When bark turns to bite- The Kiss and more.

Story by SilverWolfen on SoFurry

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#7 of When bark turns to bite.

All Characters © ME. Except Drake, who is © AquaDwaggy. This story might and probably will Contain M/M yiff, love, relationships. If any of that disgusts you, then don't read. If you're underage, don't read it. * * *

The kiss and more.

  • * * Risuke blinked hearing this, not expecting it as his green eyes stared back into drakes. He nodded shifting closer so he was next to the other and leaned in pressing his muzzle to drake's softly, gently... nearly lovingly. Drake was a bit shocked when Risuke kissed him first, but he soon recovered and began to kiss Risuke back. He felt like he was on cloud nine just like he felt when he first kissed Risuke. He pressed close to Risuke leaning them both back into a laying position. Risuke's ears twitched excitably as he murred into the kiss. He slowly wrapped his furry arms lightly around the others neck, holding him gently. Drake pressed close to Risuke's body kissing him deeply. He closed his eyes getting lost into the kiss. He didn't know when the kiss broke, but when it did he stared down at Risuke feeling a bit nervous all over again from being so close to Risuke, but this time he didn't move away. Risuke's eyes were half lidded, his mind clouded in a fog as he lay there his arms still lightly around the others neck. He blinked after a few moments and smiled up at the other. His tail could be heard battering against the sheets under him. Drake could hear the wolves tail batting like crazy. He smiled at that and sighed laying down holding Risuke close. "You are an amazing kisser." He said feeling more comfortable next to Risuke as time went by. Risuke smiled and snuggled against the other quite happily. "Thanks, You're not too bad yourself." He told him chuckling Drake blushed a bit at that. "I'm not really." He said feeling a bit embarrassed now that he was blushing. For a vampire he sure can turn red sometimes. Risuke smirked and nodded. "Yes you are." He told him rubbing his cheek against the others arm, before nuzzling his neck. Drake murred a bit as Risuke nuzzled him. "Thanks." He said. He lifted Risuke's chin and kissed him softly. He then gave a yawn covering his mouth with his hand. "Must be nearing morning." Risuke gave his own yawn. "God, I've been up all night?" He asked suddenly feeling very tired. "SO I guess Ill see you tomorrow." He told him starting to slowly pull away, figuring the other wouldn't want to sleep together just yet. Drake looked a bit perplexed by Risuke pulling away. He moved closer to Risuke pulling him close. "Why pull away? We can sleep together." He said. Risuke blinked having not expected it. "Ok." He said happily and snuggled back closely into the other, resting his head on the others chest. Drake snuggled close to Risuke feeling finally like a bed wasn't feeling empty at all any more. He was soon snoozing as the sun was coming up and finally out cold like he normally is when the sun comes up. If it wasn't for his breathing you one would say he was dead. The wolf watched the other sleep for awhile smiling happily. Eventually though exhaustion took hold him. eyes falling shut and he fell asleep against the other. Drake didn't move at all while he slept. Before he would roll around from side to side with dreams and nightmares, but during the day sleeping with Risuke he slept soundly not even dreaming really. The only thing that really moved on him was his tail which swayed lightly from side to side. Risuke woke only a few hours later, his stomach giving a loud rumble. He groaned and gently left Drakes side to get something to eat. HE scarfed down whatever he found in the fridge before returning to his room. He kicked off his pants to get more comfortable and moved back into the bed laying against drake just quietly watching the other. Drake didn't move at all when Risuke moved or came back. His tail though wagged slower when Risuke left and then wagged a bit faster when he got back. Having eaten quite a bit he was soon feeling tired again. Snuggling against him and leaning his head on the others chest, he was soon asleep again When the sun was going down Drake began to stir a little bit. He could feel the warmth of someone close to him. He just smiled still asleep as began to wake up slowly. Risuke stayed snuggled against the other, soundly asleep his tail wagging slowly. Drake's eyes slowly opened when the sun finally went down enough. He gave a yawn and moved a bit, but not enough to wake Risuke up. He couldn't believe he slept with someone all night long. Well not in the sexual sense, but it was different. It also felt great. Risuke sleepily tried clinging to the other holding him close when he felt the other move. He gave a sleepy mumble, his ears swiveling slowly. Drake smiled at the sleeping Risuke. He reached with his free hand to pet Risuke's head lightly. Still he had to move as nature was calling. He did his best to remove himself from Risuke as to not wake him up and then he went out to use the bathroom. Risuke grumbled when the other left and just grabbed his pillow clutching it to his chest as his bare legs spread out comfortably across the bed. When Drake came back he saw Risuke spread out across the bed hugging the pillow. He smiled at that and a part of him moved, his groin, as he saw Risuke with no pants on. He blushed a little bit having such thoughts even when he just woke up. Risuke mumbled lightly in his sleep as he nuzzled the pillow, murring softly as he brushed his cheek along it. One paw lightly rubbed along the back of the pillow and it became obvious that Risuke wasn't having a tame dream as a soft shaking moan came from his lips, Since his legs were spread the engorging sheath and sack could be seen clearly out lined in his briefs. Drake watched this whole thing going on and he gave a groan as his own sheath began to twitch as his own member threatened to push out of its warm sack. He couldn't move though as he watched the wolf getting turned on by what ever was in his dream. His eyes watched Risuke's growing member the most. Risuke let out another shaky moan as he suddenly bit the edge of the pillow, clenching it in his teeth. Shifting, He reached down eyes still closed as he slipped his paw into his briefs taking hold of his own sheath kneading it slowly giving a shaky moan. Drake gave another moan as he still couldn't turn away. He wondered what Risuke's member felt like or his paws on his member. He could feel his member now pushing out of its sheath and against his pants needing to be let out. With a sudden shaky gasp he yanked his paw from his briefs. Mumbling tiredly he shifted to his belly groaning. "Damn I always wake up before he cums" He mumbled to himself obviously awake now. Rolling to his side shifting the pillow to rest his head on it his eyes still tiredly closed. With hurried paws he relived himself of his briefs revealing that his sheath and sack fur matched the jet black of his ears, the bright pink member quivering lightly with each heartbeat as it slipped from his sheath. Drake squirmed as he rubbed his crotch with his member now pleading to be realized from its prison. He finally was able to turn away from Risuke as he shook a bit. "As.... as much as I love seeing you naked... do you have to do that?" He asked. Risuke gasped grabbing a blanket and wrapping it around himself. "Oh my god! I'm sorry." HE muttered quickly. He hadn't forgotten about Drake, just had gotten distracted. Drake didn't turn to look at Risuke. "Its ok. Just... just don't get up. I'll... I'll be in the living room." he said now all red and horny from watching Risuke play with himself and the sight of Risuke's member sticking in the air really turned him on. Risuke suddenly realized something. "How long were you watching?" He asked as he turned to face him, keeping the blanket around him. Drake didn't turn. "L.... long enough." he replied heading out of the door to Risuke's room and giving a sigh as his member pushed again against his pants. The way he walked out showed he had a problem which was caused by the wolf. Risuke blinked noticing the way the other walked. Once the other left he groaned loudly dropping his head into his paws. IT wasn't bad enough the dream had been about drake, But the other had seen him. Not that he minded, but he figured this was gonna make the other really uncomfortable. Uncomfortable was an understatement. Being a dragon Drake's member was larger then most. So much so it nearly popped out of the top of his pants already threatening to damage them. He quickly laid down on the couch right on top of it to both hide it if Risuke came out and to hopefully stop it from pushing so much against the flap of his pants. He gave a groan and then a sigh trying to think of things other then Risuke's member sticking in the air. Risuke wasn't coming out at least for awhile, since he had his own problem. He sighed as he waited for his erection to go down, wanting to go talk to Drake. A good ten minutes later of laying there avoiding touching himself, his length retreated back into his sheath. He pulled on just pants and walked out of his room towards the living room. Drake was still laying there on his back trying to get his member to go. It just didn't help that the Dragon couldn't get his mind to switch to anything other then sex. He cursed his very large Dragon member and gave a sigh hoping that if he read a magazine he may get his mind off of what he saw. Lucky for him by the time Risuke came out it had gone down a lot. "Drake?" He asked softly. "I'm really sorry..." He said softly. "I just sort got caught up in my dream." He added. He hoped the other wasn't really put off by the whole thing. Drake shook his head. "Its ok. Just... I'm trying not to think about it, so if you don't mind getting me a cock, I mean a coke from the fridge I'll be fine." He said quickly trying to keep his mind off what he saw. Risuke blinked at the others slip, but nodded and went to the fridge grabbing a coke. He smiled as he brought it back holding it out for the other as he sat down on the edge of the couch. "Are you sure, you're ok?" He asked. He wondered if the other was struggling with this, due to his still struggling with being gay. Drake nodded. "I'm fine." he said not moving from his laying position as he still had a pseudo problem. "Why do you ask?" Risuke looked down at him. "Just asking." He told him. "really I was wondering if you were ok, since last time I checked you were having a hard time with possibly being gay, this probably didn't help." Drake shrugged. "Again I'm ok. Nothing wrong here. No problem at all." he said obviously shifting a bit as his member began to grow again with Risuke sitting so close to him. Risuke nodded. "Ok, Ill talk to you later than." He told him wandering off back to his room. "I'm here if you wanna talk." He told him disappearing into his own room again. Drake sighed as he rolled over finally after putting his coke down on the coffee table. His member had pushed up a bit out of his pants again. He unbuckled his pants and pulled down the zipper. "God the things you do to me." he said talking about Risuke as his member was finally free somewhat from its prison. Risuke sighed as he sat down on his bed. He groaned laying back. He sighed thinking about drake. With all the commotion he hadn't realized that he was hungry again. Drake pulled back the elastic of his underwear finally freeing his large dragon member completely as he lay there. He prayed Risuke didn't come out to get anything, but he couldn't help but need to free it from its prison and slowly touch and play with it. A bit later His rumbling stomach got the best of him and he walked from his bedroom towards the kitchen. He blinked and couldn't help but stop as his green eyes fell on the couch, and the dragon playing with himself. He felt a pressure in his groin as he hurried passed and into the kitchen Drake's ear frills flicked a bit, but he couldn't hear much over his own racing heart and groans as he pumped himself slowly. "God Risuke!" He said closing his eyes and arching back a bit pushing his large member into his hand. Risuke's eyes went wide at the cry and dropped the glass he was holding, flinching as it shattered on the floor. Drake shot up looking over seeing Risuke in the kitchen. "Oh god!" He did the best to pull his pants and stuff back up and ran into to his room his member still sticking out above his pants. He was red and embarrassed. Risuke cursed as the other hurried off. He figured that now the other would need time to: one) calm down and two) deal with the problem. He sat down with a huff and groaned softly. Drake sat on his bed out of breathe with his member still almost out. He cursed about how he had to be stroking it right there in the living room knowing quite well Risuke could come out of his room at any moment. Thoughts of Risuke still floated around his head as he gulped touching himself lightly and then stopping trying to figure out how to calm down. Risuke gulped lightly looking at floor. He couldn't help but reach down and rub along his groin shuddering and moaning softly. Seeing the other pawing off and then hearing him cry out his name had given him a problem again as he unzipped his pants letting his slick pink canine member spring forth into the cool kitchen air. Drake groaned. He couldn't step out of his room as he could be seen by Risuke, but he had to get to the shower which the door to the bathroom was sadly in clear view of kitchen. Gulping he got up hoping he was quick enough. He stopped though once he reached the hall when he heard the sound of a zipper being pulled down. Risuke leaned back in the chair as he wrapped his paw around his slick member. He let out a shaky breath as he rubbed his paw over his slick already leaking length. Closing his eyes he let out a soft desperate whimper as he stroked faster. Drake's ear frills flicked as he was immobilized listening to Risuke pawing off. He couldn't believe his roommate was doing that in the kitchen. Then again he was doing it in the living room. Then cursed low his curiosity as he wanted to see what was going on instead of listening. So he inched closer to the corner of the wall so he could turn and look into the kitchen. The jet black fur of his sheath and sack was soon glistening with pre as he pawed. He began teasing his sack a bit roughly as he moans and whimpers became louder. With his eyes closed and his own noises blocking out sound, Drake probably could have stood right in front of him and he wouldn't have noticed. Drake stood there now watching his roommate paw off. He couldn't help but rub his own sack as he watched. He bent back and slide down the wall quietly as he opened his pants to continue pawing off like he did before. All the while he sat there watching his roommate in the kitchen. Risuke continued whimpering and moaning as his inner thighs and ball sack were soon glistening with pre. His paw was wet with his pre as he stroked harder squeezing rhythmically. His legs twitched as he pawed moaning and shuddering. Drake groaned out as he began to coat himself with his own pre. He couldn't help looking longingly towards Risuke in the kitchen. He wanted so much to run his hands over Risuke's wolf cock at that moment. His tail twitched as he moved closer to Risuke as his curiosity got the better of him, pre falling on the floor as he went. He soon was so close he could smell the sweat off of Risuke and even have a bit of Risuke's pre splatter onto him. He licked it off his hand where it had fallen. Risuke didn't even notice the other as he continued pawing pre dripping onto the floor, the smell permeating the room. His tail was twitching sporadically along with his ears as he moaned out louder his knot beginning to quickly swell at the base of his length. Drake didn't move from where he was in front of Risuke's member. He was far enough away to not cause the wolf to notice him, but close enough that he would get splattered now and then. He gave a low groan that Risuke couldn't hear as stroked himself to match Risuke's pumping. He felt Pre coating his hand as he pawed himself off. Risuke moaned shuddering terribly now as he neared his climax. He wrapped his free paw tightly around his knot squeezing tightly as he continued to paw. After only a few more strokes he whined out loudly as he came, Sticky wolf cum shooting from the tip of his tapered member. HE moaned panting as he shot after shot, empting his aching ball sack directly onto drake. Drake felt the hot seed from the wolf land on his scales as he sat there letting it all fall on him. He couldn't help but wanting to finish his own pumping as he stroked faster until he felt his member tighten and he shoot all over the floor. Pre and cum coated his hand as Risuke's cum dripped down his face. He leaned his head back as he panted heavily. After a while he opened his eyes and looked back down. "Ho Fuck!?" He yipped out in surprise upon the site of drake so close. Trying to stand he stepped into The dragons seed on the floor and fell forward crumpling into the lap of the dragon sitting on the floor. Dragon grunted as he felt Risuke fall against him as he fell back himself. "Good to see you too Risuke." he said chuckling as the seed on his face still dripped. He took a finger to it and then brought some to his mouth. "Hmmm you taste good." He said. Risuke blinked at the commented and then blushed as he realized that drake was covered in his seed. He figured there was no point in being blunt now. He grinned and ran his tongue along the dragon's cheek collecting the seed dripping there. "Hmm you're right." Drake smirked at that. He then started laughing realizing how much time they had spent dodging each other, the way Risuke had slipped and how they sat now. He just couldn't help it. Risuke smiled brightly and started laughing as well. "Well now that our feelings are all on the floor." He commented grinning. "Guess we can try being a bit more open, huh?" He asked nuzzling the seed covered cheek of the laughing dragon. Drake blushed a bit and nodded. He couldn't hide anything from the wolf now that they had pawed off together. He kissed the wolf softly. "Yeah. We can't hide from each other after this." he said. His member was still out and shrinking some what. He could feel how sticky he was getting too from the seed on his face. "Lets go get a shower before I get all sticky." He said getting up somewhat pulling Risuke up with him. Risuke nodded and stood eyeing the shrinking dragon hood. "God you're hung." He commented grinning as his own length retreated into his sheath. He was well hung for a wolf, but nothing compared to Drakes equipment. He snuggled into drakes side and smiled. "Shower together?" Drake blushed a bit at Risuke's comment of his member. "Thanks." he said feeling a bit odd being told how hung he was. He then nodded to Risuke's question of them showering together. "Of course." He said. He pulled Risuke with him as he walked into the bathroom noticing the state of the shower curtain. Waving a hand and a couple words it fixed itself, but Drake kind of sagged a bit from the energy involved. "Note to self do not try to caste spells after pawing off." He was still fine though as he went to turn on the hot water. Risuke chuckled at the whole 'note to self thing' He grinned and stepped into the shower and batted drakes hands away as he got the water perfect. A little warm but not to hot. "Get in" He said softly chuckling softly taking drakes hand and urging him to get in with a puppy dog look. Drake nodded. He the gulped realizing there was something Risuke was about to see that he hadn't shown anyone. Sighing he stripped off his shirt and the rest of his clothes. He got in keeping his back away from Risuke as much as possible. 'He will now see why I don't have wings like most other dragons.' He thought. Risuke smirked grinning as he still had his clothes on with just his sheath and balls hanging out. He quickly pulled off his shirt and pants tossing them from the tub. He chuckled a bit and snuggled against the other, pressing himself to the others chest. "Warm." He commented rubbing his cheek against the others scales. Drake nodded holding Risuke close. He felt the water fall over his scales as stood there snuggling a bit close to Risuke. He moved forward then to rinse of the seed on his face. He couldn't help showing his back which had some large scars where his wings would have been. Risuke couldn't help but blink seeing the scars. "Drake?" He asked softly. He hadn't really registered Drake didn't have wings, but seeing the scars made him curious. He reached up gently and ran his paws over drakes shoulders. Drake felt Risuke's paws on his scares and he grunted a bit from the sting and he shivered a bit. He looked down. He felt a bit lost for words as he had never had to show anyone the scars. "Its ok, you don't have to tell me." He said softly. He found a wash cloth and some soap and carefully shifted to the front of drake and started washing the dragon gently. Drake nodded but he took Risuke's hands. "I have to though." he said feeling like he had to tell what had happened. He looked down gulping and then up at Risuke. "Mirake, my master, did this to me. One day he was so angry with me that he cut my wings off. He did it in such a painful way that if it wasn't for me being a vampire I would have probably died." Risuke listened intently. "Well he's dead, now you have me." He said softly and hugged him around the waist looking up at him. Drake smiled at that and nodded. He didn't really understand how they had gone from being roommates to near lovers in such a short period of time, but it just made him feel warm all over, even though technically he was colder then most people most of the time being a vampire and all. Risuke smiled and then continued to wash the other. He gently worked the washcloth over the dragons black scales. Drake smiled at Risuke as the wolf washed him down. "Thanks." he said kind of out of the blue. "For being here for me." He added. Risuke blinked and nodded. "No problem, I told you I'm here if you wanna talk." He commented as he continued working over the dragon. HE slowly worked around his groin making sure to wash off all the pre. Drake squirmed and shivered a bit when Risuke got to his groin area. "I know, but you are the first in a long long time to do something like that for me." Risuke just continued working down the dragons legs. "Well you're a vampire, You cant expect everyone to jump up and go 'cry on my shoulder'" He commented morbidly. He moved to the back and started washing down Drakes tail. Drake chuckled at that. "Yeah. That would just be weird as well." he replied. When Risuke was done with his tail his tail wrapped around the wash cloth taking it from Risuke's hands and bringing it to his. "Your turn." He said. Risuke blinked when the washcloth was taken and he looked up at drake. "oh ok." He said softly. "IF you say so." He told him. Drake looked at Risuke a bit oddly. "You ok?" he asked. "You don't want me cleaning you?" The wolf shrugged. "You can if you want to." He told him. His tail swayed a little, "I was just happy taking care of you." He said softly. Drake smiled. "Well I can't let you go uncleaned." he said. He walked forward and rubbed the wash cloth with soap over Risuke's chest. "For one I'm not the only one covered in pre and cum." Risuke nodded smirking a bit. He gave a satisfied growl as he felt the other start washing him. His tail wagged more lifting high. High enough, that stripe of black fur on the very underside of the base of his tail could be seen. Drake looked Risuke over as he washed him. "You have a very interesting fur color. I don't think I have seen someone with grey and black fur just like yours." Risuke smiled. "Its not that special." He murmured. "I'm just a normal grey wolf." Drake shook his head. "I don't know it looks so different then most wolves I have seen." He continued as he began to wash Risuke's groin. Risuke shivered slightly as the other moved onto his black furred groin. "I guess." He said softly. "I guess most wolves don't have that big a color change in their fur." Drake nodded. "I think it looks hot." he said moving down to Risuke's legs. His tail swayed a bit from side to side being closer to Risuke's crotch. Risuke smirked. "Your not the only one that thinks so." He told him. His tail continued to wag as the other washed him. "But I still think its not that great." Drake shrugged. "Well I am the one you just thought about as you came all over me. I think my opinion of how sexy you are would be important." He moved to Risuke's back. "By which case I love your fur." Risuke stuck his tongue out at the other. "Who was the one sitting on the floor in front of a pawing wolf?" He asked grinning. He shivered again lightly as the other moved to his back. Drake chuckled at that. "It isn't my fault you didn't notice I got that close to you." He said chidingly. "It was fun no matter how we looked at it." Risuke nodded. "That it was" HE told him. "Its nice to have someone to shower with." He told him leaning back into the dragon. Drake smiled as he held Risuke close letting the water fall down on them both. "Yeah it is. The bad thing is you can't stay in the shower like this for very long." Risuke shrugged. "Well we're both clean, So when you're ready, We can get out." HE told him smiling. Drake nodded reaching down to shut the water off. "Ok then. I'm hungry, so lets hurry and dry off and have some food." Risuke nodded smiling. "I could cook for you." HE told him. "What do you want?" He asked stepping from the shower and grabbing a towel. He waited for the dragon to get out and then started drying the others dark scales. Drake looked at Risuke a bit perplexed. He didn't get why Risuke was being so nice to him all of a sudden. In fact he was also wondering why Risuke had such a problem with him cleaning him earlier. 'What is going on here?' he thought. He smiled though. "I don't know. Surprise me." He said. Risuke nodded. "ok." He said happily as he continued drying the other. He didn't know why he was basically taking care of the other, but he really didn't care, it felt right to him at the moment. He was soon drying the last bits of drakes tail. Drake smiled nodding to Risuke. He grabbed a towel holding it for Risuke to dry off with. He wanted to return the favor as he rubbed Risuke's fur with the towel. Risuke squirmed as he was rubbed. "Thanks" He said softly. "Where my brush?" He asked glancing around the bathroom, he hadn't seen it in a few days. Drake held his hand out and said a word as the brush came out a drawer buried under some items. "There it is." He said handing it to Risuke. "That's convenient. Thank you, ma...." He trialed off as he started busying himself with smoothing out his fur looking away from the other. Drake's ears twitched a bit catching Risuke's stumble of words. "Were you about to call me master?" he asked look at his own hair in the mirror. Risuke looked down blushing.. "no..." He said shakily as he worked on brushing out his tail. Drake just let it slide with that, but he was going to keep he observations on Risuke. Something strange was happening and he didn't understand it. Risuke cursed himself for making the slip. He finished brushing out his tail and smiled. "I'm gonna go cook." He told him and hurried out. He grabbed a pair of briefs and pulled them on and then went to the kitchen. He thought Idly as he started a pot of boiling water, Why had he made that slip? But even he had to admit that for a moment, it felt right. Drake watched the wolf leave and soon followed. He got some paper towel and wet it to clean the floor of the cum and the broken glass that Risuke had dropped earlier. "What are you cooking?" He asked curious. Risuke shrugged, keeping his eyes off drake, embarrassed he had almost called him master when he didn't have to. He kept repeating to himself that it was just an act. "Pasta!" He told him, yea for a predator it was an odd taste, but the wolf loved it. He went to the cabinet to get a box of spaghetti and a few cans of tomatoes sauce. He got another pan from the cabinet and put it on the stove pouring the sauce into it. "Don't tell me I used all the mushrooms the other day" He called his brief clad rear sticking from the fridge. Drake shook his head. "There should be some behind the tomatoes." Drake said as he called for his backpack so he could go over some of his homework. His tail wagged happily as he pulled the package from the fridge. HE walked over to the pan of simmering sauce and started slicing the tomatoes into it. "Thanks." He said softly. Drake nodded as he pulled out his spell book. "You are going to have a lot to learn a lot to begin. I guess language is going to be the first step." he said looking over the book. "I'll have to pick you up a beginners book." Risuke nodded. "Ok." He said simply. "Do we have any.... uh onions?" He asked back in the fridge. "Never mind." He said grabbing them and slicing them into the sauce as he put the spaghetti into the pot. Drake kept reading as Risuke cooked. "The beginners book has many chapters on language. I can help you with pronunciation as it takes knowing some more ancient languages. Surprising Latin makes a big part of it." Risuke nodded. "ok." He said simply, almost curtly. He was still shaken by the fact that he had almost called the other master before, a bit embarrassed. Drake smiled as he went back to reading. He was studying from his spell book on protection spells. Hopefully to find something to protect Risuke when the tag came in that they ordered. Further more he wanted to check up on the ones he had cast a long time ago on the apartment. Risuke happily cooked almost dancing as he did so, his nicely framed rump wiggling happily. Drake put the book down and smiled over at the wolf. He sniffed the air loving the smell of the food. "You must be a good cook because that smells wonderfully." He said complimenting Risuke. Risuke smiled brightly. "Thanks, M....." His eyes went wide as he blushed deeply, straight to the tip of his tail. He just threw himself back into cooking as he drained the spaghetti. Drake caught the slip again, but this time didn't comment on it. He just smiled and sat there watching Risuke. He was half loving the view of the wolves rump as well as keeping an eye on him wondering what was going on with him. Risuke swallowed putting the drained spaghetti back into the pot and pouring the sauce into it. He stirred it a bit and served a bowl for Drake. "Here, ya go. Enjoy." He said softly and hurried off out of the kitchen. Drake took the bowl and watched the wolf leave the room. He didn't know what was going on as he started to eat some of the food. He was still wondering where Risuke was heading off to though. Risuke went to his room and slammed the door, not because he was mad. Just upset with himself. He knew he was falling hard for the other, but it was becoming more apparent that he didn't want a regular relationship. Drake stopped eating and got up from the table heading towards Risuke's room. He knocked on the door. "Risuke?" he asked. "Are you ok?" "Yea... I'm fine!" His words were accentuated by a clatter against the door, he had picked up the leash and collar from the bed and tossed it against the door again before sitting on the bed in frustration. Drake sighed looking down. He sat down next to the door. "No you are not." He said as he sat there. "Can't we talk about it?" "I'm fine... Who are you to tell me how to feel?" He asked. "You're not my master. You're not my master!" He snapped at the door. "Its just an act! Just an Act, an act" He said but his focus seemed to have shifted and he seemed to be talking to himself more than Drake, as if trying to reassure himself. Drake looked a bit perplexed at this he stood up and stood near the door. "Of course I'm not your master. But, that isn't the problem. I'm not telling you how to feel. Not while in this apartment and certainly not when you and I both have to act to keep you alive. Yet, I've caught you 2 times about to say master and I am wondering what is wrong." "I'm sorry it wont happen again." He murmured softly. "Just an act." He kept repeating this phrase to himself over and over. He knew what was wrong, He wanted Drake to truly be his master, but he was too embarrassed to admit it to the Dragon. Drake still stood there though. "Risuke. That isn't the problem at all. I want to know why you want to call me that. Something is bothering you." He sighed. "But, I can't pull it out of you, so if you need to talk I'll be in the kitchen." He then moved and walked into the kitchen leaving the wolf alone. Risuke sighed softly. He slowly stood and walked to the door. He picked up the collar and leash and put the collar back around his neck. He opened his door and walked out to the kitchen, holding the end of the leash in one paw. Drake looked up at Risuke. He was even more perplexed by Risuke having the collar around his neck and holding the leash. He didn't say anything but raised an eyebrow curious. Risuke walked over and placed the end of the leash in Drakes hand, the other end clipped to his collar. He simply looked into drakes eyes, his green orbs searching into Drakes.