist's kind of a blur after that. I remember a lot of slurp-like noises, and screaming, she was so damn tight dud! I think that was the first time in a forever that I came almost instantly, and you know me, I can usually give a girl a good 15 min. before I knot, this whore. When I finally came to from the haze, she was lying on the bed, slightly daze, and I had knotted up he tight little pussy good and hard. From that day on, she's been giving fucks to me more times, and in more ways, than I've EVER know a bitch to know or do."

By now, it was Ben in a daze. Jeff smiled and looked below his friend, seeing his 7 in. cock now at full attention, knot and all, throbbing pre onto the grass. He laughed and looked down to compare his own dick, also throbbing, noting it was only slightly smaller than his friends. Then he walked behind Ben and batted the Dalmatians balls lightly with his paw to get his back to reality. Ben winced and ground as he felt the weight between his legs, "So, my Dalmatian fagy friend...still want to meet her?" Ben look at Jeff, who made a point to twitch his cock again. Ben frowned, then look down at his own member (man it had never been this hard), then back at the house, then back at Jeff. He smiled, saying casually, "Well, I guess I could try it once. I only so your not the only creep who screws about with humans" Jeff smiled and waged his tail (and his dick) in enjoyment, glad his friend was willing to try.

Suddenly Ben turned and began heading for the house, waging tail and boner in tow, "So are we going to do this or not?" Jeff laughed so hard his dick began to bounce off his chest (much to his enjoyment), "Relax tiger, she won't be home till later at night after her school crap, we have some time to kill" The Dalmatian frowned and trudged back to the retriever in annoyance, "But we've both got fuckin raging hard-ons! And we both know they don't just go away when they're this bad. What are we going to do" They both seamed to study each others equipment for a moment, then both heads shot up with an idea. Ben smiled. Jeff rolled his eyes, "Oh come on! Do we have to? I hate it when we're both horny and no one else is around" Ben on the other hand began smiling seductively, and had started talking in his generic gay voice again, "May I remind you Mr. Jeff, that it was you who first suggested this idea back when we were still barley out of puppyhood" Jeff grumbled, but his twitching dick gave him away. Ben began stupidly swaying his hips as he turned himself around and lifted his tail again showing off his pinkish pucker, "If we do it, I'll let you go first" He wiggled his hips again towards Jeff and when he looked at him, Ben attempted to bat his eyes like a cheap human hooker. That did it, Jeff laughed as he jumped on top of his best friend, placing his dick on the edge of his back door, "Ok fagot you win, but just this once!" Ben laughed muttering, "Hear that before" groaning as the golden retriever eased himself up the Dalmatians ass.

Jeff had to admit, he was enjoying himself, grunting happily as he pushed further up his friends rear. To them, this had never been considered sex. They preferred to call it, good friends 'ass' sisting another's dilemma. He was after all enjoying himself as he began to roughly thrust his pulsing, squirting member, in and out of his friends rear.

As for Ben, he was enjoying it too , if his groans were any indication. He was especially enjoying the fact that he could have his boner out this time. Usually when they had these little "releases" it was the general rule that the one that was not screwing, would keep themselves hidden, so to speak. But since it was already out, he was gladly taking the advantage. He could feel it bouncing against his gut at his friends every thrust. He groaned in want as the rubbing and bouncing on his gut only gave him just enough pleasure to remind him of things to cum (so to speak) later. He smiled at his own bad joke as his dog dick spewed pre on the ground every few seconds, while Jeff spewed it somewhere else. Ben felt his tongue begin to hang out as his rectum began to fill with wonderful retriever pre. He could feel it filling him, as it 'ass' sisted in his friends job. Ben smiled as he heard Jeff beginning to pant harder, as the squelches became louder and deeper. Ben felt every thrust as Jeff's knot pushed against his stretched rear. He began to speed up, becoming just a blurry fur ball, humping happily into another dogs back door. Jeff could feel the change coming. His balls began to tighten to his body and his knot got even bigger. He laughed hoarsely, he knew where his juice would all be going soon.

When he came, Ben didn't feel it, but Jeff sure did. He felt the change as wave after wave of dog jizz fly from his cock, into his friends rear. He pressed tightly against Bens hips and pressed his swollen knot against the anus, but not putting it in. The had agreed that they would never knot each other when doing this friendly favor. They both agreed it would be too weird between friends, leave that to a bitches rear. Ben for his part smiled at his friends bliss as he felt his insides fill up with warm dog seed. He could still remember the first time they had done this, how he had spent the next week trying to lick his pucker clean of jizz. Now he just let it leave of its own accord, and enjoy the slushy feelings inside.

Ben was almost half-disappointed when Jeff finally pulled out with a grunt. The Dalmatian ground softly as he felt his rear close back up to normal. Leave as much goodies inside as he could. Jeff quickly set down, and like any good dog, lick his dick, balls, and pucker, clean of cum. Out of habit, Ben sat down to, but when he looked down, he quickly looked up smiling, "Oh Jeffy" he said in his gay singsong voice. Jeff looked up from tea bagging his balls in annoyance, "Aren't you even going to clean up?" Ben looked down at his cum covered butt and balls shrugging, "It's all you mess anyway," he said sarcastically, "I'm just returning some of it" Jeff rolled his eye, then got up and lifted his tail, trying to pretend he wasn't going to enjoy it. Ben grinned as he eye up the goldies pucker before hoping up, he was going to love this.

Without no warning, he pressed his 7 in. cock up to Jeff's rear, and jammed it all in with one sharp thrust. This resulted in a very surprised grunt from Jeff, as Ben happy began to screw his buddies butt-hole. The retriever groaned in both enjoyment and annoyance as the Dalmatian stretched his rear apart with his pulsing cock. Despite himself he could feel his our member beginning to come back to life as well, but prevented it from doing so. He chose instead to force his wanting member to stay inside his sheath, a great inconvenience, but necessary. He knew all too well what Ben would say if he sprung a hard-on while he was up his ass. Ben for his part was in ecstasy as usual. Of all the bitches that had let him do this, Jeff was always the tightest. Despite the Dalmatian large portions of lube, the retrievers insides never became completely slick inside until after he came. The result was a very rough, enjoyable ride, every hump sending shivers through his entire body. The Dalmatian began to whimper as his tongue lolled out, as he wished for it never to end.

However, Jeff was getting tired of Bens antics and decided to finish this. The golden retriever smiled sinisterly as he suddenly force his anal muscles to contract around the Dalmatian member inside it. He chuckled as he began to squeeze it like he would a turd, knowing the result. The result of course being Ben freezing in shock, and his dick hitting the same state, gladly responding to the tightness of the other dogs rectum, sending his jizz spewing in loads up Jeff's ass. Jeff chuckled, quite satisfied as he felt his rear fill up with dog seed.

Jeff pulled himself forward, causing Ben to fall to the ground, still in a shocked bliss, his cock spewing cum all over the ground, not stopping. The retriever laughed tiredly as he waited for his pucker to close up. When it finally did, he again sat down on his ass and leaned down to lick the salty cum that plaster his rear. Ben too, once he had recovered, sate and leaned down to clean his privates. His dick was spurting its last few loads of cream as he began to lick it clean, sending the salty goo into his mouth, which he accepted happily. However, he was far from happy himself, as he glared at his cruel friend as he lick his now shrinking dick clean, "You are a real ass sometimes you know that?" Jeff laughed as he lightly began to tongue his own butt-hole, trying to make sure he hadn't missed any of his friends salty gift, "Not my fault your overexcited. Then again that must be your personal record for slowest cumming eh Ben. You must have gotten a whole minute while inside m-"

It was about then that Ben leapt to his paws, and tackled his best friend to the ground. For the next half-hour the rolled around fighting, until Jeff once again pinned Ben to the ground. They both glared at each other for a minute, the barked happily at each other as they picked themselves up, "We still have a few hours till Mary gets home, what do you want to do spotty-balls" Ben smiled his tail waging, "We could try to take a piss on your neighbors cat" then is was Jeff's turn to wag his tail, "I think you just read my mind" And they both walked off in good spirits, in search of a cat to piss on.

2 Hours Later

"Oh damn that was priceless! Did you see look on that cats face when she woke up with my lovely butt-hole in front of her" Jeff nodded as he added, "The fart you gave her when she was just realizing what it was gave the perfect touch too. Did you plan on it for smelling as bad as it did?" Ben shock his head, all grins as the turned the corner towards Jeff's house, "To be honest I kind of feel sorry for her. I was expecting a simple little sample, not that whopper that came out!...It must have been that raccoon shit I ate this morning. It tasted kind of like blueberries by eye-" He trailed off when he realized that Jeff had stopped listening and walking as he stared down his street. The Dalmatian couldn't help but notice his suddenly growing bulge in his sheath, along with a very hyperactive tail. When he looked down the road, he smiled and knew why. The big yellow monster had just dropped Mary off at the house, who quickly ran inside. Both dogs turned to look at each other as their, both now sporting prominent hard-ons inside their respective sheaths. Jeff grinned saying, "Still want to fuck a human my furry friend?" Ben grinned in turn replying dryly, "Well...since I don't see any other whores or bitches around that want a screw...Why Not?" He got a nip on the nose for that, before they hurriedly headed for the house, both easily felling the burden between their legs.

They both quickly reached the front doggy door. Jeff jumped through first quickly followed by Ben. For Ben this was his first time inside a human house (while invited), and if it hadn't been for the boner threatening to come out at any second he probably would have been a little nervous. But he trusted Jeff, and quickly followed his friend quietly upstairs. As they slowly rose, he could hear moans, along with a familiar, yet foreign smell. He sniffed hard, remembering Jeff's description of human pussy juices and ground, he was right. His ground was quickly cut short by Jeff hissing for him to be quite, as they headed for a half-closed door. When Ben chanced a peek, he felt his dick instantly fall out into a full hard-on.

There, on a bed, was Mary, butt naked as he was, gently fingering her little cunt. Ben felt his mouth water. She began to mumble something as the other hand began to trace around one of her nipples. At first he couldn't comprehend it, but when he did, he suddenly felt pre drip from his rod, "Oh, Jeffy" He was sharply pulled back to reality when Jeff pulled on his tail, sending him out of view of the wonderful cunny. By now, both had their ragging boners out, but Jeff was much more composed, "I think it would be good, if I went in and 'warmed' her up first" Ben was about to argue when he realized why and smiled, "So when she's half-spent, she won't mind if another warm body joins the fun?" Jeff nodded, "Then what the fuck are you waiting for?!? Go and screw her so I can join in before I forget how!" The golden retriever laughed and turning sharply, marched into the room doing his aristocratic walk. Ben smiled as he watched his friend enter with his tail held high, making sure to show his again his furry pucker, and hanging hard-on.

Ben watched in fascination from the hall as Jeff instantly went to work on the human. He didn't even bother barking to warn her, he just jabbed his mussel into her pussy and began to lick. The Dalmatian stared in envy as the female began to groan, her legs twitching in the air as she placed a hand one her dogs head, "Oh Jeffy, I knew I could count on you" Ben restrained a laugh (Jeffy!?!) he made a note to torture his friend about it latter.

Ben fell silent as Jeff administrations became louder. There where no more gentle licks, now only vigorous lapping, slurping, and suckling. The human was obviously in pure ecstasy, if her lolling head and hand massaged breasts were any indication. Sweat began to appear on the girls body as Jeff's tongue continued. By now, half his furry mussel was pushed inside he cunt, as his tongue continued to lash even deeper. The dog ground as the female fumes drugged his nostrils as he strived to lick every nook and crevice of this wonderful human pussy. He began to trust his cum-soak mussel slightly in and out, felling his dick bouncing wanting against his gut. But as always he restrained from plowing her now, knowing from practice that this creature would cum even more latter if he got her to cum like this now, speaking of which. The human suddenly screamed as the took both hands and rammed Jeff's mussel as far it would go up her cunt as she came. Jeff continued to lick in vigor as her strong pussy contracted and clamped down on his face as she cam. He closed his eye as a squelch of cum splattered the rest of his head as she continued to cum. But Jeff never stopped his oral exploration, quite content (despite his boner) to drink he nectar. Only when she let go of his face did he finally pull out, but not before giving one last firm lick, from the top of her cunt, down to her own cute little pinkish back door. He had to admit, it tasted much better than Bens as he tongued it lightly.

It took a moment of Jeff waiting impatiently, until Mary finally regained enough energy to turn over. Jeff's tail (and dick) waged in anticipation as the slowly raised her cute little ass into the air in front of him, presenting her now very lubed up cunt for both Jeff and Ben to see. The retriever eye the cunny as her juices slowly tickled and oozed out forming a puddle on the bed. Then he turned to Ben, winking before hoping onto the bed and placing both paws easily onto her low hips. He smiled as he felt one of her timid little hands guide his rod until it pressed against he soft flesh. Jeff yipped in enjoyment as he finally sank his member deep into this wonderful little fuck-toy of his, and saw stars.

Mary screamed again as he forcefully thrust his member inside her. Jeff smiled to himself as he felt her sharply cum again around his humping cock. He loved that about this human, the fact just entering his dick inside her sent her jizzing. He grunted as he began to thrust properly as her cum lubed him up. He felt his eyes roll back and tongue begin to loll as he continued, his comprehension easily giving into pure pleasure. Every thrust was ecstasy to him as shocks of pleasure course through his maleness which was being held so lovingly taught inside her cunt. At every hilting he could fell his gorged knot trying to open her further, wanting desperately to hind a home inside this warm, sticky little bitch, and he know it wouldn't be long. The retriever could already feel his balls beginning to tighten as they bounced forward and back beneath him, but he didn't mind too much, he still had to give Ben a chance, eventually. He smiled as he suddenly felt the change welling in his balls, and with one final thrust, grabbed tight to the humans hips, and got ready for the final assault.

Jeff was in such a state of ecstasy as he began to jizz inside her that he almost couldn't hear Mary's screams. The retriever wined weekly but happily as her convulsions continuously clamped down and then loosened on his member, causing stars. He was almost knotting her as he thrust cum into her, when he heard a wine, but not from him.

He suddenly remembered, and idly turned his head towards the door. He would have laughed if he hadn't been so tired. There was Ben, now looking very distraught as he shook violently with energy. Under him, his cock was at full salute, knot and all, twitching in every direction spewing pre all over the carpet. Jeff chuckled and asked idly, "You want to join in now?" which was quickly answered in an annoyed tone by, "I...Fuckin...Hate...You!" The retriever smiled as the Dalmatian continued to shake violently with energy. Jeff, being a man of his word, quickly removed himself from the human, sending his cum flying everywhere as it continued to spout from his cock tip. Jeff grunted, and despite the blinding sensations pulsing through his loins, was able to quickly maneuver himself in front of the (now slightly spent) human girl. He deftly hoped onto her front as it were her rear. He felt his tongue hang out again with a groan as he felt his jizzing dick being suckled by the girls mouth. He heard her starting gulp his salt gift down much to his enjoyment, "You like my seed don't you bitch" he said more to himself as he began to hump her face.

Ben for his part was quick to take his friend invitation. As soon as he had gotten out of her, he was on the bed facing her pussy. The Dalmatian felt himself start to drool as it opened and closed still wantingly as the retrievers cum oozed out of it (along with hers). The curious dog quickly went forward to have a taste. He quickly got a happy groan from the human as his tongue began to dig. He immediately was addicted to her taste, and began to eat her out eagerly. Ben gulped it greedily as he explored the taste. Despite Jeff's salty jizz mixed in, he found the nectar to be sweat, sweater than any other bitch had tasted. Jeff wined as he felt the girl moan around his cock thanks to Ben. He tried to say something to the Dalmatian, but was too engrossed in his own end.

Suddenly the human squeaked as she came again, splattering the eager Dalmatian with her cum and Jeff's Jizz, which he greedily lapped up. The, finally, he jumped up on her ass, ready for the fucking of a lifetime. Too his surprise and enjoyment, a hand (seaming no to care that it was a new, strange dog) quickly guided him to the proper spot, and saw the cosmos. The Dalmatian went mad with the tightness, knowing nothing but fuck as his cock road this tight female.

Jeff smiled as his friend went at her, entirely oblivious that he was right in front of him. He felt another shiver go through her as she came again, causing her to gage on his rod. He continued to grunt as the girl tongued him. By now the golden retriever had stopped cumming. But he smiled knowing with that crazy tongue of hers it wouldn't take long for a new batch to cum. He wined at his oversensitive cock she was licking, as he grabbed her shoulders, and also began to ride her.

By now, both canines were just a blur as they went at the human girl. One squelching into her panting cunt, and one deepthroughting her maw. Ben felt himself cumming first. He tried to hold it, but his balls were already starting to twitch and bounce. By now, a fourth of his knot was forcing her pussy wide with each thrust causing her body to shiver nonstop, preparing for the final climax. Suddenly he felt a spark in his Dalmatian loins as his balls contracted. He felt himself forcefully clap onto the bitches waist, and jabbed his knot into he spent cunt.

Already he could he could feel his knot bloating even larger as it pushed her pussylips to their limit, their orgasmic contractions causing even more pleasure to Ben's cock as it filled he insides with his seed. Once he was sure he was knotted, collapsed with a thump on top of the knotted human, with her in turn collapsing onto the bed. The dog continued to twitch happily as his balls continued to contract, jizzing more and more juice into this amazing little human. Ben smiled drunkenly as he felt his no very oversensitive dick still being massaged by the girls contractions as he continued to lightly hump her (for good measure).

As for the golden retriever, he continued to fuck her face. When both Mary and Ben cam, her mouth had entered a slight slack-jawed face, but he didn't mind. He smiled to himself when he found that since he had been endowed with 7 inches of maleness, tip could easily be screwed by the tightness that was her throat. He yipped in glee as even as she gagged, she did not refuse his rod as if fucked her tight swallowing throat. Even when the other two had collapsed to the bed, he happily continued to face fuck her. hen finally, he felt his balls clench for a second and final time. He smiled as he grabbed her dazed face in his paws, and force his cock head down her throat was he came. He sighed as he felt his knot gorge again just outside her lips as his cum shot down her throat. After a few seconds he pulled out of her mouth, as she gasped of air, coughing up dog jizz. He grunted and stood, his balls still throbbing, squirting his seed all over her face and hair. He smiled again as he felt her mouth take the tip, sending shivers through him as she drank the last few spurts. When his balls finally stopped, she instantly let go of his cock, and fell asleep.

Jeff shook his head as his dick finally returned to its sheath as he licked himself clean. He eyed Jeff who had also fallen asleep, still knotted to their bitch. He chuckled as he got up to wake him, "Ben?" he nudged his ass with his nose, "Ben, fuck he's out" the retriever thought for a second, then eyed the Dalmatians rear. He smiled, "This 'll wake him" and deftly stuck his nose under his tail.

He ground as the smell of male and female musk overtook his nose. As he sniffed, he slowly began to press his tongue up the Dalmatians pucker. He hear a whimper (progress) as he dug deeper. He continually got more surprised though when Ben did not wake, just continued to moan and gently hump Mary. Jeff shook his head in confusion as he explored his friends rectum deeper than ever before. For the first time, he could taste, and feel every nook and crevice of this orifice. To his surprise, when he dug deep enough, he could taste traces of his own jizz from earlier in the day. But this was getting him nowhere. So he slowly pulled his tongue out of his friends rear, savoring the mix of flavors.

He sighed in annoyance as he finally pulled away, "What to do? What to do?" he thought as he studied the pair. He licked his chops idly trying to savoir the final remnants of scat and cum. Suddenly he flip his hears up, hearing a car door slam. In a flash he was at the window, "Uh Oh" There in the driveway was the humans parents car, with them coming out of it. Jeff half closed his eyes and ground, slowly turning his head to study what they would see:

1) A very ominous dark carpet stain leading from the door to, 2) the cumsoaked bed with, 3) their butt naked girl passed out with a, 4) jizz lathered face and a, 5) strange Dalmatian dazed and asleep on top of her, 6) happily stuffed up her ass, 7) leaking even more jizz onto the bed out of, 8) her twitching spent cunny

The golden retriever sighed as he heard the front door open, "This ought to be interesting."

The End