Slayer's Redemption: Ch2 Hunger

Story by DvorinSerrick on SoFurry

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#2 of Slayer's Redemption

Okay, this is the first story with a sex scene that I've ever written, so please be gentle with your comments.

Slayer's Redemption

Chapter 2


"Ow, my head." Was the first thing I said as I came to.

Wait, pain? I looked down at my chest where the gaping hole was. There was nothing but a tear in my shirt.

However, I did notice something odd about my hands. They were gray? I lifted my shirt, and the skin of my stomach was gray as well. All my body hair was gone too. In a panic I started patting my head.

"Oh thank god." My head hair was still there. I grabbed a strand and looked at it, "My hair's white!?" as I looked at my hair, something glinted off my right hand. I turned my hand over, and on the back was a black square with a silver border. When I looked closer at it, I saw random code scrolling across it.

"Okay, now I'm freaked." I leaned back and hit my head on something hard. I jerked forward and rubbed the back of my head.

Now I looked at my surroundings. I was in a cell of some kind with three stone walls and one of metal bars. It smelt like rotting flesh.

I slowly became aware of moaning, and growling, sometimes howls of pain.

I stood up, somewhat wobbly, and walked to the cell bars. Looking around, I saw other cells, most with digimon in them. One of them noticed me and grinned.

"Looky here, the new guy's awake!" I didn't recognize the digimon. He looked kinda like an Ogremon, but a different color. He sounded smarter too

"Who...or what are you?" I asked him.

He just chuckled. "Just another victim of our wonderful queen. Say, what are you?" he asked, pointing a thick finger my way.

"What am I? I'm human." This set the cells around me quiet. I looked around. Half the digimon around me were staring at me.

"What humon do here?"

"Hey, hey! Maybe we're gettin outta here?!" and several more similar yells came from the other cells.

There was a loud clang, then utter silence. I heard a light clicking noise, like metal tapping on stone. It got louder up until it reached my cell.

Stingmon came into view, and I felt nothing but anger at the sight of him. I jumped at the bars, reaching for his throat. "You bastard! What the hell is going on?! What's happened to me?!"

He calming stood just out of my reach. "The mistress wishes an audience with you." He said.

I slowly stopped struggling against the bars and just stood there. "What, the bitch wants to see me? Fine, I'll wring her neck too." There was no knowing what the look on his face meant, but it didn't look good.

I stepped back as he opened the cell door, but when I got close to him he placed a claw to my throat. "I ask that you behave, for the mistress does not take well to...rudeness."

I swallowed hard and nodded slowly. He pulled the claw away and turned to leave. I followed silently behind him as he led me through the dungeon.

As we left, there was a loud clang as a steel door closed behind us.


I couldn't really tell time, but it was quite a while before we reached wherever it was we were going.

We stopped in front of a large door. "We are here." He said as he knocked.

"Enter!" he opened the door and pushed me in first. It was a lavishly decorated bedroom. "You may leave us."

Stingmon bowed, then turned and left, closing the door behind him.

I looked to the source of the voice, finding Lilithmon sitting in front of a vanity mirror, her back to me. "Come closer." She said to me.

I slowly walked over to stand behind her. She looked so human, aside from the blue skin, the purple dress, and the pitch black wings.

"What did you do to me?" I asked slowly, my seething hatred audible in my voice.

"I've given you what you wanted, power." She turned in her chair and stood, standing almost as tall as me.

"Why me?" was the only thing I thought to say.

"Because, I can sense something...special about you. You will do great things, but only I can show you how." She said as she touched my cheek with her left hand. Her touch was cool, but soothing to me.

I shook my head. "Why should I listen to you? You had me kidnapped from my home, and almost killed me." I snarled.

"I do apologize, but it was necessary to get you here." I tried to brush her hand away, but she caught it and looked at the display on the back. "My, what is this?" she asked, her voice sounding nicer every time I heard it.

I couldn't tell what it was about her, but my hatred for her was fading.

I watched in avid fascination as she examined my hand. I could feel every little brush, even when she touched the screen. I hadn't noticed until her rubbing of my hand stopped, but she was staring into my eyes.

"I must confess, you have me at a disadvantage. I never expected you to survive earlier, yet here you are. I have been waiting for one such as you." She said as she slowly led me towards the bed.

She didn't expect me to live? I knew that should have made me mad, but I couldn't feel anything but calm from her touch. I knew she was doing something to keep me this way, but I didn't care at the time.

She pushed me back until I sat on the edge of the bed. She took a few steps back as I watched her, entranced.

I hadn't noticed until now, but she was quite beautiful. She made a show of removing her knee high boots, then her left glove. She then turned away and reached around her back to undo the back of her dress.

She turned to face me as her dress slid off her shoulders and collected on the floor, leaving her wearing nothing but the glove on her right hand.

Her body was perfect, as went for most demons. "I can see I am going to have much fun teaching you." She said with a seductive giggle.

She walked back towards me, placing her hands on my shoulders before leaning down and kissing me. Her lips were cold, but the warmth building in my body offset this.

Unbeknownst to me, my arms had reached her hips and were pulling her closer. I fell back onto the bed as her body pressed against my own.

Breaking the kiss, she giggled again "Hm, quite eager, are we not?"

I knew my face had to be bright red, because we both felt the bulge in my pants.

She began pulling up on my shirt, so I lifted my arms to help her remove it. She threw it to the floor then ran her hands over my bare chest, sending cold chills up and down my spine.

She moved her attention down to my feet. I had to help her when she seemed to have some trouble with my boots, but soon my boots and socks joined my shirt.

Next were my pants, which posed no problem. When she finally pulled the waistband of my shorts down, she smiled. "My, we certainly are eager." She giggled again.

My face was burning with embarrassment as she sat staring at my 7-inch dick.

I fell back and groaned as she grasped it with her gloved hand and began pumping up and down. I couldn't believe how good this felt, but it only got better as I felt something cold and wet graze my length. She was licking my dick; planting kisses here and there.

I could feel pressure building in my balls as my orgasm reached its limits.

She surprised me when she took my cock in her mouth and started moving up and down; god the feeling! Her mouth was so warm, I just couldn't hold it any more.

I finally reached my peak and groaned as I came in her mouth. Lights were flashing before my eyes as I felt my load fill her mouth, and the ripples as she swallowed it all. I lay gasping as I finished.

I looked up when I felt the bed shift, and she was leaning over me again licking her lips. "You should not fall asleep yet, it's my turn now." She said as she rolled over, pulling me with her.

I ended up on top as she pushed down on my shoulders, urging me lower.

I moved down her body, coming to her breasts. They were a nice size. I took a mound in each hand and began squeezing and rubbing them. I heard a few subdued moans escape her lips as I rolled her nipples under my palms, feeling them become rock hard. I started pinching and pulling on them, making her moan louder. I leaned down and took her left nipple into my mouth and began licking and sucking in intervals.

After doing this to both breasts, I made my way lower. She was shivering when I reached my target, her light blue pussy. I pushed her legs apart to give myself better access, then I got to work. I used my right hand and started rubbing around her lips, teasing her. She started breathing hard as I slowly worked a finger into her, then another. Soon I spread her pussy lips and decided to take the dive.

I started licking around her insides, taking in the exotic flavor. She was moaning quite loud as I pushed my tongue deeper, trying my best to pleasure her. The nub of her clitoris was begging for attention, so I brought my left hand up and pinched it between my thumb and index finger.

Her back arched as her juices started flowing faster, covering my face. I worked my tongue around faster, pinching and rubbing her clit until she screamed. Her climax was powerful; I placed my mouth as far around her lips as I could to catch the liquids pouring out of her. Still licking her insides, I prolonged her orgasm for several minutes.

When she finally stopped, I felt a hand squeezing my shoulder. I crawled up to meet her in a kiss, pushing my tongue into her mouth. I could taste myself on her tongue as I knew she tasted herself on mine.

Pushing against me, she broke the kiss. "Well...there be teach you." She managed between gasps.

I couldn't believe what I had just done. This was only my second time, and it wasn't even with a human. I looked in her eyes and saw a deep hunger.

Without warning she threw me to the side and sat on my stomach. "However, there is still fun to be had." She gave me the most seductive smile as she positioned herself over my erection.

She grabbed my now renewed cock and aimed it as she slowly lowered herself onto it. I gritted my teeth at the sensation of her flesh stretching around mine. It was simply amazing.

"Oh my, you're bigger than my last pet." The 'pet' didn't get passed me, but I was too preoccupied to care at the moment.

I felt her weight as she finished her decent with a content smile. We sat like that while she got used to the feeling of me inside her. Then she started back up, lifting her ass until just the very tip of my prick remained imbedded between her nether lips.

I grabbed her hips and helped her as she started rocking up and down, taking my entire length each time. I could hear wet slapping sounds each time she landed on my waist.

I moved my hands upward and cupped a breast in each hand, kneading them in my palms. She was moaning and gasping very loudly at this point and getting louder each time I pinched or pulled a nipple.

I leaned forward and took her right nipple into my mouth and began sucking hard on her flesh. I bit on her nipple and pulled, ripping another loud gasp from her mouth.

While she was distracted, I moved my free hand to where we were joined and rubbed around her clit, coating my fingers in her lubricant while stimulating her further. I could feel her insides clenching down on me, signally how close she was. I moved my hand to her ass and rubbed the juices around her clenched anus. She was out right screaming when I pushed a fingertip into her rear passage.

Her climax hit so powerfully, I saw stars as her flesh clamped down on my dick; rippling across the surface, sending wave after wave of pleasure through us both. I climaxed hard, coming inside her, filling her with my seed.

The pleasure seemed to go on for an eternity, yet it was only moments until she fell limp. She lay on top of me gasping for breath.

"I must...thank you...This is...the best time...I have years." She said before falling asleep. I soon followed as I closed my eyes, giving into the exhaustion.