Meeting His Master

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A mouse gave a soft sigh as he trudged along a gravel road. His tail whisked about behind ...

A mouse gave a soft sigh as he trudged along a gravel road. His tail whisked about behind him, displaying his sluggish demeanor as well as a certain level of displeasure at being caught in the heat. He wore very little, a pair of leggings was all that kept him modest as he walked along. Under normal circumstances the mouse would be wearing a green tunic, a symbol of adulthood in his village. His name was Link and per the village customs he was required to embark upon a pilgrimage of sorts.

His only reprieve from the blistering sun was a storm front slowly rolling over the landscape. With a soft sigh he wiped the sweat from his damp fur and continued down the road, hoping that up ahead there would be a town or someplace to stay. Luck would find itself heavily against him today however, with a soft rumble behind him the clouds above began to darken until the rain began. It fell softly at first, feeling kind of nice to the mouse until it soaked his clothing and fur, chilling him quickly. His attention then quickly turned to finding shelter.

Meanwhile a cobra stirred from a lazy slumber in the darkness of a cave. The storm outside gave him just the nudge necessary to wake him, causing him to slither further toward the den he had decided to curl up in. It looked to him as if today would be just another day where he would have to stay in, he thought with a soft sigh.

No sooner had he coiled himself up than a figure entered his cave. The cobra's tongue flitted out against the air, tasting the scents that drifted in as he watched from the shadows. A flash of lightning outside lit the cave dimly, showing the snake his visitor. His coils shifted a bit as he grinned, the figure was a mouse, young by the looks of it or perhaps just small. Either way the serpent didn't seem to care as he sat there, watching the mouse intently.

Link gave a soft shudder as he entered the cave, the wind and rain having chilled him almost to the bone. He looked around for a moment before chittering softly and pushing his leggings off. The cobra seemed to take a bit of interest as his visitor's clothing was discarded. He watched intently as the mouse lowered himself onto his hands and knees and shook himself off, flinging rainwater against the walls of the cave as he tried to dry himself.

The cobra lifted himself, gliding quietly towards the unsuspecting mouse before him. Link seemed to sense something off about the room but he shrugged it off. He had no clue there was a predator behind him. His tail flicked a bit as he rubbed his fur, grooming himself as he continued drying off. The cobra paused behind him, shifting his coils up closer to his body as he prepared to make a move.

Link was obliviously standing there, busy grooming himself as the storm picked up outside. Behind him a soft hiss claimed the semi-silence of the cave, filling the mouse's ears and making his fur stand on end as a chill ran down his spine. He had little time to react before he felt a muscular appendage curl around his waist, smooth scales pressing against sensitive parts of his body drawing both a gasp and a blush from the young rodent before he began to struggle.

"Settle down mouse," came a soft voice from behind him. This only seemed to double his anxiety, his limbs flailing and beating against his attacker.

"Lemme go!" Link shouted, squirming and pushing at the cobra's coils. He froze when he felt something glide up against his shoulders, realizing it was the cobra's chest against him as the black-scaled serpent's chin dropped into view. The lightning showed him everything; bare scales glistened in the sky's display, catching the mouse's attention and chilling him to the bone. One of the snake's hands came up to gently take hold of his shoulder.

"I said relax," the cobra said in a sterner voice as his coils surrounded the boy's legs. The mouse gave a soft squeak but settled slightly; more afraid of what the serpent would do if he failed to listen. "There..." the serpent said softly, his free hand coming up to brush lightly at the mouse's cheek.

"What do you want?" the mouse asked, his whiskers twitching anxiously.

"You looked cold." the cobra replied while shifting his coils a bit. It wasn't until the mouse heard this that he realized exactly how warm the serpent's coils felt against his legs. "I'm Zurui." the serpent said softly, lowering himself a bit as he coiled loosely around the mouse.

"I'm Link." the mouse said timidly, settling slightly into the snake's coils. He was apprehensive to say the least but he had no intention of making the snake mad at him. "Can I at least put my shorts back on?" he asked with a bit of a blush in his ears.

"Not yet, they aren't dry," Zurui replied quietly. Link gave a soft whine but Zurui didn't care. Link sighed softly but resigned himself, at least the snake wasn't hungry. "It's been a while since I've seen such a cute mouse around here." Zurui said softly. "I think I might like to keep you." he said with a smirk.

The mouse swallowed, hard. "K-keep?" he said softly.

"As a pet." Zurui said while flitting his tongue lightly against the mouse's ear causing the little rodent to shiver. Link said nothing to the snake, only letting out a soft whine. "I think I will keep you." he said with a slight hiss. The rodent only let out a squeak before spying the snake's gaping jaws. The serpent's coils tightened just in time for the burst of adrenaline to rush through the mouse's body. He waited a second for the rodent to stop thrashing before he moved, biting down on the mouse's shoulder.

The boy let out a soft whine and his body went rigid, a burning pain radiating from his shoulders as the snake's venom entered his body. The burning stretched into the tips of his fingers, toes and tail before he went numb, his body going limp in the snake's coils. In reality the bite lasted seconds, to the mouse it lasted hours before he finally passed out.

Zurui watched the mouse after he released him, staring at his shoulder intently as he waited. Finally the mouse's fur began to darken in a pattern. A circle surrounded his fang marks, lines in the fur taking hold and forming a pair of fangs biting into an hourglass. "Sorry mousie, you'll need that soon enough." he whispered as his coils relaxed, allowing the mouse to slump to the floor, unconscious. Zurui watched with a slight distaste as the mouse's body twitched and curled, his coils guiding the movements to ball the boy up amongst his body.

Zurui curled himself up, using his body's warmth to keep the mouse from freezing while he worked out a small fire from a stack of wood he kept here. In truth this den was one of a few he kept in the area along with a house he maintained in a city not far from here. One he might take the mouse to soon enough. Still for the moment he focused on making the fire. The mouse in his coils gave a small groan and a shiver. Zurui let out a soft sigh and shifted his coils, keeping the mouse snuggled in his coils as he warmed the cave with the fire. Outside the storm was slowly dissipating, the rain dying off slowly to be replaced with a light drizzle and a fog as Zurui waited.

Nearly a day later Link finally stirred from his slumber amongst the cobra's coils. His muscles ached, his shoulders hurt and he shivered a bit. His ears perked as he sat up, looking upon a softly crackling fire and his, now dried, clothing in a pile within arms distance. He slowly reached for them and grabbed his small garments, pulling them on before he heard the voice of his would be owner.

"Finally awake mousie?" Zurui asked softly, his coils curling slowly around the mouse's waist.

"What's the matter couldn't choke me down?" Link said with a scowl at the cobra.

"Would you like me to?" the cobra shot back with a playful grin as he pulled the boy to his chest. He began slow, steady strokes of his hands on the mouse's shoulders and arms as he laid there. "I said I wanted to keep you." he said softly while curling his tail around the boy slowly.

"I want to leave." Link said groggily, squirming against the cobra's coils to try and wiggle away.

"Okay." Zurui said simply, loosening his coils to allow the rodent up. Link took three steps before swaying, his body going numb before he collapsed into the cobra's collecting coils and was drawn back to the serpent's chest. He let out a soft mumble as his body lay limp against the cobra's chest. The serpent simply nodded and resumed the gentle strokes over the mouse's body, content to simply lay there with the boy.

It took the rodent a while before he was finally able to move again, his body was exhausted and achy from the cobra's venom and he was simply hungry. His stomach growled as if on cue to the cobra, drawing a blush from the mouse and a chuckle from the snake. "I take it you're hungry?" Zurui said while reaching for a small bag against the wall of the cave. Link only nodded, his ears laid back as he rested on the cobra. He wanted very little to do with his captor but for the moment he seemed very dependent on him.

Zurui pulled a small loaf of bread from the bag and offered it to the mouse. At first the boy refused, still not wanting to be indebted to someone who held him against his will but after a small protest by his stomach he meekly took the hunk of bread and nibbled on it. The cobra smiled faintly and ran his hand down the mouse's back, his coils shifting slightly to curl around the rodent's legs. Link let out a soft churr before catching himself and blushing. He returned to nibbling the bread, finishing off almost half before the cobra pulled it away from him, drawing a soft whine from the rodent.

"You'll make yourself sick if you eat too much at once." the cobra said softly, his coils pulling the boy up to his chest. His chin rested lightly between the mouse's ears while he laid there, his tongue flitting between his lips every few moments. As much as Link hated to admit it he was unable to keep from letting out a soft churr as he laid there, snuggled comfortably in the cobra's coils and being petted gently by the serpent's smooth scaled hands.

Zurui smiled gently at the mouse while rubbing his shoulders. "I think it's time for you to go to bed pet." he said softly. His coils gently rippled against the boy's shorts, pulling them off once more as he laid with his mouse. Link blushed at the feeling of his more private areas being pressed against the serpent's smooth scales. When he looked up to Zurui he was rather surprised to see the squishy pink lining of the cobra's maw descending towards him quickly.

He had no time to react before his nose entered the cobra's throat with a muffled squeak. He was too shocked to do much of anything but squirm, his hands came up to push at the cobra's chest but much to his dismay they were caught by the serpent's hands and stuffed into his maw as well. He whined and writhed as he felt his would-be owner's coils pushing him up and further into his gaping jaws. Zurui took his time with the mouse, pushing him up every few seconds in time for his swallows to draw another inch of the mouse into his gullet. By now his jaws were creeping over the rodent's shoulders, his fangs pressed against the mouse's fur almost threatening to bite down,

Link whined as his chest was compressed by the serpent's jaws, pushing the breath from him as he squirmed and tried to kick against the snake. He wanted nothing to do with this, and surely his tail showed this by flicking back and forth. He didn't wait long for the next contraction, the snake's muscles pulling his shoulders and arms down with him. From the outside the snake's throat bulged and thrashed with each movement the mouse made.

The cobra swallowed again, his coils shifting to lift the mouse into his waiting jaws as his lips glided against the boy's bellyfur causing a small bout of thrashing to erupt from his throat. He grinned around the mouse as his coils released the boy's legs, his hands gently grabbing the mouse's hips to lift him into the air. Link squeaked in surprise as his world was inverted, his legs kicking futilely in the air as he was guided by the cobra's jaws and gravity into the serpent's body. Slowly Zurui's jaws claimed the boy's hips, his eyes drifting closed as he reveled in the writhing and pushing of the mouse.

Link was definitely not enjoying this, his fur was damp again with whatever slime coated the cobra's throat and it was so confining within the serpent's jaws that he could barely move. After a moment though his progress was halted by a ring of muscle, his relief was short-lived though, another swallow from the serpent pressed his nose through and slowly his body was worked in as well. By now only his knees and tail remained unclaimed by the cobra but one slight bite ended his protesting by pinning his legs together.

Zurui's hands moved now to the base of his torso, gently rubbing over the mouse's form as he swallowed again, taking in the boy's shins and most of his tail as he hissed contently. Slowly the last of the mouse's toes disappeared, sealed within the squishy confines of the cobra's throat when the serpent's lips sealed around the boy's tail, slurping it down slowly like a noodle.

Link finally slid to a stop, laid out in the cobra's stomach as he broke down into soft sobs. This wasn't what he wanted, he was supposed to be a hero, to return to his village with stories of his heroic adventures and tales of good deeds. Yet now it seemed all he would be was filler for this serpent.

"You tasted sweet." Zurui said with a contented sigh as he laid himself next to the bulge in his coils. It wasn't until he really looked at his coils that he noticed they were heaving almost as if the mouse was crying. He gave a soft sigh and rested a hand above the mouse's resting place. There was nothing he could have said to relax the mouse at this point. He would just have to wait until tomorrow to explain everything to him.

For now though he rested, thinking of how to explain the complexities of the mark he placed on the mouse's shoulder. In its simplest description it was a reformation stamp, a rune of sorts that would ensure that the mouse would return the next day, unharmed. Perhaps he should have explained that first, but then the mouse might not have thrashed as much. Zurui resigned himself to needing to apologize to the mouse tomorrow but for now, his body began to shut down, preparing to digest his mouse.

The storms ahead

Okay so I haven't posted anything in a while so I figured you guys needed some smut :D Heads up though my proofer has been really busy lately so I didn't wanna bother him with this. Hope you guys like it....

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Bonding: Apple of my eye

Okay so it's been a while since I've posted anything (yet again -\_-) so I decided that I -would- write something. Plot bunnies burrowed in and all the sudden I have an awesome-sauce series planned out. At least one or two more stories will be written...

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The Packlands

Okay so I know I've been kinda lazy about stories lately but I blame WoW and having a mate that I hang out with in real life. That said it hit me a little over a week ago. Why not just write in WoW? I'm fond of pack mentality and dominant submissive...

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