The Pokemon Gladiators Chapter 4: Deathmatch

Story by Tarranium on SoFurry

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The Pokemon Gladiators Chapter 4 Marcus was walking to the tower balcony where the announcer was. ''What the hell is this!?'' ''Only Houses can declare a Deathmatch! Who the hell does this Independed piece of shit think he is!?'' ''I think Im the owner of the new House of Gerai.'' Marcus turned around to see an blond man with all orange clothing, he was sligthy taller than him. ''And who the hell are you!'' ''My name Ginger.'' Marcus couldnt help but to laught outright at the mans face, he was already getting tears. Ginger was getting a little pissed, how could someone be laughing at him? ''If you could listen for a while on why I declared an Deathmatch.'' Marcus was calming down a little. ''You? But you are a new guy. Why would you declare an Deathmatch with me? I am an high ranking trainer!'' The announcer came down from the announcers stand near them, he was a man in his mid thirtys and was wearing a red jacket and green leasure pants. ''Whoa calm down now gentlemen, anyone is allowed to declare an Deathmatch.''   Marcus still wasnt satisfied. ''But Im a Tier 3 Gladiator House owner and he is Tier 11 since he just started!'' Ginger was getting really mad. ''You forget that I have been Independed for years now!'' ''Oh like I care! I give you one more chance to call this of-'' ''I will not call this off! I want to return things to the ways they were!'' Now both the announcer and Marcus were confused. ''What?'' Marcus asked. ''I want to set the basic rules of battling back to normal!'' Marcus still didnt understand. ''What the hell are you talking about?'' ''Im talking about the basic elements! Fire beats grass, water beats fire and so on!'' ''Ooookay...'' Marcus and the announcer said in unison. ''You! Marcus of the House of Raisii have been beating water pokemon with fire pokemon and rock pokemon with flying pokemon!I It doesnt make sense! I must fix this for the people! And I have prepared an team that will destroy your Vespiqueen and Flygon!'' Marcus was now getting mad of the accusations. ''The hall point of Gladiators is to overcome the odds and win! You wanna fight!? Fine lets fight!''   Then the announcer asked them a question. ''Sooo its official?'' ''Yes!'' Both of the Gladiator Trainers answered in unison. Then the announcer jumped back on his stall and grabbed the microphone. ''Ladiees and gentlemen! Im happy to announce that there is a House in town! The House of Gerai! And the newby has challenced a Deathmatch against the House of Raisii! Now I ask you this are you ready?!'' The crowd went insane because Deathmatches havent been so popular lately between trainers. Then the announcer turned off the microphone and asked Ginger. ''Ah do you have your pokemon at the gates or something?'' ''Yes just do your thing and get the fight started.'' Then the announcer turned the mic on and continued speaking. ''I have gotten to my ears that the challencers pokemon are already ready to fight so shall we begin?''

The crowd went absolutely insane. Even thou pokemon killing is not so popular it gets a lot of money to the 'League of Gladiators'. Its a huge company that handles the figths gladiators and arenas, they also film every single fight so they can sell them later on. They also have their own a TV station called the 'Gladiator Channel', the channel shows live footage of the fights tournaments behind the scenes and also movies. In other regions such as Unova or Kanto if the pokemon gets an bad injury in the Pokemon League Tournament the match is called off, but here on the Mistra region people pay to see pokemon get hurt. All broadcasts from this region are banned because of their violence, but here people are ready to pay a lot of money for some HD DVD's where pokemon get killed. There are a lot of TV shows and movies as well as documentaries of the Gladiator pokemon and the ancient pokemon wars and slaves that still exist on Mistra region.   The announcer couldnt help but yell his 'catchphrase''. ''OPEEEEN THE GATES!!!'' The gates opened and the announcer pressed an button on his little table. Some epic fighting music started playing from the speakers all over the arena. Outside the gates came a lot of pokemon. Gallade, Venusaur, Magnezone and an Meganium. They were all 'shiny'. Marcus looked at the numbers of the pokemon and started to protest. ''What? Four pokemon! Thats against the rules! You can only outnumber the opponents if he or she agrees to!'' Ginger had an evil smile on him. ''This is for ruining a good sport.'' The announcer spoke to the microphone. ''The pokemon of the House of Gerai stop! Only two of you can fight!'' But the pokemon didnt listen, insted they all roared and started attacking. Venusaur and Meganium charged up their Solarbeams. Gallade charged up an Hyper Beam. Magnezone started charging his Thunder. On the other side of the arena Trigon and Regina were scared and confused. ''Why are they doing this?'' Trigon couldnt understand the situation.   Regina on the other hand did. ''Apparently its one of our Masters enemies.'' ''Yeah I figured that much! But this is against the rules!'' Trigon wasnt too happy about breaking rules since one of Marcus's core teaching is to obey the rules. ''Dont worry.'' Regina giggled a little. ''Im sure that Master is half happy about this.'' Trigon was confused and a little scared of Regina. ''What are you talking about?'' ''You see, if the opponent braks rules we get to break rules as well.'' Marcus was so pissed he wanted to punch Ginger, instead he calmed down and started laughing a little. Ginger was confused at his opponents. ''Is the death of your Gladiators funny to you?'' ''No.'' Marcus turned to face him. ''But yours is.'' Before Ginger could question this Marcus took his cellphone out of his right pocket. He called on speed dial three. A woman answered the phone. ''The House of Raisii HQ, Violet speaking.'' ''Send Archimedes.'' The voice sounded confused. ''Archimedes why-'' ''Its an emergency! send him right away!''   The voice from the phone answered with a startled voice. ''Y-yes sir, I'll send him right away.'' Then Marcus hanged up, he then looked at the announcer. ''Lets keep this as a suprise shall we?'' The announcer turned off the mic and questioned Marcus from his stand. ''But we havent seen him figth for a month, he got called off the main matches because he killed his opponent in a nonlethal match.'' ''Exactly, with this 'stunt' I get more attention and the matches are always more interesting with a twist.'' ''T-that is true but- Nevermind.'' Trigon and Regina easily dodged the incoming blasts, but the wall behind them wasnt so lucky. Trigon looked at the wall. ''Wow! It seems that after rebuilding this arena for dozents of times they finally figured to build it with something sturdy.'' The wall didnt even have a scratch on it, it only had black spots. ''Well you see after they had built this up for the twentyfourth time they decided to make it sturdy.'' Regina had been in this 'business' for a while so she knew a lot about it.   Trigon was still eager on information. ''When was it destroyed the last few times?'' ''The last time was last year when Marcus brought Rockie here, and before that was a year and a half ago when Derevo evolved. Its also the most popular match of all time. Oh and before that was fortyseven years ago.'' Trigon watched at Regina with his jaw open. ''You mean that Marcus destroyed the arena twice and got away with it?'' Regina giggled a little but then they dodged an another wave of beams from the other side. ''You see those two events brougth even more attention to the Gladiator Tournaments so they got even more money, the DVD's alone sold over three million copies on the first day.'' ''And may I ask how much one of them cost?'' ''I dont remember really but it was around 75 Hanari.'' Authors note: The currency in Mistra is called Hanari and it is about 3.5 Euros so it would be about 7 dollars.  


''Alright so Im guessing thatr the GL made a lot of money?'' ''Not only that but the Gladiator League must pay 30% of their profit to the Houses that were in that particiliar video.''   ''Then how come that Marcus doesnt use a lot of money?'' They dodged an another attack. ''You see he doesnt like wasting money and almost half of his profits actully go to charity.'' ''But what about us?'' ''We dont need money and besides he has to pay for our homes and food, do you have any idea how expensive it is having custom food and custom built homes for over a hundred pokemon?'' ''Nooo.....'' ''Sigh Lets just get back to the fight okay?'' Before Trigon could answer he was cut off by the Gallade who almost hit him with an Focus Punch. Next came the vines of Venusaur and Meganium, they both grabbed Trigon leaving him grunting in pain in the crushing force of the two grass type power houses. Then the Magnezone came at Regina with Thunder, she barely dodged it and attacked Magnezone with X-Scissor. She hit the Magnezone hitting it back a little then she heard a noice, she barely got out of the of the Hyper Beam coming from the Gallade in the ground. Regina was horrified by the pain screams of Trigon, he was being crushed by the vines of Meganium and Venusaur.   Regina dodged another Hyper Beam from Gallade and then she tried to dodge an Thunder from Magnezone, she screamed in pain as the powerful attack struck her. After Magnezone had ran out of juice Regina fell down to the ground only to find an Focus Punch in her back, she flew up a little but was sent down by Magnezones Spark. Regina hit the ground hard, Gallade came to her and grabbed her by her throat and lifted her up in the air. She struggled to brath she heard a snap, a series of snaps. Then the only thing she could hear were the horrific screams of Trigon, she looked at him. He was crying and screaming in pain, the veins had now broken his bones soon he would die. Regina was too weak to help him, Gallade prepared an Focus Punch to finish the job. Then they all heard it, a loud high pitch scream coming high above them. The all looked up but the only thing they could see was an bird like figure blocking the sun. ''Archimedes!! Heeelp!!'' Those were the only words that Trigon could get out his mouth before he started screaming in pain once more.   The Gallade looked at the flying figure and then at Regina. ''What is that?'' Regina started laughing a little. ''What is it!?'' Regina was barely even concius anymore. ''Your nightmare.''

The Pokemon Gladiators Chapter 5 The Rescue

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