Best Friends Brother (BFB) 2

Story by CerberusWerewolfking on SoFurry

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#2 of BFB

Best Friend's Bother 2

Smile :D

This story's inspiration:

*** Attention***

I'm always watching and if you are under the 18/21 click the back bottom until you are back on your home page then delete you history and forget this ever happened. And if you are straight this contains gay material with lots of cock sucking and gay anal sex so press the back button and forget this ever happened unless you like that then I question you sexuality. If you are a furry hater ..... WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING ON THIS SITE?!? either way this contains gay furry relationships and sex. Remember I'm always watching 0.0 well except when I"m playing video games then don't bother me XD but seriously I'm always watching.

_ *Note* This one is shorter but the next one will be longer I promise!!! _

It's been about a month since me and Taylor got together and what a great month it's been.

We've told our families and to our surprise his family was OK with it (surprising because they are that old school Christian family type.). They told us that God loves all his children. We've also told Nikki and Reg and just like Cole and Court they were fine with it (apparently they had a bet about if we were going to get together. Nikki won that one and twenty bucks.). It wasn't public in school yet surprisingly. We were deciding if and when we were going to tell the world and not to mention how. I'm starting to question my acting. What if they all had a hunch about us and now I'm wondering how they they will react?

Today was OK for a Wednesday. The seniors had a meeting about graduation next month and finals. I was happy and a little sad about leaving (the sad part because less time with Taylor). I was going to the university in town and I still don't know what for (which scares me.). Now here I am at lunch in the same spot as usual sitting across from my boyfriend waiting for Nikki and Reg to get here with our food.

"What's taking them?" Taylor looked at his phone for the hundredth time. "By the time they get back it will be time for forth hour."

"Don't you wish you were me." I love being a senior with open blocks. He just stuck his tongue at me. Cole and Court were ,like always, making goo goo eyes at each other. You would think after three months the puppy love would wear off but nope. I yawned from boredom. I folded my arms on the table then rested my head on top of them. I hate Wednesdays they are always boring. Maybe I shouldn't have said that, because some sophomore was being pushed around by the school bully, Landon, a junior who has failed three times since he's got here once for every grade level.

"What you little homo you gonna rat on me?" that kid didn't deserve to be downgraded by him no one did. I lifted my head instantly and got out of the bench.

"Just what are you planning?" Taylor asked. I could tell he was worried. Landon was a big bull (not to mention the best person on the football team's defensive line) even Taylor would have trouble with him, but I can handle myself.

"We are doing it now!" Taylor just smile (I love when her smiles. It makes my insides tingle :D).

"What are y'all doing?" Courtney asked. I bet she was worried we get our asses kicked.

"You'll see." Taylor said with a chuckle, then he got up out of his spot and we walked over to the two. Landon looked at us and so did the kid.

"What do we have here?" I asked in a sarcastic tone.

"You two got a problem?" Stink eye alert!

"No, not yet just seeing what's up with the commotion." Taylor said in a cool nonchalant voice.

"Well this little fag was starting to annoy me!" Ah how stupid some jocks are thinking that everyone loves them and is cool for being a jerk and any other jock will will automatically have his back.

"Do you have a problem with homosexuals?" I asked.

"They are weak and are total wimps am I right?" he said with his fist out waiting for us to acknowledge his ignorant comment. "You gonna leave me hanging?"

"I don't know." I looked at Taylor. "Taylor you don't don't look weak."

"And you never seemed like a wimp to me." Landon looked confused and nervous at the same time.

"Your kidding me right? You two?" He pointed at both of us.

"What you don't believe us?" I leaned closer to Taylor. "Seems we'll just have to prove it won't we?"

"I don't mind I've been waiting to kiss you all day." Our lips meet and even after a month it feels the same as the first time we kissed. Landon's jaw dropped along with everyone else except Cole and Court that is they just sat their and laughed at everyone's reaction. Landon backed away slowly as if we were going to kill him.

"You two are...." Ha we made him speechless. He walked away. Me and Taylor stood there giggling to ourselves.

"That's right me and Taylor are going out and if you have a problem oh well." I yelled, most just stared others kept walking. I turned back to Taylor. "We'll that was easy."

"Thanks for the help I'm Simon." said the sophomore that was Landon's victim.

"No problem. I'm Taylor and this is my boyfriend Blake." He was still smiling. "I love saying that!"

"I know right?" He was so cute like a big puppy. I turned back to Simon. The rat terrier must have been around fifteen maybe sixteen. "Landon shouldn't bother you for a while he has some new targets."

"Thanks again I go to get to class." I didn't notice the bell rang and Reg and Nikki were back with our food.

"Aw now they get back after lunch is over." Poor Taylor. We walked back to the table.

"I know we're late but traffic was bad." Nikki said. "And congrats on becoming the top news on everyone's facebook."

"There's no way Kisamore will let me eat in his class." Taylor stomach started growling. "And how does news travel that fast?"

"I don't know but you could always skip class and come with me." If anything I could teach to him what he missed in Chemistry. I had perfect grades in his class.

"But won't they call my parents?" I'm surprised he never skipped class before and yet at the same time I'm not.

"No they only call in the mornings." Nikki said biting into her burger. Nikki always skipped and yet she always passed. Of course she could have graduated this year but they wouldn't let her take English IV a year early. "The only thing they will do is mark you absent for that class."

"I don't know." He's such a worry wart.

"Tay you need to eat and besides if you want I can get a doctor's excuse for you." My mother has connections.

"How?" Then he thought about it. "Mama Bear?"

"Yep" He didn't want to but the bell had rang and I told him I would let him put that we were in a relationship on facebook. After that he was in. Dam you facebook. I have a love hate relationship with facebook, I really don't like people knowing my business unless _ I _ put it out there in the open.

As we got into the car we waved goodbye to the others. Nikki and Reg decided they were skipping again and Cole and Court didn't have class and were heading to her house. I turned to Taylor who was on his phone most likely on facebook.

"Where do you want to go?" He looked up from the phone and shrugged his shoulders. I turned the radio on and Smile by Avril Lavigne was just starting. "I fucking love this song!"

"Why is that?" He knew the answer but I wasn't going to deprive him of an answer.

"Because it reminds me of us." I drove out of the parking lot and headed to my house. We got there in five minutes and Taylor's stomach was growling the whole time. We got to my house and I unlocked the door and we went straight to the kitchen table and started eating. If you count what Tay was doing as eating. He was inhaling those burgers.

"Did you even chew you food?" He just looked at me like I was talking gibberish. I just rolled my eyes and smiled. After we ate we sat in the living room and decided to play some Black Ops. I started the PS3 and inserted the disc. After a few rounds (I won each easily) we got bored and I remembered I had the new beta for Uncharted 3 multiplayer. So we played that. Me and Taylor made a great team our team won every time. After a while we got bored and it wasn't even two o'clock yet. Then a thought popped up in my head. I got up and grabbed Taylor's hand.

"Come on." I dragged him into the bathroom and started the shower. He caught onto my plan and started to shed his clothes as I removed mine. I entered first and the water was nice and hot. Then he entered and the shower wasn't the only hot thing anymore. I started to kiss him and he pushed me against the wall. I love when he acts dominate. Both our members started to peek out of the hiding spots seeking attention. He rubbed his member lathering it with the water. Then he reached for the shampoo for more lube and smeared it across his cock. He turned me around and as I faced the wall I felt his cock at my entrance. Then he pushed the rest into me. It slammed straight into my prostate and made me moan with pleasure. The combination of the hot water, the sex, and really just him made me feel like I was in Nirvana. He kept pulling out and slamming into my ass, ramming my prostate in the process. Each collision sent me closer to my climax. My knot started to grow as my cock was flung up and down. Eventually my face was rested against the wall from the pushing. Then he slammed his knot into my ass with a popping noise. He bit down onto my shoulder again once clamming me as his mate. I felt his cock twitch then the rush of cum into my ass sending me into my climax. My cum covered the shower wall. We were patting for breath. I turn the water to a color temperature.

"I love you." It was the first time he ever said it to me. I turned my head.

"About time you said it. I've been wanting to say it since the day I meet you." He gave me that smile again (I just wanted to melt). "I've just was waiting for you to say it first. I love You too"

"Well I didn't want to be weird and say the first time I seen you." I kissed him I couldn't resist.

"You shouldn't say things like that I might get spoiled" We both laughed.

"I don't know I might like it." I kissed nose and his knot became deflated enough for him to slip out without causing me pain. We dried off and changed back into our clothes then laid down on the couch and watched my favorite movie "Easy A". I fucking love that movie!

_ To Be Continued _

_ *Note* This one is shorter but the next one will be longer _