love like a river

Story by hunter of chiroptera on SoFurry

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#11 of Pokemon: The Changing Times

Well here's another chapter some requested a Floatzel a while back and just got around to writing it. I hope you all enjoy this story. If you have a Pokémon you want to see tell me if you have an idea let me hear it.

"Hey, Flotsam slow down!" Charles called to his Pokémon who splashed through the waves ahead of him as he swam through warm waters off the coast of Canalave city. The two of them were on their daily training trip he and the Floatzel would swim out to Crescent Moon Island and back as part of the routine. Not many people went to Crescent Moon Island unlike new moon or full moon there was nothing on Crescent Moon Island. The whole of the island was about six miles or so of craggy rock in the shape of crescent moon with a pool of clear coral filled water in the center. Not much to look at no Pokémon to capture and due to the large amount of rocks and sandbars impossible to access by boat it was no wonder the island was deserted. However if you could make the three mile swim from the port to the island you could find a little cave just under the southern tip of the arc of the island that would lead you up inside of the island. There you would find a cave that ran the length and breadth of the island filled with crystals that glowed partly from their own luminescence party from the refracted rays of the sun that filtered through the cracks in the ceiling dome.

"Floatzel?" Flotsam inquired as Charles pulled him out of the water. The tone of her voice made it obvious what shad really said was. "What took you so long?"

"Oh that's real funny Mrs. Motorboat. I told you to slow down but nooo you have to get there first." He said as he slipped his back pack off his shoulders and let it hit ground with a little thunk.

"Zel." She replied turning her head down keeping her eye locked on his. All Charles heard was. "Sorry."

"Tch, well I guess it doesn't matter anyway." Charles said as he unzipped the wetsuit he wore when he went out swimming owing to an unfortunate encounter with a Tentacruel. His Skin was rather pale for someone who spent so much time in the sun. Muscles built over a lifetime of swimming gave his rather meager frame some much need definition he was lean and built for speed. At five feet he was hardly an imposing figure but if stared into those ice blue eyes you would think you were being stared down by someone twice his size. His cock was standing at its full eight and half inches as he leaned over the Pokémon who was more than just his partner. "May I?"

"Zel zel floatzel." Or roughly translated. "I'd be insulted if you didn't." Flotsam cooed as she laid on her back her tails twisting about with anticipation. Charles drank in the sight as he crouched over her form. She was shorter than him so even from this angle she had to crane her neck to kiss him. He pressed his member against her wet slit and began to grind against her. Flotsam groaned and mashed her sex against his groin. "floatzel." Or "stop teasing."

"As you wish love." Charles said as he pressed his cock into her slowly letting each inch sink into her thoroughly soaked tight little cunny. Watching her thrash about as she panted and moaned her soft silken fur shiny with water from their swim and the blush she wore made it worth the slow pace as his cock hit the entrance to her womb. Charles let out a long breath of air before pulling out until only the tip of his manhood remained inside and thrusting back in all at once. Flotsam gave sharp cry of ecstasy and thrust her hips up against his making both of them shudder as her tight sex clenched about her lovers maleness. The pace became slow but long strokes that made shivers of pleasure run all throughout them as Charles pumped his cock into her cunny she thrust her hips into him. The constant pressure of his penis pressing into her became too much and she started to scream her elation but the sound died in her throat. Her toes curled and she clutched at the air the world became a blank as pleasure blossomed across her body. Her sex became even tight spasming around her lover as her sexual juices gushed out around where he and she where joined. "I'm kind of tired would you mind finishing me off?" he said as he pulled out of her his lap and stomach covered with her sweet juices and leaned up against the cave wall. Flotsam nodded she pressed her chest against his and reached back with her right paw to position his cock and then slid her soaked cunt down his cock until she was resting against his hips. She began to rock her hips back and forth until he gave a sharp gasp and wrapped his arms around her. A smile appeared on both their faces as Charles cock pulsed and throbbed as he came deep inside her his ward cum filling her and overflowing.

"Floatzel." This means. "So good." The sea weasel Pokémon said as she lifted herself off of her trainer to lie down next to him.

"Hour for break then lunch another hour then we head home." Charles whispered more to himself then to Flotsam. He turned to look at her and caught an unusual sight. Flotsam was rubbing her paw across the small bulge of her stomach. Instantly he understood what was going through her head and decided what to do about it. "Hey Flotsam I know your mating season come up pretty soon maybe we could go talk to the case family about getting you a stud." Charles felt his gut knot up like it had when he'd been poisoned the moment he finished the sentence.

"Float!" Flotsam shouted as she leveled Charles with the iciest stare she could muster before. Grabbing hold of him and nuzzling up against his chest. "Floatzel float." That one took a bit for Charles to figure out. "I only want to be with you." A crack of thunder and both of them realized that rain was pouring in through the cracks and the cavern was now lit only by the crystals light.

"Guess we'll be here for more than three hours ." he said as he turned his head and noticed that flotsam was asleep with her head on his chest he smiled leaned his head back against the wall and was soon asleep as well.


Precious wasn't in the best of moods she had been searching for some time now for a bond she had sensed that kept rising almost to the top before dropping . But today as she sensed the signal she was almost on top of it before it rose to its full height and dropped away. She stared at the sleeping pair trainer and Pokémon both still sporting the evidence of the recent coupling. The Mew looked into their minds and found why they didn't truly connect. Raising her left paw to the black handprint that adorned the side of her face she spoke to the Entity. "How should I do this? Each of them is willing to become the other's species to make the other happy."

"Then let them be both. give to them the joy of being more than either Pokémon or human."

Letting her paw fall she felt the energy flow through her out of her body and to the two forms lying against the cavern wall. She tried to stifle a moan as the energy coalesced and sank into their bodies. Lately whenever she used the power it felt as if she was being rewarded on the spot. She turned to leave when she heard movement. She turned to see the trainer and Pokémon staring at her. "Enjoy the gift." She thought to them as she teleported away.

"Wonder what she meant? What gift?" Charles said as stood and stretched.

"I don't know either." Both Pokémon and trainer experienced a moment of pause

The two were given no time to consider what had just transpired as they both began to change. Charles started scratching all over as the sleek water proof fur sprouted out form his skin as his mouth and nose reshaped becoming more like a Floatzel's muzzle. He groaned as his ears moved to the top of his head and twin tails sprouted from the base of his spine. His nails sharpened into claws as the webbing between his fingers and toe spread out a bit more. His cock came to full erection and widened out by half inch as the base of his shaft and balls were covered in fur. Flotsam groaned her whole body went through changes. Felt like she was being stretched in all directions as her arm legs and spine fit themselves into more human proportions her hips widened and her rump plumped out a bit. The webbing between her fingers and toes moving back a bit as she developed opposable thumbs. The flesh underneath her teats swelled giving her c- cup breasts.

"Well that was hell of a thing." Charles said as he adjusted to his new form.

"Yeah but I've got to admit I like our new looks better." Flotsam said as she looked him over. "Hey love I hope you don't mind putting on a bit of repeat performance of earlier I just realized I'm in heat." Before she had finished her sentence Charles had swept her up into his arms and pressed her against the wall. "Eager to get started huh?" She could feel his now throbbing cock as he pressed close to her. His lips pressed against hers and his tongue pushed into her muzzle. The two of them moaned as their tongues danced Charles hands took hold of Flotsam's breast making her gasp as he kneaded the soft mounds. Charles pulled back pre-cum drooled out of his cock constantly and quick glance between Flotsam's legs revealed that they were ready to begin in earnest. "How bout we do it like this?" she said as turned and placed her paws against the wall and rubbed her rump against him. Flotsam moaned as her sex, puffy and sensitive from her heat, rubbed up against Charles' slick rod.

"Now who's teasing?" Charles said as grabbed hold of her hips and thrust his cock into her dripping sexpot all at once. The walls of her sex clenched and pulled at his member trying to draw it deeper in. Charles as he gritted his teeth tried not to come too early and pulled back barely a half inch before pushing back in drawing a sharp gasping moan from Flotsam. The sound of wet flesh striking wet flesh filled the cavern as Charles' lovemaking took a rapid pace. He let go of her ass and leaned over her body her tails trapped between the two of them as he wrapped his arms around her stomach and ground his cock against her womb. Flotsam let out a strangled cry as she crashed into biggest orgasm of her life her juices squirting out around Charles' cock as her senses vanished into a blind sea of pure bliss every muscle in her body tightened and relaxed in spasms of mind numbing pleasure. He lover wasn't far behind his cock gave one warning pulse before he came his seed filling Flotsam's fertile womb to over flowing in an instant the excess flowing back out of her sex to pool on the floor. The two lovers collapsed into panting heap on the cavern floor.

"It's great gift." Flotsam said as recovered her breath.

"yeah." Charles replied still trying to catch his breath.

"The sex has never been better and now we have a baby on the way." She snuggled up against her lover and rested her head on his chest prompting him to wrap his arm around her. The two parents to be drifted into a peaceful slumber nestled together.