When Dreams become Reality: Chapter 15: Alone....

Story by wolfy22 on SoFurry

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#15 of When dreams become reality

DISCLAIMER: Lots of graphic content in this one, please be advised. Also, you'll see some unexpected events going down in this one. 18 and under leave, and check out Ryan Masterpaladin's page.


"Ungh.....fuck....aghhhh." I said softly, waking up in the middle of the woods to find out that it was now the daytime again, even though I didn't know what time it was. It felt like it was maybe between 8 and 10 ish in the morning, though I couldn't tell clearly. Rain was pouring down in buckets as well, each droplet hitting my face slowly. I didn't know where I was, or what I could do right then and there. It was that one moment that I truly felt.....alone.

I was still bleeding from the stomach and arm, and I felt so weak to the point that I didn't feel like I could get myself off the ground. My face felt so swollen that I literally could not feel my mouth. "I have to cover these up...." I thought to myself, looking at my wounds and still feeling the terrible pain that each one was causing. The rain falling onto me helped wash the blood away little by little, but it did not stop the blood from coming out of my arm and stomach.

I mustered enough strength to pull my boxers back up to cover my lower area, but my shorts were ripped so badly that I didn't feel like I could try to wear them. My Ipod was gone and so was my check from the Daily News. Since I didn't have my phone with me originally, I had no way of making any sort of communication with the outside world whatsoever.

"I need....to stop this bleeding....GAHHHH" I said to myself, still feeling pain all over my body, especially on my stomach and as well as my left arm. My lower area felt less painful than it did before, but it still hurt nevertheless.

I quickly ripped my khaki shorts completely in half and tried tying one half to my left arm. It wasn't able to completely hold onto the part of my arm that was bleeding, but it was better than nothing. "Fu....ck!" I exclaimed, feeling a sharp pain from my mid section as the blood was still coming out of my stomach from the stab wound. I couldn't tie anything around that area, so I had no choice but to just apply pressure to the area with the other half of my shorts. I slowly got up off the leafy ground, which seemed to take an eternity since I barely had enough strength in me to stand up.

All that was around me were trees and nothing else. I had no clue where to start walking. I did feel a loud growl in my stomach, but the blood loss I was enduring was also making me start to feel dizzy. "....water...." I thought to myself, as I felt like I needed something to drink at the very least, and to hopefully also find a place to clean my wounds.

Step by step, I started to walk slowly through the woods, passing each tree which seemed to take forever. I was limping, as well as trying to hold my ripped shorts against my stomach, which kept bleeding little by little. My arm was still tied up with the other half of my shorts, though I could notice a blood stain getting bigger and bigger as I kept walking into the woods. My feet were hurting as well with only my socks on to give them any sort of covering, even though they were wearing down very quickly as I kept stepping on the wet ground. I was VERY hungry too, since my stomach kept growling louder and louder it seemed as I kept walking. I also needed something to drink, because my mouth felt drier than sandpaper. I would've done anything just to see ANYONE I knew at that moment, whether it was any of my friends or my family, or especially...Tony. I was in tears right then and there as I started to think about all the people that cared for me, since I couldn't bear to imagine what they were going through at the moment with me missing.

**** "Find anything Jun?" Tony asked from his cell phone after looking through several parking lots in one of the main areas of the town, only to come up short.

"Nothing....have you heard from Sull and Ord?" Junir replied.

"Nope....ugh....we've pretty much searched the whole town...what can we do???"

"Well....I don't...know...." Jun said back.


"Hang on Jun, I think I got a call coming through here..."

"Hey Ord" Tony said on his phone.

"TONY, GET OVER HERE, SULL AND I, WE SAW THE SAME OLDSMOBILE THAT THEY TOOK MIKE IN YESTERDAY!!!!" Ord frantically shouted into the phone. Tony's bloodshot eyes widened when he heard that statement, and his fists clinched with rage at that one moment. "Those bastards...where were they heading?? I'm heading back towards the Hannaford supermarket where you guys dropped me off, pick me up there" Tony quickly responded, now running back towards where he originally started his search.

"They passed by us on the other side of the road when we were near some rural area of the town! They seemed to have turned onto a side road back there, we're heading your way right now though!" Ord responded.

"Get here quickly, I'll notify Junir" Tony mentioned, hanging up the phone. The four had stayed at Junir's place the night before to get a couple hours of much needed sleep, before they all headed out at the earliest part of the morning to search for any leads as to where the guys went that kidnapped Mike.

"Man, the rain is really coming down hard now...." Tony thought to himself as he was getting soaked trying to run back to the supermarket to meet up with the others. He eventually called back Junir and told him about the lead that Ord and Sull had.

"I'll be there as soon as I can, I'm less than a couple miles away" Junir replied, hearing the news about where Ord and Sull saw the car.


The rain hitting my body was now making me shiver, since the temperature was only in the 50's it seemed. The trees around me had only somewhat developed leaves on their branches again, so if any helicopter passed over me, I figured that that would help a little bit. I was so desperate for water at that point that I tried to cup droplets of water falling off the tree branches just so I just get a sip of ANYTHING. It wasn't easy, but I was at least able to get some liquid into my body after a little while, which made my mouth feel A LOT better. My luck seemed to be running out though, since the rain was starting to let up as I proceeded to walk further into the forest.

The last thing I wanted to do was head back towards the warehouse that I was tortured in. I still didn't know if any of the gang members were still there, but I also didn't have a clue which direction the warehouse was at. For all I knew, I could've been walking right back towards it, though I couldn't see any clear paths leading to any buildings in the direction I was going.*****

"LET'S GO!" Tony exclaimed as Ord and James picked him up in their car, with Junir meeting up with them almost at that exact same moment. The two cars sped out of the supermarket parking lot, and headed towards the area that Ord and Sull came from earlier.

****"Hey Mommy, was that Tony the Tiger?" A little human boy asked after coming out of the supermarket with his mother.

"I don't know Jimmy, that Tiger seemed to be in a real hurry!" The mother replied.****

"What road were you guys on? Let's go get those motherfuckers" Tony asked.

"It was North Pine road, but they went onto some dirt road that wasn't marked I think...." Ord replied.

"How far are we from there??"

"Less than 5 minutes away, hang on" Sull mentioned, picking up speed through the main road, though trying to keep it within limits so nothing would happen like yesterday.

Junir almost lost track of Sull's car, falling behind the black Subaru as his car got caught up in a red light.

"Should we wait up for Jun?" Ord asked, looking behind to see their car getting further away from his.

"He'll see us, the road we have to get on is up ahead and there's barely any traffic" Sull replied, driving only maybe 1000 feet further before turning onto North Pine Road on their right. As their car came up to a stop sign less than a few hundred feet away when they got onto the street, Junir's car finally pulled up right behind them. "Good, we're all set, now to find that road" Tony mentioned, looking long and hard all around the area.

The street they were on didn't have many houses, but it sure had A LOT of trees all around the area. Passing by each mailbox, the territory was becoming more and more familiar to Sull and Ord, since they had passed through there less than fifteen minutes earlier. It wasn't long before Ord finally noticed something coming up on the corner of his eye.

"THERE, that was the road!" Ord pointed from the back seat as he got right in-between Tony and Sull in the front, pointing out the dirt road less than a couple hundred feet from them after they had driven about a good couple miles on the road.

"Time to teach these assholes a lesson..." Tony exclaimed, cracking his knuckles as Sull's car finally turned into the dirt road, with Jun's car right behind them.

The road was VERY long, with nothing in sight but trees as their cars kept mustering their way through the rain falling from the sky as well as the trees around them. After driving for nearly a good couple of minutes, both cars came out of the tree covered area to notice a HUGE complex of what looked to be abandoned warehouses, some of which looked like they hadn't been used since the 1970's. There was also a junkyard on the far left of one of the buildings, with a TON of demolished cars in it, as well as a bunch of scrap metal. Tony looked to his right to notice a wide open field near the other side of the warehouse, as well as.....the grey Oldsmobile from yesterday that was near a VERY old 1980's Mercedes Benz.

"They're definitely here...." Sull mentioned, pulling the car up towards one of the warehouses, staying a good several hundred yards away from the other two cars. "This shit is going down...."

"I'm....scared guys...." Ord said in a cowardly manner. "You still have that gun I gave you. Remember, this is for Mike, and whatever goes down, we're in this together guys." Sull replied.

"You're damn right. I just hope that Mike is ok....if he's even alive...." Tony said, putting his head on the dashboard just thinking about Mike again and not knowing where the hell he could be. "GOD FUCKING DAMMIT..." Tony shouted, bolting out of the car with a gun in hand, ready to take on anything that was moving inside that warehouse where the Oldsmobile and the Benz were both parked.

**** After slowly making my way through the woods, the clouds were still hovering over me, though the rain had stopped for the moment. I eventually came to a part of the woods where there was a pretty large hill heading downwards, and I also heard the flow of water. I looked down very carefully to notice that there was a little stream flowing through a bunch of rocks about a good thousand feet down the hill. The only thing on my mind at that point was drinking something and getting cleaned up, since my body was still very bloody, and because a few sips of water was only able to hold me over for so long. I started running down the hill a bit, not thinking about the decline that the hill was on.

I got closer to the stream, only thinking about hydrating myself and being able to wash the blood off my body. It was that moment that I wasn't thinking about my surroundings when I felt my foot hit a tree root as I was running downwards. My whole body lunged forward and I was going to hit my face if I didn't protect myself. I quickly put my left arm out in front of me, though my elbow was sticking out since my arm was still not strong enough for me to fully function it after being stabbed, as well as still having that trace of the bullet wound.


I had never screamed so loudly in my whole lifetime than at that moment right there. My elbow had hit the ground with so much force as my body fell forward that my left elbow took nearly all the force from the fall, and I didn't know if my elbow was broken or not.

"FUUUUUCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK!!!!!!!!!!!" I screamed for about a good twenty seconds, as the nerves in my arm kept sending signals to my brain expressing how everything felt.

The pain hurt so much, that I actually blacked out at that moment for about a good ten minutes. When I got back up, my elbow was already black and blue from the fall, and I noticed that it was a bit out of place as well. It had to have either been broken, or dislocated at the very least.

I had to think quickly as to what to do at that moment. The stream was still in front of me, but I couldn't move my elbow without feeling like it was being stabbed a thousand times in a second. The only thing I could think of doing was using my Sonic shirt as a cast to hold my arm, but my left arm was still bleeding as well and needed to be cleaned up. I tried taking off my shirt slowly with very little movements from my left arm. I mustered through all the pain to get my left arm out of the sleeve so I could finally get the shirt off my body. I could now clearly see the stab wound on my stomach now. Even though it was a small blade used, that Orca still stabbed me a couple of inches deep.

I had no idea how I was going to be able to use my shirt as a cast, so I started to slowly walk down towards the stream as I tried my best not to move my left arm at all. The blood from the stab wound on my arm was flowing down to my hand now since the ripped part of my pants that covered the wound was now almost completely covered in blood. The blood coming down on my arm eventually started to drip little by little from the top of my hand to the leafy ground below me.

"Finally....water...FUCKKKKK" I murmured as I finally got to the stream of water that was about a good 20 feet long across the area, though my elbow still hurt UNBELIEVABLY badly. The slow stream of the clear water running through the rocks made the area look perfect to any typical person, though my situation was MUCH different, as I was fighting to survive in the middle of nowhere.

The water looked like it was less than a foot deep, so I figured that this would be the perfect time to clean my whole body up. Before I did that though, I took my right hand and started cupping water into my mouth, feeling like it was the first time I had actually drank water since I actually forgot about sipping rainwater from earlier. I spent at least a good ten minutes drinking nothing but the liquid that felt like it a potion going through my body, especially since I had nothing else to drink over the last day. Blood was starting to flow into the river as I was hydrating myself, since my wounds would not stop bleeding.

***** "So...what's the plan..." Junir softly whispered as everyone got out of their cars quietly, not wanting to do something stupid and get noticed, even though Tony had already stormed out of the car beforehand. Even though their cars were parked a pretty good distance away from the other automobiles, Tony almost rushed over to the area before the others could even get out of their cars. He caught himself in the moment though before he could do anything further than that, since he figured he didn't want to go in all alone.

"We sneak in there.....teach those bastards a lesson and then find out what we can about Mike...." Sull replied, making sure that his gun was ready to be used at any moment. "I don't want to use this....but those assholes kidnapped a good friend...and I want a piece of them myself as well." Junir exclaimed, loading up his revolver. He didn't look like he was ready for a gunfight though since he was only wearing a white tanktop and jeans. "You sure you're ready...for whatever goes down?" Tony asked Jun after walking back towards the three.

"I know how to fight Tony, it's what I do for a living. I'll be fine." Junir replied confidently.

"Be quiet....let's head over...." Sull mentioned, now making their way over towards the warehouse where the two cars were parked.



Complete silence enveloped the area as Tony, Sull, Ord, and Junir made their way towards a door that was cracked open about 1000 feet from their cars, which lead to inside the old warehouse. The four eventually came up right next to the two cars, and actually heard some voices coming from inside. Tony was leading the group, though Ord was still covering himself behind Sull the whole time, scared to death over what was about to go down. Tony peeked his eye into the crack of the door, though he really couldn't see much. He could hear some talking in the background.

".................yeah...................ok, take that crate and bring it over here.......get the shipment ready for....................."

Those were the only words that Tony could clearly understand, and he knew that there was a lot of drug talk going on in there. "You guys ready?" Tony asked the other three.

"Let's sneak in..." Sull whispered.

Tony carefully grabbed the door and opened it as quietly as he possibly could. Unfortunately, that didn't prevent the door from making a VERY noticeable creaking noise as it nearly opened completely. A voice then emitted from inside the warehouse.

****"What was that? Hey! Why is that door open? Go close it Jimbo"

"Ugh, ok hang on" The boar replied, walking from a corner area inside the warehouse where a bunch of drug crates were being unloaded. Jim and Eric had met up with Pete and Solir from what the boss had instructed them to do, so that they could continue operations away from the city. Unfortunately, the boss was not happy whatsoever when he heard the report of the Cougar's oldsmobile being reported as the vehicle that kidnapped Mike. Pete was a human himself, who had a history of dealing drugs and getting busted every now and then, though boss was always there to bail him out. Solir was a lizard, and one that was an expert in drug dealing, as he had been involved with the black bloods ever since the boss started the group.

"Why do I always have to do the dumbest shit?" The boar asked himself, walking towards the door.******

"Here's our chance guys, be ready..." Tony mentioned, with all four of them getting ready to take action. Ord was behind the other three as they all lines up against the outside wall near the door.

"Of course, it's ME that they have doing the....

.....OH FU....MMNNFFHHHH!!!!"

Tony had grabbed the boar in a headlock very quickly, dragging him outside away from the door. "This is for kidnapping my love...you son of a bitch" *CRACK*

Tony snapped the Boar's neck in half, and threw the motionless body on the ground, as the other three looked on, feeling no remorse for the Boar whatsoever. Ord was still trembling in fear, noticing the dead body right in front of him outside of the warehouse.

"What the fuck did I just hear?!" The cougar asked, pulling out his gun, with the human and the Lizard doing the same with their Uzi's.

"HEY JIM, GET BACK IN HERE!!!! JIM?" The cougar shouted, only to see the door open with no one on the other side but the trees showing from the outside.

"It's do or die here guys, let's go" Tony mentioned. "On three.....1.........2...........3!!!!!!!!!!"






"GO GO GO!!!" Tony screamed, shooting the Cougar in the left shoulder while the other two guys were backing down behind the crates to reload their weapons. Junir and Sull quickly ran in and got behind a corner of the building, in which they could only shoot their guns if they looked around the corner towards the crates where the other guys were. Ord still stayed outside, too scared to want to be involved in the whole ordeal. Tony ran to the opposite end from where Jun and Sull were, though he only had a very small wooden crate to shield him as he ducked down.

Back and forth, bullet by bullet, the Uzi's kept shooting towards the corner where Sull and Jun were at, yet they were not shooting at Tony since they apparently couldn't notice his body since there was no gunfire coming from that area towards them.

"AGGHHHHHH....HELP ME.....GUYS...." The cougar shouted, still covering his shoulder, screaming in pain in the middle of the whole gun battle. The other two guys weren't listening though, with their bullets trying to pierce through the corner where the other two guys were shooting from at them. Tony peaked from around the corner of the crate he was taking cover under, and noticed that the human that was shooting kept peaking his head up and down from the crates he was standing behind. Sull and Jun kept trying to shoot at the two, though they couldn't get off any good shots without being shot back at nearly ten fold with the amount of bullets from the Uzi's.


"SHIT! I'm out of ammo! Sull exclaimed. Pete and Solir both stood up from behind the crates at that moment after hearing the behemoth shout that statement, and Tony figured that this was the perfect time to take his own action. "COME OUT HERE AND FIGHT YOU FUCKERS....." The human shouted, now slowly walking away from their area and towards the corner where Sull and Jun were at. Jun peaked again and shot a couple more bullets from his revolver, only to have one of the Uzi's shooting back at him.


One of the bullets had hit the top of Jun's shoulder, as the lion quickly backed down around the corner again, holding his shoulder in severe pain. "You......bastards..." Tony whispered, standing up and pointing his gun right at the human and the lizards, completely throwing them off guard.

"WHAT THE......"




It only took two shots for Tony to immobilize the two, as he shot both of them in the head with only the human getting a shot off back at the Tiger beforehand, though the shot was way off the mark. Both bodies laid on the ground motionless afterward, blood starting to form puddles around the two bodies, with the Cougar looking over and his eyes showing a look of shock.

"Oh my....Agh.....fucking........GAH........" The cougar shouted, still holding his shoulder. Junir was also still holding his own shoulder as well, though he was a bit luckier as the bullet only grazed the top of his shoulder, though he was still hurting pretty badly from it.

The cougar kept lying on the ground, and was pretty much helpless, though he still had his gun in his other hand.

"So....you're the one...that kidnapped Mike...." Tony said, walking right up and hovering over the Cougar, grabbing the Cougar's gun and throwing it to the side.


Tony locked his gun, and pointed it right at the feline gang member.

"Unggghhhh....don't shoot me....MMNHHH"

"Oh, you don't want me to shoot? How bout you give me some info first." Tony asked.

"I..... know..... nothing, please....don't do this....MMNNHHH" The Cougar replied, still holding his shoulder.


"AGGGHGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!" a loud scream emitted from the cougar, as Tony fired his gun right into the wounded feline's leg.

"Now, if you don't want the same thing in your head, you will explain some things to me here." Tony mentioned, now pointing the gun right at the Cougar's face.

"NO....DON'T SHOOT ME PLEASE AGHHHHHH!!!...OK OK..... I'LL LET YOU KNOW WHAT I GOT....UMNFHH!!" The cougar frantically replied out in pain. Sull and Junir eventually started walking towards Tony, though Ord was still outside.

"You got 20 seconds to explain where you took Mike, and where the other gang members are. Go."

"Agghhhhhh!! They....ugh.....I don't know....I heard....a warehouse in Mt....Washington..."

"10 seconds left before I pull the trigger. Where did you take Mike?"

"We dropped....that human....off at the Mass...border....near some rest area....the Bull took his body from there...." Eric was still crying in pain, holding his leg but also trying to nurse his shoulder.

"You better tell me anything else you know...5 seconds left."

"I know nothing else....unghhhh.....wait....boss told me to give a message I think.....umnfhhh"

"Boss?" Tony asked.

"...yeah......I think....he... knows you....he said "Tell Tony....to come find.... his old pal....Marco"




"TONY!! WHAT THE FUCK!!" Sull shouted, shoving Tony towards his face after seeing the Tiger put a bullet into the Cougar's mouth. "WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU? HE CONFESSED WHAT HE KNEW!"

"Marco...." "Marco....." Tony slowly mentioned, walking away from Sull with his head down. Sull and Jun quickly followed, though they were still quite stunned that Tony finished off the injured Cougar, but they were even more stunned at Tony's reaction after he heard the message that the Cougar gave him. Tony was simply....quiet.

"Is...it...over?" Ord asked as Tony came out of the warehouse, covered in blood stains with his head down.


"Tony?" Ord asked, coming up right next to the Tiger, yet still not getting a word out of him. Just then, Jun and Sull came out of the warehouse as well.

"JUNIR! Are you alright?!" Ord asked, rushing over to the Lion's aid as Sull helped him out of the building, though he seemed to be able to walk on his own. "I'm fine...I've dealt with worse pain from in the ring haha" Junir laughed back. "This ain't funny! What's up with Tony??" Ord exclaimed. "I don't know.....but I'm not going to ask...." Sull said back, as all of them started to head back to their cars.

"So.....what's the plan...?" Junir asked Tony as they all got back to their vehicles. Junir had a towel on hand in his car and used it to clean the blood coming from his shoulder.


"...........I'm sorry guys....I just can't think straight....." Tony murmured, putting his head on the car.

"Where did they take Mike though? Come on Tony!" Junir shouted, wanting an answer.

"Mt. Washington....but.....why....Marco.....WHY....?" Tony shouted, banging his fist on the top of the car.

Junir didn't ask anymore questions, though he turned to Sull and Ord.

"I'm going to get my things together back at my place and clean myself up, I'm going after Mike." The lion exclaimed.

"Not without us you aren't!" Sull forcefully replied, with Ord nodding right besides the blue guy. "We're all in this, ok?"

"Definitely....but....what about Tony here....?" Jun asked.

"I'm....coming....Mike is still out there, but.....goddammit.....I thought Marco was put away....."

"Worry about that later Ton, we gotta find Mike first! I just hope that he's ok..." Sull pointed out.

"Ok.....you're right." Tony responded with all four getting in the two cars.

"We heading right there?" Ord asked.

"Hmmm....you know, I think you might want to change those clothes Tony, there's blood stains all over your shirt..." Sull mentioned.

"Should we head to Junir's then?" Tony asked.

"Yeah, I still want to make sure that his shoulder is ok." Sull replied, as both cars started driving back to Junir's place.


My mind was working a bit better now that I had been replenished of liquids, and I figured the only way I could use my shirt as a cast would be to wrap the shirt around my arm while the shirt was on my neck. I took the ripped part of my pants off of my arm since it was completely covered in blood now. I then put it into the water to let it wash off of blood, while I grabbed my shirt and thought about what I needed to do to hopefully make myself a cast.

I took my right arm and used it to put my head through the top part and also the sleeve part of my shirt. I then wrapped my arm up with the shirt, and it seemed to hold in place tight enough, though it still hurt VERY badly.

I stayed at the stream for what seemed to be an eternity, with each minute passing feeling like an hour with the amount of pain I was in. After a good couple of hours, my wounds FINALLY started to bleed less, though I still started to feel weaker and weaker without any food. There were no fish in the water, so I had no chance of hunting down anything. I had no idea if there were any wild animals in the area I was in, since I still had no clue where I was at. The day took FOREVER to pass by, and eventually, I fell asleep on the rough ground before nighttime fell. *****

"Did you talk to Mike's family at all Ton?" Sull asked as the three were now driving towards the town of Mt. Washington, which was one of the furthest towns in the southwestern part of Massachusetts.

"I haven't talked to them since they found out what happened to him.....I should call them and let them know though where we're heading" Tony replied, pulling out his phone and quickly dialing Mike's family's house phone.


"Hello??" Nancy asked.

"Nancy, it's Tony" the Tiger responded.

"T....T-ony! We've been.... doing all we can, but the police.... haven't had any luck so far...." Nancy said on the phone, emitting a noise that Tony could only imagine was followed by tears coming from her. "Wha....t's....going on....with you...?"

"We got our hands dirty but we found a lead, I think Mike is somewhere in Mt. Washington...."

"In NEW HAMPSHIRE?!" Nancy shouted back acting very surrpised, since she grew up near the White mountains, living not far from Mt. Washington in the granite state.

"No...no....there's a town in south western Mass near the border here called Mt. Washington!"

"Oh my god....I hope Mike's ok....we've had the police search the green mountain area, but they couldn't find anything!!!"

"I don't know how we're going to find mike Nancy, but I assure you this, we're going to give it our best." Tony forcefully replied into the phone. "I'll call the police again and notify them..... Please.... find him Tony....." Nancy said one final time, still weeping as Tony slowly hung up the phone.

The sun had now set, and the time was 8 P.M.. Sull, Ord, Tony, and Junir had been driving east towards the Mass border for a good hour in a half, passing by signs indicating that the two cars were approaching the Berkshire County of the state.

"Where can we start looking? it's pitch black out....and I don't like that!" Ord asked, shaking once again like he did earlier. "Come on big guy, we're together on this and we've got our equipment to search the areas." Sull replied, grabbing Ord's hand as he was driving. "Thanks big guy...." Ord replied, as their car now officially bypassed a giant sign on the highway, saying "WELCOME TO MASSACHUSETTS".

Junir's car was following close behind Sull's car, as the GPS on Sull's phone guided their car off the highway, eventually leading right into the VERY small town of Mt. Washington, Massachusetts.

"Holy shit...this is a SMALL town...." Tony exclaimed, only seeing maybe one or two driveways every half mile the car drove on the small road that was traveling through the pitch black night sky.

"We need to start somewhere, the Mt. Washington forest isn't far from here..." Tony mentioned as he looked at Sull's phone, seeing that the GPS was not too far from the park area.

After driving a good couple of hours in the dark, both cars had finally arrived at 3 East Street in the town of Mt. Washington, Massachusetts, which had a GIANT sign in front of the spacious parking lot.


"Park hours are from sunrise to sunset. Please be advised for snakes and ticks"

"Are we allowed to go into the park though? It's so dark!!" Ord said, holding onto Sull as everyone got out of the cars.

"There's no one around to tell us not to. Pack your stuff guys, it's going to be a LONG hike from here...." Sull replied. "I'm ready, and this guy looks even more prepared than I am" Tony responded, pointing to Junir who already had a HUGE Hiker's backpack on him.

"Let's go then" Sull said, turning on his flashlight along with the other three, as all four started their journey into the mountains, hoping to find Mike one way or another.

*****Three days had passed now since I was thrown into the woods. My body was slowly eating away its own muscle, and I had never felt so weak when I woke up on the ground next to the stream, still feeling the pain from my elbow and the other parts of my body that had been injured at the hands of those damn Black bloods. My whole left arm was now almost black, with the injury from my elbow spreading the black and blue markings all over the left side of me. I had overheard a helicopter the day before, though I couldn't wave for help since my body wasn't strong enough to run towards the area that the helicopter was coming from.

"Food....need...food" I exclaimed to myself, as I felt my stomach getting noticeably thinner as each day seemed to pass. I did not want to leave the area since the water was the only thing keeping me alive at this point, but I knew that if I didn't eat anything, I would only last maybe a couple more days at the most. Unfortunately, that was an overstatement since I started shivering VERY badly after I woke up. The sky was overcast with not a single shed of sunlight anywhere, and the temperature felt like it was only around the 40's. I was only wearing my boxers, socks, and my sonic shirt that was acting as a cast for my elbow. Each piece of clothing was either ripped, stained, or wet from everything that had happened over the three days that I wore them.

I had stayed at that area for such a long period of time that I figured I should start moving again. If I didn't, I wouldn't have any chance of finding SOMETHING nearby, though my hopes weren't getting up. It hurt even more knowing that a helicopter wasn't too far from me the day before, only for me to not be noticed by it. I just wanted to see pretty much ANYONE at that point, because I had never felt so alone in my life. However, the last thing I wanted to see was the group of people that had tortured me beforehand. It was still haunting my thoughts as I started to walk again, having a thousand thoughts going through me.

I spent a good couple of hours walking, which I ended up regretting since there were no more streams as I walked further into the unknown area of the woods. Each step felt like it was taking another bit of life away from me, and I figured that I did not have much left in me. After walking a good few miles only to not find anything around, I walked about another thousand feet forward, before I finally stopped, and fell down onto my face.

No food.

No water around.

The coldness in the air freezing my body away slowly.

I knew that I was not going to live, and I wanted to just have everything end right there. No one was there to help me, and I just started thinking of the people that I loved dearly, since I knew this would be the last moments of me living on this planet.

"this.....is....it.....i'm so...rry....To.....ny....Ja...mes....Or....d.... ....M...om...Da...d...w...iii...llll...." I mustered out to the ground below me.

My face was cold, and I was feeling like I wanted to go to sleep and never wake up.

I gathered the remaining strength in me to look up around me for any last hopes, only to notice the rain starting to lightly fall down onto the trees and the ground. I actually smiled and laid my face on the ground, hearing the noises of the forest around me, all sounding so natural and calm, and eventually closed my eyes to have it all end right there.