You're Mine.

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Alright this is the first story I ever made. I am pretty happy about it an...

Alright this is the first story I ever made. I am pretty happy about it and i did it in about two hours tonight, i was really tired but that picture... single picture made me want to make a story about it. Its based on this picture:


The picture is from Riverglaive, its the first art iv'e seen by him/her but this is by far one of the best art iv'e ever saw.

Please leave Feedback its mostly appreciated ^^

Sky smiled, after picking up his bag he opened the window of his room and stepped out making sure not to make any noise to not wake up his parents. It was past midnight around one at the time and the twelve years old tiger surely wasn't allowed out at this time especially during week days, but he didn't mind, he liked the night air and even more the graphs that he made at this time. Landing on the ground after climbing down the emergency ladder in the backstreet of his apartment, he looked around then raised the hood of his red hoody and put on his white gloves. He used them to prevent staining his fur when manipulating the colourful cans of paint.

He walked for a while, about half an hour, before finally stopping in a back alley that one of the buildings harboured an empty and clean brick wall, perfect for his art. He smiled and looked around not seeing anybody he dropped his bag and opened it, his ears twitching to the sound of the zipper sliding open. He chose a green coloured paint and raised himself while shaking it then slid his arm close to the wall while pressing on the can sending jets of paint on it.

The boy was unaware that he was already watched. Leaning against a wall in the back of the alley, a fox was watching, a police officer that just wanted some calm but was surprised by the boy intrusion. The fox observed the tiger for a long moment before sneaking his way behind him. Sky was too concentrated to even notice the silent approach and when the officer placed a paw on his shoulder he yelped loudly and dropped his can freezing in fear.

"Look what we have here, a little criminal."

The tiger heart pounded into his chest, it was so loud that he could hear it. He then slowly turned his head to look at whoever was behind him. He gazed at the fox for a moment before looking down noticing the officer badge he was wearing. He gulped then looked to his side. If his parents caught what he had done, he wouldn't hear the end of it.

The paw on his shoulder was loose so closing his eyes he quickly tried to make a run for it, dashing toward the exit of the alley. "Not so fast!" The fox was unfortunately faster, trained officer he jumped on him and pinned him on the ground making him fall face first and leaking a grunt from the boy. "First you do graphs and second you run from a police officer, you're in trouble boy." The tiger squirmed under the older fox as this one worked both of his small paws over his head and cuffed them together. "Let me go!" Was all he could say before he was turned around facing the fox.

The fox was sitting on his legs with each of his larger knees spread on his sides and it was for him impossible to move away. He gulped, the older male grinning down as he placed a paw over his head, at this point the tiger shivered and had a really bad feeling. His green eyes met the fox ones and the young boy saw something that really didn't comfort him... He was afraid now.

Sky breathing accelerated, he simply gazed frightened looking inside the officer brown eyes, his muzzle open slightly. The fox moved his own closer, it was only an inch from the boy nose and he could feel his breath. The fox grin was no good impression and when he felt a paw drifting under his hoody and rubbing his small stomach he suddenly realised what was happening. In front of his eyes the older male liked his own lips, like if he was going to eat a good meal and ran his paw inside the tiger shirt.

"W-What a-are you doing?" Was all he could muster, he knew the answer, he wasn't stupid but he still wanted to hear it. The boy was frightened, unable to move and he couldn't get his eyes off the other male ones. The paw on his fur, silky orange fur, continued to explore inside his hoody and rub his young body. The older male didn't answer right away then he leaned placing his muzzle close to the boy ears and whispered softly in it. "You're mine." Was all he said. It was plenty enough to be understood.

The boy gulped and closed his eyes, his neck was then gently nipped and the paw in his hoody brushed against his nipple drawing a gasp from the tiger. Sky now was blushing a little, he was scared and couldn't believe what was happening. He then felt something starting to press between his legs. Looking down he noticed a bulge forming in the fox pants. The older male was sitting in a way that his crotch was right on the boy one and as soon as he became hard, the tiger felt it.

With growing lust, the fox none the less took his time, he licked the boy neck and slowly lowered the paw that was first stroking the tiger chest. Always lower, the older male finally undid the boy button and unzipped his jeans. He raised one of his legs to remove the young tiger pants and underwear at the same time. Sky didn't move, he couldn't do much, his arms were bound above his head and the much stronger male was keeping a paw on them balancing him from his leaned position. He shivered, his bare ass on the concrete under him. He blushes even more as he was exposed to the male eyes.

The heavy breathing of the tiger was easy to hear and soon it speeded up as the fox used his free paw to cup his balls and run a thumb on his sheath. The balls were soft and small, barely dropped and felt really nice inside the fox paw. He chuckled and continued to work, sending new sensations inside the boy body. It tickled at first, but as his balls were rubbed more and more, he felt a small stir in his crotch. The small and pink coloured cock showed itself after a moment, it didn't have much barbs they were barely visible and still growing. The fox noticing the emerging cock quickly moved to rub it. "For a cub, your well-endowed." He laughed making the boy blush even more. His cock was three and a half inches long, which was really good for his age and it would still grow. Then something happened, Sky blinked as a moan escaped his lips, why was he moaning? It was all new to him and more that the fox ran his fingers on his small member more that he let out moans. For long minutes all the fox did was play with him, tease him and his moans echoed through the alley.

Then he stopped, the cub who had his eyes closed opened them wondering why he did so and looked at him. He saw a smirk on his muzzle. "I hope you enjoyed because now my fun will begin." Sky shivered and opened his eyes widely shaking his head. "P-Please n-no..." He gulped and when he heard the zipper of the male lowered then felt his heavy cock fall on his he yelped and twitched under him.

The officer lifted his body a little then still holding the cub cuffed paws down went to fetch one leg at a time. He placed them on each side of his waist then worked on stroking his cock. His balls were resting on the little boy hard and slippery member and the fox musk quickly filled the air making the boy eyes watery. "Boy, I think that you know what will happen next, tell me." The boy nodded his eyes wide and gulped, then noticing that the male waited for an answer he said with a shuttering voice. "Y-You'll f-fuck me?" He said hoping that he was wrong. The police officer then grinned wider and said with a chuckled. "You're a really smart kid, yes that's what will happen." The boy closed his eyes and blushed madly also feeling his breath hasten and his heart pound in his chest. "B-Be gentle."

He heard stories, by one of his gay friends that said that it hurt like a bitch the first time, especially when you're not careful. He always was quick to catch on thing but this time he hoped that he wasn't as much. "Sorry boy, I don't have any lub with me, so I'll have to go in dry." The fox said bringing back the spaced out kid. He blinked wondering what this had anything to do with but he was soon answered. The fox pressed his hard throbbing cock against the puckered tail-hole of the boy, which was virgin and unbroken. He grunted and after a moment of working finally the tight hole opened letting the head of the cock slip inside.

The tiger opened his eyes widely when the tip entered, it hurt so much, his whole body shivered and he opened his muzzle letting out a silent scream as he tilted his head backward. After the first shock, he closed them tightly. He could feel his wall grabbing and closing around the invading member, too big for him and trying to prevent further intrusion. They made the fox groan and moan already, as he pushed deeper inside of him, inches by inches. The boy twitched and grunted, tears were now falling as he tried to hold in the pain. He hoped that it would be finished soon, he couldn't believe how full he felt soon after. The older male kept pushing in, the boy was just big enough so it would fully fit and he was decided to go all the way in. He moaned into the boy ears and soon started to nip on them making Sky gasp the first time.

After what seemed an eternity for the boy, it finally was fully in. The fox stopped and panted resting a little. The boy was shivering and panting heavily, he couldn't believe that it was all in. He opened his eyes and looked up, meeting once again the eyes of the fox then gasped as his lips connected with the ones of his tormenter. His eyes opened widely, a tongue entered his small muzzle and without thinking he rubbed his tongue against the intruding one. After a while he finally closed his eyes and to his surprise found himself kissing back, the fox ran the tongue inside the small boy muzzle exploring and rubbing the tooth and upper part of the muzzle. The kiss lasted a long time until the male broke the kiss and smirked. "Mmm, delicious, but let's get started." The cub blinked before yelping and arching his back as he felt the massive length withdraw from him. Then soon after push back. He whined and whimpered at first, his body moving with the flow, sliding on the ground under him. The officer took his time at first, going slowly but then speeded up. He groaned and enjoyed the grip that the boy inside had on his cock. It felt so good, so tight. He closed his eyes and returned to kiss the boy, which after a while, started to moan. His pain turned into pleasure, the sensation of his inside moved and the occasional hit on his prostate was drawing louder moans from him that vibrated into the fox muzzle as they kissed. He twitched under him, whimpered, moaned and groaned. The small cub own cock starting to throb and leak precum from the fucking that became pounding.

Sky was now lost in the sensations. The fox broke the kiss and grinned at him, it was about ten minute now that they were at it and the tiger didn't notice. "Hey, do you know what a knot is?" He said with a wide smirk. "K-Knot?" The boy said opening an eye... then it struck him. It was canine anatomy that he learned last year. He then opened both eyes. "N-NO!" His plea was negated as a strong trust was given by the fox, his knot pressed strongly against the tight hole, drawing groans from one and whimpers from the other, the canine finally felt it start to open, then a pop noise was heard. The scream was first silent but then resonated through the alley and soon was silenced by the paw of the officer. The boy calmed down, feeling a deep pain in his rear as the massive knot was shoved in him, stuck there. "Shhh..." Was all the fox said as he continued to hump this time limited by the knot. Each hump was painful due to the knot pulling against his now almost closed hole.

The boy silently cried but finally, it restarted, the pain faded and he felt something else. The pleasure was more intense. Each humps was hitting his prostate as it was shoved so deep inside of him and soon his whole body started to twitch. "Oh the cub is enjoying eh? Close are you?" The paw of the male went to stroke the boy cock that was without end leaking precum, making the fur on his stomach so sticky. The boy was once again moaning, however he wasn't the only one close. The fox was also really close and feeling himself closer and closer he speeded up. They both moaned together, the boy also whimpering at times. Then a last trust was all it needed, the fox cummed, sending a flow of warm seed inside the boy intestine, making him feel even more full. The boy spasmed as he felt the last trust and the warmth, and feeling his cock throb harder he then yelped and moaned louder, cumming also, on his stomach and the bottom of his hoody, for the first time, he released his seed. It took a moment for the fox to stop cumming and once he was done, he leaned over the fox panting and restarted to kiss him, whose instinctively kissed back.

They both calmed down, the breathing of both relaxing and the boy finally calming. "W-What will you do to me." He asked, now worried that he would end up getting killed to be silenced. "Haha, first I need that knot out, I doubt you will tell anything so I'll let you go." Sky was rather surprised, he looked at him and nodded not arguing on that and then grunted looking down. "Yeah, it will take a while for it, about half an hour." The boy nodded once again before closing his eyes and waiting.

Once they were unknotted, the officer did as promised, he let the boy go. Going back home was quite the chore for the boy as he was sore, he would probably have trouble sitting and walking for the rest of the week. As soon as he got in his room, he fell asleep, exhausted however sadly for him, two hours later he had to wake up for school.

Playing with your food.

Fedack: So... Hes food? Xorik: I hope not o.o Darkshadowdragon: And I don't eat bat Fedack: Ah... but i do O.O Xorik: Backs away -very- slowly Darkshadowdragon: Then eat him Fedack: *Is behind him and put his hands on his shoulders smirking* Hello...

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From Warrior to Courtesan

**Hello there!! It's me Fedack again, this time I bring you a different roleplay, this one is way softer also shorter. Anyways i hope you enjoy ^^** Warning: This story contain sexual intercourse between minor, please don't read if offended! **( For...

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Hello everybody, Im Fedack and more or less a new user... Im submitting this and its somebody me and my friend did... its not a story but a RP but concidering its lenght I call it a story... I hope you all enjoy and please give comments! WARNING:...

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