
Story by Anatomically Incorect on SoFurry

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A Marine comes home to find he is the last of the human race.








**BEGIN: RUN FILE 'Descendant'--



Two centuries.

For two centuries, I, the last human, had been trapped in a wormhole.

Oh, I didn't know it, at first. It was instantaneous for me. I was cycling out of cryogen, and next thing I knew, BAM, sudden inertia. I'm guessing that being half thawed was what saved me.

Everyone else on the United Terran Dominion Ship, Righteousness, was dead. Cooked from the inside out as far as I could tell. Everything was warm. Everything. Because it was all irradiated. It isn't now though, slowly falling into Terra Primus in its emergency orbital trajectory.

To be honest, I'm not really human anymore myself. The cryo-radiation reacted with the wormhole's radiation, causing drastic genetic changes throughout my body.

My eyes, for starters, now acted on three different levels. Thermal, AVS (high light vision), and PVS (low light vision). My taste and smell senses seemed to be on stims. My muscles were hardened, almost painfully so at first. In the beginning, I had to work them out all the time or they would knot up and lose flexibility. My skin cells, whenever in contact with O2, becomes leathery and hard to cut, resisting sharp edges even, depending on how much force is put into it. My metabolism is accelerated, and I can consume nearly anything living to survive, and almost nothing is wasted. My stomach has become an Elemental-Compound breaker/assembler. My blood, like that one movie series all marines loved to watch, even though it was so fake, Alien, has become slightly acidic. I can hear heartbeats, breathing from far away, even the synapses of a person's brain being fired, if I'm close and listening hard enough. I would have been a spook's wet dream if any had been left.

This is probably boring you. I mean, EVERYONES heard all about me. How to look out for me. How to try and kill me.

How if I open my mouth, I'll suck your soul right out from inside of you. But that's the thing; I can't suck your souls from inside of you. Because none of you have a soul to speak of. Not a single one of you.

None of you ever wondered where I came from.

Nobody asked before attacking me.

No one cares.

You all have been led around by your noses, completely devoid of your own thought. The government thought for you. They lied to suppress you. They always had, and probably always would have.

But that's okay. Because even though Terra Primus is overrun with you FREAKS, I'll survive. The last of my kind and you all have the gall to call ME the monster.

Enough of this. I have a story to tell, then more of you animals to purge.

So the wormhole set the UTDS Righteousness hundreds of light-years off course. And I, a Marine, a lowly Staff Sergeant, had no idea how to get back to Earth. At first I worried, but I got over it. I did cry though; all those good people had died for nothing.

But the computer was still online, and all I had to do was ask it what to do. I plugged in, and the CNSS loaded all the emergency files that I would need to operate the Carrier.

I was alone for two years. I almost moved one of the crew once. But I couldn't. It just didn't feel right, denying them from their final resting places. I bet their corpses are all still perfectly preserved, just like the nanites kept them. When the Righteousness' orbit finally collapses, they will be laid to Terra Primus again. I think it is only fitting. And I'm not going to tell you where it is, or how it is cloaked, because if any of you animals made it into orbit, you would only scavenge it, not keep it in pristine order like it deserves.

I wasn't bored, being all by myself. I'm not easily bored like you creatures. Don't get me wrong, it wasn't fun either. I just had too many things to do. A ship doesn't clean the ventilators by its self after all.

And to all the ignorant idiots out there, no, I couldn't just put myself in cryo. How was I going to get back out? You can't rely on technology to do thaw someone out.

It wasn't hard to figure out where I was. I mean, Command Network Security Systems took care of that, mostly. All I did was give the order to proceed. Yeah, stars had moved, but in the infinity of space, it wasn't really all that much. I could still chart courses.

I had wondered, quite often, how I would be greeted back on Terra. I'll tell you though; I sure wasn't expecting what I came home to. And that is what I'll start with.

The first voice I ever heard was from a Canine form. At least, I'm pretty sure it was now; it was kind of growl like, and scratchy.

At the time I had just been so relieved at being able to be there. It had irked me that none of the outer system relay defense centers had used holo-com, instead relying on the old J-band frequency emitters, and never asking for security codes. I figured, at the time, that technology must have evolved past that, and instead used scanners only now.

"This is Terra Primus Command Nest 1104. Bring the ship to a complete halt, and prepare for inspection."

"Complete halt as to what, Command?"

"What do you mean, 'as to what'?"

"This had better be a very sick joke, Command, this ship has been away from Terra Prime for a long time, I'm the only one left on the ship, but some things never change. Earth is not the center of the universe-" Although it was suppressed, I could hear several sharp intakes of breath. "-so, technically speaking, I need to stop relative to what object's velocity and vector? Doesn't the Academy teach you plebes anything these days?"

"What blasphemy do you speak of?!? Earth has always been the center of the universe!"

"What the hell? This isn't funny! Who is you superior officer?" More gasps. "Put him on!"

"How DARE you speak to me like that! I'm the-"

"Everyone on this ship is dead, except for me, and I can't keep this course for much longer. I'm heaving too at Orbital Anchor One-One-Zero. I'll wait for the boarding crew there. Send some pilots too, I'm only a Marine. Righteousness, out." Even as I said it I was putting commands in. The traffic around Terra Primus had grown quite a bit in the last 2 thousand years. There were space farms now, too, silently spinning in their cylindrical domes. What caught me most off guard though was that now Terra seemed completely covered by metal now. I mean, what happened to the wild preserves? Time to find out later, right?

When the ship docked with SA-110, CNSS blipped a warning that the airlocks weren't the same type as mine. They were about 4 times as large as the Righteousness' standard size. It was able to compensate though, and did so.

Quickly I logged a complaint as a side-note onto the data-slip I had used to record everything that had happened that I knew of, and put it securely into my chest pocket.

As the Airlock cycled, I hurriedly checked my appearance. I was dressed completely in the UTDMC Senior Staff Sergeant's Dress Whites, hat under my left arm; I had cropped my hair short, and shaved to perfection. My pearly white skin was the epitome of clean. I was ready to be greeted into a new world.

As the Air-Lock opened, I saluted; right hand's middle finger to right eyebrow, back of hand facing forward. But my hand never made it to its position. It stopped about 2/3rds the way there, and fell back down to my side. My hat dropped from under my left shoulder, and my mouth didn't quite detach itself from my head.

A giant of a beast, half man, and half equine--dressed in baggy, non airtight clothes--was standing on the other side, with two smaller forms flanking it. When it focused on me, it stopped and did pretty much the same thing I did. And then tried grab at something at its side.

Thoroughly startled, I reached for the airlock doors on the bulkhead to my right. The thing, however, had the drop on me, and pulled out a wicked blade, small in his hands, huge in mine. Without a sound it lunged forwards, slashing down at my neck and shoulders, stopping as four emergency cerami-steel doors slammed shut on its midsection, chopping it messily in two. Blackish blood splashed everywhere; splattered on bulkheads and Dress Whites alike. It squealed in an earsplitting volume, and then slumped on its side with a moan.

I was gone. I ran like a madman, hat forgotten, yelling to the CNSS to put the ship into passive cloaking. I rounded into the armory just as it confirmed that we had undocked from the anchor and was heading into an unstable emergency orbit under maximum stealth. I put in the drop imminent codes to start the auto armor system and stood, arms spread out, on the scanner pad. The armory's best OES came online, running diagnostics as it was sealed over me. First the under-layer, the fragile sensor array that would set against my body, skintight and elegant. Second the heavy armor layer, encasing me in the finest of power armored infantry might. Third, the hydrogen power plant. Basically two miniature jets in a half egg looking housing, screwed into the armor's back, then welded on for more support. Next was the landing pod, closed around the entire fixture, and after that, the brake pod, used for slowing down in the atmosphere. A few more layers built to break off and confuse anyone tying to lock onto a target. I heard somewhere that we got that from a book thousands of years before space faring even got past Mars. The side of the Pod opened up, and in slid my emergency pack, with an arsenal of weapons. Mechanical limbs locked them down in the landing pod.

As my finished pod rotated through the firing line, I could here the methodical thumping as pod after pod was shot into Terra Primus' atmosphere. Finally, it was my turn. With a sad look into the maintenance monitor, I realized I would never see my baby ship again. And then I was rocketing downwards in a screaming ball of tortured metal pod, racing at near mach 7.

The Holding struts around me shivered and vibrated, making my teeth chatter, and I hoped to the dear devil, Murphy himself that I wouldn't be the odd egg to break in the drop. It always happened. With that much machinery, it was impossible to make a couple hundred eggs perfectly.

The other pods that had been fired were making a great star trail all around me, and I'm sure heads were rolling in Air Defense.

About 35,000 feet from terra firma, my pod's independent scanner started to scream in its annoying klaxon way. The egg started to flay off its remaining skins in a desperate attempt to get the hostile tracking system from keeping a lock. After a few more seconds the klaxon began to blare insanely, warning me of my imminent doom.

In a last gamble for life, the egg's side thrusters fired, explosively slamming all but the last layer of the pod off, letting in the thundering wind. I watched, and I could see it perfectly, as the missile flew past the starboard thruster, with its little wolf grin painted on the front, and 'Die, Sinner, Die!' chalked onto the side, before it careened off of the egg's slagged waste, then detonated behind me. The concussive force put my tiny landing pod into a rank 13 random spin-off, the worst of the scale. I puked. Even I, with my enhanced bodily systems, couldn't fend off this nightmare.

I hit Terra Prima's biggest flight control monument, the one formerly known as 'Bastion of Light' as you should all recall, almost at the base. It collapsed, and over a hundred million metric tons of metal, flesh and other things that weighed a lot when in that much quantity rumbled down upon me. And so I did what any other being would do in emergency like that.

I died.

But, as you can see, I'm still here, so that means I'm back right? Well, that's true, too. You see, all UTDMC personnel, from the lowliest boot-licker to the War Marshal himself, had the nanite packages that would retain host memory, so in case of an emergency (see above), they could be used to resuscitate the poor (dead) person. So that's what they did, using, unfortunately, some unidentifiable dead thing that had been liquefied through one of my landing pod's few openings as an organic base.

I regained coherent thought about 43 hours after death. My body ached, and the safety harness was barely keeping my power suit from falling downwards.

With an almost whimsical longing, I wished I had died. But I pushed those feelings aside. I had to know what happened to the United Terran Dominion's people before I could rest.

I looked around. The backup lights had kicked in, and where flickering; the landing pod's shock frame was twisted beyond anything I had ever seen, and I've been around the block in my 71 years of service. All of my stowed emergency gear was either unhinged from their normal resting places, broken, or lodged firmly into something that it shouldn't have been firmly lodged into.

My field trauma kit had been undone like everything else, and as luck would have it, the two remaining nanite tubes had flung out and punched themselves through the armor, at terminal velocity no doubt, on my left bicep and right thigh. The pressure had popped the caps and the nanites had gotten to work repairing my body's structural integrity. I could feel them on my bones, cold and hard.

I was tired, hungry, and I felt more alive than I ever had before, and I could hear some heavy machinery through all of the armor and rubble. Without thinking I undid the clasps of the safety harness, falling about four feet, spread-eagling onto the inside of the front of the landing pod.

I started to pull together the essentials. Mostly everything was still intact, but my helmet was nowhere to be found. With a sickening squelch like noise, I pulled the two used canisters from my armor. It wasn't a pleasant feeling, as my skin had healed around the spent cylinders, sealing the wounds. I pumped some bio-foam into the freshly opened areas and started to repair the armor's outer shell with some of the relatively flat pieces of metal I had gathered together.

About halfway through the second plate on my bicep, the pod started to get light from the outside world. I could hear shouting and warbling of some sort, but it was all still muffled from remnants of the building. Hastily I fused on the second piece and threw a few more into my bags. With that done, I put them over my shoulder, set the pod to autodestruct after I left it, and sat back to wait.

It didn't take very long before the workers got through to me. The first thing I saw that was living got a face full of explosive ceramic rounds. At three rounds per burst, there isn't much personal armor can do to withstand more than two squeezes of a trigger. This guy didn't even have a faceplate, so the stunned workers around him were splashed in a fountain of his blood. It worked wonders on clearing the area though. Screaming furred freaks ran in any direction but towards me, and that was how I wanted to keep it.

Climbing up out of the wrecked pod I saw what appeared to be the one in command, a foxy kind of foxy. Big breasts that pushed her armored chest plate outwards, that oh so looked for hourglass figure, and a swishy, bushy tail.

I shot her with the Montreal-A23 under slung flechette launcher. She was about halfway through an order when it punched her in her lightly armored stomach and blew out the back, taking her spine with it in a gory image of death. Intestines splayed everywhere, coating the rubble. Her face contorted and she made no more sounds as she crumpled to the ground, almost comically imitating a sack of dead meat.

You probably think I'm a monster for doing that.

Look at it from my view, do you kill those in charge, saving yourself, or let them regroup their forces. Thought not. I really didn't have any feelings about anything at the moment, because if I was going to get to safety I was going to have to have a clear, rational mind.

More beings died, and soon I was by myself, standing in a rubble landscape. The 299 other pods had done a real number on the surrounding area. Imagine a giant flat, beige colored metal plate, slowly curving out of sight, with the occasional tower jutting out from it. Now imagine for about 3 miles in any direction that it is marred with giant craters; pocked with black spots from where pieces of pods crashed and burned. And don't forget the giant tower that I had hit and tumbled, smashed along the outside of the plate, nearly half buried from its giant force slamming down.

It was a beautiful sight, even if it was a war zone now.

I started to jog along the top easily keeping my footing on the loosened metal. I had to find a way to get somewhere safe, and nothing looked promising; everything was too open.

As I turned a corner, something large and growling sprang onto my back, almost sprawling me forward. I tried to pull my assault rifle up, but it kicked it out of my hand too quickly. Not quite panicking I pulled out my most favorite gun in the whole universe.

'Trusty Rusty' as my ex-living friends used to call it, is the UTDMC's standard issue sidearm, complete with optical scope and laser targeting. Sure, the assault rifle has more ammunition, and it has more customizations, and the list goes on and on, but what it doesn't have, is the feel good kick of a mule in your hand. Something about humans had always remained; if we can't feel the power, it just isn't as appealing, and the MBT-F3 hand pistol was the response to that need.

The HE-A1 round blew the clawing, raking, screaming mad things neck out, consequently spinning its head away and flipping its body from my back like a rag doll, spewing blood all over my back. It flipped so fast that its clawed foot scraped the back of my head, almost penetrating my flesh.

Something screeched, and tried to charge me. It didn't make it from the small alcove it had been hiding in, and as more started to race at me, the FRMT-F89 hand grenade I threw went off, blowing more bits of gore and greasy grizzle all over my face and chest.

I saw one of the smaller winged arm creatures, feathers flying around as it struggled to open a hatch that I had missed. Picking up my AR, I backhanded the midget, splattering brains on my armored fist. The opening was easily pulled open; a panicking lizard adolescent was still holding onto the other side, apparently trying to keep it closed.

It squealed and cried, and I shushed it, putting my pistol back in the side holster. Kneeling down I patted its head lightly. It stopped squirming and grabbed onto the hand bars of the ladder. Just as it started to say something to someone below it, I jumped down through the hole. It shrieked as my boot caught its side and forced it under me. Another lizard, with similar markings as the first one, screamed as it too, was caught underneath my feat.

With a grunt and a crunch, I slammed to the shaft's bottom, some 20 meters down. The bodies squirted as I stepped out from them, more blood painting me.

I looked to my left and right; the corridor was darkened either way I went. Something almost rounded a turn before it was reduced to a little more than a headless corpse.

I turned the shot select to single fire, no need to waste rounds. One was plenty enough to smear a head; two seemed overkill, and three was a waste. I'm not normally a corpse killer.

I jogged to the decapitated body to turn the corner. And then regret it. The hallway ended nearly instantly, and I slammed my face into the impeding bulkhead. My nose smarted, my pride was hurt, and I noticed I had dented the wall pretty severely. On further inspection, it turned out to be an access port to some redundant systems. The tube was small for me; definitely large enough to fit a trap into. If anything opened it, they wouldn't know what hit them.

Moving back into the corridor I smelled something other than non-human death. Sniffing harder, my nose involuntarily twitched. I heard a soft sound; breathing. It was shallow and fast, and the smell sent my body on edge. Whatever it was, it was ready to attack.

Moving slowly, but not softly, I went toward the would-be attacker, letting it think it wasn't suspected.

About 10 feet from the turn the creature was at, I stopped being noisy. It thought I had stopped, and so when I turned the corner, it was taken completely by surprise.

I too was taken by surprise.

I hadn't been expecting a rabbit in bondage attire. Full pleather outfit; metal studs and all. It had a gag in its mouth and it was tied to the ceiling, standing on the tip of its feat. Its eyes were filled with feral lust, but vicious sentience, so I rigged a micro bomb to its trappings. If anyone tried to untie her, something like the access panel would happen, just on a larger scale.

The fem kept bumping into me and almost grappled my armor. She was the actively hot, and was trying to stimulate herself on me, so I slipped her pants down around her ankles. She was sopping wet and was getting wetter. I flicked her lightly a couple of times to get her going, then shushed her like I did the lizard kid. I promised her if she was good and got someone to untie her, I'd make it worth her while.

The experience was so weird I wasn't even aroused. It was like one of those holo-vids about animal mating, you just didn't get up on it. It was for science, and that was about it.

I turned back to the way I had come, and started my trek. For nearly an hour I jogged; brain on high alert. My stomach was fluxing I was so hungry, and I needed to stop to rest and eat.

Just as I got a point that I thought might be safe for settling down, a hatchway opened up from the ceiling and a monster of a scaly hide slid through it.

There were several small metal plates attached to its body. It stood up and hissed its disapproval of me being here.

My friend, who I was holding close to my heart, a little up and to the right to be exact, had its own argument to make. After three angry points were made, we exited the vicinity at a run. The AR really does a number on just about anything.

I left anything that might come through that hatch a present, and sped at top speed for another couple of minutes.

The lights were getting steadily brighter, and the air wasn't as damp anymore. I decided I would eat and run. When you're running from a nightmare, on half a stim and covered in blood that's starting to itch, even food paste is an explosion of flavor in the mouth.

I'll shorten a long story of me killing many of your inhabitants while running down a long hallway. Basically, a lot of you guys died, and I found another drop pod that broke the ceiling in. I didn't take much, and I set it to detonate when you guys opened her up.

When I got to a hatch to get more underground, I ran into a panda guard that was holding my helmet like it was a trophy. It seemed pleased with itself, so I rewarded it with a punch from the shadows through his head for his troubles.

And that was where things really started to go downhill for your kind. See, without that, I couldn't interface with the 'advanced bio-net' that you used so liberally.

I used the hardware in my helmet alone to fry anyone that tried to enter it. Billions died without ever knowing how.

I looked for any information on humanity, and pieced together what had happened. You idiots didn't even bother to remember why, so I'm not going to tell you. Just know that your ancestors are murderers, and you all had it coming. After that, I loaded up with all of the blueprints of Terra Primus.

With your defense network broken, I sent orders to millions of ships in the outer quadrants, bringing them home. I gave them wrong course headings, and destroyed them with ease.

The one waste I hated the most was space orchard 17. I miss real food.

For 20 years I burned down your society in retribution.

I took a science level over once; tried to make a clone of myself. It's hard to play God. Too hard. I gave up fairly quickly. I burned all of it.

My ammunition ran out about halfway through the second year. All the pods had self detonated long before then. I took your weapons; I played your silly little fighting games. I massacred entire cities overnight.

It was easy.

But it wasn't fun.

I had so much hatred in me I thought I would die. But it's what kept me alive, made me eat, made me sleep, made me breathe, and made me kill, over and over again. Hate kept my blood boiling when the winters started up again, three years ago, after I had destroyed the weather controller.

You guys didn't expect that one. The reptiles suffered mostly from that, but not me. I had taken pelts from your thick skinned kind. Wrapped myself in it when I was working on my armor.

And that's when your kind almost got a break.

A gator jumped me once when I was fixing a heat sink in the left leg's housing, in the destroyed under city 'Loose Imagination'.

She was cold, and slow, and I easily outmaneuvered her.

She was the first freak that I didn't kill right away.

I tied her up, and contemplated her fate. I hadn't tortured any of you, and I wasn't going to start then. I'll never torture another being. A quick death is preferred to any other type.

I pondered to myself if possibly she might bear a child for me. I wistfully thought a medical lab might help in finding out, but since I had destroyed anything your kind would use for medicine, that was out of the question.

I kept her hands bound for the night, without any food or covering. In the early morning, she tried to escape. I acted like I was still asleep and she slipped away, into the darkness. I followed.

About 50 meters from the camp she started to run in earnest, stumbling. At 60 meters, I stepped out in front of her. She slammed to a halt as she ran full tilt into my chest. She rebounded, stumbled, and fell. I pulled her back up and walked back to camp, dragging her sobbing form behind me.

When I got back to camp I threw her onto the ground near me and rebuilt the fire. I slapped a large piece of meat onto a metal grill I had fashioned some years ago, and the smell of slowly cooking flesh started to waft from it. She looked at it hungrily and with resentment.

Then I did something I had stopped doing for a long time. I spoke to her.

"You want this?" My voice was low and scratchy from not being used in nearly 17 years. I held up the mammoth cut of meat, and she eyed me suspiciously before slowly nodding. I cleared my throat, spat some phlegm off to the side, and shrugged. "That is regrettable, then." I put it back on the grill with a solid thunk, followed by the slow sizzling again.

She looked at it ever so pitifully. I didn't much care. I was hungry and she had tried to kill me. Survival of the human race was what I was concerned with.

I picked at the fire for a bit, and then put my hand in it. It was hot, but not enough to hurt; it tingled mildly. The gator stared in wide eyed astonishment. I didn't even blink as I stared back at her. Finally I pulled my hand out, looked at it bemusedly, and then stood up.

"Don't eat that, or you're going to regret it." I said nodding to the cooking meat. I turned around and walked away for about a minute, making noise so she knew I was gone. I stalked back even faster, silent as a breath of wind in space; absolute.

She was gnawing on it ravenously, continuously looking around, making sure I wasn't there. I smiled at the sick humor I derived from this.

"I told you not to eat it." I said loudly, from across the fire, sliding through a half demolished doorway.

She jerked upright; mouth slightly opened, a scrap still hanging from her teeth. My eyes glinted in the firelight, reflecting off of those giant, dark, fear filled eyes. "And now you will pay, knowing that you eat your own kind."

She looked at me without any emotion for a few seconds. Then she turned to her side and started to regurgitate the half chewed meat. She kept on going for a long time, even when all she did was dry-wretch.

I cackled. I thought this whole setting was the greatest thing since sliced atoms. "Didn't see that one coming did you?" She looked up at me with tear streaked eyes.

I still couldn't sum up any compassion. So instead I sat next to her, sprawling sideways, and just watched her.

She finally spoke to me, and it sounded raw around the edges, like she didn't practice much. To be honest, I thought it was a gurgle in her throat at first.


I leaned closer. "What was that now?"

"You... FRECK!" I giggled again. I couldn't help myself. It bubbled from deep inside of me, and turned into all out guffawing. I was surprised. I'd never laughed this hard before in my life.

"So I'M the freak now..." She tried to slide away from me. "Well guess what. This FRECK," I mimicked her throaty growl-word, "has got about three hundred THOUSAND years of evolution more behind it than YOU. So if you want to start something, you better say it now. Otherwise, shut the hell up." I resisted the urge to spit on her face.

She shuddered, and then slid down onto her stomach, her tail flat on the ground. "I submit." She said simply.

"Good." I said back, and then got up. "We're moving camp, and you're going to help."

"But I thought..." she started.

"I said you're helping, now get the FUCK UP!" I yelled in my best Drill Instructor voice, punctuating the last two words with jabs of my finger in her direction. It boomed around inside of the decimated rubble around us, making ghost sounds as it faded away. She jumped like she had been struck by lightning, tail quivering, eyes shut tight.

I quickly assembled the armor, ran a diagnostic on the power feed system, and then started to put it on. I heard her creep forward, and then reach out to touch me, but I whirled around before she got too close, unfastened armor clasps clanking lightly as they swung out from the sudden movement.

"You will not touch this armor." I said coldly.

Her throat tightened in fear, but still she persisted.

I pushed her away, trying to calm myself. She stumbled backwards and fell on the pile of furs I slept on. She lay on it, eyes half lidded, and rumbled deep in her solar plexus.

She was trying to seduce me I realized. I wanted to kick her so bad I could feel the corners of my mouth twitching uncontrollably.

I started putting the rest of my armor on instead.

"I said, get up." She was really annoying me, and I had to fight back the temptation of shooting her there. As much as I wanted to, I had to have somebody to talk to.

She rumbled again, and started to undo her tattered cloth coverings. I put the last of my armor on, and with a screeching blast, started the power plant. She bounced three feet into the air, and then started to scramble into the furs, trying to hide herself.

I lowered the power to minimal and kicked the nearest piece of large metal rubble I could find. It flexed inwards from the blow and careened off into a wall. The wall nearly exploded.

I bent forwards and yelled at the top of my lungs, "DON'T MAKE ME TELL YOU TO GET UP AGAIN!"

She didn't move, other than shivering in fear, and this time, mouth twitching madly, I couldn't resist the urge to kick her. Completely.

The nearly enthusiastic punt sent her wind milling sideways, screeching, ass over end, about 20 feet. She hit with a dull thud, and exhaled the rest of her air in a choked grunt.

I picked up her clothes and threw it at her, with one of my larger pelts. "Put those on. You're going to need them where we're going."

Will a low groan she got up and put her clothes back on while I packed up. It didn't take me long, I never unpacked much; there wasn't any need to.

We walked to an old nature habitat I had opened up about two years ago. The small disk like explosive I had put at the base of the wall had blown open a sizable chunk of closed off zone. It was fun to watch the pre-collapse generation try to contain the fleeing animals, while the post-collapse generation did a beautiful, if gory, massacre for the food they would get. I had killed them all that night, when they were all fat and lazy off the meat.

The more timid creatures had stayed inside, and a pod of near sentient predators had stayed for the easy pickings.

It took us about two days to get there, and I had to force feed her to keep her from starving. She wouldn't willingly eat her kind unless I was threatening and manhandling her into it. When I started that up she would become Miss Submissive and do anything for me. It sickened me to the core. I LIKE my women to have a little backbone.

When we got to the habitat, I started to build a temporary structure. We would stay for a bit while I planned how to terminate the next few tribes.

When I finished, the structure resembled something like a conical shape with an open point, flat side down. The skins I had stretched over the long metal spars kept the heat in, and let the smoke out from the top.

The gator fem shivered when I pulled her inside. I had my armor and bags huddled around the base, to help keep the cold out. I had a fire burning in no time, and she leaned close to it.

I sat back on the other side of the fire, watching her face lighten as she warmed up. Again I pondered what I would do with her.

She had her uses, yes, but what really were they to me? I could easily carry my belongings by myself, and she ate nearly three times as much as I did.

Then it hit me.

I was starting to care for her.

She noticed I was staring and shied away from eye contact. "He hates me." she mumbled to herself so low that I almost missed it, and that's saying something.

"Maybe." I said.

She looked up startled, and breathed in a deep breath through her nose.

Suddenly my right eyelid started to twitch. It only does that when something unexpected is going to happen. I don't know how it works, but it's saved me more than once when the only sentient race to kill was still humans.

She got up slowly, and slid out from under her blanket. She walked around the fire and crouched beside me, just out of reach. Slowly she inched forwards, her eyes locked with mine.

Just short of me she breathed out, bathing my exposed arm with slightly heated moisture.

My hairs didn't even move.

"Can I help you?" I asked, not sounding like I intended to, even if she asked nicely with glucose on top.

"Only if I can help you." She whispered, a bit more throatily than normal, opening her mouth a little, and touching my left arm with her right hand.

The claws were cold, but her palm was heated. Slowly she trailed down my arm to my hand, pulling gently at my wrist. I let her pull my hand up to the end of her snout.

She started to bite my palm. I slammed the hand forward.

She recoiled, but I followed through, pushing my pinky and forefinger into her nostrils, and thumb holding on in between her upper teeth.

She tried frantically to get my hand off of her face, and I used that distraction to pull Trusty out and grind the business end to the side of her skull.

She stopped moving.

"If you ever do that again, I'm going to exterminate you. Got that?" She gave a muffled affirmative.

I didn't speak to her for the rest of the day.

That night, when I was acting to be asleep, she crawled as quietly as she could until she was next to me. She nuzzled lightly at my side, checking for signs of awakening, and when I showed none, slowly started to slide her naked body under the covers, onto mine.

The roughness of her pleated under scales was pleasantly light, and tugged softly as it passed over me. Her breathe was steadily getting heavier.

When she was finally was all the way on top of me, she slid her legs to either side of mine, and her arms held my sides in a parody of a hug. Her lipless mouth pressed against my neck, and she started to lick softly.

I wrapped my arms around her torso, and she nearly jumped out of her skin. She started to rapidly apologize, and I shushed her up by resting my chin on her snout.

For a bit she remained still, but slowly started to lick again.

I slid my right arm down to her buttocks, and slowly massaged where her tail met her body. My left was kneading the base of her neck, working away the stress. Her tail rose limply, tenting the furs around us, and the sudden intake of cold air made her gasp. I squeezed her body to mine, flattening her a bit.

She groaned some, and started to make minute movements with her pelvis. I rolled over, bringing her under me.

The furs retained my heat, and it was starting to conduct through her body.

My penis had, to my irritation, gotten hard without my noticing, and was gently touching her inner thigh, bobbing up with every heartbeat. She squirmed in barely contained excitement as I slowly moved it closer to her waiting slit with my left arm, while propping myself up with my right.

Her abdomen flexed violently as I entered her vaginal opening, stopping about a quarter inch inside of her. As the glans of my penis was completely enveloped by the vaginal walls, a soft slurping sound was emitted.

Suddenly her abdominal muscles ceased moving, and she thrust forward, trying to pull it all in. I compensated, never giving her more than the head. She looked pleadingly at me, and again, I started to sink into her.

Again she thrust, this time with a needy gurgle.

Not needing my left hand for guidance any more, I cupped it on her right breast, gently rolling and squeezing it.

Her vaginal walls undulated oddly. Her muscles flexed, drawing my penis in, and then squeezed shut from the blood rushing in as her dual hearts began to beat stronger. I couldn't help myself; I pushed all the way in, eliciting a very vocal grunt of satisfaction from her.

It was intoxicating. I hadn't had sex in over 19 years, and I don't even touch myself except when cleaning.

I pulled back, almost all the way out, and her equivalent of a clitoris pushed at the back of the head of my penis, keeping it locked in. She moaned loudly pulling away sharply, nearly pulling my shaft from my body. The short lasting sharp pain made me squeeze her breast a bit too hard and lose my grip on the furs below us, and I fell all the way back into her with a muffled gasp.

Her body was quaking with pleasure as I rolled my hips around, and then pulled up, mashing my erection's body into her heavily sensitized nerve endings. She let go of my back, and grabbed my hips instead, trying to force me to move more.

I pressed her body to mine and flipped over, once more, letting her do the work. My right arm was stiff from constant pressure.

As she leaned back, straddling me, all the furs slid off her back, except one that had caught around her shoulders. It was extremely soft and silvery white, contrasting perfectly with her matte brown body scales and light tan under scales.

I put my hands on her waist as she put her left hand up in between her breasts, claws limply holding the fur on, and pressed her right hand on my solar plexus, using it as leverage to bounce up and down on my pelvis.

Soon we we're slamming into each other, meeting with wet slaps as her wet scales hit my wet skin.

With one last slap, she climaxed, her whole body rocking woozily. She fell onto me, and I could feel her blood expanding her areola and nipples. They pressed urgently into my chest, and I rolled over once more.

Her face was alight with afterglow, eyes half lidded, and I couldn't help but tweak a nipple. She gasped and rumbled softly with pleasure, opening her mouth wide, panting hotly, tongue lolling. Slowly I started to thrust again, both arms bracing myself, and her eyes closed all the way, her body convulsing again.

Each time I pulled all the way out, her body rocked with an oversensitive aftershock. Shortly she was pleading to for me to go faster.

I slowly sped up, attaining the pace we had had moments ago, and again she climaxed, her vaginal opening fluttering madly. It was almost too much, so I slowed down.

She opened her eyes as I started to pump again. "Give me it." She commanded.

I feigned ignorance. "Give you what?"

"Your-ungh!" She grunted heavily as I pulled back, pressing her clitoral ring. She tried again. "Your s-hungh!" again, I used my penis' head to tug at her clitoris. "St-stop that! I need it! I need your s-ooungh!"

After pulling that last time I pushed my hands under her buttocks and lifted her up slightly, rising to my knees. Her body arched from the furs to my crotch, and her legs slid to my sides, wrapping around me. Her tail was straight between my legs. Then I began to pound her in earnest.

I was starting to sweat; the heat we were making was white hot and coursing in our veins, burning our bodies in passion.

Finally I reached my limit. I leaned forward and pulled out as hard as I could. My penis pooped out with an extremely wet squelching sound, and a shriek from her. Then I slammed it back in and tensed, ejaculating. At each spasm, I put in a micro-thrust, grinding our sexes together.

Then my right eyelid twitched.

She came one last time, and leaned forward, placing her jaws on my right shoulder, biting hard enough to pierce my augmented skin, eyes gleaming with victory.

I shot into her one last time.

Her head exploded.

The last HE-A1 round I owned tore through the bottom of her mouth, in between the sides of her lower jaw, passed through her tongue, splintered the roof of her mouth, an then detonated, just as it was designed to do.

Because my brain's synapses fired faster than the speed of sound, I got to watch a slow play by play as her head jutted upwards and off my shoulder. Her eyes bulged, suddenly looking at awkward angles, and then popped messily outwards. Her tongue started to splatter from out of her mouth, in ribbons, onto my chest. Blood squirted out of every opening like fountains. Then her head blasted open in a disgusting parody of an overripe melon getting splattered. Brain matter--black instead of grey, my mind absently noted--splattered over the right side of my face, under my chin, on my chest, and just about every other angle I could come up with.

I trembled.

I couldn't believe she had tried to kill me. She had really gotten the jump on me. I was so glad I had thought ahead and put Trusty Rusty under some furs within arms reach.

I wheezed. I giggled, and that turned quickly into laughter. I laughed maniacally for about an hour.

Then I threw up, all over her chest and stomach.

I learned how to cry again. I hugged her relaxed, decapitated body as hard as I could to my chest, squeezing so hard some blood that hadn't sprayed out yet gurgled and slopped onto my neck.

My tears mixed with her blood.

Part of me died with her.

It was the part of me that thought your kind might be salvagable. That there IS a future for your kind.

I realized something the next morning, after I had cleaned up.

If you didn't count the fact that you all look like freaks, you all are EXACTLY like humans. Ruthless FROM the core, not to it. You'll do anything to stay on top, the best.

And that's why I'm still hunting you.

I'm going to destroy the few last of your kind, so that you won't pollute the universe anymore.

Now that you're done watching this holo-pad, turn around. There's a surprise waiting for you.



**TERMINATE: RUN FILE 'Descendant'--








Go check out my other works if these stories of different interests entertain you!