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#2 of Hugs and Snugs

Aiden was a bit nervous as he undressed. The prince had whispered to him to him an hour earlier to meet him in the bedroom, without any clothes on. The greyhound knew he loved the human but this, this made him nervous. Even with the locked door, they could be caught.

However, the pup's body was more then happy to try this. By the time Aiden had gotten naked, all three inches of his pink shaft was out of his grey sheath, the chiseled shaped head pointing straight ahead.

"Ready?" Came Felix's voice from behind the pooch, a warm hand cupped the dog's marbled sack, the pink and grey flesh fitting firmly into the human's hand. The other hand grasped the dog's erection, causing Aiden to gulp eyes closing as he felt himself grow even harder.

"Felix, wait." Aiden said with a wince, trying to focus. Turning around, Aiden said softly "Can...can we take this slow? Please?"

The prince frowned as he replied "I am sorry, it's just, I have wanted to touch you for so long, to be touched by you."

Aiden sighed, placing a hand on his friend's pale shoulder and said "I understand but, can we take it slow?"

Smiling, the prince placed his hand on Aiden's shoulder as he said "Of course Aiden!"

"I love you, and I don't want to jump right into this." Aiden whined softly. "I am not saying I don't trust you, it's just..."

"It's just you don't want a broken heart." Felix said softly, completing the thought. Felix understood the reason but the remark still stung him terribly.

"Sorry but yes." The pooch said, squeezing the human's shoulder. The human's hand slid from the greyhound's body.

"Felix, I-"

"Aiden, please, just go." Felix said as he turned his back on the dog. "I don't want to talk about it right now, maybe in the morning."

"Please, Felix, I didn't mean-"

"I said GO!" Felix snapped, refusing to turn around, to betray his face, to show the hurt the words he shouted caused his soul.

Sliding his pants on, Aiden unlocked the door and stepped out. Turning, he opened his mouth in hopes of one last attempt of reconciliation, only to have the heavy door slam in his face, missing his muzzle by an inch.

Setting his jaw, Aiden walked back to his room, head held high as he fought back the tears. His honesty had caused the taint of doubt to enter into their relationship. Their love had only been expressed and acknowledged for less then a week and it looked to be just about over.

Behind Closed Doors

Aiden knew as soon as he saw the empty bed, the prince must be on the observation deck. Sighing, the greyhound padded down to the observation deck, pulling the robe tighter around his lithe frame. Aiden knew the prince was heading out to wild...

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Being king did have its perks, one of which was total control of one's subjects. This let King Asher pick certain serfs to engage in his one vice without anyone raising objections. While everyone knew the white lion reveled in ruling over the...

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Tanim shirts vs skins

Tannim wrote this lovely piece for the shared soccer pic []( He gave me permission to post this Cilian the Australian Shepherd Sharamore the Wolf-Lynx...

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