The Pokemon Gladiators Chapter 2: The Duel

Story by Tarranium on SoFurry

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The Pokemon Gladiators Chapter Two

The Duel


Rockie walked towards the opening gates to the arena, as he entered the announcer started speaking again. ''There he is, the rocking beast.'' The crowd went insane when Rockie roared. ''Up next is the blue Don of his family, it is Donidooooooo!'' Then the shiny Nidoking ran to the sand arena and when he stopped he yelled his battle cry. ''And now last but certainly not least is the Tyrant of the battle field, the Tyranitar!'' Tyrant just walked slowly while roaring around, the crowd was starteld.'' Then the gates at the other side of the arena opened. ''Alright people you must prepare yourselfs for a Gladiator who crushes his opponents with his bare hands, its Bear the Upsaring!'' The growling Upsaring entered the arena with the crowd booing, Bear didnt seem too happy about it. Tyrant leaned a little to Rocky. ''You think that that little 'embarrasment' hit his fame pretty hard.'' Rocky answered: ''Well not really, he insulted me.'' ''True, yo Don you want him?''   Donido started snickering a little. ''Are you kiddin me? That weakling? You just have keep him Tyrant.'' ''Aww do I have to? Rocky you're the one he hates why dont you kick his ass?'' Rocky sighed. ''Sorry but Marcus wants you to fight him, he wants to impress that white suit guy.'' ''Aw fine, but I get to be at the 'spot'!'' ''Alrigth.'' Then the announcer started speaking again: ''And now for the next one, an Gladiator well known the fans of the House of Jelii.'' ''Its the walking fire pit, MAGMA the Magmortar!'' Then like the announcer said the Magmortar came in to the arena shooting fire all over the place. Rocky roared and smashed the ground beneath him with his right foot. The announcer reacted to this: ''Oh! Someones a little eager. Well off to the last one shall we?'' ''He is an Abomasnow you all know, he is Frosty!'' The Abomasnow came out and did nothing but glare at Donido while walking to his teammates. ''Hey Don what did you do?'' Donido looked at Tyrant a little, then he got his sight back on Frosty. ''Lets just say that someones sausage wasnt really a sausage.''   Tyrant and Rocky watched him a little and then they watched at eachother, then they broke out into laughter that brougth tears to their eyes. ''What? He's the one who said that the food they give him tastes like shit, so I figured why shouldnt he compare the two first.'' The announcer started speaking again: ''Well somethings going on on the Raisii side, we can only wonder. Anyway lets get this match started!'' Then the battle bell rang through the speakers, both sides started running towards eachother roaring their battlecrys. Rocky ran for the Magmortar, Donido ran for the Abomasnow and Tyrant ran for the Upsaring. Tyrant stopped and used Hyper Beam on the Upsaring, the Upsaring blocked it with his hands. Tyrant fired an Hyper Beam at the Upsaring once more but this time he dodged it and the beam left an sand smoke. Tyrant was waiting for Bear to show up from the smoke so he could attack him, but the raging Upsaring charged at him with an Focus Puch. Tyrant grabed his hand then the Upsaring tried to throw a punch with his other arm but Tyrant graebbed it as well. ''Fool.'' Then Tyrant started charging his Hyper Beam.   Donido attacked Amomasnow with Fire Punch. The Abomasanow defended itself with Protect. ''Aw whats the matter? Scared?'' Donido taunted. Then the Abomasnow dropped the shield and attacked with an Ice Beam. Donido took the attack and started charging his Hyper Beam. He shot and hit Frosty, knocking him down. He then charged with an Fire Punch while roaring. Rocky ran for the Magmortar and used Double Edge to knock down Magmortar. The Magmortar stood up and shot a Flamethrower at him. Rocky evaded the attack and ran at Magma while charging up an Focus Punch. Magmortar tried to counter it with his Fire Punch but he wasnt strong as Rocky so he got knocked down. Rocky kept beating the Magmortar with Focus Punch, breaking his ribs in the process. As Rocky was about to punch Magma again the Magmortar fired an Fire Blast pushing the Rhydon back a litte. He started charging at Magma with an Double Edge while the Magmortar charged up with an Body Slam. The two clashed and Rocky knocked him down, then he Charged with an Focus 'Punch to finish the job. He hit him so hard he could hear his jaw breaking. He then grabbed him by his left hand and trew him a few meters away, the stubborn Magmortar still tried stood up despite the pain. ''Alright thats it!'' Then Rocky used Earthquage.   Everyones attack was stopped as the huge Earthquage started, the crowd was just cheering for this awesome attack. Donido and Tyrant took this opprtunity and finished their opponents with Hyper Beams.

All their opponents had fallen and the crowd went crazy!


The announcer started announcing:

''Holy moley what a match! Brutal and quick, just, like their motto! Give the victors a round of applause!

Back in the 'Houses' balcony Marcus was leaning towards the arena. ''Easy victory once again.'' The man in white stepped in his lonesome convertation and spoke: ''A little brutal for my taste but they won.'' ''So will you fund our little 'family'?'' ''Certainly! Now shall we go inside and discuss this further?'' ''Yes, lets.''


Nex part:

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