The Vixen in My Life: Ch2

Story by Scribe the Grey on SoFurry

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#2 of The Vixen in My Life

_ The Vixen in My Life _

_ Chapter 2 _

By Scribe the Grey (aka) Ben Huckaby


legalities first, don't read if under 18/21, contains graphic material not sutiable for certain viewers

no smex yet


He felt the shot past through the meat of his shoulder as he hit the ground wondering were else he's been hit as he is knocked out

(2 months later)

Sage groans as he tosses his dirt and pollen covered shirt into the laundry and grabs a towel as he goes to the upstairs shower. He groans in pleasure as the warm water hits him, he sighes as he stretches his weary limbs and washes the pollen out of his hair. he suddenly feels a pair of arms around his waist along with wet fur. "hey Selena" "hey Sage" the vixen murrs as she rests her muzzle on Sage's shoulder. Sage grins as the vixen gently rubs his back and he again wonders, how he got so lucky to find her. He also can't help but wonder about her people and what they are.

Selena murrs as she takes in Sage's scent, and gives a murr at the smell of her mate. She loved his smell, earthy and fragrant from his mothers gardens and his own musky scent from working. She gives Sage a nibble on the neck as she nuzzles against his neck and cheek, wondering when they're going to try to start a family, and giggles at the picture in her mind.

Sage hears the giggle as he turns off the water, "what's so funny?" "nothing" Selena says as her paw slowly rubs Sage's belly. They both curse as the front door bangs, Sage sighes as he puts pants on and goes to the door. He sees a soldier with an envalope and opens it while the soldier walks away.

Dear Mrs. Loken

I regret to inform you that your son is missing in action

Sage collapses against the wall and hopes his brother is alive.

(North Korea that moment)

the soldier groans as he's dropped onto the floor of his cell. He glances around seeing that nothing has changed. He staggers over to the window and knocks the bars and watches them fall away.

(One day later)

The soldier grinds his teeth as branches smash into his face. His breath fogging the air before him as he watches the small road before him as a column of tanks grind past in the raging storm as wvaes of rain and wind lash the area. "Why the fuck does this have to happen to me?" he groans as the column stops and a hand clamps over his mouth "speak and I kill you" speaks a male voice as the column erupts in explosions and he is knocked out.

(the Loken Residence two days later)

Sage lays on the couch, his eyes looking at the ceiling as he thinks. "hun?" Selena rubs his cheek as she watches him, her worry nearly palitable. Sage grabs her and pulls her close, making no sound as he nuzzles her neck and she holds him close, *he really needs to relax* She gently nuzzles his neck as she rubs his back, which encites a light groan from Sage. "Hun your brother wouldn't want to see you like this" she says as she slowly rubs a hand down his front. Sage groans and lays against her as he lightly pants "Selena" she murrs and gives him a kiss as her paw drifts down his chest. "You two having fun?" both of them jump and look up to see Sage's mother smiling at them as they both blush. "Oh don't worry you two, I knew this was coming" she says as she turns and walks out the door "have fun you two". They both look at each other in shock as Sage leans close and whispers "Do you love me?" Selena blinks and smiles as she leans into a kiss with him "yes my mate" at those word Sage smiles and lays against her as he falls asleep.

(I-74 in a goverment car)

"Mr Scribe, you could still stay in the army" the soldier looks out the window and sighes "no, I'm done, I'm going homeand that's final" he saysas the car stops infront of a house. "you could get better pay and benifits" "Get Bent!" Scribe says as he walks into the house, and sees his brother on the couch with a fur blanket? "what the" he looks closer as he hears a murr, then notices the tail "when did we get a dog?" his eyes go wide in shock as a vixen looks up at him "uh who are you?" they both ask in unision. The vixens red fur shines in the sunlight as Sage murrs and nuzzles her,as Scribe blinks and slumps into a chair "so I take it my brother has fallen for you" Selena smiles "more like I fell for him" Scribe just nods and goes upstairs. Selena just watches him before she nuzzles her mate and drifts into sleep. Scribe slumps into his chair in the guest bedroom and chuckles "so my brother found miss right" he then wonders when he'll find someone for him.

The Vixen in My Life (edited)

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