Sam´s Story Chapter 1 Part 3

Story by Nabkis on SoFurry

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#3 of Sam´s Story

Sam's past. Chapter 03.

I woke up early in the morning because of small beep coming from my jeans pocket, "Aww a text message at this time of morning." I groaned standing up and walking to my clothes taking my mobile phone and reading the message and then but phone back into my jeans pocket. "Hey Earl how to make dumb to say how." I said and hit him with pillow making him groan and look at me.

"How." He said yawning when I and Mia started to laugh at him, "Ha haa Nice joke." He said.

"I think that we have to take a bath because of last night actions." Mia said looking at me,

"Last in the bath is the slowest dumb ass in the world." I shouted taking my clothes and started to run to the bathroom Mia not far after me laughing at Earl which was the last one,

"That's not fair." he said when we arrived in the bathroom and I dropped my clothes on the ground before I and Mia jumped in the water Earl not far after.

"Dumb ass." I laughed,

"Shut up, you cheated." He growled and splashed the hot water at me,

"Hey, Doross ur Ticiluss." I said and saw Earl squirm and laugh like crazy when the tickle spell hit him, "Ha haa I got you." I laughed with Mia,

"Ok stop we are even." He said when the spell ended and he was panting heavily,

"Ok time to bath your baths we have half hour before the school starts." Mia said and then we washed in waterfall, me first, then Earl and last Mia. After bath I dressed my clothes and we went out from the lair.

"Climb on my back ill take you to the school." Earl said and I climbed on his back and we started to fly to the dragon university. Few minutes later we arrived there ad walked in front of magic class where Artemis was standing,

"Earl and Mie go ahead, ill have to talk with Sam before we start." Artemis said and Earl and Mia walked in the class room. "So are you excited, I think that you can keep with them although they are at the second grade." He asked.

"Nope never heard a word exited." I said with grin on my face,

"Ok follow me." He said and went in to the class, there was at least twenty other dragon in there when not counting Mia and Earl with them. "Ok class this is our new student Sam and don't underestimate him by that he is human, now show me what you can do." He said.

"What me, wait a second." I said and started to think what to do, "Aww, Dure ha Apre." I said thinking about huge wooden box and inside of it was male lion and there was this small poof again and huge wooden box in front of class.

"What is that." Artemis asked looking at the box which was growling evilly,

"I recommend not to look in the box." I said, then he opened it and big male lion jumped out from it and suddenly it disappeared in thin air with the wooden box.

"Very good for the man who hasn't been in magic school before, that was a magic what I teach to fourth grade students and they have problems to do it well, now you can sit over there." Artemis said pointing the empty school desk next to where Mia was laying, obviously I was the only one who haw to sit on the desk.

"Thanks." I said and walked to the desk and sat down,

"That was cool how did you that." Mia asked,

"Just thought about it and said the words." I said and Artemis started to speak about magic. After three hours of listening about magic it ended and we went in the recess, "All of that talking and just four spells he told." I said sitting on the bench next to Mie and Earl.

"Easy you to say, we have to train those thing and you do them like you have done these before." Earl said trying the Light spell which will light even darkest lairs in the world, but It didn't seem to work.

"How hard it would be, just think about it not that it would go wrong or you just cant do it." I said and made the same Light spell and the ball appeared in my hand making to whole place to brighten up a lot and then undoing it.

"You are something special in the magic but what about fighting, I am good at it." Earl said and saw Mia doing the same spell successfully which he tried to do but failed.

"Well see then." I said and there was this loud roar which maenad that the next class starts in fife minutes,

"Better hurry, Zathras don't like slow ones." Earl said and started to run, me and Mia after him. Few minutes later we arrived in the training hall, there was ten other dragons in different form where they have human like body including hands and feet's but they still looked like dragon,

"Can you chance to that form." I asked looking at Mia,

"Yes we use it when fighting but not when yiss." She chuckled,

"Why." I asked,

"Because its gives more pleasure when we are in normal form." She said when we stopped in front of Zathras and I saw Mia and Earl to chance into that fighting form.

"Ok class we have new student in here he is Sam." She said pointing at me, "Come here I want to see what you can do." She said and I walked in front of her. Then she gave me real board sword and took one to her self. "Sam are you ready." She asked taking few steps backward and rising his sword up.

"Ill think so." I answered and then she attacked at me, first she tried to hit me straight but I blocked it with my sword, then she tried to sweep my legs, but I jumped back wards then landing on the ground to my feet's. Suddenly she swing her sword at my neck, but I leaned back so her sword just cut few hairs from my head, when she threw her sword back I stood and blocked her next strike then I decided to make a move and turned her around suddenly with push and put my sword on her throat, "Did I won." I asked,

"No I think its even." She said and I saw her sword in her hand ready to pierce my stomach,

"Yep I think so." I said letting her go,

"Pretty good for start up, haw you ever fight before." She asked,

"No, nobody has ever attacked at me before like you did." I answered,

"Ok we start training in pairs Earl can train with Sam." She said, when I walked back to Mia and Earl,

"Ok." Earl answered, "That was cool, Zathras never fight with real swords she always use wooden swords." He said looking at me,

"Maybe I am a special person." I chuckled and but the sword in the rack next to me, then taking the wooden sword and started training with Earl. After few hours of slashing with wood swords, Zathras came to me.

"Sam before the class ends I want to give you this training sword that you can train by your self." She said giving me this 60 inches tall black katana,

"Thanks, but what are these holes." I said when I saw five small holes in the handle of katana,

"Here, these are the training jewel's they add 100 kilos more weight to you katana when you plug one of them in the hole." She said and gave me small bag where was fife small red jewels in it.

"Wow thanks a lot." I said and put the bag in my pocket and katana to my shoulder, then she left.

"I think she wants you in her bed." Earl chuckled,

"And how you know that." I asked,

"I smelled her arouse when she was talking to you." Earl laughed,

"Maybe I will visit at her if you don't shut you mouth." I said in pissed of tone,

"Can I come." He said laughing again,

"I warned you." I said and looked at him when he started to laugh like crazy and rolling on the ground when the tickle spell hit him again.

"Hey you didn't say those magic words." Earl asked when he stood up, looking little blushed because all other dragons were looking at him.

"I can do it without saying anything, so better not tease me any more." I said smiling at him,

"Ok what did he do this time to get tickling spell." Mia asked when she came next to me,

"Nothing unusual." I said and we walked out from the training hall,

"So what is that." Mie asked when she saw my katana which Zathras gave me,

"Just a gift from my fan." I chuckled,

"Oh I didn't know that she is your fan." Earl said and was again hit by tickling spell,

"Who is she." Mia asked not noticing that Earl was laying on the ground laughing like crazy,

"Zathras." I answered,

"Oh she." Mia said and looked at Earl which was standing behind us,

"What you don't care about the thing that she wants me in her pants." I asked,

"No if it only means sex then I don't care, but if it something else I will rip you cock off." She said.

"Outs better not to anger Mia." Earl said and this time he wasn't hit by tickling spell, but with slap to his cheek produced by Mia's hand, "Aww that hurts." He said,

"Better hurry up or we miss the exam." Mia said and started running with Earl,

"Well see you after the test wait here ok." Earl shouted,

"Ok." I shouted back and sit on the bench next to me. "Now I will try the learn that levitation thing, when everybody is in exam or class." I said and started focusing my energy, then I felt something warm in my chest, so I moved it under me then I noticed that I started to float in air.

"Learning the art of levitation." Said voice behind me, making me fall to the ground hitting my tail bone to the edge of bench,

"Outs that fucking hurts." I said holding my ass and then I saw Chris standing in front of me, "Oh it you, sorry for the bad language I used." I sad standing up still holding my ass which was hurting like a hell.

"That's ok, ill see that she gave you the training sword." He said when he saw my katana laying on the ground next to me.

"You mean this." I said taking the black katana and put it on my back.

"But remember great power brings great responsibility." He said and walked away.

"Hey that was from Spider man movie, has he watched it or did he really mean that thing." I thought and sat back to the bench. Few hours passed and I was getting good in this levitation thing but not so good to start flying in the air, when Mia and Earl came to me.

"So how did it go." I asked,

"It was easy." Mia said,

"I think that Ill pass it." Earl said, "So what you have done in the time we weren't a around." He asked.

"Ill show it to you when I can do it right." I answered, when we were walking out from the university.

"Ok ill have to go in my lair, but I will come to visit later on." Mia said and flied a way, then I climbed on Earls back and we flied to his lair.

"Can I make my own room in you lair, I need the space to train my magic and fighting skills." I asked,

"Yes but make it next to my room there is empty room which I don't use." Earl answered and we arrived in his lair, then we walked in the empty room.

"This is just fine, I will start to decorate it." I said and saw Earl leaving the room. "Dure ha Apre." I said and there was small puff and huge big about 3 metres long and wide bed appeared in the cave, "Just like my own bed." I said and decided that this is all I need at the start of decorating. Then I took my katana and the back of jewel's and put one jewel in the handle of katana. "Oh shit this is too heavy better start with out a jewel." I said and but the jewel back in the bag.

Then I started to slash the air with my katana, after hour of training I noticed that something was missing, "Music." I said, "But how to get electricity in here." I thought and decided to try something. I thought about small box, which will produce electricity and it had fife plug ins on it. "Dure ha Apre." I said and it appeared in my hands, "Wow it worked." I thought and then made the spell again to make my stereos appear in the room, then I plugged the power cable in the plug in and turned my stereos on.

Then I searched one radio station and pop music started to come out and fill the room, "What is that noise." Earl asked when he came in the room and saw my bed and stereos.

"This is stereo, I can listen music with it." I said when Earl was looking at them in curiosity,

"Wow its amazing." He said,

"Now will continue my training if you don't mind." I said and took my katana in my hand,

"But can I study here while you are training, because I want here you music." Earl asked,

"Yes it fine." I said and continue my training, few hours later Mia came in the room.

"What is that and where does this sound come from." She asked looking at me,

"Its music." I said and saw her looking my stereos,

"Its beautiful." She said, when she heard female voice singing something.

"Yeah sometimes, Birightus ur fobius." I said and six back of beer cans appeared in my hand I opened on one of them and took good sip from it.

"And what is that." She asked when she saw me drinking beer,

"Oh this is beer want to taste it." I asked opening another can of beer and then giving it to Mia, which drink it at once,

"Never tasted anything like this." She chuckled and threw empty can back at me, then she jumped on my bed. "I'm hungry can I have that chines food you promised." She asked,

"Ok." I said and make the spell again, then there were thirty small boxes of chines food on the ground, I took the food sticks and opened one box and started to eat.

"This is very good food better than pizza." Earl said emptying one box in his muzzle,

"You are suppose to eat it with sticks." I said and opened another box,

"But it is so hard to eat with them." Mia said and threw sticks away and did same what Earl did,

"Ok what we do next." Earl asked when he had ate his twelve box of chines food,

"Remember what Artemis said, that we have the learn that spell tomorrow." Mia said,

"Oh you mean that Fire spin spell, which will heal the caster all wounds even return his limbs." Earl said,

"Tell me how, I forgot." I said,

"Focus your energy in your chest then simply say these words, Casterus ur Firetus Heren and it would work." Mia said and I but one jewel in my katana to add weight to it, then I started to train with it. It was harder than it looked, I had problems to even rise up the katana from the ground.

"No not like that." Mia said when Earl did small fire ball on his hand,

"Then show me my little Mia." He growled at her,

"Watch and learn." She said and sit few minutes then rose up and said the words but there were these small sparkles around her,

"Aww you cant do it either." Earl laughed and I laughed with him,

"Ok Sam do it, if you are so good in magic." She said looking at me,

"Aww I don't know, should i." I asked looking at Earl,

"Do it I'm curious." He said,

"Ok ill try." I said and laid my katana on the ground, then closed my eyes and focused. Then I felt the warmth in my body and opened my eyes saying, "Casterus ur Firetus Heren." Then fire spin came around me sealing me in and I roared when the warmth hit my body, few second later it disappeared and I fell to the ground on my knees panting heavily.

"Wow that was wow." Earl said and saw Mia running next to me,

"Sam are you ok." She asked,

"Yeah I am." I answered and stood up feeling that my hairs were longer reaching to my tights, but they were still blonde,

"I didn't knew that it will heal hairs." She said curling my hairs with her hand,

"Wow I feel more alive than before." I said and took the katana in my hand and it felt like air, " What the." I thought and took the jewel bag, inserting them all in holes, "But it feels so light." I thought and but it back in the sneath.

"Hey how you were able to use that thing, when you insert those fife jewels, the katana is 500 kilos heavy." Earl said in amused,

"So the spell didn't only heal Sam but it also revealed his hidden power." Mia said,

"Maybe." I said and sat on the bed,

"But know I now what will return your stamina, a long bath with me." She said,

"Oh ill see where this is going." Earl said laughing,

"Shall we go then." I said standing up and started to walk to the bathroom, Mia after me. When arrived there I undressed and went in the water with her laying next to me purring softly,

"Sam do you like me and Earl." She asked kissing me,

"Yes I had these strange feelings when I saw you and Earl at the first time." I answered and she jumped on me, kissing me deeply then going lower until she was in front of my now fully hard member, then she licked the top of it and took it in her warm muzzle sucking it hard. Then she rose up and kissed me again, as she positioned her slit over my cock, then I took a grip from her ass and impaled in her making her yelp then started thrusting in her slowly then increasing my speed. We both moaned as I thrust in her and she tightened her pussy to make me thrust harder in her, then I felt the pressure building in my ball and she climaxed roaring loudly and that make me cum in her womb roaring with her in after bliss.

"Gosh I love you." Mia said and fell sleep on top of me purring lightly,

"And I love you too." I said and carried her in my room to my bed and laid next to her covering us with blanked, then we fall in sleep next to each others.

Sam´s Story Chapter 2 Part 3

Sam´s past Chapter 2 Part 3 After a few hours of reading, I started to feel dizzy due to the air in the room being old and dusty. I went out from the cave and down to the ground outside, sitting on the rock near me continuing to read the book....

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Sam´s Story Chapter 2 Part 2

Sam's Past Chapter 2 part 2 Finally some dragons. "Ok. Magic, history, cooking and a diary." I said aloud examining the bookshelf and taking the red book from it, opening it from the end to the last pages. "Day 20 of year 8403. Dear...

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sam´s story chapter 2 part 1

Sam's Past Chapter 2 Part 1 New world, new problems. There was only a blue light surrounding me, when I was in portal until a black hole appeared in front of me, I flew threw it closing my eyes and when I opened my eyes again I saw that I was...

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