SHK 18- Corazon Real's Secret

Story by Yin Absol on SoFurry

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#18 of School of Hard Knocks: A Home for the Not-so-Normal Pokemon

Arashi's Ploy TK was well-adjusted to his Arcanine body by now. Endurance was up as well as his speed, but these advancements weren't what preoccupied his mind. Just running. It was all TK thought about.... and Reika. It was a long time since he last saw her. Life was lonely without his lover. Her scent was forever burnt into his memory, more so than most of her other features. It was the scent which he ran after in hopes of tracing the source. His journey ran him through Lilycove where he assisted Jose and Mari before bolting off in pursuit of his forlorn love. No one could understand why he was so one-tracked, but it is the whole reason why he found her again that first week of school four years ago. Sleep was not sought after in this state of the love bound hunt, so there would be moments where he would black out and wake up miles later running all the way through due t muscle memory. He made a beeline across the Hoenn plains and mountains, even bounding around the Verdanturf cave, finally reaching Rustboro, only the thought of meeting her again, marked indelibly in his mind. But strangely, his sense of smell faded, his brain too worn out to analyze scents. But he had faith she was there. Nothing struck him as odd as the way Rustboro citizens were behaving. Sure, there were a decent number of people living here, even after the Devon Corporation left this area, but something did not add up, all things considered. He took no notice of the glazed eyes of the pokemon and a few of the humans that moved about, or the strange Delcatty posters here and there. "Have you seen a ninetails about?" asked TK to a passerby taillow. "Hail Arashi, loveliest maiden of the world," it squawked. The arcanine ran over to another pokemon, this time a slakoth. "Have you seen my love? She is a ninetails that stands at my shoulder, incredibly beautiful and powerful with a fiery nature." A few seconds passed before the slakoth yawned out a response. "I need to deliver mail for the great Queen Arashi." Frustrated, he scurried off towards the pokemon center hoping someone would have a solution for him. On his way, however, he crossed paths with someone unexpected. "Hello, TK," said a plusle. "What are you doing all the way out here? I thought you were in the hospital." TK looked down to see his principal, an adorable Plusle who has done exceedingly well in contests, currently reigning as the world champion. Interestingly, she had a collar on with a nametag attached. "Can you help me find my mate? She is this very beautiful..." She nodded and had him follow her to the old Devon building. "She is in here waiting for you/" The walls were covered with inspirational posters of a Delcatty wearing a peculiar necklace and random slogans such as "Work for a better day" on the caption of the cat wearing a soldier uniform in a provocative manner and holding the Hoenn flag. She was in her anthro form so not even the humans complained. Apparently like TK, they were oblivious to everything going on under their noses. Further down the hallway, a picture of the same pokemon in profile holding a riding whip in one paw was accompanied by another slogan: "Help this sexy pokemon by doing your job and promoting Pokemon everywhere." Tk shrugged them off. It wasn't important for him just as long as he got to his love. Finally they reached a room where everything was dark except for the center where a ninetails kneeled. "Reika? Is that you?" The ninetails nodded, although a bit tiredly. TK ran forth but stopped suddenly when he got a better look at her. She looked the same, everything except her demeanor. She had a collar on with a nametag, just like the plusle. Her eyes looked hazy and submissive as did her disposition. "Reika..." he whispered as he knelt down to hug her. She returned the hug and a few tears dripped from her eyes. "Takeru... mistress is here." He lifted his head and felt a collar around his neck. The room soon lit up and there Sat Arashi, in all her beauty. "Well that there almost brought tears to my eyes. Welcome Takeru, it's time you fell into my power like the other people of this town." Soon, Takeru felt his will to think disappearing with a sudden burst of sensual energy within him. He could hear her speak subconsciously, telling him that everything would be alright if he listens... it's too much to resist. He walks forward and sits to her right, kneeling in submission. Reika moves with him and sits to the left, following his example. "Good pets..." "Mistress, do you find it interesting that I ran into him on my way back to Mauville?" said the deceptive creature, kneeling in front of Arashi, nuzzling her feet like a dog. "It was quite fortunate, otherwise, he might have gotten lost... head back to Mauville and do not fail me. You must find away to get that egg from her." The plusle bowed, kissed her feet, and scampered out. Arashi looked deep in thought. "Why don't you two give me a show or something? I need to figure out how to get rid of the humans in this area so that I can run things above ground. Staying in this natural form is killing my ability to proceed." Corazon Real Manor Windslash woke up in a warm, comfortable bed. The smell of hot chocolate and lilac air freshener filled the air but it as quite pleasant to someone waking from a slumber. The Victorian bed he found himself in was designed for children. Engravings of children attending a lantern festival interspersed with chimecho and chingling were at both bedposts. The pillars that held the canopy up were engraving with mareep. Hopping out of bed, he landed on a soft Johto rug. "Wood floors here too..." He jumped on the carpet and sniffed around. "No humans... that means I can change forms." Moments after transforming into his anthro form, he slowly walks down the hall, unsure as to what to make of this place. It had an old feeling and a strange smell lingered in the hallway. * * *

"Psss... Wake up dreamer...Yin is looking for you" Crystal sprang from her bed, looking around intently for him only to hear the childish murkrow laughing it up. She looked up and saw her sitting on the canopy in her anthro form. "It always works." Crystal groaned and resumed a groggy state. "Sunshine, why do you have to be a bitch?" asked the eevee. Matilda shot her a malicious look then jumped down. "My name is Matilda. Don't forget it!" Crystal rubbed her eyes and changed her forms... looking closer, she noticed that Matilda's wing was bandaged. "Hey how did you get on the canopy in the first place?" Maddy ignored her question. "This house is strange... no humans and no electric utilities, but it is well maintained so I wonder about the owner." Crystal had to agree. All of these old paintings were in good condition and there wasn't a speck of dust anywhere. "Matilda, how did you get up there?" she asked again "I was perching there in the morning in a nest that was in the canopy. It was so soft and comfortable but I wasn't sleeping. Just felt good to be conscious." For a few minutes afterwards, there was stark silence as they just looked around. *Knock Knock* The door swung open soon after, a flock of swablu swarming in to clean the room. Within minutes, it was more spotless then before. They flew out just as fast as they entered. As the maids left, the electabuzz fem walked in carrying some tea. Getting to look at the person who treated them for the first time, they could see she was around their age and pretty tall (Crystal only stood at her shoulder). Her body was curvaceous and a bit chubby but it fit her body type well. Her fur was of a medium intensity, maintaining a slight glow no matter what angle you gazed at her yellow striped fur. On her chest stood two/C cup breasts, firm and full. She wore a light blue collar with her name printed in gold that matched her eyes. It did not take Crystal to figure out what kind of place this mansion was. "Hello Crystal and Matilda. Here is some tea for you made from Hondew leaves," she said while blushing slightly and scarcely making any eye contact. Her soprano voice made her seem even cuter. Summoning up her courage, she looked them both in the eyes and continued to speak. "Mistress Josephine requests your presence for lunch and would also like to know how you are..." A sudden flood of bashfulness filled her face as she looked into the eyes of the two fems. They did not seem to be staring into her eyes nor did they speak." Looking at them again, she saw them unmoving, maintaining the same look, although Matilda's beak started curling into a smirk. Her shyness started getting worse and her heart started beating a bit faster. "Oh I forgot to intro..." She trailed off as she watched the murkrow smirking. "...introduce myself. My name is Leela as it says on my..." She pointed to it and looks at them again. Crystal is started to look embarrassed herself. Leela was getting unnerved by the fact they still were not making full eye contact with her. Her self-consciousness shone through her now bright blush and nervous paw shifting. Matilda made a motion across her head with her feathers, signaling to the electabuzz girl that something was wrong. Crystal nodded, also fully blushing. "You have crap in your hair. Did someone sneeze on you or something?" Maddy cackled, breaking the silence. Leela turned pale having rubbed her hair. It wasn't mucus at all and she totally forgot to head herself off from a previous session. Crystal walked up next to her and helped get it out. "What kind of place is this and where is the place I can go to clean my paws?"

"Windslash woke up in strange surroundings. He rolled over his sore arm as he tossed and turned in bed. The pain was just enough to wake him. He stood in the bed, suddenly realizing he had fallen asleep again in the bed. "How did I.... never mind..." He got up feeling more awake and went back to the hallway. Despite it being the afternoon, the passageway had a haunted feel to it that made the shrew feel just a bit more nervous. His heart beat thunderous in this silent place where all of the doors looked the same from their uninviting position, nothing but the light that filtered through the small space between the door and the floor illuminating his path. A few passionate sounds pierced the silence, and instantly brought him out of his mental anguish. It came from a slightly ajar room, where it seems someone was having fun. He wanted to check it out, not as to peek on them, but maybe to figure out where he is. It's the first soul he's seen since he ran into this house... something just didn't sit well about this place to him. Inside the room, he saw a Nidoking and queen couple sitting side by side, rubbing each other down, the male nibbling down the queen's neck, her face blushing in pleasure. "Mmm, aww come on little one... my hubby is doing well... want a reward, sweetie." His mouth worked with skill that could only have developed with constant practice, moving just the right speed, touching the right places, making her feel like her first good time. She moaned constantly as his caresses and little nips made her burn up in passion, her energy intensifying with his ministrations. A little Kangashkan watched intently, mouth open wide as she saw her customers working each other up. This wasn't going to be the easiest start as they were ready before she was. It wasn't long before the young kangashkan looked flustered as she attended to the nidos. She tried her best to stifle her youthful yips and moans as the nidoking plowed his way into her body. The resulting tremors jostled the marsupial with every thrust and left her with the strange feeling of emptiness when his virility withdrew. The voyeuristic sandshrew could see the kangashkan looked happy enough doing it without taking on the whorish appearance of those in her profession. Meanwhile the nidoqueen lapped at her small breasts tenderly, in contrast to her rough husband. Occasionally her lips moved to sample the sweet little nub, wanting the younger fem to feel more pleasure. Her lips would ascend to the still smooth shoulders down to her navel then finally at the center of pleasure where loud moans would fill the air. "Cool down for her Harry, the poor girl is tired from her fun," the large fem whispered to her mate. Almost immediately, his heavy plunges into the adolescent abyss slowed. "Ok Nancy." Windslash had seen enough of that to know when to leave. He wasn't about to be caught peeping. Besides, he needed to find his way to Crystal and Matilda. *Need to find them and get out of here before we get recruited.*

Crystal and Matilda followed the electabuzz down to the dining hall to await Mistress Josephine, the pokemon that helped save them from an ariados. The room was lavishly designed, adorned with gilded mahogany tables and chairs, all engraved with the family crest. The emblem depicted twilight when both the sun and the moon occupy the sky. There were no hints as to whether it was dusk or dawn but nonetheless artistically designed. The room itself was well lit and large enough to accommodate three different set-ups of 24 chairs each. The walls were painted lilac with floral patterns in the foreground. A few living vines wrapped around the pillars in this room, a hint that the wilderness was still here. Matter of fact, the center of the room contained a small bonsai tree. Crystal felt more comfortable in this part of the house and some of her mounting tensions were eased; however, there were still some questions that would not let her rest. "How did you all end up here?" The electabuzz served some tea for the two visitors and took a seat. "Well, that is something I really don't know. I have only been here a few years. But I do like it here. It's safe. Mistress Josephine happens to be the mayor's prize pokemon and he purchased an old mansion and turned it into her house. She lives here to keep the peace and rule over this place." Crystal took a sip of tea then looked down the table. "How did you end up here?" She turned back to see Leela blushing bright orange, possibly out of a sense of shame or embarrassment or a mixture of two. In any case, she wasn't going to answer the question. "In any case, this is a temporary place of residence for most people that come and since the mayor can't afford to feed us all and none of us have the natural experience of foraging, we do other things for berries. Mostly... what I do. I am one of Mistress' assistants. The other one hasn't been around for awhile. She ducks out for Rustboro and comes back at the oddest times." *I didn't ask about that but whatever...* Crystal was disappointed, but it wasn't going to stop her from figuring this enigma of this Corazon Real Manor. She scans the room once more and notices no patches of darkness. "Where did Matilda go?" Crystal asked. Leela started sweating and dashed off to find her. "Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear, I don't want to get into trouble."

Maddy had wandered off in a fit of boredom and childhood hyperactivity. She didn't care much for the history of this place or the fact that the dining room is the most unnatural thing in this building. Besides, she wanted to find and possibly annoy her sandshrew companion separated from them. Her curiosity took her into a few unoccupied damp smelling rooms with the scent of an activity she knew nothing about. She saw a few stains here and there and saw a few pokemon moving about, some with the strange white substance she saw on Leela and others covered in sweat and caring the same scent as some of the rooms. In one of the rooms, she saw something that seemed out of place in a nature overtaken house: two incubation units, one filled with rocks and the other with dirt. In the rock filled one, there was a green egg with brown bands, It had a crack near the top right where the head of whatever would be inside of it would be. In the other tube, there was a tan egg with a strange sheen which was otherwise perfect. Matilda walked in and pressed her beak against the glass aquarium shaped devices. "The incubator... the warmest cold... those eggs... it's like I'm back there..." The murkrow child slides her beak so that her cheek is on the incubator. "Never knew my parents, never knew outside... damn eggs have that here... I can tell. Yet you seem like you have been here for a while." Just outside the door, Crystal and Leela stood there. Crystal was quite shocked to hear this seemingly malevolent crow talking to the eggs like the child she is supposed to be. Leela wanted to get them out of the room but somehow felt restrained from doing so as Crystal stood in front of her, somewhat blocking any sort of progress. "There is this welling of envy and sorrow I feel for those who grew up under normal care and even under those who were cared for your way. For many years of my short life, I was handled only by the cold human gloves of learning and experimentation... your tubes are warm..." From that point, the murkrow ceased making any sort of sense. Her mind had gone off on an incomprehensible string of words as it could no longer fight off the strange thoughts and feelings welling up from repression of her own early childhood. At this moment to Crystal, Maddy was no longer the evil little genius that lacked the ability to perceive appropriateness and who loved spreading her malice; she was now a child who through lack of maturity could not deal with her feelings of solitude except to do all these awful things to people who wouldn't her so much. "Maddy... let's go," said the eevee as she approached the bird. In a flash, Matilda's facial expression went from morose to severely irritated. "What the hell? Don't say a word about this, ya hear?" She looked hard at Crystal... "You know, something is different here." In fact, Matilda had noticed that Crystal had indeed changes, now bearing a purple streak in her hair.

Windslash had seen a door open at the end of one of the hallways and was racing through the shadows to get to it. He slowed down, however, as he heard sounds of passion emanating from the room. The room wasn't dank like the others as I caught the light of the rising sun. Curiosity once more got the better of him and he decided to take a peak. In there, he saw a plusle with a collar and a mawile doing something naughty. "Let's see how much you learned so far," said the mawile as she stroked her kneeling green-eyed plusle pet. "You have been a truant girl lately and I might have to punish you. But that is a manner to discuss later." The Mawile murred before taking a seat on the bed, legs spread for access. Wind took the time to admire the pokemon who saved his butt back in the alleyway from heroine to raunchy nymphomaniac. He didn't know that he was watching Josephine the metallic Venus, her perfectly curved hips, her smooth tan complexion, her deceptive softness. Her B sized bust matched the slender body as was her graceful rear. She wore a pink bow on her horns and nothing else for the time being. The kneeling mouse had a bold sunset shade of yellow, complete with red markings and the plus sign on the tail that denotes her species. However, her cheeks were asymmetrical, one being red with a plus sign and the other a mysterious blue also with a plus sign. Taking the cue, the plusle stroked her mistress's slit softly, her soft paws steadily getting soaked in aromatic nectar. Jo squeaked softly as her body trembled under the unexpected masterful caresses, her body quivering in growing need. She ground her lips against the pet's paw, moaning quietly. The voyeuristic shrew put one foot into the room, mentally wanting to jump into it, but is hardwired fear prevented him to exposing himself...for now. The plusle's maw descended into her mistress's lap to nibble lightly on Jo's hardening clit. Like a cat, she licks up some of her juices as it drenches her maw. Jo seemed to temporarily let go of her mistress status as she fell into the pleasure too hard, her whole body shivering all over, her metallic 'fur' standing on end as if she was charged with electricity. She reached down to grasp the plusle behind the ears, grinding the girl's lips to her clit while she gently squeezed her thighs to get her student's cute face wet and sticky with her honey. Feeling her mistress's needs rising through the near-crushing pressure on her head, she took hold of the mawile's waist and licked her cunny furiously, drawn into heated mating. Her own needs were apparent by the amount of nectar dripping from her snatch. Her paw starts to move down but Jo brings it to her chest. "Pleasure me first... and I guess I have to remind you." Windslash ducked back into the hallway as the mawile walked towards a dresser on the same side of the room. She procured a small vibration toy. "Open up..." Obediently, the plusle spread for her mistress. Jo wasted no time is slicking up the vibrating toy with her own fluids before sliding it deep inside her pet's tailhole. The mawile was quite satisfied with the flustered look the plusle gave as it just barely stimulated her but wasn't enough to make her come. "I'm sorry mistress... let me cum... I..." She was muffled by Jo's deep, passionate kiss. "Hush..." she said in a sweet voice. "I have to come first after all." Knowing what needed to be done, the plusle took one of her instructor's nipples in her mouth, lightly sucking at it. Her paws, well soaked in mawile honey, started sliding up Jo's pussy. The fist of the plusle was quite small as expected, but the look of sheer joy on Josephine's face sent Windslash over the edge. Unfortunately, he was not guarding the spray of cum that exploded from his masturbation. In a moment of clarity, he watched it fly across from where he hid... and right on the fems' cheeks. That moment was the longest instance in recent memory. Time seemed to move at a very slow pace as the globular splatter of cum traveled to the unsuspecting females. It looked like the Mawile was a bit frustrated at the hotness within her loins but her inability to peak... the plusle... she looked familiar...and her head started to turn just as the seed was zeroing in on an unintended target. Windslash's heartbeat echoed through the silent room... at least to his hearing, shattered as his own heart stopped when the two fems turned to him, their cheeks covered with cum. For the next minute, they just stared at each other, Windslash immensely more embarrassed than the two females. Who knows what was going through their heads at this point. Windslash was too afraid to run and too scared to talk. The plusle walked up to him, then stepped back in fright. "Windslash?!" "Halle... the school's chairperson...I am going to pass out now..." * * *

Postscript There were thunderclouds in the sky around Ecruteak city, far from where the story takes place. A cloaked individual wandered through the hallways of the pokemon tower, searching for something. There were casualties in this dark character's passing, many monks keeled over, knocked out, burned, drowned, or just plain crushed. The character finally made it to the top and dashed across the old roof, towards the pinnacle of the building. There he saw Ho-oh sleeping. "It's your day to be mine and you are sleeping?!" The figure shot a fire blast which was easily dampened by the rain. The legendary of course was not amused by this creature's attempts at capturing him. "I am Holofernes, guardian of the sacred fire. Your puniness is no match for my power." The ho-oh flew up and dissipated the storm. "Your pain will be nothing sort of hellish for daring to combat me!" However, the cloaked individual stretched out his yellowish paw and murmured a few words. The gravity of the field increased so that Holofernes came crashing down. Holofernes sent out his sacred fire technique in the form of a phoenix, enveloping the attacker in flames... but to no effect. All he could hear was the chilling laughter, the coarse tow-tone voice of this thing. "I think you should now who I am once I take this hood off." Holoferes eyes shot wide open... his opponent was a ninetails and not just an ordinary one. Some very dark enveloped this figure as detailed in the inked "devil red-eye" markings found on his body, mostly on the chest, eyes, and tails.. "My name is Miku. I am an essence absorber. I wish to challenge God soon enough and that can't happen if I can't get rid of his guardians." Holofernes freed himself from the gravity attack and used a powerful sky attack. Miku was slammed through many floors of the building as it collapsed, an explosion of fire following. Firefighters and police officers rushed in to search for sign of the two fighting pokemon for that matter. In the distance watched that same cloaked figure. "Fly!" He sprouted two rainbow wings on his back and took off for the ionosphere.

SHK 17- An Act of Bravery

Sin City Crystal walked down a pitch-dark hallway, complete with illuminated doors. She does not know how she gets here every night when she sleeps or even where this place came from but every time she sleeps, she finds herself here. \*Crystal, I...

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SHK 16: Journey to Mauville

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SHK 15: The Artist-Engineer Part 2

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