Fallen Angel Part 4

Story by rile studios on SoFurry

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Fallen Angel awoke in a bed as soft as a cloud. Fallen was now more content than ever with the quality of Obsuritas home decorating skills. "Wake up, sleepy head," said Obsuritas, who was standing outside her door, wearing a pair of polka dot boxers, twisting his goatee around his index finger, and then letting it unravel, only to repeat the cycle once again.

"You know just now, I would never guess you were as powerful as you are, In fact I think I am more inclined to fear this sight of you in your undergarments, than that beast I saw yesterday" teased Fallen Angel.

Obsuritas laughed, and then said, "Well you got a big day ahead of you, missy. We start your training today, but first lets have some breakfast. I made us bacon and eggs, and trust a guy who has been around for as long as I have, when he says there is nothing better than bacon and eggs."

When Fallen entered the kitchen, she saw a small round table, and chair on either side of the table. Obsuritas was already sat. Fallen sat down as well, seeing the true frightful self of Obsuritas as she did so. Then asking, "What will I be learning today?" Obsuritas smiled and passed her the pan of eggs.

"The basics of being a demon, also known as demonatory skills," said Obsuritas. Fallen angel was now placing two strips of bacon on her plate, and Obsuritas was about finished. Fallen looked slightly disappointed, because she felt that she was beyond the basics. "I know that you are thinking you are beyond the basics, Fallen Angel, but you are not. Yes, I saw what you did yesterday, and I was impressed that you killed both the Cloth Man and Serpento. But there is a difference between being good with a magic dagger and being good," said Obsuritas. Fallen Angel sighs.

"Well I did not exactly kill the Cloth Man. I just cut off pulled of his head. He is still alive," said Fallen.

"What? Where did you leave his head," asked Obsuritas.

"Oh I just left that at... oh no, the doorstep," said Fallen, before bolting up to check the doorstep with Obsuritas in fast pursuit.

Obsuritas says, "Well he has probably rolled himself home, and pulled himself back together by now." Fallen was upset, but this ordeal brought up an interesting question inside of her.

"Obsuritas, if you gave your teleportation spell book to Grave Sinner as a gift, why did you appoint the Cloth Man to kill him," asked Fallen Angel.

"I didn't give it to Grave Sinner. I said that I gave it to a good friend; in fact she wasn't just a good friend. Her name was Trinee, who was one of the original members of Blood Lust and my fiancé. Grave Sinner told her that because he was the leader, that he deserved that book more than her. He killed her in her sleep over that stupid spell book. I will never understand why he did it. I suppose he was tired of the torturous hours in Hell, but even that was not a good enough reason. That is why I had a price on the Blood Lust Leader's head. I am sorry that a person like you had to get mixed up in all this, Fallen Angel," said Obsuritas, and on that note he left. Now Fallen felt betrayed, and the worse part was that she didn't know who had betrayed her. Either Grave Sinner, who she fell in love with, mourned his death, and respected infinitely was not all that she thought he was, or Obsuritas, who is perhaps the kindest man she has ever met, even though he could easily squash her in the drop of a hat was a complete liar.

Fallen was aware of the decision she had to make. She had to believe in either her buried romance, or her sweet-hearted trainer. Fallen Angel jumped out of her chair, began to march towards the room Obsuritas entered, and broke to the ground, crying in the process. Get up, damn it. This isn't you. You stabbed your own father in the eye, you decapitated two people, you ripped apart a paralyzed gargoyle, you... love a dead man, Fallen confessed to herself. No... I did love a man, who is now dead. But he did not die being what he once was. I will not die being what I once was. I will never be weak and scared again, Fallen Angel thought to herself, with every bit of empowerment she could muster from with in herself. She stood up proud and marched into the room that Obsuritas entered. She saw Obsuritas standing in front of her. "Obsuritas lets start training," Fallen said.

Obsuritas nodded, grabbed her hand, and then said, "Strength, wisdom, heart, and speed. These are all the things we need. The Arena of the champions is our destination, prepare to train or get ready for annihilation."

Another glowing neon orb appeared. This one was yellow, and was set in the center of the room. "Quickly. The more it grows the less accurate it becomes," said Obsuritas, before diving face first into the volleyball sized orb. Then Fallen Angel followed his action, diving into the orb, which was now the size of a watermelon. The two of them entered a large golden stadium style arena. They both walked into the center of the open area in the arena, revealing Obsuritas's true self once again. "Alright. First thing I will teach you is the simple Singe Jab and Singe kick, which all demons are famous for. Now the only thing you have to do to perform this move is to hit me, with out feeling any guilt or regret. Aim for my chest," said Obsuritas.

Fallen swung at Obsuritas, missing his chest, and hitting his chin dead on. "Oh I am so sorry," said Fallen Angel.

"No, you can't have any guilt or regret. Now try again," responded Obsuritas. Fallen swings once again, but this time she nails him perfectly in the chest, as she sees a small flare of fire roll along her fist, and then burn against the demonic flesh of Obsuritas's chest. "Ouch, but good. Very good," said Obsuritas, as he held one claw to his burnt chest. "Alright. Now for the Singe Kick, which is the exact same concept, but a kick. Aim for behind the kneecap joint, so that the opponent will fall straight to the ground," said Obsuritas.

Fallen Angel spun her foot, which was alit with flame strait behind Obsuritas kneecap joint, making him fall to his knees. "Good, and now to learn a move, called the Flare Face. Now that we are at eye level, place your hand on my face, and think of something or somebody you despise. Do that, and the rest will just happen," said Obsuritas. Fallen Angel placed her hand on Obsuritas face, and Fallen began to think of her father. She thought about how he pushed her around, beat her, treated her like she was a wild animal. Suddenly she came to her senses, to see her hand burning of a pure blue ember, on Obsuritas's face. She quickly let go.

"I am sorry, Obsuritas," said Fallen Angel. "There is no need to be sorry, Fallen Angel. I have had way worse than that in my time," said Obsuritas, before getting up to his feet.

"Now we are going to learn a small spell. It is a spell known by most demons, but an effective one. It is called Havoc Holler. It goes like this, 'hear all the children weeping, midnight reaping, and blood seeping in your dreams. Bodies fall, bodies drop, and the dead will crawl, as they rot for your screams,'" said Obsuritas. As soon as he spoke those words a puff of smoke covered the arena. Once the smoke cleared, three skeletal warriors stood behind him, awaiting orders. "My minions, Go from which you came," said Obsuritas. After a following blanket of smoke, all that stood across from Fallen Angel was Obsuritas. "Now you try," said Obsuritas.

Fallen Angel then said, "Hear all the children weeping, midnight reaping, and blood seeping in your dreams. Bodies' fall, bodies' drop, and the dead will crawl, as they rot for your screams," which was followed by yet another appearance of smoke, and yet another small squad of three skeletal warriors.

"Now have them attack your opponent," said Obsuritas.

"My minions, attack that demon," pointing a finger to Obsuritas. Obsuritas took a deep breath, and then released a wave of flame from his mouth, onto the skeletal warriors, burning them into a pile of ash.

"Ooh, ooh, I want to learn that," said Fallen Angel.

"All right, but this is going to be the last move of the day," said Obsuritas. Fallen Angel nodded. "This move is called Dragon in Disguise, for obvious reasons. The idea of this move applies both the skills of the Singe moves, and the Flare Face. You must focus your hate onto your enemy, and have no guilt or regret, but in addition to this you must take a deep breath, and aim where you breathe out carefully. Doing such a move in the wrong setting with out taking the time to aim could be fatal. Now do it," said Obsuritas.

Fallen first recalled her father's wrath to mind once again. Fallen then set all else, including awareness of guilt and regret aside, and then took a large breath. She looked straight at Obsuritas, only seeing her father, and dispersed her fiery rage out from her cheeks, upon Obsuritas. After a moment of burning, the strong demonic Obsuritas gave Fallen a large smile. "Very well done, Fallen Angel. I take pride in teaching a pupil with such a natural talent and strong will to learn. Tomorrow we shall train again, but now let us head home. We deserve a hot meal, and a long rest. Fallen Angel agreed," said Obsuritas, before opening the portal to his home. Then the two of them had a long walk to the cottage.

Trainings like this would continue for the next six decades, in which time she master flame projectiles, necromancy skills, a couple dozen fighting styles, as well as an odd transformation. It was the form of her soul guardian, which one night was identified by Obsuritas in the Ritual of the Soul. "A soul guardian is the creature that is attached to the one it is protecting. The creature exists for eternity in both life and the after life. We are here to find out what form your soul guardian takes, and imbue it into your body."

The room was completely empty, except for an assortment of lit candles, roses, lilacs, and in the center was a statue of what Obsuritas said was the leader of the soul guardians. It was a large eyeball, named Rie. Obsuritas said, "It was prophecy that the eye would someday take human form to destroy the child of darkness, and take the place of all existence's sacred hero. I believe your soul guardian is this eye, Fallen Angel, but there is only one true way to tell. This ritual will awaken your soul guardian, and lure it to here. Now lets begin." Obsuritas took grip of Fallen Angel's hand and began to chant a spell:

"Amiko, Toso, Samitta, Gradam, Yont, and our great Rie.

Wolf, giant, tree man, dragon, eagle, and the all Seeing Eye.

We beseech the sight of the soul guardian for this special one.

Bring this to us, so that our question may finally be all done.

Guardians: Amiko, Toso, Samitta, Gradam, Yont, and great Rie.

Soul creatures that will protect us even long after we lay to die.

Creature you have not followed this one very long, or very far.

We ask that you reveal yourself, at the grand cost of one scar."

Fallen held out her wrist as rehearsed, but this time it was not a rehearsal. Obsuritas used a thin jagged katana to slit her petite elegant wrist. It cut as smooth as scissors on paper. Fallen let out a small squeak just a moment before the scarlet droplets of her precious blood hit the floor one by one. The blood rolled across the cherry flooring, until seeping under the Rie statue. Suddenly a beam projected from the statue's pupil. "It happening," said Fallen Angel.

"Shush," said Obsuritas. In the beam a figure was developing. First it seemed that particles were gathering in its abdomen and head. Then the growth of what seemed to be a tail was in creation. Finally the creature seemed to be finished. It was a panther. "What is your name, creature," asked Obsuritas.

"Ithia," responded the creature in her soothing feminine voice.

"Remember that name, Fallen Angel," whispered Obsuritas.

Fallen nodded, before asking, "Ithia, why is a soul guardian necessary?"

Ithia smiled kindly, before saying, "souls such as yours are damned to Hell. Others are granted passage to Heaven, and depending how one lives their life there are a million different possible types of afterlife. If by any chance an enemy threatens the soul, instead of its vessel, it could mean the end of existence entirely for that soul. Other soul guardians, and me are meant to make sure that situations like that happen as little as possible." Fallen nodded.

The panther began to fade from vision. "What no! It's not fair. She just got here," said Fallen Angel.

"Calm yourself, Fallen Angel. We have nothing to worry about," said Obsuritas.

"What? How can you say that," asked Fallen Angel.

"Easy," said Obsuritas, and then looking to see that the panther was completely gone from vision. "We only needed her for her name," continued Obsuritas.

"What," asked Fallen. Obsuritas sighed in response to Fallen Angel's constant need for explanation and direction.

"Bless your self as the panther," said Obsuritas. Fallen Angel felt very stupid, because it was the obvious answer to this predicament. There were only two questions on her mind now.

"Obsuritas," said Fallen.

"Yes, Fallen Angel," asked Obsuritas.

"What purpose will this transformation serve and what does it have to do with Blood Lust," asked Fallen Angel.

"Well, sense you are not Rie, we will have to find Rie in the soul dimension, and the only one things that can enter the soul dimension are souls. Rie is the one who will be able to destroy the child of darkness, whom I think was behind the murder of Grave Sinner, and plots to murder you," said Obsuritas.

"Interesting. I don't think so. I know who killed Grave Sinner," said Fallen Angel.

Obsuritas asked, "Who?"

"This is pathetic. You did it. I have known ever since you told me that he killed your love, and the only reason you have been training me, and are trying to get me to do this stupid little quest to find Rie, is so that I will keep being distracted from the manor, while you wait for the perfect moment to kill me, and take over the manor yourself, but I have stayed this long so I could learn all that I needed in order to protect myself from you as I prepare a portal to Hell," said Fallen Angel.

"Let me ask you this. What makes you so sure that is how it is? Do I come off as an evil guy, or are you just looking for someone to blame for Grave Sinner's death? Either way allow me to do myself the honor of sending the wench I have wasted 60 years training to Hell myself," said Obsuritas.

Fallen Angel gave a cocky smirk, and said, "I don't think," interrupted by the steel of the katana stuffed deep into her gut.

"Fallen, Fallen, Fallen... You are so foolish. To think your 60 years of training against my training, which exceeds even 60 centuries by none other than the child of darkness," said Obsuritas.

"The last person who called me foolish lost his head," said Fallen Angel. I showed that good for nothing Cloth Man, she thought to herself.

"Yes, but Cloth Man does shouldn't even be calling my boxers foolish. I, on the other hand have killed more than 6 billion demons, 20 million angels, and more mortals than even my mind can keep track of," said Obsuritas, as he twisted the katana in her gut, feeling the waves of blood seep over his claws.

Gahhh! This mind-reading egotistical bastard is going to pay big time when I get the chance, thought Fallen Angel. "Its not an ego, when you have worked to become so close to perfect," said Obsuritas. With one quick movement, Obsuritas split Fallen Angel's Torso apart. Fallen Angel couldn't keep it inside anymore. She screamed and pleaded for mercy, as the entire room began to grow murky, and finally faded away entirely.

Fallen Angel's eyes opened to a familiar area, but nearly a forgotten one. It was the backfield of the manor, and an entire crowd of demons, vampires, and miscellaneous creatures were gathered around her, staring at her. Many of these faces were new, but a few familiar faces were among the rest. "Fallen Angel, is it really you," asked a tall cloaked figure.

"Yes. Is that you Bull Dozer," asked Fallen Angel.

"No," said the tall-cloaked figure. He then dropped the hood of his cloak to reveal a face that seemed both demonic and vampire-like in features. He had pail skin, and pointed ears of a vampire, but like a demon, he had gray eyes, silver hair, and a pair of stubby dark brown incurved horns that faced away from each other.

"I am Vicious Sinner. My mother, Claire says that you are our leader. Is this true," asked this man.

"Yes... Was your father named Grave Sinner by any chance, Vicious Sinner," asked Fallen Angel. He was quiet for a moment.

"All I know of my father is what my mother tells me. She says that he was a brave demon, but she has never mentioned his name," said Vicious Sinner. Fallen Angel was saddened and happy at the same time. If her guess was right, then there was still something left of Grave Sinner, but at the same time it would mean Claire, who ever she was, also had something with Grave Sinner.

"Oh! There is my mother now," said Vicious Sinner. When Fallen looked to see who it was she was confused.

"No. You're wrong, Vicious Sinner. That is not your mother," said Fallen Angel.

"Yes, yes she is," corrects Vicious Sinner. Fallen looks back again.

"No. You are confused. That woman isn't named Claire. She is the Countess," protests Fallen Angel.

"Yes. Countess Claire," says Vicious Sinner. Fallen was stunned, and hurt. It must have been that first night I entered the manor. It doesn't matter, because what she had with him was obviously not as special as what I had with him, Fallen Angel convinced herself. Fallen Angel then put on a pleasant face, and went to great the Countess.

As soon as Fallen got a few yards closer, Countess Claire yelled out, "Fallen Angel," and they both hurried themselves forward to the other.

Once they got close enough to speak, Fallen said, "I see you have a Son."

Claire nodded and replied, "Yes. I found out a few days after you left. It was no easy job raising him by myself, but I managed. As you can tell by his name and looks, his father was Grave Sinner, who I should be coming back in whatever new form pretty soon. Humans can only last so long." Fallen Angel couldn't hold in a sigh.

"Do we have any interesting guys join the clan since I was gone," asked Fallen Angel, blushing lightly as she asked.

"Well there is Red Eyes... He is very interesting, with rude, perverted and obnoxious to boot," said the Countess.

Fallen Angel laughed, and said, "You got me all nervous. Hope I leave a good impression." The two ladies laughed uncontrollably after that.

"He usually makes an appearance around 11:00. That means he will be hear in about half an hour," said Clair.

All of another sudden a voice said, "If I never see that... That deviant again it will be too damn soon." It was Demonica.

"You let him get to you way to much, Demonica," said Claire.

"First he hypnotizes me to think I am fighting off an entire tribe of Imps, and when I snap out of it, I catch the pervert making out with me. I tell you what, I made the merciless act of what I thought I was doing to those imps seem like nothing when I was done with him," said Demonica.

"Hello, Ladies," a voice yelled out among the backfield.

"Damn... He is early," said Demonica. Fallen Angel saw a vampire at about 5'9". The vampire had a sleek build, and spiky hair that matched his pail skin. His eyes were not visible, because of his pink shaded sunglasses, but considering his name Fallen assumed they were red. He also wore a left earring, a pair of ripped jeans, and a dusty and faded leather jacket, over which what seemed to be chain mail armor. In addition he had two tight leather gloves, and a pair of leather boots.

"Demonica, cutie you look delightful. You want to go imp hunting sometime again. You were incredibly good last time," said Red Eyes.

"Get out of my face, you red-eyed fool," responded Demonica.

"Oh Demonica, that hurts. All I ever did to you, was try to let you love," said Red Eyes, moments before bursting into a frenzy of laughter.

"I have barely met you, and I know I don't like you. Now go away," said Fallen Angel.

"Who died and made you boss," asked Red Eyes.

"Grave Sinner," answered Fallen Angel.

Red Eyes scoffed, then taking out a flask of his infamous scotch spliced with cola, taking a grand swig, and then asking, "Okay, I will get out of your sight, but first I need to ask you a question in private, miss." Fallen begrudgingly agreed. The two of them enter the empty East hallway.

Red Eyes looked tense and serious. His entire attitude seemed to change with in moments. He seemed like he was a whole new person. "Alright. We need to talk about a member of your clan." He took of his shades, revealing his incredible ruby-like eyes. They were so full of sparkles and wonder. She felt lost in those deep eyes, but at the same time she felt safe in them. For the first time in more than 60 years she finally felt safe. It was so safe looking in those eyes.

Fallen Angel Part 5

Fallen awakes in her bed to the smell of scotch, and then looks over to see Red Eyes sleeping beside her. What have I done? What have I done, she kept asking herself. Fallen Angel felt that surely she did not make a choice this bad, but she knew that...

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Fallen Angel Part 3

She awoke in a dark jungle, surrounded by the noise of savagery amongst the native creatures. Personally Fallen did not wish to get mixed up in this native savagery, so she immediately made her way to a small dirt path, a few yards south. After walking...

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Fallen Angel Part 2

When Fallen awoke the next morning she was surprised the sun did not harm her. She looked baffled around the roof, then out at the sun, from her window, unaware she was being observed. "It can't hurt you, you know?" Fallen Angel turned to the doorway,...

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