To The Fans

Story by Sinasa on SoFurry

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To The Fans! by Sinasa

For Slashysmiley for all her great cuckolding art work.

Based on his artwork by Slashysmiley

As usual for my stories they are filled with cuckolding, cheating, pregnancy, herms and lots of cum. There is even a little implied water sports here. So if you don't like this stuff don't read it. Oh and this is adults only also. Check your local laws before reading kids.

To The Fans!

The pulsing, pounding music was causing the crowd to sway and move with the strong beat. Powerful lyrics being belted out by the lead singer on the stage had the fans entrapped in both awe and rapture. All around them furs danced and jumped, the whole place felt alive and out of control. This wasn't really Lisa's scene.

It wasn't that the small green bunny minded to much. She actually liked the music, it was just she didn't like all the people; all the noise, all the scents and powerful lights... now that she thought about it, she didn't really like anything about it. But it was what her girlfriend wanted to do.

When Jill had heard that the Karma Zombies where in town for one night only. Well she basically dragged Lisa along with her. The zombies were the squirrels favorite band and she wasn't about to miss a chance to actually see them in person.

So here they were, in the middle of pit of furs, their bodies gyrating and bumping against the many bodies that where jostling for position. Lisa was wearing a tight red dress that hugged her curves on her short 5'1" frame, those firm B cup tits held up in a push up bra. Her firm rump clearly outlined as it was though that red dress was painted on. Her dress though was starting to get stained slightly by the sweat pouring off her. So many furs around had raised the temperature around them quite a bit and all the movement was not helping.

Jill on the other paw had gone slutty in a short leather mini skirt which showed off her long legs and fluffy tail which right now was bobbing along with her jumping as she screamed out each time the lead singer looked her way. Her top was a leather strapped wrap which held those large D cups tight against her body, making a mountain of cleavage without giving much room for jiggle and bounce. Which was good considering the amount of movement the squirrel was making right now. Fish netting wrapped around her arms and thighs and she was waring a tall pair of leather boots. She knew the scene much better than her girlfriend

At least there was something for Lisa to enjoy about this concert. The sight of that sexy squirrel rocking up and down, skirt flipping up and down exposing the bare rump for the bunnies enjoyment was enough for Lisa to get through the night. She slid forward, wrapping her arms around hir squirrel lover, nipping at the back of the brown furred neck as she ground her hips against her girlfriends covered rump "Mmm when this concert is over we are going back to my place and fucking. You are just turning me on way to much when you are dressed like this."

Jill only chittered lightly, leaning her rump back into that grind, that long tail sliding around Lisa's waist. "Oooo... I can't wait love... when we get home you are going to get such a fu... OH YAY! JETTA! LOOK AT ME!" the squirrel broke off in half sentence as the lead singer looked their way. Jill doing everything she could to get the sexy singers attention, even pushing away Lisa without noticing from her rapid bouncing.

It seemed to be working as well as Lisa noticed that this Jetta character was looking right at them, or more at Jill. The black furred feline had her golden eyes fixed on the pair in the middle of the crowd, hawk like eyes fixing on the bouncing squirrel. A pink tongue slipping from hir maw, tasting them in a slow movement across hir plump lips as shi seemed to size up the dancing girl which only got a more excited reaction from Jill. Something that Lisa noticed easily.

A moment later that gaze was gone as Jetta went back to hir song leaving Jill to go back to dancing. Lisa looked towards the lead singer who was now bent over, screaming punk lyrics into the mic shi was holding. A golden Ankh tattoo was branded into the side of one of hir arms and shi was adorned with enough piercings to set off the metal detector in the entry way from where shi was singing. A black tank top clearly showed off a pair of perky C cup breasts which needed no support from a bra, which the feline wasn't wearing anyways. But that wasn't what had caught the bunnies attention. It was Jetta's pants. The tan colored pants where cut and ripped, one leg half missing though it was what was between them that had Lisa's mouth hanging open.

A huge bulge was pushing out the front of of those torn pants, and it wasn't an erection ether. It was clear this little house cat was packing like a horse down there. She had heard of herms before but to see one in the flesh was something else.. where they all so.... big? With Jetta's every movement the holes in her pants would shift giving all the girls in the audience a show as the tip of hir mammoth member would come into view for only a moment, snaked down one leg. No wonder this band was so popular for girls. The lead singer was a stud!

Lisa turned her attention back to her girlfriend, murring for a moment. She wasn't interested in that... was she? No, Jill had been her girlfriend for years and never once had the squirrel hinted that she might want any kind of maleness. But, there was something about the way she was looking at Jetta. But then the music stopped, the lights dimming for a moment as the crowd roared as spot lights came on and the band took a bow. Jill turned around and hugged Lisa with a huge smile on her face, chittering again which made her look so cute. "wow that was so much fun! I am so happy you came with me." Jill said with a smile, leaning in to give Lisa a big kiss.

Lisa returned the kiss, her little button nose wiggling a little bit as she felt her girlfriend's tongue slipping into her lips. Their kiss was broken a few moments later though as a large well dressed tiger walked up to the pair, taping Jill on the shoulder. Both of the smaller furs looked up at the huge feline, a bit confused as the nearly 7 foot tall muscled bouncer reached into his pocket and pulled out a badge in a lanyard, passing it to the squirrel "Jetta wants to give you a souvenir." before walking back into the crowd.

Both of the furs looked down at the badge in Jills hands before Jill screamed with joy. It was a back stage pass. She was going to get to meet Jetta and maybe the whole band. "OHMYGOD! OHMYGOD! OHMYGOD!" the squirrel says bouncing up and down holding the pass while Lisa tries to calm her girlfriend down. But it was no use, Jill grabbed the bunnies paw and pulled her towards the front of the stage, her other paw holding onto that pass as though her life depended on it.

Coming to a chain link gate with one large looking horse guard holding it closed, the pair stopped, Jill holding the pass up a little to close to the large furs face making him push the pass back down away from his eyes, keeping the hyper squirrel from jumping through the gate for one moment before nodding and opening the gate. Jill rushed past the husky security guard the moment there was enough room to squeeze through but Lisa was stopped by the stud at the gate "Sorry... one pass per person."

Lisa looked at her girlfriend who had already passed through the gate and was now looking back with a confused look, wondering why Lisa had not joined her. "But that is my girlfriend in there." To which the horse only chuckled "Sorry.. rules are rules. She can go in but you can't."

Jill walked up to the gate, grabbing the links in her paws as she looked at the bunny on the other side but then smiled "Look... I will be right back out.. I will only say hi and get something autographed. Then I will be right back out. Just wait here!." She yelled out, already running into the back and around the corner "5 minutes! at the most!" Was the last thing Lisa heard before Jill disappeared out of sight.

5 minutes past as Lisa looked down at her cell phone. It was probably just taking longer than she though it would to find the back area. 10 minutes. She was probably waiting in line to get a chance to meet Jetta, who knew how many of those passes the singer gave out. 15 minutes, 20 minutes. Lisa was starting to worry.

Lisa had just sent Jill her 5th unanswered text when a drunken fight broke out about 20 feet away between to large burly furs who had started brawling across the floor. Lisa didn't really care why they where fighting but this distracted the guard who had to rush over and try and break up the fight, calling for backup as he did so. This gave the brightly colored bunny just enough time to squeeze through the gate and slip into the back area. She quickly hid as she looked around for more security but spotted none.

It wasn't hard to find the bands dressing rooms, getting some help by a passing server who figured that she had to have a pass to be down here. She was surprised to find no one at the door to the dressing rooms. No legion of fans trying to get inside, not even a security guard to bar her passage. She figured all the girls had to be inside so she opened the door and walked in.

As soon as the door closed behind her a strong paw was on her chest, holding her back against that door as she looked up and to the left to see a large bull female, muscled and standing nearly 7 feet tall looking down at her with one eye raised "you are not supposed to be here." She said with a deep yet still feminine voice.

Even though she was caught her attention was suddenly jerked away from the sight of the massive guard holding her against the door to what was in front of her as she heard a grunt of effort and a very failure, feminine moan. Lisa could see Jetta's back as it seemed the feline was facing the wall. Her legs where spread open and her shirt was pulled up showing hints of her breasts exposed on the other side out of sight. Her pants had been tugged down and looked like they might fall off at any moment, the round cleft of the lead singers taut ass shown to the bunny.

Another grunt comes from the house cat as that tail twitches back and forth behind her, showing the hint of movement as it was clear that Jetta was thrusting forward with those hips, thigh muscles flexing with effort of each movement. The sound of flesh slapping against flesh suddenly catching the mint bunnies ear as she let out a gasp at the sight of a fluffy squirrel tail sliding out from in front of Jetta.

That gasp was enough to catch Jetta's attention. The sly feline grinning as she spotted the bunny who was now being held against the door with one paw by hir personal guard. "It is okay." Shi says with a hiss of pleasure, thrusting once again causing another moan to ring out into the air, Jill's moan. "She can stay for now." With that the black furred cat pulls back with a grunt, sliding to the side as shi does so letting Jill slowly come into view. The Squirrel was panting and twitching, fur matted down with sweat, short skit pulled up to expose that rump which was splattered with cum already. Her tail was lifted up exposing a red and swollen tail hole which was leaking a good amount of greasy, thick white goo which had clearly been used at least once. Though it was her pussy that really made Lisa's eyes go wide as she could still see that cock reeling back out of it.

That shaft was truly massive, at least two feet long and dark red, smeared with cum and her girlfriends juices, glistening in the low light of the half lit room. It slid free, inch after inch, till finally the huge, bulbous head popped free, smacking against Jills upturned rump a few times, splattering even more of that hot feline cum across those already defiled ass cheeks.

"What the fuck!" Lisa said with a growl, pushing forward against the paw holding her down though she could barely move as the massive bull kept the 90 pound female held against the door with ease "Let her go."

Jetta only chuckled, an enraged little bunny was clearly nothing to worry about when you had a 7 foot tall body guard right next to her, plus it would seem the feline had been through this a few times already. "I am not holding her against her will or anything. She wants this. Don't you Jill." To which the squirrel panted and nodded.

"Please.. don't stop... I am your biggest fan." Jill moaned out, head turning back to look towards her new lover, panting hard, eyes glazed over as her hips gyrated backwards in a slow grinding motion. She was so lost in lust Lisa wasn't even sure that Jill knew her girlfriend was in the room.

"Now how can I turn down a request from my biggest fan?" Jetta said with a grin, grabbing hir cock at the base as shi aimed it up with that already well stretched hole "Don't worry Bunny. You will have you girlfriend back in a moment. I just want to finish giving that souvenir. Then you can have her." With that shi lines that titanic cock back up with the squirrels gaping pussy and drives forward causing Jill to gasp, moaning like a whore for that monster cock. The air filling with the wet slurping sound of a hot cock sinking into a tight wet hole.

Jetta thrusts, growling and panting as shi fucks that massive rod into Jill's formally virgin pussy right in front of her own girlfriend, both of them loving it while the small bunny whimpers, watching on, unable to stop the huge cocked herm from fucking her love. Lisa could see a massive pair of black furred nuts slapping against Jills closed thighs, swollen and heavy with seed. The orange sized orbs twitching as a steady stream of pre cum could be seen burbling out from Jill's over stuffed snatch around that dark red fuck pole to ooze out in long ropes and splatter across the ground, Lisa's eyes catching sight of a huge puddle already under the pair showing that they had been doing this for a while.

Each hard and heavy thrust caused Jill to bounce up the wall slightly, her own tits freed from their leather prison, jiggling with the impacts from behind that the strong, dominant herm was giving her. Each powerful jack hammer like ram caused Lisa to whimper and wince as though she could feel it through her love. "Such a tight cunt," Jetta said between tightly clenched teeth as her thrusts where becoming erratic, strong hips shifting from side to side as she pumped that breeding rod in a fevered pace. "Lesbians are always the best!"

Finally after several more minutes which left the poor whimpering bunny in stunned silence, the feline stiffened, letting out a pleasured hiss as hir eyes closed. Hir powerful grip on the squirrels rump tightened, fingers denting into the flesh as claws extended, digging into the flesh. Lisa got a first hand view of those nuts churning and flexing as they pumped their potent package into Jill, the horny squirrel howling in her own orgasm, something Lisa had hoped would be reserved for her alone. Lisa could swear that she could hear a rush of liquid each time the feline grunted and perhaps she could as she watched her girlfriends normally flat belly gurgle and then lurch forward, swelling in large leaps each time those balls flexed.

It seemed that minutes past of Jetta pumping hir protein filled injection into Jills cunt, both of the rutting furs panting till finally the black furred feline pulled back, that huge cock slapping against hir thighs, soft and dripping their combined juices. Lisa looked on stunned at the sight of Jill's belly as the Squirrel looked as though she was pregnant with at least a full litter, ready to be birthed, or maybe she had swallowed a watermelon whole. But she knew that it was all cum.

Jetta walked over to the desk and grabbed a felt tipped marker, pulling the cap off with hir teeth as shi walked back to the panting Squirrel who was now rubbing her belly with one paw, looking down stunned to see it almost as much as Lisa.

The lead singer spun the squirrel around, the massive belly attached to the squirrel shaking as it sloshed with all that thick gooie spunk finally fully showing it to her girlfriend. It seemed like for the first time Jills eyes opened wide, seeing Lisa standing there watching. Jetta squatted down, letting the tip of hir cock drag on the floor as shi started at one side of the massive dome and wrote hir signature all the way across to the other. Standing up, shi looked down, admiring hir handy work before smiling and turning to wrap one arm around the squirrels shoulders, standing side by side as shi smiled before there was a flash.

Lisa looked up while Jill rubbed her eyes, spotting the large female holding a camera. Jetta turned and placed a soft kiss on Jill's cheek, purring softly "I really love my fans." And with that shi turned and walked out of the room. The amazonian female lifting Lisa up and out of the way of the door for her ward to leave without any problems and then followed hir out leaving Lisa and Jill together in a room that stunk of sex and cum.

Both of the furs where too stunned to speak, looking at each other for a moment before Jill passed out. Lisa was quick to rush forward and catch her, murring as she smelled of liquor, piss and cum, clearly defiled in every way. But, Lisa still loved her. So with a huff she lifted the squirrel up and walked out of the room, heading home.

Jetta gave Lisa and Jill two souvenirs that day. One came a month later when the picture was delivered in the mail. The shot showing the still photo of Jill, belly huge and bloated, cum rolling down her thighs while a proud smiling Jetta stood next to the well fucked Squirrel, hir paw flashing a victory sign. It was a reminder of that night with a lipstick kiss pressed into one corner.

The other came the next month when Jill came out of the bathroom, holding a white stick in her paws, looking up at Lisa with a big smile on her lips "I'm pregnant!"

Three Nights in Nowhere

Hey everyone. Sinasa here. Another fun cuckolding story. If you don't know what cuckolding is I will warn you that is it not nice or friendly. This story is one of my darker ones at the end if you ask me but hey if you are like me you will love it. ...

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Sibling Rivalry

This is an Adult story so no one under 21 please. This has underaged incest between teen sisters, herms, cum inflation, cheating and furries of course. If these are things you don't like please stop reading now! Sibling Rivalry By Sinasa Lyre...

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Dinner Guest

For those of you who know my stories then you know what to expect here. It is just another fun filled romp of cheating and big cocks, lots of spooge and a little pregnancy in the mix. Don't say I didn't warn you. Dinner Guest By Sinasa Lyre ...

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