Forest of Uil

Story by Shadow-wolf on SoFurry

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Confusion is a word is a word that tells of the first forest of life, the legends say to get to the power within you must open your mind. They used to tell of a way to get to the temple. Dark sky, bright grass, the moon shines the way to the treasure. The path threw the woods to a place, you must never stray. Ancient power hides in the temple of distraction, awaiting the one with the sense of the royal blood. Stray form the path, the world gets darker, and the trees seem to move and swallow the ones to fall for there trap. The sun disappears in the forest of Uil. You may not see the light of day again, in the darkest of the forests on the world of Jalon.

"Can we rest please" said the cheetah as he almost fell to the mossy floor. "We have been running for 3 days, and you still haven't told me what we are running from" the cheetah said with a face of complete exhaustion.

"Fine" Ashtin said and licked his muzzle, "but only for a minute". He looked alert as he said "there is a bounty hunter after me".

"Oh" Xavier said with relief (not knowing what a bounty hunter was he was still learning), and sat down on the soft moss and relaxed. But it was short lived as the wolf lifted him to his feet and began to run again. "I thought we could rest" he said as he began to run again tripping over his feet.

The wolf looked at the cheetah with eyes that showed worry, and said "they are people that want to kill me and do something even worse to you, if they got a hold of you". "We need to hide I know just the place to".

That's when Xavier realized what was happening he didn't want the wolf to die. He decided to follow him without any more rest; he would run until they were safe, or dead of exhaustion and hunger. But he had didn't know of the dangers that would soon come from following the wolf that had been so kind to him.

They ran, ran until the woods got suddenly dark. That is when the wolf spoke "we can rest it seems that night has come, I will search for some wood please stay here". After seeing the cheetah nod he ran to find wood.

That was wishful thinking on the wolf's part, the cheetah was obedient but something would draw him to the deeps of the forest. There was something in the cheetah that would make him move. It was only a matter of time before the forest started to tell the cheetah what he need to do. Anyone ells in the forest was going to fall into its trance as well.

Xavier sat down on the ground and closed his eyes and wait for the wolf to return. A soft sound came from everywhere. The cheetah opened his eyes to see no one, he began to look around. It continued to play; the sound of a flute was played softly from every direction almost as if the trees were playing it. He felt himself move knowing he was, but he couldn't control it, his body was moving on its own. He walked far from the spot the wolf had told him to stay. He was being drawn by someone or something

That's when he saw a statue, witch was weird to see out in the forest (but really didn't surprise the cheetah, he didn't know what to even call). It looked different from any of the rocks he was fortunate to see; he touched it and felt the stone it was made from. It was smooth like marble but it didn't look like marble, it was a blue like stone witch felt almost like ice under his paw.

The statue was of a tiger standing with his hands covering his face and looked almost like it was crying. It looked like it was wearing a robe that looked primal and a necklace shaped like a heart. Xavier brought his paw back from the statue and still felt like the coolness was in his hand. It also looked like the statue was moving but how could that be possible thought the cheetah. He turned to walk away then heard the sound of light sobs coming from behind him.

It was amazing the rock witch was hard and lifeless had become a tiger a real living one. "" Xavier said out loud, witch made the tiger look up from his sobbing. He was cute his face had random stripes across it with sad watery blue eyes. He had white fur and an X made with stripes on his left cheek.

The tiger almost gasped at seeing the cheetah but then began to cry again, covering his face and his hands, and his long head fur falling over his hands. "How ... have I been released from my curse? I deserve so crumble to worthless rock to never live again, if he still hates me. It has to have been 1000 years trapped in ice stone, from comrade" he said his tears drying up but still coming. "I thought we were close maybe more then that ....." his voice faded lost in his own thoughts forgetting that Xavier was even there.

"Um.....are you ok?" the cheetah said with a concerned look on his face.

The tiger looked to him water matting his fur down and a few stray tears falling from his eyes. "Yea I'm fine, were you the one to released me from miserable slumber" he said looking around him seeing something that scared him. The trees he saw from before were beautiful but these ... were of magic, evil magic.

"You were sleeping... in a rock how is that possible?" Xavier injected into the tigers thoughts, completely fascinated with the idea of sleeping in a rock. Did you have a good sleep, were your dreams good, did you say a thousand years! How long is that? The cat pelted him with questions wanting to know everything. His tail was swishing left and right at a maddening pace.

This didn't last long as the tiger got angry for all the questions, but suddenly felt the ground rush to his face as he was tackled to the ground. This was not happening he told himself, he felt like dieing even after 1000 years in ice stone and now someone had the nerve to bring him the ground. He heard a voice but ignored it for he felt cold steal on his neck. 'No, why is this happening was I made to be gods joke' he spoke in his mind.

"Have you been following us!" the wolf repeated with tense muscles ready to kill. "SPEAK" he yelled at the tiger demanding a response. He pulled back as he observed him, seeing his eyes as they changed color from the blue they were to a blood shot gray. They seemed to send a silent massage to the wolf to kill him as they began to tear up. He felt his shoulder's being grabbed, then it was like he flying as he was thrown from the tiger.

Xavier was acting only on instincts as he threw the wolf off (he was not strong but the way he threw him made Ashtin fly away from the tiger). He hugged this new friend, somehow feeling the way the tiger felt.

He felt the weight leave him and was replaced by warmth. He opened his eyes to see the cheetah who was hugging him; his face was comforting it felt like his cold body was being warmed by just looking at him. He let it out from there, crying on his shoulder, nuzzling into his neck feeling his warmth and his loving concern. He didn't even know his name but that didn't mater he just wanted to cry.

Ashtin was looking at the two not having a clue as to what was happening, 'he could be the one that's been following us why is that cat so.....' "ggrrr". "He could be the bounty hunter and that stupid cat's ganna get us killed" he said to himself, but he had to smile Xavier was so cute when he was had that face.

"Just tell me what's wrong" whispered Xavier rubbing his back with his claws lightly

"No it hurts just to remember I just want to forget" he said arms tightly grabbing Xavier's soft fur.

The wolf began to think comparing the smells of the hunter and this tiger. They were different but what was weird was the way the tiger smelt. It was like earth, what you would smell in a breeze but it also had a hint of a sweaty smell. He was real but the more he used his nose the more things he began to smell. That was all he could take to many strong smells entered him. With a whine he twitched then fell to the ground unconscious.

Has the forest claimed its first victim.....I hope not

Please post comments I need to know what you guys think.

Part 2 of this chapter will come once I have the ability to put it up. (also I have not written down the next part but I have my reasons vacation)

Possibly in 2 weeks or more.