Land Before Protection

Story by Mech on SoFurry

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#6 of Nicobay Commissions

Topsy stretched out with a groan, feeling his bones and joints creaking as he did so. He w...

Topsy stretched out with a groan, feeling his bones and joints creaking as he did so. He was getting up there, he could feel his prime slipping behind him more and more with each season. Still, he had to protect the valley for as long as he could. Littlefoot and the other young bulls, well not so young anymore, were definitely shaping up to be good protectors in their own right. His pride wouldn't let him admit that soon they would be fare more capable at it than he. A part of him reminded the bull that his pride had gotten him into plenty of trouble before. That was in the past though, he told himself, no harm done and each experience had given him more experience.

Rising to his feet slowly, the Three Horn bull stretched out. He could feel several pops rattle through his body, a soft grunt accompanying each. Looking around, he saw that he was mostly alone. His mate probably having taken their children down to the lake to play with the other young of the valley. The only other person in the clearing was Cera, his oldest. She stood upwind of him, sipping water from the stream. The cow looked up as he rose and smiled, "Getting a bit old there, Dad?" He snorted at the playful jab, "Far from it, I still feel wonderful." Shaking out slowly, he looked at his daughter as she stretched herself. "I was about to go out on a patrol, do you want to join me?"

Cera spun towards him, her face suddenly twisting. "Always with those damn patrols, don't you ever get tired of those things?" He blinked at his daughter, standing there in shock as she stomped around the clearing. "Always walking the same fucking path every day and for what reason? Every time we find a fucking hole or a gap or something that the Sharp Teeth can get into, we seal it up. Then what? We get a few days or a couple weeks at most before they find another way in. They're just... just..." she ended her rant with a frustrated noise, storming out of the clearing.

Topsy stood, transfixed for a moment before starting to follow his daughter. Her sudden outburst had caught him off guard. She had complained about the patrols and talked to him about how useless they seemed to her before, but she'd never acted like that. A low growl came from the male as he started after his daughter, heavy steps thundering on the ground. She had only followed the path for a short time before moving into the thicker brush. Cera barreled forward, blazing a trail through the brush and ignoring everything else. Letting out a sigh, he followed in behind his daughter, intent on finding out what had her so agitated. The more he walked down the path she forged, the more he began to grumble and snort, his heart starting to pound in his ears.

He lost track of how long he'd been walking when he finally came across Cera. The yellow female stood perfectly still, her tail lifted partially. She had tried to go over a fallen tree, but was stopped halfway across. The wind shifted to blow across her and towards the bull, bringing the scent of his daughter's heat to him. The woman shivered a bit and let out a huff, pushing her hips back. The fronds of a fern tickled against her swollen lips as a tree branch rubbed in between the folds. Her juices gathered at her lips, dripping down onto the plant and wood. Topsy was frozen for a second, staring at the needy female as she stood there, seeming to present herself to him. A part of his mind said that this was why he'd been getting more and more agitated; and it would explain why his daughter had been so snarly earlier.

While his mind processed this, his body was already in motion. Blood rushed towards his member as the scent of the cow's first heat hit his nose. Cera looked back at him as he shouldered through the brush. Her mouth hung open, panting as she looked at him with fogged eyes. She voiced a soft moan, "Dad?" as the wind whipped around them, blasting her with his musk. A tremble ran across her body as her tail moved higher, instinct driving both of the Three Horns.

Topsy's mind was screaming at him that this was his daughter, that she was extremely vulnerable right now. His body knew it had been far too long since he'd had a bit of heat pussy. As the bull's mind tried to stop his body, instinct drove him up to the younger cow.

Sliding his chin along her tail and up her rear, the bull reared up. His cock slapped against his belly with a thwack as he reared, planting his forelimbs on her hips. Experience made him crouch a little as he stepped forward, his spiral tip easily finding it's mark on the first try. Father and daughter cried out as he forced her needy body to spread out around his thick flesh. She bellowed out, the noise turning to a squeak and a gasp as he stuffed her full with that first motion. A tremor raced through her body as his penetration set her off, pussy clenching hard around him as he pushed deeper into her. Topsy's call rose in volume as her furnace tightened around him, squeezing him with its need. Their bodies met with the loud impact of flesh on flesh, that slap silencing both of them.

All thoughts of what was right and wrong left Topsy's mind as a fresh wave of her scent washed over him. His back rolled as he pulled back and slammed back into that virgin heat. Cera was so tight around him, it was almost impossible to believe. He could feel her breeding tunnel throb around his rock-hard flesh with each beat of her heart. The sound of her panted breaths quickly mixed with the wet noises of their mating. Pressing deep into her body, he could feel her cervix resist him just a little. The bull pulled back until the wings along the sides of his member just pulled at her lips. He drove back in hard, feeling that barrier already starting to yield. He kept his pace slow for the moment, savoring the first bit of heat he had gotten in a long time.

Cera had felt so confused that day, her body had been so hot. She thought a nap in the shade might have helped, but it only seemed to make it worse. She had a vague recollection of blowing up and yelling at her father before storming off. Her mind was hazy and she felt like she was constantly on edge. There was no memory of going off the path, or even forcing her way through the growth. Just things pushing against her body, which only agitated her worse. It wasn't until she tried to go over the tree that something felt good finally. That brush against her oh-so hot nether lips had frozen her in place. Everything that touched her labia felt so good, the branch, the ferns, even the wind that blew across her body.

Time seemed to stand still as she rubbed her body against the log. Then a shift in the wind, a scent that grabbed at her attention. Looking back, she saw her father standing there, staring at her. She might have called to him, but she couldn't be sure, she couldn't get her mind to focus on any single thing. Something, somewhere inside of her said that he could fix it, that he could make her feel better. And he did.

That first thrust woke her mind up, waves of the purest pleasure blasted away the haze. She knew then that she had cried out in rapture, eyes shutting tightly. The feeling of his weight on her body, his member invading her tunnel, and his breath puffing against her neck all combined into one glorious feeling. A soft whimper escaped her panting maw when her father pulled out, only to rise up in a triumphant call when he pushed back in. Nothing, she was sure, had ever or will ever feel as good as this. She could feel every inch of her father's length, her body gripped it so tight. His wings, which she always thought were a bit silly, were now her salvation. Trapping that delectable dick inside of her needy body. Each one of his thrusts felt better than the last, driving her breath from her body in needy, wanton grunts. She took back what she said about it not being possible to feel any better, and for once she was glad that she was wrong.

Topsy slid his body closer to his daughter's form, forelimbs working higher onto her body. Now he was barely moving his body, each thrust making his tip dig and push against that barrier. His daughter pushed back into each of his thrusts, lifting him as her back bowed and arched. A shiver raced up his spine when he felt his tip pop through that barrier. The corkscrew shape to his tip made it where his length didn't want to pull out. Groaning, he pushed against her harder now, barely moving his body as the scent of her needy filled his very being. The breeding tunnel held tight around him, muscles twisting and pulling at him as it tried to milk his seed.

Cera's body was moving on its own, her mind trapped by that all-consuming need. She was looking at the ground, eyes glazed over and staring straight ahead. Her breath felt like it was on fire as she panted. Hips pushed back against her father's, feeling their genital slits grinding against each other. He was so deep inside of her, deeper than any other male had gone before, deeper than she thought possible. When he pushed hard against her earlier, she felt something inside of her give way under his assault. A hard push and a burst of pleasure mixed with pain shot through her gut. It felt so good, so right, that she didn't want it to stop.

The Three Horns were almost flush against each other, daughter fully engulfed by his daughter's needy hole. Gritting his teeth, the bull tried to make it last, tried to make himself pull out. It was too late and he knew that, it had been too late the moment he was on top of her. Without thought of what it might cause, Topsy gave one last shove before erupting. Cera gasped out under him, feeling the bull's thick post throbbing inside of her. Her body's hold on him was so great that she was positive that she could feel his life seed rushing up his body. Each spurt thumped against the backside of her egg chamber. A noise that was part groan and part purr slipped out of the cow as her body slumped, exhausted by her first rutting.

Topsy let out a low groan as he rested on top of his daughter. Now that he was spent, the bull's mind was starting to come back to him. A fresh surge of adrenaline raced through his body as the realization of what just happened hit him. A groan came from the male as he slid off her body, shivering as he felt his softening pole tell out of her vagina. Cera's body clung to him so tightly that only a little bit of his seed threatened to leave her body, gathering at her lips. With wide eyes, he looked down at his daughter's belly. He wasn't sure if it was his imagination or not, but it looked larger than before. He began to breath heavier, his heart hammering away in his chest. What had he just done, what would happen to his baby girl, what...

He stopped himself before that train of thought could go on. Taking a deep breath, he looked at Cera, seeing the contented look on her face. A sad smile found it's way onto his beak as he turned his head away. Some cold water would cool his head some and let him think more clearly. Moving away from the sated female, he tilted his head back and sniffed at the air slowly. He could smell some water nearby, that would probably help things. Letting out a soft huff, he trudged off towards the water. A nice soak would get her scent off him and go a long way to clearing his mind. Maybe he'd be lucky and the water would be ice cold.

Two pairs of eyes watched the bull waddle off through the brush, staying silent and still until he was out of sight. Screech and Thud stood up, their patterned hides doing a great job of helping them blend in with the woods. "See what we have here, Thud?" purred the female Fast Biter as she sauntered towards the unconscious Three Horn. The green male's eyes flicked between his girl's rear and the Three Horn cow's; "Two visions of beauty, I believe. Which is the more desirable one though." Screech hissed at him, her tail snapping over to swat his muzzle. The male hissed back at her and nipped her tail playfully.

Ignoring the green biter for a moment, she moved in and sniffed at Cera's body. "Something about these plant-eater's just smells so delectable." Her forked tongue slipped out of her muzzle, gliding over the Three Horn's used twat. Tenderness mixed with her lingering need, making the cow twitch and moan softly. Large hips rolled to the side, tail flopping over to fully expose herself. Taking that as a rather clear invitation, she used her forelimbs to spread those lips open, the hen pushed her muzzle against the swollen pussy. With a purr, she let her tongue slide right into the sopping hole, tasting the cocktail left behind after the rutting. There wasn't much of the bull to taste. Some precum, and a touch of his seed was all that the greedy cow gave her. What she did taste was sweet and succulent, a far cry from either Thud or Redclaw's leavings. Screech purred as her tongue flicked against the other female's insides, feeling the muscles clench at her muscle.

Her purring deepened when she felt her male shove her tail aside with his head, his tongue gliding across her swelling lips. "Think you can get me to squirm before I finish this morsel?" A shiver raced up the female's spine as her male, s breath washed over her rear; "Pretty sure I can, what do I get if I do, hmm?" Before she could respond, a far deeper voice grumbled, "You two will have to wager on your own later." Both of the Biters turned their heads, frowning a bit as Redclaw pushed his way through the trees and looked at them. The great male's length was already shoving it's way free of his male slit. Screech let out a soft hiss of disappointment, but moved away from the prone female swiftly. Thud followed behind her, nuzzling into her thighs and giving her a lick to soothe her some.

The two swiftbiters watched as the older, larger Sharp Tooth approached the Three Horn, lowering his head to sniff at her body. Cera writhed slowly, body still reacting mostly by instinct even though she was pleasure-induced coma. The predator moaned as he smelled her need, her juices trickling down her thighs slowly. Screech had woken her need again, the female's body practically begging for another breeding. Despite being different species, there were enough similarities in her scent to make his blood start to boil. Lips pulled back as he uttered a purring growl. Had this been a female of his own type, she would have demanded he woo her or take her by force. He had bred many females in his time, fathered countless children. Never before had he sampled a prey's season, until now that is.

Pressing his chest to her rear, Redclaw uttered a deep, rumbling purr as he moved over her slowly. His rough hide brushed over hers as he positioned himself above her. Using his bulk, the male pushed her tail aside. His pointed cock was dripping with need, his flesh aching to be buried into her need. Time seemed to slow for him as his tip met her rear. Rocking his hips back, Redclaw felt his length gliding along her ample rump, leaving a trail of precum behind. For the first time in countless seasons he felt anxious to get started. Butterflies bounced around in his stomach as his heart pounded in his ears. There! His tip located her entrance, so soft and wet, waiting for a male to fill it with his girth.

Redclaw lunged forward with a deep groan as he fought to keep from roaring out in rapture at how tight and hot she was around him. Crouching behind the Three Horn, he pushed every last inch he had into her until their slits were grinding against each other. Her cervix, loosened by her heat and her father, easily accepted his spear. Now, instinct combined with experienced as he forced himself to hold there at the deepest point. Eyes narrowed as he grunted softly, feeling her vagina clenching around him and milking him, that right ring of muscle grabbing at his tip and squeezing it tight. Jerking his hips back, the male let out a deep snarl followed by a roar that was bitten off sharply as he rammed forward again.

Ridges along the underside of his cock pulled and rubbed against Cera's insides, stroking over seemingly every pleasure spot she had as the male pulled out. Those little raised sections were made to be used when a female wasn't entirely willing, a bit of pleasure always seemed to change their minds. And when they were already rather compliant, well... She groaned, head rolling as the pleasure quickly invaded her exhausted mind. Her body was jarred forward from the sudden, hard thrust, log groaning almost as much as she did. The female's mouth dropped open as she began to pant, body heaving under each of the Sharp Tooth's quick, savage thrusts.

Redclaw ran his fingers across her back, arching his body upwards with a hiss. Strong legs drove him against her quickly, keeping his thrusts short. His toes scratched at the ground, tearing up furrows as he rutted the female under him. Each of his thrusts drew out more of her juices, staining his groin as well as her thighs and the ground. Soon, her scent was permeating the air and his senses. It didn't matter to his body that he wouldn't be able to seed this cow. What was important was getting his pleasure out of this session. Judging by the way she was starting to squirm under him, he wouldn't be the only one enjoying this rut. Even if he was the only one that would remember it.

The sound of scuffling made him slow for a breath and glance to the side. A deeper growl came from the male when he saw it was his Fast Biters, the pair entangled in a fairly erotic wrestling match as they each fought for the top position. Pushing them from his mind, he looked down at the pleasure cow under him. Leaning forward, he put more of his weight on her backside, the female whining as he was forced to slow down. As a trade off for his sacrificed speed, the Sharp Tooth was able to dig his toes deeper into the ground and really stab her with his length each time. Redclaw let his eyes close most of the way as he claimed her body. Thick, hot drool ran from his open mouth to splatter onto Cera's back.

Dropping his body lower, he was able to put more pressure on the bottom side of her slit, and thus his own ridges. Her body jerked under him like a worm on a hook, as he worked her up even higher. The Three Horn cow lowed as she pawed at the ground, eyes fluttering as she fought against the exhaustion that had claimed her. He snarled as he felt her muscles grab at him harder, signaling her finished. The Sharp Tooth rocked his head back and uttered a deep roar that echoed out through the forest. Jabbing hard against her one last time, he erupted deep inside of the hapless female. Screech and Thud rose their voices, joining his in a chorus of primal need. Cera moaned under the male, her belly swelling slightly larger under the load he was pumping right into her egg chamber.

Redclaw was only able to enjoy his climax for a few seconds before a shape burst through the trees. His head turned as he tried to respond to the charging creature. Spike barreled in, heavy feet thundering against the ground as he bellowed out. The Spike Tail dropped his head and lifted his shoulder, slamming into the Sharp Tooth hard enough to dislodge Redclaw. The older male stumbled back, his cock popping free of the Three Horn with a lewd squish. Since it's business was unfinished, his length fired a couple more streamers, streaking both the charging male, and the cow with his seed. The Biters scrambled away from their leader as he toppled over, struggling to get upright.

By the time his feet wound up under him, the Spike Tail had positioned himself between him and the female. Spike growled and turned, lashing his tail and brandishing those deadly spines. Redclaw growled at the male and backed away slowly, reluctant to leave such a prize behind. He could hear the clamor of more bodies forcing their way towards them. Seems he would have to be satisfied with a single seeding. With a defiant roar, he turned tail and fled into the forest.

By the time that the others: Littlefoot, Chomper, Nod, Ruby, and her father; arrived, Spike had turned back towards Cera and Redclaw had vanished. It was fairly obvious to the group what had happened here, the scent of sex hanging in the air around the female. Redclaw's musk was heavy in the air, further spread by his hasty exit from the comatose female. "Do you think she's okay?" Littlefoot asked as he moved around to the front of his friend, leaning his long neck down to look at her. There was something in the air, something other than Redclaw's scent, that was making him feel oddly light headed. Spike was the first to locate the source of the intoxicant, his head ducking under her tail.

Mond, Ruby's father, chuckled softly as he strolled over to the log, shifting so he could sit down on it. "Oh I'm sure she will be just fine. It appears our dear Cera is in her heat. Probably her first one if I'm not mistaken." Ruby moved over and giggled at her father who, like the other males, was starting to erect from the scent; "Yeah, she hasn't had one yet. Certainly looks like she's been seeing some action though." Lowering her head, she swept her tongue over her father's length. Littlefoot shifted slowly as he craned his head around the slumped female to sniff at her slot. "Why is she asleep then? And would you look at how much cum is dripping out of her." The Swift Runner moaned as his hands reached down to stroke his daughter's cheeks. "When a female goes into her season, they get restless. My guess is that she just passed out after that rutting she got. Nothing some sleep can't cure."

Topsy crouched in the brush, trying to stay as hidden as he could. The bull had soaked his body in the icy stream until he was half-numb from the cold. The roar had snapped him awake and brought him running up towards the clearing. His eyes flicked over when he saw the Sharp Tooth fleeing through the woods, resisting the urge to chase the male down, he headed right for where he left his daughter. The others were there by the time he arrived, getting there in time to hear the Long Neck talk about how much seed was dripping for her. His mind immediately leapt to what he had done earlier. Shame crept across his cheeks, the Three Horn bull slinking back, hoping to avoid detection. Maybe if he could get away, he could come up with a reasonable excuse by the time they found him. For once in his life, the bull was truly embarrassed and fearful about something. Turning, he moved away as silently as he could, needing a very long walk.

Spike was only half paying attention to the others. He swept his tongue along Cera's twat, tasting both her juices and the leavings of two other males. A slight smirk crept onto his muzzle as he quickly sorted out who had been with his friend earlier. Wasn't too hard, he'd tasted both male's leavings several times before. Truth be told, he probably had the most sexual experience out of the group, aside from Ruby that is. There wasn't a pussy or cock in the valley he hadn't sampled at least once in his life. This wouldn't be his first time with a female that was in her season either. Cera's body had cooled off some, likely a reaction to being bred twice in such a short time. Well, he knew a few tricks for that.

Turning his head sideways, the Spike Tail closed his lips around her slit. He slurped on the nub, tongue sliding over it as his lips held it trapped for a second. He only kept the button trapped for a second before pulling back with a lewd pop. The Three Horn's body jerked in reaction and she voiced a moan, head rolling to the side. Spike answered with a groan of his own as his male slit bulged out, cock dropping from it. Closing lips around her again, he repeated the motion as his hips rocked slowly. His tip rubbed against the grass for a second before his cock lifted upwards. A shiver traveled up his body, bone plates rattling against each other. The shiver seemed to transfer from his body up through Cera's form, the female stirring with a huff. Her back arched slowly, presenting her hot slot to the male as her eyes fluttered open.

Cera's eyes rolled up towards Littlefoot, "Wha...?" Her nose twitched, bringing the scent of her own need along with the scent of several male's. Cheeks flushed as she groaned in renewed need, pawing at the ground slowly as her tail moved to expose her sore pussy. Spike surged upwards as soon as she rolled onto her side some, heavy legs slamming onto the tree that she was perched on. Her head turned towards the Spike Tail as he tensed his hips and surged up over her, her groan turning into a pleasure-filled gasp as his thick cock spread her open with a single thrust. Everyone in the clearing could hear the lewd, wet squish that accompanied his penetration, her juices and the semen from the other males leaking out around his post. He drew back, purring as her body slurped around his length.

Littlefoot and the others watched as Cera began to push back into Spike's body eagerly, pawing at the ground best that she could. It was only a matter of seconds before her scent was filling the air again, renewed thanks to the savvy Spike Tail, this time carrying the scents of the two other males as well. The gathered males shared a shuddering groan, heads craning towards her body to inhale her scent. Mond rubbed over Ruby's cheeks as his daughter licked over his cock, teasing him with a soft purr. Littlefoot shifted forward, placing a foot on the log to get in closer to the source of the Three Horn's scent. Chomper began to shift from foot to foot as a strange feeling began to swell inside of his body.

With a crack, the tree finally gave way, collapsing to the ground. No one seemed to notice as it hit the ground, driving the breath from Cera's lungs. Wheezing, she worked her body to, drawing forepaws under her as she groaned. Pushing her chest off the ground, she arched up, allowing her lower body to lay on it's side. Spike grunted at her, nuzzling into her neck as he pounded her body with his short thrusts. Her tunnel was hugging him tight, letting her feel every single one of the bumps that covered his length. "Oh, Spike!" she screamed at the skies as her body rocked back against his. Slowly but surely, the young woman got her feet under her and rose up onto all fours, her tail forced to arch up high by the bulky male.

Chomper growled softly and shuffled about more, his cock achingly hard now. The scents coming from Cera, her own heat and the musky spunk left behind by Redclaw, was affecting him far more than it did the other males. Leaning in closer, his humid breath washed over Spike's pole and her entrance as he took several deep sniffs. His heart began to hammer in his ears as his precum drooled down his cock, coating it with the clear mess. He needed to fuck something, had to cram his cock into her, but there wasn't any place for him to do so... None except for her mouth!

Littlefoot looked over at Chomper as the Sharp Tooth nudged him aside, going for Cera's mouth. The salacious saurian opened her mouth wide, tongue sliding against his tip as she huffed. He grabbed onto her frill with his hands and shoved into her mouth with a roar. She gagged around his cock, but didn't fight as the male began to fuck her muzzle with quick strokes of his hips. Eyes closed most of the way as she gulped in air each time he drew back, drool running down her cheeks and making his length glisten. Throat muscles clenched around his invading member, trying to mimic the muscles behind her lower lips. Chomper groaned as she angled her head back, letting him get closer and keeping her stubby horns from gouging his belly. Spreading his legs apart, he pushed into her muzzle right to the hilt each time.

Cera's mind was dancing again, lost in the pleasure that was filling every fiber of her being. She was trying to push back into each of Spike's thrusts, but she couldn't get the rhythm right. Especially not with Chomper tugging her head. Swishing her tongue against the ridges on the underside of his cock, she felt the male jerk and groan above her. She shivered, eyes closing tight as she peaked around the Spike Tail's bumpy length. Hips jerked and pushed against him, muscles grabbing at him and pulling him deeper against her as she huffed. Spike answered her huff with a throaty groan, arching his body up until he was almost vertical, grinding their slits together and making his shaft wiggle inside of her tunnel. He was getting close, she could feel it and her body knew it. Muscles tensed up and clenched around his base, rippling up his length.

Chomper finished before Spike could, inexperience mixed with his territorial tendencies. He let out another roar, this one cracking midway through and going higher pitched. His hips rocked against her muzzle as he fired his load right down her throat, making her swallow to keep from gagging on the flood of seed that he was pumping into her. He stumbled a little after a second, falling back onto his tail with a grunt. His cock slipped out of the Three Horn's mouth, spraying his seed across her muzzle. As if he were waiting for that, Spike drew back until he fell out of her body before slamming home again, hitting his target perfectly. Cera screamed at the motion, body jerking as the male unloaded into her. Heavy balls pumped seeming gallons of his seed into her, trying to flush out what the other males had left behind.

She cried out in rapture as he finished inside of her, thick cock and her tight muscles trying to keep his sperm inside of her. Spike was done after a few seconds, stepping back slowly until his length fell out of her. A gush of sperm, thinned down by her juices, followed him out after he popped the cork. Looking rather sated, he moved away from her before falling onto his side with a grunt. His hide hadn't stopped rippling when he began to snore. Littlefoot licked his lips and started to move around behind Cera, his cock aching for a taste of her season. Before he'd even made it halfway, Chomper shoved past him with a growl, cock hard and aching again. "Hey!" he grunted, watching as the Sharp Tooth muscled her tail aside and pushed his length into her body.

Mond groaned as Ruby licked his cock with feathery strokes of her tongue, teasing the older Swift Runner. "Don't worry about it, Son, he's just being territorial. Let him work himself down some and then you'll be able to go." The Long Neck grumbled, but turned his head to watch as Cera began to pant sharply. Chomper had started to rut her as soon as his cock was inside of her body. The muscles, still stretched by the far thicker male, slowly closed around his cock. Littlefoot grumbled and arched his hips forward, rubbing his cock against his own belly slowly as he watched.

The Sharp Tooth kept his eyes closed most of the way, panting as she tightened around his aching length slowly. Her mouth had been good, mouths always felt good wrapped around him, and he knew very well how a tight pussy felt. And it was getting tighter with each passing moment. Oh by the heavens, it was indescribable! The heat, the warmth, the feeling of the other male's seed squelching around his cock. On any given day, he'd gladly rate pussy far above a tight ass, or even a talented mouth. Today though, this was just a slice of heaven wrapped around his dick. It was just so hot, so tight, he didn't know how long he could last. Cera arched up towards him, letting his ridges slide across the bottom edge of her pussy. Each one of his ridges made her clench tighter around him, muscles twitching in response to the little pops.

Muscles inside of her body tightened, pulling him deeper, coaxing him to spill his load inside of her, wanting to bear his eggs. Chomper let out a whimpering noise as his lusts built to a head in record time. He slammed his body against hers and let out a breathless roar, breeding stick twitching inside of her. The pointed tip of his lance almost touched her cervix as he pumped his seed deep into her form. He hadn't popped that fast since the first few times he'd played around with sex. Cheeks flushing, he waited until he was finished inside of Cera before he pulled out, staggering over to a tree so he could relax. The Three Horn huffed, her cheeks bright red as she felt a mixture of her juices and the mixed male cum drooling down her leg slowly.

The blush flared even higher as Littlefoot, her oldest friend, maneuvered in behind her. His tip was flared wide with his own excitement, thick precum drooling down and dripping onto the grass. "My turn finally!" he groaned, easily stepping over her shivering body. Cera had been the center of an orgy on several occasions, but nothing made her feel this weak and yet this excited before. Her legs were shaking with exhaustion, barely able to keep her up; but she swung her tail aside regardless. Her pussy literally oozed a sex cocktail, each load further staining her hide and making her belly swell just a little more with the deposited load. Just one more, she told herself, pushing her hips up and letting her front lower down.

Littlefoot rocked his hips forward, his flared tip finding her pussy with the ease of practice. They had rutted countless times since he'd busted her cherry, but never in either of their lives had either so eagerly awaited the penetration. He rocked his hips forward, pushing his cock against her body. Despite the lubrication and the stretching it had received from several males, he couldn't get his flared tip to sink into her. Cera whimpered and pushed back against him, feeling her labia bulging as it tried to accommodate the larger male. Crouching, he pushed against her steadily, feeling her entrance start to stretch out around him. Her needy whimper turned into a snarl as she jerked her body away. The Three Horn shoved back, pussy stretching wide to accept him. She screamed out, head throwing back as she peaked right then and there, her front limbs collapsing under her.

It was all she could to do just keep her rear lifted up, but she didn't have to do anything else. Littlefoot began to rock his hips back and forth, sinking his massive rod into her with each motion. Each time he shifted to thrust, her hips would be pushed or pulled with him, the female gasping as he sunk deeper and deeper into her. Before long he was as deep as he could go, wide tip stabbing against her cervix. Still, the male pressed harder against her, trying to put every last bit of his flesh inside of her. Clenching her eyes shut, she cried out wordlessly, abandoning all coherent thought. Each time he slammed into her, she would trumpet out a deep groan as he literally forced the air from her lungs. Then he'd draw back slowly, flared tip scooping the other males' cum out of her body and making it run down her body in thick globs.

Cera's head swam as the Long Neck rutted her with those hard, deep strokes. Lights spun and danced in front of her eyes as she peaked again. Due to him being so thick he was rubbing against everywhere possible all at once. Wet muscles grabbed and pulled at him as she gasped for breath, the very air feeling like it was on fire. She lost track of how long Littlefoot had been pounding against her. How long had it been since she woke up that morning, restless and moody? She didn't know, and at the moment, it didn't seem to matter more than a passing through, shoved from her head by the Long Neck's next thrust.

Littlefoot looked down at her and groaned, feeling how her body grabbed at his cock. This would actually be the second time he had a female during her season, the first being Ali. This was different though, Cera was far tighter around him; but Ali was so much more responsive. That was probably due to the fact that he had been Ali's first during her season, and Cera was already exhausted with then found her. Even though fully a third of his length waited outside of her body, he could feel his climax building. He had been waiting, watching, and smelling the others as they had their turn, now he had her all to himself and he wasn't going to make himself last.

He powered forward, thrusting into the Three Horn hard enough that he made her slide along the ground. Throwing his head back, the Long Neck loosed a triumphant call as his volcano erupted. The tip of his ram was pressed tight against her cervix, letting him spray each burst right into her egg chamber. It had already been filled by several other males, Topsy and Redclaw having been the only other two to get this deep inside of her, but the others having left their mark as well. Each spray from his tip made her belly swell a little more, thick cum soon leaking back down his length and dripping down his shaft. Cera gasped, eyes rolling back as she felt her oldest friend pumping her impossibly full of his seed. Her eyes went and kept going as she passed out, fatigue claiming her again. As she fell onto her side, his cock popped out of her with a lewd sound, jumping up to slap against his belly. The Long Neck groaned and continued to cum for several more seconds, his cum splattering across his belly and her flank. More seed leaked out of her slot, staining the grass and filling the air with the musky aroma.

Mond looked up as Littlefoot staggered, moving away from Cera. Ruby had turned around and was riding him, pressing her slit down around his cock as she huffed softly. The Swift Runner purred and ran his fingers along his daughter's hips. "Lay down for a while, Littlefoot. She's not going anywhere and I'm sure everyone could use a rest. Certainly our presence here will keep others away." The Long Neck nodded and walked to the edge of the clearing before slumping down, his body making a half-circle around them. The Swift Runner male watched the Long Neck for a moment, waiting until the large male was breathing sleepily. He tapped Ruby's rear and nodded at the Three Horn with a smirk. The pink female flashed a grin and slipped off him, trotting over to the snoring female.

He waltzed right up behind her, taking his hard cock in hand and rubbing it against her slit. A shiver raced up and down his spine as he slipped into her loose lower lips. The male began to pump slowly, savoring it at first. How loosely she grabbed him, how the other male's spunk aided his entrance and stained him with their scent. There was something about larger females, especially ones that had just been filled, that he found so incredibly arousing.

Ruby sat down on the broken log as her father began to thrust into Cera's body. Leaning back, she spread her legs and looked at him as she reached down and pushed two fingers into her wet pussy, moaning. His gaze locked onto her, making her flush with delightful embarrassment. The pair matched their pace in seconds, his hips slapping Cera's hide as her palm stuck her groin. Gradually, they began to speed up, both of the Swift Runners moaning. Mond at taking a large female and watching his daughter play with herself, and Ruby at being watched. Soft pants echoed from the pair, masked by the thunderous snores coming from their companions.

Hooking her fingers upwards, the female uttered a stuttering moan as she brushed her nails against a special little spot inside of her body. A mini-climax, a prelude to the main event, shook through her body, thighs quivering as her juices squirted past her fingers. Pulling her hand away, she slapped her own mound, huffing as juices splashed against her tail. Her father moaned at the sight, lifting up on his toes to take Cera faster now. Ruby was purring now as she drove her fingers back into her, trying to match his pace. Digits slipped in and out of her swollen twat, occasionally arching up to make her tremble and squirt again. He looked at her face and licked his lips before diverting his gaze lower. His fingers kneaded the Three Horn's hide as he began to grunt with each push.

Hips pushing up against her hand, the female began to huff now, jaw clenching as she held back, letting it build. She began to snort, nostrils flaring as her fingers flew in and out of her body, the slapping of her hand matching the meatier thumps coming from her father. Ruby threw her head back and uttered a cry, tongue wiggling as she peaked around her fingers, working them faster as juices squirted from her body to coat her tail. Mond hammered against Cera for several seconds before answering his daughter's cry with one of his own. Hips rocked against the larger saurian as he added his own contribution to the genetic pool soaking about her insides.

The group had been roused sometime later when it began to rain. They had escorted Cera back to her family's clearing, having to pause occasionally to relieve themselves and ease her heat when the need grew too much. Both Topsy and Tria had greeted them at the clearing, the bull immediately interrogating them on why his daughter reeked of heat and males. So they explained that they had come across her being used by Redclaw and the Biters; and how after running them off, their lusts had gotten the better of them. The usually protective bull had just grunted, but Tria thanked them for helping her step-daughter through her first season.

Over the next few days, Cera slipped off many times to seek some relief with her friends. Her season didn't last the full week it should have, but everyone was almost thankful when it did end. Now, several weeks after her season had ended, the Three Horn female waddled around her family clearing. Her gravid belly swayed with each step, possibly a dozen or more eggs visible in her gut. Tria purred softly as she made up a nest, nosing around several things inside of it. "Just keep walking around some, Cera dear, it shouldn't be long now." The younger woman stretched out and groaned, "Is this going to happen every year?" A shiver raced down her spine as the eggs inside of her belly shifted. Ruby helped Tria make up the nest. "Well, even if you aren't bred by a compatible male. You'll still lay eggs, you will. Eggs you will lay."

Cera was about to make a curt remark when she had the sudden urge to push. She trembled and began to push, legs stepping apart. Tria clucked her tongue, "Come over here and push, Cera." The female waddled over quickly, her labia swelling with blood as fluids began to drip from her. She barely made it to the nest when something slipped inside of her. Crouching, she began to chuff and paw at the ground. A soft shell slipped down her tunnel, it's passage aided by her bodily fluids. Instinct took over, aided by soft instructions whispered into her ear by her step-mother. Her muscles rippled and pushed slowly, urging the first egg out. Her lips stretched around it, going wider and wider until she thought she was going to tear. The Three Horn cried out and gave a push, the ovum dropping from her and landed in the soft bed of the nest with a thud.

With the path opened by the first one, the second began it's passage down; a third lining up as well. The discomfort of the laying soon passed, a strange pleasure jolting through her as each egg slipped out in turn. Fairly quickly, she lost count of how many she had laid. Her tunnel gripped each one and pushed it down quickly, letting it pop out of her with an embarrassing noise before thudding into the bedding of her nest. Before she knew what was happening, she felt empty, the last egg starting it's trip down.

She had to bite her lower lip as it's smooth surface rubbed against something inside of her, making her hips twitch and juices flow more heavily. It started to slip out of her, rubbing over her swollen clit. Cera squeaked softly and shivered as a small orgasm agitated her body, pulling the egg back up her tunnel. Huffing, she tried to push it back out, but each time it got near her clit, her muscles would try to draw it back up. The woman whimpered and pawed at the ground; "Ruby... help?" she gasped, hips rocking. With a gentle coo, her friend reached up, slipping a hand into her body slowly. Cera moaned now as she felt that hand and arm spreading her walls, gently sliding past the egg and coaxing it out. She was panting and chuffing by the time the egg began to spread her again. It popped out of her, Ruby catching it, as the new mother let out a short cry of pleasure.

Cera turned around as Ruby laid the egg with its speckled brethren. A little smile twitched at her lips; "Figures it'd be the largest one." She laid down, feeling very empty suddenly. Tria nuzzled her neck as Ruby piled up some leaves and soft grasses to keep the eggs warm. "Think any of them might actually hold a baby, Tria?"she asked sleepily. The older female nuzzled her step-daughter; "Well, we will known in a few weeks one way or the other. Have you remembered who all had you the first day?" The yellow female shook her head and closed her eyes tiredly, "It was just a blur of need and ecstasy."