Randen 01-03.txt

Story by Afril on SoFurry

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The Tale Of Randen Arch 01 - The Northern Continent By Afril and Chaos Blackwing (cl) 2011 - The Gay Furry Association

Volume 01 is about the Town named LaFaelt and the outlying areas

Book 03 - A Wedding

Chapter Twenty - A Minx named Maia

Tama awoke to something warm rubbing his erection... And chuckled to himself - Damn, that rabbit was as bad as his Sons... But something seemed off - Whatever his dick was rubbing, it wasn't any rump he had ever felt before. Then a tongue flicked across the tip and he groaned... Besides rumps and muzzles, what was furred and round and - No!

A shorter and very female version of Rand had his throbbing maleness trapped between her tits and was doing a very good job of working them up and down, back and forth... Maia grinned at the fox and swallowed half his red pole before he could squeak. Then he was cumming and gripping the covers and humping her tits and doing anything but squeaking... Or complaining. She may not be of Age, but Farm Lads and Mules didn't ask your age when you sucked on their dongs... Long as it fit and you could do a decent job of it, they were willing to let ya try all you wished. And she very much wished to do this to Master Fox.

The lass swallowed the thick cream, and squeezed his sexy butt, keeping the pulsating cock in the furry valley while moving her head just a little, tickling the skin with her tongue, as the boys liked her to do... And sure enough he howled just like the rest. He Howled even louder when she nibbled on the too-sensitive tip, gently using her teeth to empty his nuts into her hot, sucking muzzle. Queer Fox, pah... Boys liked a good tongue'n and weren't picky about who did it. A shaky hand managed to find her face as she relented, letting it slip from her mouth with a gentle kiss.

"Da went home. Biggest Sister went off with a sexy male who whacked his head 'gainst a tree." Maia paused to give the fleshy pole a long, slow gentle lick. "Da says ta keep it wet until it gets soft... Else'n it'll dry and crack like our footpads."

Another long slow lick on the other side...

"I... Gods! I don't think it will be going down very soon. Come, girl..."

"Maia Sir... You Sure? Your dick be much too pretty ta be having cracks in it. Sides, it tastes nice. And ye dinna even grabs me head when ye came, like the others."

Others? Maybe rabbits matured faster than foxes. Tama watched the bunny play with his scrotum, nuzzling it while kissing and licking his cock like it was a sweet - Or a... Duty? Gods, no! Not more stupid Debts. Somehow he managed to get her head away from his crotch and on his chest. She still caressed him, snuggling to him - Like Rand did. Insanity... It had to be. Soft lips found a nipple and teeth bit it...

And Tama forgot about everything until the darkness lifted - Again. With no rabbits in his bed, naked or otherwise. The tired fox shook his head, got up and went to find the tub ready for a soaking - And Gods did it feel Good! Then another body got in and he reached out to grab the furry ass, turning it so he could nuzzle and nip it, grinning at the moans. But there was no waving pole to tease when he grabbed for the rabbit's crotch. His eyes went wide open as the smaller cheeks rubbed his face, still as brown, and Maia looked over her shoulder at him. She giggled and sat in his lap, putting his hands on her nipples, pressing them in firmly until he grabbed her breasts by reflex. She lay on top of the fox and turned her head to kiss him.

"Da was right, ye be a Gentlemale. Even when ye chewed on my butt, ye didn't be gropin me - Or is that cause ye be a Fagg... Pah. A Butt be a Butt. A Tongue be a Tongue..."

The female turned around to lay on him, giving him a Way-too-hot kiss. "What? I dinna ask ye ta stick it in me... Just show me what a gentle Lover is like. And ye have." Then she hugged the fox who lay like a waterlogged tree. "I be hopin someday ta be find me a good male like yerself..." She giggled and nuzzled his chest. "Ye like me Brother's Butts, and Da's butt... Maybe ye will like mine too? Ye be bitin on it like ye wanted ta be eaten it up... Or does ye be hungry, and not wantin ta show a bunny how it feels ta take ya under her tail?"

She kissed him again, got up and waggled her wet and way too hot rear in his face. Got it bit and nuzzled and kissed... Then it was gone, and Tama watched it get rubbed by a towel, feeling jealous of the cloth that slid down those so sexy legs, looking back up to see a twinkle in the brown eyes... And groaned softly.

"Mister Fox needs ta eat sumthin besides bunny-butt... Then maybe ya can shows me how to wind some wire around some stones? I gots ideas on how... But I wants someone who knows how ta be doing it right."

His green eyes watched the butt waggle all the way down the hall, then got up and dried himself, gaping like a fish - He couldn't... It wouldn't be right. He wasn't interested in females - Was he? His thoughts were interrupted when he heard a grunt - Gods! Tama ran to the Main room in time to rescue the pot from the straining rabbit. He put it on the counter, jumping only a little at the kiss on his rear. He put Two bowls down and spooned out the grain porridge, then tasted it, making a face.

"Salt, girl... Salt the water."

Tama felt his heart lurch at the look he got back. The fox knew it all too well from a young male rabbit who had walked half a day on Cold Turnip Soup. Salt was probably reserved for special times... He lifted the long ears, giving the tips a kiss. Then the chin, giving those so soft lips another muzzle-press. "You are not in a two-room hut, living off what the land and that - Farmer gave you. You are in a House, as My Apprentice... That means you Eat like I do. Bathe at least twice a day. And take orders... Understand?"

He wanted to growl at those too wide eyes, that too cute face. Then she was hugging him and wetting his chest. Damnit! "Orders means no burned fingers, or buttfur - Unless you Want me to glue your butt-cheeks together..."

Then He was blushing and She was laughing... Maia looked up at the fox. "Iffen ye wants ta spurt glue on me butt, all ye needs do is ask."

The female reached around and grabbed his hot male-rump... Then got a bowl and spoon shoved in her hands and was sternly told to sit. Bread and milk came with a fox still red around the ears... And cider - He needed something strong this morning. Honey in one bowl, salt in the other - Maia took a little of both. He watched her use a drop of water to doodle a design as she ate. It was simplistic, but sometimes Simple was better... It Definitely showed promise. The bunny finished up, declined seconds and went to the sink, washing out her utensils... Waited for the fox to finish and did the same with his bowl.

Tama showed her how to use the brush and soap, and felt the heat of her rear against his legs. The poor male ignored it as best he could while her tail-tip rubbed his balls, seemingly happy to learn something new. Or just to tease him. Then it was to the shop and Gods did the apron ever feel good against his sheath... He Stared in semi-amazement - It was clean! Swept, the wood stored away... Maybe some of it in the wrong bins, but that was remedied in a Candlemark's work.

"Did I does it right Sir? Ma teached us broomin an scrubbin an such... And Rand be sayin ya wanted it Right in the mornings."

Tama patted the bunny's butt, nodding. Put her apron on right - So much like Rand... Right down to that too hot, brown furred ass he helped tie a string over the top of. Then he got some brass wire and showed her how to bend it in the vise, warning her about sharp wire ends, metal hammers and fingers. He also showed her how to use two pieces and loop them into knots to hold the bits of glass like baskets. And thought about Churches who were always needing tinted glass for windows. Chair backs and plaques for rich people who wanted one of a kind items to put the fur up the backs of their rivals. He told Maia to stay put while scribbling a note to a glass-maker he knew had plenty of scrap, then went around the back to the other house to fetch one of the kits.

Ma tried to say how grateful she was and how much she loved the house and... She managed to find a dress for one of the girls, who scooted off with the note. And wouldn't take any coin for it either - The lads were at the Mill, Tur and Rand were off looking for beds for the little ones and... The female bunny broke down and cried on the fox's apron, babbling about blankets and hard floors and... He shut her up with a kiss - Well, he was desperate. And got one back that made him forget his name. Bushed his tail out while strong hands gripped his ass and Squeezed! He would have stayed that way forever but someone was tugging on Ma's dress, saying Lae had come back with a fancy male... And a huge mountain a-pulling the cart.

The fox somehow got himself untangled. As he gasped for air, Tama found his apron untied... The look in the female's eyes shocked him clear to his toes - 'Ma would put you next to Da in the same bed and wear you both out.' Gods! The poor male got his apron re-tied, and himself out of there. But not before four pairs of muzzles nuzzled his exposed rear, with a pile of soft "Thank 'ee Ser..." following. Forget the gate, he leaped the fence and stood in the doorway, panting... Insanity! And there was Maia, who came up and grabbed his ass, stood on tip-toe so she could kiss him.

"Sister's back? Iffen ya don't needs me after MidSun Bell, I will be seein her." She kissed him again. "We shares what we gots... And we gots You, Master Fox." A pat on the poor male's rear and Maia went back to working on her project as if nothing had happened. Except, her cute butt twitched... *Proing*

Insanity - Every last one of them... But his green eyes kept looking at that brown rump, panting even though it was a mild day.

Chapter Twenty One - The Mill

Tur, Rand and Johsa were at the Mill, loading furniture. Master Pteh was laughing, waving away their attempts to pay him for the beds and chairs.

"You tell that Robber these are my HandFasting Presents... Of course I heard. Everybody has heard. You think that long-tailed, spotted busybody across the street can keep a secret longer than it takes to tell?" The hog winked and slapped the big rabbit's rear. Johsa just stood with his head down, mumbling... All he did was offer to deliver some things for Master Pteh - On account of him taking his lads in as workers. And out came all this wood - with good cotton-stuffed mattresses.

"I bet that squirrel Tama has cleaning his house has some sheets and pillows she can rummage up... Oh, You have paid me well enough... Your 'sons' work themselves Sick and work some more. I had to make them sit and eat MidSun meal - They wanted to work through it. Like I was one of them Barons or Slavers one hears about. Pah - Besides, My wife would beat me to the Square and back if I over-worked the lads. She dotes on every one of them... Ten in all, You say? And I thought I had it bad with Six... And you tell that Fox I want the Best inlays on that table - And not just because everyone is going to see it in the HandFasting ceremony either. He can get stingy when it comes to his own needs..."

The last bit got tied down, and both boys got put up on the wagon-seat. The giant of a male bowed to the hog who swatted his rear again... "You leave all that bowing and scraping and kneeing to the Gentry. We simple folk don't need none of it. And tell that Robber Fox I expect to see more stuff coming out of his Shop - I sold every scrap of what you made Rand. Good work if I say so myself... And I do say so. First Day Mister Mejaginil, I expect to see you First Day with scroll-work and inlay in that wagon. Now get, Before I lose all my profits."

The hog *Grinned* as the big male took the wagon yoke in his calloused hands and walked off as if it had feathers instead of oak on the back. He went back inside, growling at the laziness of workers... "Whose turn is it with the fans? It's hot in here!"

He closed the door to his office and rubbed the brown head of the rabbit who sat, scratching numbers on a paper. Got a shy grin in return, a hand rubbing his crotch.

'Sorry lad - I am straight as the day is long.' He also had a wife who wasn't afraid to beat her husband with what was at hand - And that included the oak staves! He fetched a cup of cider and put it on the desk, Very glad that Tur wasn't the only one with Brains in the Family. Pteh could run a Shop with the best of them, but be Damned if he could figure all those numbers... And one never knew what someone else was adding to or taking from the piles of coins.

The kit was too honest by far - Even told him when his Wife bought a new dress. 2 silver for a Dress? But there it was in that scrolling hand even He could read. The boar rubbed the rabbit's head again. Gods help the Street of Desires when the boy came of Age... And Gods help Anyone who thought to take advantage of the scamp - He and his wife Both made the oaken boards creak under their weight, Not a lot of it fat. And most bears were not as big as the lad's Pa. Just let someone Dare hurt the boy... He kissed the cute lad on the back of his head and walked off, rubbing a tusk that curled several inches from his lower lip - Going to have to sharpen it again. Mother would be baking pies, and a slice of it would go well with that cider. So they spoiled him - That was what young'ens were for. Mmmmmm - Berry. He might steal a piece for himself.

Chapter Twenty Two - Of Furniture and Naked Foxes

Never was a fox so Happy to hear the MidSun Bell. Tama got his note back, with a reply - Well, Tur would have to look it over. That lad had been thinking hard on something...

"No, Mister Rornes - Only one ring. A Master mating his Journeymale will be enough talk for you to weather. And while Masters my hump their servants all they like, they may Never Marry them. Not and stay in the same township. Just isn't done. And Clerks especially shouldn't look above their Social Level... Not Publicly." And he said it so Blasted stoically.

Tama wanted to grab that fool rabbit and slam his head into the wall until whatever stupidity was in there fell out those long ears - Of course, he wanted to do it to the Father too.

"Dammit Love, I don't give a splintered chair leg what others Think! If I want..."

Then the rabbit was holding him and kissing him. "Yes you do. You have a Reputation to uphold now. You have Apprentices and Servants and a couple of Houses that you own and have to care for. And there will be More who want to come and learn under you. More customers who will want your Goods... And all of it depends on what others say of you. I am willing to be your Lover in Private and your Clerk in Public. Hells - For Father, I would wear a dress and bleat like a Goat if it turned you on..."

The fox found himself laughing... Then hugging the rabbit who cried on his apron. "No. When I HandFast Rand, there will be Two rings on my hand - Let them say what they will." Of course that made the male cry harder... Insanity!

Like the little minx who was teasing his balls while she waited for him to tell her what he thought... More headaches! A Firepit of some kind to heat the wires. Tongs and gloves and more patterns than he had room for Now. She flicked her tongue across the pointed tip that peeked from his white sheath... Why had he taken his apron off? Oh - MidDay meal. Tama looked at the wire and bead thing on the bench-top and stammered something... Then he Yipped as the female skinned his dick out and swallowed it in gratitude. But thankfully that was All she did.

Maia took her apron off, and hung it up. Then nuzzled the fox and off she went, butt wagging with the promise that it Was going to get his erection in it... Just a matter of When. Tama groaned and washed his face, made a quick salad, washed down with more cider - Ale had been a little scarce lately. Heh - Paying Day was tomorrow... Tomorrow! A silver to Tur, A silver to Rand, A silver to Johsa... He dared a peek at the too clean desk, and the open order book - What? That can't be right! What New Shop? What New apprentices? What the Hells was going on?!

* * * *

The fox sat on his bed holding his head... Three Gray hairs - Three! Not White. Not Red - Gray. He barely heard the door open, waving at the lads as they came in to wash their faces and hands... And to kiss him lovingly. They chattered on about beds and Sheets and - A Table? Inlays? Master Pteh said What? Now wait a moment - Robber he was Not! Tama was on his feet and out the door, allowing himself to be pulled along to the front of his house... To Stare at the 'Mountain' of Furniture. And a giant rabbit lifting beds up to a second floor window, where hands put them aside as other bits trudged up the stairs. Well, he may be getting old but surely he could carry a couple of chairs... Two things hit the fox at the same time - He was Naked. And Mistress Marigola was coming down the lane with a troop of maids, carrying bedding and pillows.

Oh, And the Female Gossip Machine was standing in her yard, Drooling at all the hot male butts... Tama turned, and walked back into his house, totally ignoring the giggles from the ladies, and the gasp from across the street. He got his work pants on and came back to find a table big enough to put in a tavern, sitting in the road. Luckily it had leaves so the ends came off and the whole pile was moved to his shed - The wagon was too big and the cart was in use. It seems Lae had found a Lover. Good! Now to get Maia and Teln boys to fret over Them as well. Part of his mind was fretting over the gray hairs. Part of it was thinking about all that Sexy rabbit ass. The rest was planning what to cut in all that wood - Gods, It would be Oak!

Chapter Twenty Three - MidSun Meal

Getmuki watched the furniture come in, helping with the chairs, the big bed that went in the back Sleeping room. Then came sheets and blankets and pillows to be sorted. And a white rabbit who was the calm in all this chaos...

"Suiki - Get out of the male's Way. Over there dear. Are you thirsty Mister Getmuki? Suiki, Get yer foot stepped on and it won't be me who fixes it. Gods, Look at You Lae... Those can go upstairs as well. How's the head, Lad?"

Ma smacked a bottom, directed a march of cloth around the staircase, and hugged that same cub whose butt she swatted. She came to the rescue of 2 more cubs, who had gotten themselves tangled in a sheet - Trying to help of course. Then the other white bunny was in and helping, while keeping her Lover sat and out of the way with chatter, a cup of something, and gentle but firm shoves whenever he tried to get up - Finally plopping a child in his lap.

"Want ta help? Keep an eye on this demon fer us."

Said demon had lost his pants someplace and was naked, dusty, and wide-eyed at all the hair the male had. Of course it had to be tugged on to see if it was real. Then the coat got tugged and nipped - All the while a brown butt bounced on the lion's crotch. Holding him was like trying to hold a fish out of water... Squirm and wriggle and giggle and kiss his nose. Such a big male... And so much fur. Then it was the bear's turn to be yanked on and chewed on and burbled at... The bruin got a sexy butt plopped on his feet, fingers caressing his toe-claws.

"Ye be Tall!" was the decision of the brown bunny, who stared up at their owner. The kit got picked up with a shriek of delight, and cradled in one big arm. Tickled and teased... And Getmuki found out even at that age bunnies can get erect. Rescue came in the form of yet another rabbit, naked as her sibling, who took the monster from the very red male, with a chuckle and a wriggle of her rear that made pants tent a little.

"When she comes of Age, Bet a week's wages there's a line up the Street." The lion just shook his head and crossed his legs...

And here came Da, who sat in a chair oversized for anyone else... He took a cup, clinked it with the feline's and drank it down in a gulp. Limif just stared, watching bunnies run in and out, in all states of dress and undress - Mostly dressed as company was here. He inhaled scents so much different from any he had known - No pampering here. No cushions on the elegant chairs or tea served on delicate porcelain cups. Juice and tea and ale all came and went, with a topping of his own cup from a hand bigger than the pitcher. So much life and love and sensuality...

"Is it always like this?" he asked the giant male, noting the cracks and wrinkles in the worn face. The lion saw a lifetime of toil and pain in the brown eyes... But also a sparkle every time they lit on one of the kits or the Lady of the House.

"Nah... It be worse at Times. They's just excited - Company an Lae here with Yourselves... Maia bein Apprenticed next door. Add MidSun meal an all this..." Johsa paused, and when he continued there was a hitch in the strong voice. "Master Pteh be saying all this be a Present. An We - We..."

Lanine came to her husband's rescue. "Be forgiving him Ser... The young'ens never had beds afore, and We haint settled in here but yesterday. Good Mister Rornes be given us this place - On account of he is HandFasting our Son Rand. An a bunch o' Mudswallop excuses..." She kissed the big male. "Yea, you shuffled yer bony butt in and told him a tale - It be true enough, but tis a tale all the same. Now, Lae be sayin yer needs this lump ta help with a bit of land? Well - This Mule pulled plow for years, but I is still tryin ta get him housebroke enough ta keep indoors."

The lion watched the huge ears change color and swallowed a grin. So that is where his vision of beauty got her steel backbone. 'Gods Above, Please let her Father bless us with his favor.'

"We need Master Johsa to help with my Mother's Garden. She passed away several years ago, and I am afraid despite my best efforts, It is not flourishing. An expert's touch and some advice would be appreciated, Mistress."

Both rabbits were fit to burst, Snickers getting past hands and grins plastered to their muzzles... "Laeare Tarin Mejaginil - What lies ye been feeding this boy? Nae -" Ma held up a calloused hand. "Iffen ye needs help, We be givin it. Now, Ye Is staying for meal - We have enough... We Always have enough."

And with handclaps, smacks on rumps and a Wooden Spoon, she got the house settled. The cleaning ladies sat on the floor with the kits, but the lion and his servant sat with a squirrel, and six rabbits. Grace was echoed by "Family!" from all of them, the tawny lad holding his Love's hand on one side and a very sexy male's hand on the other, who's name was Tur and he was Clark for Master Rornes... The lad was white like his sister and just as hot! The oldest as well?

Limif felt his heart sink at how spare the meal was... Vegetables, boiled grain, bread - He had eaten more as a Snack. A quick glance at Getmuki started a tally of things that were going to Change - He declined seconds, thinking he could stand to go down a waist size or two. The lion closed his eyes, remembering a female sucking her fingers at Morning meal - Loving the taste, or Still Hungry? Gods, It was too erotic to think of Even Now! A glance over showed his Mother's Necklace still between her breasts, Not a drop of food on it either. A hand gently rubbed his crotch, making him drown a moan in his cup of ale. Both because it felt very good... And it wasn't his Lady who was doing the caressing. Tur wasn't even looking at him, Chatting with a younger brother across the table while slowly massaging the fat feline balls.

"Better?" The lion was so shocked he nearly dropped his cup! "Cramps can be vexing... I will make sure you get sent home with some of Ma's salve..."

Hot as Sin. Of Age. And he has Court-Manners? The gold eyes noticed the second finger had an imprint on it. A Ring Not Worn? A Father late of the Land. A Son being mated to a crafter who also employed a Daughter. A Family who has never seen a bed before... What a Tale to tell by the Fire it would make! Another glance at the bear, who was deep in discussion with a brown rabbit on one side - 'Yes, he carved sticks as a hobby.' And a White one on the other - 'Sons were a pain, but Daughters were worse... And Husbands? Pah!'

Limif hadn't written a book since his Last Tutor... But he was already putting words together - Which flew like startled pidgins as Two hands gripped his balls! Gods, Didn't they give any warning? Bowls and spoons were retrieved, sleepy kits were placed on blankets... Last Bell would be soon enough to get them used to beds, with Brothers come from the Mill to sleep with. The gaggle of rabbits and maids and kits scattered out the doors - The two big males got their charges and put them in the cart. Three more walked next door, giggling and chatting about how sexy the fox's red butt was. The maids had other places to be, with one more in tow - Teln wanted to see Rich Peoples' Houses... Mistress Marigola grinned at the little minx named Maia who walked nude through the gate, and down the Lane, towards her Master's house - Scandalous! Terrible! Might even start a Trend - Master Fox was going to be talked about for some time to come...

Chapter Twenty Four - Johsa visits the House Ryndal

All the way back the two males talked about dirt and fertilizers - Some of which made the lion blush a little. What grew best when... And the whole way Limif kept trying not to look at the rabbit whose hand he was holding. Because the sun kept illuminating the pink in her ears, The white on her hands. The So Hot Tits that moved with each bump, The necklace seeming to make one's eye travel to it with gleams and sparkles. When the males stopped for a cold ale from a vendor, Lae laughed and rubbed his face in her cleavage (After moving the Necklace), grabbing his lion-butt and kissing one of his round ears. Of course both the adults looked the other way. When the cart moved again, they were both sitting very primly, Just holding hands... But the Lad's mane was a mouse's nest of tangles and mats. And the rabbit was breathing a little heavier.

* * * *

Johsa stared at the House as the kits were helped down by the bear. Wow! This house made Farmer Mees' place look like a hovel. And on the porch stood three females, waiting for them with wet cloths to wipe hands and faces. He shooed the better dressed pair ahead, chuckling at the big hand on his rump - To help him up the steps. Then in, where the two got changed into everyday things, and the bear showed the rabbit to the garden. He bent to feel the soil and touch the plants, blue eyes watching every movement of those hot, sexy legs.

Getmuki wasn't panting because Valet's didn't pant - Ever. But Gods, He wanted to! The bulge in those plain pants rivaled His - Did a mule sneak into the lineage? Or was it just big Everything. He heard the creak of bones and the groan as he helped the male back up - First get him naked. Then give him a massage... Then Fuck him senseless! The Lady smelled of strength and sensibility and - Female. This male smelled of earth and wisdom and hard work... And it was all he could do to keep his hands to himself. But his nose was constantly twitching, Getting different whiffs of Hot rabbit with each inhale. Then the male turned. Grinned - And kissed him...

* * * *

The bear found himself in a seat, Taemae holding a cold towel on his head, while another covered his crotch.

The tigress chuckled, "Well - I expected this from the Young ones... But at Your age? I mean Really... So, he really kisses that hot, Eh?"

The bear dared a peek under the towel - And groaned loudly. Somewhere in the garden were four gold buttons that had exploded off his pants when he had snapped erect. And there it lay across his leg - All Fourteen inches. At least he hadn't... There was a smirk on the feline's face.

"I didn't... Tell me I didn't Pop like I was a cub again!" She just kept smiling. "Oh Gods... I am One Hundred and Six - I don't Do such things..."

"Oh it gets worse - You blew all over his pants, his belly, his chest. He had to carry you in. Lucky for your reputation only Cook and I were around. We got You covered up here and Him into the Bath. Now for the scary part - He is a couple of inches Longer than you... I have seen horses with less between their legs. He was flushed clear up those long ears, and wagging like a tent-pole when we peeled him out of his clothing. You should have heard him trying to apologize - Not for being erect or naked. But for kissing you when you were not ready... Now, if you wanted to tell him it's alright, I can keep the Happy Couple occupied for a while. Probably a Long while as that wildling absolutely Refuses to wear the Best Gowns, No matter how much they Flatter her hot body. I would offer her some of the Master's pants but she Might say Yes... And as flustered as he is about her nude - Seeing her in his clothing would probably make him Faint."

The tigress smiled again and pointed to the suit lying across the bed. "It is your Second Everyday set. Mess that one up and it's Formalwear until we can get the laundry done. We Think a pair of your discards will fit Mister Mule, But it would be best if you test-fit them... The crotch may be too tight." Holding her muzzle so she wouldn't scream with laughter, the First Maid closed the Second Sleeping room door - One of four on this level of the House, and one of the pair that locked. Old Master came here often to quietly weep - No one would open the door without knocking first.

Getmuki finished undressing, looking at the ruination that was once his Everyday pants. Ah well... Probably needed replacing anyway. He got up and walked to the doorway, looking at the brown rabbit stroke the tub. Play with the soap... The bruin looked down at his cock that was starting to rise just thinking about the kiss. Remembered the look on the Master's face. There was Many a page to be written about the rugged male's life. And he would get as much as he could... Right after he rode that Donkey of a - Oh Gods. It was Thicker too.

* * * *

Limif ran a brush through his mane, grinning at the small mirror on the stand. Well now - The Valet was indisposed, the First Maid was opening the only other lockable door in the House... And his Wife (Forget the To-Be - She was His!) was growling because she didn't believe she was as beautiful as she was. Clad in only a robe he walked in and kissed her shoulder, sliding his arms around her waist - Which like the rest of the rabbit was muscular, but soft. What time he didn't devote to the writing of her Family's history was going to be spent in bed, playing with every inch of her furry body. The male told her she was going to have to get used to being dressed as beautifully as she was nude.

He Got a giggle from his Love as he kissed her cheek, very glad he had a robe on as her rump was wiggling and rubbing his crotch in a much too lusty way. She turned her head to look at him with one brown eye and whisper, "One More Hole." At that moment the lion decided he was going to hire someone to sit (Discreetly) and take notes for his book... Just in case he didn't live through his Mating Night. Did he even have a Will made up? The lad Grabbed Taemae and whispered in her ear to find out for him - And if not to get one made so his Wife would inherit should he not make it past the HandFasting Ceremony...

It was too much! The tigress let go a shriek... She held her sides and laughed all the way down the hall. Which made Lae laugh and Niria laugh... And him laugh - Which made his robe open and fingers slipped in to tease his sheath. *Proing*

The round burning ears on the lion just made the two females laugh harder and go into the closet, holding hands, and talking about males and their problems with erections. They finally decided on something that was pretty but not too gaudy. And Limif found himself feeling a bit disappointed when his Lady covered her body in the dress. Especially when it wasn't His hand fishing out that cute tail... What was He Thinking! He barely knew the creature a day and Already corrupted... But it was still true. The feeling intensified when she walked by to gently caress his throbbing meat.

"When I be your Wife, I will not be worryin about such..." Lae swiped a hand to encompass the closet... And teased a drop of pre from him to coat a fingertip. " 'Cause I believe I heard someone say I was to be clothed while Outside but Bare-Ass Nekked while Inside - So my Husband might gaze upon my butt at his leisure." She licked the sweet liquid off, and kissed him, squeezing His rear firmly. "Well I be expecting the same from My Husband. 'Cause I like ta look at His hot ass too."

The 'Lioness', having marked her prey and leaving the wounded in her wake, walked regally towards the Main room... Where snacks awaited.

Chapter Twenty Five - Questions

The other rabbit in the House was being pushed back into the warm water by burly hands, followed by the rest of the bear. Getmuki shut the stammering male up with a long, hard kiss that left them both panting.

"Not since I was a youth, First learning I liked other males, Have I cum so hard... And Never so Fast. Of course the last few decades I haven't really been in the Mood - The Move. Old Master losing his Wife. Old Master dying. New Master being a very royal pain in the ass - And Not in a good way either."

That got a laugh from the male under him. So warm and sexy and... This time they met in the middle, muzzles open so tongues could touch, a clawed hand following all the valleys that Pain and Sun and Wind had carved in the strong face. Gods, He had to be careful! Not only did the rabbit have a Huge Cock, and a So Hot Ass, and Sexy Long Legs he wanted to nuzzle and caress for hours on end - The Bastard had one of those ruggedly handsome faces only gotten by years of suffering and toil. A back that begged for skilled hands to work the knots out of it. Falling in Love was an afterthought - A closeted Lover? Uncle to all those sexy kits? In a Heartbeat! Well, the young Master *Did* want him to find someone to bed...

The bear turned his head, grabbed a handful of rabbit ass, while cupping the so damn Hard skull with the other and planted his face in the male's, stopping when jaws met cheeks. And groaned when the bunny locked muzzles, tongue twining with his and the strong hand reached up to caress the back of His head. The bear pushed down, wanting every inch of his sodden fur touching his new Lover's. Cock rubbed against cock... Which slid free to slap bellies, fingers grabbing strong ass-cheeks, fat ball-sacks pressed against each other, nipples being pinched and bitten. Water splashed everywhere as both of them got about as physical as they could without penetration... Or trying to kill each other. At times it was hard to say they Weren't! Both strong, hard bodies ground against each other, grunts and groans turning to moans of passion... Semen blasted out throbbing meat-poles, to be mashed into wet chest fur, feet stroking legs, hands stroking cock. Then stroking their heaving sides as passions cooled from Lava flow to merely Incandescent.

They lay in what was left of the water, the bear going from lust to love to awe as he stroked the monster between the rabbit's legs - Still firm and very ready to continue.

"How The Hells does your Wife..."

Getmuki got a laugh in reply, and a soft kiss that made him stiffen like a teen discovering that he Can do it a second time.

"I dinna stick All of it in her... Just enough ta make her Happy. And never on Top. She be a tough female, Of good Farm Stock. But I still be a worryin I would hurt her iffen I was on Top." Johsa slapped the sticky, wet bear-ass with a grin. "Ye on the other hand, I dinna think I can hurt. And much as I wish I could find out how much of me cock I could stuff in that sexy ass, I be thinkin we should be showing our muzzles ta the Young'ens... They already Know we is playing - Still, tis better ta keep 'em guessing. 'Sides, I think that young male a'yourn wants ta be askin me a Question."

And so, reluctantly - With lots of grabs and kisses and both of them blasting their balls out on each others bellies (Dammit All - The rabbit Came more too!), They rinsed off. Dried off and got dressed. This time the kiss was much more chaste, neither of them willing to destroy more cloth - Besides, it was much more fun to take it off first.

They found the couple eating, and the bunny sat (Carefully so as not to bust seams), Trying this and that - A Lot of that, Which Cook was more than happy to whip up more of. Johsa reached over and grabbed the lion's balls, who fluffed up as if he had been hit by lightening!

"Well Daughter - Will he keep ye Happy in bed?"

Lae looked straight at the bear. "He would keep You Happy in bed, Da." Two sets of muzzle ran red.

The rabbit grinned and squeezed the lion's nuts gently again. "I know this be Your House. And Ye will be wantin ta say a lot of words, cause Your Da did so. But I tell ye Now - Words are a handful of wind, Compared to what yer heart says... So iffen you Love Her, and Promises ta keep Her Happy, I will give her to ya. But -"

Johsa leaned closer and *Smiled*. It was the same 'smile' he gave to the rocks strewn across his path. The Tax-male who came to take what few coins he earned... Strong fingers tugged the sack taut. "If My Daughter comes back ta My House a'cryin because You spat on Her... Then Sir, These are Mine And I Will Have Them!" He leaned over and kissed first one then the other of the furry balls, pretending not to see the blood that was draining from the male's face, rush elsewhere.

"Breathe Son, Breathe... Ya still has ta ask the Question. Walk to the Priest and give the rings. 'Course iffen Ye wants, I will undo my pants, ya can swear on my balls, tosses ya wife over yer shoulder and carry her off ta your bed. No? Young'ens just dinna appreciate the Old Ways."

Somehow Limif got his heart started again, then got on one knee, taking both of the rabbits' hands in his and asked for permission to make Laeare Tarin Mejaginil his Wife. To become the Lady Ryndal, with all that it entailed. Which was lay naked with her husband as much as possible. Keep the Garden. Not steal the Family Silver. And to Damned Well wear Appropriate Dress when Outside the House.

Lae bit her lip at the last, But it was a package deal - All or nothing. She knelt as well, Growling in her Mate's ear that She Would wear those dresses - For His sake. But not even if the Duke himself kissed her ass in the middle of the Square would she do so for One Moment longer than she had to. And she expected to Not have to wear those stupid ones that were useless when she pulled Her Cart - Besides, Didn't her Husband Like to watch her ass wriggle as she walked? Or maybe it was one of her Brothers' butts he lusted for. They did share Lovers, Should he be curious. Then she bit that burning ear hard enough to let him know that Da would have to Wait In Line for his balls if he ever Spat on her - Perhaps an ear-ring could be put in the sexy appendage... Gods!

* * * *

As they sat and chatted, two hands rubbed his legs, making the male sweat a little. Limif asked about what had just happened... And was told it wasn't Quite a Literal Translation - On the other hand, if the lion Did dishonor her, There was no doubt what would happen... And the others would probably help hold him down! Mind, Limif didn't know how he was going to do that - She already gave him permission to bed her Whole Family. He knew she wouldn't mind a Second Husband, Or just plain Lover to take to bed - With him. Gods! He knew aristocrats who weren't so Sophisticated. Niria would jump in between them if he but crooked a finger - As would any of the maids... And he knew that Lae wouldn't hesitate to say Yes. As for Getmuki? It seemed he had already picked out His rabbit. Now, as for the Lady walking Home to Da - She wouldn't get Two Steps out the door before he would be wrapped around her legs, Begging her to come back... There was no way he could Live without her - The lion kissed his Beloved.

The robe went on the chair, followed by the dress. The rabbit grabbed her male's ass, tossed Him over her shoulder, and walked down the hall to the First Sleeping room - Which is where they had slept together the night before. She declared they probably wouldn't be out for Last meal... And tossed the lion on the bed. Before closing the door, she also announced that Anyone who wanted to watch or even Participate was welcome - Oh, And would Cook bring a small pot of oil? She wanted Lube...

Johsa kissed the Bear, the Tigress and Cook... Who thought the daughter's kiss as sweet as wine - But the Father's kiss was Reserve Vintage, Fortified with Homemade that ate through the jug if one didn't drink it fast enough. Getmuki gathered the clothing and had the hyena put it back in the closet. Then he took the big Rabbit's hand and told First Maid that unless the House was Burning Down, Not to disturb them before Last Bell... Maybe not even Then! He walked with his Lover to the Second Sleeping room, and also closed the door, leaving three maids to giggle and get things ready. A tray for the kits with things that could double as play-toys, and plenty of cider - Wine dulled the senses after too many glasses and Cider had more sugar for stamina - Which The Young Lord was going to very much need!

A second tray for the two males - Things that would be easy to eat, to hold as they probably would tire faster. With Wine for sipping and spilling on fur. And metal cups as glass might break. With two pots of lube - Cook wasn't about to let his good cooking oil go to such a waste, But he did happen to have some nice slippery plant sap... In a Five Gallon Keg. When they delivered the trays, the females couldn't hold back their laughter as they saw that both couples were doing the same thing - Lying next to each other, holding hands and talking. Talking! The tigress left the trays, with a promise to look in on them again for other needs. She made sure the tubs were ready and extra sheets were close at hand - In case things got too sticky. She took measurements while grabbing the big rabbit's butt... Then grabbed the ruined pants and closed that door too.

And so the three of them sat, enlarging crotches and rumps so the Father would have decent clothing to wear home. The trio made sure the dresses had slits in the back as per The Master's instructions - More sexy rabbit rear should be showing... So he blurted it out, It was still an Order. While they worked, the maids tried to decide who moaned more... And whose moan was Sexiest.

* * * *

The bear had the male on his belly, straddling that So Hot Ass, and was Frowning. Not because of the view, or because his erection was trapped between the strong cheeks... But because what lay before him was Not a Back - It was a pair of Iron reinforced oak boards, with cobblestones in between that served as the rabbit's spine. Knotted muscles combined with stress cracks that had healed crookedly made for a mess under his hands. He hadn't Believed the male's tale of pulling a plow through rocky ground for years on end - But the granite slabs beneath his fingers were Rapidly changing his mind... It took Three Tries to get the bones to crack and re-align into something Resembling straight. To get this back in full alignment would take a Drawbridge Wench! He pounded the muscles until his hands were sore. Massaged oil in and pounded them again... Ran his claws along the bony sides - And found his Lover asleep. Thumbs dug into more corded muscle on the neck and shoulders... Some of it was work-related. But what he felt was Worry. Years of it, Piled on top of all the other abuse this male's body had been subjected to.

He'd have bet a Gold-piece he could break a tooth off biting that shoulder. Or the ass that squeezed his cock every time he moved. Getmuki turned the rabbit on his side and hugged him fiercely, a rumbled growl vibrating them both. He had a story for the Young Master Alright - Of cubs barely of Age (If that) being sent out to work in the Fields. Pushing stones, carrying water, pulling weeds. Of Existence living in Shacks that had no window glass to keep the Cold out. Of Families evicted with no more than what they wore if they couldn't pay the Taxes. If they or their kits refused the Farmer's advances... And not just one - Sometimes a Dozen families might work for a Land Owner. They got the King's Birth and the Duke's Birth off - Half a day of Rest...

The Plains Mansions had Villages of people working for them. Everybody had Houses. Everybody ate. Kits went to school half a day, Worked in the fields half a day. Rested on the Day of Prayer. He nuzzled the long ears, grinning... There were going to be quite a few bent noses when those Scheming Females found their prize snatched away - By a Cropper's Daughter. Oh they would howl and circle around the couple... But let so much as a polished nail come in contact with the Lady and they might find themselves in the middle of the Street with their fancy dresses Ripped off, their powdered faces Bruised and their egos in Tatters, With Her footprints all over Their Butts! Dueling was outlawed - But one could still defend oneself...

* * * *

Getmuki woke his Lover a Candlemark before Last Bell with a kiss... And a pair of bitten nipples. He didn't want to get up, but he had a House to run, and the Rabbit had a Family to return to - With newly sewn pants and a Gold-piece in the pocket. Another of the Young Master's commands - There will be Food on the Table of His Wife's Family. He shushed the male with another kiss...

"Get used to it, Your daughter is marrying Royalty." A Minor House, Not very rich... But Royalty. And if the rabbit wanted to spend the night at his Son's House, He was more than welcome. And the Garden would need looking at at least twice a month. The bear watched that So hot ass walk off with the cart, and a promise to return. Closing the door, the male laughed softly... Damn! He almost felt Eighty again.

Chapter Twenty Six - The Other Couple

The lion lay, looking at the expanse of white fur and strong body... And it was All His? The lad's lips were dry but he didn't want to wake the Sleeping Beauty to fetch a cup from the tray. Brown eyes opened and the rabbit reached over to pour cider from the jug. Then handed a cup to the startled male - Did she read minds as well?

Lae grinned and kissed him. "I was thirsty too..." Then she took a long drink from his cup, watching him finish it.

He laughed. "In some places, we just married..." Then he shivered as she took the cup and put it back on the tray. But not before sliding her tongue around the rim... Propped on one elbow, He just watched her every movement - Watched the sun play on her white frame, Her long sexy ears laying against the tan of the wall. Her so long legs lying against his own... He lifted a foot to rub one, watching her giggle and reach over to rub his erection as it lay throbbing and stark red along her belly. She teased his tawny ballsack, making the lad gasp.

"Your Father - Did he mean what he said about Spitting on Your honor? I mean..."

The rabbit laughed softly, and leaned over to kiss his nuts, giving the lion a breath-stealing view of her back and butt-cheeks, with that so cute tail wagging over them. She said she wanted him to take her there next... But how could he? It was Eleven inches - And he could barely take his cousin's five-incher (several times) when they played that summer.

"Ye worry he will be takin them from ya? Well, He may - Tradition says, The Father will take the Balls of the Son who Dares to Spit on his Daughter. But it dinna say Cut 'em off. It just says Take - So The Son can be taken as Slave, Servant, or even Lover to appease the Debt. But if you want Da in bed, all ye have to do is Ask him. Or any of My Family." She patted his so confused face. "Ask Niria - She understands." The rabbit slapped his butt. "Or shall I'se go? I know ye would enjoy Two females inna yer bed."

Lae barely got a foot on the floor before the male leaped out of the bed and was standing in front of her... His tail swaying like an angry snake.

"Now you listen here Missie - I will decide when I want two females in my bed... Or another male. And it will be Long after I have plundered All of your Treasures. Long after I no longer desire you with every breath. Don't feel Jealous of the towels that dry your so beautiful body. Of your dresses because they can touch you when I can't."

The lion fell to his knees... "Wife - What have you Done to me?"

The White Lady turned and took his head, putting it between her tits. Leaned over and kissed his head, letting him cry softly. Ma told her, 'A male can weep, But it takes Intolerable Pain or Unmitigated Joy to make them do so. When a male weeps, We say a Goddess has touched them... Take hold of him Daughter. Hold him until the Goddess lets him go.'

She lifted the lion's head, and smoothed back his mane. Kissed his tear-streaked face and said simply, "Love You." She stood, and lifted him, hugging the silly male. Pushed him back, then turned slowly around. "All I own, You see before you. All I am... All that I have been." The words did not come as easy to her as they did for Tur, But Da taught them all to speak well.

"You give me sheets and beds and dresses fit for a Lady to wear. I give you a Body, Not virgin in any way. Hardened in the Fields, Touched by rough hands. Taken by Farm Lads who wanted no more than a Candlemark of pleasure. I give you a heart that has known the lust of many, But the love of only one." She kissed him again. "We Share because we have nothing but ourselves to give. I would gladly lay with your servants, as you lay with My Family. Or any Lover you think is worthy to share me with."

At his startled gasp, she grabbed his ass and flung him back into the bed. "Think me a tart who opens her legs for anymale with a copper? Or just the ones hung like mules? You Asked Me, Good Sir. Asked my Da fer my Hand. Well, Ye shall have it - And all that goes with! We share our bodies because the cold comes through the cracks, Bitter as Sommak Root. We share Food 'cause not all Families eat every day. We share Work 'cause Da is but one male and there are Many miles to Plow, Many seeds ta sew afore he gets ta rest. Debts, Sir... Ye shows me a House better than Farmer Mees lives in. Ye put plates on the table I be afraid ta touch, Lest I mar them with my roughness. You show me Dresses that I hain't imagined in my dreams I would ever see, Let alone wear. Put people under me that Cook and Clean and at least One of whom calls me Sister and would leap in this bed 'cause she cares for ye That Much."

The rabbit *Glared* at him so fiercely his tail-tuft poofed. "And how shall I pay this Debt? I be given ye Everything I have... Body, Heart. I caint bear ye cubs, Much as I may wish to. I caint cook like Cook does. I ain't no Lady ta be sittin in Them too-fancy dresses, Holding yer hand like some Bedtale story. I can work, scrub floors an wash an mend, Naked iffen ye like. But iffen the Daughter of a Cropper Not be enough, Then Tell me so." Tears ran down her cheeks, dripped off her chin... But anger still burned in those brown eyes. "Ask an I shall come to bed with ye. Leave when ye are done - Ye won't be the First."

Limif watched the head drop. Watched the shoulders shake as if under a massive weight. He got up and lifted the wet chin. "Do you Love me?" He watched unbearable sadness slide through anger and into confusion.

"Dinna I says So? Yes... With all I have." A whisper that ripped through him as if she had used Knives instead of Words.

The lion Slammed her against a wall, All teeth and claws and snarls.

"How Dare You, Madam!" He inhaled her scent, Wanting to put a fist through the wall at the Fear he could almost taste - And Gods, she was Still so Beautiful...

"You will Never utter those words in my presence again - I don't care if every Lad and Mule in the Provence has been between your legs. I don't care if you ate dirt and slept in a ditch. You. Are. Mine! My Lady forever enrobed in White. My Lady who has more sense than all the Chattering Ninibobs I have had to endure since my Father's Death. I don't Fuck my servants because I care for them more as Family than as Property - Which under law they are." The lion took her hands. "Now... You Will Dress as is proper for a Lady of House Ryndal. You Will be Naked because You are much too beautiful to be covered up - There is No cloth made that can match your Splendor."

He sighed, kissed her bewildered but still so beautiful face... "I stare at you and hope I never wake from this dream. I fear touching you lest you shatter and I lose the Goddess' vision that lays beside me." Limif managed a breath and *smacked* the startled rabbit's ass hard enough to make her yelp - And bruise his hand. A white marble statue would be his gift. So he could gaze on her beauty when she wasn't around - And rub that damn hard ass!

"Your Father can Have my balls, If he wishes them... But I say to you - Your hand will be removed from mine when one of us is put next to My Parents in the Stone Tomb that lays just beyond the Garden. And then only as long as it takes for the other to join them. Talk to me of Debts like I was buying you... Damn you Lae, I love you more than Life, More than Breath... I would put you on a pedestal and worship at your feet - If I didn't Love your pert ass more!"

The lad expected Anything but the laugh and the arms around his neck... And yet more tears on his chest. Every book he had studied, Every Tutor he had questioned could no more explain the Ways of Females to him than they could Why the Sun rose in the heavens. Oh, They had theories and conjectures... Graphs and drawings. But like this rabbit who was now kissing him and trying to laugh while trying to cry, One may as ask the Gods what Love is. Why we love... And why even now his dick throbbed, Wanting to be inside her. He was becoming jealous of It, as The Lady seemed to enjoy it's company over His.

Then he laughed himself as the Cave-Male hefted his wife in his arms, and walked to the door, kicking it... And bruised his toes. Ow!

"Stupid..." she declared him, Grabbing the latch with one hand and his head with the other, kissing him with such a hunger, He almost turned around again. But the door was open and he walked out to the assembled staff, Stating they would like Last meal - After a certain smelly rabbit was bathed properly... Hey!

Lae couldn't reach his shins but she could reach his butt and she pinched it hard enough he dropped her to her feet. The bunny growled... Spun the lion around and grabbing his ass, tossed him over her shoulder.

"Niria - I'se ain't never washed no Lordling afore... And I ain't his ta be ordered around, Yet. Not till he says the words afore a Priest and has a ring on my finger. Hush," she said and slapped the male's butt firmly. "Ye wants a Proper washin, Ye will gets one. But I ain't a doin it without help. Come on now Girl... Ye be washing his butt since he be wearin nuthin but fur. Even though it be a bit bigger and probably Much Sexier, It's the same butt."

The hyena got out a short laugh before she gathered up her dress and padded down the hall, the two Lovers arguing all the way to the Master's rooms. She opened the door to the Main room, with a small Library to the left, and Eating room to the right. Then went down a short hall to the Sleeping room and it's own Bathing room, Where she set the fire on to heat the water. Niria watched the male get lowered into the tub, as red as the setting sun... Speaking of which, candles would have to be lit soon... Then the Lady was at her side, getting Her dress off. Ummmm... No, She wasn't going to wash the Master dressed - But she hadn't washed him since he stopped staring at her tits and started looking at her face.

Chapter Twenty Seven - The Bath

And so Master Ryndal sat in a cold metal tub, trying his best to hide himself with hands and arms and legs, While his traitorous pole danced and waved at the two naked females, Who were snickering and pointing and Obviously enjoying his predicament. One touch of that so strong calloused hand and he would be cumming all over himself - And in front of Niria? Gods, He was going to die of embarrassment! And guess who leaned over him with those warm brown breasts in his face to pour the hot water. Nipples Black instead of Pink, But just as Inviting... And the lad found he Didn't need to be touched to orgasm.

The hyena giggled as lion seed splattered her belly, her chest, Reaching down to help more of it shoot out. Master may be grown now but not so long ago, She was the one who taught him how to masturbate. Taemae scared him, Sorea was too timid to grip his balls like he wished - Even if the Eland's tongue was longer than any of theirs. Lae took the kettle, mixing the water in a bucket - Before pouring it over Limif's head! As he sputtered and reared up, She stepped into the tub - Taking Niria's hand, and kneeling to one side of her mate. The rabbit slid her tongue up one side of his throbbing cock, motioning the Maid to do the same on the other side.

"I guess His Lordships likes bein washed like this?"

The only thing coming out of the lion's mouth was moans as the females licked the length of his cock again... First one then the other, Kissing the still dribbling head. With a wicked grin, They gripped their mounds of furred skin and Trapped his erection between them, panting a little themselves as their nipples rubbed against each other. Then they moved in tandem - Up and Down and Up... This time the spurt hit the male in the face, As he screeched and grabbed what was closest - A pair of hot ass-cheeks, one per hand, Squeezing the wriggling mounds... Which made Them shriek and squeeze his cock Harder, Nibbling on the shaft, licking his cream up as fast as his balls could manufacture it. When the lad lay as limp as a Rag, the rabbit leaned over and kissed him.

"See how much fun ye been missin, Not havin two females washing ye... Niria, Brushes Please. And more hot water, I think this has gone cold." But it was the fat balls her fingers were rolling around and not the tepid bathwater. The hyena laughed and nodded and got out to fetch Soap, Brushes and Cloths. Together the pair got the tub filled, and from the Lion's ears to his toes, they scrubbed and nuzzled and kissed every inch of that Poor male. He came when they nipped his nipples. He came when lips and clawed fingers left trails of fire on his belly. He came when they Shoved his rump up and Sucked on his balls. He screamed laughter when they tickled his sides and his feet, Kissing each toe in turn.

And just when he thought he was safe... They turned him over like a Chicken on a Spit, and Attacked his so sexy Ass! Bites and caresses and kisses hot enough to burn fur off rained on his cheeks, his thighs... Gods - They found places on his legs He never would have thought Ticklish... Or so damn Erotic! Then up... Up his tail that tried to escape their clutches, but got kissed and nuzzled with soft smacks in his exposed butt. Up his back and shoulders, squeezing and kneading until he melted into a puddle at the bottom of the now empty tub. He got his mane scrubbed and his ears nuzzled... The pile of fur also got splashed with the rest of the water in the bucket.

"Look at him - Half a Candlemark ago he was all Growls and Thunder and 'Don't you Dare!' Now he is a rug, Barely fit ta Toss on the floor." They rolled him over and kissed his lips, kissed his nipples... Kissed his limp cock. Then tossed him out of the tub, into a robe, and finally dumping his rump by the fire. And there he sat, Watching two naked females flounce and waggle and get in the tub to Caress each others breasts. He whimpered while they rubbed each others belly's. He gasped as fingers dipped between strong legs... Gods! He thought he would never get erect again - He was wrong. Never in any Fantasy, any of the Forbidden Books he dared to peek into was there anything like what the Ladies did in front of him. And they were Just Washing! Just running cloth across and under and around... Just moaning and panting and shuddering. Just moving their hands across each others butts, squeezing and running their fingers through the sodden fur... Scratching inner thighs and dipping fingers under furry mounds and...

Dumping dippers of water on each other, Laughing as they rinsed. Glancing at the panting male with his robe open and his cock throbbing... Hands gripping the chair arms as if to break them off. Awwwww... The 'vixens' got out of the tub, dripping water and swaying their hips, reaching down to squeeze his thighs...

"I think his Lordship's got a Problem..."

They shifted their hands to his balls, caressing them, teasing them... "I believe he does, My Lady."

Then the females leaned over, breasts rubbing his arms... And slapped a towel in his face! "Dry Yerself... And iffen ye hurry, Ye can help Dry Us..."

One Brown-and-White rump with a brush for a tail, One Pure White with barely anything to wag over it, rear - Both wet and so damn beautiful butts rubbed his face... A scream stifled in those cheeks, an explosion that nearly whitewashed the ceiling - It Did splatter nicely in the wash-bucket so Carefully aimed to catch the Fallout... And the lion knew nothing more. Not even twitching when they sat on his hands and dried him off. Not when they squeezed his cock, Stroking it from base to spined tip to milk it dry, Licking whatever dribbled on their fingers. The ladies watched it slip back into it's holder, with kisses and nuzzles that kept it threatening to return to Full Bloom. They rubbed his balls and his legs and his butt, Putting more teeth marks on the sexy buns. Poofed out his mane, Combing it so it halloed his face - His so beautiful face. How could one not fall in Love with him...

They got the limp rug in bed, with a candle in case he woke before the rabbit returned - Which was not very likely. Then both females dressed in Everyday-wear, and Scandalized Cook by asking that the Regular service be used instead of the Family Silver. But use it they did... And the Staff sat and ate and laughed as the rabbit described their bath/torturing of the Young Master. Then she Kissed Cook, the bear (Grabbing his crotch while she was at it), the tigress who gasped - But returned it. The eland who *Blushed*... And finally, her Accomplice.

Lae took a tray for her Husband, wished them all a "Good Evening", and disappeared down the hallway.

Getmuki sighed... Got up and took his clothing off. "This House has not had a Lady in it Since -" Her name was never spoken aloud. "But now it Does. Tomorrow We Clean. Open the Windows, Work the Fans. Scrub the floors and Walls... This place will be Worthy of her, even if we have to - Hire Help."

The maids gasped... But nodded. For much too long the House had been dark. The rooms empty of candle-light. They pulled their dresses off and hugged. The House of Ryndal had Laughter again. Had Light again. Had a Lady again... And if she went Naked, So would they - Even Cook, who would probably be buried in his apron. Oh Godsssss... Everybody scratched at places where they couldn't while wearing clothing - Backs and sides and legs that seemed to itch as if they had worn Fleas instead of cloth. They took a cup of wine apiece, Wished Long Life to the couple. Then retired to the Servant's quarters, to mend what needed mending. To trim candle wicks... And to plan their assault on the grime of Too Many Years.

Chapter Twenty Eight - Poor Tama

Tama groaned, his back aching. But he still put his Tools away, making sure the others did so as well. Gods - He had run a small shop out of the back of his house for Years. A pair of Unused rooms made into one big one had sufficed him... Then a rabbit had come to his door. That same brown and white rabbit who was helping kill the small fires that kept the glue pots hot and gathering aprons and making sure no one had burned fingers or glued fur or had splinters stuck in their palms.

So many! So many faces, Eager to learn. Eager to help their Da's... Eager to grab his ass! Did every Male-loving kit in the Township come to his doorstep? Or was it just curiosity - 'Does Master Fox's butt feel different than Mine?' Be Damned if it was Debt! He Paid them, And That was the end of it... But Gods, they stared at his crotch with a Hunger that had nothing to do with Food. And every day they kissed him as they shuffled out the door to put their pants on saying, "Thank'ee, Ser" and "Bless'ee, Ser." When he asked Rand why they would rub his nuts every chance they got, the bunny laughed and replied it was, "So Luck would come to Them as it had come to Me."

Luck! HandFasted in Three days, The calendar reminded him. The fox was a Wreck, Trying to remember what he was supposed to say and Not to forget the rings And... Gods!

What had started out to be a simple, Quiet, BackPorch wedding had turned into a two family gathering... Which blossomed into Half the Damn Town wanting to watch him Kiss his Lover in Public. Tama grabbed the naked rabbit and kissed his Love... Didn't stop when all the Apprentices cheered and walked past to pat Both their butts - But he did growl, "Pants." Sometimes they forgot, Walking down the street Naked... "And Back in the morning. Lessons start Promptly after Second Candlemark."


"Hah! You want to be Apprentices? Then Learn - I an not going to be here Forever to keep your Tails out of the Firepit!" A Firepit to heat metal... When did he start making ornate handles and gate hinges and... He kissed the rabbit again, squeezing the firm ass.

Tama took his own apron off and shivered as the male caressed his aching balls. Then he put on his pants and shirt and coat... With Gold thread and a Silver pin of a Fox-Paw with his name in scrollwork - Just so he could Walk out his door, Lock the Gates - Gentry didn't Walk, No... They had carriages and Footmales to pull it. He had a Coach... With a Damn Big rabbit who got to wear just enough to hide his Mule-sized balls. The few who could get enough breath to ask were told, "Oxen didn't have wear anything, So why should I?"

'Because *I* have to watch your Damn Hot Ass wag all the way Home!'

He didn't quite shove Rand inside, sitting with a sigh... All he heard was - 'What did Master Fox do Today? Apprenticed fifteen more Cropper lads. Got a dozen more hands for the Cleaning Maids to help scrub floors. Put a pile more Cubs to work in Master Pteh's Millery. Do you know if you walk by his Shop you can see a score of hot naked butts? And his the yummiest - Next to that Rabbit of His... Best have a care knockin on his door too - He might as not open it with nae a stitch On. Oh, And then there's that Young Female - And the White Clerk, or Valet or whatever he be called nowadays... Lover Most likely. Of course he has the Whole Family to poach from in the next house. And the Da? I'd drop me husband in a Candlemark to have that big male a'pantin over me. He not be shy about lettin ye grabs him either. I tells ya - Gentry be havin the Best of it all!'

The best damn Headaches... Did the table Have to be oak?

* * * *

He had been eyeing all that 'Split and Crack and Chip just by breathing on It' furniture sitting next to his shed when in came the tribe of bunnies - With a naked Maia leading them... Didn't they have Any Shame? Hah! All three of them patted his butt, Kissed his cheek and went inside. "The tub be a bit Small for Four, but we be a'managen, Iffen ye wants ta."

Not Even! That was All he needed... Three rabbits bent over the tub, their butts wriggling in his face, Wanting him to - *Proing* Whimper 'Gods, Take pity on a Poor fox, Please.' Tama threw his hands up, Dropped his pants and gave the Gossip next door a very good look at his Erection - And his Butt as he bent to fetch the cloth. The fox walked inside, wondering if He was going Insane as well... Why Not? The Rest of the Family Was! He walked up behind Tur and pulled him from the desk, Grabbing the too hot ass, Shoving him against a wall.

"You need a Lover." He kissed the startled bunny before the lad could complain. "You said I can't HandFast you. That Clerks/Valets shouldn't Look above their stations... Even if they do. So..." He paused, and rubbed the white furred balls. "You need to find a Lover. Someone you Can be Out With and be Seen With and..." Gods, he Was going Crazy! "Share your Master with - But only occasionally, Mind... He is supposed to be Your Lover, Not *Mmmmmpf*" The male turned into a horny snake, wrapping around the fox, Sucking the breath out of him... And then down on those white knees to - Gods! Tama lasted as long as it took for a tongue to slide across his knobs, His cock already buried in the hot muzzle. Two Long, Hard swallows emptied his abused nuts... Then Rand was kissing him and Maia was kissing him and all three rabbits had hands on his ass and were getting him in bed and lying all around him. Someone brought him a cup of something wet, And he gulped it down, barely tasting whatever it was. Fingers kept his slick meat stiff with soft caresses along it's length. More fingers played with his nuts and Gods knows how many Feet were sliding along his legs.

"Are you Sure, Love?" Tama turned to look at the white rabbit who was sitting on his hand. He Squeezed the sexy butt firmly.

"Take a Lover or HandFast Me so no other may Have you..." Hah! Not so comfortable when it's Your rump hanging over the Hungry Tiger's mouth, Now was it? 'Don't Look at me like That! Dammit, All you rabbits do is fuck and cry.' The fox kissed Tur, squeezing his butt again. 'Well, they also looked sexy as hells Naked and did decent work in the shop and...' Shop. A New Shop... He rolled over to grab the white shoulders - And *Yipped*! Since his butt was no longer on the bed, Someone though it Fair Game to be nuzzled and kissed and fondled...

'Just you wait, Young Lady - I will get you Mated Off and away from My ass If I have to drag the Duke Himself down here!'

Tama did his best not to whimper as he shook the male. "A New Shop. When did I have time to buy a New Shop? And don't tell me it's for..." *Yipe* A hot tongue found an intimate place under his tail and was teasing his puckered hole, while other fingers combed the long appendage out.

"It was for sale. Cheap too as it doesn't have any Living Area. Besides, You are going to need a bigger place to keep up with Demand. Maia wants to put a small glass-blowing forge in the back, Which means most of your Tools and Plans will have to go elsewhere. And I got several more offers for Apprentices... Seems your Reputation for liking sexy lads had reached down to the Farms, Love."

'How The Hells did he do that? Call me Love and I melt all over the bed.' Then his head was turned and his other Love was kissing him. The fox was tugged around so Tur was hugging his back and Rand was hugging his front... And Maia bit all three hunky ass-cheeks - Males! She snagged the cup and went to the Main room, washing it. Snuck a look at all the squiggles Tur made in the books - Gods, Was one of those Money Books Hers? She went back and Hugged her Oldest brother, Kissing the back of an ear. Got a grin and a wink... The lithe female Slapped all their sexy butts. "Ye be wantin me ta be bringin a Tray, Or are ye goin ta be too Busy ta eat?"

Master Rornes looked so cute when his ears went that mottled red... Maia leaned over and kissed his cheek. "Sun's still up - Ye got time for a Good Hump and a Bath afore Last meal. As fer Me, I am fer a snack and back to work... Someone has ta keep the coins coming in so's Master Rornes can keep clothes on his sexy ass - Even iffen I be preferrin it naked."

She kissed the burning cheeks again, patting what rump wasn't covered by rabbit crotch, then went back in and checked the supplies. Master Fox will definitely be shoppin Tomorrow... The rabbit ate, then washed her plate off. She got a pot of that stinky oil and left it on the bedstand... They was just nuzzlin, but That would change quick enough, Knowin her brothers. She walked back to get her apron and continue working on a Special piece of silver work. A big fox-foot, with green stones for claws. Maia wouldn't be showin Master Fox it Neither - Not afore the Weddin... She smiled as she carefully inscribed letters on the back - Two rings would Master Fox be wearing, Two names be on the back of this Pendant. And Three hairs - White, Brown and Red would be braided and set in a tiny clear glass claw - The Third one.

Wha...? Long ears turned at the sound of water running, and brown eyes saw a russet butt walk from the Bathing room. The rabbit put her work aside with a Growl... If those Rock-Headed males didn't want that sexy Fox-Ass, She sure did! The lass chased Tama clear into the Main room, Teasing his too sexy butt all the way. She made him sit and eat a little and drink the last of the ale. Then sat on his lap and teased him until he Laughed and Yipped and looked at her as less a pest and more something that might be fun to play with. Gods, Virgin Farm Boys were quicker than him ta get the Message! If the Mule's too dumb to know ya want him ta move his leg so's ya can rub his balls, Move it yerself - She grabbed his hand and pulled him into the Sleeping room.

"Out!" Maia snarled at the two idiot-brothers of hers. She smacked their butts as they bowed to her and scooted... Then she shoved Mister Fox onto the bed and Kissed him. Kissed him like he was Special, Like he was her Lover... Like he didn't have a care for anything - Especially a pair of Mule's Cousins who couldn't see the worry lines. The haunted look her Da came home with too often. She was going to Grab their ears and Crack their heads Together! The bunny Nuzzled Tama and whispered the same in his ear, getting a howl of laughter, And some Genuine Tears... Males! She put his hand on her butt as she got him on his back, covering his body with hers.

"Come on... I ain't a statue that'll break iffen ye get rough. Heh, Does my butt feel as good as my brothers'?" Fingers squeezed her rump as she combed his head fur, gently plucking the Three Gray Hairs - And one more trying to hide, tossing them into the drawer in the bed-table. Then she pushed her breasts into his face to make those beautiful green eyes stop staring at that drawer. She sat up and rubbed his muzzle into her chest. Felt the tension slowly slide from his belly and go lower. Maia moved her butt to tease the swelling sheath, grinning at the poor male.

"Mmmmm - I guess ya does like my butt as much. There's oil inna Pot and..." She tapped his nose with a finger as he tried to squirm. "None of That, Master Fox. You is teachin me about Gentle Lovers. That means I expect that while you is pumpin my ass full a'yer cream, ye is going to caress my butt and maybe nibble on my nipples... And iffen ye feel like touching or nibbling anything else... You do it." Maia took his free hand and kissed it. "Now, Shows me how you oil-up a Lover, Mister Fox. And take your time... I haint got no balls ta be demandin I be humpin like some Wildling - Rand!"

The rabbit popped his head in, Seeing a scared fox lying under the Demon he called Sister, who was holding his Love's hand out and waiting for him.... He moved closer, Yeeping as she grabbed His nuts, Plopping them into Tama's hand.

"Kiss him Stupid."

He did so, and knew why Maia called him back. There was fur missing from his head - Just a few hairs, but when you see a face every day, you notice things... Like the wrinkles and the way the belly was starting to get tighter instead of fatter.

"Love..." He kissed the male again, feeling the fingers grip him as they had so many times before.

Maia patted the lad's rump. "Tell Ma we will be over for Last meal. Empty the Cold Box and the shelves. We can eat at that cakes cart you like so much Tomorrow. And that means I will need a clean dress - Find me one, Brother."

Rand shivered... When his sister sounded like Tur, Things got scary. He Nodded and didn't quite run off, grabbing his brother. They scrambled out the door, Naked as Jaybirds - To catch the squirrel and her crew. To ask if she could do some Laundry... Yes She could, Sexy Butts.

Marigola shooed them both back into the house, Giggling as she passed the Master of the house with a snippet of a female sitting between his legs and rubbing his chest. Nothing More - Just rubbing. She was also twitching her rear. Little twitches... Mustn't scare the fish before he has taken the hook, after all.

She led in the pair of felines who had Begged her to be allowed to come back. No Big male rabbit this time, Just a pair of so damn hot brothers who helped with the hamper and the water - Getting felt up all the while, Rand blushing but not flinching at the caresses on his rump and sheath, Trying to be like Tur who just smiled and Waggled his bits in their rough hands. *Purrrrr*

The Sisters licked their fingers and set to the Washboards, whispering about which one was Tastier - White Butt or Brown? And Why did they set off as if their tails were on fire? Maybe that little female nuzzling on Master Fox? Hah - They would share his Hot Red Ass with each other, but the others would have to Wait Their Turn! A handclap got them working a Little Faster... Mistress Marigola said she was a'going next door to help out... And if the lads came back, She Still expected All the laundry to be done - Or Someone Else would be coming over!

That threat brought a flood of "Yes Mistress!" and "No Mistress!" and "We be done Mistress!"

Damn... They Were hopin the Lads would come back for a nuzzle. Hmmmm - Maybe Girls scared them off... Afraid they might not be as Faggy as they thought? Hehehehe... But that was ok, because a twin of the female who was making Mister Fox pant, padded in. Not old enough to work, But definitely old enough to be curious about a pair of sexy females with nipples pushing against the sensible if thin dresses... And doing his best to hold up a pair of pants that were a Little too big - They kept slipping and showing off bits of his anatomy that made the ladies pant. Cute as a new button... And already sporting a bulge big enough to make them Growl. The rabbit Sighed and dropped the cloth, making the slit-pupil'd eyes go wide, bending over and showing off more than just a hot ass... The lad tossed his pants over his shoulder, and turned - Gods! And he wasn't of Age yet?

"I be... Was hopin Master Rornes maybe had a scrap I could use as a Belt... Ma says I be - Will be growin in-to them soonly." He explained before looking at the wash. "Ye need help? Ma says Always asks..." he said, walking forward, wagging his dick. The Sisters had heard of Wildling Colts, but to actually have one come up to you... The brown eyes followed theirs down. Oh - That. He Sighed again, Slapping his erection, Making it bob.

"It be a Pain... Pushing my pants out, Shoving the blanket up - Waving at beautiful Ladies like yerselves... Ma says, It's part of growin up... Says I gotta live with it. Still a Pain!"

The felines soon had him between them, pants in the wash, and his Rear where they could nip on it. He giggled and squirmed, watching them scrub the cloth against the boards... And doing the same. Suiki didn't understand all the fuss over his rump, but Females never made sense to him anyway... He perked up when they said he could help them put it out to dry, and managed to carry the basket - Just. The lad waited and while one feline sat in the shade and squeezed his Rear, The other sexy Lady hung up sheets... She nodded to her sister - All Clear. A moment later the rabbit's cock was swallowed to the sheath in a Hot, Vibrating, Rough... He bit a rag to keep from screaming as his whole body convulsed, Strong fingers squeezing his ass, Strong sucks pulling more cream out of his cock. Then the muzzle slid up and he bit the cloth again, as lips warm as the Sun kissed the tip of his still throbbing erection.

The female Purred as he swayed - Damn, Rabbits be Sexy! She exchanged places with her sister, the second feline swallowing him into Heat, a scratchy tongue wrapping around his flesh - And Pop, more semen to be gulped down greedily, fingers teasing his nuts to empty them. As it slipped from her mouth, the lad shivered... And stared downward - A Miracle! The blasted thing was actually Going Down. Disappearing back into it's holder. Suiki giggled as the Ladies kissed him between his legs. Wouldn't take his thanks either - Said it was a pleasure to help him... Besides, the cute lad Had helped with the Laundry. They found a belt for his pants which were drying on the line. And took turns nipping his rear, Rubbing his nutsack until the sun and wind had done their work. The Ladies looked so sad when he put his clothes on again, He promised them he would take them off anytime they were around... And of course, Help as he could.

Sweet as a First Kiss and Hot as them Peppers Aunt liked so much. The sisters Licked their lips, thinking they would enjoy breaking him in - Have to share him but they didn't think he would mind. The washer-maids got the clothes and sheets put away, leaving a pair of pants and a dress out for the pair still in bed - Winked in passing at the rabbit who was still making the fox moan. Making sure the door was closed behind them, the felines licked their lips, nipples tight against the cloth... Too bad they couldn't gossip to their other Sisters about the doings in the House - Then again... Who said it had to come from Them? Not their fault if the Town Chatterbox talked... Not their fault at all.

Chapter Twenty Nine - More Seductions

Maia waved at the felines, grinning as she smelled her younger brother on them. Well - The scamp had a couple of females after his cute butt now... Good! Then she grinned - Back to the bigger male under Her. She stroked and rubbed and massaged his chest and sides, making the fox moan and murr and pant. Rrrrrrrr - She was going to Kick her Brothers' asses Up one side of the street and Down the other, Cracking their heads Together All the While! How Many nights did they just caress this poor male, just holding him and nuzzle him and...

"Tama..." She kissed his sweet muzzle, watching the eye-lids stir. "Oil, Please... Dinna want your so sexy dick getting bruised in my too tight rear."

A hand lazily reached over and swirled the oil. Came back to be slapped in a hand, palms rubbing it to heat the slippery stuff... The now warmed oil was applied to a finger that teased her anal ring open. Wriggled in deep - To the last knuckle and she arched, Biting her lip so she wouldn't Scream. Gods! So different then the fumbling attempts of the Farm Lads - Half of whom popped before they got so much as the head in. Then it slipped out and as she kissed a nipple, The hot pole that had been sliding between her cheeks Moved up. Prodded her back-passage... Opened it and slid in. She arched above the fox as he gripped her hips, Pushing still deeper. And not until that fat knot was rubbing her tight hole did those green eyes snap wide open.

"Maia? Oh Gods! I... I shouldn't be doing..."

The bunny-lass wriggled and leaned over, slipping her feet back so she could roll her hips and squeeze the male. Got a deep groan, giggling as she touched his nose with a nipple. "Hush Now... I sent those Mule heads to Ma." She lifted up an inch or two - Then slid back down. "You is bigger than most I've had back there... But we takes our time." She kissed his sweaty brow, His so warm lips...

Crap! She growled at the worry in his eyes - "How many times have my brothers held you... I don't mean wriggled their butts like this -" And rotated her hips again, grinding her ass against his knot, making the male yelp and shiver clear to his toes.

"Or hugged you... I mean Held you. Rubbed your chest and shoulders and sexy ass... Not enough I bet. Not from what my hands say when I do This -" Maia took his shoulders and did as she did Da when he came from the fields - Squeezed them, massaged them, and Dug her fingers in to release the knotted muscles.

The fox was Sooo close to orgasm... And not from her rear either. Those hands found tight places he didn't know Existed, and made them loose. Tama Groaned and bit one of her nipples as it passed by his face. He got a *Yeep* and a giggle and a *Squeeze* that made his hips come off the bed. Maia let them quiver like that for a long moment... Then as he relaxed again, let him slide out - About halfway. She slid her butt back down slowly... All the time touching him, Teasing his nipples, Rubbing his chest and belly and - Gods, Tears? Males! Well, Maia would do her brother's chore then - The bunny rolled on his cock, turning, lying prone on him. Giggled again, reaching up to kiss the male. "Ye is supposed ta be humping me, Silly." She wiggled again in a way that made him Yip, Arch up to the sexy female... Hold her hips and pound her ass, Until... *POP*

"I believe we is tied, Mister Fox. Mmmmmmm - Ye is So Hot inside me... Can ye feel it?"

He felt every inch of flesh wrapped around his dick - Especially the bit that was Way too tight against his knot. And Rubbing, and squeezing and... Aaaaaaa! He came up on his toes and shoulders, Shoving the little rabbit towards the ceiling, cumming hard, howling... Jet after jet of hot sticky fox-spunk splattered and pooled in her guts, making the lass screech and spasm and shudder on top of the male. Which made his balls shove more sperm out and up his pole... They slowly slid back to the bed, glowing with shared pleasure.

"Maia..." Tama panted, kissing the long ears, nipping on them softly, reaching up for her tits, caressing them gently. He thought about being seduced... About the smell of female all over his legs. Then her butt squeezed his throbbing cock, wriggled against his nuts and he couldn't care less who or what was rubbing his chest with her head. Long as she was warm and hot... And Didn't Move!

The bunny giggled and gently rocked her rear. Lay on the male for long minutes of soft pants and groans and fingers rubbing fur. She wondered if they would be late for Last meal - Not that anyone would mind. Well, Maybe two stomachs who were just starting to discuss how little they had before all this exercise! She felt the fox move, than slide around, lifting her legs. Tama sat up - Stood, trying to keep his balance. He staggered down the hall, holding the bunny close until he got to the Bathing room. Got her butt over the hole of the Water Pot and she shivered at the cool wood. Maia was puzzled... Until his knot popped free - Like a cork pulled from a dam, Out came a gusher.

The fox watched the ears go from brown to red, and nuzzled the burning appendages... Rabbits were So Hot after Sex - Hells, They were Hot All The Time! He waited until she was mostly empty before plopping her rump on the hole and walking out to fetch some water and Tea - If there was any left. There was - Neither of the male rabbits cared for it much. He made a pot, getting two cups and the Everyday sugar bowl. Tama returned to his new Lover, took a pee, and washed it all down the drain with a dipperful of water. He Patted the sexy butt, getting a giggle and a smile as Maia drank her tea as-is.

The bunny took a cloth and washed his dick, sucking on it as she worked on his nuts, making the fox shudder, grabbing for the tub as his knees buckled. He somehow managed a dribble of semen... It was all he could muster after her rump had it's way with him. And Tur's muzzle... And - But it was enough to soften his knobs, And let his abused maleness slip back into it's holder, soft lips following the maleness to nuzzle the furry sheath... Then it was His turn for revenge as he knelt and worked the so hot ass with hand and cloth and muzzle, biting and nuzzling and teasing her from thigh to waggy tail. Tama Hugged her tightly, kissing her ears again.

"Thank You..." he muttered, pinching her rear. 'Next time, Ask' - Well, In a way she had... "And your butt is Just as good as your Brothers'. But not as good as your Da's." So they washed and dried and Naked, hand in hand went out the back gate to eat Last meal with the Family.

Chapter Thirty - Back To The Present

A jolt made Tama sigh and return to the present again. Taxes, Letters, Demands - And still the Streets were rough. Fingers squeezed his shoulders - Rand still played with his balls, but also rubbed his temples as well. Maia had her shop with all the things she needed to work glass and metal. She also had a tagalong in the way of a gray mouse lad who wanted to help... Or wanted to watch her butt wriggle in that apron. Either way she didn't try and get Him in bed any more often than usual.

Rand broke his train of thought to remind the fox that Tur would be going out Tonight... Seems there was a ThirdClerk in the Mayer's office, a nice brown bear who had watched the white rabbit come and go and was shy about saying anything.

"Brother says he's more of a Bottom than I am..." The older male moaned, not believing anyone could outsex rabbits. A soft kiss on his balls proved it as Rand laid his head in his Lover's lap. "We is goin ta have ta be addin some Adult talks to the Lessons - A buck asked me if 9 inches was too long or short for someone of his size. I told him Da was about half a yard stick long and he about Died..."

They both laughed at cubs and dick lengths - If That was all they had to worry about, Life would be Much easier... Then the coach jolted again, but this time to a stop. "We is home..."

And it all came crashing back - Worries about Maia burning the house down. Worries his Shop would burn down, stranding fifteen So young faces with no place to work. And Three days! Three days until, for good or ill, he was walking down a path of branches to stand before a Priest.

The fox allowed himself to be dragged out of the damn contraption and into his house (At least until Tur found a better one - Gods forbid!). Speaking of omens, There was the brown female rabbit with a cute mouse lad, Both naked. She took their clothes and gave them both a kiss, The mouse kissing their scrotums... He barely came up to the fox's chest. Tama kissed the pink palm where something a little too hot made a blister.

"You been patting Mistress Maia's rump again?" Both young ones giggled and Blushed... Gods, Give him a Gold-piece and He still couldn't shine any brighter! For a Kiss? He tipped the gray chin up and touched the soft lips with his own... Tickled the cute neck, making the kit squirm.

They sat, said Graces, and ate. Maia was taking after her mother in the Cooking, and everybody had seconds - The lad getting an extra half, as he was still growing. Yatt just showed up on the doorstep one day, Asking if he could do something for the fox who paid for Good work with copper. Ducked the question of his parents with not quite a sob... They didn't ask again. The lad was willing to work, and so he got adopted.

Tama sighed, knowing he was going to have to move soon, Like it or Not... The house only had one Sleeping room, and One Bathing room - Fine for him and Rand. Or Maia and her Husband. But if Tur got serious with this other Clerk... They would need another room. And of course, the white rabbit showed up with a sexy male in tow - Just came to get a couple of silver... Won't stay out Too late. This is Master Rornes, Who has been spoken of before. This is Rand, his Brother and Maia, his Sister. The mouseboy is Yatt.

The bear in his too big coat just nodded and gulped a cup of cider given to him and stammered when asked anything. But his eyes saw a lot of naked fur - The white fox-crotch seemed to keep his attention the longest. He whispered something in a long white ear, and got a giggled reply. Otkir bowed to all, and was whisked out with Tur holding his hand, Eyes shiny and tongue licking dry lips... The fox groaned as a promise he hoped never to keep leaped into memory - All he needed was Tur's Lover in His bed. But for now it was only two bunnies and a scamp he had to kiss. And only one to help him bathe and dry and snuggle in the bed with.

"Love..." The brown eyes looked into his, reflecting the candlelight so wonderfully. It was a warm night so all of the sexy brown-and-white male was available for hand and eye to caress. Fingers cradled the fox's nuts, while his hand lay on a nicely filling out hip.

"Do you ever wish you were by yourself again? No Da or Tur or... Me?"

Tama laughed softly and kissed the rabbit... Damn, He was getting hotter every time they pressed lips! "No Maia or any of your other relatives who could wander in here, Shake their Hot asses in my face, Swallow my dick, and after I cum so hard my balls fall off, Walk out again? No bunny who was so afraid I would make him sell his too hot rump in the Street of Desires? Less white around the muzzle. Less worry lines... Barely getting by, Wondering if I would ever find a Love in this Priggish Town?"

He patted the rabbit's butt, squeezing it firmly. "In Three More Days you won't be able to ask me that. We will have rings on our fingers and in our noses and All that marriage entails, You will have. That includes the Title of Master Journeymale - If you can find someone to appoint under you." I can still surprise you, Eh? Oh Yes - You will Curse my fat red butt when you find it means You have to watch all those Apprentices. You have to make new designs and decide how much of what to buy...

"Dammit, Love..." Rand was crying on his chest. Then between his legs, slipping the red fox-cock into his mouth, sucking gently. Tama closed his eyes, lying on his back, and let his Love nuzzle his crotch, Hands rubbing his belly. He rarely woke with an erection Anymore - Finding one's dick in Someone's mouth (Hard or Not, It didn't matter), Tended to curtail such things.

He felt the male tug on his rear so he lay on his side, and watched the rabbit slide up to wriggle that so hot ass in his crotch. "You will be sore in the morning..." he chided. All that got was a hand tugging his dick against a hot ring of flesh... A shudder passing through both of them as it breached... And slid in to the knot, With no more than saliva as lubricant. Well... Pre was dripping in the too hot passage as they moved together, Fingers gripping the bunny's cock, Caressing it - Neither one in any hurry. Nor did they notice the button eyes watching every move. Watching how two males made love. Not sex... Love.

Sex was a painful rump or half-gagging on a maleness stuffed down one's throat. But sex also meant coins - Coins that kept one's stomach from hurting. That kept one from getting a slap across the muzzle from one's Master - or Worse. That bought a Roof on a rainy night. Yatt had Parents... They sold him to Master Husi. Who sold him to Whoever wanted a cute mouse to stuff their dick into. But the mouse was smart - He listened to word on the Streets about a Fox who liked males in his bed. Who paid coin for something other than one's prowess at sucking cock. And he had come with no more than a half-shirt on to beg for a place with the male. All they could do is say No... And after the last beating, he would be happy to suck the fox's cock for a Roof and a meal alone. But a female had answered the door. Naked, hand on hip. But she didn't kick him or slap him or tell him to get out of the yard before she called the Guard to haul his scrawny ass Off! She had listened to his carefully rehearsed speech, grabbed his shirt and Pulled him inside! Tossed his rag in with a pile like it, Sat him in a tub and scrubbed the dust off his hide. Fed him...

He kept his mouth shut, and head down, Answering what was asked with Short, Quiet replies... All the while keeping his eyes open in case it was a scam - Another House where males got beds and Patrons to take care of. The burn on his hand was real, Grabbing after a hot handle he had not seen before knocking into it... Maia had told him to show his palm to Master Fox, and he hadn't flinched... The lad had been burned before and gotten smacked for Damaging the Merchandise. The last thing he expected was lips on his hand, Either! Or being tickled... The Blush was Real. And for once, So was the laugh. And he wondered... Was Master Fox waiting until he showed he Trusted Them, Before the Shackles came out? They would be Old and Gray Waiting for That! Where was the Hook hidden in this bait...

Was Master Fox Insane, Or was he only interested in rabbits? The lad sat and watched a black-furred hand stroke a rabbit's throbbing meat, licking his lips as he saw the sticky pre glisten on the fingers - He liked cock-sap... Liked it's taste and feel as it slid along his tongue. He watched a dick of middling length slid under a tail that wagged and rubbed the fox crotch, while his own whip-thin tail - As long as his gray body and just as rough, was curled around his feet. Yatt saw quite well by the candles - Saw Love and Lust mingle. Saw fingers caress faces, and lips touch and a brown back press to a white chest as cream spurted onto the sheets. Heard it splat and drip and quietly padded around to flick his tongue in the growing pool on the cloth, Neither male noticing they had company. Mmmmm - Sweet as the rabbit himself! Hot and fresh and he quietly licked up all that was safe to.

The mouse-lad had very good hearing as well - He heard their whispered moans and names being uttered with Real desire in the voices. The gasps and squeaks and the unmistakable sound of flesh slapping flesh, He knew by heart... And the sound of footsteps on the porch. Blast! He wanted to watch the fox shove his knot in that wriggling ass. His was more like the bunny's - Just a pole of flesh. Still, By the time a white rabbit opened the door, Yatt was in the hall, looking sleepy - Like he had been awakened and came to see who had let the cold night air in... He got his headfur ruffled as a pair of pants got put in his hands, and he held back drooling over the so hot ass that shone in the candlelight. A quick peek in the Sleeping room where the fox was gasping and a faint sound like a Cork going into a bottle made Tur smile. The older male quietly asked if the lad was hungry... Oh he was hungry alright - For Hot Rabbit! But if Food was given, You ate - Food wasn't always given. So he took a snack, kept his fingers to himself and followed the rabbit to the back room.

Maia had gotten a cot from the house next door with a nice mattress and put it in a corner, Out of the way. Said he could sleep here until things got settled better... Seems the kits were having a hard time with beds and sleeping in rooms - Even those with no doors. The mouse had waited to see if she wanted to bed him To pay for all the new things she had given him - Patrons came in both genders. She did rub his big balls and his 'cute' butt... Gave him an apron, tying it behind him and set him to fetching and carrying and helping her with the hot glass. And even though she patted his butt often, not once did she remove her apron or ask him to take his off... He was still wary, but it seemed legit. And he had worn that apron until the clock-bell rang and she took it from him, helped him wash his hands and face and wait for the Master of the House to return.

Who turned out to be a fox... One who ruffled his headfur, and accepted a kiss and a hug, then got as naked as they were, handing his pants to the mouse. But they didn't go to bed. The fox went down the hall to wash, The rabbit to the cooking area, Tugging him over to help. That was two days ago...

The lad offered his cot to the bunny, well used to cold floors - He got a kiss on his forehead, and a pat on his butt instead.

"Tell them I am next door." Tur Sighed in a way that made Yatt's heart Lurch in sympathy. Even so, as soon as the footsteps were on the other side of the gate, He was again sitting at the foot of the bed - Watching the males snuggle and giggle and rub each others legs. The fox was tied - A tiny bit of red shone against the pink hole when they moved just right. Yatt padded quietly around to lick the sheet clean as the brown male jerked and moaned and spurted quite a bit less for his fourth orgasm.

Everything got filed away in the lad's mind - How the fox nuzzled the long ears, Tickled the sexy nut-sack. How the rabbit wriggled and got his own caresses and squeezes on the red butt, legs twining. And how the bunny had pulled the long fox tail over his hip, to kiss the tip. Two days of watching the males lay and nuzzle and kiss and play. But this was the first night he saw them mate... The mouse waited until they were asleep to carefully kiss the russet-furred rump, then the brown one, covered in fox-fur from leg and crotch. When they shifted, he dared a lick where the two were locked together. Tama moaned and tossed a leg over his lover, hugging the male.

Yatt moved close enough to slip the top of the red rabbit-dick between his lips, getting a soft gasp and a dribble... More carefully than a kit snitching a cookie, his hand closed around the base. He tugged at the tube inside the semi-hard meat, Pushing it's contents into his mouth. He didn't suck... Suction would drain the tasty liquid faster, But would also make a popping noise should he have to make a quick Retreat. Instead the lad tugged and teased and gently let the jerking maleness give it's liquid treasure to him in a slow, measured pace. Only when fist met lips did He hollow his cheeks to get the rest... He slipped the red hand over to grip the shaft when Rand Moaned. Let it slide out without twirling his tongue or nibbling on the skin - Much as he Wanted to. The Fish hadn't swallowed the Bait just yet, And he would leave no Trace of being there.

He banked the fire, got a cup of cider and returned to his cot, not needing much sleep... One caught naps between Patrons. The lad sat with his back to the wall, replaying every moment between the two males... And made sure there was nothing left of the rabbit's seed on lip or finger before drinking from the cup.

The mouse-boy hoped that he might someday be as lucky to find a Lover to lay with as they did - Or at least one as Hot as Rand!

Chapter Thirty One - Yatt

Rand awoke, shivering from a half-imagined caress... His nuts ached, and Not because Tama had been rubbing them either. The fox's erection had long since slid out of him and he groaned softly. The lad got up and quietly went to use the pot, Washed his face, His butt. He padded to the back to squat and run a brown hand across the pink ear.


Instantly the mouse was awake, Almost throwing himself on his knees. And he would have, but the rabbit held him on the cot. He leaned over and kissed the boy, Seeing the fear turn to something else... Calculating, not quite Cold - Even if the kiss was Hot. He got the male sitting up and sat beside him, Hugging his shoulders, while teasing the rodent's very nice 8-inch cock.

"What are you thinking? Be tellin the Truth now..." Rand *Started* at a sob. He turned the mouse-lad and held him. "Hey Now... Master Tama not be kicking My butt out after I seduced Him. He not be kicking your sexy one out neither - If that be what worries you..."

And like that, the tears stopped. Not the sobs, Those quietly burst on a brown shoulder - One learned to be Quiet while crying. He got another soft kiss, a hand stroking his cheeks. Yatt looked at the ringed finger, Still unsure Where he fit in this new place... Then he was pulled up and half-dragged into the bedroom, made to stand beside the sleeping fox.

"Love..." They watched the male shiver, saw the green eyes open and the light shine in them, both from the word and who said it. Tama grabbed the bunny and Pulled him into the bed, kissing him, tickling the male... Loving the shrieks and giggles and the Feel of his soon-to-be Husband. He kissed the lad slowly, deeply... Only noting they were not alone when a soft inhale of breath and the smell of hot lad came to his nose. Without looking, he reached over and Grabbed the mouse-balls, Getting a gasp.

The fox growled as he felt how full they were, How the legs moved apart for his hand... He reluctantly moved his Love, kissing Rand again... Then he yeeped as a brown hand caressed his erection, the soft bunny-muzzle lying on his chest. Then turned his attention to Yatt who was dripping on his arm. He *Squeezed* the sack, making the lad arch and come up on his toes.

"What did I say Sexy? If you wanted to come to bed, Ask. Are you asking?" The mouse shook his head, Biting his lip when the hand squeezed his balls again - "Rand, I think he is lying..."

*Smack* went a brown hand on the gray butt. It's owner grabbed the firm ass and Pulled the young male in between them. *Smack* went a firm red hand - That one actually Stung!

"Ow!" The mouse-lad Jerked around, hands toyed with his erection.

"Well?" Yatt tried to shake his head again... It wasn't supposed to happen like this - He was supposed to be seducing Them. Not get involved... Then the rabbit bent over and he screamed, cumming into the hot muzzle, Sobbing even as he was held, his hips arching as a tongue flicked across his sensitive head, more seed exploding out to be gulped down. The fox slid out of bed, giving them both a close look at his red rump.

"Mas... Master Tama." Hands grabbed his tail. "Please..."

Tama turned and grabbed the lad's head, Kissing him Roughly, Hungrily - Beautifully... "Ask, Mister Yatt. Anytime you want in My bed, Ask... Rand, I am going to wash, and get First meal ready - Make sure to get the sheets off before they get sticky." He Grinned at the wink, the bunny's muzzle still clamped around the twitching mouse-dick.

"Don't wear him out too much, We still have work... To the Hells with work! I will get Tur to suck me and - Eeeep!"

In came Maia, who grabbed the fox's white balls and slapping the red butt, pulled him into the Eating room. Mule-Headed Males! She knelt and swallowed the throbbing meat, a hand caressing the quivering rump. Bobbed her head, getting him to pop in moments, swallowing his cream, nibbling on the knobs. Pulled back to kiss the tip. "Does Master Tama want my Rear again? Or Maybe he would like to be inside a Female's parts this time..." She teased the ball-sack, kissing the pointed tip again.

The bunny giggled at a rumble... Nuzzled his belly - "This time I be salting the Grains." And swallowed the male to the knobs again.

* * * *

Rand nibbled on the mouse's rump, Getting giggles and moans. "Why do you not say Yes?"

Yatt turned and hugged the rabbit, rubbing the ringed hand. "He is Yours. Besides..." And clamed up. He also got a soft kiss from the rabbit.

"Not supposed to say? I know... Seiur." He giggled at the Stare. "Tur is My brother, Silly. And we Share Lovers..." Then he wagged a long ear at the Eating room. "Come on... If we want Food, We will have to save Master Tama from my Sister."

A hand slid across his erection, and Rand shivered... "We don't have to eat right now."

Yatt grinned... Rolled the bunny onto his back and stuffed his mouth full of hot meat, squeezing the sexy nuts... The female was going to be a while with her 'task' - Besides, rabbits never took long. And Rand was no exception... Mmmmmmm - So sweet!

Chapter Thirty Two - Mating Day

"Gods I am going to be sick! Where are the rings... Do I look ok? I take thee Rand as My Lover... No! HandFasted male - Mate, Mate. Get it right, Stupid..."

The week had been - Interesting. First there was a bit of a row next door...

"MayBelle..." Da only called Ma by her middle name when he was in trouble.

"Dinna you MayBelle me - I'se gonna gets me best clippers and cut yer balls off! I'se saids ye could bed the LandLord... But poachin your Daughter's Boy's Vale... Buttl... Whatever kind of thing the Blasted Hells that bear servant is to him!"

"Lanine - Please..."

"So it's Lanine now, Tis It? Ten Kits I been given ye - All good and proper! Whose butt Dinna ye screw - Farmer Mees? Alla his Fat Sons? The mules ye so bragged about from the Farm past the Second Patch? Ha! Snip-Snap - Off with yer Horse's balls... Make ye stay home and settle down it will."

But the only thing snipped was the wife's temper as the big male explained - It was a bath, and a massage... And it wasn't Poaching if Lae said it was ok. So of course she had to come and say 'Yes, if Da wanted to bed a 106 year old bear, It was alright with her and her mate.' In fact, They were delighted the male had found a Lover after several decades of deciding none were suitable for both him And his Master... If what the Lady said was true about Sharing one's body with Family. The rabbit had laughed Then... Kissed her fool of a husband.

"Nae another female have I so much as looked at... How could I in the Fields? And here it's all Males who want ta swing from me Bell-clapper."

Ma Slapped his too sexy butt, Told him to Ask Her Next time a Male (Or Female) Wanted more than a fondle. Touch all they wanted - Kiss him and it was Snip-Snap!

Then a mouse with no past appeared on his doorstep. Polite, quiet lad. When things got settled, maybe a visit to the New Shop to see if he might prefer working on Wood. Or he may wish to continue making the glasswares that Maia was churning out - And Selling well too.

* * * *

The 'Patrons' at the Festivities included:

  • Those who would attend their own beheading, Long as Food was served.

  • The curious, the jealous and even some well-wishers... Having a celebrity on the block meant more residual business for the other vendors. Even the jaguar across the Street, who had a very fetching figure hidden under her frumpy dresses... Of course she was just there for the gossip. Hah! Tur had her trumped within five minutes of their leaving the House - With the rings, the flags, and the necessities in case someone fainted.

  • And of course, Anyone who wanted to be Seen with the newest Gentrified male. Who was trying not to trip over his own feet...

"Is my tail too fluffed out? Gods, I have to pee! Please - Generous and Great Gods... Let me not fart, Trip over my feet or Forget what I am supposed to say - I beg you!"

And at his elbow was Tur - Tur the Rock. Tur who told him his tail was fine, He could pee in a minute - Don't drink so much Tea. Nobody was going to suddenly grow horns and ravage the Town's Finest citizens. Tama actually managed a laugh. He kissed Tur, Holding the pair of rings he was going to wear. And a Silver Pendant from Maia and... He Stared at the piece of cloth on a Pole. Gentry had House Flags. The Ducal one had already arrived - The Duke would set a flag on a cowpile in the middle of the Street if it gave him a good name. The Mayor was Not in attendance, Stating he didn't believe in males HandFasting - Especially Naked Males... Which of course started Rumors about His girth and what was he worried about - Popping an erection seeing so many Naked Males? Hmmmmmmmm...

"The Mayor is Still Jealous of you, You know."

Tama didn't know... Trying to breathe, Trying to remember what he was supposed to say. He was standing on the branch-strewn path, the Circus in full swing all around him.

"You have Twelve servants, He has but Seven - And if rumor is true, Two of the House-Maids' kits are his. You hired three more boys yesterday so your total number of Apprentices is Nineteen - Yes I count the scamp who haunts our place as one. Especially at Five coppers tax relief For Each One."

The fox gaped at Tur... How the Hells did he find out these things?

"Servants chatter - To other servants. Cleaning maids, Footmales, Clerks... All of them hear things. And All of them love to repeat it... You would be surprised how many Faggs live in Town. Most of them very much hidden, Unlike your Gentryship - Get used to it Love... You have the Title as long as we live under a roof you own. Speaking of which, Two more houses are for sale at very nice prices... We will need them when my sisters find Husbands. And if the influx of Apprentices keeps apace, We will need Another Shop. We can only hold thirty in the one we have now, and Maia will outgrow the back of the house very soon."

Tama gulped air, Ears going from brick to crimson to fire... They felt like they were going to turn to ash any second!

"Heh - You should hear how the Council growls because you have not a Hint of scandal attached to your so hot ass. Queer means nothing - Servants of both genders are fair game to them. Walking around nude in one's House has become all the rage - TrendSetter! But You haven't gotten a single Tavern Wench with child. Beaten any of your servants. You don't even have Ladies visiting your parlor... A good Third of their schemes are woven around you doing something they can sink their old fangs into. If you keep being an Upstanding Citizen, They may have to raise you above your Station as they so love to mutter. It would twist their tails something awful if you got a title - Seiur Rornes, A couple of Levels below Earle. No lands, But you do get an entitlement... A seat in the Upper Council - And all those prigs would have to bow to you. Hah! Ever wanted to meet our Duke? Kinda cute actually - At least his portrait and the naked statue I saw of him was. Ferrets are wiry but they have such hot butts!"

The fox was beyond shocked, and could only nod...

"You could name Rand Caretaker. Elevate Father to Head Coachmale. Mother won't take any Titles - She wants to stay with the kits... Hmmm - There is a small Mansion in a poorer part of Town that could be had for Cheap... Only ten rooms, But it can be expanded with a little work - Now, don't you faint. Dad has stated he will Shove his Dick in Your ass to hold you up through the ceremony, If he has to."

Tama decided he was wrong... He could be more shocked. And turn a deeper shade of red... Then he was made to walk forward, both his Loves holding his hands... This too was traditional - To keep the male from bolting like a deer from starving (or horny) wolves.

* * * *

Everything blurred by...

"Before the Gods and all here I, Tama Rornes do HandFast Randen Terres Mejaginil (What A Name!)... Come here Tur - Shush, I Will do this. I Take Thee Turmael Knutu Mejaginil to be Mine, For as long as I draw breath - Love. I said it and -" Gods, Can two rabbits outcry each other? Sheesh... The fox shook his head as someone asked about the white male -

"Hmmmm? Valet, Personal Servant, Master Clerk... I am no good with titles, You will have to ask Tur. No Sir - I meant what I said. I do love him... I could kick his butt all the way up the Street for doing what he has done - Gentry! And now he talks of Expanding to two shops and More apprentices... Where am I supposed to find more boys to work? Pah! I am a plain fox who likes to work in wood. Wedding Sets? Master Pteh is the one to ask about larger items. That is him over..." Gods! Was that what Master Pteh looked like without clothing? A warthog got in the Family Tree someplace.

"Nurr, This Gentlemale needs a Wedding set." 'Half option on a Warehouse? What did he need with a - The Duke had a commission that Pteh needed help with. Hah - The way they were snatching cubs up to work in their Shops it should be no prob... How much Gold?'

The fox saw Tur mouth 'Seiur Rornes' and almost fainted again. He kissed people he didn't know existed and had never heard of in his life... House this and His Lady. House that and His Lady... Tama got a cup of something cold and downed it too fast, hissing at the pain in his head. He found Rand and kissed his Love again - Gods he looked So Beautiful... A strong hand patted his rear and Tama turned to gulp at a Jaguar's smile.

"Tan is going to be the In Look this year. Everybody is walking around Nude - And you started it, Master Rornes." Master Rornes of The Manor-House Rornes... Wait a minute, He didn't have a - Tur, You didn't! The feline bent a knee to him, and kissed his hand and Gods her breasts were just so firm and beautiful with those spots and... What was In that drink? Whatever it was, he needed another!

The fox Actually kissed Pteh's wife, complimenting her on having six breasts instead of the standard two - And got to see what a hog looked like with a blush on her snout... There wasn't enough Homemade Brew in the Province to erase That eye-melting picture! Had a cup of something given to him and he gulped it down... Well - Maybe he was wrong. So Master Pteh didn't just Mill things - Wow! Mules didn't kick that hard... He waltzed over to Marigola, who was watching over the proceedings with a few of her maids, Swept her up and kissed her so soundly she only Clipped him across an ear.

He did the same for the jaguar with the So beautiful tits and So firm rear, Giving it a slow caress - She just giggled and patted his face for his comments... He kissed the giant of a rabbit who carried him to a carriage, poured him in...

"There you are Rand - Did I ever tell you you were Beautiful and that I Love you and want to Mate you and... Why are you crying Love? Rabbits!"

Chapter Thirty Three - The Day After

A fox opened one eye and decided Life wasn't worth living. And there was an apparition in white telling him to Drink some foul brew - Probably poison of some kind. Hah! He had already made up his Will, Leaving everything to Rand. He drank it anyway in hopes it would kill him quickly. It didn't... But it did quell the Demons who were trying to pound his head open. And his hair no longer hurt. And the Sun was actually pleasant to look at. Ma's hangover cure... He was going to have to bottle it and sell it a copper a cup. Tama pulled the rabbit down and kissed him, squeezing his ass roughly. He grinned at the pair of rings gleaming on his hand. Then he turned to Rand who was lying beside him and slapped the too hot ass, Kissing his Mate - Gods, Mate!

"Mornin Husband..."

Tama stared into those so beautiful brown eyes... Mirrored in his brother's face. The fox laughed and pulled them both on top of him, wishing he had more arms to grab Hot rabbit ass with. Then a fourth body made itself known on the bed... A brown bear who had to be hauled into place to shyly kiss the fox's hand. Tur turned the ursine head and kissed him. "You remember the Mayor's clerk... Well, I need an assistant. And you did say someone I could Share with you. I do warn you - The lad's muzzle is hotter than mine."

Then Rand was hugging the poor male, and the fox eased out of bed, and went to the Water Pot - Cold! Then he padded off to the Cold Box and poured four cups of Cider. Much too early for Ale - And as for whatever Paint Stripper or Weed Killer Pteh was making... Did he actually kiss the feline next door? She kissed pretty good too. He gave a cup to the mouse-lad who stood, looking at him with those cute button eyes, and ruffled his headfur... Tama didn't even care he was still sporting an erection... He bent over and kissed the lad full on his lips.

"You know who is in my bed at this moment? My Mate. And my Lover - Who says I can't HandFast him, but I think he is Full of Shit - You didn't hear me say that... So he is a Clerk, Pah! And the one who is laughing so loudly because both rabbits are tickling him is Tur's Assistant. And Lover... And because I was foolish enough to open my muzzle, He may very well be My Lover too. So don't Ever marry a rabbit - They are insane!" He Laughed and kissed the mouse again - Gods, Everybody kissed good today... Got a fifth cup down, Filled it, and left the pitcher out in case the lad wanted more.

"I don't know when First meal will be served, So get Something to eat... And if you hear 4 males humping so hard the bed breaks... Well - It is an Old bed. So don't worry, Ok? And if you wish - I am sure we can find room for a cute mouse-lad someplace between us."

He Tapped the so cute nose and left with a tray full of cups.

* * * *

Yatt stared at the fox-butt until it disappeared... He had never been with four males before - It sounded like Fun... The lad drank his cider, Ate a bowl of porridge... Maia walked in, laughed at the pile in the bed, and told him Not to bother about working today...

"Males!" she snorted, patting his butt. Then she left again. So he washed his bowl and cup and came in to watch the four males kiss and laugh and try to jump on one another.

Tur kissed the fox and pulled the bear out with him stating, 'They had to work, Even if Master Rornes of House Rornes and his Mate didn't...' He got his rear swatted, bitten and kissed by both males who were still in bed. The white rabbit shooed the mouse-lad out, patting His butt as well.

So much grabbing of butts Confused Yatt - They really meant nothing more than Friendship? That one's rump was cute or hot (maybe Both), And a hand rubbing it was just an expression of Affection, Appreciation? Before, a grab on his rear was always followed by a coin in his hand and either his tail lifted or his head pushed down. He listened to the older male talk, While also listening to the two males in the bed talk. The latter was easy as all they did was say "Love!" and "Love!" And kiss a lot.

But the white rabbit - He was talking about a Big house and needing servants... "What kinda servants, Ser?"

"Tur... I am Tur, not Sir. All kinds - Do you know of someone who needs a position, That can work or be trained to?"

Yatt knew a Houseful... When you were not with a Patron, you had better be Cleaning. Master Husi liked floors Clean enough to suck cock off of.

"A dozen offhand. More if there ain't too many questions about where they come from - They got both hands still." Thieves didn't last long in Master Husi's House... There were much worse places to be Employed - Places where you could cut the throat of your Lover and ride their death-throes to orgasm... And if you didn't pop, There was always another - Anything can be Bought on The Street of Desires.

"Up ta Twenty that can work and be depended on... No collar marks neither." Criminals got collars put on them. They didn't last in the Houses either. He Shivered under the rabbit's stare. Yatt knew there would be a reckoning... Later. A nod and he was scurrying for worn pants, already thinking of the best way to get twenty souls out of 'Hell'. If what this male said was true, Master Rornes would have more new Lovers than he could find room in a bed for!

End of Book 03


The Tale Of Randen Arch 01 - The Northern Continent By Afril and Chaos Blackwing (cl) 2011 - The Gay Furry Association Volume 01 is about the Town named LaFaelt and the outlying areas Book 02 - Family Chapter Eleven - Rand's Father Tama...

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The Tale Of Randen Arch 01 - The Northern Continent By Afril and Chaos Blackwing (cl) 2011 - The Gay Furry Association Volume 01 is about the Town named LaFaelt and the outlying areas Book 01 - The Beginning Chapter One - A Young Rabbit At...

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Ghost 2, Part 3 - M/M, Oral/Anal/Caressing/Semi-NC/Rough, Violence/Humor/Fantasy/Language/ - July 19, 2011 By Afril, With help from Chaos Blackwing (cl) The Gay Furry Association Chapter 18 - Kinney The hyena awoke, thinking a mule had kicked...

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