
Story by Marie615604 on SoFurry

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#1 of Encounters


By Marie615604


This is My First Attempt at A Story so Please have Mercy! Hehehe. If You have Any Comments, They may be Emailed to Me at

[email protected] I appreciate Any Sincere Criticisms and Suggestions. Also, if You have Any Ideas for Further Stories I would Love to Hear Them!


Okay, here is The Disclaimer. Eep! This Story contains Sex between Human and Anthro Males. If You are offended by Such or if You are under The Legal Age in Your State or area to read It, Then please don't. All Characters are Copyrighted to Me but If You want to use Them, just ask. Anyways... Enjoy! ^.^


It was late One Evening at Deep Space Research Lab 091245783 when The Proximity Detectors around The Small Stations Axis registered movement. This was highly unusual, since The Station was Years away from any Habitable Worlds by Standard Near Light Speed Drives. Janrus whirled in His Chair to face The Holographic Computer Terminal before Him and waved His Hands over The Projected Image in just The Right Places to bring up The Motion Detection Screen. He leaned closer with A Frown on His Face, His Long Brown Ponytail falling over One Shoulder. The Screen showed A Cessel nearly Five Kilometers Long of An Unkown Configuration! It definetly wasnt Anything He had ever seen before. He triggered The Lab Defenses quickly, He didnt know if It was hostile or not. Just Then A Huge Rumble shook The Whole Lab, knocking Him out of His Chair onto His Ass. The Lights went out and The Emergency Lights came on, bathing The Terminal Room in Dim Red Light.

"Warning, Hull has been breached on Decks Five through Nine. Core Power is out and Emergency Batteries have been activated. Twenty Four Hours of Life Support remaining, evacuation is highly recommended.", announced A Sultry Female Voice from Hidden Speakers. Janrus got up quickly, pushing His Chair away and sending It against The Wall with A Clang. He ran to The Door and pressed His Ear against It. He could Hear Shouting, Screaming, and Automatic Weapons Fire. He cursed and squeezed His Brown Eyes shut tightly. Damn It! There was no way out of This Chamber! He suddenly got an Idea and rushed back to The Terminal. He brought up The Map of The Labs Ventilation Shafts and nodded to Himself.

He went to The Nearest Vent, It was only about Four Feet High and Four Feet wide. He took out His Small Lasgun and melted The Screws off The Sides and tore The Grill off. He looked back at The door and The Shouting grew louder. He got down on His Hands and Knees and started into The

Vent. It was only Five Hundred Feet to The Escape Pods, He thought He could make It if He hurried. He got about One Hundred Feet down The Shaft when He heard A Large Explosion from The Terminal Room. He shuddered and began to move more quickly, His Breath coming out in frightened gasps. He was no fighter and He did not want to die at The Hands of an Unknown Species. Just as He got past A Side Grill that exited into The Engineering Bay, The Grill was torn from Its Screws with A Loud Screech and His Legs Were grabbed roughly. He screamed and fired His Lasgun wildly as He was dragged through The Grill on His Back. He found Himself looking up at A Huge Strangely Armored Figure. It was nearly Nine Feet tall and It's Armor was weirdely reminiscent of One of His Favorite Twentieth Century Artists, H.R. Giger. It was Also covering what was clearly not A Human Figure. The Armor was completely Black and Every Burst of Lasgun Fire He Shot ricocheted off It's Surface and left no Mark. He was evidently leaving No Damage on The Figure. The Being backhanded The Lasgun out of His Hand and grabbed Him by His Neck and lifted clean off The Floor to dangle about Three Feet off It. It made A Sound That sounded like laughter and rammed Him against The Wall Hard. He saw stars and nearly blacked out. It placed A Huge Hand on His Chest and He heard A Loud Snap, Then Darkness claimed Him. The Last Thing He saw was The Glowing Red Eyes of The Alien's Armor.

He awoke with A Pounding Headache and A Sore and Aching Body. He opened His Eyes slowly and found to His Surprise that He was lying naked in A Very Large Bed in A Very Large, Spartanly Furnished Room. All The Furniture was gray and of An Unsettling Ergonomic Shape. It looked like It was grown, not built. In fact, The Furniture extended directly from The

Floor! The Bed He was laying on was very soft and comfortable. He rubbed The Black Shiny Sheet over Him and found It was almost like Silk, but not quite, It seemed artificial. The Light in The Room was pleasant and seemed like Sunlight, Earth Sunlight! He ran to The Source of The Light, completely forgetting His nakedness or The Fact that He had just woken in A Strange Place after being knocked out by An Alien Creature. The Light came from A Window in The Wall to The Left of The Bed and when He looked through He staggered back in shock. It was not Earth outside The Window. In view was A Beautiful Green Meadow that seemed to roll on forever. On The Horizon was A Great Golden City of Soaring Spires and Flashing White Light. Set in The Bright Blue Cloudless Sky were Three Blazing Yellow Suns of Three Different Sizes. It was awe inspiring but frightening in It's implications. He made A Low Moan of Fear and clutched The Rim of The Window which was slighty warm, and pulsed as if A Heartbeat ran through It. He snatched back His Hand quickly.

Panic set in and He frantically tried to look for Some Sort of Way out of The Room. He found A Door-like Inset in The Wall but Then He slumped down against It in despair. Why should He try and escape? He was naked, probably A Trillion Light Years from Earth or The Nearest Outpost, and surrounded by Hostile Alien Lifeforms with Advanced Technology. Janrus, for The First Time in All The Years since He was A Child began to cry. He remembered All His Friends on The Station who were probably dead and began crying even harder. The Inset Where The Door was made A Weird Slurping Noise and It irised open, retracting into The Sides with Lightning Rapidity. Janrus was shocked out of His Sobs by The Surface He was leaning on Disappearing. He made A Small Cry of Surprise and fell over backwards till He was laying on His Back on The Floor. His Eyes went wide with alarm at What He beheld. standing over Him was The Towering Figure of One of The Aliens, This Time without Armor. Janrus's Shock was to such an extent that He was rendered voiceless and frozen by What He saw.

It was An Absolutely Huge Horseman! He recognized It from The Old Holo-Tapes He had seen on Earth. There weren't Any Horses left on Earth, They had been made extinct by Some Sort of Equine Plague in The Late Twenty Second Century. It was Heavily Muscled and nearly Eight Feet Tall from What He could tell. It's Short Shiny Fur was Pitch Black from The Tip of It's Equine Ears to The End of It's Long Luxurious Tail. It wore no Clothing Besides A Gray Loincloth and Janrus had A Direct View of The Baseball Sized Testicles and Massicve Sheath under It. it looked down on Him in just as much Apparent Surprise that He looked up at It with. Surprise turned to Fear as Janrus remembered Where He was and Her scrambled back against The Opposite Wall on His Butt and tried to cover His Nakedness with His Hands. The Equine snorted and shook It's Head, for all The World looking like It was vastly amused. It clopped Through The Doors on It's Large Shiny Black Hooves and The Door slurped shut behind It. It sat on A Chair that was before A Desk Like Piece of Furniture and regarded Him with What could only be described as A Slight Close Lipped Smile.

The Being looked upon Janrus and noted The Humans Form with interest. Janrus had never been that big. In truth, janrus was quite androgynous and frail. His Back Length Auburn Hair didn't help to reduce The look of effeminacy about Him at all, only serving to heighten that aspect of Himself. He had only gotten into The Space Program because of His Technical Skills and was quite deficient in Any Physical Training whatsoever. Janrus's Big Hazel Long Lashed Eyes were red from His crying and They looked upon The Alien with great fear as He sat against The Far Wall Shivering with His Slender Arms wrapped around His Drawn up Knees. The Big Alien made A Soft Chuffing Noise not unlike Earth Horses used to make and rubbed It's Muzzle with A Large Three Fingered One Thumbed Hand. It's Eyes were A Soft Liquid Brown and very expressive. Right now They seemed to be expressing Deep Thought. It's Thick Equine Lips were pressed together tightly and It's Head tilted to The Side as It's Ears flicked forward, orienting on Janrus. Silence filled The Room for quite some time, with Janrus and The Alien silently regarding Each Other and hardly moving at all.

The Being leaned over and put It's Hands on It's Knees, furrowing It's Brows. It made A Very Human, but Very Deep Laugh. "Well, are You just going to stare at Me or are You going to say Something? I thought Your Species was Intelligent.", It said in Perfect English. It's Voice was strange, as if Several Voices were speaking all at The Same Time, like A Chorus.

Janrus jumped as if He had been slapped and His Mouth dropped open in renewed surprise and Then distorted into vapid rage. "I... I... You... Murderer!!", Janrus screamed and charged at The Huge being, unconcerned for His own safety and consumed by anger.

The being merely sat calmly as Tens of Thin Grayish Tentacles extended from The Floor and engulfed Janrus, immoblilizing Him instantly but A Few Feet from The Alien. The Alien shook It's Head and blinked slowly. "No. I am no murderer, but I comprehend Why You may think so. All Your Friends are still living. They are captive though, and They now serve us in various ways, but We do not kill.", The Being said slowly, letting It's Words sink in. Janrus writhed vainly in The Tentacles Warm Grip and finally ceased His Struggles. When He ceased They sank into The Floor, causing Him to fall to His Knees in front of The Alien.

Janrus Gulped visibly. "So You are Slave Masters? That's horrible! What gives You The Right to enslave Another Species?!", Janrus said, gritting His Teeth and Clenching His Fists. "The Right? We have The Right because We can and Your kind can do nothing to stop Us. Soon We will reach Your Planet, say in about One Earth Year. When We get There We will take over. Your Technology and Your Physical Forms are weak and pitiful and are no match for Us. But do not think us cruel, We are not. You may even come to enjoy Your Servitude in Time. As It is, You really have no choice in The Matter.", The Alien said softly with great seriousness, staring directly into Janrus's Eyes.

"We will fight You!", was all Janrus said in response.

"Yes You will, but You and Your Kind will still lose. but enough of This Talk of Slavery and Fighting. You haven't even wondered why You Alone are Here in My Quarters. Doesn't That spark Some Interest in You, Small One? Ask Me and I will tell You. Though I will warn You though that You may not like What You will Hear, and It will happen wether You want It to or not.", The Alien said slowly, still staring directly into Janrus's Eyes with It's Own Large Brown Ones.

Janrus froze and thought for A Small Time as The Alien sat and waited patiently. "What am I Here for?", Janrus squeaked in A Small and Very Fearful Voice. The Alien nodded and sat up straighter.

"If You look out The Window It maks It seem like You are on My Home Planet but That is An Illusion, You are on A Ship and We are hurtling Through Space at Tremendous Speeds. This Ship is The Equivalant Size of Several of Your Planets Battlecruisers. Much Larger than Any Ships You have. On This Craft are more than Ten Thousand of Us. We regard Our Females as Non-combative, and as such, They are All still on Our Homeworld, so This Entire Ship is populated by Males. As You can imagine, on A Journey that takes Years, They would get rather frustrated. So, to alleviate This Frustration We assign Certain Slaves The Job of satisfying Them When They need It. As These Slaves would have to satisfy The needs of The Heterosexual Males, They would be altered to be desirable to Males of Our Species. To put it bluntly, You are going to be One of The Mare Sex Slaves on This Ship. You should feel honored, as most of Our Slaves are put to Manual Labor and You will be treated much better than Them. Who knows? You might even find A Stallion Who wants You as A Mate, if You are lucky!", The Alien finished, waiting to see if Janrus would go into hysterics.

Janrus sat quietly for A Moment. He was frozen to The Spot as His Fate and It's Implications made It's way through His Mind. Janrus was by no means averse to Male to Male Sex but He had never even considered Gender Reassignment. It was A Common Thing on Earth now, though It used to be looked down upon. A Small Twinge of Interest sparked in Him and He

considered It now. Obviously The Aliens were Technologically Superior, that much was clear. If He consented and went through It, He could learn alot about Them and how to defeat Them. Once They reached Earth He was confident He would find Some Way to escape and in A Year He could find out A Way to stop Them. Although His Humanity and His Masculinity would be lost, He could still be A Hero of sorts. But if He was to pull It off He would have to act like He was tottally willing to go through with It. At that Time He made His Choice to Sacrifice His Form and His Dignity for His People, so He could maybe with Some Small Chance, save Them from A Life of Slavery. He looked up at The Alien and nodded once quickly.

"Alright, I can tell I really have No Choice. How would This be done to Me?", He asked, trying to seem as if The Idea was acceptable to Him and not The Horror He felt It was. He got up and stood, ignoring His Nakedness, folding His Slim Arms over His Chest.

The Aliens Ears perked up and An Amused Smiled was displayed upon His Muzzle. "My! So brave! I knew there was A Reason I asked to have You sent to My Quarters. well, first of All, Your Genetic Code has already been analyzed and recorded. As A Rule, We usually decide upon The End Form for Our Slaves, but since You are being so calm I am going to make An Exception. You see, we have advanced so far in The Biological Sciences that A Beings Genetic Code can be altered by A Simple Computer Program. The Data is uploaded into A DNA Resequencer, resequenced, and Then combined with A Sort of Biological Nano-Machine. The resulting mixture is Then injected into You. The Total Transformation Process will take about One Month and will be relatively painless. Any Pain will be taken care of by Us, for We are not cruel as You will find out.", The Alien finished, getting up and moving to The Desklike Piece of Furniture and Sitting down to The Chair which had A Hole in It's back for It's Long Thick Tail. It pressed A Hand to The Counter and A Keyboard grew from Itas well as Something that

looked like A Monitor. It tapped A Few Keys and The Monitor lit up. The Alien turned It's Muzzle to Him and grinned, waving Him over to look. It got up and offered The Chair to Him. Janrus sat warily down in front of The Keyboard and Monitor. On The Monitor was A Naked Rotating Image of Himself! Next to It was Another Duplicate Image. There was no Pointer or Menu Bar or Anything! He tapped The Keys and nothing happened.

The Equine was behind Him watching and It rested One Large Warm Hand on His Shoulder and pointed at The Screen. "It is Voice Control... Hmmm, I do not seem to know Your Name...", The Alien hinted. Janrus cringed at The Aliens Hand but steadied Himself. It was slighlty warmer than He would have thought. They must have A Slightly Higher Normal Temperature than A Humans, He thought. "The Name is Janrus.", He said shortly, betraying no interest or emotion.

"Janrus. That Name suits You I Think but later You may want to change It to suit Your New Form and Life. Anyways...", The Alien finished and broke off into A Series of, well, Alien Sounding Words. The Machine beeped Three Times in Quick Succession.

"It will now respond to Your Voice, if You need any help with It just ask It, It is intelligent.", The Alien said, removing It's Hand from His Shoulder and striding to The Door which slurped open. It turned One Last Time to Him before It left. "I must go and attend to Ship's Business, as I am What You would call The Captain Here! I will return later to sleep. Till then, be well.", It said as It backed out The Door which slurped shut behind It.

"Computer, What The heck am I supposed to do with This Program?!", Janrus asked in confusion.

"Janrus has been assigned The Task of choosing His New Form within Certain Parameters.", A Multi-Choral Female Voice said, seeming to emanate from The Walls.

"Can You state The Parameters?", Janrus asked.

"Parameters are as follows... Chosen Form must be Female and Equinoid. Colors, Markings, and Proportions are up to You, Janrus.", The Computer explained.

"If The First Image is Me before and The Second Image is Me after, how do I alter The Second Image?", Janrus asked.

"Simply State how You want The Image altered and It will be so.", The Computer stated.

"Well, first of all, alter The Second Image to conform to The Parameters You told Me.", Janrus said, interested despite Himself. The Image on The Right Shifted and Morphed till A Light Brown Furred Female of The Aliens Species rotated There. It was virtually The Same Height and Weight as The First Image. He leaned forward and stared at The Image. He made A Small

Laugh. So That is What Their Females looked like. He stopped laughing when He remembered that was what He was going to look like. That sobered Him up immediately.

Well, He might as well have fun with This if He was going to do This Right, He thought resignedly. He pretty much figured that The Others Who had been subjected to This did not get A Choice so He might as well make Himself look good. He tried to remember some of The Anthropomorphic Animal Drawings that some of His Crewmates drew on The Computers now and Then, simply to get A Base Image in His Mind. He leaned back in The Chair and stared thoughtfullt at The Right Image.

"The Right Image is too Angular, make it less so, Computer.", He commanded. The Image softened and looked less muscular and more shapely.

"Decrease Height to Five Foot Four Inches.", He said, watching The Changes avidly. The Image shortened and It's Other features changed proportionately.

"The Breasts are too small, increase Their Size to 36dd.", He said, smiling. If He was going to be stuck as A Female Horse He was Damn Well going to look good!

"Increase Hip Size by Two Inches and Increase Buttock Size Slightly, also increase Leg Length by One Inch and decrease Height proportionately.", he ordered. The Computer obeyed immediately. He smirked and looked at The End Image. Pretty good so far, He thought.

"The Hooves are too large, decrease There Size A Little. Shorten and slim The Muzzle too. Lengthen The Mane to The just below The Small of The Back and make The Tail go down to The Back of The Knees. On Second Thought, increase The Volume of Both.", He said, watching The Monitor and totally forgetting Where He was In His Concentration. Janrus was mostly basing His Choices on What He would want to have sex with, as He did not know What The Alien's Idea of Beauty entailed. He looked at The End Image and decided to change The Colors.

"Change All Fur to White. Change Eye Color to Voilet.", He said quietly. On A Whim He decided to try Something.

"Change Hoof Color to Chrome.", He said with A Smile, and They did. He laughed A Little.

"Add Metallic Silver Highlights to Fur.", He commanded. He examined The Image and sighed. If He was going to be stuck A Female Alien Horse, He could do worse.

"Computer, I am finished. What do I do next?", He asked. The Monitor went blank and The Keyboard sunk liquidly into The Counter. A Small Silver Tablet was extruded and lay upon The Gray Counter.

"Janrus, The Tablet on The Counter is to be ingested. This Terminal Link will now shut down.", The Computer Voice finished.

"You meaan I just swallow A Pill?! It can't be that easy!", Janrus said in amazement. The Computer was silent. He left The Pill where It was and stayed seated, thinking. He yawned. He was suddenly very tired. He didn't know how long He had been awake as there was No Clock. He went to The Bed and lay down, falling asleep from Sheer Stress and Exhaustion.

Janrus awoke to The Feel of The Bed being depressed next to Him and His Eyes shot open in A Flash. The rolled over quickkly to see The Looming Form of The Alien Captain Sitting on The Bed next to Him and Smiling down on Him. Janrus clutched The Sheets around Himself and backed up quickly.

The Captain tilted His Head. "There is no need to be frightened, I will not hurt You. I see You completed The Alteration Program. That is good. I am glad You have accepted Your New Life. It can be very pleasant Here if You let It, Janrus. I have brought You Some Food if You are hungry.", The Captain said, pointing to A Tray of Food sitting on The end of The Bed. It was A Large Bowl of A Leafy Green Salad.

"I know Your Kind are Carnivores but We are all Herbivores Here, so This is The Best I could do.", The Captain said apolagetically. Janrus found that there was no utensils so He just dived in hungrily with His Hands, quickly finishing It.

"I see You were hungry! I hope You enjoyed It.", said The Captain as he layed back in The Bed next to Janrus, seemingly totally at peace with Himself and unconcerened with Janrus's Reaction. The Alien turned It's Head to regard Janrus with It's Big Brown Expressive Eyes.

"I will be blunt with You, Janrus. You of course, have figured out by now that You are in My Quarters for A Reason. Most of Those Chosen for The Service You have been chosen for Are not given such Honored Treatment, especially by The Captain of A Vessel such as This. I will not push You into Anything You do not want, but remember, once You leave These Quarters You are, shall We say, Fair Game to Any of The Other Males of My Species. I wish to take You under My Wing, so to speak, if You let Me. If You do not I will understand. You will be transferred to The Mare's Quarters and that will be The End of It.", The Captain explained quietly. One of The Captains Big Hands came to rest on Janrus's Hip. Janrus looked down on It with Large Eyes and then back up into The Captain's Face, like A Deer in The Headlights of An Oncoming Truck.

"But... I would much rather You stay with Me, Little Janrus.", The Big Equinoid breathed softly, staring back at Him as His Hand rubbed Janrus's Hip softly.

Janrus took in A Little Air and wondered What He was going to do. It was obvious This Alien wanted to have sex with Him. He was A Little frightened as He knew A Being The Size of The Captain was probably pretty well endowed. Janrus had had sex with Males before Yes,but He had always just done A Little Oral. No Penetration ever. He didn't know What The Mares Quarters were like but He was pretty sure that He wouldn't like being at The Disposal of Every Male on The Ship. He trembled A Little and bit His Lip. He really had No Choice. He looked up at The Alien and nodded slowly.

"I... I will stay.", He said, His Voice breaking. The Alien's Eyes grew soft.

"Do not worry. I will be gentle and I wish You No Harm at all. I want to make You feel good, just as I wish to feel good too. Our Species is different from Yours It seems. It seems Your Kind are not taught The Same Things regarding sexuality We are. For That I am sorry for You. Will You let Me make You feel good, Janrus. I give You My Word that if at Anytime You wish Me to stop I will.", The Alien said, running It's Large Rough Hand slowly down Janrus's Leg, smiling gently.

Janrus was horrified by His Situation but He also was A Logical Person. He knew that if He said no He would wind up in What The Alien Captain had called The Mares Quarters. He shivered both from The Thought of That and The fact that He was actually getting aroused from The Equinoids Touch. He looked across The Bed at The Alien with Wide and Frightened Eyes. He was frightened of The Equinoid for One Reason, regardless of how gentle He was. His Loincloth had fallen aside and A Positively Massive Sheath had been revealed. It swelled as He watched and The Head of The Aliens Penis slid out, leaking Precum. Well, at least The Males of The Aliens Species seemed to function like Human Males! The Captain saw Him lookng and grinned.

"Yes, It must seem Large to You. Your Species are very diminutive in that respect.", He said, chuckling. The Alien went silent for A Moment and looked down At Janrus own Member which had become quite hard on It's own. Janrus followed The Aliens Gaze and blushed hotly.

"There is no reason to be ashamed. You may have had to be afraid of What Others Thought on Your Planet and among Your Own Species, but not Here, not Now. Unless You stop Me by telling Me no, Janrus, I am going to take You like I would Any Mare. I will be gentle, but better Me than Another on This Craft Who would not be. Surely, You know that as The Captain's Mare, You would be better off.", The Alien said in nearly A Whisper.

The Alien grabbed Janrus's Waist with Both Three Fingered Hands in A Tight Grip, pulling Him across The Short Distance between Them till Janrus was pressed Close to The Equinoid's Muscular Chest. The Alien wrapped It's Arms around Janrus, pinning His Arms to His Sides firmly. It was done so quickly that all Janrus could manage was A Small Cry of Surprise as It happened. Janrus squirmed A Little as He felt The Pulsing Length of The Fully Engorged Penis pressed against His Belly. His breathing had become quickened and His Chest heaved in The Big Males Warm Embrace.

Janrus did not know how to react to This. The Alien was very warm, and It's Fur was very soft and silky. It was like being hugged by A Very Big, Very Strong Stuffed Animal. He could smell The Alien's Scent, It was Musky and Strong, but not unpleasant. The Captain pulled Him up His Body, His Penis Trailing A Broad Swath of Precum down His Belly until It rested with It's Large Tip throbbing between His Legs just under His Testicles. One of His Captor's Hands moved slowly up His Back till It reached The Back of His Head, gently turning It so that He now looked into The Alien's Deep Brown Eyes.

"You are very soft and so small! You will make A Wonderful Mare I Think.", The Alien husked. The Strong Hand on The Back of His Head pushed until His Lips Pressed against The Equinoid's. Janrus found He was very aroused. This Alien was being so gentle, He no longer wanted to resist. The Alien's Tongue shoved Itself between His Lips and into His Mouth, probing and licking It's insides passionately. Janrus let It happen and One of His Hands moved up to rest lightly on The Alien's Side.

The Alien broke The Kiss and moved His Muzzle down The Side of Janrus's Face to His Neck, licking and nibbling. As He did This He also pressed His Member's Tip hard into Janrus's Scrotum, snorting A Little. Janrus made A Small Whimper from The Sensations assaulting Him. His Free Hand on The Equinoids Side moved up to It's Head and ruffled through It's Thick Black Mane, enjoying The Feel of It running through His Fingers. The Equinoid moved It's Muzzle to The Other Side of Janrus's Neck and began to play There, growling Deep in It's Throat. The Hand gripping Janrus's Head moved To His Inner Thigh and raised His Leg, spreading It away from The Other. The Captain was highly aroused and He lowered His Muzzle to Janrus's Chest Where He sucked on His Nipples Biting Them Lightly with His Large Teeth. Janrus Gasped. This Alien knew All The Spots to touch and was driving Him crazy.

"Oh My God, What are You doing to Me?!", Janrus cried out, awash in pleasure.

The equinoid ground His Member between Janrus's Buttocks and raised His Muzzle from His Chest, His Nostrils flared. "I am doing What You will have done to You Every Day and Every Night! This is but A Small Taste of What could be Yours if You do not resist Me.", The Captain growled deeply and reburied His Muzzle in Janrus's Chest, not waiting for A Response. janrus moaned and writhed in The Equinoid's Arms. The Captain was tired of The Front and decided He was ready for The Back. He grabbed Janrus's Waist and roughly turned Him so That His Back was pressed against His Hard Chest.

"Now, Janrus. Now I will break You in slowly.", He growled in Janrus Ear, Both His Hands pinching Janrus's Nipples hard and pressing His Length between His Butt Cheeks. Janrus Whimpered both in A Little Fear of The Gargantuan Member and also in anticipation. The equinoid moved Janrus up until His Turgid Member's Wet Tip was pressed against Janrus's Hole. He then slowly started to press Him down upon It. Janrus's Hands scrabbled weakly at The Aliens Sides as The Shaft's Tip entered Him, spreading It wider than It had ever been spread before. It pulsed and throbbed within Him hotly. Janrus gasped and arched His Back, pressing His Flat Stomach Tight against The Alien's Own. The Equinoid made A Snorting Sound and continued to fill Him as It gently bit and nuzzled His Neck, The Silky Mane falling around Janrus's Shoulders like A Soft Ocean Wave. Janrus was beyond Logical Thought at This Point as The Aliens Shaft had hilted in Him. He moaned and wriggled in The Captain's Arms. The Captain chuffed softly and held on to Janrus till He quieted, rocking Him softly in His Big Arms.

Eventually Janrus did quiet, His Walls eventually getting used to The Huge Stallionhood within Him. Janrus looked into The Alien's Eyes. His Own Eyes were Passion filled, never having experienced Anything like He was going through. The Alien stroked Janrus Long Brown Hair softly.

"There there, It is in You now, see? It is not so bad is It? I am going to make You feel very good. Now I told You I would stop if You wanted. Do You want Me to stop?", The Captain asked, His Deep Brown Eyes full of Passion.

"I... I... I don't... No... Don't stop.", Janrus finally said, making His Choice in That Moment. The Equinoid nodded and pulled Janrus Head to His Chest, cradling It There.

"Just hold on to me and It will all be allright, Janrus. I promise.", The Captain said huskily as He bagan to pump slowly in and out, His Strong Hip Muscles pistoning His Member slickly into Janrus's now stretched Hole. Janrus panted as It moved within Him, gripping The Aliens Sides Hard and burying His Face into The Aliens Soft Musky Fur.

Janrus was lost in feeling. All He could think of was The Thick Meat pumping slowly in and out of His Ass. Instinctively, without even knowing It, He began to push back against The Aliens Thrusts. The Equinoid groaned and started to move faster. Janrus moved His Own Hand to His Rock Hard Organ and stroked Himself slowly as He was pounded into. He didnt even realize What He was doing, all He knew was that He felt good and He wanted to Cum. The Alien's Speed grew to A Frantic Pace and So did Janrus's Hand upon Himself. The Alien could hold back no more and finally exploded, Hot Cum jetting out of His Organ and coating Janrus's Insides completely, leaking out onto The Bed. As The Alien Came He jammed His Entire Length completely in and made A Sound very like A Wild Horses Neigh. Janrus squealed and Came too as He felt Himself filled with The Alien's Seed. It was harder than He had ever Came in His Life and after wards He just Lay There limply in The Equinoids Arms, gasping weakly. The Alien made A Contented Noise Deep in His Throat and cuddle Janrus Close, A Happy Smile upon His Muzzle.

"MMM... little Janrus. That was very good,", The Alien said sleepily.

Janrus nodded softly and fell asleep with A Silly Little Grin on His Face, The Alien's Organ still Deep inside Him. The Alien snorted quietly and stroked His Hair, laying His Muzzle on Top of Janrus Head.

"You are mine now, Sweet Little One. Your Old Life is gone. I will make sure You are happy here and taken care of. This I Promise. But for now sleep, sleep and dream of Good Things. In The Morning I will explain More to You of how Things will be and What is expected of You. Do not worry, It will not be hard, and if I am correct, You will find It Good. Till Then, sleep well, Pretty One.", The Alien whispered as It too closed It's Eyes and fell asleep, clutching Janrus to It's Chest protectively.

To be continued?