Best Friend's Brother

Story by CerberusWerewolfking on SoFurry

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#1 of BFB

My Best Friend's Brother

*** Attention***

I'm always watching and if you are under the 18/21 click the back bottom until you are back on your home page then delete you history and forget this ever happened. And if you are straight this contains gay material with lots of cock sucking and gay anal sex so press the back button and forget this ever happened unless you like that then I question you sexuality. If you are a furry hater ..... WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING ON THIS SITE?!? either way this contains gay furry relationships and sex. Remember I'm always watching 0.0 well except when I"m playing video games then don't bother me XD but seriously I'm always watching.

_ Friday _

I'm the type of person that you would expect to be a character from an anime, I'm complete random and seem like a complete idiot but is one of the smartest people you will ever meet. I'm always with my friends especially my two best friends Courtney and Cole, who started dating behind my back. They could have said "Hey Blake we're fucking each other just letting you know." I would have been fine with that but no let's secretly date for a month then tell someone besides our best friend. I love them to death don't get me wrong but seriously they are like in permanent puppy love mode. It sickens me seeing them all up on each other and guess who I have almost every class with.

Me and Cole have been friends since elementary school and I knew Court since freshman year. I use to think she was a total bitch until I found out she was pretty much a female version of me. Seriously just like me, loves Paramore, GIR, hates the same things and people as me, the only difference besides gender would be the fact I like anime and manga. And instead of me they tell everyone but me. I wanted to beat the shit out of them.

The only thing keeping from going insane while being around them is Court's hot muscular piece of wolf brother named Taylor. Taylor is 17 and a junior and is always with us. He is six foot five and muscular but not too big and he's on the football team. He is nice and the opposite of what you would expect from a jock. In other words he's perfect for me except he is most likely as straight as can be. I do hate keeping the fact I'm gay from them and they all believe I'm painfully straight too (thanks to my perfect acting and the help from a few girls, who are now some of my best friends) and I really do feel bad about lying to them. If they found out they probably shit and fall back in it. Well Nikki probably wouldn't care and Reg probably wouldn't either. Out of our little group Nikki, Taylor, and Reg are the only juniors and me, Cole, and Courtney are seniors. Nikki and Reg are friends with benefits without benefits (confusing right?). Them I can deal with they are fun to have around, all Cole and Court do is kiss and have three second arguments then they go back to kissing. When I'm around Taylor I get nervous. I never know what he's thinking and I don't know what to say. Usually he starts up a conversation about video games (my specialty) or football.

I pretty sure the only person that knows I'm gay is my mom (and my little helpers). She has known since that time I forgot to clear out the history on the computer after some web surfing. That was an awkward situation and a talk I never want to hear again. It has always been just me and her small side of her family. I never knew my father and I don't plan on finding out. He had his chance and he didn't take it. There is my aunt, my uncle and his wife, their three girls, and with my grandma, but that's it for my family. We are all close and at times that's the worst thing ever because mama most likely is ready to burst because she can't tell them. I want to just drop this lie and tell everyone but I like how things are now. I'm happy in this moment right here. That and I hate having to think how they will react I mean it still awkward a year after I told my aunt I didn't believe in god.

I was thinking about all of this in the middle of World History and Ms. Ambrosia was lecturing away as I though hard about my predicament. I was about to just put me head down and take a nap when my name was yelled from across the room.

"Mr. Williams would you like to tell us which countries where the Axis powers and which were the Allies?" easy question next time Ms. Ambrosia will have to do better than to catch me.

"Germany, Italy, and Japan were the Axis powers and Great Britain, France, the Soviet Union, and after Japan bombed Pearl Harbor the U.S. were the Allies." More information that she needed but made her look even more foolish for going against me. She looked away and gave me the stink eye then said "Correct Blake."

"Great save I was hoping she would catch you." Cole said grinning like the Cheshire Cat himself. Cole was a white Bengal tiger and was muscular but like me the only sport he played was soccer. We were about the same size six foot two and not the size of Taylor in the muscle department but we were still muscular. Unlike me though he wasn't smart except when it came to computers. I may not look like it but he could take a computer apart and put it back together and make it even better in about three minutes.

" Thanks for the support asshole." I told him.

"Well someone has to make you look like a stupid little puppy." He was still grinning. I hated when he called me a puppy. I am a grown German Sheppard and he's mad because he can't beat me at anything.

"Well this is my best subject so she can try all she wants you mangy cat." Then the teacher yelled at both of us to pay attention.

Later at lunch...

" Alright guys thirty minutes until class what do y'all want to eat from unless you want wheat bread pizza that taste like shit with a wrapper that says "let's get personal"?" I said sitting at our normal bench in the center of the open area of the school under a nice shady tree.

"How about you go with someone in your car to Chick-Fil-A ?" They always send me probably because I'm the best driver. I can drive as fast as I want and I never get caught because I know the cops tricks. Never have gotten a ticket yet. "I want the twelve piece with a coke."

"I want the crispy chicken salad with a lemonade." Courtney yelled.

" I want the same and Reg wants the twelve piece with a lemonade." Nikki said and where was Reg? He must be in the bathroom.

"I guess I'll go with you then." said Taylor. That's just what I needed a awkward ride with the straight guy I have a crush on. Everyone handed me the cash and me and Taylor went to my car.

"I can't get over your car. It's so fucking awesome!" Taylor way referring to the 2012 Shelby GT500 Ford Mustang that my grandfather bought me a month ago three days before he died. It came with a note saying he wasn't the best grandpa and that I deserved and he was proud of me and of course take care of my grandma. It was completely paid off and even my grandma doesn't know where he got the money he must have been saving it for a long time. I always wondered how he knew this was my dream car. Everything down to the color was perfect (black with a crimson red racing stripe). I don't know why he thought wasn't he wasn't a great grandfather. I always looked up to him and I thought he was the greatest even before the car.

"Ya it's great." There was most likely sadness in my voice but I didn't care. I started the car and put it in reverse. The one thing I hated about the car was that it was a stick shift. I didn't drive the car until I knew how to drive one. Mother had a week with my car and I had a week learning with her Honda Civic. She had fun unlike me. Before I knew it we were there and I ordered my food then the others.

"What about you?" I asked Taylor.

"Um... I'll take two twelve pieces." He started blushing.

"And two more twelve pieces only one a combo." I said to the speaker.

"That will be thirty-five dollars and sixty- fours cents have a nice day." Said the woman on the other side of the speaker. I pulled around the building and they handed me the drinks that I handed to Taylor then the food. Then we drove off.

"Um Blake do you like me?" Shit what is he meaning. "I mean we hang out but is that because your friends with my sister?"

"Why would you ask that of course we're friends?" He looked down into his lap.

"Oh that's good." He looked back up and looked like his normal cheerful self. "I just wanted to know since the biggest conversation was about Fable 3."

I felt bad like I was a bad friend and what was that look like he was expecting more? We pulled back up at school with fifteen minutes left. We got back and we started talking about our four day weekend coming up.

"So are we still meeting at Blake's house to watch True Blood Sunday?" Cole looked at me, who completely forgot about that.

"That's up to y'all." It's always my house because me and Reg are the only ones with HBO and Reg's parents never let. "Y'all can come any time we do have a DVR."

"Ya but it's better to watch it when it comes on for the first time." Courtney said smiling. "Besides your mother is fun unlike mine she always gives me choirs."

"Ya that you don't do so they get pushed onto me." Taylor growled at her. She didn't care.

"Well that's why I do it." She started to point at his food. "Besides you need to work or you'll get fat from all the food you eat."

"At least I'm not fat yet." He stuck his tongue at her and she did the same to him. The rest of us just laughed.

_ Sunday _

Cole stayed the weekend as usual (He stays with his grandparents since he doesn't get along with his mother and stepfather so he comes over any chance he gets. He says he has to leave before they drag him to bingo.) but I don't mind it gets boring being an only child.

"So mama bear you ready for some True Blood?" I don't know how this got started but we started calling mother "mama bear" last month and she stared calling Cole "baby bear" and me "big bear" (I'm guessing that it has to do with our mascot being a bear).

"Hell ya baby bear." Mother just want's to see Eric and Sookie get together.

"Well the others will be hear in a bit." I noticed the time 7:34. They would be here by eight. "So what's for dinner?"

"Pizza, I just ordered it. I didn't feel like cooking tonight." I understood she had a busy day in the kitchen of the bar and grill my grandfather owned. Even before he died my grandmother ran it so she just took over after he died and mother stayed the kitchen manger and cook. So she was probably wiped out.

_ Later... _

"Eric!! What are you doing out here?" Sookie said looking out of her car. Eric just looked at her and kept walking. "Eric.... Look....." Then the TV went black and it said searching for signal.

"What the fuck!!!" We all said and looked at each other and we just heard thunder and rain.

"How did we not notice that it was raining?" Mama said looking out the window. "I don't want y'all in this weather I'm going to call your parents and see if they will let y'all stay."

"I call the bed with Court!!!" Cole yelled. Both mother and me popped up behind him.

"No hanky panky for you" and we both jack slapped him. Everyone laughed and mama bear left the room with her phone. We sat around talking about how stupid Direct TV is when mother came back into the living room still on the phone.

"Yes Cole and Courtney won't be in the same bed. They girls will share a guest bedroom and the boys will share Blake's and the other guest bedroom. Alright I'll tell them. OK you too." She hung up the phone. "Taylor and Courtney your mother said to behave and Reg your parents said you need to come home in the morning because you have work around the house."

"So do we really have to sleep in different rooms." Cole asked.

"Duh I'm not taking the blame if you get Courtney's ego prego." She needs to quit watching Juno. "Alright everyone time for bed. Courtney and Nikki y'all will be in the bedroom down the hall to the right, Reg and Cole the bedroom on the opposite side of the house and if you think y'all can get past my room think again. Blake and Taylor in Blake's room."

Fuck my life why put me with Taylor. I looked at mother and she just had a smile on her face. That abominable twat she is evil. That's alright just wait until morning I'll get her back. I had a bad feeling as we headed to my room. My room wasn't that big but it wasn't small. It has sky blue walls and a white ceiling. My bed is a queen size with memory foam and a blueish gray comforter with white stripes. There is also a desk in the corner and a thirty-two in TV with my Xbox and PS3 next to it on the other side of the room. Next to the desk there is also a bookshelf with all my favorite books, manga, and all my games. Taylor walked up to the bookshelf.

"Wow you have the same taste in books as me. Not to mention a great taste in games. Unlike most of those so called "gamers"." He giggled.

"What you believe people who only play sport games and shooters aren't true gamers too?" I just laughed.

"Exactly you have to play a variety though I do love how you and a lot of games like Uncharted, Mirrors Edge, InFamous,and Assassins Creed. I'm guessing you have a thing for free running." He looked at me with a smile.

"You guessed correctly. To me free running feels like freedom like nothing can stop me." I love everything about it except the falls.

"So you to it in reality too?" He sat down on the edge of the bed.

"Ya sometimes." I yawned. "I think it's time for bed."

Taylor yawned too. He was so cute like a big puppy. Wait (mental slap) snap out of it not now. I turned the lights off. It was still raining cats and dogs outside and lightning filled the room with light for a second then faded. I laid down and almost fell asleep instantly.

_ The Next Morning.... _

You know that feeling when you are up in the morning but you don't want to open your eyes but you probably should.... well this was one of those times. Something was weird my pillow was harder than usual and it was moving .... wait what the fuck? I opened my eyes and I was laying on something black and furry. I instantly knew where I was and I shot up and looked at Taylor who looked confused and wide awake. First off when did he take his shirt off? Second why isn't he angry? Third why is he leaning closer to me? And then our lips meet and my mind went blank. He really was a good kisser. His lips are so soft. Before I knew it I was on my back and his tongue was entering my mouth. I ran my paws down his chest and felt every muscular ab totaling into a eight pack. God I'm starting to believe in Heaven because I must have died and gone there. We separated for a second for air. Then he came back for more. I was starting to building my thoughts and resistance. I pushed him away. He looked puzzled then he must unrealized we wasn't in a dream like I was and he started to blush.

"I'm so sorry." He said starting to panic.

"Sorry for what that was amazing." he looked back at me.

"I just thought you were straight I mean you act straight and when I asked if you liked me you said you wanted to be friends." He was so cute when he's confused.

"That my acting for you and I thought you were straight." He just smiled " I thought you knew I'm completely oblivious to emotion by now."

He just laughed and I leaned in and kissed him again. Just like before everything else just faded away and it was only me and him. Then there was a knocking on the door and we both jumped and he fell out the bed as mother walked in.

"Breakfast is ready!" She looked around. Thank goodness he stayed on the ground. "Where's Taylor?"

"In the bathroom!" I tend to talk louder when I get nervous.

"OK well hurry up before the food gets cold." She looked suspicious but walked out the room. I looked on the ground and he laid the smiling.

"You heard mama bear hurry up." He got up still smiling as if he was in a trance.

"You're a good kisser." I rolled my eyes and he kissed me again, not as deeply as the others but it was still amazing. He picked up his shirt and put it back on. I just sat there dazed. He walked into the bathroom. As soon as the door closed I pinched myself. Owww. Yep not a dream.

_ Taylor _

I leaned against the door. I pinched myself and sure enough pain shot through me. Not a dream. It really happen. I kissed him and he kissed me back. I really kissed Blake. It felt amazing, it felt like everything else didn't matter any more. I was ready to jump with joy. I could run around all day with this energy I felt. I couldn't believe it I've wanted to do that for so long. Then my bladder reminded me of the reason of coming in here besides to make sure I wasn't dreaming.

_ Blake _

I waited for him to come out. When he opened the door I pushed him back into the bathroom.

"We can't say anything or give them any clues about what just happened." He looked disappointed.

"Why not?" I'm guessing he thought I didn't want to be with him.

"Because think about the others if we thought the other was straight they probably think it too and plus Courtney would beat the shit out off me for messing with you." I smiled again.

"You are probably right. We'll just have to get them use to the idea." He hugged me and I felt warm inside. "So do you want to be with me?"

"Does this answer you question?" I kissed him again and again. Then I backed up and poked his nose. He looked like a puppy again. "Now come on or breakfast will be cold."

I walked into the dinning room and sat down like nothing had changed. I sat in my usual spot at the end of the table. Taylor walked in the room after I sat down. Taylor obviously wasn't as good at acting as me he was smiling as if he won the lottery.

"Someone's happy!" Courtney stared at him.

"That memory foam is great! My back has never felt this good." He stretched. Maybe I was wrong that was pretty convincing. Then he sat down next to me and across from Reg.

"Lucky Cole hogged all the covers I was freezing." Reg gave Cole the stink eye.

"You're a husky you should be fine with the cold." Everyone was laughing.

"Well Nikki was snoring." Courtney pointed to the cheetah across the table.

"You where the one snoring!" Then mama walked into the room with an plate full of eggs and another with bacon and biscuits.

"Alright children that's enough and Reg you better hurry your parents will be here in a little while." She sat down at the end of the table opposite of me. "I have to go to work in a little bit but y'all can stay as long as you like we just got that new scary movie "Devil" from Netflix"

"I got to go I have to help my mom at her store." Nikki said after sipping some orange juice.

"I guess me and Taylor can stay a little longer." Courtney turned to Taylor. "Do you mind if we stay longer?"

"Not at all I've been wanting to see that movie." He turned to me and smiled.

A hour later.....

The movie wasn't that scary to me but the others were jumping every five seconds. Cole and Court started whispering then got up.

"Don't tell me y'all are chickening out already." I said to them.

"No we want ice cream y'all want anything." Cole so was chickening out.

"From where?" If they were going to the store I wanted blue bell ice cream that's the best.

"Walmart." Courtney said. "I'm driving."

"Oh shit if you make it I want blue bell homemade vanilla." Courtney's driving scared me. I never ride with her after last time. She almost killed us twice in one trip.

"I'm fine." Taylor was glued to the movie. Then Cole grabbed the remote then paused the movie.

"But you have to wait for us." Taylor protested but they left.

"Now what?" I asked Taylor. A smile crept across his face.

"I have an idea." He got up from the floor and jumped next to me on the couch. Then pinned me down kissing my neck then moving his way to my mouth.

"They'll be back in a few minutes" I let out after a moan. Walmart was only a couple blocks away.

"So the lines are always long we have about an hour at least." He leaned back in for another kiss. I gave no more resistance as he took his shirt off again. His body was amazing. You could see the very defined muscle under his pitch black fur. His heavy arms moved to my shirt and he pulled it up and off of me then threw it next to his on the ground. He kissed me again and the bulge in my pants grew. He started to mess with his belt then unzip his pants and he pulled away and took them off. His underwear had a large wet spot and the outline of a large cock that that was peaking through the top of the briefs. It was huge maybe eight inches and still growing. It was about an inch and a half thick. I was mesmerized but the sight was ruined when he bent down to take my pants off. There was another wet spot in my boxers this time and the pink tip of my cock was poking out as well. When completely hard it was about seven inches long and an inch and a half thick with a knot about two and a half inches thick.

"You ready for this?" He looked at me with that same smile.

"Yes!!!" I wanted him and nothing else mattered.

He pulled my boxers away then gave my cock a quick lick and it repaid him with a shot of pre. He slid his briefs down slowly letting that monster of a cock flop out. It was huge and it wasn't even fully out of his sheath yet. I pushed my self and him backwards onto the couch. It was my turn to take control. I grabbed his member and smeared his pre along his cock. He started to moan I muffed them with another kiss. Then move my maw down to his crotch and gave it a couple of licks. Then I remembered where we were and if mother knew we were doing it on the couch she would not only kill me for doing it but also for ruining the couch. I got up to his disappointment. I stuck my paw out for him.

"Let's take this to a more appropriate place shall we?" He grabbed my paw and held on tight.

"I'd follow this ass anywhere." He grabbed my ass with his other paw. I yipped. It surprised me but what part of this day didn't. We returned to my room and he threw me onto the bed onto my back then kissed my neck making me giggle. He got up and looked at me.

"Got lube?" II laughed it was just to random to pop up and say. I opened the secret compartment on the side and pulled out a bottle of lube.

"Why do you have that?" He looked down at me with a raised eyebrow.

"Which the secret compartment or the lube?" I giggled.

"Both." he giggled with me.

"I ordered the furniture when we moved into this house last year so could avoid another awkward conversation with my mother if she found this. And as for the lube you try being gay while making yourself look straight." All I could do was look because I wasn't going as far as sleep with a girl to keep up my act. I actually did have to reject some of the hottest girls' advances because if I did play along and most likely they would try to sleep with me and most likely get pissed off and ruin my reputation by starting rumors that I was gay or find out I'm gay then be bitches and tell everyone. The few girls I did "date" were friends of mine who knew my circumstances (they could just tell somehow that I was gay) and "dated me and said I was the best they ever had (I told them they went a little too far with that one)". Wow I got way off subject with my thoughts with my dream guy in front of me.

"Lucky it's impossible to hide anything from my mom." He just smiled. He grabbed the lube from me and smeared it on his fingers. "First off we have to loosen you up a bit."

His paw moved down under my tail and found it goal. At first he just circled the hole but after making me moan he probed it with one finger. After that he moved a second then a third.

"Come on that enough I want you now!" I wanted him to be mine and only mine.

"Alright my love." He grabbed the bottle again and smeared more lube onto his cock. He got on top of me and I felt that monster probe the entrance and slowly in by inch it entered me. It was discomforting at first but after a bit it just sent waves of pleasure throughout my body.

"Are you alright?" He was so cute when he's worried.

"Yes it feels amazing." With that he picked up the pace and wave after wave of pleasure hit me. Every push slammed into my prostate and brought me closer to the end. I felt every little vein and even when his cock pulse as a jet of pre would squirt into me. I just wrapped my legs around him like it would just tell him that I wanted him forever. Unfortunately I knew both of us would be finishing soon. His knot was ramming into the entrance of my ass and I knew he was waiting for me.

"Uhh....Tay.... I....uhhh.... can't" then he grabbed my knot and slammed his into me and it sent me over the edge. He bite down onto my shoulder and claimed me as his. I came between us and onto our chest. Just as was midway into my orgasm he started to have his. My ass was already filled up by his ten inch dick and now I was being filled with even more of him and it was perfect. He collapsed on top of me and we were both gasping for air.

"That was amazing." I managed to get out.

"You were amazing." He kissed my cheek. He rolled onto his back and placed me on top of him. I laid my head down on his broad chest again. "We might be stuck for a while."

"That's fine with me I'd be happy to stay like this forever." I closed my eyes for what felt like a second and I felt asleep.

"We're back! There was a shit load of people at Walmart." Where are they? Me and Court walked into the living room and the movie was still paused. Court said something about their clothes but I walked into the hall towards Blake's room and Court was behind me. We walked in the saw some thing brown and black on top of something big and black and walked back out.

"Did we just see what I think we just saw." I looked at Court who's looked like she was going to puke.

"I just saw my brother's dick." She gagged. "And I told you Blake was gay!"

"And I told you Taylor was gay!" I yelled. We have been telling each other they were gay and now we caught them together.

I bolted up when I herd yelling and I felt Taylor jump awake under me.

"Shit what are we going to tell them?" I was starting to panic. I" looked down and Taylor was just smiling.

"I'll going to tell them the truth." He kissed me again. Then pulled away. "That I love you"

_ To Be Continued ..... Maybe XP _