
Story by Afril on SoFurry

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The Tale Of Randen Arch 01 - The Northern Continent By Afril and Chaos Blackwing (cl) 2011 - The Gay Furry Association

Volume 01 is about the Town named LaFaelt and the outlying areas Book 02 - Family

Chapter Eleven - Rand's Father

Tama was sitting at his desk, looking at numbers... A month. A month of days with that scamp and he was making more money than ever. But there were also more orders - Less time to play and nuzzle and tease the sexy bunny. And Wagon rent was going up... Hells, Everything was getting more expensive. Times were a little Too good... A knock startled him out of his worrying. Was Rand back already? The lad was growing like a weed - Already able to take the cart out by himself. And the rabbit wouldn't knock, so who...

He opened the door to stare into soft brown eyes. Dusty brown fur covered an immense frame stretched tightly across big bones. Streaks of white and worry lines aged the weathered face.

"I'm Rand's Da, Johsa. May I..."

Tama got his wits back together and ushered the rabbit in. No shirt, ragged pants... And a tight, hard ass that made him Drool! It wasn't until he had got the male sat down and poured two cups of ale that the fox remembered he was naked - And half-erect...

"Lanine says Rand canna be Apprenticed - Not with the coppers he done sends. She says he is in the Street of Desires, humpin his butt off in one'a them Houses. I says Our Boy may be many things, but haint a liar, so I says I'd come and see fer myself. You Is my boy's Master..."

The fox's fur got redder, using the cup as a fig-leaf - For all the good it did. "Yes. I am Rand's Master... But not for long, the way he learns."

Johsa nodded and took a gulp of ale. "So you is the one who's given us the Coppers... An the dolls. An my wife's dress that I canna buy iffen I be a'sellin My scrawny butt."

Not scrawny at all! Rather firm and strong and... *Proing* 'Oh Gods, Not Now!'

A gentle sigh and another nod from the big male... Who gripped Tama's balls with a calloused hand, making him yelp. The huge rabbit knelt and kissed the reddish head, licking it from knobs to pointed tip. He rescued the cup, and placed it on the counter, out of the way.

"I teached my kids all - We pays what we owes, always. We always eats. We always has clothes to wear... We always has a roof ta keep the rain out. This'n I done promised my Lanine when we was HandFasted by her Da an... Ohfl." He seemed to be ashamed that his Father was missing from the Marriage... Perhaps deceased?

Another long, slow lick from base to dribbling tip and Tama was gripping the counter hard enough to crack claws, unable to stifle the moan that was wrenched out by the other strong, calloused hand groping his butt, squeezing it and stroking it gently. His eyes went wide as the brown head dipped down and engulfed all eight inches in a gulp. Hot breath stirred his crotch fur, the pink nose shoved in to the skin. A broad tongue wrapped around his knot and squeezed at the same time suction threatened to pull his balls out of their furry sack... If the strong fingers that were rolling them around, teasing them with little scritches and caresses would allow it!

Oh Gods! Oh Gods! Oh Gods! Did insanity run over the Family Tree? He couldn't get breath to explain to the male that there was nothing owed. Rand was great in the shop, better in bed... Don't Think That! Somehow he got harder, yelping when the muzzle slowly slid up his shaft. Bobbed a few times, then lifted off, his hips following. The fox *shivered* as a soft tongue flicked across his nuts, making them swell against the calloused palm. Then the giant of a rabbit stood up and turned around. Three buttons was all it took for the pants to slip to his ankles. The fox could only stare... Covered (Barely) in cloth the Ass was hot! Naked, it was... Was... Rubbing his erection, as hard and strong as it looked! All round, firm muscle that could probably jerk him off as easily as a hand... One brown eye looked shyly over a big, dusty shoulder at him.

"I haint been done in a while... Please be gentle, iffen ya can."

Gentle? The fox's body was locked rigid as his throbbing meat pressed against the so soft ring of flesh... Then in. Rand could take most of the length - But not all. This rabbit swallowed his erection in a long, slow push that left his muzzle gaping and unable to breathe. The big male moved slowly forward, making them both moan... A little harder push back to the knobs. A wriggle that made him yelp. Then a rhythm of long strokes combined with the rump turning and squeezing and... Somehow Tama's hands pulled away from the counter, leaving scratches on the underside - To grip the strong, bony hips, getting a low moan as his legs unglued themselves to thrust and push into the So Hot passage. A too eager thrust met a rough push-back and *POP* went the knot - Along with an inch of sheath, or so it felt like...

The fox found himself pressed against a wall, the taut ass grinding his crotch, never releasing what it had while making it twist like an axle inside a wheel hub. Rand was good... Rand was hot - Rand's Father had several years of experience over the lad, and Tama came like a steam valve shoved open. He dug his fingers into the tough hide, barely leaving marks, while shuddering and pumping spurt after spurt into the rabbit. Godddssss...

The russet-furred male lay panting and quivering over the strong back, kissing it, barely able to touch a neck made of oak burl with his lips. Finally got enough breath and sense back to caress a big arm that was now gripping his ass roughly, keeping him inside the too hot rump. Like he was going to slip out anytime soon. Until his knot went down ('Dammit, don't Squeeze like that... I'll never get soft!'), he was tied to the big, sexy male.

"You... You didn't have to do that. Rand..."

"This'n aint Rand's debt to pay... This'ns for the smiles on my daughters' faces. The kiss my wife be given me when she wore the dress - Second-best ta some, but better than silks ta us."

Another long, hard squeeze made the fox throb and shudder, barely able to manage a dribble. And he thought Rand emptied his balls too quickly... The deep, low voice made him shiver for another reason, holding the male tightly, nuzzling his broad back - How damn Tall was this bunny?

"Gettin too old to pull the plow. Farmer Mees ain't gots no reason ta be keepin me on iffen I caint work. Lose the house... Such as it be. Lose my family cause I caint keep em fed an roofed - Like My Da afore me... Dinna know nuthin but dirt and crops my whole life, so's I haint hireable... Besides, who wants an old rabbit... Not even the Street of Desires be a'wantin my bony ass."

The big male sighed and wriggled against the fox again, making Tama moan into the short fur. "So's I pays as I can... 'Sides, you feels good up in me." That got a soft laugh from the fox...

" 'Taint supposed ta be likin it too much, I guess. Lanine'd cut me balls off iffen she thought I was seein another gal. Dinna know bout another guy... 'Sides, we Shares." Another wriggle and a squeeze that jerked the fox like a puppet whose strings got tangled.

Tama kissed the strong back again - And thought... He thought of Marigola and Pteh and others who could use extra hands, including his own. He groaned... Then Yipped as the hot, brown rump wriggling against his aching balls.

"You be ok, ser?"

Somehow... Somehow his cock got soft and slipped free of Johsa's back-passage, the rabbit turning around to caress the still firm fox-dick, rubbing the pointed tip... Tama stared at the brown-furred crotch - Mules didn't sling a pair of balls that Big! And the sheath promised a horse-sized whang as well. Rand's kisses were sweet and hot... His Father's kiss burned the fox up, stole breath away, and turned his bones to water - The only thing holding him up was that huge hand on his ass. Damnation! One could get used to Sexy, hot rabbits doing hot things...

One more muzzle-press and Johsa bent to get his pants. "I be gettin along... Dinna want my son thinkin I be poachin his Lover. But I still owes ya much. Maybe he won't mind me taking ya every odd month or so."

Tama thought he couldn't be any more shocked... But the look in those eyes made him growl and grab the long, sexy ears.

"No Sir... You are going to get your hot ass down the hall and into a bath. Then you are going to eat with me and your son, who should be home soonly. Then We are going to discuss some things... And I don't want to hear about Debts ever aga- *Murfle*"

One hand cradled his head, another squeezed his balls. Lips mashed his so hot and rough he may as well have been struck by lightning. His fox-dick popped out like an unwound spring, his tail floofed... Hell, All his fur floofed. And those deep, deep brown eyes stared into his soul like a drowning man tossed a rope. When he was allowed to breathe again, the big male spoke... Just a whisper - But loud as a thunderclap, all the same.

"We Will be talkin of Debts, sir. Of Hopes be made real by yer taking us in... Iffen what I sees in your eyes is whats I is thinkin I sees. Jobs for the Lads, and maybe the Girls too? Do just that much Sir, and I will be ridin your dick every day until they puts me in the ground. Just that much for my Family and You can be a'humpin my rump, my muzzle... Put a bit in my mouth and be a'ridin Me down the road. Still I be owin you is more than I can be repayin... I dinna want My Son ta Inherit Nothin but A Debt!"

And again the fox was kissed until he lay limp in the rabbit's arms. Limp but in one place that is. The huge hand that was making his balls scream slid to his rump and lifted him up as if he was a doll, carrying him off to bed.

Tama grabbed the rabbit's head. "Can you... Can you pull an oxcart?" The laugh startled him. It was so warm and soft that he thought he was going to melt again... Did so when lips brushed his erection.

"I pulled plow thru hardpan and rock most my life Sir. Iffen you mean those big wagons, I coulds be tossen it on my shoulders and a carryin it... Well, maybe not far."

Oh Gods! A naked giant rabbit carrying a double-sized wagon down the street on his back... Sweat dripping down the huge frame. Balls like Bell-clappers swaying between the strong legs, bending to kiss his... Aaaaaaa! Every drop of cum he didn't think he could produce went down the rabbit's gullet, lips and tongue twisting on his pulsating flesh, fingers coaxing still more seed from the fat nuts. And not until pre barely made it up the stalk did they relent.

"Dinna want the covers bein sticky... They be a'pullin hair."

Tama flung out an arm imperiously... "Wash!" coming out more like a squeak than a command... And got a tongue teasing his dick that made him whimper before the tormentor relented. The male left him stiff and wet and trying not to moan too loudly. Gods, if Rand ever learned how to do that... He would die much younger, in Bed, with a smile not even the priests would be able to pry off his muzzle!

* * * *

A bit later, the smell of cold ale made the fox sit up, taking the proffered cup in hand. Got a kiss much sweeter than the liquid that made him moan again...

"Debts, sir..." the bunny said, rubbing his new Lover's belly.

"Wash, Damn your sexy Hide!" Tama somehow managed a growl, slapping the hard as a rock ass, getting a shy grin and another searing kiss in return for bruising his hand. The fox took a long drink, shivering... He shivered harder, watching the damn sexy butt wriggle as the male walked out. Then stared at his erection and much emptied nuts sitting in a sack that seemed bigger than he remembered it being.

"Traitorous Bastard! Wasn't one enough? And how many more hot rabbits are you going to want to be shoved into? Oh No! Two is all you are getting, I don't care if every last cub of his comes to my door, asking for work."

Speaking of which, in came Rand, all bright eyes and sexy butt, with a pink tongue licking dry lips and looking at that red spear jutting between his Lover's legs. Tama motioned the lad over, gave him a drink of ale - Hot and dusty as the day was, he needed it.

"Your Da - Pah! Your Father is here. Put your pants in the laundry along with his. Show him how to wash, and properly Mind - It's warm enough, bucket water will do. Wash yourself... And then get back here and help me off this Blasted Bed. I have too much that needs to be done to lay here like a carrot for two horny rabbits to nibble on..."

Warm lips almost as experienced as their elder's slipped down his erection. Tugged gently, then slid off, so they could trail fire up his Belly, his chest - His own lips...

"Debts..." Rand said, Yeeping as his butt got swatted. The lad *Mmmmmm*'d, stealing another kiss and a sip of ale before skipping out and down the hall. Fetched his Da's pants and peeled off his own, wishing he could go nude in the heat. But Master Rornes said only Slaves walked around naked. And if he didn't get that towel rack finished he might yet be one! But there were more important things to worry about than pegs and boards... He giggled, going down the hall to see about a bath.

Chapter Twelve - Plans

The two males sat and nuzzled and squeezed each others butts as if it was nothing. For them, not having a dozen bodies in a tub was a novel experience, and cool water felt good on dusty bodies. They scrubbed and rubbed and teased each others erections, laughing... So much brown came off them they had to check to see if it was dust or fur color going down the drain. That meant more laughter and more butt-grabbing. Another bucket to rinse and towels to dry... Johsa usually just walked around, letting the wind dry his fur - And his son's hands made his erection all the harder to get down. But they both were proper looking enough to walk down the hall.

The fox didn't think so, seeing how much they looked alike - Stallion and colt. Both with pink showing past their sheaths - Both with fat ball-sacks he wanted to grab and rub his head against for Hours... If he wasn't chewing on their asses first. Tama sighed... And he had just managed to get his own cock to go down a little. 'Work First, Play Later.' He finished the ale, turned so his feet hit the floor - And the giant whose ears scraped the rafters in his ceiling grabbed his ass, yanking him into a hug that left the poor male breathless... And not just because of a hand squeezing his ass roughly - What was the rabbit made of, Oak staves and Iron bars? He got put down, to be hugged just as fiercely by a smaller body, who squeezed his ass with both hands.

The fox Huffed... He managed to walk somehow - Mostly by looking straight ahead. He would never have to worry about getting sheath-bound - One look at either sexy ass wriggling and... *Proing* He fetched two ales and a glass of milk for the lad. Then sat with quill in hand - Four kits big enough to do a day's work, the young'ens would help as best they could... Tama put his foot down on That - Cubs should be in school, Not sweating in some shop. Tur had a job, but would be happy to have a better one. The fox sighed... Damn rock-headed rabbits! All he heard was Debts and Paying with what they could - Which took the form of Lots of hungry looks between his legs. A few more questions and ideas and Out went Rand with some scraps of paper in his second-best pants.

Tama groaned as the big male leaned over and kissed his cock-tip.

"You is a Gentryman, sir... Title or no. Ye took my Boy in with no more than an asking. Given us enough ta Pays our share of Taxes. And now... Now you be given us a roof..."

"Shut! Up!" The fox shoved the big rabbit against the table, growling... "You wanna talk about Debts and Payin? Bend over and I will put a copper-piece in your palm every time I shove my cock up your Damn Hot Ass - That is the going rate at any House in the Street of Desires... Is that what you want? Rand is my Lover. He earns every coin I give him - And not in bed. You want money? Pull a damn wagon so I don't have to pay robbers prices to hire one. Give me Apprentices who keep their hands on their tools at least as much as they do my ass..."

He huffed, trying not to notice the big chest muscles moving under his hands - Or the big nipples he wanted to chew on... Even as he teased them. "I have enough Gold to buy the house next to mine, with a little left over to add a cross-way to link them. Dammit, don't look at me like that - I need room to expand my shop. I need hands to work wood and metal and glass and whatever else comes into fashion... What - Shall I throw a Duke's Funeral, with paid weepers and coin tossed to all who attend? Pah! Besides, it's two stories tall, and has more rooms for beds."

Tama kissed the wide-eyed rabbit. "I need my Journeyman - And he has earned the title, Not worrying about his family being out in the rain with nothing but rags for clothing. Bird-shat on the church steps For your supposed Debts... I am a queer fox who likes sexy rabbit ass. That is the whole of it - Stop That, You Damned Rock-Headed Mule's-Cousin!"

But Johsa didn't stop nuzzling his chest, and squeezing his ass, nipping the pink nipples, slipping his head down to kiss the jutting pole that tasted so nice. He looked up at the panting fox. "And would ye pays me more fer humping me ass, or fer pulling yer oxcart?" Johsa *Winked* at his son who had returned in time to hear the end of the tirade.

Him, a Journeyman? If Master Rornes said it was so, then it was so. That meant he could take on Apprentices - At least when he could afford them. Mistress Marigola and Master Pteh both said they were willing to take extra hands. And not just His family - Anyone willing to work hard, learn well and stay out of trouble was welcome. Da could spread the word around... Maybe Farmer Mees would have to pull the plow himself! At least pay more than starvation wages to the ones who worked the land. Then he laughed as the knocker hit it's strike-plate.

"Mistress Marigola said she was a'comin to do the laundry herself... Seeing as how Da only has one pair of pants. She also be a'saying if there were hot, naked males to look at, and maybe fondle - So much the better."

Tama looked half-embarrassed, half scared... He jumped when Johsa licked the length of the fox-cock, kissing the tip. "Best ta be keepin that wet... Leastways until ye can fits it back in."

'In? Gods, No! If those hot rabbits turned around... Wait - Marigola? Here?!' He Yelped, jumped up and Ran down the hall to fetch his apron, as Rand opened the door for the squirrel, then left to show his Da how to pull sheets and make the bed. They all laughed at a foolish fox - The rural males had been naked in front of females all their lives.

* * * *

Marigola cocked an ear to the gossip, shooing in a couple of young felines Wide-eyed at so much Hot Male Butt being shown off. The sisters Gasped when the rabbits turned, ball sacks swinging to tap strong thighs. The giant bowed, and they got their wits together enough to curtsy... While staring at the fat sheath, licking dry lips while thinking what lay inside. A clap of hands and they were scurrying down the hall to gather clothing, half hoping the rabbits would be around when their chores were done... They giggled at a sexy fox-butt with strings tied above it. One heard Rumors about males and what they did in Private - But to See for oneself...

"Ladies..." Tama nodded, trying to at least Pretend he was busy... And not gaping at two Hot As Sin (and Gods, Naked!) Bunnies coming down the hall, with a squirrel eying their rumps, a little flustered that the elder one had gathered up cloth and son alike, and was walking with a twitch of his tail that made her pant... Widowed, she had never found anyone she wanted to take her mate's place... But if he wagged those Sexy Buns one more time, she was going to bite a chunk out of them!

Marigola nodded to the fox who snagged Rand, apron in hand - There was work to be done that didn't involve naked bunnies.

When they were alone in the Shop, Rand pushed the fox's apron up and kneeling, kissed his nuts, licking them gently... "Does they hurt ye Much, love?" The bunny-lad gently caressed them, kissing his knobs... "Da told me about knot-bound sheaths - Yours is much too pretty ta be cut on..." He kissed the bunched-up tube of skin, squeezing the so hot fox-butt. Then stood and kissed his Master, Lover, Friend. The rabbit turned and wriggled his rump, Yeeping when it got swatted... He grinned, getting a template down and fetching some wood... As Master said, 'Work Now, Play After.' He still stole a kiss though, whispering "Lover" in passing.

Mmmmm - Tama *Blushed* so nicely...

Chapter Thirteen - The Sisters

The feline sisters growled as they worked cloth over the scrub-boards. So he was the sexy lad's Father? And not at all shy around females like Mister Fox. Would Rand grow to be like that? They could only hope so - And there was talk of Brothers... Let Da hiss and spit - Rabbit Lovers meant all the Hotness of Rand without any Worry of kittens. The sisters growled Louder as they found the rag that the big male said was his pants - That? They scrubbed floors with more cloth! One of the felines took it to the squirrel, who eyed it in the same way she eyed Mud when it looked like it might splatter her sheets. Marigola promptly pulled a tape from one of her many pockets and measured the rabbit, copping several feels on his balls, ass and damn sexy long legs. And all he did was chuckle, letting her do as she wished... Rrrffff!

A sharp word to her assistants, and she left to find a second or third-rate pair of pants... Possibly a couple. Something tight in the rear to show off that Hot Ass. With room in the front so nothing got mashed or pinched. With legs clear to his damn hunky shoulders... And he had Brothers who were bigger? The squirrel shook her head - If she wanted to hump a Mule, she would buy one. But Damn, he was Tempting...

The sisters thought Johsa was More than tempting, taking turns holding his sheath as they showed him how to use the Water Pot. They teased the furry cock-holder, Growling in appreciation as it flexed in their clawed fingers... Bit the so Hot bunny-butt gently - Shamelessly flattered him when he lifted the tub for them, taking it outside, watching the rock-hard muscles move and panting as loudly as they dared. Hanging the sheets and pants on the line, they both kissed the big male, caressing his huge nuts as they waited for the wash to dry...

And made sure to be sitting chastely in the shade, and Not be talking about male anatomy when their Mistress returned. They watched the squirrel lift one so hot leg and fit the first pair of trousers on. Marigola Squeezed his ass, felt up his nut-sack. Then took them off and tried another pair - Seemed satisfied with a third... Enough room for his balls to sway, yet tight on the back to show off his so sexy rump. The sisters thought so as well - If the starry-eyes and panting muzzles were an indication. *Ahem*

The ladies somehow got the mostly dry clothing off the lines, and folded. Too dry would make them stiff and uncomfortable. The squirrel chuckled, allowed the felines a scandalous kiss - On his muzzle. Stole one herself - Damn he could Kiss! She grinned... Some bunny boys were in for trouble. Marigola shooed them out after collecting her coins and squeezing the fox's exposed rear. A little more padding? Good! She knew that rabbit lad would make Master Rornes buck up.

* * * *

Tama groaned as he closed the door behind her... Somehow the gossip would scatter like a brush-fire - 'Come to Crafter Rornes' house and see all the naked males laying around'... Urf! He returned to the shop to growl at the rabbits... Gods, how did he look sexier in clothing than without? And was that possible? The fox held up a hand...

"I don't want to hear it. You can pay for it out of your wages... If you get your sexy ass out of here and find a wagon that is. Something wide enough to hold a table, and long enough for a door. Be back for MidSun meal with prices, or I will chew on Your ass - Likely break a tooth too... Out with you, Sir. I have one rabbit butt to drool over, and that is enough for now."

Rand giggled, hugged his Da and returned to working on turning a chair leg. The work was easy enough to do but hard on his longer feet. Pushing the treadle while trying to watch the piece, And the leather band, And his fingers was tiring... But shavings flew around him until he stopped. Not a word from the fox as to if it was right or wrong - So it must be right. The lad carefully sanded and rasped the wood until it was smooth - Splintery chair legs didn't sell. He put it against the pattern, grinning. Yipped as his butt got slapped.

"Almost as good as I could have done..." The fox grinned at the blush that ran clear down to the sexy neck. "Now - Eleven more like that with no breaking or divots and you may yet earn the Silver-piece Journeymen are paid."

The fox *squeezed* his Lover's rump, kissing the so cute muzzle. "One silver a month plus a part of whatever you make for me. If you work on a commission for yourself, I will charge you for the use of the shop - The rest is yours to keep."

Tama yipped at the hot kiss, strong arms hugging his butt firmly. And tears? 'Dammit, rabbit - You will have me weeping for no other reason than I love you. Of course you knew it the first day I took you to bed, didn't you...' He Hugged the lad back. 'And if not, then we were both blind.'

"Eleven more, Journeyman Rand... Then twelve back posts, and four seats... Then we can work on the table to go with them. Put some dark inlay on the edges and the chair-tops and Maybe we can steal a Gold-piece from the tight-fisted prig who ordered it... If he really wants filigree cut in, I will demand Two! So, you going to pay your siblings the single copper they will probably be worth, or Be generous and pay them two... Minus the breakage and crap we both know they will make the first few weeks."

Look at him blush. So damn sexy and cute and lovable... Tama could HandFast the rabbit - The abbot would marry two stumps together for the right price. As if reading his mind, Rand put his hand behind the fox's head and Kissed him. Kissed him so hot and hard and full of desire Tama forgot to breathe for a long moment. Damn! Still a ways to go to catch up to his Father, but... Damn! He felt something slide on his mid-finger... And looked down to see a knot-ring glimmer from it.

Wha..? The fox looked at Rand, then down at the ring again. Strips of wood and brass inlaid in a knotted string fashion, it was a Journeyman's test... Some Master craftsman couldn't make them. "Its a wonder you didn't set my name in it - You didn't!" To give such a ring told all who saw it a wedding was imminent. A soft shake of the brown head, and a shy smile made his heart skip a beat.

"I am not That good, Master R..." A finger stopped speech. A ringed finger. Not the Third that denoted Marriage. The second one - Called the Love Finger because Lovers tied ribbons on it. Gods, the rabbit was blushing so hard he almost outshone the candles...

"I am Tama, Love. Now and forever. And yes you can call me Love, or Sexy Fox-Butt - Or whatever you like. But what to make you in kind... A Wooden fox-cock so you can practice when I am too tired? A ring, made of metal with our names on it, to slide around your nuts?"

'Gods, he Could blush harder...' The fox kissed the heated ear-tips. Got a giggle... And a *Yeep* when he swatted the so sexy butt.

"Clean, sweep, put the wood away and turn off the glue-pots. We have a guest for MidSun meal. I want you clean and brushed, and presentable." Tama hung his apron up, still looking at the ring - Then looked over his shoulder at the so hot rump wriggle as the rabbit worked the broom. The fox Grinned... Rand wasn't the only one who could come up with surprises.

Chapter Fourteen - Brothers

A scrubbed, brushed and damn hot bunny-lad stood naked next to his Lover, waiting for his Father's return. Rand giggled when fingers ruffled his butt-fur. He patted it back in place as the door-knocker banged. In came a giant of a rabbit, dusty with second-best pants... And before he could say a word, the fox stood straight. Grabbed Rand's hand, kissed it...

"Master Johsa, Mover of Earth... I ask for your Son's hand in Marriage."

Rand let out a squeak, not daring to move lest he wake from this dream... Watched his Da wink knowingly. Damn - Nothing got past Da. Not a lie or a scraped knee gotten from someone who dared call him Fagg - Even if he was.

"Just one, Master Fox?" And tugged a bigger copy of Rand from behind him.

Tur was the eldest by Three years, and all white. With decent pants that hid nothing - Including the fact he took after his Father in the Hung-Like-A-Horse department... And grinning like an idiot, he ran to hug his brother - Dust, sore foot-pads and all. He kissed the brown cheek, trying to laugh and cry at the same time. "Let me look at you Brother... City life has done you good. I missed you, Mud-Head."

Rand laughed And cried... Tur always sounded like he swallowed a book. Then the white rabbit took the fox's limp hand, lifting it to a kiss, slyly touching the strong hand with the tip of his tongue, making Tama gasp... Hotness and Insanity must run in the Family Tree. Hands grabbed his ass and moved it to the bench, plopping it down... But not without lots of squeezes and caresses on said furry rump, while the rabbits commented on how Red master fox's face was getting... Both lads kissed his upper cheeks, making the fox Shiver... Gods help his balls. Either one would make him moan... Together it was all he could do not to cum all over the table!

"Enough teasing now, Boys... In answer, you know what we owes you - And if ye wanted All me lads in your bed I would agree. Long as I gots to get meself in there a few times as well."

*Groan* How did he ever... The fox opened a door, that's how.

"I been thinkin..." Oh No! "A good Sir like yerself needs someone to watch the house. Clean, cook, keep done what needs done. Tur has the brains his Da don't... So perhaps you will wed one and take the other in trade?"

Out-stubborn a Mule, these stupid country rabbits would! Tama tried to growl at the idiots... But Tur walked by with a wink and a twitch in his rear that made the fox forget to breathe... The gentle caress on his own rear didn't help any. Gods - To be mashed between them... No - Don't even... *Proing* 'Dammit! And stop grinning at me, you Bastard Giant of a Rabbit!'

* * * *

"Let the Adults talk while we get the meal together." The white bunny washed his hands, helped delve into the cupboards, squeezing his brother's butt. He got an earful of wood working and washerwomen and soft beds... With a smattering of fox anatomy.

Rand had to laugh at a whispered, "Was it ok to Poach the Fox sometimes?" Hah! If Tama wanted to hump his entire family, he would go buy a bigger bed. And Tur... Oldest brother was the one who always held his head up, always whispered in his ear when he sniffled in the dark nights and Da looked like he might die from being overworked. Tur's dick was the first between his lips, all nips and fumbled caresses and choking as he swallowed his brother's spunk - Always out in the fields as neither of them wanted the Family to hear. Tur was the one who called him Fagg so he wouldn't whimper, and hugged him, squeezing his butt when he did. Who tickled him until he giggled and laughed and curled his toes... Who moaned as the younger rabbit sucked his cock, teaching him how to use those buck teeth, how to lick and suck until his white hips jerked and seed blasted out his piss-slit - And that it was ok ta be wearin a white muzzle 'cause Rand was laughin so hard sometimes he couldn't hold it in.

It was Tur who helped him wash and get some plants ta mask the smell when he came back from meetin a Farm-Lad. Held him on Bad Nights - Especially that Autumn Evening when he Knew his First Lover wasn't coming Back. It was Tur who told him to go walk to the Town. To seek out a fox who it was said Might need an apprentice... And was rumored to like young males in his bed.

Rand kissed his brother... Got one in return. Together they got a very decent meal on the table, and plotted how best to get that hot fox's ass in bed and between them. He said Graces, and they dug in, finally getting Tama awake... With three sets of toes tickling his nuts. They talked of wagon prices - Enough to make the fox wince but then again, better than those robbers who must gild their oxen's nose-rings... Or maybe their ball-rings. That got a laugh from all the rabbits, and some respite from their caresses... Dammit, it wasn't fair! They were all damn sexy leg, and all he had was some toes on a short foot. The fox gathered the dishes, got the big male out the door with a purse... And whimpered as the two rabbits licked soft lips and stared at him like a pair of hungry cats with a fat pidgin to split between them.

They waggled their rears as him as the white one slid his pants off, Rand grinning as he knelt to nuzzle the so sexy russet-furred butt, finding his brother on the other side, kissing and nuzzling. Between them they got the fox back to Hard and panting in moments. The younger rabbit grinned, knowing the look his brother was giving that 'meat-stalk'.

"I still gots work ta do - Yell iffen ye need help."

The fox yelped, but they ignored him as Rand dropped his brother's pants in the wash, put his apron on, and selected a log to turn, ears listening to the sounds coming from the Eating room. At least that was what Tama called it - He was still not used to so many rooms...

* * * *

Said fox was shivering as the white rabbit caressed his legs, his thighs, kissing his rear... Moving to nuzzle and kiss his nuts - Gods! Not enough to make him cum but very much enough to have him dripping - Without once touching his erection. A ball slipped into the hot muzzle and he squeaked, it's twin being gobbled up as well. Sucked on, rolled in their sack by a talented tongue... Then carefully slid out into a hand that continued torturing him. Hot breath made his cock bounce and dribble pre all the way down it's length. Closer and closer the hot muzzle moved... To kiss his stomach. Flick that too-hot tongue in to touch skin. Slide it up his heaving mid-section to his chest, brown eyes aflame with desire...

"How do you wish Me, Master Fox... On my knees to swallow your offering? Bent over so you can pound my butt? On my back so I can wrap my legs around Your Sexy Ass? Tonight I very much want you between Me and my brother... However you wish us - I taught him how to enjoy other males... Ah - So he told you. Did he tell you I can be on Top or Bottom?"

'And he told you of the other fox who broke his heart I see... No longer Broken because of you - Debts Be Paid, Mister Fox...' Soft lips and strong teeth tugged on a nipple and Tama howled, fingers teasing it's neighbor.

Like Father, like Son... One gulp and his fox-hood was swallowed, gripped and squeezed and he was cumming again. Too much like his Father! Tur swallowed him past the knobs and was gently teasing them... Which made the fox jerk every time tongue met knot. Around and around until Tama's knees buckled... Wasn't he supposed to be sliding to the floor? A large hand had a hold of his rear, and soft lips took his breath away... Tama was lifted up like a child and carried to his bed, where he heard voices...

"Good, good. Keep it, you will need something to eat. Stay the rest of the Bell, Father. We will be here, and I need to find out who owns the house next door. He's ok, Rand - A little tired, probably. Give Father a hug and finish what you are doing... I have to go out for a while myself."

The sound of the door closing came to Tama... But not before three muzzles kissed his. The fox Somehow got a cup of ale down his parched throat. Wasn't he here once already - Before MidSun Bell? Darkness came like a warm blanket... But this time without a rabbit making his nuts ache. At least they waited for him to wake for once!

* * * *

Tama woke to the rustle of paper and the clink of coins. He got up and staggered to the Bathing Room, and Peed - Barely. Washed his face and staggered into the Main Room. A white rabbit was putting coins in piles, and scratching something on paper. The fox went to the Cold-Box and poured a small cup of milk... Ugh! But, it settled his stomach... That was until fingers reached between his legs and he damn near dropped it...

"I got a good deal on the house next door. Told them a family of workers was moving to bigger lodgings due to an increase of both wages and number of children... I could have shaved off one more Gold if I had been a female. The Mayor doesn't seem to like us Faggs... He said it would be good to have decent people moving in. I didn't bother to tell him about our Living Arrangements."

Tur squeezed the fox's nuts who moaned and felt his cock stirring again... How did they do it?

"Father got a wagon - I thought it a bit big, but he Did pull a plow for Miles on end. I sent him home with it to get the Clan. They don't have much to fetch back, but I told him to stay and rest anyway. It is half a day's walk without a loaded cart. Brother was a little worried about you, but still managed to rough out a hand's worth of posts. Two of your customers have been cheating you. Not badly, but enough to make me send them a sharp letter. On the other hand, I did lessen the price on a couple of items... The Widow Macre's Mirrorstand - We will break even, but just. Of course since it is only her and a daughter, I didn't think you would mind too much. It's not too ornate and Rand said he is willing to forgo his pay for it."

The rabbit's fingers teased and toyed with his scrotum, making Tama bite his lip and shiver...

"Master Pteh has doubled his orders for inlays both brass and oak. I agreed to lower the price since He agreed to take some of my brothers in as Apprentices. We will still make a couple of Gold profit. Taxes are paid on both houses for the year... You get a Five copper-piece allowance for every Apprentice, Journeyman and Servant. The Mayor's clerk almost swallowed his quill when I told him you had Thirteen Assorted Servants, Apprentices and Dependents. Also you had to purchase a house to house your staff, renting it for Ten Silver a year. Oh and..."

Paper rustled.

"By Appointment of the Duke of LaFaelt (And a Gold-piece), it is hereby declared that Tama Rornes, Master Crafter, owning Two houses and a staff of servants shall hereby be known to all and sundry as Gentlemale Rornes, and may vote on the Lower Council, Etc. Etc... Congratulations - You are Gentry."

Tama thought his head was spinning before... He turned and Stared at the demon who could make him blast like a waterspout in a storm. Could talk to that Damn prig Mayor And his Clerk. He moaned as the rabbit leaned over to kiss his nuts.

"You may yet gain a Reputation... Be sought after for Advice and Charity. And you will have to buy new clothing - Something more suitable for a Councilmale. Oh... And I got you something as well."

The fox panted, wondering if it was some magical talisman that would allow him to stay erect for days... And yipped in surprise when something was slipped on his finger. A ring made of hands clasping. A Friendship ring? The brown eyes looked down at the floor. Tama lifted the white-furred head and kissed the rabbit. "It fits well." Gods, a simple thing like a ring and he teared up... The fox got hugged from behind as well.

Rand smiled at his brother. Got a wet-eyed smile back...

"Put this one with your puzzle-ring. When I don't have to watch your every move, I Might consent to wear them... Gentry Indeed! I'll 'Gentry' my foot in both your butts if Evening meal isn't prepared..."

Tama was shooed off to the table, and grinned to himself as stew was ladled into a bowl, bread and - Cream by the Gods... Wine for all three of them. Graces said with bowed heads, wishing the Gods' Blessing. Everybody ate well, dishes got put in the sink and off the three went to the Sleeping (Hah!) Room. Tama found the bed turned down, the fire burning merrily... And two hot rabbits snuggling him between them. Gods! How was he supposed to sleep now?

"Love..." Rand kissed the fox.

"Sir..." Tur kissed the back of his ears. Yip! Hands were all over him, caressing, teasing, gripping his own... And holding hands, all Three of them went to sleep - Too much wine, too much excitement... Or maybe just simple exhaustion - Tama was Almost disappointed.

* * * *

The fox awoke to the usual feeling of a mouth slipping along his erection... But This morning a different pair of hands caressed his rump, lifted his tail - Aaaaaaa! A hot tongue teased his puckered hole making the fox arch, unable to decide which way to push his hips... Then it was gone and an oil-slicked digit teased it's way past his tight ring. He shivered, feeling Rand continue to suck slowly, still not quite able to take his length, but comfortable with what he Could fit into his short muzzle... And Tur - Tur's finger was worming around his backside. To be replaced by something that surpassed his younger brother in Every way... A hot cock-tip teased him as he stroked the fistful of throbbing rabbit-meat, feeling his head being turned. The white male kissed him...

"You don't have to take it... I am content to tease Sir - Urk."

For the second time in his life, Tama allowed a cock to slide inside his rear passage. Felt the burn as his muscles gripped the slippery intruder... The difference was he Knew this male loved him... Not just words said to take his virginity and leave him heartbroken not long after. Tur's eyes were closed and he moaned into the fox's mouth... The rabbit Hugged his new Lover roughly, hips quivering with need... And Rand swallowed another inch, close enough to kiss the ring of mounded flesh called a knot.

The fox found himself unable to move... One male was slowly humping his almost virgin rump, and another was squeezing his nuts... Both were so hot as to burn his fur off as he Screamed and came. Floated above his body to watch the brothers cuddle the limp form between them...

"How deep are you?" the brown one asked.

"Four inches... How about you?" the white one answered.

A giggle... "I got over Six. Another month and I be thinkin I can slips it all in Either end. Did you pop?"

A shake of the white head followed a searing kiss on the shuddering fox's neck ruff.

"Me neither. But he did. More than usual. I be thinkin he likes being in the middle." Rand nibbled on the sexy fox's chest-fur. "If you leans over, I can pulls some of his dick out for you."

The white one shook his head and Rubbed the russet butt, then the brown one. "I can wait until later. Maybe we can switch... If you want to."

Rand kissed his Lover. "Nah... I likes being on the Bottom. But he be likin it, being between us alright. Mmmmmm - Still hard. I'd put him in My rear, but Someone's gotta make Morning meal... And get the kettles on for a bath."

The brown bunny Slapped his brother's butt, making another oiled inch slip in the fox. Who shivered... And moaned at the nipple tweaks he got from the white male. Tur softly pulled out of the fox's rump, rolling Tama over and kissing him.

"Come on SexyButt... We have a bath to get into. And as you can feel, I am quite large for a rabbit... Not quite the Mule my Father is... But a pony perhaps? Heh... Here, let me help... Crap! Rand - Will you come here and help me carry this limp rag of a fox into the bath so we can wash and eat and make him pop for us again? We can pretend he is Ohfl, passed out in the fields and take turns nipping his butt..."

The rabbit chuckled at the wide green eyes... "He told you about the Fisher and us, didn't he?" He rolled the fox over and the brothers took turns nuzzling and nipping the russet mounds. Lifting the hips to nuzzle and kiss the swinging ball-sack - "Mmmmmm... Don't worry, we will have you up again in No Time, Lover."

Oh Gods!

Chapter Fifteen - Johsa, a Cart and a Pile of Cubs

"Did ya hear? Johsa be a'goin ta Town cause he got Work!" Most didn't believe it until he came back with a cart and loaded up his Family... And then there was a Line of furtive Fathers all a'calling on the rabbit as if They wanted his Daughters, instead of a'wantin to give him Their Sons.

"I dinna think Master Tama be a'yellin iffen I sneaked some more in..."

And so they pulled sniffling Lads from behind backs, talking to them quietly and trying not to cry themselves. Only a few were rabbits but the rest could be hidden well enough. The big male never had his hand shook so much, nor did so many Females come out with kettles and For once, Everybody ate well.

"Now you remember, Master Johsa. Iffen anyone asks, these Boys be your'n... Aht - We be takin the coppers 'cause of Farmer Mees, but them City People dinna care iffen ye have a couple of Females on the side... Lanine and ye be knowin the truth, no need ta complicate things. And ye be keepin at least as many Coppers as ye be sendin - Them lads be eatin like Oxen."

And so the Family of Rabbits Plus assorted 'Cousins' got carried in a cart, past the guards who snickered when Johsa said all the Kits were his...

* * * *

The brothers stood in the lane, watching their Father walk up the street with a wagon full of kin. Tama watched too, trying not to stare - Gods, did they own so little? Kits, wife and all, the wagon was still half-empty. Well - Seems there was a sister born between Tur and Rand, white like her Mother but as Hot as her Father. She ran up to hug her brothers, and kiss the blushing fox. If she said a word about Debts... Lae only Kissed him again before moving to help her Ma get the children down. Four carbon-copies stood in a group.

"Quadruplets," made the fox's ear twitch as Tur whispered their names. One by one they came to hug his legs, making the blush run down his neck. Then the other kits came to grab a piece of fox and whisper thanks - Some with blushes as they felt him respond, inhaling his rut. Lanine shooed them up the path, making sure each carried something off the wagon, the Father last with a plain table that had probably been in the family since they were HandFasted.

Tama sighed as he tallied up how much wood it would take to make chairs and a Real table for them... And Yipped as he found himself alone with a dark-eyed female whose strength made Mistress Marigola look like a Tavern Maid. And was a lot hotter - Not that he knew of such things, of course.

"Ser..." she started - Then ran to hug the startled fox, crying all over his chest. Bewildered, he reached over to rub and pat her bony back. Looked up at Johsa, who shrugged, grinned and grabbed what few things remained. The fox added Beds to the list, not seeing so much as a single straw mattress in the pile.

"Madam, please. I have not done anything extraordinary." Ears down, he held the shaking body. "I needed the space to expand and I can't see wasting the upstairs and..."

The female rabbit lifted her head and kissed the started fox, squeezing his rear as firmly as her husband had... She had been laughing?

"Ye sounds as bad as Tur - All those words. Me boy can cook, but he caint holds a candle to Me. I be expectin ye for Last meal... And I will sic my Husband on ye iffen ye dinna ta come. I told him, no one besides me can be in ye Bed... But the 'Manor-Lord' I can make exception to. And iffen ye wants to be alone for a while with him... I can take the boys off yer hands fer a bit."

She actually *winked* at him, squeezing his rear again. Tama was in turns flattered, scared and puzzled. But mostly Scared... And while Ma was keeping the Fox busy, Johsa got the 'Others' inside - No use in giving the fox more worries than he had. Tama shook his head, returning to his house for a towel to wipe the tears from his chest, and was busy removing his clothing when he heard footsteps on his porch. Now who...

"Mister Rornes..." Tur never called him Master. The rabbit Squeezed his rear in passing, kissing the back of one ear, making Tama gasp as his new Lover put both sets of pants in the laundry hamper. The fox remembered a time when he didn't Need a hamper. His balls didn't ache so wonderfully either... Rand padded in, shucking his pants as well. The brown bunny turned his Love and kissed him deeply, rubbing the fat sheath. Tama Mmmmmmm'd, squeezing both sexy butts he loved so much... Then Eeped as a pair of obviously female rabbits waltzed in. They doffed their dresses, showing brown fur and soft curves and Way too much breast for the fox's liking. Both bent a knee, half curtsy, half bow. They giggled at how he blushed, passing the clothing to a naked Tur, who put the dresses in the hamper as well.

"Maia and Teln, Good Sir." they said, taking the fox's hand to kiss it. Rand laughed and turned the male so his sisters could see the hot fox-butt, kissing his Love's cheek.

"Master Pteh said he would take all my brothers, but 'No Female Will Ever Work in My Shop!' was all he said to my sisters. He did blush a lot... Told them to put on something less revealing. And you did say long as I could afford them, I could have helpers."

Master Pteh had winked at the lads when they said Mister Johsa was their Da. Besides, Lhobas (Lucky Number Seven), was a Whiz with the Books, just like his Oldest brother Tur. Of course Johsa sent All the Coppers to their Da's - He got Silver to feed his Wife and Kits with... And not just Master Fox's coins did he get. It was rumored that one time an axle broke - So the rabbit put the cart on one shoulder and the ox on the other and carried both to their Destination. Of course he denied it - He carried the wagon, the Oxen walked.

* * * *

Tama huffed... So the lad Could speak well - When he wanted to... Eeeeep! Both females hugged the scandalized fox, giggling as they gently kissed him. "We been around naked males all our life, Sir. You be built a more yummy than our kin, but we promise not ta be grabbin anythin (Much), and ta be good workers."

Oh Gods! If he wasn't Gay... Did they have to be so damn Cute? The fox sighed... Then gave Rand a Look - "Your word on their behavior in the shop - And out of it as well. All I need is gossip about me having both Lads And Girls in my bed! Tur, we will need..."

The white rabbit came out with three aprons, and a grin, patting his siblings' rumps. "Master Rornes likes to look at naked butts, but that doesn't mean you can run around with no more than you were born with on. Especially around glue and fire and wood. Watch what your Brother does, learn and Master Rornes may let you loose in the Back. You get a copper apiece (Minus whatever you break) every Paying Day. Mind you don't grab Master Rornes' Butt when his hands are full, no matter how sexy it is."

Could a fox turn any redder? He Yipped when the girls grabbed him again, feminine parts getting much too intimate for his liking. A clap of hands and they stopped hugging. Stole a kiss apiece then got herded down to the bath.

"We are going to need a bigger tub." Rand said, grinning.

The fox growled but kissed the bunny, squeezing His ass roughly. "They can wait until We are done - I have no intentions of teaching them how two males have sex... Or Three for that matter. They can stay in the other house until they find boyfriends - Won't be too soon enough for me... What?" He looked at his Lover. "I am a Prude when it comes to females, alright? I didn't have a gaggle of sisters to grab my butt or to compare anatomy with - Ick! Run along and make sure they don't burn the place down. Go on - I will be here when you get them settled."

Tama got a long burning kiss - "Love..." breathed into his neck fur. He Slapped the so hot ass roughly - But returned the kiss.

"Get - Or I Will show them how two males have sex..."

The rabbit laughed and waggled his rear... "Promise? Actually I thinks my sisters already knows about guys and whats they does together... I think some of them spied on me and Tur in the fields. Lae dinna tells me until I was leaving ta see about working fer you, ta mention that little fact." He kissed Tama again. "And I be thinkin she be a little jealous I gots a Lover before she did. And a Hot one that that..."

The lad Winked and walked off, leaving the fox staring after him. The male thought about the Other pair of cute rabbit-butt's - No! Not if they were going to hang him Tomorrow! Let those females find Lovers elsewhere - He had two rabbits and that was enough! The door opened again and Tama wanted to yell that his house was Not a Carriage Station, when a giant of a male came in, grabbed the fox's ass, lifted him off his feet, and pinned him against the wall with a searing kiss that turned him into a puddle of desire.

"Jest wanted ta thank ye again... Lanine says iffen ya wants Rand's hand, she wants a Traditional HandFasting. Rings and a priest and everybody naked. She also said it was ok ta be with ye alone sometimes - Just sometimes, mind. She dinna wantin me ta get it in my head I can have other guys either. 'None of ye be too big ta be switched', she says."

Johsa hugged the fox, squeezing his rump firmly, nuzzled his ears, kissing them. "Iffen me gals be given ya trouble, ye be give their butts a swat. They is of Age ta be wantin ta be with males, and I hopes they find some Good boys... Maybe ones that can help ye make the pretty things ya do - Almost as pretty as ye are."

Tama yipped again... Did Johsa just mutter something about 'If he wasn't married'? Godsss - Deep down the fox knew he would. He would let the big male lay him down in a patch of grass and plow that horse-cock in him all day long... Do the same to that Damn Hot Ass with his smaller pole. He twitched an ear at a batch of giggles.

"Ye listen ta Master Rornes, now - He be given us a House and Work and... And..."

The fox shooed the rabbits out, somehow wriggling out of the big male's grip. "Rand, we have bed-staves to make... Posts and rails. You know what sizes - Plus a double for your parents. Master Pteh will just have to wait for his inlays for a while. *Ahem* - Your Father and I have things to discuss... Like suitable Males for certain Ladies." That got more giggles, but it also got them moving.

Tur kissed him. "Hang a sheet across the Entryway, if you want Privacy. There is a pitcher of Ale, a pot of oil and we can buy more sheets if they should become too sticky or ripped. Protest all you like, you saved Father's Life, his Honor... Mother would bed you if you asked. My Sisters want to... They think your red fur is so Hot. If you ever get curious, Lae can suck almost as good as I can... But of course she has other - Assets she can use."

He patted the fox's rear, talked quietly to his Father and went down the hall to see if the Bathing Room could handle Two tubs, and to tell Mother that Da would be late to Last meal.

* * * *

Tama sighed... Insane, every last one of them! He shook his head, going into the Sleeping Room to find a naked Johsa sitting on his bed, so damn sexy with tear tracks on his cheeks, brown fur mottled with red, sighing as he chuckled and kissed the wet face.

"Do all Rabbits get so emotional? Or just the Hot ones?"

He got a half laugh. The fox pushed the big male fully on the bed and straddled his huge frame. Kissed him long and hard and deep. "I don't think I want to bed your daughters, nor your wife... Three rabbits is quite enough for me. But I think I may have two rings to buy if Tur keeps looking at me that way."

The fox rolled Johsa onto his side to squeeze the firm, sexy ass... Growling as the male hugged him.

"Not A Word!" He snorted and stroked the wetness out of the brown cheek, reaching over to get a cup of ale. Tama helped the rabbit drink, took a sip himself. "Debts and Honor and mating with anything on two legs... Naked Females - In My House. Patting My butt... Most inappropriate." Then he laughed and swatted the big male's rear.

"I love Rand as I love breath. But Tur kisses better. And you - You I just Lust for, you big-dicked rabbit. Your daughters will just have to wait for Mistress Marigola to find them Husbands." How could anyone be so damn Hot! And sexy and lovable and... All thought ended with lips hard on his and fingers peeling his cock out to be caressed by strong, calloused fingers.

Tama panted like he had run clear to the Square and back... Moaned when his balls were taken in a firm palm, a finger teasing his knobs with blunt, ragged claws hard as the earth they worked not too long ago. He didn't notice the tall white Female who grinned at her Da, licking her lips as he teased another moan from the sexy fox.

* * * *

Lae stifled a giggle. She had watched Da and Ma hump, helped her brethren into the world. She watched Tur and Rand play as two males will... The fox was cute, but - When you grew up with Mules you kind of desired Bigger males. She took the cup from her Da, filled it and the one next to it. She preferred wine to ale, but took a sip making sure it was cool. Warm ale was more bitter than the roots Ma gave them to help stomach pains. She was in no hurry to HandFast - The rabbit had a very large Measure-stick to compare males to - And Gods were most of them short of her Da... And not just between the legs either. As stubborn as the ground he worked, as steadfast as the rocks... Never hit Ma, never came home drunk. And always came home - Tired, footsore. But Always there. A very long Measure-stick indeed!

Long ears made for very good hearing, and Da crying wasn't something she was going to just let slide... As many a bully found out, Lae took after her Father in muscular bodies. She had tits, nice ones. But being Second-Born meant chores - Carry waterbuckets to help Da with the crops. Help Ma wash what little clothing they had in the creek. Help shush crying kits, and tell stories and help Rand put Dolly together one more time... Even if Dolly was no more than some shed hair tied to a stick with a scrap of cloth that was shared by all the kits.

And she now had a second Measure-stick to hold males to. A Stranger who took Rand in, showed him kindness and love - Mended his Heart, and had a Yummy Rump... Who paid her Brother more coinage than anyone had ever seen - And not for his cute butt either. Randen had a talent with wood - Any stick or root he could get his hands on he would work on until it was something pretty. Dolly-face, shiny buttons, something to hang in front of a window - Even ones with no glass. And nobody picked on Rand within her hearing neither - Not after she broke off two thorn-filled briar branches and thrashed those boys until they cried harder than her brother had. 'Fagg? I be Teaching yer Ass 'bout Fagg All the way up the Road!'

Ma scolded her something fierce, but her eyes shone with Pride. And Da... Da kissed her hands, swatted her butt 'cause he promised Ma he would, but not hard and was grinning as wide as his daughter all the while. So two Measure-sticks to compare males on. Lovers didn't have to quite measure up to Da and Mister Rornes - But anyone who wanted her hand, Damn sure had better. She Kissed her Da's cheek, and with a nod of approval, Kissed the fox. Who shivered nicely... She watched the green eyes pop open and Stare at her. Lae touched her nose to his, and kissed him again.

"You is a cutie, but You is Rand's. And..." She glanced down. "Not quite what I like in bed. Not sayin I woulds kick ye out... Not with an ass as nice as yours. You snuggle Da. I gots chores." So sexy... Especially when the pointed ears burned that way. The rabbit kissed him again, swatted her Da's butt and walked out, the only one with cloth covering her rump - Such as it was. She glanced at the Sun, the only clock she had ever seen - Oh they knew about the Five Marks per Candle, the Two Candles per Bell, and the Four Bells of the Day... But their Bells were scratches on the wall where the sun made a shadow on the window sill. That and every rooster for Miles who Heralded the SunsRise.

She stood in the Walkway - Getting close to time to get the boys back from their work... The bunny saw a smaller cart sitting off to one side - Plenty big enough for her siblings. Would Da mind if she took it? Nah. Lae went over and told Ma what she was going to do, Returning to smile at a lad walking by... Who almost fell on his face gawking at the beautiful female whose dress showed more than it hid. Lifting the traces, she grunted and heaved... All for show. The lion Was cute and kept staring at her chest... Then with a stammer and a jump he was beside her, asking if he could help in some way. Plain of clothing was the Lad, but gold eyes that matched the gold mane and yellow fur. And the bulge in front of his pants was big enough to make her grin - Sure he could help. Grab the right tongue and pull... A grab on his rump made the lad yeep, but purr and grin himself.

* * * *

Limif had watched the rabbits come in through the gate. Followed as best he could, watching the White Lady stand next to the monster who he Hoped was her Pa and not her Husband. The lad listened long enough to make sure he had an even chance at her attentions - No Lovers or Boyfriends... The lion didn't work - Unless he wanted to. His Father left him the Title of Ryndal, A patch of land with a house and small garden (Tended to because it was his Mother's pride), and a stipend to live on. The trip was quite real - That bruise on his toe Hurt!

The sun shining through her dress only highlighted all she was born with. And if he had his way, that beautiful Lady would wear Gold-trimmed Dresses outside... And not a stitch inside. She smelled good too - Sweat and dust and female... No clouds of perfume to choke on. No Soaps or herbs that made one Glad to be back out in the air so you could open your nose and not pant through your mouth. Limif would have laughed at the grab on his butt (He admired honesty above all traits in a female. And didn't mind them admiring the Goods), But something tied his tongue up around this Lady. For that was who she was to the shy lad - She may smell of Farm, look like she fell out of a dustbin... But she held herself erect, showed her beauty off without apology.

In the back of his mind he knew she could pull the cart with a dozen of him sitting in it. That just made her more desirable... Not pampered, perfumed, or powdered. There was no doubt she earned every one of those muscles... And those so lovely brown eyes he wanted to stare into forev - *Whack*

"Mind the trees, Good Sir. Oh My - Are ye Ok?"

Except for a lump the size of a hen's egg, a turned ankle... And a heart lost at her first touch, yes. He tried to stand, and gasped as she picked him up like a sack of potato's, squeezed his butt as she carried him over her shoulder to the back of the cart. She dumped him in it with a frown... But allowed the male to steal a kiss - Flatterer... Probably the lump talking.

"Now stay like a good sack - And Maybe... I'll let ya meet Da." Oh, he would approve if she did. Lae Tickled the male's toes getting a roared laugh - And some bright red patches on the tawny cheeks. She gave him a look that made his heart skip several beats... Then turned and walked back to the front, knowing his eyes were on her rump all the way. But she wasn't going to wag it for him - Not much anyway. Lae gripped the handles, lifted the front up and started down the road again. Ma knew how to take care of bumped heads and ankles that didn't hold one's weight. But first he would have to live through her brothers!

Chapter Sixteen - Rabbits everywhere

Rand chuckled, waved to his older sister... Watched his younger sisters to keep them from harm. They swept and put the wood in the bins and even giggled, working the gouges over the sharpening stone. Well, it was kinda like a dick... He shook his head, thinking of Tama with No siblings - Ma had one child a year for Three years... Then Seven in a span of Two. Like she had been saving them up. The boys were off in the Mill, probably sweating their rumps off for Master Pteh. Maia was playing with glass bits, giggling as the colors changed as she held them to the light. Teln wasn't interested in wood, but chores were chores - And she was willing to scrub floors to see rich people's houses. All three of them chatted about the fox's red-furred butt, the females digging tidbits from their squirming, blushing brother. It was That long (Or short - Most males came up short of Da)? And he liked to sleep snuggled against the bunny's butt? They patted said butt, giggling. Teln walked out the back to go help Ma, while the other two finished closing the shop up, putting things on shelves to dry.

The bunnies put their aprons on pegs, sneaked a peak at the Adults who were just nuzzling and rubbing each other's erections. Tur shooed them back down to the Bathing Room, and all three washed, Maia wide-eyed at the tub. But she very much enjoyed the room and her brothers washing her back. She Hugged them, grinning. They tickled her neck and her nipples and her toes... She did the same, all of them laughing. Rand was filling out - Bigger Belly, bigger rump, Bigger... Where it counted. And soap that wasn't a sliver, or burned like lye. A brush instead of just fingers - One could get used to such luxuries. They toweled each other off, Maia teasing the bouncing erections. Rand was Definitely growing. Tur was always big, and always let the kits rub his dick - But they were her brothers. She Really wanted to play with Master Fox's... Assets.

Just liked Boys, did he? Pah - A mouth was a mouth, and she had much bigger tits than Boys to rub on things... Things like a pair of furry nut-sacks that she was currently teasing. Mmmmm... A handful, both of them.

"Lae came to visit." Maia's ears perked up, both siblings stared down the hall to make sure that big males stayed in the Sleeping room. Tur tickled his sister's neck. "Look at you. I think Ma bedded a Cat while Da was off." She just giggled and hunched up, rubbing the towel across his rear.

"Big sister visited..." she prompted.

"Da was crying... And trying not to. You know how he gets sometimes. But never again - We see to it." The other two nodded. Held hands on it. Ma had growled when she heard the fox had no family. No Ma, no Da. No Brothers and Sisters... Well, he would now. That is why she wanted it Traditional - Tama may be mating Rand, but Tradition didn't HandFast couples, it HandFasted Families.

"She even managed to steal a kiss from Tama - And I didn't hear him yell about it either. That doesn't mean you can push him into a corner and straddle him, you Minx."

Maia looked at her brother like he stepped in a cowpile. "Master Rornes is Rand's. We maybe shares him but we don't Poach. Besides Mister Bigwords - I wouldn't have ta holds him down and all that. And I aint No Lae... I is a Female." She squeezed Tur's balls - Gently. "We all got Butts and Mouths and like Males to stick their dicks insides us, yes?"

Her brothers laughed and slapped their sister's rear. Then helped her spread the towels out, used the Water Pot. Went in to look at the Adults again - Still nuzzling and caressing. But now streaks of white striped the red leg, and the brown male shuddered, fingers keeping him hard. Tama was Almost used to seeing a naked female watching him - Almost. All three rabbits kissed their Father. Kissed him, and the fox shivered. So Hot You Melted lip-presses ran in the Family it seemed - Brown eyes watched cum spurt on the fox's white Belly, soft smiles of approval making him blush harder. The two boys walked away, dicks wagging while the female leaned over.

The brown rabbit kissed the fox until he moaned, caressing the russet hand that held the big male's butt. "You are good for Da..." she whispered, kissing her Father's cheek. "You are Good to Rand and Tur. Oh, I can speak as good as Mister Bigwords when I want. Stay... Be good for Da. Wear him out so he sleeps and not cries - Hush," she interrupted, slapping the big brown rump. "You walk outside to cry... We still hear. We hear your worries, your sighs. We Are Family - What did Ma say?"

"No secrets, no lies. Not from Family." Johsa sighed and chuckled as a smaller hand gently rubbed his thick shaft. He kissed his daughter... Then kissed the fox who moaned and came all over both bunnies' hands. "See, I Still be a better kisser! You bring food back? Tomorrow we sit as Family - All Of Us."

Maia nodded, licking the mingled semen off her hand, grinning at the fox. She poured two cups of ale, stealing a sip. "If you need help Da, you just say so... You is Rand's Mister Fox - And we don't Poach... But we Do Share."

She gave the cup to the russet-furred male, and gently kissed his cheek, his ear... Whispering in it, "You are so sexy when you blush like that. And you taste good... Your heart is in your eyes. I see it when you look at Rand and Tur and Da. You love like Da does - With everything you are. You be a Good Male. Maybe someday I will find someone like you to Mate. Someone kind and gentle and loving... I'll bring back food, wine if you tire of ale. And if you ever wish to know of Females, are curious even a little - Ask. Lae may want a MuleDick, but she will hold you. Ma would put you next to Da in the same bed and wear you both out..." She kissed the fox's cheek again.

"Me? I want to know what a kind male feels like. To touch and be touched by - Farmer and Cropper boys are all hand and lust and know Nothing of gentleness. They also pass out after they pop. You popped and you are still awake, still thinking of Da... Still stroking him and holding him. Not snoring loud enough to scare birds away. You are a Good male."

Tama went hot then cold. Frightened, angered, and amazed so fast he barely had time to think... He laughed and patted the bunny's face. So much like her Father... At least She didn't talk of Debts and Owing him... She just wanted a romp under the covers. Honest lust he could appreciate... Even so - Did she have to hold her breasts so close he could feel how warm they were? And she smelled clean and feminine and like Rabbit...

"Wine." he squeaked, getting both of them to laugh. And kiss him, one on his cheek, and one... If Johsa kissed like this, what was his wife... Nonononononononono - Not Even! Maia laughed again, licking at a streak on the fox's thigh. She saw his reaction to her tits next to his arm. "Best wash too - It dries and you will need more than Da's tongue to get unstuck."

And was gone before the hand could land on her butt. The fox-hand landed on the bigger rabbit's instead. "What do they feed you out on the Farms? Oh yeah - Cold Turnip Soup. Well, she had better bring back some sandwiches and some salad, or I will get out of this bed and fix it myself. Don't Lick - Gods!"

Johsa nuzzled the sexy red leg, licked the sticky wrist, kissing it. Squeezed the fat, white balls. Finished his ale and put the cups back on the small table by the bed. He snuggled the male closer, squeezed the russet butt, teasing the pink hole with a finger as big as the fox's cock... Got some more white streaks on his Belly - Didn't care of it Did dry. That just made it more fun to clean later. A little wine on the fur. A lot of licking and sucking... Maybe more cream to go with? He kissed the shuddering male again. City people sure seemed to tire easily. Even the horses he met complained of pulling carts and carriages and wagons... Hah! The few mules he had met on the Farmlands didn't complain. They still had their balls attached, a good day's work that ended with the SunsLeaving, and curious lads and girls to make them groan... But the mules still grinned after splattering them well. This Mule grinned and kissed the panting fox again.

* * * *

Ma was still putting things away, herding the young ones, getting food ready and in general doing what Mothers had done since houses had been built. Lae twitched an ear, dropping the legs of the cart on the ground. She could do with a bath, but the tired workers got first dibs. And tired they were, if elated to be doing Something to help their Families. At least the dust up one's nose smelled different. Brooms and shovels beat seeding crops, stamping each one in the hard ground. Mind, carrying buckets of water felt the same - Same aches across the shoulders, same sore footpads. And Paying Day so close. A Copper coin Apiece! A fortune for those who only saw money when Da showed it to them. And off they got, one not quite running ahead with yells for Ma - "Lae's Male needs help."

The white rabbit clenched her fists... 'Better run Boy... Cause I Will rip a stripe offen yer butt fer that remark, iffen I catches ya! Taint My Male... Well - Not yet.' Then she smiled as Ma came with a cloth and looked at the lad's head, peered into his eyes, rubbed his ankle. Swatted his butt - Gently. Lanine knew what foolish things males did around females. Johsa had fallen into a ditch while courting her. How she had laughed at him... And how proud she was when he walked her home every night thereafter until they held hands in front of the Village Preacher.

"Nothing broken... But that ankle will need wrapping. Lae - Come give this young male a shoulder to lean on. I want something on that bump too. Tender is it? Well Trees are harder than skulls - Not that my Husband would know, Rock-headed old fool. You Are stayin fer Last meal. I says it and So It Be."

The lion found himself sitting on a stool, with a chaos of sounds and smells and rabbits running all over. A little one who barely came up to his shoulder touched his head gently. Kissed it...

"Owie..." Then scampered off with a giggle.

He smiled sadly. Interspecies relationships didn't produce offspring. Another pair of lips pressed to his, and he somehow stifled the moan that made his head pound and his heart race... Gods - A male? So his nose said... And he kissed like That?

"Your face is too beautiful to wear a frown."

And like in a Bedtale fable, the lips were gone - Just the smell of rabbit, intermingled with all the rest. Could he be... Could he like... Limif Grinned ruefully - His sex-life consisted of a Lecture from his Father concerning Females and What one did with them. A summer spent with a cousin who was as curious as he about male parts, how they tasted, what they felt like when one played with them... Definitely not enough to know What he would like to take to bed - Except for his White Lady... And maybe that sexy bull who winked at him every time he walked by the Baker's. The war settled down as the sun disappeared. The lion found himself led to a table, taking a chair next to - Lae. A beautiful name matching a beautiful female. He felt his face burn a little hotter at the giggles... But everybody quieted at the rap of a spoon.

The Graces didn't sound like anything he had heard before. But then he hadn't said them much since his parents died. Then a bowl and a plate and a cup of ale was in front of him, the former filled with something that smelled divine. Tasted better... Even so it was hard to eat when his legs were being caressed from both sides. Toes rubbing his... And one of those feet belonged to a male! Perhaps the same one who though this face too beautiful for frowning? The feline hid a laugh in his cup - Not a single House he had visited or had been dragged into was like this! These people lived every day as if it was the only one they had! He took the HouseMistress' hand and kissed it, making Ma blush clear to her neck. Asked if he might beg the Lady Lae's help in returning to his own house...

Ma grinned. Patted the male's cheek - And swatted his butt. "Take a candle... And Lae - Make sure to have the cart back tomorrow. We may need it." She winked at her daughter, who winked back. HouseMistress... Pah. Lanine was thinking of dresses and lanterns and long walks with Da a step behind the Lovers... She saw the starry-eyed look that sexy lad gave her daughter. And the scamp who should know better than to be kissing strange males. Even if he was right about the feline face and frowns. Lanine chuckled... Da was in the arms of his Lover, She had shooed Maia off with a basket, and gotten her two boys settled. She shook her head, thinking of the look her daughter gave the russet-furred male. Hah! Mule might have to share Mister Fox...

'The heart flutters like a butterfly, landing on whoever it wishes... We only follow it.' That is what her Ma told her. That is what she told her children. Growing like weeds, all of them. The white rabbit got the dishes done and set to drying. She got baths ready and scrubbed squirming bodies. Got them settled on blankets - Something else Da had brought home that day. They had rooms, but no one wanted to be alone - Not yet. So they slept as they had since they were born - In a heap of naked bodies.

Gods - What was she going to give to the fox for HandFasting her sons? Pah - The sun would come up if you worried about it or no. She sat and mended pants and shirts... Work tomorrow for the boys. She needed to find out when this Marigola was coming to fetch her daughters... The elder rabbit got up and stirred the fire, warmed some ale. Da would probably sleep the night with Master Rornes - She hoped so fervently. He had slept so little, worrying... Crying when he thought she couldn't hear. She saw the lines in his face. The muzzle going white too soon. Did he think they would abandon him? Hmmph, males! A hut or a castle - A roof was a roof... If they had to pack up everything and walk away from this place, they would still be Family. Maybe the sexy fox could beat some sense into that Mule's Cousin. She grinned as a faint groan came on the wind. Pushed a crick out of her back, got up and washed herself. Put her Good dress up, and got an everyday one on. Shook her head at the Water Pot - They just dug a hole. But it was kinda fun to watch the water disappear. Lanine made sure a new candle was sitting in the holder by the door - Just in case Da came back.

Chapter Seventeen - Limif

Limif Ryndal found himself sitting and watching that so sexy rear walk in front of him, reaching out as if to touch it. Except for the fact his head hurt a little (A paste smeared on the lump took most of it away), he could swear he was dreaming... That the White Lady was a Fantasy, a Bedtime story. The candle he had set on the seat, the street lamps now well lit. And every step of those so long legs brought him closer to home. To a bed where... No. Ladies were chaste and had to be wooed and given presents before they would take a male's hand. Besides, she was just helping him home. He had plenty of empty beds she could sleep in... Gods, could he sleep? Her beautiful body lying on the sheets - He would sneak in and sit in a chair and watch over her all night. Daring a touch on her hand or her cheek should she sigh or frown in her slumbers. Sneak away at Dawn's light, to wash and change and get the Morning meal ready. He Gasped at the thought of one of his Mother's dresses draped over her. Dark blue to show off the white fur... A necklace of obsidian around her throat. No - Brown... Brown... What kind of Brown stone could he use to compliment her eyes... Those so beautiful Amber - That's It!

"Iffen ye fall off the cart, I is goin ta ties ya up and toss ya in the back - Naked."

Lae twitched an ear, grinning. Looked over her shoulder at the male - He looked so cute when he blushed like that. And it was So easy to make color come to his cheeks. 'Poor Lad, you is goin ta be doin a Lot of That iffen I has any say...' They stopped in front of a fancy dwelling with dormers on the second story.

'House of Ryndal' was what the sign said, ornate and old as the place itself. She wondered what it looked like in the daytime, opening a gate and pulling the cart into a courtyard. The smell of flowers made her sigh softly. The rabbit undid her harness, let it fall, and moved past the Lad (patting his leg in passing) to close the gate. She found matches in a box on the sill and lit the lantern, showing a door that was plain but elegant. Then returned to the cart to jerk the lion off the seat, and over her shoulder again, despite his protests of being able to walk. The rabbit put him down at the door, letting him fish out a key from his pocket and unlock it, got him inside and sat down while she built a fire.

The rabbit lit some candles, and blew out the lantern, replacing it on the porch sill. Closing the door, Lae walked around, admiring the pieces of art and vases and other things that seemed like a lot of clutter. She got the male up, and off to the closest Bathing room - There was more than one, the lion said. The female managed to find a kettle and water and a place to set it. Limif was about to say he could hobble off to another room, when the rabbit jerked her dress off her body, and tossed it into the tub with less care than if he had been her Brother. He didn't mind if she washed it while they bathed did he? He... Her... Wash - Together? And off came his shirt, a strong hand gently running across his chest fur. The male gulped in air, forgetting how to breathe for a moment. His eyes were everywhere but on the twin mounds, capped by pink nipples, stiff in the cool air.

Then her hands were on his pants and he yelped, being gently shoved onto a stool. Limif moaned as his ankle twinged, his head demanding to know what he was thinking, moving so fast. And down they went with a lovely female grinning at his exposed body. She gently touched his sweaty nut-sack, lifting it up, scritching it gently. Somehow it seemed less embarrassing - More like a maid with a young charge. But if she so much as breathed on his sheath... Lae stood at the kettle's whistle instead, turned - And his eyes jerked to the leaf-shaped tail, wagging over the... Gods! The so hot rump he couldn't stop looking at. His gold eyes followed it to the bath where the rabbit bent over the tub, one white cheek sliding against the other as those legs moved as she poured the water - *Proing* He was hard in seconds. And too startled to be embarrassed about it. Gods... The lad Ruefully rubbed his head. What did he think was going to happen, staring at her rear like that...

She was just so. So... Coming to kneel and take his ankle in her hand, unwrapping the strip of cloth. Taking his hand, grabbing his ass and lifting him up. His own fingers dared a soft caress across the firm bunny-rump - And got a laugh... Across the room and into the water he went, as if he was a baby again. Limif watched the muscles move in her arms, her legs as she - Oh Gods! His head snapped back, his shoulders slammed into the metal, his hands gripped the rim as his cock was engulfed in a warm mouth that swallowed and sucked and licked him until nothing came out of his nuts... Which were being squeezed and caressed and teased.

"My Lady..." He moaned, then screeched as she bit him. Lae shoved another inch of his huge meat into her muzzle... He didn't pass out then. Not even when the rabbit slid her lips up his stalk, tugging every last drop of juice from it. Not when she licked her lips and said in a husky growl he was "Tasty..." Not even when she straddled his crotch and sat, pushing her breasts into his face, sliding his throbbing erection between her so hot butt-cheeks.

She touched his nose with hers, grinning... "Ye is just So Cute when ye blushes!" And kissed him. Then he passed out.

* * * *

Lae shook her head... If he wasn't a virgin, he wasn't far removed. Course, that nasty bump may be why he was limp in every place but one. Hah! At least he wasn't a disappointment there - Plenty big enough to make her gag a little when she had it in her throat. To make her grunt when she rubbed it with her rump. Heh, he actually managed to spray her rear as the tawny body shuddered under her, cum splattering her back. She kissed the slack-jawed male, making sure that nothing more came out of the thick meat before letting it slide between her breasts. Not as big as Da... And what were all these - Pricklies, around the tip? She took the head in her mouth, feeling them with her tongue. They tickled... The rabbit Kissed the tiny lips, then got busy washing - First her dress, then the male, giggling as he jerked when she ran a finger across his tail-hole.

"Likes that Do ye? We share Lovers - So iffen ya wanted wanna my Brothers as well as me..." She laughed - He could Blush while out cold. She finished washing and got out. Lifted the male up, then her dress, pulling the stopper. That much was the same at least - Gah... Mud! She rinsed both her dress and herself off again, just to make sure. Then laid the lad in a towel on the stool, propping him against the wall. Rinsed out the tub, dried and walked off to the Cooking area... Gods, it was separate from the Eating Room, which was separate from the Main room, which was separate from - Too many Blasted rooms! But the vegetables were fresh - As in picked that day. She returned to towel the feline dry, spreading the cloth over the tub along with her dress to dry. Used the Water Pot... But found no bucket or dipper. There was a chain, so she pulled it... And jumped up with a yelp as water rushed under her rear.

Hmmpf! City folks... Lae got a candle and found a bed that looked like it had been made that day. She fetched the lad, carrying him over one shoulder. Squeezed his butt - It was fun holding him like this. She dumped him on the covers, then thought a moment... And fetched a bucket - The lad was in no shape to be trying to get up in the dark to use the Water Pot. Then blew out the candle, knowing the fire would go out by itself. She got into the too soft bed, and snuggled the male against her. At least he had brains enough to slide a hand over the strong hip, hug her close, sigh something about Beautiful Ladies and Bedtime stories... He also Yeeped as she squeezed his balls.

'Me, a Lady? Hah!' Then she giggled and put his head on her tits, feeling the bump. It didn't seem as big as before. Going down then - Good. The rabbit Squeezed the sexy butt, feeling the long tail twitch as she slid her fingers along it to the tufted end, thinking wicked thoughts about what could be done with the bit of fluff... Well - Only here a day and already snagged a cute, sexy male to call Lover. Perhaps more? She laughed at the memory of an idiot who was tying to watch her and not where his feet went. A sexy, cute idiot who was Hung... Had a nice house. What other surprises did the male have to show her? Tomorrow was soon enough to find out. She Kissed the sexy lion.

'Only My hand will be in His, come HandFasting.' Well - If Master Fox could take Two mates, so could She. And laughed again... Barely met and already she was sharing his bed with another - Male? A female would be fun. Someone to plot and scheme and sew with. But two males - She shivered at the thought of being taken from both ends at the same time... Shook her head of all foolishness. One thing at a time - Fall in love with the lad. Have him fall in love with her. Hah - That row had already been plowed. How could she not, looking at him sleep, feeling his warm body against hers. See what he was like when his head wasn't scraping the clouds... Da was a long Measure-stick to measure up to, after all.

Lae thought of a certain foolish brother who had walked all the way to the City because Da was worried about Taxes... She stifled a laugh in the golden mane. So maybe they walked the same pathway... But She had better tits.

Chapter Eighteen - The Dream

Limif lay in his bed, dreaming he was snuggled up against something warm, and female. With very strong arms and legs and... He blushed as warm, fuzzy mounds pushed into his chest, his hands caressing the firm ass - It was ok. He was just dreaming. In his dream he was turned on his back and the female who he couldn't quite see straddled his legs. Slid her warm breasts along his erection, licking the dripping tip.

"What be these?" she asked, kissing the spiked ridges that ran across his cock-head.

" 'Are', my beautiful one... 'Spines.' My ancestors had hard ones. Mine much softer - I call them Ticklers. At least they tickle me when they are played with."

He moaned as she tilted her head and still rubbing his dick, sucked on his feline meat. Lower her muzzle went, sucking and licking his throbbing pole until his hips bucked and he came hard enough to make his head throb. 'What a wonderful, erotic dream. So real I could reach out and touch... Oh Gods!'

"Lae?" A name popped into his head. He got a soft giggle and some more slurps on his dick, keeping it hard.

"Mmmmmm... You tastes good First Thing a'mornin. But I sees yer not just sexy as hell - Yer gots stamina. So Lover... Which hole next?"

This wasn't happening! Ladies didn't talk and act like Lamp Leaners - Like those who walked the Street of Desires... Did they? He moaned again and held his head. Got it kissed by a very real rabbit who grinned at him... On all fours. Showing off all the Gods had given her. It was impossible Not to stare at those so pink nipples swaying inches from his face. That flat stomach and below - The hidden mystery of femaleness.

"You wants it There... Or underside my tail? I'se may be a little tight, but I'se fer sure will be gettin all yer inside me... And Iffen yer hurry we can still eat - And maybe be a'playin in the Tub. But yer gotta hurry sexy - I'se gotta go home. *Sigh* Much too soon fer me likin, mind..."

He couldn't ask. He couldn't speak. He grew short of breath as something furred and warm kept rubbing his cock-head... Hands slid along the strong, beautiful legs, making her almost purr...

"My Lady, I am Limif. And all I have to give is yours if you but wish it." He swallowed dry-mouthed. Got another laugh, one throaty and husky and as he stared into her eyes he knew she was more than amused by his stammering ways. There was that look - Honest, deep, soul-searching. As if he was being weighed, and found to be worth something - Then his pupils snapped wide open, blinding him for a minute. His erection had parted some Forbidden-Before-Now place. And it was slipping in slowly, walls of flesh giving way while clinging to his member, squeezing it... And he dared not even guess where it might be.

"Wanna Look Sexy?" Lae sat up, grinning at the male, so obviously in shock. Virgin no more... At least not with Females. And his eyes shifted... Stared as she crouched. Damn, she wasn't used to big ones - But like Rand, she could work on it. Lae gently rubbed his nipples, getting another inch bucked into her, watching the face go through Fear, wonder... Back to Fear as he reached up to her. Oh it hurt. But Pain was something she was so used to, it wasn't even a bother anymore. Besides, it felt Damn Good to be filled like this.

The lion stared in shock as his White Lady lifted off him, and then sat or crouched, or... Whatever she did and his throbbing cock just vanished. Vanished into white fur and warmth and... Mystery. She grunted and he touched her face softly. Tried to move off... To move away as she was obviously in discomfort. Then she arched and screamed and Grabbed Him! Instincts older than civilization came to the fore as clawed fingers gripped her hips, butt-cheeks clenched, and muscles pushed up, thrusting into the heat of the female. Limif watched in wonder (And a little terror) as his body did what it was programmed to do - Spread his DNA... While giving his Lover so much pleasure she was gasping and panting and grinding her hips against his... Wetness matted his crotch fur as the rabbit arched up again. His tail, finding no partner to dance with, was teasing the stubby one the Lady did sport. Working the tuft around it, under it - A hand he didn't believe his Gripped a breast, thumb grinding a so taut nipple...With a growl he pulled her to him, kissing the so hot lips... They slammed together and climax was an afterthought compared to the explosions happening between the two bodies.

When Limif could see again, he was on his side, a leg tossed over the longer, much sexier one. A hand was across her hip, squeezing her butt firmly. The other was cradling her head and he was looking into her half-lidded eyes. And - He was still inside her. Still inside the molten heat, spines gently scratching the rabbit's inner-walls with every throbbing pulse, every soft movement of his hips. Caressing her long ears, he waited for her to speak, half afraid she wouldn't... That despite what his instincts said was a Yes! She may yet despise him, reject his advances...

"Damn - Yer dinna do things halfway..." She reached out and caressed his cheek, barely able to stifle the laughter that wanted to bubble out as his so serious look, so afraid he had done something wrong. Then it did when he dared a kiss... She returned it. Kissed his eyebrows, his nose - Tickled his ribs until he was a mess of tawny fur, trying to dodge the strong fingers that made his frame wrack with giggles and shrieks. He finally trapped her hands in his, rolling on top of her. A panicked look came over him as he noticed how they were arranged. Then legs came up and beat on his butt, pushing him still deeper into the female, who he watched every twitch of... At least until a tit slapped his muzzle.

"Suck it, idiot."

The male dared a lick across the nipple, getting a squeal from the bunny and a Grab from below with that same feeling of wetness. He did so with the other breast, gently caressing his newfound Lover, until She was the one who lay panting and unable to move... At least until he blew a razzberry in her chest, making her laugh and roll under his amazed gaze. She was so achingly beautiful - Sweaty, fur scattered as if in a windstorm. Which she may as well be, for she scattered his wits, while binding his heart ever stronger.

"Lover..." he dared breathe, getting a groan and a slap on his butt.

"An We is supposed ta be the Rock-Headed ones..." Lae pinched his sexy ass, making the feline buck, getting a purr as she laid his head between her tits, grinning... If sex was this good every time - They would need a new bed! Then she slapped the hot rump again... "Bath," she growled into a cute if short ear, nipping it gently.

The lion looked like a child who wants to play in the mud a while longer... Then something flashed in those beautiful gold eyes. He squirmed, still hard, still deep inside her.

"What My Prince?" She could speak plainly when she wished to... And Princes were real enough - If in another universe, living in a castle... Off her Da's Taxes. But none of that showed in her eyes as she gazed into his. What? Did he whisper Another Hole... No, he said Orifice. The bunny laughed softly.

"First you must escape my clutches..." And she squeezed him, watching his eyes cross, his hips shudder - His tail curl over his so hot ass. Lae was definitely going to spend some time with her head on those buns. And Teeth and Fingers and... She panted into a kiss so hot it made her forget anything but those lips. Felt him move... Slide out, tissues no longer being stretched uncomfortably went back to normal... But seemed eager for the still hard pole to explore their depths again - Soon. But right now there was a full bladder that demanded the rabbit get up, kiss her Lover, and trot off for the Water Pot. And his eyes watched every wriggle, every bounce... From Ear-tips to Toes - She was every inch a Lady.

He tossed the covers, knowing the Staff he had sent away for the day would return and put new sheets on it. He tried a step on the ankle, still painful - But it held him up. Perhaps a cane... With a Rabbit's butt as a handpiece. And Sighed... No, it wouldn't do that Beautiful Female justice, no matter how lifelike it was carved. Besides - He wasn't letting Anyone see her naked butt, save himself. And the servants...

Then he laughed as that amazon of a rabbit returned, stood, hand on her hips and glared at him. Inner thighs matted with their mingled juices, breasts showing little lines from the attack of his teeth and rough tongue, her brown eyes hot with exasperation - The patient is supposed to wait for his nurse before leaving the bed. And so achingly beautiful with the morning sun shining through her fur, he imagined she was an apparition of loveliness. A Goddess Incarnate... He knelt, nostrils flaring at the Smell of her, muzzle very close to the treasure he had plundered... Yet somehow intact and from the way she shifted her hips, ready for another round of lovemaking.

Limif took her hand in his. Kissed it - "Lea... My White Lady, whom I adore more than Life itself - I beg you to allow me to ask for your hand in Betrothal." He looked into the so beautiful eyes for an answer...

And got scooped up like a wayward sack of potatoes, carried to the Bathing Room and dumped into a tub half-filled with water. "I dinna know bout no Betrothals - But Iffen ya wants ta HandFast..."

She grinned and the predator gulped air, cringing as the rabbit got in the tub, grabbed his balls firmly. Pushed him against the metal, legs long and firm against his... Soft but so hard. Female but yet more male than himself. She teased his nuts until he moaned, his erection mashed between their bellies.

"IF Da says Yes..." She kissed him. "An Iffen ye does it Right - Naked before All Kin, all Gods ta show we comes Proper ta Be HeartHeld..." She kissed him again. "Then I says Yes, ya may have my hand. And the rests of me too!"

A cool breeze ruffled fur as a door opened. And in came a bear - Dressed immaculately down to the very naked, very erect lion worked in gold that was his Badge of Office... Only the top half was ever shown to those Outside the House, of course. He walked up, and reached down to caress the peasant girl's rear, depositing some scented soap in the crack.

"If the Master and his Lady are so inclined, First meal will be served in One Bell." If the Master wished to bed a horse and bathe with an ox, Getmkui would bring towels, hoof picks and whatever was needed. The young Master may be uncouth but he was House Ryndal. Besides, the female Was very beautiful. Even an old queer like him could appreciate such a hot, tight ass. He left the couple to see to the Master's favorite dishes... So much sex was certain to wear him out.

* * * *

Lae dunked the lion several times before he could grab her head and kiss her - May as well die for a good cause.

"How many..." The soap slid into a wash-cloth and re-applied to the so sexy butt. "Dinna try and - Mmmmmm..." The cloth was sliding around and around, teasing her anus, fluffing her tail, slipping down her thighs to tease... She grabbed the hand. "How many, or I'se be a Widow afore I'se be mated."

The lion could only stare at her... "Even when you are Angry, you are too lovely for words, my Lady." He Kissed her... And got shoved against the tub, hands gripping his mane. The rabbit not only showed How to kiss, but Where, shoving her breasts into his face. He used hand and cloth to explore every inch of them, kissing the pink nipples, nuzzling the round, firm mounds.

"Promise me, White Lady... On my deathbed you will lay my head in your breasts so I may die knowing an angel holds me... What?"

She was laughing so hard she fell on top of him. "Ya... And every night I fuck ya ta ye can't so much as twitch." Lae kissed him. "Plow the Ground First, Good Sir. Then worry if Rains come or nae. If Crops grow or nae. Plow the Ground..."

The male surged out from under her, jumped out of the tub, digging around to find quill, ink and paper, not caring how much water ran across the tiled floor. He wrote feverishly, 'Plow The Ground First'... Then returned to lift the puzzled bunny and kiss her so deeply and hungrily she didn't flinch at the strange hand caressing her rump with a soft towel - Yes, even a queer bear could appreciate an ass like the rabbit had.

Chapter Nineteen - The Servants

They sat in cloth robes, another male lion fretting over them both. "Cook, you have outdone yourself yet again." The male blushed, giving the Lady's hand a kiss... Then rushed back to his domain - Nobody bested Cook in His den. "And in answer to your question - Five. They were my Father's before me. Cook, three maids, my Valet you have met. And I still don't know why I need Three maids - I can pull my own sheets!"

The bear who was serving the Lady, took her hand and kissed it as well. Touched his tongue to it - A greeting older than the Cities. She did the same, but lingered for just a moment, making the round ears heat and twitch. His bulge was bigger than Da's!

"Because Your distinguished Father had an eye for the Ladies... And Liked having Maids to study as they worked. Would the Lady prefer Berry Jam or Honey on her graincakes? Cut them thusly..." And showed her how to use a knife and fork in tandem. Getmkui seemed neither worried that the silver service nor the plates lined with gold would either break in the strong hands, or disappear into a sleeve... But the Head Servant watched every movement without seeming to be watching. The pattern was irreplaceable, the artist dead almost a century now. As the rabbit tucked her meal away with an appetite, the bear's assessment went up several notches. Someone had taught her manners - Rough as they were. Not a Street-Walker, nor Social-Climber... Both rated the same in his estimate - Slightly above what one found behind ox-carts. But only Slightly. Actually - Street Walkers were at least Honest...

Dare he hope this one would stay? The Old Master had few Lovers after his wife died of Fever... Kept the staff on when there was no real need for so many. Only when he was on his deathbed did he release all but the Five who took care of the New Master. The House was not a Mansion, but it was big enough to keep the three maids busy. Cook was of course Cook - He needed a pot, a spoon and a fire. The bear heard them talk without hearing. Didn't flinch when the female grabbed his balls, caressed them, weighed them in a strong hand. He did blush a little as the Master laughed softly.

"It won't do you any good, My White Lady... He prefers males to bed. When I can get it through his stubborn head I am more than willing to let him. He still thinks I am a cub who has to have his butt wiped as often as his muzzle. Do I still gnaw on your fat ass, Getmkui? No. I think I can be left alone a few nights without ordering you out."

'When you Marry, sir. When you Prove you can be alone without running off, or finding some discarded bit of fluff who would as soon kick you in the crotch and steal you blind as be the House's Lady - Then your leash will be shortened, not before. And one may Dare hope this one would be That Lady.' The bear said nothing, stifling a shiver as the hand continued to roll his nuts around, making his pants a bit too tight of a sudden. Unnnh! Even though he wasn't much for Females, he Could make exceptions...

Cook returned with more grain-cakes, and got his rear squeezed... And a grateful kiss from the female that sent him reeling out the doorway. The three maids came to take the robes and get the Master's clothing. The lion tried not to stare as the rabbit stood, clad in only her fur, getting one last bite off the plate, sucking her fingers so erotically... Then patted her belly, grinning at the male who swore his whole head was going to Burn up!

The tigress who held his pants over one arm, his coat over another and was helping him with his shirt had never seen so much red before... She was tempted to touch it. Taemae glanced at the female who just stood - No more caring she was naked than a wild forest creature would be. Or a Fairy... But Fairies were not built like That. A twitch of her finger and one of the other maids, a hyena with the dusky fur of the Plains took the rabbit in hand. "Don't you be worrying about Her, Master Ryndal - I am sure Niria will find something suitable... Have we disappointed you yet?"

Limif shook his head... But watched the white butt all the way down the hall, just the same. Then looked at the bear as his pants slipped up his legs, shivering as the female caressed his nuts, tucking them into the crotch. Even though he knew he could take Any of them to bed if he wanted... He never did. They were Family - He had cried on their shoulders, pinched their butts... Been naked and sick and surly around all of them. But it still felt nice to have familiar hands playing with his private places... And Yeeped as clawed fingers pinched his butt, lifting his rear so his tail could be slipped in the hole made for such things.

The HouseLord stood and grabbed both their hands. "I asked her to be mine - And she replied, 'Plow the Ground First.' Do you imagine how fast one of those Vultures Who have been circling our House since Father's death, would not only say 'Yes!', but have me in Church before I could take another breath?" The lion *sighed*, staring down the hall... "Taemae, how does one get to be so wise? How does one grow such callouses and muscles and yet be so beautiful even now I wish she was here to look at and worship?"

The two servants shared a look as their charge bent his head. He had it Bad! And maybe... Maybe she was the one. Someone strong enough to tame the Young Master. Make him listen and think and plan - Instead of jumping like a colt startled by a butterfly. They started at a commotion coming from the back rooms - Then again...

* * * *

Laeare Tarin Mejaginil didn't Quite rip the piece of gauzy nonsense off her body... With a snort, she allowed the female to remove it and replace it in the small room Filled with such things. First they had gone back to the Bathing Room and she was shown how to clean herself... Completely. No blood, thank The Gods... But she still felt twinges. A small price to pay for so much pleasure she still felt it's echoes. Of course the canine's expert touch made her shiver as well. The brown eyes smiled as they worked her over. Niria wasn't above touching the so sexy Lady... Or making her orgasm, smiling at the liquid splashing the strong brown hand. Gods! Hot as MidSun, this one was. The maid kissed her - Got one back that made her tail curl. 'Sister', she was christened by the hyena. Strong of mind. Strong of body. Not afraid to enjoy the touch of another female... Or male. But Blast her sensibilities! One didn't walk out of the House in that... Thing. One went out as Royalty that showed all Who walked among them. Fifteen of the Best gowns she had refused to wear. Fifteen...

"I would nae put that on a Mule. How is I be walkin in That. Hah - May as wear Fur... It shows less. First time I'd bend over fer the bucket, my butt'd rip it out."

Buckets and mules and stubborn rabbits be Dammed! Exasperated, the hyena got a dark blue traveling dress. It went over the strong frame, settling in all the right places. Cut to show cleavage, but also cut so feet could walk on uneven roads without entanglement. Half-sleeves with a Lion's Head in gold showed off her white arms quite well. The maid turned her... Fished in the rear, getting a giggle as she found the pert tail. Got it out the hole, and giggled herself - The notch was cut to show off something longer and wider, so an inch or so of hot rump was visible as well. She tickled the leaf-shaped white furred appendage, watching it wiggle.

"This'n will do."

"Lady -" And got a stare that would have burned holes in rock. The rabbit turned on her with a growl, the maid kneeling in shock.

"Yonder fool walked into a tree - And stubbed his toe a'fore that. He is addled and thinks with his balls - From Him, I will take That. Not from you. You be thinkin of me like a Sister... Iffen what you whispered when ye thought I wouldn't hear be what ye said. Well?"

The female scared her like no one had before... This amazon could probably break her like a twig! The maid got hauled up and shoved against a wall, eyes boring into hers. "Be that fool lion Brother or Lover..."

Niria blushed, her face going white. "I couldn't... I never -"

She *Yipped* as her butt was swatted roughly. "Family Dinna Lie ta each other - Or does ye only like Females in bed?"

The hyena thought a moment... Then swallowed. Sisters did for each other. Did things males would rather eat dirt than do. "I like males..."

The grin was more frightening than the scowl. "We share - Food because it's scarce. Chores because many hands make work go faster. Lovers because we wish to - Good ones are not easy to catch." She winked, and the hyena stifled a giggle.

"When you own nuthin but your fur, can you be jealous if a brother or sister asks if they can share warmth?"

Niria sighed, shaking her head - No, one didn't. She kissed her PackSister, named the puzzled rabbit as such. Damn Fool Lion had Better marry this one - Or he wouldn't be sitting for a Long While!

"The Master would never do - Us. Old Master liked to look, and sometimes touch... But He put a wife in the ground, so we let him caress as much as he wished. Would you become Our Lady?" She gulped at the cold stare... "If you marry our Master, you will be the House's Lady... The title kind of comes with the place."

Lae giggled, and waved her hand at the closet. "I dinna care iffen I go Nude, I aint waerin That. I'se A Cropper's Daughter... And if the Duke hisself comes and kisses my ass, I aint nuthin more than that."

The hyena Shrieked at the mental picture, laughing so hard she could barely draw breath. Then Niria hugged the rabbit... And made her wear a diamond-and-ruby necklace in the shape of a lion's paw. "It shows you are Betrothed... And - It will make all the crows who lingered, hoping to grab Master's hand, jealous as The Hells."

Niria saw the fierceness come to the fore as the rabbit smiled... And grinned herself - Master was good as married. Turning, she waved the third maid forward to lift the rabbit's so sexy feet and buff the foot-claws. The eland knelt and did each toe, caressing and tickling them to hear the Lady giggle. All of them remembered the Mansion on the hot Plains. The Master and his Lady and the many servants. The Hunts that were more picnic than Hunt - But Lords were supposed to Hunt. Then the wasting sickness. The move to a much smaller House. The death that took the light from the place, and with her went the Master's heart. The garden, a small stone house where they would never be parted again, and a son the only things left of the great line of Ryndal.

The maid gasped as she was lifted off her feet, a strong hand gripping her rump. "Too bony... Dinna ye eat? Enough - The Gods be given us feet to walk on. 'Sides, they will just be gettin dirty again. And I wants me old dress back, iffen ya please - I gots a cart ta pull."

Lae almost looked to see if she stepped in something, the way their noses wrinkled up. Then she slapped both their rumps. "I aint no Lady yet... And even iffen I was - Da would tan my ass iffen I thought I was better'n an ox. The Lord didn't seem ta mind riding on my cart... Maybe it was my butt a'waggling afore his face."

From shock to shrieks just that fast... Both maids gathered their Lady-To-Be, showed her the garden... Got some mutters about the condition of the soil and how a visit from her Da would fix things. Well, Da would have to visit - And not as the Gardener. Master Ryndal may be in Love with this wildling Daughter of Sharecropper, but He would Ask her Father Properly... If They had to sew the clothing Themselves!

And so a rabbit in a Traveling Dress and a necklace that could have bought several rows of houses, sat beside a lion who looked every inch the ManorLord he was, on the bench of a plain cart. Holding hands while a bear grabbed the harness, tossed it over a massive shoulder and started off to the Lady's Family abode.

End Of Book Two


The Tale Of Randen Arch 01 - The Northern Continent By Afril and Chaos Blackwing (cl) 2011 - The Gay Furry Association Volume 01 is about the Town named LaFaelt and the outlying areas Book 01 - The Beginning Chapter One - A Young Rabbit At...

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Ghost 2, Part 3 - M/M, Oral/Anal/Caressing/Semi-NC/Rough, Violence/Humor/Fantasy/Language/ - July 19, 2011 By Afril, With help from Chaos Blackwing (cl) The Gay Furry Association Chapter 18 - Kinney The hyena awoke, thinking a mule had kicked...

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Demon-Ass - M/M, Caressing/Anal/Oral, Semi-NC/NC/Violence/Language - July 07, 2011 By Afril, With help from Chaos Blackwing (cl) The Gay Furry Association Dedicated to all the Hot Demon-Ass in video games! The demon stood. He would have cursed,...

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