The Line (Roger and Julie Part 3)

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#3 of The Line (Roger and Julie)


Took a while to finish this. Just too much on my plate at the moment. I didn't really proofread it so if there are any big errors let me know.

If you're new make sure you read part 1 and 2 before reading this.

Plus the obligatory disclamer:

Anybody that might be offended by sexual situations involving fictitious minors and incest might wanna go find a snuff story or something.


Part 3


Roger heard Julie's pawsteps quickly retreat back to his bedroom.

"Wait! Julie!" Roger rushed to the door, snagging up his underwear from the sink as he did. He stumbled out into the hallway trying to put on the garment while chasing after the kit. He managed to get one leg in just fine, but missed with the second one, the claws of his paw getting caught in the material between the leg and tail holes He crashed down onto the floor, coming down hard on his left shoulder.

"Fucking BITCH!" He yelped in pain. He looked up the hallway. The young ferret had paused at the doorway to his bedroom. Her deep blue eyes were wide and terrified as she looked at her naked uncle on the floor, but under the terror there was growing hurt. Her blond and brown fur was fluffed out from just having dried herself off after the shower. She clung to the front of the white towel she had wrapped tightly around her chest. Even from where he was he could see that she was trembling. She sniffled. Her face fell into anguish and her eyes watered. She sobbed loudly and fled into the master bath.

"No, honey, I wasn't calling you a--"

The bathroom door slammed, cutting him off.

Better you bite your own tongue off then ever say anything like that to her again, Roger. He struck his fist against the floor in frustration. The rest of your life. You promised her. You're no damn good at keeping promises, but don't ruin it on day one.

Roger rolled over onto his back and pulled his shorts up, tucking his tail through the proper hole. He stared at the ceiling. "I'm such an idiot." He whispered. He stood up, rubbing his injured shoulder. It wasn't that bad, he'd probably have a bruise, but he'd survive. He walked slowly over to the door of the master bath and stood there for a moment. He could hear her crying. A strong sense of déjà vutook hold.

He scratched the door lightly. "I'm sorry, baby, I didn't..." He swallowed hard, he couldn't shake the feeling that he might not be able to make this right. "I'm sorry." He repeated. Julie only continued to cry. He sat down on the carpet next to the door and leaned against the wall. He could hear that she was also right next to the door on the opposite side. So close, and he couldn't comfort her, couldn't hold her. He didn't know what to say.

Say anything, just talk to her.

An old memory came to him, and he began to speak. Not too loud, but loud enough to be heard through the door.

"Julie? Did I ever tell you how I failed gym class?" She didn't respond, but he hadn't expected her to.

"I was a freshman in high-school. Such an awkward, shy little kid. I used to wear glasses, did you know that? They were these giant round things on my face that magnified the size of my eyes, made me look like a nerd." He chuckled humorlessly, "I guess I was. I had all these zits. Made my fur stick up wherever they were. Couldn't hide them no matter what. I tried using jell to flatten them out a couple times, but it just looked like a bunch of crusty clumps of fur. They were everywhere. On my face, shoulders, back, even on my tail. They'd explode like little volcanoes of puss at inopportune times, like when I was talking to a girl I thought was pretty. I'll tell you what, nothing makes a girl run away faster then one of those buggers bursting out of your fur onto her."

Julie didn't sound like she was calming down. Damn, that was pretty funny too. Roger continued.

"Anyway," He continued. "The school guidance councilor had suggested I take gym my freshman year. You know, get it out of the way. It seemed like a good idea to me. Wouldn't want to be a senior in a classroom full of freshman, that would have been weird. So I scheduled the class. I didn't think there would be any real problems when I walked into the gym the first day. The teacher laid out the rules and told us what we'd need. Sneakers, shorts, t-shirt, sweat pants, towel and a swimsuit. This school had a big swimming pool, which I thought was so cool, my other school didn't have one. Mom and Dad sent us to a private school all the way through junior high. It was a small school, didn't really have much, but this public school had a pool! At any rate, only a few students actually had all their gym supplies for the first day. Nobody really expected we'd be doing much, and they were right for the most part. The teacher showed us around the facilities starting with the gym. The gymnasium was monstrous to me. The private school used the gym as the cafeteria slash gym slash theater slash auditorium. This giant public school had a separate room for all those things. It was a different world."

Roger rubbed himself behind his eyes. The stress was starting to give him a headache. Julie was still crying, maybe she had let up a little, but that might have just been optimism on his part. He didn't even know if she was listening to him. I'm just pissing on a wall.

"When we went to see the pool was when I started to worry. We had to go through the locker room to get there. This was a completely new thing to me. The private school didn't have a locker room. We just changed in the restroom. We could use the stalls, so we had some privacy when changing. Maybe that's why they call them private schools, I donno. This locker room was big and open. You had the lockers, and the long benches between. Nothing else. There was also a big room on one side they called "the shower". It was nothing more then a tiled room with shower heads all over. We were expected to shower like a herd of animals. I was horrified. I thought, "Well, there's restroom stalls over there, I could change in one of those." but the stalls were all without doors! Shortly later I would come to find out that none of the stalls in the entire school had doors. At least not in any of the boys rooms since the boys had busted them all off and the school gave up replacing them. I realized I would have to go four years without using the restroom."

Roger stopped.

I can't do this.

He was just rambling, it wasn't helping anything.

I'm not cut out for this.

He couldn't just bust down the door, he was running out of bathrooms.

I'm just a kit in an adult body.

Not to mention it wouldn't help since she was afraid of him already.

I've always been alone, I've always wanted to be alone.

He wasn't sure what to do.


"What happened next?" A meek voice asked from inside the bathroom.

Roger closed his eyes, put his head back and smiled in relief. He continued with his story. "Well, we all went to look at the pool. It was a big Olympic-sized pool. The teacher told us some stuff that was probably important, like not drowning or something, but I couldn't pay any attention to him. All I could think about was how much I didn't want to change in front of all these other guys. I couldn't understand why it was so important to get naked with all these other people. There were no other ferrets in my class. There were a few weasels, a handful of rats, and two felines, but most of them were canines. These guys were so huge and intimidating to me, especially the wolves. God! They were like giants! I mean, everything was big on them. It didn't help that I was small for my age. I was terribly shy, and painfully embarrassed about my body. I felt so scrawny and inferior."

"The next day was our first real gym class, and we'd all have to have our proper gym clothes. I accidentally left them at home. At least that's what I told the teacher. He sighed and told me he'd let me attend gym in my regular clothes today, but I must bring them in tomorrow. Of course the next day I had conveniently "forgotten" my clothes again. Went through the same routine with the teacher. I managed to keep this up for the first week. I thought I was so clever, but the teacher wasn't buying it anymore. On the last day of the week, right before the end of class, he told me that if I didn't have my gym clothes on Monday I'd get a detention."

"I was so mad. How dare he force me to do something I didn't want to do? I spent the entire weekend fuming and terrified. I hadn't changed in front of the other guys yet, but I had witnessed enough in the locker room to know how they would be. The smaller students were heckled mercilessly by the larger and older ones. Wedgies were very common. Some kids got them every day. One of the boys... what the hell was his name? Kent? Kevin? I don't remember. He was a rat, I remember that much. He got a boner one time. Not that he was turned on or anything, at that age it just happens without reason. He still had his underwear on, but one of the foxes noticed it anyway. The fox says, 'Whoa! We got ourselves a faggot here!', really loudly so everyone could hear it. They all gathered around him, like vultures. Jeering and demeaning him. One of the wolves yanked down his underwear. He's just standing there helpless, with his shorts around his ankles."

"Karsten, that was his name, but he wanted everyone to call him Karl. I guess he didn't care for the name. After that time in the locker room it circulated that he was gay. He was tormented endlessly. A lot of the guys called him "fag boy". His parents found him hanging in his bedroom six month later."

Why did I tell her that part?

"The whole time the teacher is in his office. I mean, it's right next to the locker room, there's no way he couldn't hear what was happening. He never came out, never said shit to them. Like this is just normal behavior and accepted. Maybe because he was also a wolf. I knew I couldn't rely on him to protect me. I had to protect myself. If I showed up on Monday and changed in front of those guys I'd be fresh meat. They had a week to torture the others, I would be new and interesting to them. There was no way I was going to be humiliated like that. The teacher could give me detentions until his face turned blue for all I cared."

"That's exactly what happened. I simply refused to comply. The teacher gave me dozens of detentions. Sent me to the principal so many times she gave up talking to me. I got a fail mark for every day I didn't change. The student councilor spent hours trying to convince me that I must change in front of everyone else, his reasoning was ridiculous conformist bullshit. You'd think that the entire world would stop turning because one little kit was terrified that other people would see his weak, scrawny, ugly little body and make fun of it. By the time the first semester was over I was removed from the class since it was obvious I wouldn't pass."

"And that's how I failed gym class."

There was a quiet rattle of the doorknob and the door opened. Julie stepped out cautiously and looked down at Roger sitting on the floor in his underwear. There were tears soaked into the fur on her cheeks, but she wasn't crying anymore. She was still clutching at the towel wrapped around her.

He reached his paw up to her. "I'm sorry, baby."

Julie took his paw in both of hers, held it to her wet face and gently nuzzled it. "I know."

Roger furrowed his brow in concern. "Did you... see what I was doing in there?"

She squeezed his paw tightly and averted her eyes.

Ah, crap.

"I'm sorry," Roger apologized again, "I didn't mean to scare you."

She looked at him with a wide eyed mixture of innocence and confusion, "I... I wasn't scared, I just... I knew I shouldn't have been watching, but I never... I was..." Roger stroked her face tenderly. He could feel the skin under her fur was warm and flushed. Her eyes wavered with emotions she wasn't sure she could control. The muscles in her jaw flexed as she clenched her teeth together.

"You were curious." Roger finished for her. She nodded slightly, and started to look like she might cry again. He pulled Julie close and embraced her around the midsection, pressing the side of his face into her undeveloped chest. "No, no. No more of that, honey, you've done enough crying for a long time."

The young kit sniffled, "You're not mad?"

"I could never be mad at you." He could feel teardrops strike the top of his head.

"I love you so much, Uncle Roger." She pulled his head tightly to her chest, nosing affectionately through the fur on top. Smelling him, caressing him. Roger listened to the patter of her heart. So fast So frightened.

He looked up at her, "I love you too, baby."

She smoothed back the errant fur on his head tenderly. "I don't think your body is ugly." She said in a voice so tiny it could barely be heard.

There was something about her face. Difficult to describe, but only a fool wouldn't recognize it. The breathless appearance. The slight parting of the lips. A small quiver in her brow. That dazed, faraway longing in her slightly narrowed eyes. Eyes that fluttered about, searching his face with abandon. As if trying to carve it into her memory. That moment, that instance in time when she understood without any doubt in her mind, heart, body and soul how she felt.

She's "in"love with me!

Roger became transfixed by her adoring gaze. He felt like something reached inside and touched the icy, emotionless barrier he had built around himself. The barrier he had erected after so many failed romances and broken hearts. It melted in an instant. He felt open, exposed, weak. She stroked his face lovingly. In Julie's eyes was a simple request. A dangerous request. She wanted to be kissed by him again, and this time she wanted him to mean it.

Roger, there's a line. Stay strong. Don't cross it.

"You are so beautiful." Came blithering out of his mouth.

What the FUCK, Roger?

He was going to kiss her. At that moment he wanted it like nothing ever in his life. Wrong or right. For good or for ill. No matter what happened next, or how far they went. He pulled her closer. She didn't resist and slid down into his lap to be cradled in his arms. Her eyes closed indicating her willingness.

A loud, annoyed groan from Julie's abdomen shattered the spell. The young ferret grimaced, put her paws over her face, and started to giggle to cover her embarrassment. Roger blinked as he came out of the haze of desire.

"I guess you're pretty hungry." He said with a chuckle.

Julie nodded, still covering her face and giggling.

Roger helped her up out of his lap and patted her on the rump. "Let's finish getting ready. They don't serve breakfast all day at McDonald's, you know. Just let me get some things from my bathroom." He stood up and gathered up his toiletries from the medicine cabinet. Julie leaned on the frame of the door and watched him, observing the way his lean muscles moved under his fur. Roger suddenly felt under dressed. She hadn't even been staying with him for twenty-four hours yet and they were already getting more casual with their bodies then what was probably legal. At least he had elected to wear the boxers instead of his skimpy briefs.

Not that it really mattered. No amount of clothing could cover up the fact that she had seen him in the throes of a sexual encounter with the commode.

Having little to gather, just his toothbrush, toothpaste, deodorant, and body brush. He almost took the ointment for his irritated penis as well, but he was afraid if he started fooling with his member again it would once more become unmanageable. With his things gathered Roger got out of Julie's way and went back to the broken bathroom. He could feel her eyes on him when he walked down the hallway. He turned back to her before entering. She realized that she was leering and fled into the bathroom.

How could she look at this face so longingly? Roger wondered when he looked in the mirror. He was still a mess with disheveled fur and dried blood around his mouth. Picking at the corner of his eye, he removed some crusty goop. He put a paw up to his mouth and breathed into it. Ugh! My breath could peel the bark off of a tree. Good thing I didn't kiss her.

He wasn't going to shower, only a quick clean up over the sink. He brushed his teeth, then scrubbed his face, head, upper body, and tail vigorously with a damp washcloth. The body brush quickly tamed the unruly fur. The supreme flexibility his ferret heritage gifted him with made it a simple chore to brush any part of himself. In short order he was presentable enough to leave the house. Then he took the towel from the bathtub and wrung it out. He used it to clean up the mess on and around the toilet. Later on he would have to scrub it down with some sanitizer, but for the moment out of sight was out of mind.

There was a soft knock on the door. It was still slightly agape, but apparently Julie had learned a lesson about peeking. Roger stuck his head out.

"Honey, you're still not dressed." He noted the obvious. She was still wearing the towel and looking unsure of herself.

"Is something wrong?" Roger asked as he stepped out of the bathroom.

She shuffled uncomfortably for a moment, "I think...I think there's something I have to show you." She unfastened the front of the towel around her body. She hesitated for a moment. Then said, "No, it's nothing." And turned away.

"You don't have to be afraid of me." Roger told her.

Julie looked back at him. She didn't look afraid, she looked terrified. She looked confused. She looked small. She looked alone. A little girl who's entire world had collapsed down around her, and now her body was trying to betray her.

"Promise me you won't be grossed out?" She asked uncertainly.

"Nothing you show me will gross me out." Roger promised. Of course, she didn't know that he had already seen what she was about to show him, but it seemed best if he kept that to himself.

Julie took a deep breath and untucked the front of the towel again. "Okay." She said quietly with a soft sigh. She shut her eyes, opened the towel and displayed herself to him.

Roger could feel his body react upon seeing her. The previous night there was overriding fear and sorrow and he didn't really see her nudity. Now the soft, slightly sparser blond fur of the belly and chest, the pair of tiny pink nipples peeking through the fur, the subtle contours of a body that was beginning to develop into adulthood, it all resonated inside of him. He felt like he was being pulled toward her.

It's the pheromones, Roger. You can resist it.

"I don't know why it's like that." Julie said hopelessly. It was obvious what she was talking about, the labia around her vagina had swollen many times what it normally should be. It looked like she was holding a pink, fleshy doughnut tightly between her thighs. It may have confused Julie, but the instincts in Roger's body were screaming at him. There was an overwhelming desire to touch it, to taste it, to do what comes naturally.

No wonder she bit Mrs. Witherton's son, he must have been following Julie around with a boner he had no clue what to do with. I had forgotten how strong it can be. Especially at her age.

Roger knelt down on one knee in front of Julie. Partly to be eye to eye with her, and partly to cover the fact that his genitalia had grown a mind of its own again. He took her by the shoulders. She opened her eyes and looked at him with her big, sorrowful eyes. Roger gave her his most reassuring smile.

"Honey, you're in heat."

She didn't look like she fully grasped what he had told her.

"Baby, didn't anyone ever tell you about sex and where cubs come from? Didn't anyone tell you about puberty and your first heat?"

Realization struck her face, "Yeah, we had sex ed in school," She said, but had an unconvinced expression, "It should have gone away by now, they said it only lasted a week or two."

Of course. She goes to a school that's mostly canines and felines.

"How long has it been like this?" He asked her.

"I think it started three or four days before the...the accident." Somehow she managed to say it without breaking down again over the loss of her family.

That's three weeks. Fuck.

"Julie, you're body isn't like the rest of the cubs in your school." Roger explained to her, "When a young ferret kit goes into her first heat she stays in heat. She has to go to the doctor and get a hormone shot to make it go away." There was another way to end the heat cycle, but Roger left that out. "If you are in heat too long you can get very sick." He also left out the fact that it would kill her eventually if left unattended. The massive amount of estrogen in her body would cause a number of complications. The bruising he had noticed on her ears were one of the early signs that estrogen poisoning was taking place.

"So... this is normal?" She said looking down at her vagina.

"Perfectly normal." Roger assured his niece.

"It's so ugly." Julie complained.

"I think it's very pretty." He told her, "But it will go back to how it was after we get you that shot."

She grimaced and closed up the towel again, Roger felt a pang of disappointment as she did so, "I hate getting shots." She said.

"It's only a little shot." Roger reassured holding his fingers about twelve inches apart.

She didn't get the joke at first and was horrified. Then she saw his roguish expression. "No!" She said shoving him playfully, "Don't tease me like that!"

"Okay, okay!" He said through his laughter, he had to steady himself because she nearly knocked him over, "It won't be that bad, I promise."

There was a moment of silence that passed between the two.

"You look relieved." Roger finally said to her.

Julie nodded, "I was scared." She told him, then she leaned forward and asked quietly, "Will the smell go away too?"

"Yep." He assured her. She seemed pleased with the answer. She also looked like she was waiting for him to signal the end of the conversation. He was still kneeling down in front of her giving the unintended vibe that there was more to be said. Roger simply didn't want to stand up since the state of affairs in his pants would become obvious to her if he did.

"Go finish getting ready, baby." Roger told her, "We'll go see your doctor later today, but right now the biscuits are calling to us."

She turned away obediently, paused, then turned back to him and kissed him on the cheek, "Thank you, Uncle Roger." She whispered in his ear before bounding off to the master bath.

She finally looks happy. Roger thought to himself. Then he looked down at his crotch. Damn. I'm going to have to jerk-off again.

The Line (Roger and Julie Part 4)

\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* Day two of Roger's new life with Julie continues. There are three parts prior to this one. I recommend you read them first. There's some rather racy elements to them, so if that bothers you then I'm gonna assume you know what to...

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Roundabout Story Project Part 3

This is a Roundabout project that somehow I got into. I'm sure Crownedclown13 will be kicking himself after reading this, unless he's already too sore from doing so. This is the third part, so you have to...

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The Line (Roger and Julie part 2)

\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* I highly recommend that you read Part 1 if you haven't already done so. I changed the paragraph format from what I used in the first one, I think it is easier to read on a computer this way. I'm also going to have to apologize...

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