DA in...Pokemon MBTY: Part II

Story by RikuHeartfire on SoFurry

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#5 of Pokemon Mine is Better Than Yours

Machoke crossed his arms and g...

Machoke crossed his arms and gave a glare to his rival: Machamp. "Your doing well Machamp." The four armed creature smirked and tilted his head "Of course I have. But it looks like your trainer just couldn't evolve you." Machoke growled before he kicked his foot into the ground and flung a large piece of the earth at Machamp, who leaped out of the way before digging his hands into the earth and flung a large boulder directly at Machoke. Nidoking quickly rushed in front of Machoke and built up a larger barrier in front of them ( Protect ) "You remember what happened didn't you? You went insane with power. Let's try to use a different tactic." Machoke looked away and nodded "Alright." Salamence smirked "Please. Let me handle him!" Salamence rushed at Nidoking before gripping his shoulder and headbutting him hard (Headbutt) Nidoking gasped and was in a dazed state momentarily before he swung his fist at Salamence, hitting him in the jaw.

Machoke looked to the other two before forgetting about Machamp, who swung his hand at Machoke, he blocked it before Machamp jabbed Machoke in the stomach before punching him rapidly and knocking him into the air, Machoke growled and attempted to block before he glared and smirked ( Foresight ) He knew where Machamp was going to strike, so he saw his prediction of Machamp striking him in the neck, Machoke ducked and kicked at Machamp as he too, smirked and knew he would do that as he grabbed Machamp by the throat and flung him across the field (Foresight).

Machoke grunted as he fell to his knees after hitting the wall, making a hole in it. "Damn...he got much stronger. He can counter my attacks with Foresight as well. However..."

Nidoking locked hands with Salamence as he strained to push him back before leaping into the air and kicking him twice (Double Kick) Salamence grunted as he were hit with one kick before grabbing the other's leg and grinned evily, "You are so weak! You call yourself a Pokemon!?" Salamence spread his wings before pulling Nidoking close and gripping him tightly around him in a crushing grip. Nidoking gasped as he struggled to break free yet Salamence flew high into the sky before soaring along the field and rushing down like a meteor, letting go of Nidoking at the last moment and smirking as he rushed off and landed on his feet (Fly). Nidoking grunted and struggled to his feet, as parts of his clothing were ripped. "N...nngh...damn that hurt...!" Salamence walked to Nidoking "You should be grateful! I haven't cut out your throat!!"

Nidoking smiled and rubbed his head "Not bad. But...Im sure you'll be the one on the ground this time."Nidoking flared up before he charged, Salamence grinned wickedly before rushing to Nidoking before he blasted a large, powerful beam at Salamence who was defenseless, (Hyper Beam) he screamed out and was thrown backwards, skidding along the ground as he held his sides with a growl, "D...damn you...!" Machamp grabbed Machoke by the torso and flung him towards Nidoking, he grabbed Machoke in the nick of time and set him down with a growl as Machamp appeared beside Salamence.

"What now? You cant win this time." Nidoking looked to Machoke with a nod "Yeah...we cant win on our own. But as a team we'll beat you." Salamence laughed maniacally, "Teamwork?! Please!! Ha! Look at the loser preaching about working together!! This I have to see." Salamence rushed to Nidoking and spewed a breath of fire at him (Dragonbreath) Nidoking leaped and Machoke gripped Salamence's body as Nidoking grinned and double kicked him in the face. Blood dripped from Salamence's mouth as he grunted "Guh!" Machamp elbowed Nidoking before Machoke pushed Salamence hard to Machamp, who fell before Nidoking nodded to Machoke and leaped onto his hands locked together, adding a boost to Nidoking's jump be flipped and slammed both of his feet hard onto the back of Salamence, as Machamp were crushed due to Salamence's strong posture.

Nidoking landed onto the ground before slamming his fists onto the ground, creating large pillar's towards the two ( Earth Power ) as the were thrown upwards, Machoke lifted up a piece of the earth and leaped high up into the air before slamming the boulder down on the two, rocketing them to the earth before Nidoking quickly charged and sent another powerful Hyper Beam towards them. Machamp cried out as he slammed against the wall, Salamence came too and slammed against Machamp, the two groaned and fell forward, panting heavily before Salamence smirked weakly "Not...bad..." he collapsed. Machamp shivered and staggered upwards, huffing as he looked to Machoke, nodding pleasingly as he bowed.

DA smirked and crossed his arms, "Knew they could do it. That's what Lance lacks : Teamwork." Lance's eyes widened as he looked away "Damn! Alright, return, both of you!" Lance took out two pokeballs as the red beam appeared over Machamp and the unconscious Salamence, returning them to their respective capsules. Machoke and Nidoking panted and walked towards Luke and DA, exhausted as they both slumped "Ah God. That was one hell of a battle! Im tuckered out." Nidoking said as he plopped down. DA rubbed his neck and shouted to Lance with a grin "What's wrong Lance?! You look like you're losing it bud!" Lanced growled and pointed to DA "Come on then!! Three on Three!! Let's see you handle em now!!" DA flinched and dropped his toothpick as Luke looked to DA startled "What?! Three on Three?! But...that's very difficult to battle with! Master! Please reconcider!" DA growled and gritted his teeth "I have no choice Luke.I have to fight him. In order to face the Elite Four. He's gotta go down." DA turned back to Lance "Alright then. You have one hell of a fight on your hands!" He grabbed two of the Pokeballs and flung them up "Houndoom! Mightyena! Charge in!" The two appeared and looked to their opponent. DA looked to Luke and nodded, he gulped and rushed into battle with the other two. "Never thought we'd fight him again. What on earth has Master done to be caught up in THIS fight?" Mightyena said as he flipped his hair.

Lance smirked and flung up three pokeballs "Go! Manectric! Zephyr! Arcanine!" The three appeared and looked to their targets. Arcanine smirked and walked forward gently "Well well well! If it ain't the three stooges! You all wanna piece of us? We'll BURN you to the ground." Arcanine smirked, Manectric chuckled as he looked to Mighyena with a sneer "Well now. This is certainly a "Shock." No pun intended." Manectric clenched his fists and smiled as Zephyr glared to the three. "No challenge..." Houndoom looked to Luke and Mightyena "Can we really handle them? Lance is slightly stronger then Master." Luke gripped Houndoom "Don't say that! Surely Master doesn't battle us the way others would. But he still manages to train us and help us grow strong! We have to believe in him!" Houndoom blinked and smiled, nodding "You're right. We'll take on your challenge!" The three opponents glared to them. Zephyr smiled lightly "...Fine." DA looked to the three and whispered to himself. "Hand in there. You can handle em."

DA in...Pokemon Mine is Better Than Yours; Part I

**Trainer: DA** **Pokemon Team** First Generation: **Charmeleon** Moves: Charm, SmokeScreen, Flame Burst, Reflect (Learns Fire Spin) Dressed in: Black and red baggy shorts. Personality: Wild **Machoke** Moves: Strength, Focus Energy,...

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DA in...Pokemon HTLU: Part IV

The two stood by their Master's door, waiting for him to call them. Charmeleon looked to Luke "I just hope...Master doesn't do us hard." He gave a sheepish grin as Luke looked to Charmeleon with his eyes wide "W-why would he do that!? We aren't big...

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DA in...Pokemon HTLU: Part III

DA gripped Mightyena's waist as he shoved his entire length inside of the other's tailhole. Mightyena cried out and clutched the bed with a deep blush on his face "Nngh..!!! Mas..ter...agh!" DA slowly pounded the other as Houndoom gently rubbed his...
