
Story by Leslie Rashana on SoFurry

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Sex, body alteration, and angst among furries.. and statutory rape if you count high-school sex. Those things and more if you just cross that line.

Story copyright Leslie R.

Charm copyright her player.

You know the drill.

Instant Popularity.

Mark kept up his cool and suave facade as he drove on to the lunchtime hangout, or in it's general direction. He wasn't the most popular senior there was, but he was close. A big and beefy wolf he was a star running-back for the football team, ran with all the right crowds, was smart but not 'too-smart', handsome, definitely a member of the high-school elite. All this he was, and it was all he could do to keep from panting like an over-excited puppy at what was sharing the car-ride with him.

She was tall for a girl, but that coulda been an illusion from the horn rising from her forehead. Being the only unicorn in school kinda kept her separate from 'the pack' when she was a freshman, being kinda skinny and way too brainy certainly didn't help her climbing the social-ladder. All of that changed of course after she 'blossomed' sometime between her sophomore and junior years.

Her name was Leslie, and that's all Mark thought he needed to know. She was a stunning creature now. Gone was the awkwardness of early-adolescence, replaced by the fullness of physical maturity. And how full it was. Her skirt fit snugly about her well-rounded hips, and her sweater stretched out in absolutely obscene ways from the burden it tried to conceal. The wolfboy couldn't help but glance again and again at the unicorn's assets, standing out almost halfway to the dashboard now and obviously why she didn't drive herself wherever she wanted to go.

Not that Mark minded at all, but his cool was cracking. He had other ideas of where he wanted to take this luscious little thing, letting his hormones do the talking as he deliberately missed the turn-off to the pizza-parlor. His cool was reinforced when his passenger made no mention of it, though he was still scared to the core that she might object sooner or later. She instead turned to look at him with a smile, and winked a sparkling green eye playfully. He did an admirable job hiding it as his heart lept into his throat at that.

Finally stealing his courage like he'd never had to do before he spoke up, "I.. uh.. think I missed a turn back there. I need to stop and.. uh.. get my bearings." He waited anxiously for his car-mate's reply.

She simply smiled up at him and took a deep breath, straining the material containing her bosom even more as she let out a long sigh. "Alright then."

Mark began to breath again, pulling down a secluded but well-used dirt road.

He felt like he was going to explode any minute as the car rumbled down the old unpaved stretch, he almost did when her left tit brushed against him as she reached for the A/C, turning it up full-blast. She merely smirked at him when he looked at her, the vents all turned toward her chest and soon presenting two tents under the sweater, definitely 'big-tops'.

Mark's brain was awash with sexual endorphins by the time he found the turn-off into an abandoned pasture every generation thought was there 'little secret'. He felt like he was on fire, so much so that his previous act at near-subtlety went out the window and he simply pounced the busty young thing in the opposite seat as soon as he set the brake.

Fortunately for him Leslie seemed to have been anticipating this kind of treatment, eagerly even. Her lips opened easily for his long ribbon of tongue and she pressed her chest out for his questing hands. She moaned sultrily into the kiss while her companion whimpered, urgently clutching at her breasts until it was almost painful.

The handsome wolf-stud finally broke the kiss and buried his muzzle between her breasts, rooting around through the softly clothed cleavage like an un-tamed animal. The filly squirmed in her seat and cooed appreciatively, something Mark took as encouragement. His fingers began tracing down her body until they reached her hip, his pants straining to contain his angry erection while his hand rose to slide under the hem of her skirt.

Leslie squirmed uncomfortably as his fingers tried to move higher, her thighs pressed together tightly. His ardor began shifting perilously close to rage, how Dare she tease him like this. He pulled back and stared accusingly into her sheepishly blushing face as she stammered an apology.

"I.. I'm sorry. It's that time of the month." Her fingers went to her sweater as she made her excuse, "Here." She offered, pulling the garment up and back over her outrageous rack.

Mark's eyes were wide as she exposed herself to him. She wasn't wearing a Bra!! he exclaimed to himself, watching those heavy-looking globes defy gravity before him. He quickly forgave her for imagined transgressions as her hands went to his crotch, fumbling with his zipper. His face soon met her bare titflesh as his swollen organ was pulled out into the light.

The wolf stroked and squeezed, lapped and nibbled, and finally just stuffed a thick teat into his muzzle and sucked like there was no tomorrow while delicate fingers slide up and down his member. The now bare-breasted unicorn cooed encouragingly to him, pillowing his face in her bosom while working over his rod. Fingers teased and squeezed his balls and a palm pressed down onto the crown of his shaft, soaking itself with pre good and slippery before it started slipping and sliding up and down his erection in what he would later admit was the best hand-job he ever had.

Mark's muzzle pulled at Leslie's long and thick nipples selfishly while his fingers availed themselves of the plump expanse of her bust. His hips began to hunch in his seat as he drew nearer and nearer to his climax. The fingers on his shaft sped-up as if sensing this, filling the confined space with the lewd fapfapfapfapfap of masturbation. Mark was still in the full grip of the beast, even moreso as his oncoming orgasm inflamed it. With a snarl he released his lip-lock on an equine teat and roughly pulled her head forward, howling as he thrust himself against her face and breasts.

The young wolf, largely inexperienced though he'd never admit it, lost himself in an avalanche of pleasure as he erupted. His over-sensitive organ pulsed visibly against the short-furred flesh of the unicorn, his thighs trembling as he held himself to her body desperate to compleat the phantom copulation. Slowly his sanity returned and the beast fell silent, releasing it's hold on him completely while his penis finally grew flaccid. Mark struggled to catch his breath and catch-up with what had happened, with what he had done, and he felt terror anew at the memory and the evidence before him.

Leslie blinked through strings of semen, his semen, that ran from her hair down across her muzzle. The thick and sticky fluid clung to her naked breasts in a way that would have been arousing had he not been so mortified. Leslie was the most popular girl in her class, and soon to be the most popular in the whole school. It was a privilege to be anywhere Near her! And what had he done? He'd gone and popped his wad after a few minutes hanky-panky, and all over her face as well. He felt like dying right then until she giggled warmly at him as he tried to stutter-out an apology.

"Oh, it's alright, I'm flattered actually. I must be doing something right if I can make you blow like that." She nickered huskily, putting a certain emphasis on 'blow' that made him shiver. "But, right now I'd like to go eat. Think you can find your way back to the pizza place from here?" She asked nonchalantly, pulling a handful of tissues from her purse almost certainly left in there for just such a contingency.

"Umm, yeah. I think so." Mark said with new confidence as he popped the break and put the car back in gear. He felt like a million bucks! The number-1 A-list babe of the school had not only let him bust his nut over the biggest pair of tits in town, in the state even, but she'd actually helped him do it.

Leslie merely smiled as she wiped the last of Mark's sperm off of her before pulling her sweater back down, stretching it once more over her breasts. She suppressed a giggle as they made their way back to better-maintained roads, watching Mark all puffed-up with pride and enjoying this one small victory in the war every adolescent fought between confidence and angst.

The parlor was abuzz with activity, young people clustered in their little cliques here and there munching on pizza and sipping on sodas but mostly focusing their efforts on their primitive versions of politics or the mating game, sometimes it was difficult to tell which was which.

There was one however who moved more-or-less freely about the little clusters of hormone-saturated youth, a golden-horned equine temptress who's well-filled sweater bounced this way and that. This way it left males drooling and panting and wanting more, that way it left females gnawing their own innards with envy.

Leslie cheerfully strode about the restaurant soaking up the attention. She didn't need a table since she never ordered. Everywhere she went males with too much blood pooling in their laps offered here a nibble of their food or a sip of their drinks, and once in awhile she bounced and flounced her way around the corner out of sight where the owner could get a handful of something to convince him she shouldn't be thrown-out for loitering.

Having arrived late of course she didn't have much time before the crowd started to disperse, the next round of classes mournfully beckoning as the clock ticked closer and closer to One. Mark, the wolf who'd made her late in the first place, offered to drive her back to school but she politely refused. She put on a good face as he reluctantly departed to join his friends as the pizza parlor began to empty itself out, that good face failing as her eyes swept to the back of the restaurant and a lone booth occupant.

She willed her hooves to move finally as the place was left all but deserted, approaching the farthest booth. Sitting in it was a vixen of all-white fur, fur that stood-out all the more under the black trenchcoat and hat she wore. The coat was pressed-out amply by it's wearer, almost as amply as Leslie filled out her own garments, and the fluffy cleavage the stranger presented hinted at what she did.. or did not.. wear underneath.

Leslie slid into the seat opposite the stranger, fidgeting uncomfortably across from her. The strange vixen let her sit in silence for awhile, as if counting the beats of the unicorn's now thundering heart before looking up from under the brim of her hat, "Hello my dear, so good of you to not keep me waiting."

The unicorn swallowed and nodded, "I.. I remember our.. bargain." She said under her breath.

The vixen leaned back and stretched shamelessly, her voluminous cleavage seemed to be expanding before the stunned filly's eyes. "Oh do you little mare?" She grinned, showing rows of sharp ivory teeth while somewhere under the table something stirred. "Do you really?"

The tablecloths at this pizza parlor were long, fortunately long enough to hid whatever went on under the table. Leslie winced at the sounds coming from under it, wet sounds, of something large waking from it's moist slumber. "I.. I don't know what you mean."

The charming vixen smirked, "I can smell him on you, little mare." She purred as something warm and wet nudged between Leslie's knees. The filly knew better than to try to fight the beast beneath as it slid wetly between her thighs. Her lip trembled as she whimpered, "But.. But I didn't!" She exclaimed defensively as she felt fat crown of the vixen-creature's serpentine organ nuzzle against her bare sex.

The white fox-morph chuckled a bit, enjoying her companion's discomfiture as she slowly began her violation in this semi-public forum. "I will know soon enough of course, it is after all time for your 'treatment' is it not?" She grinned as the unicorn found herself on the verge of tears, her legs spread wide under the table by the monstrous organ seeking to penetrate her. She whimpered as the thick head pushed against her labia harder and harder, spreading her across it. "And how better to teach you that This..." The organ pulsed, spraying the inside of the filly's vulva with musky pre-seed, "... Belongs..." The organ began to grind it's head against the soaked lips, forcing the unicorn lass to bite her lip, "... To Me!"

Heads turned briefly at the whimpering cry of the buxom young unicorn in the corner, oblivious to how her cleft had been savagely violated by the calm-looking vixen sitting across from her. The snow-vix waved dismissively to the few remaining patrons to go about their buisness before returning her attention to the pitiful creature sitting before her. Leslie trembled and wept openly in front of her tormenter while well out of sight she felt herself being split-open by an unholy phallus.

The surprisingly feminine bearer of such an outrageously masculine tool savored the sensations as she quietly ravished her 'client', her organ coiling and writhing in the space between them, feeding itself into the young unicorn's vagina deeper and deeper. Leslie's fists clenched above the table, resisting the urge to reach down and futilely attempt to remove the serpent that was invading her.. and resisting as well the urge to pull it deeper in still.

"Oh come now little mare, we both know you enjoy these 'sessions.'" The vixen cooed in a softly mocking tone. The young filly tried to blink back the tears of pain and shame as her under-used cunny was spread wide around the vixen's shaft. "And you know," the fox continued, "If you got just a little more practice with me, you'd enjoy it even more." The mobile phallus suddenly began to rotate inside it's warm new hiding place, sending deliciously decadent sensations to the unicorn who's shattered dignity desperately wanted to deny them.

The organ pushed against the gates to Leslie's womb, and having decided she'd tortured the unicorn enough the white vixen relented, "But enough fun for now, time for your medicine little mare." The organ pulsated deep inside the filly's crotch, undulating from the overlarge sheath which had disgorged it and into the waiting mare-cleft. Leslie gritted her teeth and braced for it but still she could not prepare for the first blast of tainted seed to be planted inside her womb, nor was she prepared for the one after that, or the one after that, or the one...

Heads turned and eyes stared at the couple in the back. They stared at the calmly smirking vixen and even moreso at the buxom unicorn panting and moaning in front of her. More and more the seed flowed from the other-worldly vixen and into it's fresh host. The sheer volume was incredible by mortal standards, enough to easily rupture such a petite filly's organs.

Instead though the waist remained trim and the tummy remained taut, this package of course had another destination in mind. Leslie moaned as her breasts began to tingle, growing more sensitive by the second as the fabric began to protest. The already well-filled-out top was filling up even more before everyone's eyes. Her thick teats stood-out against the material and dampness spread around them to the filly's astonishment.

"I'm milking! I'm fucking Milking!" She cried accusingly as the warm white manna began trickling down the curves of her gratuitous globes and pooling on the table-top. The sweater was soon soaked through, adding more to her humiliation while the sensations added to her growing lust. Her hungry quim began convulsing around the rod buried within her, milking it of it's treasures.

The vixen murrred huskily, allowing her mortal vassal her orgasm and enjoying the pleasurable ripples along her own organ before disengaging. "Mmmm, Yes my dear. You now milk better than a Jersey cow. What do you have to say about that?"

The mare whimpered, clutching her newly enhanced breasts with tears staining her muzzle as she whispered, "Th-thank you.. mistress."

The vixen sat back with a satisfied expression and nodded, "That's better little mare, you may go." She nodded dismissively as the unicorn slunk-out of the booth, her outrageous breasts bouncing and swaying and slinging milk here and there as she fled.

The white fox-creature sighed contentedly as the unicorn left, "So much potential." She murmured to herself, thinking of how much she would like to allow her shaft to grow truly erect inside that tight gash. She smiled as she allowed herself a brief fantasy of how she would spread that one-horned bitch across her fully engorged cock, reaching around to enjoy those tits she had 'blessed' the little filly with as she stroked back and forth working herself to an honest ejaculation.

She shook herself and shivered sensually, all in good time she thought, all in good time.

Her attention returned to the here and now she noticed several of the patrons beginning to advance toward her. She sighed to herself as the came forth with angry expressions at what they thought she had done to the young school-filly who'd just left. "Time to take care of loose-ends." She said quietly to herself as she began un-doing the catches on her coat.

She un-wound one of the containment spells that limited her body while on the mortal plane, suddenly her breasts ballooned out over the table. Each huge white-furred breast was bigger than the rest of the vixen in total, not counting the massive genitals hidden under the table. A fluffy white tail flicked under the tablecloth releasing a wave of pheromones that swept the place like a tidal wave.

The vixen leaned back safely hidden behind her unwholesomely large bosom, the vast curves rippling as males flung themselves at her. She giggled and 'umfed' at each impact as they began clutching and humping at her breasts. Those who couldn't find free space to grind against those preposterous tits sodomized the ones who could, their brains so sex-addled none seemed to care what they did so long as they could do it in the presence of their new goddess.

The being some knew as Charm was definitely no goddess, but she appreciated the sentiment. Her keen nose sensed the presence of heat and frustration from the few females in the room and she un-wound the next spell. The table bucked-up as her gargantuan worm slithered out among the tables, instantly beset by half-naked femmes urgently riding the titanic cock.

She closed her eyes and let her mind wander while the males tried to fuck her tits and each other into submission and the females wrestled with her huge but quiescent cock and wallowed in her pre, both staining the vixen and each other with their weak essences as orgasm after orgasm began to overtake them. Soon enough they would pass-out from pleasure, and by the time consciousness finally came calling again the vixen would be out of sight and out of mind in more than one way.

She let herself laugh out loud, much to the delight of those entertaining themselves with her flesh as it bounced and wobbled with each guffaw.. Damn she thought, being a sex-demon just too Easy.
