From Master to Lover: Chapter one

Story by Alucard_Mounte on SoFurry

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Hello just warning you that this is a story between two males so if this offends you TOO BAD!!! You chose to read it...and just a reminder you must be 18+ years of age to read this....SO NO MINORS!!!! And this is Bacent.....the insane one.....I tend to mispell alot...and any and all comments are gladly appreciated...and hopefully this will be part of a long story series...

and three things I would like you to remember....

  1. no minors please...

  2. this is Bacent so yes there are many errors....

D. comments ARE appreciated


It was a peaceful day...clouds dotting the sky...the usual day with nothing wrong going on. Out of no where a tribe of wolves found themselves under attack from a small group of canines and felines. "You two check the outer part of this village for any survivers and you three check the tents for anyone that we might of missed.." the hunter barked his orders and his lackeys took off doing what they were told. "Now...for the runner...." The hunter took off in the woods following a feint smell of blood."

"Why did they attack us....?" Al'mu was running as fast as he could while grabbing the cut on his leg. The hunter could be heard from a short distance back, "I can smell your fear and won't get away from me..." There was an evil tone in his voice.

Al'mu ran into a tall field of grass getting as close as he could to the ground to hide his sent.'Please leave me alone I didn't do anything....' Al'mu had thoughts racing through his mind.

"I know where you're hiding..." the hunter waved his hand past the grass and it was immediently was pulled out of the ground and swept to the side."Found you," The hunter had a large grin on his face.

Al'mu gasped at what just happened and took off into the woods again. "You keep running from the inevitable...." The hunter got on all fours and chased after Al'mu slowly backing him into a corner. "You have no where to go now...." Al'mu tried to keep his balance but succumbed to his dizziness from the blood loss. " could never hope to get away from me..." The hunter grabs Al'mu's body and drags him back to the camp site.

A few hours later Al'mu found himself in a cage with a chain and collar attached to his neck. "Bout time you woke up....your my new pet and you will be my bitch...and you will look at me when I speak." The hunter grabbed the scruff of Al'mu's neck and made him look at his new master. "Now tell me your name." Al'mu looked away but didn't mean to. "What did I say about looking at me while I was speaking?!"

"Sorry....master..." Al'mu said in defeat. "Heh...glad you know your wish to ring my neck don't you?" Al'mu didn't answer just has a tear roll down his cheek. "Why are you crying it was you guys that were going to attack have no room to cry...." Al'mu crawled into a corner of the cage and laid down there looking at his master.

Al'mu stayed in the corner looking at all the guys the hunter had under his control. The hunter gets up and waves a nice piece of juicy meat in front of Al'mu's cage, "Is my pet hungry?" Al'mu starts to drool at the corner of his mouth. "Who am I to you again?"

"Master..." Al'mu said with no pride left in him. The hunter tosses the meat onto Al'mu's lap, "And don't you forget it," he walks back by the fire and resumes eating. Al'mu starts to eat the meat tearing it apart. The red juices of the meat colored his white muzzle.

After the group finished eating they go to their makeshift tents. "Hmmm...." the hunter slowly walks around Al'mu's cage. After Al'mu finished his meat he laid in the corner of the cage. " my pet sleepy?" Al'mu didn't answer his master. "How was the meat?" He continued not to answer. "I feel.....that I need to be entertained...." Al'mu looked away trying to tune out his master. "Heheh," the hunter snapped his fingers and Al'mu's limbs were forced outwards but not painfully. "Ahh...what is this?"

" might as well enjoy this...." Al'mu had a nervous look on his face. The cage opened and Al'mu was brought in front of his new master, "Heh....." Al'mu tried to back into the cage but couldn't. "Why do you think I'm the leader of this group?" Al'mu was too afraid to answer his master. "ANSWER ME!!!!!"

"Ahh...I don't know...master." Al'mu's voice quivered.

"Take a wild guess..." The hunter was having fun with this. "You formed the group...." Al'mu was saying anything to get him to leave

"No....I was the weakest at first....." The hunter paused for a moment, "How do you think I'm holding you down? I'll give you a hint......its forbidden......and almost everyone has forgotten about it...and only my original tribe can use it..." The hunter was toying Al'mu's mind.

"Please...don't..." The young wolf was ready to pee in his loin cloth. "Two words...dark magic..." The hunter brought Al'mu's chin up to his face as he said it.

"Don't...I'll do anything you want...." Al'mu started to wet himself. "Now just hold still....." The hunter put his hand on Al'mu's left arm. Al'mu didn't' move and he finished peeing.

There is a slight burning sensation in Al'mu's left arm, and lets out a scream. "'ve been marked.....everyone in my group has one.....yours is a bit different though." Al'mu didn't answer as the smell of his own urine fill his nose.

The hunter grabs Al'mu, and sets him near the fire, "Now where ever you go.....I'll know where you are....." Al'mu got on all fours and lay down like the wolf he is. The hunter sits next to Al'mu looking up at the stars. Al'mu takes off his wet loin cloth and throws it away. "We'll get you some of our clothes in the morning...."

"But I'm your pet...pets don't wear clothes..." Al'mu didn't want to wear what ever the hunter has.

"Heh......I'll choose what my pet wears...." Al'mu didn't say anything. "Now tell me your real name....." The hunter wanted to get something out of him.

"Bitch...," Al'mu said quietly. "Heh...cute.....I was talking about YOUR real name....." The hunter was serious with his question.

"You gave me a name and it will be my name." Al'mu acknowledged his master.

"Glad you see it my for the fun part....." Al'mu didn't' answer. The hunter gets up and gazes at Al'mu, "Here it comes....."

"What?" The hunter snaps his fingers and Al'mu is brought in the air by what appears to be four dark vines. "Ahh...let go of me..."

"You will learn to enjoy it....." Al'mu began to struggle but soon gave up. "Now for my favorite part......You're a virgin aren't you?" Al'mu didn't want to answer that question but he was. "My favorite," vine penetrates Al'mu's tight tail hole. " hurts...." Al'mu begged him to stop the pain.

"You'll enjoy it in just a few moments." The hunter was grinning from the responses Al'mu gave.

"Ahhh....please.....stop...." Al'mu was starting to cry. "But you said you'll do whatever I wanted...." Al'mu continued to cry. "Just give in to it.......after this you'll beg me for it....." "Ahhh.....stop please.....uhhhh...." "Here it comes....." There is a warm feeling from the inside of Al'mu. Al'mu moaned from the warm liquid inside him, and then he starts to pant while crying.

"So how did it feel?" Al'mu was still in pain and tried to answer. "Now you're officially in my group....."

"I'll never work for you." Al'mu tries to sound like he still had some pride in him. "I guess I'm not done breaking you in....." Al'mu was still in pain, "I would rather live like a dog than help you."

"Aren't you already?" Al'mu looked away from his master. "And to think....I was thinking about letting you live with our group..." Al'mu continued to look away.

"Now I'll help you finish off....." The hunter gets closer to Al'mu

"Don't touch me." Al'mu is forced onto his knees, arms behind his back and face pointed up. Al'mu held his muzzle closed and moved his head around. The hunter grabs Al'mu's cock and slowly begins to stroke it, "Just give in....." Al'mu was breathing heavily, "I won't for you..."

"You will if I wish you to," he slowly begins to pick up pace, "We'll see bout that.....Hmm....I wonder what you taste like......" he slowly licks the underside of Al'mu's cock. " more I..."

"We both know you're horny and desperately need a release..." The hunter was enjoying this just as much as a child with a new toy.

"This is too much you're making me....o-oh....please...." Al'mu despertly wanted the hunter to stop.

You want me to suck you off huh..." Al'mu was in a deep blush. "Now to make you moan," he slowly takes in the entire length. Al'mu gave a loud moan then bite on his lip. The hunter snickers lightly as he picks up pace sucking Al'mu off. "NnnNNNNaAUH!!!" Al'mu cums in his masters mouth, "Uhhhh....N-Nooooo!!!"

He pulls back licking his lips, "Mmm.....not bad....." Al'mu was panting hard. "How long have you been holding out on yourself?" Al'mu continued to pant not answering. The hunter stands up and begins to walk off; the vines let go of Al'mu. "Now get some rest..." Al'mu was on the ground in pain. He managed to climb back into his cage. The hunter heads into his tent taking off his vest, "Hmm.....he's not like the others...maybe he could even't jump to conclusions...." The hunter quickly falls asleep in his makeshift cot.

Al'mu climbs into a corner of the cage and sleeps there. Al'mu is crying and gazing at the stars, "Help me...anyone..." Al'mu falls to sleep still crying and hoping his prayers were going to be answered.


well this is my first try as posting a please leave a comment telling me what you thought please ^_^