The Last Dragons, Fun with magic and pleasure of flesh

Story by Antarian_Knight on SoFurry

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#2 of The last dragons

Alright, here it is, the second installment in the series, I hope you enjoy it. Thanks for being patient while I dealt with my writers block. As always, comments are appreciated.

Continued from "Reunion"...

I awoke some hours later, and wondered briefly why I was laying on the ground. Then I remembered last night and I knew exactly why. Scarlon slept on beside me, a contented smile on her lips. I smiled, and slowly disentangled myself from her, taking care not to wake her. She stirred, but remained on the far side of the barrier between life and dream. I stood and walked a short distance away, standing still, staring down the valley to the east. The sky was just beginning to brighten with the pale light of dawn. The world around me was grey, still and utterly silent. Before ascending to dragondom, I would have called the silence dead, but now I knew differently. The still air, though silent, was none the less alive with energy, the entire world eagerly awaiting the life giving sunlight. Then, just as yellow light appeared on the horizon, heralding the coming dawn, a bird sang, shattering the silence like the first notes of a perfect symphony. The bird's voice seemed impossibly loud after the profound silence as it called out eagerly, beginning the chorus of the dawn. Other birds began to join in, filling every nook of silence with their song. Then, the faint mist that covered the ground was swirled by the breeze that swept on before the sun, sweeping back the last vestiges of night in its wake.

Then, the sun itself lifted its shining face above the mountains and bathed the world with light as rich and warm as pure gold. The world around was no longer grey, instead, shades of green and brown covered all. I was stricken with awe as I looked at it all with new eyes. The world was filled with colors that I had never noticed before. It seemed that every tree and plant had its own color, its own identity. The sky directly above me was filled with hundreds of shades of blue, from deep, rich royals to almost pastel blue. But if the sights had surprised me, that was nothing compared to the smells.

Every chilly breath was filled with a plethora of scents. The ever-sweet scent of dew on the leaves; the woody odor of pine, and the slight hint of wildflowers I recognized. But new to me were hundreds of scents. I would have said a riot of smells before, but to my mind now, everything was ordered. Each new smell was cataloged and filed away, but even so, I spent a few moments just breathing in the new smells. Everything seemed new and different. Everything was sharper, more refined and ever so beautiful. By comparison, humans were nearly blind and deaf. Then, I did something that I had never done before. I stepped back from the details of the world and observed it all at once. Taken together, everything painted a picture of world far more beautiful than I had ever seen before. So powerful was the vista, that it took me a moment to realize that a tear had fallen from my eye, trailing its way down the seams between scales of my cheek. I smiled and wiped it away, looking at the salty droplet for a moment as it hung from the tip of one claw before letting it drop to the earth.

In the gathering light, I took a look at myself again and admired the new me. I had been fit and strong before from my training. But now, with everything covered in scales, my muscles were more sharply defined and I marveled at the almost liquid strength that flowed through me. On a whim, I seized a stone from the ground and squeezed it in my palm. Where before the stone would have cut my skin, it crumbled to dust, leaving my scales completely untouched. Upon further examination, I noted that the scales that covered me were more or less teardrop shaped, but they had funny, angular edges that allowed them to interlock and overlap over my flesh. Each scale was silver, but trimmed in white; tiny veins of pearlescent color streaking their surface, fiery in the light of the rising sun. They were magnificent in the light of the sun, the silver reflecting the yellow light dully.

Next, I held a clawed hand up before my eyes and flexed, examining the sharp talons that now capped each finger. I knew they were quite sharp and that they would be a danger even to other dragons. A sudden itching sensation from my back caused me to reach back and scratch with the claws on instinct. A moment before my hand reached the spot, I idly wondered how I would get to the itch with scales covering me. I scratched at the itch, my scales shifting so as to allow my claw at the offending spot. That sensation too was new and I began to shift my scales all over my body, making them ripple in waves as I watched, fascinated. I was so absorbed in watching the scales shift and listening to the oddly satisfying clacking of them sliding back into place to notice what was going on around me.

However, it was hard to ignore the touch of a red scaled hand on one's chest. My mate had come up behind me and wrapped her arms around my chest. I could feel her breath on my neck and then the feel of her lips as she planted a kiss onto the scales there. I turned around and was struck suddenly by how my mate looked when I beheld her for the first time as one dragon to another. She had been pretty to my human eyes, but to the eye of a dragon, she was gorgeous. Even the beauty of the sun drenched vista that had reduced me to tears a few minutes before paled by comparison. I tried to speak, but I found that my voice had fled somewhere deep inside and was refusing to come out. I just stood there, my jaw agape, staring dumbly at her.

"There are better uses for this." She said, seductively caressing my jaw line with one claw. Everything went out the window in that instant. She moved in and kissed me, her nimble tongue playing tag with my own inside my mouth. I regained enough sense to respond and soon, we were wrapped up in passionate kisses. Moments later, my sensitive nose picked out a faint scent that was growing stronger by the moment. It was the spicy scent of my mate's arousal. The moment my body scented it, it reacted. I felt the odd sliding sensation of scale on flesh for a moment and I managed to look down. My member was growing again, emerging from a kind of hollow where it had hidden, protected by the fine scales of my abdomen and legs. But, it kept right on going past the length it had been. I hadn't been big before I ascended, but I hadn't been small either. But now, there was no question, I was large. My mate must have sensed something, because she looked down and gently ran her hands up it once, making me shudder powerfully. I felt my eyes unfocus in pleasure and I felt distinctly inclined to leave them that way. But, just as soon as she had begun, she stopped, making my eyes snap into proper focus. "Come with me, we shouldn't be out in the daylight like this. Humans might see and then we would be in trouble."

"I understand." I stated, and then followed her as she walked back towards the cliff face. I scooped up my belongings none too carefully as I passed the pile, inadvertently tearing the cloth of my shirt on one claw, but I was past the point where I would have noticed, much less cared. My mate waited just inside the cave mouth and I walked inside with her. She led the way down the tunnel and the door sealed behind us leaving the cliff face the way it was before I had arrived. After a minute's travel, we passed into a large chamber in the mountain, at least forty feet wide, a hundred long, and at least sixty feet high; easily large enough for several dragons in their true forms. When I entered the chamber, my mate walked so she stood in the center of the chamber; to my mind, the very picture of desire. I negligently dropped my belongings in a heap and walked forward. When I got to her, I played a clawed hand gently over her privates, leaning in and kissing her. She returned the kiss for a moment and then gently pulled back a bit.

"We will get to that soon enough, love." She said, gently stopping my stroking with a hand. "We have a few things a little more important to do first."

"Now wait a minute." I said, confused by arousal and indignant at the injustice of it. "You started it, now you want to wait?"

"I want this time to be truly special." She explained. "And you must learn a few things before that can happen."

"Like what?" I questioned and she smiled at me. My heart melted at the sight and I calmed down, though arousal wasn't far off.

"First, you must learn to control the magic that flows through you." She said, and then waved a hand at a nearby stone. The stone lifted into the air and then shifted, taking on new shapes and colors. "Magic is a deadly and dangerous force if used incorrectly. With it, you can change the shape of a thing, change its colors." The rock suddenly became liquid and then became as clear as glass. "Even change what something is on the most fundamental levels." The stone reformed into what it had been originally and fell to the earth. "Because of this, we dragons have rules that must be followed. Every action that you take through magic has consequences if made permanent. But, by the same token, every action can be reversed, save one. If you kill with magic, you cannot reverse that which has been done. Now then, to practice. Concentrate on the stone and the image of it rising up to head height."

I concentrated hard on the image, but the stone did nothing. I tried again and again and finally, the stone quivered, but that was it. The effort had been such that my scales were standing out from my body, heat radiating out from between the layers. "This is difficult." I stated and Scarlon smiled.

"Yes, it is." She said, then continued. "At least at first. It becomes easier with each success. However, it always helps to have a reward in place for success." With that, she stepped forward, her hips swaying seductively. I felt heat rise all over and my arousal start again. "When you can do all that I did in my demonstration, I will teach you to access your true form and the advantages there of. When you are at last as you should be, I will be yours to play with."

'Talk about incentives!!' I thought and concentrated eagerly on the stone once more. I concentrated on the feeling I had gotten when I made the stone quiver. The stone began to quiver, then jump slightly. My heart leapt when it hopped a little on the ground, but, as a result, I lost concentration and the stone stopped its motion. I heaved a sigh of vexation, this was going to take a while. About an hour later, my sides heaving with exertion, the stone finally lifted to the height I wanted. Despite the exhaustion the effort had cost me, I smiled. When I had lifted the stone to that height, I had done so by delving deeper into my mind than I had been, and I had brushed up against something in my subconscious, a barrier that hadn't been there before my ascension. The familiar feeling I got when I meditated filled me when I touched it, and instantly the stone leapt to do my bidding. My mate applauded when I finally achieved my goal.

"I am impressed. You accomplished that with greater speed than any dragon I have ever seen." She said, "I wonder why? Anyway, you should take a break. There is a freshwater spring in the back of the cave if you want some water."

I nodded and walked over there, kneeling at the edge of the spring. I bent over and dipped my muzzle into the spring, drinking deeply. The water was very cool and refreshing, better than any I had tasted before. It was only after I had sat up that I noticed that the water was brighter than normal, shining from within with the power of magic. I returned to the place where my mate stood and returned to the stone. This time, I knew what I had to do. I concentrated, not on the stone as I had before, but on finding the barrier in my mind that held the magic beyond it. I smiled when I sensed it with my search. Then, I touched the barrier and the energy filled me. I smiled, the stone was mine now.

The stone again floated off the ground, and even before it reached the height that I wanted, it began to swirl with new colors, cycling like lightning through the color spectrum. Then, I concentrated on turning it into water, as Scarlon had done. But nothing happened. Curious, I tried again. Nothing. Suddenly I got an idea. I accessed the power within again, but this time, I pressed into the barrier, bleeding more power into my body. When I tried again, the stone became a globe of water floating in the air. Scarlon was impressed, but I wasn't done yet. The globe of water changed once more, becoming a perfect statuette of my mate, even down to the color of her scales. My mate smiled and reformed the stone back into its regular shape before letting it fall to the ground.

"What is next?" I asked, exhilarated by my success.

"Well, now I teach you to assume your true form." She said and suddenly, her flesh shifted again, expanding, flowing into the shape I had first seen her in. The shape was more primal and far more powerful then the imitated human form she had inhabited before. She smiled down at me and continued. "Changing into this form is actually instinct for us, however, your instinct has yet to be discovered. To access it, use your magic to seek out the dragon within you. I know that that sounds like a silly thing to ask you to seek out because you are a dragon, but that is only way to unlock the true you."

I nodded and closed my eyes for a moment, locating the barrier once more. The familiar tingling sensation of the magic began to flow into me once more. I started to turn my thoughts to my mind, but something stopped me, returning my attention to the barrier. Something told me to breach the barrier and let all the magic flow through me. I resisted at first, fearing what that might mean, but then I heard another voice echo from within my mind. 'Only through magic is the truth discovered.' The voice was familiar to me, but I couldn't place it. I tried to veer my thoughts back to the task at hand, but the voice held me in place. All at once, I recognized the voice. It spoke to me when I was about to give up, constantly cajoling me to push on. It was the voice that lashed me with the prospect of failure if I gave up. It was the voice that had guided me to this place. It was the voice of the dragon within. Understanding hit me suddenly. I pushed against the barrier with my mind, trying to force a breach in it.

More and more magic flowed across it into me, as if it were trying to buy me off from my effort, but I simply incorporated it and, with a suddenness that made me think I was seeing it with my eyes, I began to see a strange vision. I saw myself standing still in a shadowed place, my hands resting against a dark, pliant barrier, pushing with all my might. But the vision I saw of myself was different than normal. The being that I was now, half human and half dragon, seemed overlaid with the image of the human me. Suddenly, the barrier began to part under my hands, at last yielding to my push. Magic flowed through the breach freely, filling the area I stood in and engulfing my whole arm. But even as the breach opened, it started to close again. But then, I felt something seize my arm from the other side. The thing that held my arm in its grip abruptly pulled me through the barrier and into a veritable sea of magic energy. I saw then that my arm was gripped in the clawed hand of a dragon, a real one, in true form.

The dragon smiled and then I felt a strange sensation that I wasn't use to. My flesh seemed to crawl across my body, shifting into a new form. It had probably been doing this during my lover and I's interlude of the night before, but I hadn't noticed; I had been concerned with other things at the time. But I swiftly realized that it wasn't returning to its normal shape. Instead, it was taking on a new shape. I had a sudden feeling of growing and then limitless power filled me. I squeezed my eyes shut for a moment and when I opened them again, I found myself looking at the cave floor. But what I saw within my field of vision surprised me. The dragon's hands had become my own. Feeling the sheer magic power that flowed through my frame, I realized the reason why dragons took such care with their magic. To a dragon, the world was a small and fragile thing; frail and easily broken.

I began to examine myself more fully and I was impressed. I was immediately aware of several differences between my mate and I. I was so large that I filled a full third of the room. My mate was not as large as I was, though she was by no means small. All told, she probably occupied a fourth of the room. While my mate had smooth scales along her spine and tail, I had several rows of very sharp spikes of bone, including a cluster at the tip of my tail that would make it a formidable weapon if it ever came to combat. I could also feel the spikes carrying on along the line of my jaw, making my other end as dangerous as my tail. Then, I flexed muscles I hadn't known I possessed and stretched out one wing to examine its surface. The membrane was covered in very fine scales, armor that streamlined the flesh and made me quicker in the air than otherwise possible. Along the top of the wing were another row of short spikes that looked quite lethal. These too were missing from my mate. The rational mind in my head immediately knew why I had these things while she didn't. I had to defend my right to my mate from other dragons.

'Speaking of my mate...' I thought, feeling her gaze upon me. I looked up and grinned at the look on her face. She had been as surprised as I was at my size and obvious strength. She was looking at me in awe and I stretched languidly, a grin creeping onto my face as I showed off. I detected a strong scent in the air and I matched it instantly to my mate's arousal. The scent made me even more amorous than it had before, for the primal mating urge had risen in me now. But I was in control of my body, not the other way around. None the less, I couldn't stop my penis from erecting itself, and truth be told, I didn't want to. My mate's eyes grew even wider at the sight of it and I glanced down a moment and saw immediately what had surprised her. My flesh had remained the pinkish color of human flesh, but it had taken on dimensions that probably wouldn't have looked out of place on a whale. The intoxicating scent of her arousal grew so strong that I suddenly found it very hard to think. Something primitive and primal was taking over my brain, and I felt very disinclined to stop it.

I longed to abandon myself to the primitive thing inside me, but something held me back from it. I knew somehow that now was not the time, so, though it took all the effort I could muster, I fought back, dragging my way back to control. Once I was myself again, I strode over to where my mate stood, briefly considering how odd it was to be comfortable walking on all four legs. When I got to her, I stroked my clawed hands over her flanks, feeling her shudder at the motion. I continued on up towards her head, stroking her neck and sending ripples through her scales, making it seem as if they were waves on the shore. Then, with my head next to hers, I planted a gentle kiss on her cheek, taking care not to hurt her with my facial spikes. She turned her head towards me and licked my neck with her long tongue. I grinned and got an idea. I opened my mouth and twined my tongue with hers, braiding it along hers, the utter sensations making both of us twitch with delight. After a few moments of that strange form of kiss, I allowed her to pull her tongue back into her mouth. She smiled at me and I saw the look of raw desire in her eyes.

That look told me that she was ready for me to move on. I shifted back behind where she stood her and she obligingly shifted her tail out of the way, revealing the outer folds of her privates to me. At the sight of her sex, the primitive thing in my head swelled against the shackles I had placed on it, but it could not break free. However, something of its desire got through. The idea floated into my head from somewhere deep inside. It was an idea so enticing that I had to try it. I lowered my head slowly and let my dexterous tongue slide out, curling against the folds of her sex. She shuddered and let out a hiss of surprised delight. My tongue continued to stroke her slowly for another few seconds, then I proceeded with my idea. I began to dip my tongue lower and lower down with each stroke, then, when I contacted the edges of her hole, I circled and chose my moment carefully. Scarlon let out a startled gasp and turned her head to stare at me as my tongue slipped up her tunnel, massaging her insides in a way she had never experienced, stimulating sensitive locations she didn't know she had had. I continued to push my tongue further inside her, then, when I figured I had gone far enough, I began to undulate my tongue. As I did this, I watched my mate's face and grinned to myself when her eyes glazed over with the pleasure of my act.

I continued this treatment, a method of pleasure that no human could ever hope to achieve, until my mate's jaws were hanging open and she was panting heavily with delight, her vagina leaking enough fluid to trail down her thighs. I finally stopped, sliding my tongue out of her as slowly as I had pushed it in. Then, with her eyes still glazed over in bliss, I stood up on my hind legs, and placed my hands on her shoulders, flaring my wings so I rested only a fraction of my weight on her. My body seemed to need no further instructions on the subject. I found my member poised at her entrance instinctually, already pulsing with anticipation. I pushed forward with my hips slowly, gradually pushing into my lover, overcoming the resistance of her tight passage. She let out another hiss and lowered her head towards the ground, gritting her teeth as my increased girth stretched her. I paused after getting my head into her, allowing her to adjust to the feeling. Gradually, the resistance slackened and my mate's head came up, her jaw visibly relaxing. After another moment, she nodded and I continued my push. I kept up the constant pressure until I was fully inside her and then I waited once more, allowing my mate to control the moment. My mate seemed lost in passion and unable to decide things logically, though she had no problem making her wishes known. Her hips bucked and I took that as a sign to continue. I began to thrust into my mate, keeping the speed and force down, being as gentle as possible.

Every thrust set loose rivers of pleasure within my body, eroding all thoughts save one: pleasuring my mate as much as I could. Another thrust and I felt the barrier holding back my magic crack. Another and the fissure widened. One more and rivers of magic energy flooded through my body, amplifying every sensation. Another thrust and I could feel every nerve come alive with pleasure. Then something else happened. My sight, once wholly absorbed with the cave and my mate's warm scales, suddenly filled with color. I didn't know what I seeing, only that it was terribly beautiful. I was soon lost in the act of love, my body wholly acting on its own accord. I could still feel the sensation of each slow thrust, the strange feel of my lover's scales undulating with pleasure, but I was awash in a sea of pleasure, surrounded with sight and sensation more amazing than anything I had ever seen.

Then, without warning, I felt the brush of something on my consciousness. Instead of recoiling as I might have before, I sought it out, curiously probing it with my mind. Then, I heard words, words that appeared in my head. 'Alabaster, is that you?' the voice said and I recognized it suddenly as Pyre's voice. I replied in the same manner, 'It is. What is going on?' The answer surprised me, as did what came next. 'No more questions right now, just hold on to this link.' I latched onto it with my mind and I suddenly felt new waves of pleasure flooding me, coming in from the link. This was far more incredible than ever before, but before I could understand what was happening, I suddenly felt my climax coming. It wasn't far off, and I desperately wanted it, but the thought of pleasuring my mate held me back. For a single, torturous moment, I was in agony, conflicting desires pulling me in opposite directions. Then, the pleasure coming from the mental link with my mate began to grow and I could dimly hear my mate gasping, a sure sign that her climax wasn't far off. I forced my mind into action, working to time my own climax with that of my mate. For an utterly brief moment, we teetered on the edge, poised above the slippery slope of pleasure better than anything we had experienced before. Then, in perfect harmony, we dove off.

Suddenly, the colors clouding my vision were gone and a climax the likes of which I had never thought remotely possible broke upon me. A deafening roar echoed in the cavern, accompanied by dancing spots of color in my vision and it took me a moment to realize that the roar was coming from my mouth. I felt a tingling warmth fill my throat from somewhere in my lungs and suddenly, a gout of bright flame was cascading from my open mouth, slamming into the nearby cave wall where it mixed with another stream of flame that shot from my mate's mouth. Over all that, I suddenly felt my member jerk and my seed flowed into my mate for the second time in as many days. But this time, it continued to come, pulse after pulse, more than I thought I possessed. But then, just as quickly as it had come on, the climax faded away, leaving dark spots before my eyes. Though I wanted nothing more than to collapse where I was, I managed to convince my body that it was indeed worth it to move first. I pulled my rapidly shrinking member out of my mate and got off her back, but that was as far as I could get. I slumped over onto my side, accidentally crushing a stone the size of my head into dust as I fell. I was briefly distracted by the sight of my member, its labors completed, retreating back into the pocket where it slumbered, protected by scaly armor.

Then, exhaustion draining my strength, I looked back to see my mate laying down beside me, curling up so we were laying belly to belly. Neither of us had words to say, instead, we simply lay panting, letting our bodies relax. Then, my mate smiled tiredly and laid her head down, her eyes closing in sleep. I lay my head near to hers and closed my eyes, feeling my body about to drop off into sleep. My last thought before I passed out completely was so odd, I thought it was a product of my brain misfiring in the aftermath of the climax. As I drifted off to sleep, I thought, 'This is going to make one hell of a story...'

There, that should tied you over for a while. Before anyone asks, yes, I am planning on a third one. Thanks for reading, and please leave your thoughts in a comment, I want to hear from you. I promise that no matter what your comment is, I will both read them and respond. Thank you and goodnight.