The Adamant Scar's Retribution!

Story by GladiatorW07f on SoFurry

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The Adamant Scar's Retribution

By: Taiku Altergrund

Fifteen years ago I lived in a bustling city filled with all kinds of parks, malls, and any other thing you could think of. We even had our own amusement park 5 miles west of town. The streets were kept in order, and were made of cobblestone because the most of the citizens preferred it and did not mind the tax increases for the look. The other vital things that defined our town was the unnatural and powerful medical care, and it never seemed like anyone stayed sick for long. Even cancer was no issue here. However, the best places in town were the parks, they always had some sort of flower blooming year round.

Me and my friends were a worry free collection. There was Belinda the fox, the head cheerleader. She struggled to keep her grades up because she was no expert at science or history. Next was Alex, a German Shepherd, who was in training to join the army. Such a serious boy you would never meet again. Thirdly there was Vicky, and she hatted her name. Lastly there was myself a bear. I was offered several spots on sports teams, but I preferred just hanging out and working a job.

I had chosen to go to the park one day and noticed that the flowers were all withering. Paying it no mind, I continued over to the playground where I was going to meet my friends. I was horrified by what I saw. It was as if they had become corpses, and they flesh was rotting off their body. Their organs had spilled onto the sidewalk, making their bodies no more than decaying piles of blood and excrement. Nausea took me firmly, and soon I was vomiting my brains out.

Fleeing the scene as fast as I could go, I arrived home only to see the same thing happening to my father. He had been treated for cancer 2 years ago, and now his skull was wide open and his rotting brain oozing onto the floor. Panic gripped his face as he reached out, trying to get me. Unparallelled anguish was all that I could see in his eyes as he screamed out to me. "What's happening!? What's going on son!? Save me!" Again I ran, choosing to hide in my room with the door locked.

"What the hell was going on?" Each and every one of my friends was dieing. Even my father was decaying. "How can this be happening, our medical system is amazing? " I screamed in horrified anxiety. "There is no way I am awake. YAH that is it! It is all a nightmare! I will wake up in a few hours and everything will be normal! Right?" Then it crossed my mind. What if the medical system was the reason? No other place in the world had medical care this effective, and every one I saw affected had been treated for some sort of illness in their life. I had never been to the hospital, so I never knew how they treated patients.

My mother started pounding my my door. She was distraught and screaming. "PLEASE LET ME LIVE!!! No I am not one of..." She fell silent at the moment as the sound of a gunshot came through the door. Armed men busted the door down, and leveled their guns at me and blind with rage over my mother's death, I charged them.

"Stop him," said one of the armed guards, and he opened fire on me. Only one of the shots hit me. It gashed out my left eye, but I tackled him.

"YOU KILLED HER!" I bellowed beating on his armor. "YOU KILLED MY MOM!" The very next thing I remember is getting stabbed and losing 3 fingers from my right hand. At that point, I passed out.

I awoke some time later only to discover that everything but me and my father's gun had been reduced to ash. My mother was nothing but a charred skeleton. I stood there weeping, and after what felt like days, I stormed off, seeking retribution the destruction of my city. The furries had left me for dead. I don't know why, but I had to do something. I swore, "Who ever did this will pay. Even if it cost me my life. I will get retribution for you deaths. THIS I VOW!"

For the next fifteen years, I searched for information about the group that had done so much wrong to me. The exact first lead I stumbled across told me the organization went by the name of PURGE. Each other lead I found led me to a small band of PURGE. I killed each leader, so I could send a message, but would remove the 3 outer most fingers of the dominant hand of each furry I let live. This was my way of making each furry pay. Eventually, I gained a moniker, and it was The Adamant Scar. A long the way, I learned how to fight hand to hand, make certain 'medicinal' substances, and most importantly how to make firearms.

I had crafted three rather remarkable guns. First on the list is a grenade launcher, and it is simply incredible for reliability and accuracy. However, its glory comes in the fact that it shoots off of a belt and not a clip, or I can simply single load distinctive round into it. Next on the list is the pistol, which can fire bullets that fill the target with the same substance that caused the organic decay of my friends and family, as well as the counter substance that I acquired from a PRUGE soldier. Last but not least, my pride and joy, a sniper rifle that can swap to an assault rifle thanks to its two separate firing systems. The sniper is my preferred gun to use, but I always have the three just in case.

Eventually my search led me to a major city, not unlike my own. It had many parks where friends and families would hang out, skyscrapers which pierced the clouds, and winding over and under passes. However, there were many key differences between here and my home. The first was that the medical care was far less advanced, which lead to disease and terminal illness running rampant in the streets. Second was the fact that the economy the difference between the rich and poor was so large you could row a boat across the lake of wealth you could make from it. Lastly there we slums, and they were hideous, disgusting, and in ruins. Just the sort of place I would expect to exist in a town where PURGE was based in.

I had gathered information about PURGE headquarters being in this city, and I was not about to let the opportunity go to waste. For fifteen years, I had searched for the terrorists that had destroyed not only my home, but also my life. The greatest problem I faced was amassing a group of furries who would be willing to do this with me. Never the less, PURGE had to pay, And it would be by my hands. Soon my family would have its retribution.

The first step in taking out PURGE would be to set up somewhere that I could monitor the city from. Unfortunately, this is no comic book, so the best I could do was get a powerful desktop computer and a house. Luckily through my many excursions into PURGE bases, I had acquired a decent amount of money, though now where near the amount I needed. So I decided to rob a bank. What was one crime compared to the unholy atrocities that PURGE had committed.

After travailing around the town for a few days and looking at various banks, I noticed one of particular interest. It had the PURGE logo on the front doors, and I knew that was the bank I would have to rob. PURGE was running it, and as such, I had to get the money out of their hands. It was my duty to stop PURGE at all costs, and so I prepared for the bank robbery.

When the day finally came, I had 4 clips of ammunition for my assault mode, 1 clip for the sniper mode, as well as 2 clips of regular and 1 clip of toxic ammunition for the pistol. I dawned the Altered PURGE armor I had crudely reconstructed, and arrived at the bank just before noon.

"ALRIGHT EVERYONE ON THE GROUN THIS IS A STICK UP!" I roared out, and the reaction was immediate. Everyone dropped to the floor holding their heads. One thing caught my attention, a pair of children, both rabbits. I felt sorry for doing this to them, but this was needed to accomplish the greater good. "Listen up. I ask for 2 things and ONLY 2 things. First off, I want all the money you have in the tills. NEXT I want ALL PURGE employes to step forward, or innocent furries get shot!"

"What are you talking about?" asked one of the clerks. He was a gray wolf, tall in stature and decently fat. His actions were brave, if not foolish. He was standing in the room with a knife in his hands, and slowly walking towards me. "PURGE does not exist. It is just some nightmare tail used to scare kids."

I was rather surprised that anyone would have any sort of guts against a guy with such marvelous armaments. So I amused him and said, "That is where you are wrong. You see," as I drew my pistol, "This gun is loaded with a drug that will cause a nonhazardous outbreak if injected into some one, but not until after curing the furry of all illnesses they are suffering from. If the PURGE workers don't step forward, I will shoot everyone in this room with the drug in this gun. Starting with you Wolf man!" With that, I pulled the trigger and shot the clerk in the shoulder. The wound closed immediately because of the drug I had filled the shot with.

"YOU SON OF A BITCH!" The wolf screamed as he felt the bullet enter his body.

"Now, you have 5 minutes before I shoot someone else, and if you charge me with that knife I will blow you up with a grenade." I said laughing a bit at the mans idiocy.

"Just who the hell are you to do this. Don't you have any humanity?" Screamed a mother. She was with her son, who was mortified by what was going on. The woman was short, no more the 5 foot 3, and bore a resemblance to a panda mixed with lion. Her son was about 8 year sold. He was all lion except for his ears and paws which were panda like. It broke my heart to see this, but I persisted.

"Me, pardon my rudeness I failed to introduce my self. You see furries I am the one know as The Adamant Scar!" As the words left my lips, everyone in the room became silent. The sounds of cop cars roared outside the doors.


I took the woman who had spoken up outside with me saying, "Listen up, Unless my 2 very simple demands are met, you will have the greatest Biological disaster in 15 year on your hands."

"What are your Demands?!" the police man asked.

I replied arrogantly, "I want all the cash out of the tills and for all PURGE workers to enter the building unarmed!"

"Alright. Just let everyone go and you will have your demands met." they said trying to trick me.

"I will release half the furries now, and the remainder when my demands are met. I am not stupid. ACCEPT OR SHE DIES!"

"Alright, alright. You win. We will do as you ask." The man set the megaphone down and asked around. Two furries stepped forward, one was a massive Bull and the other a rather slender tabby cat. I directed them inside and released all but the man I had shot and 4 others as promised.

"Okay PURGE workers, you have three choices. I can cut off the 3 far-most fingers on your dominant hand, gouge out 1 eye, or you can die. Also, I already have the money set to go, so the innocent furries and the infected man are waiting for you to decide their fate."

A PURGE the bull spat on me saying, "You can go to hell, we did nothing wrong. You are the terrorist. Killing innocent men and women, and crippling hundreds more. Why you survived, is beyond me."

"So death for you, and what of you tabby girl? What will you take?" I said aiming my sniper at the bull.

"Take my eye, I have children to raise." she replied. Shocked at what she said, I pondered. I had never had a PURGE worker say they had kids. My crusade was to stop kids from living though that. I was at a loss for what to do.

I asked, "Who is the father of you kids?"

Tearful, she sobbed out, "The bull you are killing!"

I could not kill a man knowing he was married and had kids. I was stumped, but I figured out a solution. "Okay, here is what I am going to do. Bull you lose an eye and 3 fingers, and you cat will lose the eye. This way, your kids wont grow up without a daddy, but every time you try to do your job, know that I am coming for you!" And with that I pulled a knife and did the deed. The screams they emitted were agonizing. I knew I had to do this, but, for the kids, I would spare their lives.

The police stormed the building when they heard the screaming, and I ran. Money in tow I headed out the back. However, the police were there. I had been utterly surrounded by the police. Without a viable escape route, i was left with no options other than lethal force. I drew my grenade launcher and shot several fragmentation grenades into the crowd. In the chaos of the explosions, I made my escape into the allies. It was several hours before I actually lost them. I did it, and now everyone knew I was after them.

With the money I had stolen, I bought a house in the slums of the city, and I made sure it was particularly close to the boarders of the major gangs. First was the Leopards, a group of all felines who wanted to take command of the black market gun supply. They enjoyed my skills tremendously as I was often able to repair their guns, as well as make certain upgrades. This earned me the ire of the Shadowed Raptors. They were rather angry reptilians who wanted to run a drug trade which the Leopards opposed because of land disputes. Last was my favorite, The Scorn, which were a group of renegades with only 1 goal in mind, and that goal was anarchism.

Over the course of the next few months, I got additional intelligence about PURGE from The Scorn, and most of it was valid. After the second month, The Scorn began trusting me with amounts of power in the group because of my anarchistic goals, and for the most part was trying to destroy a significant source of power in the area. Eventually, I became head of the gang after a land dispute killed off most of the members while I was out on a scouting mission at the PURGE base. This led to a situation where they ended up believing that the only way to gain respect as a gang would be to eliminate PURGE.

In those same months, not only was I making trouble for PURGE by infecting not only agents and civilians, but I was also committing various crimes to try and get them after me. For the most part, my minor crimes did not garner much attention, however, several outstanding crimes I committed did get several Purge raids on my home. The first of these was around the one month mark. I remember the day well.

It was sunny, partly cloudy, and decently warm. My reconnaissance team was late reporting back, and it was causing me concern. I hear the sound of PURGE guns firing just a couple of blocks away, and I knew they were coming for me. I hastily set up toxic traps and several explosives so that I could take out the first wave. From there I had several Scorn take a defensive fire position in the hall leading to the chem lab I had sealed off. Hiding just past the entrance to the chemical laboratory was, myself was hiding just past the door to said chem laboratory. When they breached the door, I killed a couple of them with a definitive blast. The next was far more careful, and attempted to disarm the toxic bombs I had set, though several still went off. After the breach of the main hall, the PURGE units entered the Living room where my men opened fire. The fire fight lasted for several minutes, but my men fell. The last 3 units met me, just standing in a hall way.

"Do you really want to fight me?" I asked patiently. "My men wiped out all but you lucky 3 out, my bombs have infected each of you with the same drug you used on my home 15 years ago, and I still have all my ammunition. You are down to less then one clip of ammunition per person by the looks of it."

"YOU are under arrest for crimes against humanity. Lay down your arms, and you will keep your..." As he was speaking his heart gave out. The drug I used was a hyper accelerated form of what I had administered in the past.

"What the Hell?! Why do I...feel so ill?" The lion was still trying to level his gun at me in spite of the crippling pain he was feeling. He was rather large for being a PURGE agent, and from my past experience, he may have been an officer.

Pushing each of them over, "It is because you are resisting the effects of the drug. I can save your life, but I want information...MAJOR!" With that, I pulled out a needle and injected him with enough of the counter serum to give me 10 minutes to get the information I wanted. The remainder of the serum would be enough to kill the virus the lion was infected with, but only if I administered within said 10 minutes.

"How do you know my rank?" he asked

"I know a great deal about PURGE. Like how you ruthlessly kill furries who show sings of progressing in medicine, or technology. So what is your name" The screams from the other 2 agents were growing to a deafening roar. I could only help but hope the message was getting across to the lion.

"Brandon and that is not true." he said defiantly.

"Oh, is that so? Then you did not destroy countless live, families, homes, and relationships when you destroyed my city 15 years ago." I said furiously. Continuing in a passionate flurry, " Or did you not even blew up that chem lab 7 years ago because it had some sort of new drug? Perhaps you want to tell me the bullshit that was told to the masses when 17,000 furries were quarantined against their will and never released back to the public." I finished my questions with the sniper pressed against his face. "So if you are not terrorists, WHAT ARE YOU?!" By this time both of the other PURGE agents were dead and puddles of goo, but Brandon was proving rather strong willed for someone about to die.

"It is funny," said Brandon, "You say we are terrorists, when you, Adamant Scar, terrorize the masses. Every PURGE worker you let live has been in therapy every day, and not to mention the untold number of families you destroyed with your pointless murders. Do you have any idea how many lives you have destroyed? Or, do you just not care that you are causing more pain? Did it even cross your mind that PURGE did the right thin?"

"Less then you! You leveled my home, killed my mother, slaughtered my friends and neighbors. Hundred of thousands of furries were exterminated by your actions. How could I have caused anywhere near the amount of suffering you have?" I replied, firing a single shot into his right foot. The shout he made was fascinating because it was not that pronounced despite the pain.

Speaking once more, "PURGE eliminates bio contaminants, and hazardous technologies covertly. Our operations are privately funded by the international science and medicine foundations."

"Then you would not have used this," I said pulling out a sample of the serum, "on all the denizen of my home. Nor would you have burnt it to the ground."

"You assume we actually administered that refuse to kill everyone? You are even more misguided then I thought. The fact that you survived meant that you never received any of that from your medical system."

"LIES! No doctor would use this substance!" I shouted at Brandon.

"Well they did not know about the side effects until everyone was infected by it. We arrived when we found out the drug. The entire city had become a massive breading ground for a strain of the flesh rotting virus. Yes, it has medicinal uses, but only at a greater cost later."

"Not anymore, I found a counter measure to it! So instead of killing everyone you could have mad this," as I held up the counter serum, "and injected furries who were not dieing from infection. NOTHING gives any one furry or any group of furries the right to exterminate any city."

"Then you are no better then the furries you though we were."

"Again you lie! I am above you, I don't slaughter the masses. I brand PURGE workers, and the ones I kill are those who were at my city when it was destroyed. So I offer you a deal, in exchange forgetting out of here alive and unmarked, you give me the exact location of PURGE headquarters. It is an I win you win situation. What do you say?"

Brandon was more than happy to take the deal with the help of more cohesion. He quickly gave out a speech on the location of PURGE headquarters and then motioned for me to continue my work. I could feel his eyes on me as I administered the cure, but after finishing, he turned and left peacefully. With the information that I desired, I began to plan my assault on the base. Over the next couple of weeks, I assemble all remaining Scorn that I had, and began contemplating each step to the base's downfall. Simplicity was impossible as Brandon had told me that the exterior defenses were highly warded against demolition and bullets. Even the windows were blast proof. So a highly convoluted plan was formed.

First I would have a dozen Scorn apply for PURGE, and if they were accepted bring me back precise information on the interior defenses, lay out, and weak points. Next they would confiscate pieces of purge weaponry. This would include broken bolts, springs clips, and such. Simple things that would not trip any alarms in the higher ranks. Third we would repair and recreate the guns and weaponry provided by step two. The third step was hardest. It was making sure that the Scorn I was taking would not kill their targets, but instead shoot to disable. Then, after they targets were out of commission, remove either 3 fingers from the dominant hand or one eye. Step four was infiltration of the armory, which meant fully equipping any surviving members with proper guns, armor, and ammunition. Following that, My elite units and I would storm the main offices and capture each of the leaders. Once captured, we would interrogate them, then murder them. Finally, I would set charges in the main power stations to destroy this building.

Step one was rather easy to start. Four of my elite units volunteered for the task. The other eight were drafted for this. Each of them had qualifications for the jobs, but passing the tests would be hard. Upon application, each furry had to pass a drug test, which the elites and 3 of the other members passed. Next was a cognitive response and acuity test. One of the elites, and all of the remaining non-elite units failed this exam. Third was a unassuming interview process with a polygraph. That was by far the easiest thing to fool. Finally, came the last portion of the tests, hand to hand and ballistic competence. It was a cake walk. Step one was complete.

Tactical data started flooding me even during the application process. The best part was finding out where the armory was which made arming my men an issue of little concern. However, with the ever increasing threat of discovery, I had to push the training of the Scorn. This caused a particular amount of unrest, and on more than one occasion caused a small outbreak of violence in the ranks. Each incident was swiftly resolved, and soon training resumed. Thankfully but the time I decided to press on to step four because of the information I had already gained. Soon we would be ready to make the assault on the PURGE base!

As I assembled all the members of The Scorn, I looked at each of them in the eye and saw in them the same look I had when I chose start this retribution. It was a look of hate, suffering, loss, and most importantly, determination. Each of the furries had brought a keep sake with them, some were unsophisticated trinkets, like lockets, shirts, or rings, and others were more elaborate like guns, vehicles, or even photographs. Swiftly and efficiently they formed up into ranks, making substantial note to arrange the swifter firing guns in front and the best range at back. The day arrived, I looked at the army I had made.

They looked at me for inspiration, and I spoke. "Listen to me my brothers and sisters in arms. For years, neigh, DECADES we have stood by and watched the oppressive forces that run this world lay waste and ruin to our lives! I stand before you, not as your leader, but as an EQUAL! Sixteen years ago today, my entire city was destroyed by PURGE, the precise establishment we raid today! They left only one survivor! I stood at my city, brought down to ash by their destructive hands, and every person I knew in or out of the city had lost everything they held near and dear! You may have had friends or family in Coldenburg, and to day YOU avenge their deaths! My eye and fingers were taken by a PURGE worker after then slaughtered my mother in cold blood! Why did they do this you ask?! They did it because my city had found a cure for all ills, and they did not like that! The aftereffects were to severe for proper use! BULSHIT I TELL YOU!" At this point, I was holding a vial of the counter drug. I continued, "THIS is the solution that would have saved everyone if PURGE had only done some research instead of murder! SO ARE YOU WITH ME?! ARE YOU READY TO VISIT RETRIBUTION ON PURGE FOR THEIR CRIMES?! IF YOU ARE, SHOUT WITH ALL YOUR MIGHT AND FOLLOW IN RANKS WITH ME TO THIER BASE!!!"

The resulting roar was tremendous. The building I was standing on was shaking at the foundation. One Thousand Two Hundred Sixty Seven men and women alike felt the pain I had in my heart. One Thousand Two Hundred Sixty Seven furries wanted to have their pain rectified. One Thousand Two Hundred Sixty Seven furries were willing to lay down their lives for my goals! One Thousand Two Hundred Sixty Seven furries were armed to the teeth and ready for war! The only thing left to do was to get there.

I had rented 5 buses to transport the elite tactical squad and myself over there. The remaining 1,027 remaining Scorn were travailing by car, subway, city bus, or some other means. We had set a rendezvous point 5 blocks South of the base because the southern entrance was near the docks and considerably less staffed. It was about 4 hours before we had all arrived a the rendezvous point, and just over 100 had been arrested for carrying concealed weapons. Others were killed and/or wounded. Our numbers had diminished to 952 furries in total.

Once more I gave a speech to raise moral from out losses, "LISTEN! PURGE must know we are on our way! Why else would the police been so ready for a large scale militarization?! Their loss did not be done in vain! With out their sacrifice, you would not be here to witness our glorious triumph over PURGE! I ask you to reassure me of your resolve! Show me the might of THE SCORN! SHOW ME YOUR POWER! Let me see your determination! LET THE SKIES TURN RED WITH OUR RETRIBUTION!!!" and once more a thunderous, deafening roar sounded form the furries ready to die! It was at this time, we made our advance on the citadel known as PURGE HQ.

Our march was a short one, consisting of only a 5 block straight line to our objective. As we approached PURGE HQ, they became alerted to our goals about 1 block out from the objective. The instant shots were heard my army scattered to what ever shelter they could find. It was chaotic in every meaning of the term. More importantly around 40 furs died in the fist wave of fire. I bellowed at them, "WE must push forward!" No one responded. We were pinned. With no way out, several of the furs tried a daring act. Guns blazing they darted for the base. They were dead in a hail of fire within three seconds. This had given me the time to snipe out two of the PUGRE soldiers. With their courage came a new wave of resolve. The chaos became order. They readied and charged.

By the time we actually reached the door, well over one hundred furs had died. The death of these furs only made the army more determined to win. The breaching team worked fast to attach the c4 to the door. Suppressing fire was everywhere. Gunshots deafened many in the armies to the panic of the civilians. Then, KABOOOM! The door was breached, and we flooded the main area of the base. The reconnaissance team had disabled most of the internal security. Cameras, turrets, and laser alarms were all off line. The hallways were all well decorated and exceptionally pleasing to look at, and would soon be covered in blood. A large squad of soldiers rushed us at the entrance point. I used my grenade launcher to dispatch of them quickly. "Alpha team head down the way they came and give us a diversion. Peckers I want you to break from alpha three intersections down and go in for a flank. Everyone else you're with me! LET GO PEOPLE!"

This plan split our forces into 3 groups of equal size. This was particularly effective because there were only 2 ways in or out of the base. While all the PURGE forces focused on Alpha and pecker, my squad was going to take the armory.

"This is alpha team! We are under extremely heavy fire. WHERE IS PECKER SQUAD?!" alpha leader screeched. Explosions could be heard in the background. I knew that men were falling like flies. From what I could hear, they were only going to be able to hold out for a few minutes.

"PECKER! GET YOUR ASSES MOVING!!" I shouted into the radio.

"Can't! we're taking heavy fire off the flanks from Alpha team. They focused everything here. They must have had another arm...." The radio fell silent.

"Alpha squad, disengage! DISENGAGE!" There was no responding call from the radio, all I heard were the panicked screams of dieing furs. The last thing that cam over the alpha team radio was "AHAHAHAH! DIE FUCKERS! KRACKBOOOOM!" They must have detonated all the explosives they had.

Thanks to the diversion created by the sacrifice of alpha team, my squad reached the armory no problems. We were down to about 354 furs by this point, but now it was a fair fight. We had all their guns, ammunition, armor, and grenades. I could only assume that the recon team had information about the assault beaten out of them. We marched once more.

Getting to the executive level of the complex was a nightmare. I had to snipe out every unit in the stairwells we entered. A hail of grenades rained down upon my unit from above, sending explosions ripping through the men. It was a race against the clock. Three floors left and me and my men were dwindling only 210 of us left. Many were injured. Two floors 187 remaining. The injured stayed back to hold the position. One floor left to take, and they had blasted the stairs out. Me and the elites had to use grappling hooks from the armory to climb while the few remaining furs stayed to grand us covering fire.

The executive floor was unguarded for some reason. Then I noticed the place had tripwires every where. "Jacob?" I asked.

"On it sir." Jacob was the demolitions expert I had personally trained for this contingency. He was rather quick fingered and intensely focused. Making short work of each trap, we moved on wards. Once we passed the first hallways we found the guard. It was a squad of about 150 PURGE elites. A smoke grenade was thrown our way. Filling the room with the obscuring gas was pointless because we all had thermal just as they did. Though we used this oversight to take out a sizable number of them with a massive spread of fire. However, me and my elites were out matched in firepower, and the armor piercing round quickly eradicated several of my own men. Thirty seven units left on my end, and they still had sixty nine. "SURRENDER NOW!" I bellowed.

"ARE YOU JOKING?! We have you trapped Adamant Scar. "

"You forget that I have not used my toxin bombs yet!" With that, I rushed out firing my grenade launcher at them. I took 2 shots to the left arm and leg. But I wiped out all but twenty of them. My men charged the few seconds of the fire fight resulted in my victory. The executive chamber was before us, and we went in.

"What do you want? Please don't kill us!" the CEO of PURGE cried in horrified terror. All the other chief executives were in the room with him, and all of them were guarded by the remainder of my men.

"I have a few demands in exchange for you life. Number one, call off all soldiers."


"Next I want you to build up the slums and have every gang other then Scorn sent to jail." I demanded, holding my sniper to his face.

"It will be done! You have my word! Anything else?"

"I want all technical data on every piece of technology or medicine you have ever purged."

"Here," he said writing down the passkey to the internal data banks, " this will get you any data you require." a smile crossed his face. I though it was because he belied he had bought his pitiful life. One more thing! I want my mother back YOU SON OF A BI..." a shot sounded from the gun I had given Jacob. The shot had pierced my heart, and I was dieing. I, without caution, injected my self with the serum I was going to use on the CEO, "DIIIEEEEE!" I pulled the trigger on him and took him down as I began to melt from the drug I used.

Jacob spoke to me as he injected enough counter serum to keep me alive for a couple of minutes. He said, "Ten years ago you murdered my brother who was a PURGE agent. This devastated my family. When we were in the armory, I look the security tapes of that day, and saw that YOU caused his death. I knew I had to kill a monster like you, but I needed the right opportunity. This was it. Have a pleasant time experiencing what you did to my brother. 'You son of a bitch!' I think you said? You were never better than these people. In fact, you were far worse. You cause hundreds of thousands of people to suffer fates worse than death and did so without any regards for anyone else. For sixteen years, you tormented this world, and now I have ended your reign of terror. Have fun in hell Adamant Scar!"

The End

Shadows Returning: Chapter 5

Last Paragraph of Chapter 4: As they stood there watching the events unfold, I took the time to explain to them exactly how the possession worked. They grew to understand that the more a person wants revenge the faster Nivek will gain control of...

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Consequences... By: Taiku M Altergrund "The sun?" bellowed a powerful but warped voice. "It is something I had almost forgotten." Speaking again as he extended his arm into the beam of light. The extension was thicker than a tire and was...

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Shadows REturning: Chapter 4

Last Dialog of Previous Chapter Benjamin was frightened by my story and said, "S-s-s-so what do we have to do to s-s-stop-p-p this th-thing?" "I have to kill him, and in doing so finally eradicate the regrets of my past," I replied. Chapter 4:...

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