War Hound Chapter 1

Story by Admiral Q on SoFurry

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#1 of War Hound

War Hound

BY Admiral Q Based on ShadowDragon00000's story Hell Hound

Tyria Dragon love taking hikes in the wild. The feel of the fresh wind on her face with its smell filling her nostrils was quite intoxicating. Tyria is a white Latino mix with brown eyes and dark red hair in her twenties. She listens carefully to the sounds of the woods to determine if there's any threat. Though she's been in the woods many times this was a new area for her and it paid to be cautious. The trees get larger and start to block out the sun. She takes a break in a small clearing in the woods. She sets her backpack beside her and takes out some food and water. As she eats she hears a noise in the woods. She grabs her semi automatic colt 1911 hand gun and listens carefully. She hears rustling from her left and aims her gun that way. From the shadows a figure emerges. From her eyes it looks like a black sleek dog with weird red eyes. She keeps her gum pointed at the dog; it could have rabies or have been feral for to long. The dog stops, cants its head to the side and after a minute barks and reveals its stupid but happy dog face with its tongue (strangely black) hanging out of its mouth and its tail wagging. It then assumes the position where its head is on the ground and its rear in the air in playfulness. Tyria lifts her gun up but still holds on to it. The dog starts bouncing around in a way when a dog is excited to play with someone. Tyria crouches down and puts her gun on the grown and stretches out her hand.

"Here boy." The black dog trots up to her still with that stupid but happy face on. As it gets close Tyria notices something strange about the dog's fur. What light that gets into the clearing doesn't reflect off it like it would if it was fur, more like it was rubber. Also the red eyes seem to almost glow. Before she can think further on this the dog pounces on her and she ends up on her back. She looks up at the dog and it seems to be melting on her. She tries to scream but the dogs tongue goes right into her mouth gagging her. She tries to shove the dog or whatever this is but she can't feel her arms...or her legs. She looks and she was in error. The dog wasn't melting on her SHE was melting into the dog. She starts to feel her organs change in her body as it starts to disappear into the dog that is getting larger. The final piece to go is her head and before her eyes disappear there is fear that reaches untold levels, then she only knew blackness.

The now larger dog stands there for a minute before something happens. A part of it starts stretching away from it. For a few moments some may believe it's Tyria trying to escape. Soon however the separating part takes the form of a black dog just like the one it's splitting from. In a minute two dogs stand where there was only one before.

It stands there panting for breath, its first real breaths since it was just born. While doing so it looks over the memories it inherited from its parents. It is a War Hound an artificially created lifeform made for combat. Its top move is what its Hound parent just did. Absorb an enemy and convert them to a War hound that will have a greater level of intelligence than its Hound parent. Its species was nearly destroyed when the side that made it made peace with its enemy and perceived them a threat. They've been hiding in the centuries since and now are ready to emerge again. That was the reason for its birth, to scout out the other races and see how plausible a return is. Weird though it has the memories of its other parent that usually it nothing else remains but, it can sense a presence with it. "Are you alright my child?" It looks over and sees its parent call Midnight by the pack.

"Yes, just getting my bearings."

"Very well, do you understand your mission?"

"Yes I do. Call me Rebirth my parent."

"Rebirth it is. Let us head out and find a meeting place for us." They start to head out but Rebirth pauses and the backpack still rest on a tree. Rebirth knocks it down so it can get to the straps. Rebirth maneuvers so that the back packs top is in front of it and then steps into the straps and uses tentacles it just created to move it until it's on Rebirth's back. Midnight looks at Rebirth with a combined amused and confused look. Rebirth shrugs and explains, "The items this backpack might be useful." They both run off into the woods leave the clearing where a being 'died'.

As the two War Hounds travel to the nearest city Rebirth ponders the anomaly of the presence in its head. It lightly probed the presence and got really no response. What ever it was it was dormant and mostly likely not a threat. But why was it there? From the memories of Midnight it didn't have such a presence in it, so why Rebirth? It's so frustrating! Ahead Midnight stops and sniffs the air. Though there not quite canines they same many similar traits with them and Rebirth pauses. To anyone who happened upon them they would only here barks, yips, and woofs, but through the hounds ears this is what they hear. "We're close my child." Midnight says as it looks around. "This seems like a good spot to meet." Rebirth looks around and sees their in a very small clearing. From Tyria's memories Rebirth knows this area isn't viewable from the city and it's fairly close to its parent's house.

"Good choice." Rebirth finally replies.

"The plan is to meet every three months until the Alpha's believes the time is right." Midnight walks over to Rebirth and nuzzle its muzzle. "Be safe my child, they're are so few of us. I wish we could be together but this mission is necessary." Rebirth nuzzles back.

"I will parent." With a final lick Midnight heads back to the pack. Rebirth takes a huge breath and releases it. Time to get to work, Tyria's memories tell Rebirth it would be bad to go about in its true form. One reason is it would look like a stray and be captured which might lead to the discovery of what is really is. Second someone might recognize what it is. So Rebirth closes its eyes and focuses on a new form. After a minute it starts to feel its body change forms. It feels organs forming and other interesting feelings. After ten minutes Rebirth open its eyes and its perspective had change. Its eyes were higher and it could really feel the breeze better then it could before. It looks down and sees pink where it would properly be black as well as two arms and legs. Unsteadily Rebirth brings the backpack around and opens it and grabs a small mirror and looks at its new face. Correction HER new face. Her face was nearly identical to her other parent Tyria except of two things. Her hair is a darker red with black streaks and her eyes are a luminous red instead of brown. She raises one of her new hands and touches her face. While it is still smooth it is much less rubbery than before and she feels the breeze more than in her true form. She also noticed that she is naked, while she doesn't mind nudity but Tyria's memories says she would be arrested if she went about naked. She goes back into the backpack and finds the spare outfit Tyria put there. Tyria learned the hard way about need a spare set of clothes. She puts it on and picks up the backpack and continues into the city.

War Hound Chapter 2

Rebirth walks down a city street with a sense of nostalgia and for a minute doesn't know why. 'Ah yes Tyria's memories, she has been down this street many times in the past'. As the disguised war hound looks around the people around her don't notice...

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Finding Humanity Chapter 9

A freighter lands on a pad on the planet Nix. The ramp extends down and we see a young Lioness in her late teens in a skintight jumpsuit. She looks behind her and yells. "Hurry up gals we haven't got all day!" Two five year olds rush out first. One...

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Finding Humanity Chapter 8

The next morning Esrie meets Trixi in her room. The only difference between Esrie's and Trixi's room is the missing second cot and the addition of fur care products. Trixi was just getting up rubbing her organic eye and yawning. "Hard time sleeping?"...

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