Whitewing Chapter 8

Story by The Shadow Master of Weapons on SoFurry

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#8 of Whitewing


Disclaimer: I don't own Pokemon. Only the idea and OC's.

Author Notes:

-- This will be used for scene breaks and for when the story switches to another character, but it does not mean that a new section of the story has started.

= = = = = = This will identify where each paragraph breaks.

(Character thought)

Disclaimer: Don't own Pokemon, never have, never will. Only the idea and OCs behind the story are mine.

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Chapter 8

The night passed without incident, but by the time the sun had started to rise, something had been attracted to the bathhouse. Aelita was sleeping quietly. She rested upon Alex sleeping contently on his chest after their activities last night smiling as she enjoyed her dreams. She had shifted just enough over the night so that her right foot had been uncovered.

A small figure moved into the main chamber from one of the side passages, the little canine like pokemon very curious about the place as it wandered around. It was still dark enough that it remained well hidden for now, but the small movements of Aelita shaking a fly off of her foot was enough to peak its curiosity.

The small creature moved forward to inspect the source of its interest. Just as it reached the sleeping bag though, a small beeping caused it to jump back. Alex had completely forgotten to turn off his alarm that night before, but being buried under their bags right now, it was hardly loud enough to wake them, although it did seem to surprise their little friend. Off in one of the side halls, a soft voice was calling out. "Mist? Mist, where are you?"

The young suicune heard her its mother, but she ignored it, too interested in this strange sound she kept hearing and moved over to inspect the back packs nudging them with her nose and paws to try and find this noisemaker.

Aurora walked up to the main chamber, could see a pair of sleeping bodies and quickly froze for a few. Confirming that they were still very much asleep, she walked in a few paces and looked around, but Mist was hidden on the other side of their tent and went unnoticed as Aurora moved back out of the room and started searching the hallways again.

It took Mist a few, but at last, she finally managed to topple the set of backpacks, only to hear the noise stop. She started to try and go through the bags hoping to find the sound again, but all she seceded in doing was making a large mess of their things. She did however find a tasty treat, finding a small tin of peanut brittle, which she happily helped herself to.

Alex stirred a bit though as Mist tried to find more of her tasty treat when her tin was empty, but his movement peaked her interest again as she walked back over to the bed he had made for himself and Aelita. Mist saw Aelita's foot move again from a bothersome fly and leaned down to sniff the paw she had found.

The fly quickly flew off and Aelita's foot quit moving as she snuggled closer to Alex. Mist now interested in this paw lightly tapped it with her own paw causing Aelita to move her own foot again thinking that the fly was back. Mist giggled a bit and tapped her foot again, this time getting a bigger reaction out of Aelita, but she still didn't wake. Outside the room, Aurora had worked her way around the main chamber and looked back in this time seeing Mist.

"Mist no." She said firmly trying to keep her voice down. "Do not play with them." She warned walking in. Mist turned to see her mother and knew she was in trouble whining a bit as she deiced to dive under the covers with Alex and Aelita. This woke them both quickly enough and while Alex was a bit confused, Aelita knew that there was something in the tent with them as she screamed out when she felt something trying to crawl over her ass.

Aurora quickly charged forward, her head quickly diving under the blanket to get Mist while Mist cried out to get away from her agitated mother knowing that she had messed up. This only caused Aelita to get up quickly and push Mist off of her as Alex was pushed around a bit himself. He still had no idea what was going on as he finally managed to get off the bed, but landed in the pile of spare vines, getting tangled up in the mess.

Aurora had to dig deeper into the sleeping bag to get to Mist as Aelita ran behind the tent covering what her fur didn't as she tried to figure out what had tried to attack them in their sleep.

"What's happening?" A voice called out from another hallway, the shiny umbreon called out. "Aelita?" Johnson was caught completely off guard by a naked Aelita trying to cover her front, but it was obvious of last's night's activities and he quickly turned away. She screamed out, very red this time, as she quickly grabbed a towel to cover herself as Alex finally got out of the vines and was ready to defend himself. He quickly grabbed the sleeping bag off of the two bodies still under it and stared at Aurora pinning her daughter down and keep her from getting away.

Aurora, just like Alex, quickly turned up and looked at him ready to fight, only sigh in relief at who it was. "Aurora?" Alex stated rather dumbstruck.

"Alex, I'm sorry." Aurora said just as Mist slipped from her mother's grasp and ran to hide behind Alex. "Mist, get back here, you cant' run off like that."

Alex quickly kneeled down and lightly grabbed Mist, carefully not to hurt her, but just hold her in place for her mother to come get here. "I'm terribly sorry, I came up here to relax in the hot spring, but Mist wandered off on me." Aurora apologized as she walked up and carefully took her daughter back around the scruff of her neck. Mist whined a bit, having been caught, but didn't move to get away as her mother carried her over to the edge of the room and set her down, but kept a paw on her back. "I'm sorry once again for disturbing you." She said as she picked her daughter up again, leaving a very confused Alex, a very embarrassed Aelita, and a dumbstruck and speechless Johnson behind.

Alex turned to find Aelita, but found Johnson standing there in one of the hallways shaking his head and making small motions with his hands trying to figure out what the heck he just walked into. "Johnson?"

"Alex, what just happened?" Johnson asked hearing his name being called, then noticed that Alex was just as naked as Aelita. "And put some clothes on." He quickly walked back out into the hall rubbing his head. Aelita blushed some more, quickly grabbing a spare set of clothing, and a new towel wrapping herself up in it before heading to a small spring to get washed up while Alex got dressed. He quickly gathered their things and put them in the tent before walking with Johnson to the courtyard. "Alex, what did I just walk into?" He asked as he took a seat on a fold up chair he brought with him.

"I don't know. I went to bed with Aelita last night and everything was nice and calm, then I wake up to hear her screaming with something in the sleeping back with us." Alex said as he leaned up against the wall.

"Tell me though, was I seeing things were was that a suicune and her pup?" Johnson asked him next.

"Yes, that was Aurora and her pup." Alex said slowly. "She has kindly asked us to keep her presence a secret and we have done just that. I would request that you do the same and don't go looking for her, not after what just happened."

Johnson nodded; he understood the matter well enough. "Is there anything else I need to know about though before I walk into something else." He asked. Alex shook his head.

Aelita walked in a few minutes later and Alex quickly walked over to her. "Are you okay?" He asked worried for her.

She nodded, but still walked with a bit of limp. "I think we should clean up a bit before heading to bed more often." She said very quietly rubbing her backside a bit; it was sore from him having slept in her all night. Alex turned a bit red, but nodded.

"Sorry." He said just as softly but still got a small kiss from Aelita.

"It still felt nice..." She said before walking over and shaking Johnson's hand. "I'm sorry for what you saw earlier." She said blushing a bit still embarrassed to be standing in front of him even though she was fully dressed this time.

"I'm sorry for barging in, but I was worried." He replied. "Let's just try and forget about it, we've got plenty of work to do and we don't need things like that getting in the way." He turned to Alex now. "You said you had some ideas for restoring this place?" He asked. "You know that you're going to have to buy the property before anything else. It's still technically part of the Suicune Fall Park."

Alex nodded. "The let me into the park on a regular basis and I'm quiet familiar with the owners. They already invited me to stay at the park as a caretaker when I get out of school, so I image I won't have too many problems with that detail. I've even brought up the topic a few times with them and they've said that they would think about it, of course they don't know about the bathhouse itself." He said glad that Johnson was so quick to change the topic and get right into the details of restoring the place.

"I hope your right that they'd be willing to talk with you about this." Johnson replied. "I will help put in a few good words with the owners though and try to make this work since your seem so determined to make this work." He replied.

"Come on, let's go." Alex motioned for him to follow. He knew that the best way to get what had happened off that morning off his mind was to start working some. After all, that topic, given the nature of what all was involved, was something that he would feel much better talking about with Aelita and making sure that she was okay.

"Well..." Alex looked around. "The first thing that needs to be done is to put up some doors to keep the majority of unwanted guests out of this room since this is where we'll be sleeping for the most part until we can get an official bunk room going while we work here." Alex stated and Aelita was very quick to agree. Johnson understood that though and the three of them quickly started talking about ideas. Aelita decided to repack their things and get a simple breakfast started while Alex and Johnson started to take measurements and other simple things.

= = = = = =

Work progressed well enough; Johnson had even come rather prepared. A machete and sickle proving their worth on the larger and harder bits of heavy underbrush in some areas where they didn't have to be so careful and picky about what they cut off, namely clearing up the court yard and some of the hallways. A set of heavy grade sheers proved perfect for use in those spots where they wanted to leave the vines in the walls. While all of this happened though, Johnson's ESE played another important role. He had added a little program that allowed them to not only map out the building, but name rooms and spots, even add details. It was the perfect little tool to see what certain set ups would like, such as where the best place to install the kitchen, dining room, living area, and other rooms should be set up. It even helped map out where some walls could be taken down and good places to add new walls as well.

Between the three of them, the first two days went by fast enough. By the third day though, Andrew and Bryan had both shown up as well, both just as impressed as Johnson was when he finally had a chance to look the place over and work sped up a fair deal with their added help. It sped up a bit more when Cheryl showed up on the fourth day and she was easily the mon most impressed with the bathhouse, even joking about maybe buying it and fixing it up herself.

Vines quickly began to pile up, many of them being turned into fuel for a giant bon fire that was held each night, kept in check by Aelita's blizzard attack freezing a large patch of ground out in the middle of the a large outside courtyard. Aside from the vines, a few more Velvet Roses had been found, and Aelita quickly become the person in charge of moving them to her garden. It wasn't surprising to find her even tending the place with her bits of spare time, she was more then happy enough to raise the roses, they were her favorite after all and Alex even helped her some during his breaks as well.

The bathhouse was really starting look good again by the end of the week, but still, work had hardly just began. Andrew and Bryan both agreed to stay behind and watch over the place and look around, see what kind of things would need to be shipped up to the bathhouse to help fix it up. As an added bonus, Andrew had even managed to find a good way down the mountain side one day, that for the most part, aside from a few tress that would need be cut down, could serve as a very usable vehicle worthy path up and down the mountain. Johnson even kept his word, and on his off time on the last day, went to have a good talk with the owners of the Suicune Falls Park. He quickly got the okay from them about setting up some sort of arrangement with Alex next weekend when they could be shown the bathhouse themselves.

Unfortunately, the damage at the school was fixed up and ready for more wear and tear by the end of the week as well, and phone calls went out, school was back on. This news was very unwanted by Alex, but he knew that he had to move back into his place and wait for the next break to start work himself on the place.

As a last minute thought though, Alex requested Johnson to head to the local super market to refill fridge for the week. It was a quick stock up and Alex made sure that Aelita had her say in what was bought, even buying her some pineapple upside cake when she looked at the bakery section.

Alex was more then happy to buy her the cake, a sort of apology for what had happened with Aurora and Mist earlier that week. As a last minute detail though, Alex also checked his phone and found that a bed he had ordered last week was also ready for pickup and he asked Johnson to make one last detour, which he happily agreed to.

They had just made it back to Alex's cave house, but they quickly had to take a second look. The door had been broken in and Alex quickly rushed inside, his eyes already going green as he prepared to tap into his spirit energy if he needed to.

Aelita quickly rushed in, ready to use her blizzard attack, which she had gotten plenty of practice with over the week. Johnson himself rushed in as well, ready to wield his own assortment of attacks of needed as well.

The place was empty, but the living room wasn't the same way that Alex had left when they returned the bathhouse a week before. The couch had been flipped, the bookshelf knocked over, and several tools were thrown about. They looked around, but no one was there aside from themselves.

Alex quickly walked over to the bedroom, the only room with anything of real value and tried the door; it was oddly still locked.

"Alex, who could have done this?" Aelita asked a bit worried once they had checked the place and found it intruder free. Alex could only shake his head though; he had no idea as he bent down to start picking things up. They had nothing of real value on them, so he wasn't too worried about anything being stolen, but still did a mental check off of everything he could recall.

Aelita and Johnson both helped out as well clearing the place up. "I don't know Aelita, I just don't know." Alex finally said as they started to pick up the room. He didn't really think he had made any serious enemies that would attack him like this, but he still had a few ideas about who could have done it. He remained quiet about these slight possibilities though, he had no hard evidence and he wasn't the person to just throw around random names without cause.

Once the place was mostly cleaned up, Johnson went out and got a new door for them, this time with a very heavy dead bolt. This left Alex to make some rough changes to the doorframe, namely adding a spot for the dead bolt to slide into to keep the door locked.

Johnson returned soon enough with a the new door and Alex quickly worked to have it installed, even testing the door himself firing a single spirit surge attack at him and then testing it again, but with a shoulder slam the second time. Satisfied that only someone who put some real force behind the effort of breaking in, Alex also decided to look into something else at Johnson's request. Aelita didn't like the thought much, but understood the idea of getting a security camera.

Alex fixed up a quick dinner and thanked Johnson again for his help before he left. Alex let Aelita take her shower first as he did a double check of the house to make sure nothing was missing, then took his own shower. They quickly fell asleep in the new bed that Alex had finished setting up while Aelita took her shower.

= = = = = =

The next day, school had officially restarted and it was back to the same old routine for the most part. After a quick breakfast, both of them were off to school. Just like every other day, they arrived early and were once again waiting in the library for the day to start. Aelita had begun to develop his same interest in history and was growing just as curious as he was about older civilizations. The more she explored the bathhouse over last week, the more she had began to show interest in wanting to find out more about the culture who had built it and Alex happily pointed her in the right direction.

School was slow that day, but there were a few rumors going around, namely that Keith's parents had attempted to take Principal Luna to court over her decision in how to deal Keith's behavior, only to have the entire thing backfire. Luna would have attempted to allow Keith to continue his education, but under some very strict restrictions, but the judge quickly had other ideas for the situation, even applying some of Luna's own ideas for punishment into the mix. As it turned out though, Alex's name was also being thrown around the halls a bit as well. It was now common knowledge that Alex had direct ties with Johnson, but to actually have Johnson show up in Nenwill started a whole new string of rumors around that topic as well. No one could figure why he had show up for a day, then suddenly disappear, but some rumors said that Johnson had found a new set of ruins around Nenwill, while others said that he was looking for a new place to move. The rumors gave Alex more unwanted attention though, and many people had come up asking him about the details, only to get the usual cold shoulder from him.

This of course, once again slowed his day down though. First period biology seemed to take forever though, there was a substitute teacher for the day and it was obvious that he had no idea how to teach the class, and mostly just announced a free study day, allowing student to group however they pleased. This of course, led to many students fighting for a spot next to Alex to figure out the truth behind Johnson and the most of the team's trip to Nenwill.

Alex, not really needing to study himself, did try to help Aelita a bit, but with all the students around him asking them questions, it was hard. Aelita found herself helping him keep his cool through the period and really hoped that he wouldn't lose his temper the way he had when people kept asking how he had become mates with Aelita. Trying to keep his cool was a bit hard though, but thankfully, second period passed quickly enough. Like his biology class, his English class was a study period of sorts, but Mr. Jones stated that it was going to be a quiet study day and that there was a test tomorrow.

Third was quiet as well, but fourth period classes proved rather interesting. Alex once again had a class with Aelita, an advanced survival class. Ever since pokemorphs had become common, a new style of class had been set up known as survival classes. While similar to independent living classes, survival classes focused much more on a morphs natural abilities, helping to train younger mons to control their abilities, and teaching older mons how to apply these abilities to everyday life as well as how to survive using them to their fullest extent. No two classes were really the same though, as the class was split up mostly by type.

Alex was one of the more unique cases for the class though, being a human after all. In the end, it was decided that he would join a mixed fighting and dark type survival class since he didn't have too much in the way of elemental abilities aside from his 'spirit' based attacks. Aelita was also in the same class and had a spot reserved for him as usual in the back of the class as he walked in. Unlike most classrooms, survival classes were often held in padded rooms with large empty spaces on the sides. Since the use of abilities was common in this style of class, it was very much a hands on class and the schools made sure that the rooms were ready for them.

Alex took his seat as Miss Rise; a swampert called the class to attention. "Alright everyone, listen up." She called out as she started to write a few things up on the board. "I know you've had an unexpected week off, but we need to get caught back up." She quickly turned and started passing out some papers to the group. "I'm not normally one to give homework, but today, you need to review the basics again and be ready. As an advanced survival class, you all should have known that you would have a hands on final exam. Many of you already have a general idea of what you want to do when you get out of high school, and have taken this class to prepare yourselves a bit better for your career choices."

Alex took his sheet and looked it over, it list of supplies on the front, but limited supplies. Flipping it over to the back, he saw a large map of some sort of dome with what appeared to be a jungle on the inside.

"You all have a month to decide whether or not your still going to be taking this class and gather up the supplies listed on that sheet I just gave you." Miss Rise stated as she returned to the front of the class. "I told you at the beginning of the school year that the final exam for this class would be rough, and what you're looking at is the first part of the final exam. On the front, you will see the list of things you may bring with you for this exam." She pointed back to the board where she had written up the list. "You may bring one sleeping bag, four changes of clothing, up to a pound of any combination of berries, and a flash light with one spare set of batteries. Everything else will provide for you and your final exam. Your job is simple, just last three days and three nights in the survival dome at the Harrison Training Center. There are several berry groves in the dome, fresh water, and lots of cover. Your task is simple. Survival if obvious, but you will also be required to prove a few things while there. You must mark down the location of at least three of the berry groves you ate from, mark down the location of all fresh water springs you find, and locate a few additional items which will be hidden through the dome." Miss Rise explained. "As an added precaution, everyone will be given a locator beckon and cameras have been placed all over the dome. If anyone at any point wishes to leave the dome, they can activate their beacon and one of the domes caretakers can teleport in to you and teleport you back out. If anyone gets hurt, help will be standing by."

Alex smiled a bit; this would be easy, very easy for him and Aelita. Aelita however, did seem a bit worried.

"You will need your parent's signature to be part of this exam, letters have already been mailed out and we will need them returned within two weeks if you want to be part of this exam. If you parents do not agree with this, or you feel you do not want to be part of it yourself, there is a twenty page written exam that you may take as well. This exam is scheduled for the middle of week, and you will be excused from any classes you miss, but you will be expected to make up any tests you miss. All of your teachers have been notified as will attempt to fill you on the lessons the week of this exam before hand." She continued as she stood up to write a few more things on the board.

Alex started to zone out a bit though, looking over the map of the dome and what little information it gave. He began to wonder what kind of other surprised were in store for him in the dome. "The dome itself has a nearly seven mile diameter, so it will be very large. Although I've done this exam a few times and I will be joining the class itself in the dome, I am limited in what I may tell you. I can however tell you that there will be rain and lots of it. A series of heavy sprinklers, fans, lights, and a few other devices will simulate real weather conditions and they love to use the rain." Miss Rise turned and looked at a pair of student who seemed to be laughing a bit. "This is no joke, let me assure you of that." She stated firmly. "A live series of tesla coils will create functioning lightly, and while it will not be fatal, it can still hurt. There will also be a number of feral pokemon in the dome with us, and while they are trained, some fooling students in the past have learned the hard way that they can still be provoked."

Aelita was starting to worry a bit now, she had storms and the way that Miss Rise was explaining it, it sounded like it was just going to be one big storm. Alex smiled though and gave her a gentle nudge. "Relax, I'll be in the same class, I don't see why we can't pair up." He said softly.

"Ah yes, you do have a good point, Alex." Miss Rise smiled looking at him having heard his comment. "One last detail for the exam is that you can in fact pair up, it is even recommended, however, you will not be allowed to pair up into more groups of three." She announced and the class started to look around to try and figure out who, if anyone, they were going to pair up with. "You will not be alone in this task however, all eight of advanced survival classes will be there, but will be slip into two groups for the exam." She stated. "That's still around eighty students per group though. Expect to meet up with a number of other students while in the dome, but with as much room as there is, you all can spread out. If you meet up with others, you can help each other a bit, but like I said, no more then three people per camp site." She said. "I expect everyone here to be well behaved as well. Any attempts to start a fight or sabotage someone else, which includes stealing their things, will result in an automatic failure of my class. In addition to this, you will be required to take the written exam, and make up all missed work, not just any missing tests." She warned. "And that is just my punishment, I'm sure Principal Hope will have other tasks for you as well should you mess this up. She will be joining us on this trip after all." A few students were still smiling thinking that they could pass this exam with ease, and abuse the trip, but the sudden mention of Luna Hope's sudden attendance for the trip quickly changed that, leaving Alex the only one smiling, the last one still thinking that this would be an easy trip.

Lunch was quiet possibly the most annoying part of the day for Alex. The school, having four separate cafeterias meant the whole school had a single lunch period rather then having groups split up into separate lunch breaks. Combined with a nearly free roaming rule at the time, this meant that nearly the entire school was search for Alex during that time. He smiled having been asked to drop off a few papers to office though and got a small head start on everyone having been let out of class a few minutes early. He already told Aelita that he was planning to eat on the roof, which is where he managed to hide for most of the lunch period. It wasn't until the last ten minutes, that someone found them and while it was slightly annoying, it wasn't that bad. Of course, by the time that lunch had ended, most of the rumors about Johnson being in the area had been dismissed, leaving only a few.

All through fifth period and sixth period classes, people were asking what new site Johnson had found, and many more asked about how they could get in on it. Some even joked that if Alex himself was part of the team, the it couldn't be hard and really pushed the issue about it. Of course, Alex kept his cool, so far at least. Of course, it helped that over half the class was hit with double homework on sixth period for their constant talking and Alex had to smile that the teachers, or some of them, appeared to be on his side.

His seventh period class, a study hall of sorts proved the hardest part of his day so far, everyone once again on his back about what was going on. He didn't want any of them to know about his plans to move though. Even though he thought that there might be a good chance of them dropping the subject after learning about the bathhouse on the mountainside, there was also a good chance that it would only lead to him acting as though he was hiding the truth.

Eighth period was no better, but at least he had some actual to do during the class, Mrs. Storm kept the busy as they started their own reviews for work on the final exam, which was going to be another large project for them.

Alex got another break during his last period class though, but it wasn't an easy break. Although everyone had just finally decided to give up asking him questions, the air conditions in the gym were out leaving the place rather hot. With the outside fields currently occupied with things though, namely holding what was left of the old debris from the explosion last week, the group stays inside for the most part in the heat. The pair of PE teachers did take a bit lightly on the students though thankfully.


Given how the day was though, Alex was more then happy to be heading home with Aelita, only to have her phone go off. Aelita quickly checked the message and looked at Alex. "It looks like were headed to my place tonight, my dad wants us over for dinner. It's already in the oven and he wants to talk with us about the upcoming survival class final." Aelita explained and Alex didn't even bother to try and argue. Part of the deal after all was that they would show up for dinner at least once a week.

It was quick enough detour over there and the two of them could already see Samuel in the kitchen working over something on the stove.

They walked up and Aelita smiled as she was in, she could smell the fish baking in the oven, her favorite no less. She could also smell the pasta and sauce, along with something else she could place yet, but knowing her father and the heavy cinnamon smell in the air, it was some kind of desert dish.

Samuel waved as they walked in. "Just give me another ten or twelve minutes, you guys can take a shower if you want." He told them as he opened up the oven to check on its contents.

Aelita nodded and did just that, gym class was a bit hard today, but that was mostly due to the lack of air conditioners in the gym.

Alex just took his time and looked over the books along one wall in the dining while waiting, then offered to help Samuel set the table right as dinner was done.

Alex was surprised a bit; it appeared that Samuel had prepared plenty of food, the table looking like a feast, rather then a dinner for three. There two kinds of fish, Aelita favorite as one of them, but even Alex couldn't identify the second, Samuel saying that it was imported by a friend of his and wouldn't spoil the surprise. There was also a large pasta dish, homemade meatballs to go with it and a home cooked sauce as well, Samuel obviously going out of his way tonight. It took just another minute, but at last, Aelita came downstairs from her shower. "Sorry for taking so long." She smiled as she took her seat next to Alex.

"No worries, we need to let the pie cool a while anyway." Samuel replied as he took his own seat across from them and started to serve out the food. Alex took a small bit of everything to try it all, while Aelita quickly went for a full helping of the fish. "Now, I guess for starters tonight, where did you two run off to last week without telling me." He said a bit annoyed, but not really angry.

Alex had completely forgotten to tell him about their plans and mentally cursed himself out as he took his first bite of the mystery fish. "Hey, this is good." Alex smiled enjoying the fish very much, but Samuel cared little for the comment right now. "As for where we were, I was looking into moving somewhere." Alex quickly saw Samuel about make his own comment, but quickly continued. "Don't worry, it won't be far, it's just a good ways up the mountain."

This now got a confused look from Samuel as he started to eat. "Care to explain that?"

"Alex found this wonderful bathhouse on the mountain." Aelita smiled enjoying her fish a lot. "There were even Velvet Roses growing there."

"I thought that rose was extinct." Samuel argued a bit looking at them.

"So did I, until I found the place last year." Alex stated. "I've been going there a lot on those weekends I just vanished when I wasn't with Johnson. For that matter, I was the one who called him up here to help out restoring the place."

"Well, that puts those rumors to rest I suppose." Samuel nodded lightly about all rumors going around as to why Johnson was in the area.

"Me and Alex want to move into the bathhouse after we restore it." Aelita said. "Its nice and big, plenty of room."

"I would image that there's plenty of room, but how are you going to make that work?" Samuel asked.

"I've been given a few invites to stay at the park as a caretaker when I get out of school, and have even talked with the owners some about getting my own place there on the mountain." Alex replied. "They never really argued, but they did seem to have to think on the manner. They could use someone watching that part of the mountain, it's a big mountain after all."

Samuel nodded, that was very true. "And it's not that far from where we are." Aelita added. "Besides, We'll need someplace to stay once school lets out and this bathhouse could easily be fixed up and made into a real place for us to live. We'd have our own hot spring, plenty of room, and I'd be able to grow my own garden." Aelita smiled going back for seconds now.

Samuel nodded again, it was all a good idea, and they seemed sure about it. "Very well, we'll see how that works out." He said before pulling out a small letter. "I do have one thing though that we need to discuss."

"The upcoming Advanced Survival Final." Alex could easily tell that's what the letter was about. "I'm expecting a call from Johnson himself about the topic as well since he's listed as my guardian still and I'd need his permission to take the hands on exam."

"So, you're definitely going to want to do the hands on test." Samuel looked to Alex and he quickly nodded. Aelita was a bit unsure, but still nodded in the end as well. "You too then."

"Yes, we're allowed to team up, so I'm sure Alex would take care of me, its only three days and nights." Aelita said still reassuring herself a bit.

"They gave me a full list of things that they expect you to be able to do there in the letter, I'm ready to sign it, but I want to make sure your ready. I'm not going to if your unsure." Samuel said. "It's a large dome, much larger then the one I took the test in."

"Wait, you took a test in a survival dome?" Alex asked.

"My class was one of the first, back in Kanto." He said. "It wasn't easy, but I'm sure you'll do fine in this place."

"How did you do on the exam?" Aelita asked, her interest peaked now on the topic.

"I could have done better." He said slowly. "I was a bit careless then, twisted my ankle on the last day not watching my step, but I still passed."

"What kind of dome where you in?" Alex asked.

"Jungle dome, just much smaller then the one at the Harrison Training Center." Samuel told them. "Like I said, I passed, but it was a toss up there for a while. You can't really doubt yourself if you want to do this, which is why I'm only signing that permission slip for you if you're sure you want to do this."

Aelita nodded, she really wanted to try it. "Sir, trust me. Compared to what I do as a hobby for now, this will be simple." Alex said and nodded to Aelita to reassure her.

Aelita nodded back and looked to her father. "I know I want to do this." She said more confidently then before, but still just a bit unsure.

"You don't need turned in for two weeks, so if you can tell me without a doubt your ready by that time, I'll sign the paper." Samuel stated. "Until then, go make sure you have your things ready. And pick out some thicker clothing, and preferably some long pants if you have that you don't care if they get ripped up." Samuel said. "I wouldn't pack anything you don't want ruined and I've still got some good flashlights you guys can use that double as lanterns."

Alex smiled a bit, he was more then ready to help them out as best he could. "Those will be nice."

"I figure if your going to do this, you may as well be prepared." Samuel added and both Aelita and Alex nodded. "I probably shouldn't be telling you this, but I know a few other tips." He pulled out the map that was included with the letter and pointed to a few spots. "There are smaller fresh water springs, one of my clients worked on the dome a bit and I knew that was a choice place for your advanced survival finals." He grinned. Alex couldn't help but smile a bit himself

"You have our thanks for any tips you give, but don't make it too easy for us." He laughed a bit, he was finally starting to really warm up to Samuel.

"Oh, I have no intentions of do that, I'm just making sure that you two don't get hurt in there." He pointed to another section. "I would highly avoid this section though, they've got a very small hill in there and while there may a few fresh water springs around it, that's a key place for whatever predators they put in there. I know they are trained, but camping around it could be seen as cause for them to possibly challenge you." He warned and Alex quickly nodded. Aelita was also paying special attention to her father's tips right now. "One last thing I would like to point out, is this little strip right here." He pointed to a small pool close to the entrance. "I would suggest just avoiding it, its not fresh water, it's a trick to see how many students are actually paying attention." He smiled.

Alex nodded again. "Thanks for the tips."

"Yea, thanks." Aelita smiled as she finished her second helping. "Say, what's that cinnamon smell anyway?"

"That would be new cinnamon roll the bakery gave me a recipe for since they didn't get enough business for it." Samuel said and walked out the kitchen to get the large roll. He quickly cut off a piece for Aelita, and offered one to Alex, but he passed it up. "You don't want a piece?" He asked.

"I'm not to big on cinnamon." Alex replied. "I like a little here and there, but never did like the rolls too much."

"I understand, we all have our tastes." Samuel smiled as Aelita tried hers.

"Oh wow, this is good." She smiled. "Alex, you should really try this." She cut off a small piece for him to try and deciding to make her happy, he tried it.

"It's... okay, but no, you have my share." He told her. She smiled and finished her share, putting his piece away to enjoy later. Alex once again helped clean up while Aelita went upstairs to start packing for the final that was coming up.

Samuel smiled a bit seeing his daughter so eager and then turned to only to watch a HUMMER pull up with the Yelstien family emblem on the hood. "Hmm, what's Johnson doing here?"

Alex just shrugged as he went to open the door for him.

"I thought you might be here since you weren't at your." Johnson smiled. "Good day Samuel." He nodded as he walked in. "Alex, I think its time you got your license." He said which earned him an odd looked from Alex. "I'm sure you don't want to have to make that climb up the mountain every time you head home or want to go some place." Johnson's idea suddenly made perfect sense with that last note. "I'm also sure that it may be in Aelita's interest to get hers as well."

Samuel nodded a bit as well, but recent laws had changed the legal age to start trying to get ones license to eighteen. "And what brings this up?" He asked.

"I've done a little bit of research, and as long as we both approve of the act, as well as Principal Hope to verify their good grades and behavior, it seems that they may start taking driving classes early." He explained. "I've been looking into the idea for a while now and just finally got the last few things I needed." He pulled out two sets of documents. "Alex, what's your view on learning to drive."

Alex stood there with a blank face for a few before nodding. "I guess I'm going to need to learn how sooner or later, may as well be sooner."

"Alright then, there is a school set up that will take you as early as this summer, assuming you and Aelita can avoid any fights and keep your grades up." Johnson stated just as Aelita came back down.

"Hello Johnson." She smiled. "Did I hear you talking about getting me and Alex into driving school a bit early?"

Johnson nodded. "And I've got a few cars picked out for you to practice with if you want to claim them." Johnson stated. "Brian's old jeep is getting traded out for something more powerful at the end of the month, so you two can use that one, along with my old Ford." He stated. "The insurance will still be in my name, but I image that we shouldn't have to worry about that."

Alex smiled a bit and nodded. "I'll do my best."

Aelita smiled as well. "I will too. I won't let you down."

"Well, I guess that takes a few things off my list of things work on, but I still assume that you'll both eventually want to pick out your own car or truck as some point." Samuel stated looking at them.

"I'm not too picky on that matter." Alex replied, but it was obvious that Aelita was thinking about what kind of car she wanted to get.

"When that time comes, I'll help them." Johnson said. "As Alex is part of my crew, I'm sure I can get something commissioned for the both of them." He said.

"Don't you think getting custom built vehicles is a little much." Samuel looked at Johnson.

"I prefer certain added features for the vehicles of my crew. And I'm sure Alex will as well, as we'll need another driver and vehicle at some point for our job. We've been finding larger temples all the time to explore, which means we'll need more supplies are storage space." Alex had to agree on those points, but Samuel was still a bit skeptical at first.