Day in, day out, without another way.
I stare up at her on the wall as if I'm trying to say:
"I want you to come off that sheet and share this life with me."
It's cruel, it's cold, it's reality, that takes her far from me.
It's some girl's dream, some man's hunny, it's a lonely rag of some Playboy Bunny.
All the brilliance circling the drain, trying to quench...
What is our human pain.
"I'm lonely." Says the girl in frames; it's her looks and tastes, and weight she blames.
"Nobody ever comes for me."
It's the Yaoi boy that holds her stare, some undressed knave and his lover fair.
All empty, all in vain.
While snobby young with heads in clouds, denounce her yearnings, snide and loud.
"That garbage is nothing to be proud of, skank."
I'd beat them down! I'd tear their hair. I'd force them to the Yaoi boy's stare, I'd ask: "Did you not ever lust like that?"
They'd say: "Tough break you homely freak--she's a slut, you're just some geek--how dare you wave a cosh in the face of dignity?"
I'd grab him then, and by the ear, I'd whisper and I'd bring him fear--"There's always someone's trash that's dear by memory."
It always seems a sharp rock flies, and pierces us and never dies--within our heart it's always there to scar us and so I say:
To each of us, who fear the stone--take heed and heart. You're not alone. Lust on, and dream to one day,
Find your remedy:
A lovely lady, handsome prince, or just someone with whom you mince
and match each other's