Bio-Wars: Part 1 Visitor of Thought

Story by Amrod on SoFurry

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It had been 72 years since the Bio-wars began; humanity had reached the stars and a level of technological achievement that overwhelmed the dreams of our time. Eager to colonize planets, scientist created genetically engineers animals using human DNA, to form that race we now call Furonians. Peace rained over the galaxy for many years until members of the Furonian race began discussing free rights and citizenship among the colonies, but humanity had always felt it was superior to even members of its own race and denied this. It was in 2108 the first terrorist attacks began, freedom groups rose up and slowly the Bio-wars began. Colonies were lost to the genetically superior Furonians and soon humanity was forced onto the brink of collapse as star system after star system fell to the power of the Furonian Empire.

Unknown to humanity or the Furonians, another race watched with curiosity, a race far more powerful then either the Terran Federation or the Furonian Empire, a race that has decided to place one of its own in the chessboard of war.

Planet Derox 3, Vilusha System, Furonian Military Control.

Two figures stood at the end of a ramp extending over the vast canyon like abyss of the Grand Derox Cavern. The base behind them well shielded by the planets natural geological structures. The two canine Furonians glanced at each other nervously as the low hum of the approaching shuttle grew louder. It was to be their first interrogation of a captured Human and the stress of promotion or failure lurked between them.

"They say the ship that picked up this human had no struggle, he pretty much just surrendered as soon as he saw the ship, no weapons no shields nothing." One of the wolves said, fixing his amber eyes on the other.

"I'm still wondering how he got so deep into Furonian space without anyone catching him, freaks me out to think security might be slacking in the outer ring." The white wolf shuddered a bit and was about to speak again when the air began whipping around them, both soldiers holding paws up to shield their eyes from the volley of sand and wind.

High above the two a blue shuttle began its downward decent, engines on full back burn to keep the ship stead as its precious cargo was lowered to the titanium dock below. Soldiers began piling out of the small ship, heavily armed as a team of scientists brought out the human. Strapped from head to toe the two soldiers found it quite humorous that they would go through so much trouble to ensure just one unranked human was secured.

There was little time for these thoughts as a well decorated otter stepped from the ship, the soldiers saluting and quickly going to attention, the air around them still violently moving about the terrain from the shuttles ready engines.

"I want this human in the max secure cell." The commander yelled above the heavy roar of the shuttle.

"We had a problem securing him, little bastard kept getting free, we don't know how yet and are still trying to figure out the command systems on the small deep space shuttle he was piloting, nothing we've seen yet."

The two lieutenants paused and looked at each other. "We will do the best we can sir." The white wolf spoke up quickly to answer the commander.

"Make damn sure you do Lieutenant Aharin, this human might know some valuable information and if he gets lose and out of it Ill have both your tails on my wall, hear me?" He yelled before turning to head back to the shuttle.

"Sir, yes sir." The two sounded out in unison, sweat dripping down Aharin's brow before he lowered his paw and watched the shuttle take off.

"This human better know something good, I don't want to report back to Commander Garrison without good news." Jake said sulking as little, the grey timber wolf rested against a rock and looked over his shoulder to the two scientists loading the human into the base.

"Well better get this started." Aharin said; as the two began the short trek back to the base, unknowing what awaited them in the interrogation room.

. . .

Cool air rushed around the two officers as they entered the building. Red scanners began thoroughly moving over their bodies to check and ensure no unknown particles or parasites lurked in the thick fur covering their bodies. Jake let out a sigh of relief to be inside, the horrid climate outside had reduced his hours of morning grooming to that of a common stray.

"Next chance I get to transfer out of this god forsaken place I'm grabbing it no questions asked." Jake would grumble as he removed his cover and began raking his claws through his fur. "I need to take a shower."

"We have work to do Jake, you can bath after we begin the interrogation, not like a human can tell good grooming, and they haven't the hair to practice with." Aharin chuckled, removing a silver key card from his side and swiping it along a lock unit. Mechanical gears turned as the blast door slowly opened to reveal the dark metal room. Cameras rested high above their heads caught the movement of the two and fixed themselves on their new targets. Aharin padded his way to a long glass table where the human sat at the end bound to his chair with restraints. The wolf froze as their eyes met for the first time, an almost eerie feeling swept over him, sending a cold shiver down his spine like nothing he had felt before. The wolf was battle hardened and earned his rank, how could one scrawny human put such a rush of fear into him.

Jake blinked at the human and quickly turned to Aharin and resting a paw on his shoulder.

"Aharin, humans... don't have purple eyes, they make me want to run away with my tail between my legs and you know my battle records."

"I know, I feel it too, maybe he was tampered with or something." Aharin coughed and stepped forward resting a paw on the table and retrieving some files. The human fixed his purple orbs on the wolf again, his face showing no fear, only curiosity.

"Human you were caught flying deep within Furonian space with no explanation or peace agreement, in a new vessel with a cloaking ability that far exceeds anything we have seen in the past 20 years." Aharin barked out, trying to overcome the odd feeling and concentrate on the mission ahead. "Now under our laws you are charged with an attempt to break a cease fire, invasion of Furonian space and..."

"Why do you act with aggression?" The human asked, stopping Aharin and glancing up with a calm smile. "Have I not shown signs of peace and tranquility?"

Aharin blinked and cleared his throat, looking down at the papers he held in his paw. In truth their ships did report no hostile actions but for a human to be this deep in their territory there must have been some form of fool play.

"You are charged with..." He began again, but was quickly interrupted once more.

"Why do you not answer my question? Do you not understand my language?" The human looked confused and began thinking. His head tilted down a bit as he began muttering what seemed like a combination of languages the two Furonians were unfamiliar with.

"Stop now!" Jake said moving forward and slamming his fist onto the table. "You are charged with several violations in the cease fire and are under arrest by the Furonian Empire Military, your lucky we don't just exterminate you like the damn pink you are, now answer me why are you here?" Aharin stood back quite surprised that Jake would react so hostile in a matter such as this, but then again his past was not human friendly to say the least. Shaking his head the wolf glanced to the human, and he could have sworn for the life of him, his heart stopped.

The human stared at them with an expression of anger the two had not seen, the fire burning in the purple pupils of the humans eyes began to glow. Fear suddenly gripped Aharin and he reached down almost on instinct to his side arm. Above them one of the cameras sparked, static electricity making their fur stand on end as one by one the cameras short circuited and fell motionless in place.

"What the fuck?..." Jake never got an answer for as soon as he spoke, some unseen force hit him in the chest. The timber wolf was rocketed back and slammed into the wall crumpling into a pile of fur. Aharin began running for the door with only enough time to watch the panel explode in a shower of metal and wire. The wolf tripped and tumbled to the hard metal floor, the taste of blood filling his mouth. Looking up he focused on the human as the straps around it broke and the chair flew away to slam into the wall, leaving a massive dent and rubble of what once was a restraining chair. Everything went black for the wolf, only the sound of footsteps before the darkness completely engulfed him.

. . .

Aharin slowly came too, his eyes opening heavily as he began regaining consciousness. The taste and smell of blood lingered around him. The wolf's first realization was the cool air running over his now bare body; the second was his inability to move. All the muscles in his body save for his eyes and mouth seemed to have been frozen, all attempts to move were futile. It was at this moment his gaze moved down and he realized two things. The first was that he was lying horizontally five feet above the floor, and secondly, that right in front of his nose where the fur covered testicles of his partner. Aharin never struggled harder to move when he came to the realization, his lips planted firmly against the opening of Jake's sheath and the timber wolfs musky balls pressed on his nose, leaving only the smell of his own blood, sweat and musk.

"Help!" He managed to cry out, but being unable to move more then his tongue his cries were almost silenced. The wolf tried again to call out for help, only to have his useless tongue fall from his open maw onto the furry sheath, the overpowering taste of the male's sexual organs causing him to gag.

Directly below him in the same situation Jake was waking from his momentary black out, his head throbbing from its impact with the metal wall. He was quick to notice the two round orbs pressed firmly to his nose and attempted the same struggle. Both quickly stopped their futile attempts to use their muscles when they felt hands moving over the soft fur along their sides.

"Such interesting species.... I must admit your fur is far softer then I had expected." The human moved around and lowered himself between Jakes legs to stare Aharin in the eye. "Your attempts to move will be at no avail, I have control over your muscles and its best not to struggle, I am quite powerful." He tapped the furry sac pressed to Aharin's nose and leaned back. "Both males, canine, close family resemblance but still, the gene alteration has not harmed your structure too badly, but one can not tell from appearances." The human went on as he moved around, his hand raising and surprised both Furonians by slowly rotating them.

"Don't worry I'm not going to harm you... just examine, I have never seen your species before, only heard the rumors and seen your ships as your kind and the humans waged war in our space." The creature's words were cold and bitter, making it clear that he was indeed not human. "Your probably wondering now what I am... I am not a creation of the Terran, my race have been exploring stares before the humans discovered fire, we watched over them with curiosity and waited for a day to make contact. It would have been sooner, but with the war you're waging we see it fit to let you destroy each other, seeing that neither race has proven itself worthy to be our allies." His hand moved again and Jake felt his jaw loosen, he moved the aching muscles, trying others to see if they worked but to no avail.

"Who are you?" It was Aharin who first spoke, now able to move his mouth and wishing to move his claws at the creature's throat. The wolf finding it hard not to gag as his lips moved against the opening of Jake's sheath, hoping his friend didn't get aroused from the contact.

"I am Valshar Nevileanto Sevu Alvesharren. First officer of the Bytrayian Elite, and humbled citizen of the Bytrayian Republic. My species are called Trayans and our home world is fifteen light years from this sector."

"Then how did you get this far, were you traveling for seven years?" Jake asked. Light speed was common, but even their technology could get a ship fifteen light years in less then eight years.

The Trayan's hands moved up and the paper from the turned over table flew in front of him, settling in several lays horizontally. "Imagine the universe as a mixture of layers like a planet, the closer to the center you get..." The papers folded into round tubes, one inside the other. "The faster it is to travel. We live here." He pointed to a tube three layers in. "In what we call normal space, but if you know the right ways to use tachyon gates and quantum physics, you can move a ship between these layers and move much faster, I am sure you are familiar with hyperspace." The wolves blinked and tried to nod but the unknown force holding them hostage did not allow them to move.

"Well anyway, I am here to observe your species, and at this moment there is another first officer working with the humans, we are the first of many tests to see which side is best to join our republic. That's if you don't destroy each other first, this process usually does take a decade or two." The Trayan chuckled to himself and glanced at each of them with an odd smile of interest. "Your probably asking yourselves why you're in this position and I think now I should tell you." Valshar stepped forward and placed his hand on Aharins hip, rotating him so he was once again on top of Jake. His hand rubbed the wolfs hip and rump slowly, moving to shift his tail. "I wish to see something about your genetic tampering that the humans did on you and the best way is to sample the egg cells, but seeing that your both male I will have to do with the sperm." His hand reached down and pet over Aharins testicles, the wolfs eyes widening, but the hand was surprisingly warmer then the paws of his last examiner. "I could just extract them forcefully but I am not cruel, and I think a natural ejaculation would be more enjoyable as well." The warm hand left the wolfs sac alone and Valshar backed up a bit. "So... I have decided to put two tests into one, a psychological and a genetic. You are to retrieve my samples for me, now your both males so this is going to be odd but homosexuality is not uncommon with your people."

The two wolves blinked at these words, Jake glanced up at the two round orbs lying against his nose, and tried to fight the excitement building inside him. He was particularly found of males but had never admitted it to anyone, and had at times fantasized about Aharain in the shower. Aharin however was quite the opposite and growled at the Trayan before speaking up.

"I'm not going to suck Jake's cock just to please you with a sperm sample, you want it I'll be happy to jack off some down your throat, just untie...Aahhhhhh!" The pain that swept through the white wolf's body was almost unbareable, every muscle inside him felt as if it were on fire. The pain stopped and he trembled uncontrollably, sweat rolling down his brow.

"Don't anger me or get angry at me, if you do not wish to do something perhaps you could just ask nicely and I'll consider other alternatives. Now I wished for you to do this to test your species openness to new things that may be considered inappropriate or unusual, for there are many species out there that are nude, dress differently, eat differently, have different customs and actually use male to male sexual encounters as a simple hello. All of these you would have to become accustom too if your species wished to join our republic." The human reached out a hand and pet Aharin on the head, gently moving his hand from the wolf's brow down his ears. "I'm sorry to have caused you pain and know that no physical damage was done, I simply activated certain nerves. Now I chose you because you are not use to homosexuality while your friend is quite more found of males then females." Aharin could feel Jake's heart stop as it was pressed to his stomach and knew that his friend had been hiding this for a long time.

"But I'm not..." Jake stopped when Valshar raised a finger.

"You have no need to lie to me; I can see your thoughts and your penis." He said pointing at Aharin's lips where unaware to him the pink tip of Jake's penis was indeed proceeding to grow out of his sheath and uncontrolled into his mouth. The white wolf attempted to move again and realized he could move his neck and head, turning and resting the side of his cheek against the other wolf's sheath.

"Jake come on control yourself, it was in my mouth!" He yelled, trying to get his friend to calm down and not hurt his feelings too bad. Aharin looked up to the amused purple eyes of the Trayan smiling down at him. Jake's now free ears lowered flat against his head and he looked away.

"I'm sorry Aharin." He whispered.

"Now you two work it out, I will be back, the rest of the Furonians in this building are probably wondering why they are frozen. You both have one hour to get me a sperm sample, just incase you swallow any." He said chuckling to himself once more. At that moment two objects from his belt came loose and moved quickly next to each of them, slowly morphing into round bowels. A section extended towards the mouth of each wolf while another extended under their testicles. "Those should catch the sperm; just spit what you don't want to drink into that." Aharin growled again and shook his head, looking up with just enough time to see Valshar stand at the door. The wolf smirked, the door was broken he couldn't escape, but his smile faded quickly, with one motion of his hand the door flew off and rocketed down the hall, embedding itself into a wall and almost hitting a frozen Skunkess who was standing with a clipboard in paw. Two others in military uniforms stood with their weapons aimed at the door, probably ready when the alarm went off, but could only able to move their eyes as the Trayan walked past them.

"I don't think you want an audience." Valshar called back and the door rolled back into place, dented to the point it would not fit, and strained the metal as it was forced into place. "Try to have fun." Was the last thing they heard him say.

. . .

Aharin lay motionless bound by the psychic energy the Trayan used to hold the entire compound frozen. In his mind countless plans to free himself, perhaps concentration, or mental barriers, but all were proven futile. Canine ears sagged a bit against his head as something warm suddenly ran over his exposed testicles.

"Jake, what the hell are you doing." He growled angrily as the other canine stopped in mid lick over the hefty sac.

"We only have fifteen minutes till he returns, maybe if we get the sample he will let us go." Aharin gave an annoyed huff and went back to concentrating when Jake began licking again. This time Aharin growled deeper, but it was Jake who snapped.

"What if he comes back and finds us without the sample, you heard he would take it forcefully but was going to let us enjoy the removal." The timber wolf whined glancing at the door. His voice suddenly became hushed and quiet, "What if he castrates us."

The thought had not crossed Aharin's mind, such an act of cruelty for something so simple as a DNA strand, why couldn't the Trayan use their white blood cells or hair, there was much more complete strands there. The white wolf looked down at the two oval orbs covered by thin fur and sighed, slowly letting his tongue lick down and over them. Jake inhaled deeply out of surprise and moaned a little, causing Aharin to perk his ears.

"Got a sensitive sac?" He asked, chuckling a little. Jake responded by dragging his tongue roughly over the white orbs before him, Aharin's mind forcing his muscles to jump in surprise and pleasure but to no avail, the wolf's fur stood on end at the strange feeling.

"You know... I didn't mean to insult you or anything Jake." Aharin said as he began licking over the timber wolf's testicles and sheath. Jake remained quiet for a moment and then stopped licking.

"It's alright, I guess I just never really accepted it or told anyone and I know it's... probably horrible to have to do this if you're straight."

"No... to tell you the truth..." Aharin paused and stared at the other males genitals "Its not as bad as I thought it would be, just glad you bathed recently." Both males chuckled and went back to arousing each other. Jake was the first to become aroused, his penis quickly emerging from its protective sheath and to Aharin's surprise bumping his chin.

The white wolf stared at the growing cock, just centimeters from his nose, the thick smell of male musk washing over his olfactory orb and sending an arousing chill down his spine. He could feel cool air blowing over his own growing cock and smiled; glad no one could see him at this moment. A warm but wet sensation filled the most sensitive part of his penis and he let out a loud howl of a moan, as Jake moved his attention to the exposed member. Slowly his tongue lapped out, as if to test the taste of the wolf penis before him, running slowly from the tip to the sheath, the salty taste filling his mouth.

Aharin took the exposed cock carefully into his mouth and began suckling the tip, his tongue moving from side to side over the cum slit as the salty pre-fluids began leaking out. Jake was a little more excited about these conditions and quickly engulfed Aharin's cock, nosing against the dangling testicles with his cold wet nose and entangling his tongue around the canine shaft. The timber wolf had dreamed and fantasized about sucking off some mysterious male. He had practiced many times on a dildo he barrowed from a feline on base that didn't ask questions as long as her toys were returned clean and undamaged.

Jake's not was thick and pulsing with blood against Aharin's cold nose, sending a pleasurable chill down the timber wolfs shaft. Breathing heavily, Aharin was trying his best to take in more and more of the strange tasting organ, the back of his mind burning with embarrassment from having another male's penis in his mouth while his own was buried in the maw of the owner. Sweat ran down his body and he could feel drops sliding down and off his swollen testicles. He was ready to cum, and began trying to buck into Jake's mouth, but the psychic restraints blocked his movements and he remained motionless to Jakes teasing and the well trained tongue sliding and wrapping around his cock. It was in this moment when he felt his testicles close in on his body, the knot on his nose swelling for the release of canine seed, that he heard the sound of footsteps.

The metal door flew off its hinges again and lay flat on the floor; the two guards who could be seen were gone, only a pile of weapons and cloths remained. Standing at the door was Valshar, slowly shaking his head at the sight and smiling.

. . .

"I gave you an hour and all you two could do is get aroused?" He asked stepping into the room as the large metal door flipped up and slammed back into place. The Trayan walked over to the two wide eyed wolves and inspected the empty containers. "Not even a drop, how pitiful... must I do this the hard way?" He asked reaching over to Aharin's mouth and rubbing Jake's testicles with a warm hand. He quickly grabbed the wolf's penis by the knot and squeezed almost painfully hard, the timber wolf crying out and gagging on Aharin's cock as his own was freed from the white wolf's maw. Valshar leaned in closer, inspecting the male's phallus and tapping the pointed tip.

"My my what an interesting penis, I must say its easy to tell what these parts are for but it cant be too hard to get you to ejaculate." He said letting go of the organ as it fell and slapped Aharin right between the eyes.

"We tried; I was about to cum before you came in!" Aharin cried out shaking the cock from his face. "Give us a little more time before you castrate us, please!" He pleaded, only causing Valshar to pause and blink.

"Castrate you... why in the name of Bushaal would I castrate you?" He asked quite taken aback.

"You said if... we didn't get the sample ourselves you would get it forcefully. And that this way was more enjoyable."

"Yes I did... and the forceful way is for me to use my powers and just force the sperm up your tubes and out without causing a climax." He almost seemed to be chuckling to himself as a hand cupped Jake's testicles once again. "I would never remove these from your body... Our people are not barbaric animals we are teachers of logic, bringers of peace and justice, why else would I simply get captured and freeze everyone in a base instead of destroying a fleet of ships and capturing your capital. We are not here to invade, but to observe and interact peacefully, remember you attacked me." He said waving a finger as if to scold them.

Valshar continued his massaging of Jake's testicles and gripped the timber wolfs member once more, lightly moving it to Aharin's mouth.

"Now why don't you two finish hmmm?" He said, a chair moving behind him as he sat in one fluid motion, moving his hands up. "Proceed."

Aharin lay confused as the cock was placed back into his mouth and looked down for a moment as he felt Jake return to suckling his penis like a mother's tit. His tongue curled around the thick member rubbing it as his head bobbed carefully back and forth. The tightness was quick to return to his testicles as his body readied itself for its climax and he could feel and see the knot of his comrade pulsing thick and engorged with blood. A howl erupted from Jake and the wolf sucked in hard on Aharin's cock, a jet of hot liquid poring into his mouth, the salty taste of the canine seed filling his senses. Aharin gagged and quickly spit the ivory liquid into the contain as more and more cum spurted from the member, covering his nose and face, some hitting the back of his throat to the wolfs distaste forcefully sliding into his stomach.

Aharin retched and then moaned loud, his cock throbbing as he came into Jakes mouth. To Jake however this was a dream as the feeling of the warm salty liquid flowed forth into his maw, drinking the first few shots and letting the seed roll over his tongue before spitting it into the container, closing his eyes as he bowed his head so more would fly onto his face, showering his maw in sticky fluids.

Valshar smiled as he watched a small amount of the liquid enter the containers and moved to stand his hands reaching out to pat both of the wolves on the head, then on the testicles.

"Very good, I didn't need a lot and this should do nicely." He said as the containers changed shape once again and returned to his belt. "But it looks like its time for me to go, I have what I need." With a wave of his hand the two fell lightly to the floor, both quick to their feet as semen pooled on the floor below their dribbling cocks. "Till next time." Valshar raised his hand and a flash of light engulfed the room, before darkness took them.

. . .

"Aharin... Aharin wake up!" A loud female voice yelled before something wet and cold pored over his head. Coughing and gagging the wolf woke to the feline eyes of the base commander.

"I'm awake what's going on... where is he?" The wolf asked glancing around quickly before blinking at what he saw. The many Furonians in the room were nude, all examining the many damage objects, the door, chairs and cameras. The female tigresses before him squatted down and pat his shoulder.

"You did a good job, I'm sure you didn't want to go through that but, the Trayans gone now and I'm about to finish my report."

"Where... why..." Aharin jumbled his words as too many questions flooded his mind.

"Easy... Jakes in sick bay he had a light concussion from when you two were knocked out originally and should be fine... as for our cloths, it seems every garment in the building including towels, bed sheets, everything are gone. I'm about to finish my report on the situation and I need your input on what he wanted from you." Aharin blushed as his ears fell back against his head.

"I... well... He wanted a DNA sample and..." Her paw went up to stop him.

"Aharin safe it for the report, besides it can't be anything like what he did with me." She said smiling and glancing off as her ears lay out in a blush.

"So... what are our orders, has someone contacted command?"

"Yes, apparently we were not the only base to experience a... visitor, and thus there will be no demotions or punishments for what happened here, however he did leave this." The Base Commander turned and ushered two nude panthers over both carrying a large glass container, inside what seemed to be a glowing blue crystal.

"It has a very unique energy source, we don't know what it does but, I just hope it's a gift not a weapon."

Both officers looked at each other and stood up, Aharin moved a paw to his head at the sudden dizziness and the commander moved to help him walk.

"Easy everyone had a problem walking after the experience, just take it slow." She said holding him carefully by the middle.

"Thank you Commander Talga." He replied resting an arm around her.

"Attention staff, until further notice we are off duty, but I do need a scientist teem to isolate that crystal and a team to round us up something to wear I don't need to walk around and see erect penises all day." She said walking with Aharin towards the door, only to stop, "And people keep the yiffing to a minimum we have a big enough mess as it is." Talga chuckled and continued off as cheers went up among some of the officers and soldiers.

"So is this going in the report?" Aharin asked as they moved into an empty hall.

"Not at all... and neither is what happened between you and Jake, or me and Valshar... or this." Talga's paw moved down and cupped Aharin's sac, squeezing gently as the door to her quarters opened and close behind them. "Let's see if Valshar was right about you." She smiled wrapping a leg around him and slowly pulling the wolf down on top of her in the soft coverless bed.


Well this is just a quick version of part 1. I frankly think it needs a lot of work but it's a bit of a teaser for the big story which as of now may or may not have a lot of sexual encounters, but you never know when inspirations strikes.