Slayer's Redemption: Ch6 Clues

A view of the edge of the world is seen. Black nothingness stretching forever. A soft breathing is heard, turning to loud gasping. A single hand claws at the edge, followed by another. With a great heave, Dvorin drags himself up onto the world once...

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Slayer's Redemption: Ch5 Execution

Slayer's Redemption Chapter 5 Execution Drums. I heard the sound of drums. I couldn't see anything but endless darkness with the only sound this beating. As I floated through darkness, I realized what the sound was. ...

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Slayer's Redemption: Ch 4 Reincarnation

Slayer's Redemption Chapter 4 Reincarnation "Alright, who drove the truck through my head?" was the first thing I said as I woke up. The last thing I remember was fighting in the arena, then.... Thunk! "What the...?" I had tried to rub my...

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Slayer's Redemption: Ch3 Approval

Okay people. I'm posting this story as a test of my writing style and quality (and to see if I'm any good as a writer at all). Of course, this doesn't work if people don't leave comments, so.... PLEASE tell me what you think. I've got longer stories...

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Slayer's Redemption: Ch2 Hunger

Okay, this is the first story with a sex scene that I've ever written, so please be gentle with your comments. Slayer's Redemption Chapter 2 Hunger "Ow, my head." Was the first thing I said as I came to. Wait, pain? I looked down at...

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Slayer's Redemption: Ch1 Encounter

Slayer's Redemption Chapter 1 Encounter My Name is Tory, Tory Whells. Well, it used to be. I was 18 years old, 5'11'' with gray eyes and brown hair. However, Lady Luck has a way of making one's life rather, interesting. It all started about 4...

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