The Great Drafess Case

Story by Xinnova on SoFurry

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Desert winds blow so strong, but at the same time they are merciless with the sands, as they graze over the dunes and the life that grows in this deadly environment. Stinging the eyes unless protected with clothes or goggles designed to keep the sand from scorching one's eyes, and preventing severe damage to the ocular nerves and tissue. Luckily for our hero this was one of many thoughts in his mind, as he made travel to this exotic port town, he came prepared. Seeming like something from space or rather a jester in the courts of man. This creature, born of dragon blood, yet having the figure of a human, was cloaked, but wore such mechanized goggles upon his head, their gears and cogs clicking and making such a rattle as he gazed from upon a high dune down towards the city.

All be it strange, these goggles enabled him to see far off into the distance as he gazed upon the port town he had been seeking for some time now. Our hero was seeking something, but at this time he dared only to mutter out a few items to himself, as he pulled on his cloak and shifted the large back pack of his own design to move forward once again now. Watchmen from the towers of the city just eyed him a bit, with suspicious gazes as the cloaked figure started to make his way down the dune, but then it happened. He must have been so new to these conditions, 'cause as soon as he took a deep step, the weight of the pack seemed to cause him to lose his balance and force him forward, into a sudden fall that turned into a quick roll.

It seemed like the fall was forever, each time he rolled over, he left the sandy soil for only a second before hitting the sands again! Each time causing the cloaked heroin to yelp almost, letting lose a shriek as if he wasn't at all expecting this to happen, the stir causing him to form into that of a great sand ball! The guards at the gate just blinked a bit, looking back to each other and then to the ball of sand that was once this stranger to their lands. With an abrupt thud the ball flew past the guards and slammed into the very gate that was meant to keep out such things as these, but as the sand settled the creature before them was laying on its head that was white as snow with hair that seemed to drap down lightly of a crimson red. Back against the gate and tail drooping out of the cloak the same coloring of its head that hung down against the ground, as the broken goggles now creaked and came to a sizzling death as they ceased to function as the guards moved to address this creature.

"Dragon born, state your business here in Sjorne!" one of the guards spoke with a stern and almost threatening demeanor.

The dragon man just blinked up at them as the daze slowly came to an end, and now a goofy grin came over his features as he spoke out calmly to them, trying to stand with the help of a guard.

"I've come to your fair city for the exports, but I have also heard of the exotic foods... and also other exotic things I wouldn't mind tasting if you know what I mean" He spoke, gently elbowing a guard in the chest now. Not truly a pervert himself, he knew that in such a shady city more than likely they would react better to him if he blended in!

"Ha Ha I like this guy, well enjoy your stay in our pleasing city sir." He stated with quite a chortle of laughter, the other guards all seeming to join in and talk of the one's they were with before. The hero's heart seemed to sink a little as he heard of their loves,S if only for just a second as the gates opened.

Perhaps he sought more than just parts for his inventions, or bounties untold in this great city , but for now he would just be happy to have a good meal, and to find what he seeks, and move on. But in this port town of exotic cargo and exotic relations it would no doubt prove to be a place where one could find anything they seek!

Sounds of the water crashing against the beach shores can be heard in the distance, the sound of sea birds over head as the wind gently blows a large ship to port. But as the ship makes port, the guards move to take the tow for the ships stay to find the vessel empty without a soul. Immediately guards where sounded to the ship as they began to search it thoroughly now, but all they could find was the cargo of the ship, which was strangely that of what seemed to be dung of some kind, as it filled the ship with its foul stench!

As they searched though a figure would come on shore a distance from them wearing nothing but a satchel, another dragon born of black coloring with blood red tiger like stripes breasts softly bouncing as shi walked, though sack bouncing lightly as well with each stride of hir thighs as this herm creature moved to fasten a dark blue bandana over its ears and horns, perfect holes pre torn let them all slip through it, as shi fastened it smugly over hir head. Though this creature was dripping wet, fur matted down against its hide as it moved from the waters stealthily making its way into the city, as the guards were all rather distracted by what was happening to the port town. The strange dragon born creature quickly took one of the cloaks from an unsuspecting guardsmen, not bothering to spend much time with this one, it drug him off into the shadows and did away with him hastily, as the creature came back into view shi was now covered in the man's cloak.

Slipping into the town from the port quickly shi didn't even take notice to the white scaled dragon born that was gazing at hir from a distance with his broken goggles. He was awe struck by what he saw, but then as his gaze moved to the ship his fists gripped a bit tightly now assuming that this creature was the reasoning behind whatever happened aboard that ship! But his mind worked over the many angles to this story, another device looking almost like a large ramp horn strapped from his pack, allowed this rather genius creature the ability to hear the words from the guards at a distance without actually getting near them. Most of his kind rather took to mystics and the like, but for him he was far more fascinated in the arts of mechanics and how to bring life to these rather interesting machines that he made from his small hoards.

Taking in all the information, he just watched the dragon born closely as shi moved out of distance into the housing districts of the city. Against his own common sense and thoughts of preservation, he gave pursuit to this strange and yet beautiful creature, just intent on speaking to hir and perhaps questioning hir about what shi was doing coming from the water. Creeping up slowly next to the corner of a house that was on the curb of the corner road that shi took, his back pressed tightly against the stone as he could feel his heart begin to race just a little as thoughts of hir being a true killer came across his mind! Pulling a small metal stick from within his cloak now, a small circular metal device was at the end of it as his clawed digits delicately pulled it to stretch its length out, moving the circular end around the corner to reveal a small mirror in the middle of it to aid him in looking around the corner without being seen. Blinking a bit as he saw hir again, the fellow cloaked figure was walking towards the houses but then the figure stopped and turned causing him to gasp softly and pull his device back!

Taking a soft breath the dragon born peered his device once more around the corner to only blink blankly now, almost bewildered as the cloak was now in a pile on the ground, but the creature he was after was now completely gone. The inhabitants none the wiser it seemed, as they continued to walk and to commerce with others as if nothing at all had happened here, he can barely believe his eye's at this, but his worse thoughts were beginning to come true. This dragon born was one of the mystical arts and no doubt shi was indeed behind all the people on the ship disappearing, with a gentle wipe of the back of his hand against his head, he just sighed softly in quiet contemplation of all that was happening. But then his thoughts were abruptly halted with a gasp that was his own, as a hand suddenly gripped his shoulder and spun him around, another hand moving under the collar of his vest inside his cloak to lift and pin him against the wall of the house now. His hands moved to grip the wrist of the hand that was prisoning him against the wall! (Editors Paw Print)

His eye's widened at the creature he saw before him wearing the shiny almost glowing silver and gold armor of the cities guard, was this creature their captain? Its body was that of a giant man, its head though wore no helm but had the head of a black leopard and the tail swaying down at his side to prove his own theory more so was a strong looking feline tail. The dragon born' eyes looked up to meet the cold dark green eyes of the felines now as its lips curls into a snarl causing him to wince a bit, why was the guard after him though? Was he suspected of being involved in all of this madness? He just snarled in protest of this treatment now as he spoke up first seeing as the one before him wasn't about to do so!

"why..." Is all the dragon born could get out before he felt the panthers fist suddenly come plowing into his stomach, causing him to abruptly gag and cough out!

"Shut the hell up, dirty dragon born we know you are involved in all of this! If I had my way I would quickly skin you alive and use your hide as new armor and boots for my personal wardrobe!" The creature snarled out in hatred, his threatening tone causing the dragon man to hush up and just listen to the others words now.

"...But instead I am told to bring you to my master, the lord of Sjorne. Will you submit and come freely of your own will? Or do I have to carry your limp and battered body to him myself?!" Again the feline showed hatred, almost bitterness towards him perhaps he had some hidden past with dragon kin but for now that wasn't his concern, after all the feline hit like ten men and seeing as this one Harbored so much hate towards him, it would make little sense to talk words to him.

With a soft nod the black beast released the dragon born man from its grip causing him to fall to his rear, coughing and trying to catch what breath he had lost! Glaring down at him the creature only grinned toothily now as he turned from him showing his back in pure disrespect as he spoke in a rather mocking tone to the one before him.

"For dragon kin you are rather pathetic, I've fought humans with more fight in them then yourself... hahaha!" Spoke the man beast in front of him, who was obviously amused by his own arrogance to notice that the dragon born was already up and just spoke rather calmly in reply.

"For a house cat ye are rather talkative, shouldn't ye be licking yourself in the corner like a good pussy?" He chimed in with a grin of his own, now causing the feline to growl and cease his boasting, he didn't retaliate that as he began to move forward and thus the dragon born man followed after tugging on his pack and cloak a bit as they began their travels towards what seemed to be the small castle in the center of the city.

It was the first time he'd ever been invited to such a grand castle without some form of imprisonment around him. The castles walls were made from solid stone in the side of a grand scaled mountain; it was as if they tore down the mountainside to build their great city. As he walked over the draw bridge he couldn't help but eye the many holes in the walls, guessing in each one there was a cannon to help guard the port, no doubt this city had power all on its own! Then a growl from his unlikely companion in this short journey, forced his mind back on track to the situation at present as they seemed to make their way towards the courtyard of the beautiful castle.

In the middle of the courtyard sprouted out a magnificent looking oak tree, within its branches were small beautiful birds, of many different colors of the rainbow. Around the tree, he saw pathways that went around the interesting wooden creation of god; small statues laid at its base, each one of a different race of creature known to carry tongues to converse intelligently to others. He just gazed over these small statues almost lost in their stories as each one named off its honored race, this city did indeed seem to boast its being united in treating all the races equal, after all it did make sense for a port town to do such he though, it was better for business.

Once more, he felt the firm grip of the man cat's hand over his shoulder but this time it pushed him to move on, as his thoughts returned to this creature with great malice! He was being treated as if he himself had done all these strange crimes, but in fact he was merely trying to help solve these mysteries and in doing so help them! As he made his way to the keeps entrance, the dragon born just gazed in disbelief at what he saw gazing down at him from the great stone steps leading to the large wooden doors of the keep. A human man of darkened skin tone stared at him from his perch upon a throne of stone; he was clothed in just silken linens with a silver and gold trimmed crown on his head that moved around his head and coiled on his forehead with two great serpent heads facing each other. The look on his face was that of scorn, but that didn't bother the dragon born mechanic as he looked to the two slaved that stood at each side of him, an image he had long fought hard to avoid seeing, as they were both dragon born females like he, though these two wore the faces of those with no dreams of their own.

They stood with shackles at their feet holding two great umbrella's over the human man's head now, no doubt to keep the strong sun from burning his skin. Slavery wasn't exactly forbidden, but at the same time to see your own kind treated as such always will boil the blood and cause one to hate for just the reason of seeing someone dishonor their kind. Gripping his hands into fists now he could feel his claws digging into scales of his palms as he just gritted his teeth and took everything this man said with a grain of salt, he couldn't afford to cause a scene for he feared not even his clever inventions could help him out of this one as the lord of this port city spoke out to him and interrupted his thoughts.

"I've heard from my people you've been wandering around my fair city, do you enjoy what you see here in Sjorne?" The man spoke with a soft chuckle, a crooked smile played over his lips, as if he too was just mocking the dragon born man before him.

"Ye have some beautiful culture here, though thee doesn't have anything to fear in me... I'm just a humble merchant looking for trade in ye ports" The dragon born spoke with a smug smile on his muzzle as he slowly removed his hood from his face, revealing his head to them as his white scales shine off the sun light, red hair falling down against his shoulder now as the black spikes poke out into the day light as his soft blue eye's look to the human with a rather false bravado as he was trying to look less opposing to keep from having them feel he was a threat here.

But as the felines grip tightened and sent him with some force to his knee with a wince, he heard the human shift in his seat. Causing the dragon born' head to lift to look back to him once again, the man's expression had changed dramatically now to a more angered one, or was it something more than that... perhaps fear?

"Who are you creature? And why do you come to my city with these strange devices? Are you some kind of demon?" The man spoke sternly, but didn't overdo it as if he was just questioning the dragon born man before him.

"Ye can call me Izixs of peace, or just Izixs if that's what m'lord wishes" He spoke in a calm, smooth tone to try and ease the tension between the small group that was gathered. "As I said m'lord I came here intending to trade, but as I found myself in the gates I found something rather curious happening in the port... "As he spoke the others looked to themselves and back to Izixs with a bit of interest and mistrust towards him.

"...curious things you say? What kind of curious things did you see stranger?" Asked the lord of the keep, as he sat up now placing his elbows on hir knee's and bringing his hands together as he rest his chin on them becoming a bit carried away in thought.

"yes, curious things... such as your ship arriving in port without its crew, I saw a woman leaving the ocean just as the soldiers were moving aboard with the tools and devices I have I was able to hear their words. But the woman in question escaped me, and that's when your pet here caught me..." He spoke in a rash tone as the panther once again snarled at him, raising its fist up to crush the small lizard that was below him now as the human shouted out!

"Felor, you will stop this foolishness immediately!" The lord shouted in anger towards the panther guardsman now, before leaning back and regaining a cool head as the panther back away from Izixs allowing him to finally be able to breathe without the big monster lurking over his head. "Felor you will accompany our guest here, I fear that this woman could be up to no good in my city and I want you two to stop her.. is that understood?" The man glared at the beast man now as he just growled and gave a low bow to his lord. Though Izixs stood up now, speaking up after the lords command was given to tell him another fatal conviction that he found out about this other dragon born.

"Your majesty, this woman is no human... she is dragon born like me, but I fear she is very powerful in the arts of stealth and mystics, as such she may be going after something of magical value within the city.. That or just something of great wealth no doubt your city's gem could be at risk as we speak..." Izixs spoke with a cool head, almost as if he was a professional at this sort of thing, which made the lord a bit more cautious about this one but at the same time he had nothing else to go on but this dragon born' words as he nodded to looked to the panther.

"Felor, inform the guard to double their efforts in the emporium and warn them a mystic may be coming tonight... you two have to catch this woman before she's able to get what she desires for I fear it could lead to more deaths, and perhaps even the loss of the city's greatest treasure!" With a pound of his fist on his chair arm as his voice boomed across the court yard now causing the panther man's ears to pulls back and nod his head as he did just as told, rushing to the guard station just outside the gates to tell them the news!

But it would do little to no good, as the guards would move to fortify their positions around the emporium they would find their comrade naught but rather piles of their armor were they stood in guard posts. The eerie sight was replaced by the feeling of dread as the woman creature stood at the top of the small chamber with the gem in tow but what scared the guards more than anything was what they saw in hir paw as it slowly raised above hir head now! It was a man, a human and one of their guards but only about five inches tall kicking and screaming meekly, it sounded like that of a dying mouse as they just gritted their teeth and felt their hearts racing! Then shi did the unthinkable. Hir mouth opened up wide and suddenly shi placed his whole body onto hir tongue and then jerked hir head and by the sight of the lump running down hir throat that shi swallowed him alive! It was only then that they realized the woman was completely nude before them and just grinned a bit at the guards that now blocked the only entrance.

"Good day sir's, I take it someone told you I was coming eh?" Shi speaks softly; almost frighteningly calm for someone who just got caught murdering and stealing the city's most precious item that held the will of the very city.

Bringing a hand slowly to hir chin to rub over it, shi gracefully placed the gem in the brown satchel at hir side now to think for a moment while the four or so guardsman just stood there terrified before hir as shi thought back and blinked in hir own astonishment. That other dragon born, the cloaked man that was following hir! It made hir almost snarl out loud as shi knew it had to be that one as hir soft ocean blue eye's turned to the crowd now, the other hand still in hir side bag as it searched over the contents counting something as shi gave only a slight wince... only one left shi thought to hirself, but they would never know that would they? It was worth a try, after all these men before hir were near the point of losing their bodily fluids just at the sight of hir now.

"So my lads, defenders of the great port city Sjorne who taste so well and squirm so wonderfully as they slip down my throat... I ask you, who of you shall feed the great Xinnova next hrmm?" Shi gave an almost evil grin now, as hir dark violet tongue played over hir char coal lips as shi took a step towards them and they as shi expected took a step back now!

"Please don't eat me!" Came a voice from among them that made hir heart pound with the thoughts of a good hunt later as shi grinned even more darkly then before.

"Mmm you don't wish to feed me? Then how about your whole squad leave, tell your sexy captain that I got away and I shall not kill you all... how's that my little morsels?" Shi moved closer to them as they were already almost outside of the chamber and only turned and ran off causing hir to just roll hir eye's a bit, shi hoped their captain was more of a man then these guys.

With the guards gone it was just a cake walk to get out and move from the emporium they had set up here, it was such a lovely place as shi looked back at it and gave it a respectful glance to appreciate the silver and gold statues that littered the center of the great market place. Sadly it was too bad that they held such a great gem in such an open place, but as shi gave a soft shrug that was always the folly of mankind to boast their greatest treasure's and think themselves untouchable. As shi moved outside however a dark figure moved from the shadows, shi halted, but did not show any sign of fear, but rather surprised that he got there so quickly in response. Shi knew shi should have ran when shi had the chance, the great armor and the dark black fur of this great beast only made hir grin more, after all the captain of the guard was indeed such a handsome man shi had heard, it was good to see these rumors for hirself as he approached hir. The last item in hir pouch was for him after all, shi had to have him as he was a rare breed of his race and shi knew he would no doubt taste like a fine wine!

As the soldiers came barging into the guard post doors the captain and Izixs were both hard at work coming up with a plan to capture the woman in question!

"Captain, the guard at the emporium posts have all been killed! Eaten by that creature of a woman you spoke of!" One of the guards yelled through already panted breath trying to keep his heart from jumping through his throat!

"Izixs, you finish your device to track this creature and if I don't return I expect you to find this one and do her in or capture her. Whatever it takes you have to get that gem back or this city is lost!" The captain snarled as he took his broad sword from the wall and moved quickly out the door racing to the emporium as the white dragon born man just blinked a bit in surprise at how fast this was all happening!

Shi was good that's something he had to admit, no one had ever been so reckless like this but then his mind worked a bit on the topic. Shi must have been working on this for a long time; perhaps even on the boat itself shi must have tortured the men to learn all the secrets of the city and were the gem was located. One step ahead of him, as his clawed digits continued to work at what seemed to be a blacksmiths bench on another device. Having broken his goggles upon entering the city he decided to modify them with a bit of magical crystal he picked up from the marketplace earlier, allowing them to read the energy given off by those of his kind that imbued magical energy to cast spells. It would no doubt have its own distinct coloring and allow him to track hir down to put an end to all this mess!

With a humming and sounds of gears the device came to life now causing the dragon born to give a soft cheer to himself now, as he suddenly shivered as a loud roar was heard all over the city! Leaving his cloak and pack behind in the slight panic, he quickly took the goggles, without even testing them. He and what guards were left, rushed out into the city streets, night had swept over the city now, making it so much harder to see everything that was going on! But as they neared the emporium what they saw caused them all to feel the same old feeling of dread come upon them, the seven foot broad captain was reduced now to nothing but a pile of cloth and his own armor at the entrance of the great chamber, this made the men almost weep out loud as their leader was now gone perhaps even eaten by that horrible creature!

The white dragon born just stood there, in silent gaze as he took in that the captain was gone but then his goggles raised as he placed them back on his head now. He couldn't help but smirk a bit, as the captain's sacrifice wouldn't be in vein as the goggle's picked up a feint glowing of purple haze all over the scene and the energies seemed to race off into the direction of the housing district now as he looked back to the guards and snarled out like the captain had done to them before!

"Are ye men or are ye mice? I can track this creature if you're willing to lend me your strength to catch hir! What say ye?" He spoke sternly to them, almost commandingly as he was trying to help them gain courage, possibly to avenge their fallen leader.

But he just looked upon the broken men as they spoke not a word, and only turned their backs on him, one by one, mentioning foul language under their breaths and his name as he just growled under his own breath now, what cowards these men were! But then he turned back to the trail, as it was growing faint and knew he had to do something as he raced to follow it into the streets and towards the housing area of the fair city. As he made his way to a small mansion of a house he just gulped hard, noticing just how strong the magical essence was within this home; it must have been the creatures lair he was sure of it! And once more against all reasoning, and all his senses telling him no he moved onto the sidewalk made of stone and moved towards the ajar door as he slowly and stealthily slipped into the home only to slip into hir own darkest of nightmares!

All around the room he entered were piles of clothes and possessions, perhaps they were hir trophies from all the ones in the city shi had taken for hir own dark purposes? The same old chill moved up his spine now as he walked through the possessions and into the interior of the house in another chamber that must have been the study, a fire was in the fireplace, but the flames were of a dark violet coloring, and a large chair was pulled up close to the fire and had its back to the doorway he walked in from. The energy was so strong in this room, and from the chair it was pure as he slowly pulled the goggles off of him before he heard it causing him to freeze up some, moving a hand to grasp a nearby candle holder tightly and raise it to defend himself.

"Why is it the only person in this damned city to take notice of me was one who forsakes his own blood lines, who doesn't even realize his own inner strengths but instead uses logic and his devices to do the work for him... You truly are a pathetic creature" Came that voice, it just caused his heart to race so fast now, as he knew better than most what blood kin of the dragon could indeed do which almost made him want to run immediately but for some strange reason, his whole body just stayed still ready to defend itself now as the door behind him suddenly slammed shut!!

Jumping a bit now he lost his grip on the holder and it thudded to the ground only to roll out just under hir pawed feet as a soft giggle was heard then, one of those vile laughs you never wish to ever hear as he began to step back a bit as creaking sounds came from the chair as the creature before him, still rather nude stood up and face him with a soft grin over hir lips holding a large jar in one of hir paws, taking a quick look at the jar his eye's widened in pure terror now as he saw the captain, the once great panther creature was inside of the jar pounding against the glass, as if he was nothing more than a cooking ingredient now as his soft blue eye's lifted to meet hir own as the grin turned to a warm smile now.

"Forgive me my dear kin, I fear I don't follow in your same fashion sense... do you always dress as man does?" Shi asks in a soft, semi-sweet tone now as a paw moves to rub over the jaw in hir clutches. "Also, don't fret over this one he is already lost to this city and is now mine... you should after all worry more about yourself then some silly pussy cat" Shi gave him a sly wink now as if shi knew his thoughts on the kitty before even speaking a word. Then his pupils clearly widened out as he almost panicked outright before hir, he could sense it then shi was not just powerful in the arts of magic but also strong in the psychic training as shi was cleared reading his thoughts now!!

"I..I wear such things, to help blend in better... I cast my magic's aside for the sake of learning the art of mechanical engineering! After all people don't fear me, and I make honest money!" He spoke boldly, as he also screamed at hir mentally trying to block hir from his mind now as he stood his ground, causing hir to only gaze over his form, was shi sizing him up?!

"I see, so you think me a beast... a murderer, and a thief that is a shame indeed... even with your man made clothing, you are a rather handsome dragon born yourself. It's a pity you've decided to pit yourself against me, now I'm afraid I have to do something to keep you from getting me caught don't i?" Shi speaks softly, so sweetly to him now as shi lays the jar down in the chair and slowly begins to walk over to him, what was this feeling overcoming him now as he starred over hir body. Shi was so beautiful, and at the same time so deadly; it was clear that he wasn't getting out of here unless he did something, but what exactly could he do?!

But then he felt it, his mind racing to come up with a solution, as shi places a clawed digit so gently upon his lips now, giving him an almost intoxicatingly soft "shhh" now. He felt the same cold chill creeping over his whole body, while shi was right in front of him! Closing his eye's tightly, he fought so hard to keep from losing himself to fear and panic as he was working through his mind, some way of trying to break free of hir mental and magic hold that he could sense was beginning to so easily drift over him and consume his senses. He then felt it as his eye's opened wide in response! Hir lips presses so tenderly now into his own, holding such a delicate and almost loving kiss, that he had only hoped one day to share with another of his kind as his resolve and his walls against hir all began to crumble. He could so easily tell shi was attacking the darker thoughts in his mind and using the loneliness of his past, being a cast out from his clan and a majority of his kin against him. But then his whole world seemed to change, as he took in the kiss, allowing hir tongue to press through and play on his own as the fire died off and grew dark only to lighten up again to a bedroom as shi now pressed hir body onto his own, causing him to fall back into the silken red sheets as he was stricken with nudeness himself now before hir!

His eye's closing, allowing hir to enter his mind fully now and giving in to hir passions as shi took from him every memory and every thought, knowing enough of this man under hir that he would indeed seek hir own and chase hir down. As shi learned this he would feel the kiss press into his lips firmer, tongue now coiling around his own as he would now whimper out as hir claws racked gently over his scaled sides, causing them to shift greatly under hir touch! Hir tail now moves to coil around his own tightly, he was lost in hir world now, in hir passionate lusts for what shi wanted, and if he had thought about it as the tail rubbed over his own, that all his spikes were now but a faded memory as shi began to move hir body like a female in heat, over hir groin allowing him to feel now hir sack and sheath that was already so plump, but hir warm, and already wet, fleshy lips of hir vagina, as it craved to feel that slight stub of a cock building itself in length, as it rubbed so teasingly over his members head as it did indeed peek so greatly!

Giving off a soft moan into hir lips as shi clearly took charge in this, shi was dominating his body, mind, and perhaps even his soul. The fact that he wasn't fighting at all to repel this invasion was because as shi would know; he longed to be with someone. Thus as his member grew out, and hardened with each passing of hir slit over its length shi knew that shi wasn't able to kill this one. He was cute, and the fact that he came to face hir even with his handicap proved that he was such a brave and strong willed male and shi couldn't just take that away from the dragon kin. As the kiss deepened shi slowly began to straddle up against his lap now, his hands moving now to cup hir large breasts in each hand as he teased and played upon hir nipples as if he was a true master of this art, causing the herm to let out a soft moan of hir own now, as hir head lifted to leave the kiss now!

Hir own length revealing itself to him now, as shi slowly stilled and took his large hard cock, it felt like the stone walls of the city; such a hard muscle would no doubt make hir cry out his name, as shi slowly rose up above him angling his cock and with a loud moan shi slid down onto that great pole of his. It spread hir lips and then began to stretch hir out as shi slowly forced hirself down onto his length, taking him all the way down to his slit before slowly rising again to get used to his size for a moment. Shi began to lower hirself back down moaning out a bit more as shi closes hir eye's and grabs one of his hands that's cupping hir breast and squeezing it firmly as he can feel hir whole body tremble in lust now, causing him to grin a bit now, being lost in the pits of hell itself and yet he could perhaps tame this beast of a woman! Growling up at hir now he took hir wrists in hir hands now and gripped hard, causing hir to gasp as shi was bucked hard to the side, and forced to fall over as he was now on top of hir, pinning hir wrists down into the sheets above hir head. Shi snarled back up at him as his lips now pressed into hir own once again causing hir to once again tremble by this action!

This man, this great white beast before hir bore down and into hir like an alpha pack leader claiming its bitch in heat, hirself let out a muffled cry into his lips, as the kiss sealed hir moaning and pleasure behind a passion filled embrace! At first shi had thought hirself in complete control, but this once thought of weakly of a dragon born changed all that and was now thrusting so aggressively into hir rather tight fem sex, reaching depths that hadn't been touched in so long; past hir clit and more so into the depths of hir womb as he was focused on trying to tame this creature, lust was only half of what was driving him now! As he panted over his neck now, teeth moving to claim hir neck. An arm moved so skillfully to take one of hir legs now, and bend it upward by the knee, allowing him to drive into hir in a more powerful position as shi shuts hir eye's tightly. Through an arched back shi lets out a cry of sexual passion that was so primal, a roar escaping hir now as shi felt hir own body so easily betraying hir to his demands as shi reaches a point of climax!!

It wasn't right. What he was doing to hir, as his teeth sunk into hir soft fur covered flesh, now growling down at hir as he let hir know hir place in such a primitive and primal fashion. He held back his own climax from hir and kept driving into hir! Growling in respite of his driving into hir, shi began to squirm a bit but he held fast, panting heavily over hir neck as shi tried to figure him out but each time shi did so, he thrusted into hir to the hilt causing hir to cry out in another low roar over and over again. Hir tail gripping his own so tightly as he worked so hard to allow hir to understand that shi needed him and that he wasn't just food for hir appetite! Moving his lips down to hir breasts now, shi could feel his lips plucking at one of hir nipples now, teeth gently grazing over it. Shi cried out in moan filled lust, as shi was being driven to yet another climax and could feel hirself tiring! Oh he was a clever one indeed, using this to perhaps try to tire hir enough so he could claim hir not as his brood mother, but rather as his captive to get back the gem. Shi worked past hir lusts as he would go back to hir neck that's when shi struck!

Everything seemed so perfect for him, he was laying claim to this strong and powerful female of great beauty and shi was allowing him to take him under his wing and become his. But then, it all seemed to switch as quickly. Once again his lips had moved to lay into hir neck one more time; shi moved in swift motion to slip under his head and he could feel hir teeth claiming his neck now! Hir legs moving to upset his balance on top of hir as shi pushed him to the side and with a light cry of surprise they were both sent to the floor beside of the bed, hir landing on top of him! His wrists, now being the ones pinned to the floor with shackles, just seemed to appear as shi had that vicious look in hir eye's again. Hir teeth pierced his scaled hide and he could feel hir fem sex' lips clamp like a vice around his might cock as shi began to ride him once more. With great vigor now, shi claimed him in a loud combination of their roars as shi reached such a high climax. His climax blending with hir's as shi sealed his cock fully in hir fleshy embrace now, ensuring he filled hir womb like the strong buck male he was!

Arching his back to better fill hir, he now laid panting with eyes closed, almost on the verge of passing out, as shi just panted from above him. Shi was so close to dozing off on top of him. Shi just grinned and rubbed a paw slowly over his strong bare chest now, taking a final view of his powerful form before the room began to change once more. Using hir powers, shi decided a final fitting end to such a powerful lover, and as his eye's would slowly open, to the feel of something warm and strangely moist he went terrifying wide eyed at what he saw before him! Sinking knee deep, and getting deeper, he was now hanging upside down, tied to a large metal post almost as if he was tied by nothing but air, but that wasn't what was freaking him out the most. It was the grand scaled creature that now loomed over him. A massive dragoness that appeared to resemble the one he bedded with, the one who he was chasing after to try and save. He cried out in surprise as he found out that he could no longer make noise with his mouth; only whine and grunt like a wild dragon born would. Shi was lowering hirself over the pole and him. The pole was entering hir giant vagina now as the wetness slowly began to slid down his form. Shi was slowly pressing down on the massive dildo and forcing him into hir once tight cunt!

Shi gave a soft rather deep moan now, as the great drafess slowly lowered hirself more and more down over the large metal pole. It was sliding so easily into hir, and with it, so did the dragon born shi mated with just recently! Oh, how he squirmed to resist what was happening to him, while shi slipped over his waist and over his stomach. Shi could still feel his great limp length still outside of his slit, as shi grinned down at him giving him a soft wink, but not speaking to him directly at all now. The lips seemed to grip around him and pull as he felt himself being dragged so helplessly into the depths of hir cunny. Then shi moved down onto the pole again to take in more of what he was up to his very chest as it gripped around him so tightly and pulled him free of the great pole!

Crying out now, he weakly faught against hir fem sex, the wet strong lips keeping him sealed inside as his arms and body were sealed inside. Only his head and shoulders still visible as shi moved to place the pole tip against his head, and in one slow firm movement shi began to go down on the pole once more. It pressed his squirming and screaming form deeper into the sex lips, into the depths of the dark, wet walls leading to hir womb, that was still filled with his seed! His cries were silenced, as the wetness from hir walls engulfed his entire form now, and forced him slowly into the confines of hir womb. Shi went down onto the pole till shi felt the stone floor against hir sensitive flesh, keeping hirself on the pole shi prevented him from escaping as hir womb claimed him as its own; and once his movements ceased, shi slowly slipped off of the amazing pole and slowly regained hir old, anthromorphic form as shi once was before. This time now with a rather plump looking belly, as if shi hirself was now pregnant just rubbing over it. Shi could still feel his feeble kicks and no doubt punching against hir wombs walls. Like that of a baby kicking, which made hir only grin.

"Shhh little one, and let my womb claim you as its own... your seed and mine will combine and you shall become my child. A fitting end for such a brave and strong willed dragon born..." Shi spoke with a warm smile as shi rubbed over hir belly, eye's looking up to glance at the jar on the chair of the traumatized captain. He had witnessed everything that happened and was now on his knee's crying and begging for a quick end as shi grinned licking over hir lips nice and slowly. "Oh yes, now just one more lose end to deal with..."

Making hir way over to the jar now, shi cant help but murr out as he was begging up at hir. Shi took the jar in a paw, and began to undo and remove its lid only to hear him fully now, giving hir promises of not telling anyone and not giving chase after hir, if shi would only let him go. Shi grinned more, licking over hir lips as shi held the jar level with hir snout, to peer inside of it at him as shi watched him crawl to the back of the jar in fear, as shi only gave him this to think on.

"When you catch a mouse, I'm sure that you listen to its plea's... and you are MY little mouse tonight," shi spoke rather coldly, sealing his fate and just before he could say anything else shi opened hir maw widely and tilted the jar back as hir tongue rolled out like a massive dark violet carpet for him. He landed on it and slid down it, not able to stop his decent into the abyss of hir maw and the darkness of hir throat. Shi gives a hard swallow sealing him as a lump in hir throat. It slowly moved to disappear into hir chest, just between hir breasts to seal him in his fate. Another acclaimed being, just food the for great creature that was known as the Demon of the earth spirit!

With every end tied down, and witnesses all removed, it was rather easy for the Drafess to slip into the shadows that night. To leave the city for good, and with it, a new born child shi now called hir own; along with a rather full belly of the citizens that had the misfortune of finding hir that night, and last, but not least, the gem of the city, which was hir original prize. Another grand trinket to add to hir mighty growing hoard!

Of Paw and Cargon

Wing beats were impeded through rough storms; a flutter of life barely noticed by the beatings of the storm that rose so swiftly on the coast lines. Lightning striking across the skies, lighting the path for those trapped in the middle of this horrible...

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A tail of Kinne

Sun beams sift through the forest setting, like heaven washing down its bounty onto the surroundings of green and brown mesh. The forest was a beautiful place. Its many varieties of tree's and foliage that littered the grounds of dirt and grass, was...

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