For Love of Love 3 - Heat...ness.

Story by Cel on SoFurry

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#3 of For Love of Love

Jes quickly knocked Oliver to the ground with a swift kick, looking down at him as he winced and looked up at her questioningly.

"Your Digimon isn't the only one who can teleport," she said. She was sick of that little twerp. She was sick of that Angewomon, and she couldn't even remember her name--not that she cared. He wold have liked nothing more than to wipe the both of them from the face of the world and absorb their data, but she wasn't powerful enough. Whether Lex knew it or not, he was quite capable as an instrument of destruction, and more probably than not was more than capable of destroying her if she didn't digivolve.

But that wasn't what was bothering her now. There was something that she had been trying desperately to hide from everyone--especially Jamie--but between Angie, Lex, their incessant affection, and Oliver's barely-veiled questions to Jamie about Digimon and sex, she couldn't hide it anymore. She was in heat. She felt wild. Feral.

"Uh, o-okay," the tamer said. "W-where are we?"

"Somewhere else," she said, her growl steadily increasing. This was ridiculous. She had been reduced to desiring a human. But at least it was something. Her growl turned into something that even the human, with his limited senses, could hear.

"W-what are you doing?" Lex's tamer still hadn't gotten up yet. That was wise.

"Don't move," she said simply. There was a flurry of motion from her, and her armor was in a pile on the ground off to Oliver's side. Almost as quickly, she descended down onto the ignorant human, pulled his shirt off with a swift motion, and bit down on his neck.

"H-hey, Jes, what are you--OW!" He yelled as she bit him. She could taste his blood staining her teeth after a few moments of sinking her teeth into him. He tasted...strange. She let go of his neck with her mouth and bit down on his shoulder instead. Hard. She could feel the bitter, metal taste of his blood stain her mouth.

"J-jes, I--OWWW! Not so hard!"

His protests felt satisfying in a way, but it wasn't what she had been locking for. Her hand grasped Oliver's crotch. That's what she was looking for. She began to rub it with her three-fingered paw into an erection.

"Jes, what are you--Ahhhh..." he moaned a little when she grasped him. The idiot must have finally managed to figure out, but his comments were really starting to get on her nerves.

"SHUT UP!" she growled at him, sitting down on his legs and yanking down his pants. "I didn't bring you here for commentary." She slid herself a little farther up his legs, just below his rod, and rubbed herself against it, feeling a small, wet patch form beneath her legs. How long had it been, anyway? A year? A year and a half? She couldn't remember.

With a loud, audible growl, she raised herself up over Oliver, then impaled herself on him. It was so good to feel something inside of her. She hadn't even masturbated for a month or so. With an animal fury, she moved roughly against the human. He was ... fairly large, by her standards, and it didn't take long for him to stick his hands onto her sides and match her motions.

She gave a small yelp at the first of his thrusts, but quickly returned to her constant, low growl, pinning Oliver against the ground by his arms and biting his shoulder again. The human gasped and moaned, but he didn't do anything--she got the distinct impression that he was enjoying this. Good. That meant she wouldn't have to kill him.

"Jes....I'm going...Nnngh..." The human checked his speech by biting on his lip. Jes wasn't listening. She wasn't particularly interested in what he had to say at the moment. But she wasn't going to let him stop. She growled louder, pushing herself down hard on the human's cock. It hit something inside of her that sent an orgasm shuddering through her crotch and stomach. Yelping loudly, shequickly realized that Oliver hadn't stopped moving. Every one of his thrusts against her after her peak brought the volume of her growl, and the strength of her bite up.

"Jes...ah...JES!" Oliver's body shuddered under her, and something exploded within her. She moaned as a warmth spread up into her body, and looked down at Oliver, her growl slowly dying down.

* * * * * * *

It hadn't really occurred to Oliver just what he had been doing until, panting, he looked down Jes' stomach to where they were conjoined. A few days ago...if anyone had even mentioned doing something like that, he would have burst out laughing. When he first met Jes, if anyone had said anything about having sex with her, he probably would have told them to get out more. But, when he thought about it...she was actually pretty sexy. Sexy. She was sexy. Some part of him told him that was ridiculous, and that he needed to start subscribing to reality again on a somewhat regular basis, but he wasn't listening to it.

Oliver followed Jes' eyes as they locked onto his. They didn't look very happy. She was growling, too. Definitely not a happy sound.

", Jes?" he asked. He looked down to where their bodies met, then turned his eyes back up to Jes' face. The expression on her face had changed drastically in those few seconds. Now, she was looking down on him with a panicked look on her face.

"Jes?" he asked again.

"I didn't ... ... ... ... Did I?" she asked, getting off of him in a hurry. Oliver looked at her questioningly. Did she not know what she had just done? He pointed out the small pile of clothes and armor off to the side.

"...that's great. At least I didn't kill this one." the words were just above a whisper, but Oliver was able to hear it thanks to complete lack of any other sounds nearby.

"What?" he asked.

"Nothing," Jes asked. She had responded with the exact same kind of 'nothing' that Oliver would have used if he was asked what he did today. Probably not a good thing.

"Could you put your clothes back on?" she asked, turning away. Oliver began to debate with himself whether he liked this Jes or the mad, feral one who had just earned the title of being his first sex partner. That'd be an interesting story to tell people in the future: how he lost his virginity to a Digimon.

"Um, yeah. Sure." He gathered his pants and slid them on. Before putting his shirt on, he dipped a finger onto the cuts hat Jes' teeth had made in his shoulder. Unfortunately for Oliver, they were pretty deep and would not be going away any time in the near future. He'd have to wait a while for that to occur. In the meantime, he'd just have to live with having the Digimon's teeth marks in a shoulder--a pretty hard thing to explain to anyone else. Speaking of explanations...

"Jes ... What are you going to tell Jamie?'

"The truth," she answered simply. "If he doesn't already know." Before he had time to protest, she grabbed his shoulder--he flinched a little, expecting some kind of pain to result from the experience--and teleported the two of them back to where they had been before.

"OLIVER!" Lex's voice heralded his jumping onto Oliver and hugging him tightly. "You're alright!" He hugged him, then he hugged Jes.

"Thank you, Jes, thank you..." he said when he hugged her. Oliver turned to look at the two of them, and briefly considered the prospect of the those two having sex, but he quickly returned to what was left of reality.

"I told you he'd be fine," Lex's female friend said.

"You're okay?" Jamie asked.

"Yeah, why not?"

"Nothing, I guess--wait, is that blood?" Oliver's eyes flicked onto his shoulder where Jes had bit him. A little bit of blood had leaked through the light orange shirt that he was wearing, clearly visible to everyone around him.

"Um, yeah, I think it is," was the most ambiguous answer he could muster, so that was the one he delivered to Jes' tamer. He didn't look at all thrilled with the possibilities that brought up; although Oliver was almost certain that Jamie wasn't as disturbed about it as Oliver himself was.

"'d it ago?" The cheerful demeanor of the voice made the identity of the speaker obvious. It was Lex, who had evidently found it in the depths of his heart to ask him how well his sex had gone.

"Come on, Lex. you don't ask ... that ..." he looked at Jes in an effort to see if she would mind if he said anything. Hiding behind Jamie, she didn't appear to particularly like the prospect. Angie jumped onto Lex's lap, gave Oliver and wide grin, and told him that they wouldn't take no for an answer.

"No!" he said, a little more adamant. Everyone--Jes included--stared at him, waiting for an answer for about a minute.

"God damn was great, okay?" he sighed.

"Oliver...." Angie said, in a drastically different tone "Is that, um, is that blood?" He sighed again.

"Uh, yeah...she bit me...............hard.................really hard. You know...........with teeth. Sharp ones.....look, can we change the subject?"

" ... The real world?"


"What are we going to do once we get there?"

"I don't know," Jamie shrugged. "I've been out of the loop for a while now."


"We need to find a weak point in the barrier first." Jamie said.

"We need to get to the barrier first," Oliver pointed out.

"Good point, how are we going to do that, any--"

"Datastream," Jes answered.

"Oh, no...not a datastream..." Angie said despairingly.

"I hate datastreaams," Lex added.

"We only need to catch the edge of one," Jes said.

"What's a datastream?" he asked. The look that Jamie was giving him made him think he was some kind of complete idiot for not having that knowledge.

"You're a tamer now...and you don't even know what a datastream is?"

"They're big and purple, Oliver. Not very fun," Lex said.

"Would you rather teleport that distance?" Jes snapped dismissively.

"No..." His digimon said, then became rather defensive. "I could...even carrying them. But I wouldn't really want to, no. Especially not after telporting halfway across this plane and back a million times hunting for you and Oliver..."

Lex continued speaking, but Oliver was no longer giving him enough of his attention for his mind to process whatever he was saying. He was too busy staring at Jes. Every time he looked at her, he was somehow finding her more and more attractive, and questioning what he had thought earlier about desiring her being strange. Jes eventually caught his gaze and returned it. The back of his mind--the part that wasn't mentally going over his memories of them having sex--wondered if she was thinking about the same thing.

", and...Oliver, are you listening?" Jamie asked.

"Huh?" Oliver snapped back into reality.


"They must have really had fun..." Angie said.

"Probably....I wonder...." Lex grinned.

"Wonder what?"

"If they had as much fun as we did."

"Probably.." Lex giggled a little, then started tickling the Angewomon.

"I don't know if that's possible." Angie giggled in a manner very similar to Lex's.

"They do know I can hear every word they're saying, right?" Jes asked whoever was listening.

"I don't think they care." Oliver pointed out...he tried to picture the mental of image of Lex and the rest of his body that he hadn't seen yet, and what little of Angie wasn't already visible, unclothed and going at it. "So, what's our plan again?"

"We're going to use a datastream to get up to the barrier. Then, Jes will blow a hole in it and we can bio-emerge."

"I want to blow in it!" Lex giggled. Oliver groaned. He was really starting to get on his nerves. Jamie gave him a look that told Oliver he understood all too well that situation.

"I can share if I have to," Jes said.

" we just wait for a datastream?" he asked. "I haven't seen anything like what Lex described..."

"You just need to find a certain spot," Jes explained. Evey bit of Oliver's willpower was required to keep him from blurting out with laughter at the suggestive theme the statement brought to mind. Taking a quick look around, it seemed like everyone else was either laughing or doing a very poor job of suppressing the urge.


"'find the spot'? Come on, Jes!" Oliver giggled. Lex and Angie looked like they found it even more amusing than he himself had - they had laughed their way onto the ground next to each other, and were now laughing about that.

"How is that--" Jes must have figured out, because her eyes went from their normal size to being much larger, then became incredibly small slits as she stared flatly at everyone else. "Oh...only you all would find that amusing. Anyway....there are certain places on every layer that act as beacons for datastreams. All we have to do is find one and be near it when it passes over."

The young man still only had the vaguest idea of what a datastream was. From what he had heard, he was picturing it as the manifestation of the interaction between the Real World and the Digital World, but he still wasn't sure exactly what they were. He wasn't going to ask, though. He looked like enough of an idiot as it was, it wasn't necessary to highlight that any further.

"" he began to ask for clarification until he was interrupted by Jamie.

"Just follow Jes. You'll figure it out." Oliver sighed reluctantly. "Half the time, I'm just following her around anyway.....not that I mind the view," he said the last part in a sentence. He was going to make a comment about the view he had gotten, but he didn't dare to say anything that blatantly suggestive about Jes with her only a few feet from where she needed to be to end his life.

"So....did you two ever....?" his mind's eye pictured the two of them in the forest earlier in the day.

"No, she's far too proud for that."

"She wasn't very proud when she--" Oliver smirked, unable to resist the urge he had a few seconds ago any longer.

"Stop talking about me! I WILL kill you if you don't shut up."

"You wo--" Jamie said rather nervously.

"Try me." Hoping that he had gained at least a few points with Jes, Oliver just smiled at her as innocently as he could. She's much less intimidating without her armor...

Lex looked around everyone nervously. This just wouldn't do. If they were going to be friends and go to the Real World together, this just wouldn't do. With a small grin on his face, he teleported to behind Jes and slid his hands around Jes's armored stomach much in the same way he had done with Angie--minus the affection. She jumped--he didn't know if she was jumping at his touch or jumping at the fact he had teleported directly behind her.

"You need to loosen up!" He said happily. "You can't go to the Real World like this, you're far too tense!"

"What are you doing?" She asked. Lex giggled in response, moving his hands around to her sides where there wasn't any armor.

"I don't know! I'm making this up as I go!" He gestured his new lover--it made him so happy to think of her with that word--closer him to him, and she took a step--a step very deliberately around Jes--next to Lex, and he teleported the lot of them to the same building that himself and Angie had gotten to know each other better in.

He quickly let go of Jes, pulled Angie up against him, and kissed her passionately. She seemed a little susprised at first--that was understandable, he was a little surprised himself--but she quickly put one of her arms around his back and returned the kiss.

"Lex, you'd better have--" Jes began to say something, but her words trailed off when he began kissing Angie--again, something that was entirely understandable. If he had seen himself and Angie doing that, he definitely would have stopped talking.

"I'll just, um....." Out of the corner of his eye--which was mainly focused on Angie--he saw Jes edge toward the door. With a grin, he quickly teleported himself and Angie--without missing a beat--in front of Jes. He shook his head as much as their physiology would allow him to without breaking the kiss. His claws ran vaguely over the Angewomon's back as he tried to find the singular clip that somehow held all of her suit together.

"I can't find it!" he eventually gave up, giggling and pulling himself away from the kiss.

"I noticed..." Angie laughed with him, reached back and deftly undid it. A second later, and she was completely naked, with her outfit on the ground around her legs--he still couldn't get over just how beautiful she was.

"It's not fair," he complained jokingly.

"Isn't that too bad," she responded with a sensual, seductive voice, while simultaneously worming her hands under his cape and into his robes. He shivered a little--he didn't know if he would ever get really used to this kind of thing--and Angie quickly removed the robe from his body. He watched as her eyes turned downwards eagerly, and when he looked to Jes, he saw that her eyes followed a similar path, but had ended up residing on the ground. A barely-noticable streak of red ran across her black fur.

"Angie...? I think Jes is lonely..." he said in a whisper.

"Heehee...then she should join us." She whispered back.

"That wouldn't bother you?'

"No," her whisper lowered even more, "Actually, I think it's kind of exciting..."

"Um.....I can hear you...." Jes' voice said without looking at them.

"I didn't bring you here to stare at the ground, Jes..."

"Wh-what?" With another grin, he teleported himself to one side of Jes, and Angie to the other side. Between the two of them, they trapped Jes from further movement and started caressing the curves of her stomach. He could feel the DarkBladeRenamon quivering at the attention--deciding to give her some more, he started flicking his tongue across her neck, which he could only just reach by standing on the tips of his clawed feet.

While doing that, one of his hands stayed on Jes' stomach, while the other one ran down her abdomen with more southern intentions. Angie's hands went out of Lex's sight around the back of the tall, armored Digimon--he needed to get that off. With a grin, he unclipped it on his side and disconnected it, pushing it off of her body. She started shivering even more.

"You should be relaxing," Lex said to her in between licks of her neck. She responded with a soft moan--her eyes had closed some time ago.

"I don't think she can hear you anymore!" Angie giggled. His hand finally found Jes' entrance, and he began rubbing one of his fingers across it. She responded by buckling at the knee and moaning. Lex pushed her down to the ground as gently as she could and positioned his head between her legs--this was a personal first for Lex, he thought as he flicked his tail across her entrance. It was still slightly wet from whatever she had been doing with Oliver, but that didn't bother him.

"Can I have your tail, Lex?" Angie asked from behind him--that would be another interesting personal first. He nodded, dutifully sucking between Jes' legs. He felt Angie grab his tail, which had started wiggling involuntary, and slide it into her--the pressure on his tail made him shudder a little, and he instinctively pulled it back towards him, only to have it pulled back into where it was before. He repeated, pulling it out again, and Angie moaned, pulling it back towards herself.

He liked the way Jes tasted...but he wanted more. He pushed the inside of Jes' legs outwards, spreading both her legs outward and her pussy open, and his tongue began to venture into Jes, exploring her inside parts.

"Aaaahhh...." she shuddered--Jes really seemed to be enjoying this, even though she was...growling? He closed his lips down on her and began sucking hungrily at her entrance, eagerly swallowing what juices were already there. She yelped in response to what he had done, dropping her head to the ground, arching her back and moaning loudly as her juices flowed freely into his mouth.

At the same time, he felt Angie slide down on a surprisingly large portion of his tail. He felt the tip of his tail run into something, so he wiggled it against that--the action brought about a loud shudder from the Angewomon, and he could feel a new wetness flow from inside her onto his tail. Still not quite satisfied from what Jes had given him, he pulled his tail out of her and sucked her sex off.

"You taste like Jes!" he giggled, then quickly turned around and pounced in between Angie's legs and began sucking at her entrance, too.

"Oooohh, Lex....wait, I........ooooo...." she splayed her legs, propped herself up on her arms and tilted her head back while Lex did the same thing to Angie that he had doe to Jes. Angie reacted differently, though. Where Jes had been....growling...Angie made soft cooing noises when he was gentle, and gasps when he wasn't. Not long after he started, she did the same thing Jes had done and drenched his mouth and tongue with her sweetness. He drank that too, before pulling Angie farther up next to him and sliding himself into a pleasantly warm place between the fox and the angel.

"Jes, do you want--"

"zzzz...." she interrupted with a soft, murring sound.

"Hehehe, I think she passed out, Lex...I can see why, you're really good at that..." she bit her lip. Lex watched Jes' chest rise and fall a few times before coming to the same conclusion--she had fallen asleep! He giggled and hugged Angie.

"I think you're right! The excitement must have been too much for her."

"That's too bad...I had something planned for her..." Lex cocked his head a little, trying to think of what else they could have done at the same time. When nothing came to mind, he gave up and asked her what it was she had planned.

"Do you want to find out?" she asked, licking her lips at him erotically. He grinned and flicked his tongue in and out of his mouth like a snake in return, nodding silently. Angie giggled and climbed across Lex, laying down on top of Jes with her crotch in the fox's face and her own head in between Jes' legs.

"Oooooh," Lex sat up for a better view. "This is exciting!" he giggled a little. Angie shoved her face where Lex's had been and started licking. Jes quickly woke up and started gasping and moaning--she must not have been used to all of the attention. Angie's legs spread across Jes' shoulders, and she--looking a little apprehensive about the whole thing--began licking at Angie's entrance. For the briefest of moments, he felt a pant of envy. Until now, Angie had been just his...but now Jes was doing what he had done, and judging from the surprised 'Aaah!' coming from Angie when

the fox's tongue moved into her, she was enjoying it--but after all, it was quite exciting, and he was enjoying himself...

The Magusmon maneuvered himself into a position behind Jes' head to watch her progress with Angie. His hand found its way to his crotch and began to rub the erection that was there. Even though he wasn't getting any attention himself, he was more than content to watch his lover--he grinned at the thought--and Jes licking at each other. He began to rub harder, watching the two of them go at it very intently.

Lex watched as Jes shuddered, moaned, and came. Angie started licking at the juices that flowed out, moaning softly as she swallowed after every few licks. He couldn't stand not being involved anymore...still pumping his hand against himself, he stuffed his face in between Jes and Angie, eagerly licking at Angie's soaking entrance. He located her clit and nibbled gently on it. After a startled quiver, Jes joined him, tonguing at her inside.

"Oooooh.....L-lex, Jes...ahh, that's....AAH!" when she came, Lex pushed his tongue past Jes'. The moment they came into contact, Jes quivered again--it seemed she was more scared of him than anything else. He didn't really give the matter any thought. When Angie had came, some of it ended up on Jes' face. Giggling, he turned over and started licking it off of Jes' face. She shivered and looked away--directly at his crotch.

"Lex..." Jes said He wasn't paying attention to her. His hand had gone from being on his dick to being on the floor. After licking off what he could get to on Jes' face, he closed his eyes and licked what was remained on Angie, he felt something wet clasp around his cock--Jes? He looked down and saw Jes' wrapping her mouth around his cock.

"Ahh, Jes..." Angie turned around and looked at him, giggling.

"I guess it's your turn, Lex!" she giggled, pushing him to the ground and giggled. "What do you want from me?" she asked, licking her lips seductively at him again.

"Oooh...I don't know..." he said--his attention was on Jes, who suddenly licked the entire length of his cock with her tongue. "" The Angewomon giggled and kissed him deeply, probing around his mouth with her tongue. Jes had gone from sucking at his dick to sucking it felt very good...he quivered, trying to kiss Angie back and not drive himself into Jes' throat at the same time. He failed a little on both counts. Jes gagged--Angie just grinned, removed her mouth from his, and took his tail again, tickling herself with the tip of it briefly, then pulling it behind him and sitting on it, hugging him from behind.

"Ahhhhh....Jes!" he moaned out her name at a particularly hard suck. Angie giggled, then slid her head sideways across his and kissed him, rubbing against his tail. He moaned from all this attention...he never would have dreamed of being involved in something like this...he never would have thought--his thoughts turned to a blank haze as Jes's tongue pressed down hard against his tip.

"JES!" he came heavily into her mouth. She gagged briefly, then quickly swallowed..and resumed sucking on him even harder. "Ahhh...Jes....hah....hah....hah..." he panted. As she sucked on him, her tongue was flicking wildly over his dick, making him shudder every few seconds. Angie shivered and cooed, having a much gentler orgasm than before, then wrapped her head around to him and kissed him again. He couldn't take any more. He shivered again, moaned loudly into Jes' mouth and came again, and again she swallowed. He rested his head against Angie's neck and started panting. Angie looked at him and smiled as he turned around. He was so was nice to be able to touch other people...especially like this...he moaned a little and closed his eyes, curling his tail around himself. So tired...

Angie giggled as she got Lex's tail wrapped around her. He was so cute...she almost couldn't stand it. Giggling, she looked at Jes, who was busy swallowing Lex's seed.

"Wh-what's wrong with him...?" Jes asked.

"You wore him out!" she giggled.


"D-did I?'" Jes looked a little surprised. This Jes somehow seemed very different from the Jes that had been fighting those BlackWarGreymon. What had brought that change about, anyway.....? Was She grinned a little at the thought.

"Yes, you did. Were you not done with him?" she grinned.

"I guess..."

Lex shifted around a little in her arms and tightened his tail around her waist. She giggled a little at the pressure it put on her. She rested her head on his and looked over at Jes. She was staring at the two of them longingly. She looked...lonely. Even Lex's incredible happiness that he constantly exuded onto her wasn't enough to counter the feeling of loneliness that Jes evoked.


"Huh?' Angie grinned at her and beckoned her over, shifting a little bit to the side to show her that she could take her place. Angie could see a small streak of red appear across the black Digimon's face at the prospect.

"...Are you...sure? I mean...he's yours...I don't really..."

"He's sleeping." She gave him a knowing look...she had just lost her mate...and Lex did look at least a little bit like a miniaturized, much more happy version of Jes' Nedremon..."It'll be our secret."

"T-thank you..." Jes slipped into where Angie had been sitting, and dropped Lex's sleeping head on her shoulder. Angie watched as Jes rested her own head against Lex's neck. She was quivering a little bit, and it was obvious that she was holding back tears, but Angie didn't say anything. Instead, she watched as Lex's tail wrapped itself around Jes like it had wrapped itself around Angie. Jes was looking at it, too. And when she saw it, for the first time since she had met Jes...she saw her smile. She saw Jes smile. She was smiling, and he was doing it at something Lex was doing. If Angie wasn't mistaken...she looked happy. Tears began to mat the fur around her eyes as she slipped her paws around Lex and hugged him.

Angie couldn't help but feel sorry for her, even though she couldn't do anything to help her. Jes continued crying on Lex's shoulder for a few minutes, until her crying died down, eventually becoming nothing more than a quiet occasional spasm.

"Thank you..." Jes said, her eyes turning back up to Angie. She gave Jes an understanding smile and sat down next to her.

"Are you going to be alright?"

"I will," she answered resolutely. Angie gave her a a little kiss on a part of her fuzzy face that hadn't been matted by tears. Jes pulled her head back, then gave Lex back to who she had originally been cuddling with. Lex shifted a little this time, but not enough to wake him up. Angie rested her head on Lex in the same spot Jes had put hers and closed her eyes to cuddle with Lex. Jes stood up and disappeared. Angie thought of waking Lex up and asking him to go after her, but she understood if the green foxie wanted some time to herself.

"Angie...?" Lex's voice asked sleepily.

"What is it, Lex?"

"Are you sure that didn't bother you? I mean--"

"No, I think she really needed that,'s alright, I don't mind. I thought it was fun." she grinned.

"Good...because I want to ask you something."


"Angie...." his hands slid down her arms and grabbed her owns hand in an affectionate, gentle hold. "Will you be my mate for ... for life?" the look on his face was so far beyond 'cute', she could never put to words a description that would do it justice. It was adorable, caring, was everything she could ask for in a mate. She had never really given any thought to taking a mate, and least not while getting to this form. But she couldn't think of a more perfect mate. He was stronger than she was, but he didn't act like it. He was cute....he cared about her....he loved her.....he was absolutely perfect.

"Oh, Lex! Yes!" She answered happily, hugging him. "Yes, yes, yes! Of course I will!" she answered, hugging him tightly.

Watching and listening to Lex and Angie from the window, Jes could remember when Nedremon had posed that question to her. It had been only days before her son-of-a-bitch of a tamer had gotten her sucked into the Real World and away from him. They had been laying on a field, somewhere, looking up at the sky, and he had just suddenly asked her..

She was still in her rookie form at the time, and she didn't really know what to say 'No' just didn't really seem like the right thing to say, so she went with the other option and told him that she'd be his mate for life. How wrong that had been...she got pulled by a datastream into the real world, and Nedremon had betrayed her. It was all Jamie's fault. None of this would have happened if it wasn't for Jamie's sudden interference in her life. She hated him for it. she hated him more than anything else in the world.

Te spectacle of the two of them hugging with their eyes closed was too much for her. It was making her emotional again, and that was something she didn't really need. Emotion....fuck it. What was it good for, anyway? She didn't need it.

She began walking towards the two humans--she wasn't going to bother teleporting the short distance. For one thing, it wasn't easy for her to do. As hard as it was for her to admit it, Lex had an easy time of it, the little shit. For another thing...her crotch and face were still wet from everyone's sex and she wanted a chance to rub and lick herself clean, which she did while walking and clasping her armor back on, getting some very strange looks in the process. She retored with angry 'leave me alone' looks accompanied by gorls to those who persisted.

After a few minutes of that, she ended up behind the bench the two humans were sitting, looking quite bored. She stood there, waiting to be acknowledged, until Jamie looked over his shoulder, looked back, then did a double-take in surprise.

"Jes!" Jamie jumped and yelled in surprise. Oliver did seem quite as surprised. He had evidently grown accustomed to the unexpected appearing of Digimon at random, which was kind of odd, given that Jamie had been a tamer for over three and a half years, and Oliver had been a tamer for a grand total of about 8 hours. It just went to show how much of a fucking idiot Jamie was.

"Where are Lex and Angie?"

"They are sleeping." she said.

"Awww..." Oliver said. The eyes of both of the humans began to drift downward towards her crotch. She hated being in heat...especially with Jamie. He was spineless. When he was like this, he just stared at her. If he acted once in a while, maybe it would have been different, but as it was, it was just weird. Her eyes followed theirs down her stomach. It wasn't like they were seeing anything they hadn't seen before, she never wore more than any of this...her eyes fell on something she had missed while cleaning herself hastily. She turned herself so the particular spot wasn't visible to them anywmore.

"'d it go?" Oliver asked, a wide grin on his face as he stood up and stretched.

"Fine..." she said...she found that her own eyes were going over Oliver again, remembering him without any of his clothes on. She shook the thought away. She couldn't get enough....this was getting ridiculous, she had to control herself. She closed her eyes to keep anyone else from seeing where she was looking then tried to remember what it was like before being in heat. She felt something touch her butt--Oliver? She opened her eyes and turned around quickly, ready to throw him to the ground and go down on him right there one last time to make this urge go away. And she almost did. But somewhere in between opening her eyes and jumping onto the human, she realized that it was the wrong human. It wasn't Oliver she was about to pounce, it was Jamie.

She quickly pounded him onto the ground and folded her arms. Hmmph. Served him right.

There was no way that was going to happen, regardless of how horny she got.

"Well.." Oliver said with a little bit of a giggle, "If we're going to the real world, I'd like to take my Digimon and his....whatever Angie is to him.....with me."

"That'd probably be a good idea," Jamie said, getting up from the ground. "Where are they, Jes?"

"This way." She gestured with her sword, which she had drawn in the process of beating up Jamie and used to hit him with. With the flat of the blade, of course. She had heard bad things about Digimon who had killed their never seemed to work out for them in the end. So she didn't want to risk it, even though she hated the human quite intensely.

Jes led the humans over to the building where she had left them. Sure enough, the two lovebirds had fallen asleep leaning on each other in the corner of the room where she had left them. They were still naked, and even though nothing could really be sen other than Lex's back, tail, and Angie's shoulders and legs, Jes felt a little guilty about letting the humans see them like that. She quickly wiped away that feeling, though, trying to adhere with her earlier edict to herself that she wouldn't feel emotion any more. It didn't seem to be working out particularly well, but she had to keep going with it.

"Aww, that's cute..."

"We need to go," Jes poked Lex with the flat edge of her sword.

"Mm...oh?...oh, we're leaving...come on, Lex..." Angie smiled, prodding Lex as well.

"Mmmmmmnnnn.....mmmrrr?" Lex opened his eyes, saw Jes, and grinned. "Hi, Jes! Guess what?"

"... ... ... what?" After many moments of staring in an effort to look not interested in the least, Jes finally gave up. She did, however, make her 'what' sound as disinterested as possible.

"I asked Angie if she'd be my mate forever....and she said yes!" He clung to the Angewomon, smiling happily and kissing her.

"That's great, Lex." She turned around, making it look like she didn't care. Which she didn't, really. "Get dressed. I don't think the humans are used to seeing this kind of thing." Out of the corner of her eyes, she saw the wet, matted bit of fur of fur on her lower abdomen. "I'd give anything for a shower..." she said silently.

"What's a shower....?" Lex asked. Jes smirked and looked at the two humans, wondering how they were going to answer such a stupid question.

"It's a machine that, er....showers...." Jamie tried.

"It's a like....sprays water...." Oliver offered.

Both Lex and Angie just...stared blankly.

"Just show them later, Jamie. Let's get out of here." Jes said.