Sam´s Story Chapter 1 Part 4

Story by Nabkis on SoFurry

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#4 of Sam´s Story

Sam's past. Chapter 4.

I woke to the purring sound next to me, I opened my eyes and sow Mia looking at me, "Good morning my love." She said,

"Good morning my sugar." I chuckled and kissed her muzzle, making her moan when our tongues wrestled.

"Hey guys I was wondering oh." Earl said when he came in the my room and saw me and Mia kissing, "Ok you have fife minutes before we have to go to the school." He said and walked away,

"Ill have to get dressed I'm not going to school if I am nude." I said and kissed her before standing up and dressing my clothes on, then she gently bite my neck and hugged me. "And why did you bite me." I asked, turning around and looking her eyes,

"Because its wrote in your shirt." She chuckled,

"Oh ill see." I said and remembered the text Bite Me in back of my shirt,

"But now we have to go or we gonna be late." She said and we walked out from the lair where Earl was waiting us,

"Horses are flying away." Earl laughed when we were standing next to him,

"What." I said and saw that my jeans zipper was open, "Aww shit." I said and closed my zipper, hearing Mia laugh with Earl, "Ha haa very funny." I said and jump on Earl back making him yip in suprise, "Now lets go." I said and we started flying.

"Did you had a good bath last night." Earl said chuckling little,

"Yeah are you jealous." I laughed and he drop me from his back at two kilometer's high, when I was falling I remembered that Levitation thing and focused my energy then moving it under me and hell it worked, I was floating in the air in standing position. Then I started to fly back at them, somehow it felt easy to fly and I was standing next to Mia in no time, "Why to hell you drop me of." I asked when I saw Earls face when he saw me floating in air.

"When you have learned to Levitate." Mia asked,

"I read it from the book and tried it few times only to float in air, but now I learned to fly." I said spinning few times in the air,

"Wow that's a handy skill now I don't need to carry you any more on my back." Earl said and we started to fly to the university. When we arrived we were fife minutes late from the magic class, "Aww fuck we are late." I said and started to run in full speed, but I noticed that I was standing in front of the magic class door. "What the, is my speed increased so much." I thought when I went back to the Mia and Earl in flash.

"You are fast." Earl said and we run back to the class door and I tried not to run so fast. When we arrived Earl knocked the door and we apology from Artemis that we were late and then I went in my seat Mia and Earl laying next to me on the ground.

"Alright, today i am going to tell you about Levitation, it is old skill that elder dragons use when they cant fly." He said and started to float in the air, then landing back on the ground.

"How many dragons can levitate." Asked some green dragon,

"Me, Zathras and Chris." Artemis answered,

"I think that there is one more." Earl said looking at me,

"Earl shut up." I whispered at him,

"Oh really and who is this one more." Artemis asked walking next to Earl,

"Sam." Mia said smiling and looking at me,

"Hey." I said when Artemis suddenly crapped me and toss out from the opened window, I flied few meter's before I stopped in the air and flied back to the class. "That not nice way to check if I can Levitate, you could just ask." I said when every body was looking at me,

"Sorry but that is a hard skill to learn and I had to be sure that they didn't lie." He said and went back to the his desk and continued speaking about Levitation skill and its use. I sit back on the my desk looking at Earl and then Mia which was smiling at me,

"That wasn't fun." I said grinning at her, "Ill have to show you not to tease me like this, maybe this evening." I said grinning evilly making her blush from her face. After hour of talking about the Levitation skill he chanced the subject,

"Now I am going to tell you torture spell, first we need test subject." He said and with my luck every dragon in the class looked at me, even Mia and Earl.

"Hey that's not fair." I said when Artemis walked in front of me,

"Don't worry its not gonna harm you body or organs and I can stop it when ever I want." He said,

"Ok." I said and looked at Artemis,

"Taraturus er Heremos." He said and I felt this enormous pain hit my body, but I didn't scream or shout, I just laughed evilly rolling on the ground then standing up and walked in front of Artemis taking good grip from his throat, then the pain disappeared and I fell to the ground panting heavily.

"Sorry about that I don't know what hit me." I said when I stood up with Mia and Earl both sides of me, giving me support when I stand.

"Its not your fault I should not do that spell to you." He said and the class was ended,

"Are you ok Sam." Mia asked,

"Yes I'm fine." I answered and we went out from the class,

"Ok me and Earl has history class, so we have to go." Mia said and walked with Earl away leaving me standing in the hall way.

"Maybe ill go see Zathras." I said and walked to the training hall where she was training alone, "Need a opponent." I asked when I arrived in there,

"Maybe." She said and took real sword from rack and I un sheathed my katana, then she attacked at me. First she tried to hit me from the side but I saw her moves in slow motion, maybe that recovery spell has increased my powers so much that when somebody is weaker than me I saw his or her moves in slow motion in my eyes. I stopped her strike with my sword and pushed it back making her turn around and then I gripped my hand around her so she could not move.

"Am I too fast for you." I whispered in her ear and licked her neck making Zathras purr lightly, then I turned her around making her drop her sword and she kissed me making me to drop my sword which made the ground to shatter little when it hit the ground. "Before we continue this, ill have to tell you that I belong to somebody else." I said and kissed her again,

"Doesn't matter I want fuck you now and not any love stuff." Zathras said and pushed me on the ground ripping of my clothes then kissing my chest until she was lapping my now hard member. "You taste sweet like honey." She said and took my rod in her mouth and sucked it little before I pushed her away and started to lick her chest and then her slit making her moan.

"And you are like marshmallow." I chuckled and dipped my tongue in her few times making her cum in my mouth,

"Ohh please fuck me now." She said panting heavily,

"Ok you asked for it." I answered and pushed my dick in her fully wet womb making her yip in suprise, then I started to thrust hard and fast in her making her moan with me. Few thrusts later I felt my orgasm build as her pussy muscles tightened against my rod and she cum again making me to shot my load in her and fell next to her.

"That was even better than I thought." She chuckled as I stood up looking at my clothes or what was left of them, "Let me fix that." She said and mumbled something and my clothes were repaired and they appeared on me.

"Wow thanks a lot." I said and kissed her cheek, "Thanks for great fuck." I said and winked my eye at her, then I took my katana from the ground and put it back to its sneath and then on the my back.

"No thank you, to give me something different." She said and walked away big smile on her face, when I was going back to the waiting hall were I was suppose to meet Mia and Earl I saw library next to me.

"Hmm better check this out." I said and walked in, after while of searching I found a book about dragon anatomy. I read few things about from it and then took another book where were few spells, "Dimension door." I said and saw a spell which created door to other dimension, "Just say the words and think about it." I thought when I read and then there was this breathing behind me, I closed the book with thud and turned around fast seeing Earl and Mia sitting on the ground in suprise look in their faces, making me laugh.

"That wasn't fun." Earl said when they stood up,

"You deserved it when trying to scare me." I said and put the book back in the self,

"Shall we leave." Mia asked,

"But the school isn't over yet." I said,

"Yes it is, obviously you have been here four hours reading those books." Earl said,

"What I missed the fighting lessons." I said,

"Yes you did, but Zathras said that its ok if you don't appear in that class, because you have paid it with something else." Mia said grinning evilly,

"Oh ill see." I said and blushed a little, when we started to walk to the castle gate.

"Was she good." Earl asked,

"What, oh you mean Zathras not as good as my little bunny." I chuckled,

"Bunny ill show you bunny when we get to the Earls lair." Mia laughed and started to fly me and Earl next to her. When we arrived to the lair Earl went in his room and I went in my room with Mia, but when we arrived there she suddenly threw me on the bed making some kind of spell because i could not move a inch.

"Why did you do that." I asked,

"Ill going to show you how bunny I am." She chuckled and started to rub her self in front of me,

"Oh no I don't like this kind of torture." I chuckled and felt my member hardening in my pants when she rub her slit in front of me and I only could look at her.

"Those seals aren't very strong so you can break them if you want." She moaned and dipped her finger in her slit moaning again, I struggled on the bed my erection growing painful in my pant. Then she came to her finger and I finally broke the seals, undressing my clothes and laying her on the bed so I was on top of her,

"My little dragon tried to play without me." I said kissing her muzzle and then rubbing her chest with another hand and her slit with another hand. "Now I am going to punish you for torturing me like that." I said and started to dip my finger on her slit making her moan,

"Oh please don't." She moaned and I started to lick her womb making her moan again until she climaxed, "Stop teasing and fuck me." She said panting. I smiled and put my penis on her slit so my head entered her then taking it away and pushing it back, but she decided to stop playing and turned around so she was on top of me. "Enough playing." She said and impaled on my cock making us to moan, i took grip from her hip and started to thrust in her faster and faster until I started to fell inch in my balls then she roared and came on my member making me to cum in her both panting heavily.

"I hope that some day we could have little dragons." She said kissing me and then curling next to me,

"Ill promise that some day we could." I said and started to sleep next to her.

"Sam wake up Chris wants to see you." Earl said shaking me furiously,

"Alright I am awake." I said scratching my head and yawning lightly,

"He commanded us too Mia it is something important." Earl said,

"Did Chris told you what is so important." I asked,

"No he just said to come quickly." Earl said and I dressed my clothes and went with Mia and Earl to the dragons university and when we arrived there we walked straight to the Chris room. When we opened the door the room was dark and there was light spot in the middle of the room and one chair in middle of that,

"You three come in the light." Voice said and I sat on the chair as Mia and Earl sat on the ground, then Zathras, Artemis, Chris and few dark figured dragons with we didn't recognize was standing next to them.

"So what's the problem." I asked,

"Shut up human." Said voice in the dark, but it wasn't Zathras, Artemis or Chris it was some body else,

"How you dear to mate with dragon you silly human." Said another voice,

"We wanted to kill you, but as Chris wish we are going to banish you from this world." Said first voice,

"What you cant." I said,

"Silence human, you are dangerous person with your power you can destroy whole world." The second voice said,

"But ill promise to bee good and not to kill anybody." I said,

"Shut up ore we have to forget Chris wish." First voice said,

"But why are you doing this." Mia asked,

"Silence stupid dragon you knew well that you cant mate with human, so be happy that well not punish you and your brother." Said the second voice,

"Now we send you to the other dimension and remember not to return or we have to kill you." First voice said and then I was hit again with more effective tied spell, because I wasn't able to move.

"Fuck, just when I thought my life could be fun." I thought as I saw Artemis standing in front of me his eyes asking for forgiveness when he said the words so clear that I could understand them,

"Apperetus mie Maratuna Portala." Artemis said and two meters long and wide black portal appeared in front of me,

"Mia I will come back someday and will do what I promised and no one can separate us anymore." I said and I was threw in the portal. All what I saw in portal was black around me until I appeared in dark sky and then fell to the ground with ugh.

Sam´s Story Chapter 2 Part 3

Sam´s past Chapter 2 Part 3 After a few hours of reading, I started to feel dizzy due to the air in the room being old and dusty. I went out from the cave and down to the ground outside, sitting on the rock near me continuing to read the book....

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Sam´s Story Chapter 2 Part 2

Sam's Past Chapter 2 part 2 Finally some dragons. "Ok. Magic, history, cooking and a diary." I said aloud examining the bookshelf and taking the red book from it, opening it from the end to the last pages. "Day 20 of year 8403. Dear...

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sam´s story chapter 2 part 1

Sam's Past Chapter 2 Part 1 New world, new problems. There was only a blue light surrounding me, when I was in portal until a black hole appeared in front of me, I flew threw it closing my eyes and when I opened my eyes again I saw that I was...

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