Mistress Cyn part:1 The translator.

Story by Danvers on SoFurry

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Disclaimer. this story is an adult work of fiction. So if you're not your younger than 18 or 21 or of legal age in your region don't read it. The COA are not meant to represent any RL religion. I am not responsible for any offense anyone takes at their behaviour

Pokémon and all recognised characters, places and creatures belong to Nintendo, the author is in no part associated with the creators or sponsors. No copyright infringement is intended.

This story is mine. It contains straight sex involving a dominant female human and a subby male Garchomp if you don't like it don't read it.


Part 2: The intruders http://www.sofurry.com/page/293845/user

Part 3: The reward


Welcome to the Pokémon league Headquarters. To any trainer tired from the ravages of victory road, the sight of its towers glimpsed through the mists that pervade about the waterfall. It looks like some magical building out of a fairy tale. Where inside brave knights armour up to rescue damsels from dragons. Upon reaching the top the view is still impressive. Hewn from white marble and red sandstone the building appears to be a combination of cathedral and castle. It looms over them as imposing and intimidating as the challenged that lies within.

The Pokémon league home to four of the strongest trainers in the region, the elite four and the strongest, the champion, each with their own palatial rooms and training centres for them and their Pokémon to use. All of these people in one place has graced the building with its own aurora of power.

However these images of perfection are a gloss, a coat of paint, a cloak covering the dead body in the corner. The truth is that in contrary to its image of perfection, unity and strength, the league is a place of corruption a den of sin and decadence. Beneath the suits and gyms the oldest bits of the league lie. Great tunnels riddle the ground below the league, know only to a certain few and home to the greatest perversion. Poképhilia

In the name of Arceus we must burn this forsaken place to the ground to cleanse the sin from its walls.

This literature was found in the hideout of one of the militant wings of the children of arceus after an anti terror raid.


For a Saturday Veilstone's department store was surprisingly empty. Normally the shop floor would be filled with the hustle and bustle of thousands of shoppers now it was empty apart from one or two people going about their regular business.

Amongst the patrons that strolled the empty corridors one was special. Her name was Cynthia. The Pokémon league champion and widely regarded as the best trainer in the region. Unlike the rest of the shoppers her destination was not one of the many small shops or booths that filled the mall. Instead she was headed for a meeting in the stores sub basement.


"This is it?" Cynthia gesture to the small round device contained in a Petri dish that the scientist in front of her was holding. "The Pokémon translator is a thin piece of goo in a Petri dish?"

The scientist whose name was Lisa looked exasperated at Cynthia's comments. "Ms Cynthia what did you honestly expect, a large bleeping handheld device or maybe a genetically modified miniature Psyduck that would go inside your ear." She sighed and proffered the dish to Cynthia " Look" she said trying not to let the champions criticism of her work annoy her. "this device is the pinnacle of modern technology, currently only five exist and we have been told for you to have this one, it is a great honour which we are bestowing upon you champion"

Cynthia paused, maybe she had been a little harsh on the scientist. After all why she may be the superior in battling she was clearly the inferior when it came to science. "My apologies Lisa" Cynthia said with a bow that also gave the scientist a pleasant view down her loose top. "I am of course honoured to receive this gift but if I may be so bold might I ask as to who else has this device."

Lisa smiled beguilingly "Certainly. Only because we believe that it will be good to discuss how the device works for you with the other people." There was a pause whilst Lisa studied her poketech "Ok we have. Professor Rowan, yourself the heads of Devon and Silph and I have the spare for use whenever Devon or Silph decides to start making them."

Cynthia accepted the proffered dish. "What am I meant to do with this" she said gesturing at the goop with her free hand. "Eat it? Put it in my ear?"

"No no" fussed Lisa. " The whole ear thing was a different version which didn't work out." She shuddered as she unintentionally recalled the accident." You just take it out and attach it to your skin, just behind the ear. You may feel slight chill followed by something slimy."

Lisa's words phased he champion but she didn't let it show, maintaining the mask of invincibility that she wore out in public at all times. "Sure". The dish's lid came off easily enough and then fell to the floor with a clatter of hardened plastic. With two fingers Cynthia gently picked up the piece of "Goo". Lisa had been right it felt slimy yet it was perfectly solid. Her spare hand brushed back her waves of blond hair allowing Cynthia to access the back of her ear. With great care she placed the translator behind her ear, where it stuck upon contact.

"Blegh" Cynthia spat out. Within seconds of the goo touching her skin the slimy feeling of contact had rapidly intensified. Then as soon as the feeling had gone it vanished leaving only a slight chill and then nothing.

Lisa watched in satisfaction as the brown goo stuck to the champions skin for a brief second before vanishing. Good, she thought, there'd be no rejection. "Champion" Lisa said in what she hoped was a reassuring tone. "There's no need to panic, the translator is designed to seek out you audial nerves and attach to them. The goo is basically a biological supercomputer that is rewriting your auditory pathways so they'll be able to comprehend Pokémon as well as human speech." Lisa sighed seeing the slightly puzzled look on the champion's face." Basically we changed your brain so it can understand poketalk as well as human talk."

A buzzing filled the quiet basement floor. It was Cynthia's poketech alerting her to an incoming text message from the league HQ. The message was short and concise at just five words long "Get back we need you." Which was odd as normally messages from the league were long, convoluted formal affairs.

"Is this it?" Cynthia asked. "As the league want my presence back at HQ."

Lisa nodded. "Sure, there's no sign of rejection and it's been seamlessly absorbed, it'll take about five minutes to kick in but then you'll be able to understand any Pokémon, your brain may take a bit longer to adapt, so the speech may be slightly fuzzy at first, it'll clear up eventually."

There was an awkward silence, then the two women spoke at the same time.

"Erm I'll be off."

"I've got something that needs to be done."

With what little pleasantries they would give exchanged, both women turned and went their separate ways.

Cynthia couldn't get out of the department store fast enough. After her visit to the sub-basement it felt as if there was something wrong with the place. It was as if a seedy aura had descended on the place. Normally she would have stopped and shopped picking up gifts for her team and maybe a little something for herself, now. Not even the display of rage candy bars and other Pokemon treats, could slow her frantic dash towards the shop's exit.

The automatic doors opened with a ping allowing Cynthia out into the fresh air of the bustling city. To Cynthia the blast of fresh city air on her face was like a bucket of water washing away the taint she'd gathered in the department store.

Cynthia prided herself on her fitness, she worked out once a day and performed physical training alongside her Pokémon, yet the dash from the store had left her exhausted and feeling like she'd just run a marathon. Hungover. Drained, Cynthia lent against the nearest wall for support hoping no-on would see her in her moment of weakness.

"Hey Champion, Champion Cynthia are you all right" a cheery, familiar, female voice enquired.

The normally calm, charitable and serene champion was at that moment none of those three. Her day so far hadn't been going well and now some random woman was asking if she was ok. Considering how her luck had been today it was probably a fan girl. Cynthia turned unwilling to grace the person with a reply until she saw who it was.

At first Cynthia though there was no-one there and that she'd began hearing things, then she tracked her gave down. Relief suffused her form as she recognised the person immediately.

It was Maylene the diminutive young, pink haired leader of Veilstone's Pokémon gym. As usual the young leader was wearing her vest training trousers and a collection of plasters. Unlike normal there was a small blob of something white in the young girls hair, Cynthia dismissed it out of hand as sun cream, after all it was after all a sunny day and Maylene was notoriously clumsy.

Cynthia was relived. She'd met Maylene not long after she became Veilstone's gym leader and despite the age gap Cynthia the two were good friends. Maylene was honest, upfront, slightly childish but most important of all she was determined to improve often sparring hand to hand with her own Pokémon to better them and herself. Rumour had it that she could defeat her Machoke in open combat.

"No I'm fine Maylene just a little flustered." She waved her hands around hoping to distract Maylene whilst she though up an excuse. "I just wasn't prepared for the temperature difference between the store and outside." Which at best was a half truth. There was something about Maylene, probably her young innocence that made Cynthia reluctant to lie to the girl "It's like Snowpoint in there"

There was a cant to Maylene's face, a twitch that proclaimed. "I don't believe you". Then as quickly as it appeared it went. "Ok then." she said with a wide grin. "You take care now champion" the young fighter believe firmly in honour and refused to remove the title from Cynthia's name until she believed herself worthy. "Oh and champion, I almost forgot, Luca wishes to spar with Luco at some point could you tell him."

"Sure." Cynthia egarly replied, glad the topic was shifting away from her moment of weakness.

It appeared Cynthia wasn't the only one who was on edge. Maylene was shifting from foot to foot as if she were on hot coals. "Erm excuse me champion." She stuttered "I've got to buy Luca some treats for being a good boy."

"Of course, you take care now." said Cynthia slipping back into her normal pleasant self.

The two women bowed respectively before going their separate ways. Maylene to buy Luca's reward and Cynthia to the landing area where Gar awaited her return.

It wasn't far to the landing zone from the store. As the Starly flies it was but a quarter of a mile but as Veilstone had been carved from rocky cliffs, the route for humans was twice as long, as it wound through the city.

The sun was out, the skies were blue and the weather forecast had predicted that the good weather would last all week. This explained why the city and it's shops were emptier than normal. The inhabitants had probably decided to take advantage of the weather to hit lake valour or hotel grand lake and the nearby beaches.

Cynthia's luck seemed to be turning she'd only run into two people on her walk towards the landing zone, of those only one recognised her and that was just a polite greeting. Evidently her fan club were out of town.

Despite the apparent emptiness of the streets, the air was filled with voices. As if it was a normal day and the streets were thronged with people except they were all invisible.

Is this it, have I finally gone crazy? has the pressure of my station finally gotten to me. Cynthia thought. Maybe I should take some time off, there's my villa in the resort area, just me and my Pokémon, relax by the poo,l get a massage and just absolve myself of responsibility for a week.

There was something else, something at the corner of her mind, a latchkey that would solve all of her problems. Unfortunately for the troubled champion, she had no idea what it was.

"Bugger off that's my nest"

"Trainer, there's a trainer coming run"

"Back off this is my bread."

Hmm. The more Cynthia listened in on what the voice were saying, the more it seemed like she was going crazy. People didn't talk like that, humans didn't even have nests. Finally the thought that had been hiding at the back of her mind came crawling shamefully forward into the light of her mind. Allowing the champion to put two and two together and make four.

The translator must've kicked in. The voices she was hearing, weren't people but the city Pokémon. With that fact established the conversations made more sense to the champion. Starly fighting over a hard built nest, stray shinx arguing over bread stolen from a market store and all of them warning each other about the approach of a trainer, that might capture them.

Cynthia laughed. the explanation was so simple and obvious, yet in a moment of panic she'd forgotten to think properly about the problem.

As she neared the landing area the voices of the city Pokémon slowly quietened before going completely silent. The flight area was on the edge of the city limits out past the fallen meteorites. The lack of cover and the presence of strong trainers meant that the city Pokémon were scared to go out there.

Five more minutes of brisk walking brought Cynthia to the gates of the flight area.

The flight areas had been established two years ago after a spate of unfortunate incidents involving two flying Pokémon or a flying Pokémon and a pedestrian. So in an attempt to prevent further incidents the flight zones were created to be the only place in any city where flying mon could take off and land. The ones in larger cities had as much security as most airports due to the value of the Pokémon landing there.

As champion however Cynthia had special privileges. A quick flash of her trainer card allowed her straight through the queue of trainers and security to the actual area.

The flight zone itself was a large field cleared of trees, Stretching across it were runways of various lengths for Pokémon that needed a run up or run down in their transition from ground to air. There were also various sized squares of tarmac for those Pokémon that could take to the skies from standing still. There were also several large warehouses close to the authority tower. These warehouses were comfortably outfitted for every type, size and shape of Pokémon so they had somewhere to rest while their trainer was in town.

From the outside the warehouses appeared Spartan and utilitarian, this was simply a cost cutting measure so that more could be spent on the interiors. Cynthia knew this as she had personally overseen the project on behalf of the league.

Gar was staying in warehouse one which as its name suggested, was the first to be completed and the first warehouse in the row meaning it was the closest to the tower and therefore the closest to Cynthia.

The warehouse front was completely open to allow for really large Pokémon or lots of traffic for minimum disruption. Cautiously Cynthia poked her head around the entrance, not prepared to take any chances after the last time when Gar had decided to greet her with a surprise. His surprise had consisted of an affectionate hug and face lick. Cynthia had spent the rest of the day trying to get the smell of dragon drool off her face.

The warehouse front was devoid of life human or Pokémon. Cynthia relaxed, Gar was a large Pokémon so there was no way he'd be able to hide amongst the plastic chairs laid out for waiting trainers.

Ahead of Cynthia the jungle loomed. Technically it was a collection of trees, plants and equipment to make the Pokémon feel relaxed and therefore more likely to get the rest they needed.

The change from tiled floor to a grass surface was instant, one second Cynthia was walking on a hard stone floor, the next the heels of her shoes gradually sank into the natural soil of the "Jungle." nothing happened no dragon jumping out of any of the nearby bushes or from high in the trees. Nothing untoward except for a few started Starly that had slipped in.

Despite the best efforts of two Pokémon professors and a garden landscape architecturalist, the "jungle" still appeared man made with a sense of organisation. A well trodden path tracked along the middle providing access to all varieties of the habitat. It felt more like a safari zone than a wild Pokémon "jungle".

The air was filled with the mindless chatter of the Pokémon staying there, in the background the waterfall that fed the aquatic pool gurgled soothingly in the background.

Cynthia relaxed. She and Gar had been friends and partners for most of their lives and they knew each other well. If Gar hadn't done anything by now the land shark would probably be relaxing in the dust bath towards the back of the warehouse.

The message from the league had told her to return immediately so instead of taking her time wandering amongst the vegetation Cynthia took the path as it was the quickest route to Gar.

The journey didn't take Cynthia long, the dirt track went straight to the dust bath at the back. It was the only place that Gar felt at home in because of his dual type nature.

Normally Gar was the only Pokémon in the dust bath whenever Cynthia went to collect him as the other flying types didn't like it preferring the freedom of the treetops over the constricting depression of sand.

That wasn't the case today. As Cynthia approached the pit at a brisk walk she could hear raised voices. Both were clearly male though what they were discussing loudly she couldn't yet make out. Slowing her pace she crept forward curious as to what her Pokémon was talking about so heatedly.

The first Pokémon Cynthia saw was Gar. The land shark had his back to her and had his wing arms crossed in a way that seemed to say "Yeah right" to any observer.

The other inhabitant of the pit was an Unfezant, who's large head ribbons and bright colours proudly declared him as a proud male, even so his large chest proclaimed him to be in some form of dominance struggle.

As Cynthia watched the Unfezant's chest plumes were deflating, whatever was happening he was defiantly losing.

"all right I admit it, everything I've said was all big talk." Cynthia was shocked that the voice belonged to the Unfezant. She'd expected such a magnificent creature to have a big confident, manly voice, the sort that would gain the attention of females of his kind allowing the big bird to perform his courtship displays. Instead the voice she was hearing would have sounded more at home on a timid ten year old asking for her autograph. "I admit I've never done anything more than kiss my trainer and even that was in celebration of a hard victory and nothing else"

Cynthia crept closer hoping to hear more of this conversation to sate her curiosity about the Unfeazant's words. With each cautious step she took, bark cracked and leaves rustled, to the creeping champion each crack of bark sounded like a gunshot each rustle of leaves a tornado. The two mon however noticed none of this as they were too engrossed in their conversation.

"That's taken as red Gar but what's it like for you, I mean as a human surely she's very delicate?"

Curses Cynthia thought, while she'd been worrying about disturbing the two Pokémon she'd missed out on Gar's side of the conversation.

"Sure she's delicate but it's worth it, so soft and pliable beneath you. You don't have to worry humans are made of tough stuff , you just need to stretch them out." Gar's voice sounded identical to how Cynthia imagined it . Strong and caring with a hint of arrogance.

"Really, do tell me more. I am anxious to hear more about your proclivities." Cynthia felt sorry for the Unfezant's trainer. A voice like a ten year old boy and the attitude of a stuffy professor of linguistics.

Gar's mouth opened wide revealing his impressive two layers of sharpened teeth. "Certainly my feather friend" he said his voice arrogance coating his voice like honey. "When would you like to hear about. The first time? The second time? The third time? Need I continue?

The Unfezant look truly defeated. "Ok I get the point you've had your way more than I have." There was a pause while he paused "The first I think"

"As you say my feathered friend. You remember that awful business a few years back with Team Galactic and the red chain, well not longer after that we were back at the league and things spiralled out of control.

From her vantage point Cynthia could clearly see the flying type wasn't satisfied with Gar's answer, for that matter neither was she. The champion's curiosity had been piqued, the league could wait she had to know what the two were talking about even though she already had a pretty good hunch.

"Well we were alone in her chamber and I just went from there. I kissed her and she kissed me, it was so spontaneous but it felt like we'd been rehearsing for weeks. Then we were on the bed and I was eating her out, ohh the taste it was like no berry you've ever tasted, the taste of it floods your mouth staying with you well after you've done. The finale just makes everything that went before look paltry in comparison. The tightness feels so good as your completely enveloped in your partner. The release ohh it's indescribable." Gar winked "You'll just have to experience it for yourself."

The Unfezant shifted from foot to foot uncomfortably. "Cool, I think I hear my trainer calling me" Just like that he was gone, the flying types mighty wings bearing him aloft above the tree line. The only sign that the bird had ever been there were two imprints in the sand and a few fallen green feathers.

Cynthia was shocked. Her hunch had been right.. Her beloved Gar had been having a conversation with a strange Pokémon about having sex with their trainers. On top of that he'd claimed that he had been with her on multiple times. Then again Poképhilia wasn't illegal, Cynthia had actually considered it on several occasions but had always decided against it. Even so the idea of having sex with Gar wasn't unfamiliar.

The big question was. Did Gar have feelings for her to or was it just bluster to impress the rare Pokémon he'd been confronted with?

Whatever the answer Cynthia was still angry with her dragon. In shamelessly bragging of his sexual exploits with her, Gar had made her look like a slut. Cynthia didn't mind being thought of as a Poképhiliac but a slut, she really hated that tag.

Her poketech beeped again. Again the message was clear and concise. "get your ass back here now!" It never rains she thought. Maybe she had been sitting here too long especially when she was needed.

Now to maintain the illusion I never heard any of that "Gar" she yelled "Gar I know you're in that bloody sandpit. I know you love it in there but we're needed back at HQ ."

Ahead of her the land shark poked his head above the surface of the pit so the sand wouldn't muffle his cries

"Cynthia please can't you get there another way, surely Togetic could fly you back?"

"I'm sorry Gar, they need us back now. For that matter you know as well as I do that Togetic is at the breeding centre to help with her heat."

"Fine" he said reluctantly, managing to sound exactly like a teenager being asked to get up at six AM. Gar did a double take. Cynthia may have know him well enough to guess that he was reluctant to leave the sand pit but Togetic, she was far too specific for a random guess which meant.... The penny dropped.

"You can understand me?"Gar knew his words were ineloquent but they were to the point. Besides the dragon shark was curious as to how his friend acquired this new ability.

Cynthia giggled. She knew it was an un-champion like sound but she couldn't help herself. The look of puzzled curiosity upon Gar's face was completely at odds with his normal fierce appearance.

"I'll give you the full version later but for now let's just say I've been given a Pokémon translator." The look on Gar's face showed that the short answer wasn't cutting ice with him. "Look, Gar I promise I'll tell you later but right now they need us back at the league." she said injecting as much urgency as possible into her voice.

Reluctantly Gar climbed out of the pit, as he left streams of sand cascaded off his large frame trailing behind him like ribbons. He sighed "shall we be going then, I assume since this is urgent speed is of the essence."

Having wondered what her partner had been going on about all her life, Cynthia was enjoying her new ability. Sure it came with the baggage of understanding every Pokémon all the time but she was sure that the improvements in their bond and battling would be worth it.

With one elegant movement Cynthia grabbed one of Gar's shoulder spines and leapt using the spine to spin herself around so she landed in her normal seat on Gar's tail just after it left his body. It wasn't the comfiest position as she could feel his rough scales against her legs through her trousers but it was the safest.

Dragon and rider shrunk a couple of centimetres as Gar crouched getting into his "launch" position. The transition from ground to air was so quick Cynthia didn't realise they'd taken off until she saw the treetops beneath her.

It was advised that people don't fly inside the warehouses due to the difficulty in navigating through the various objects within. Gar had no such problems despite being part ground type he also enjoyed flying and was often Cynthia's mount of choice when it came to travelling. With the grace of practise he flew, dodging trees and large bushes ignoring any other Pokémon in his way before a quick dive and climb brought them out into the open air.

It was a fair distance from Veilstone to the Pokémon league, for most Pokémon this trip would have taken them over a day. It had taken Cynthia slightly more than an hour to get to Veilstone now she hoped that an hour wasn't too long for the league to wait. Astride the land sharks tail Cynthia had wrapped her arms around the dragon's scaly chest to prevent herself from falling and watched the sunlight reflecting off the sapphire blue ocean speed by below them.

They flew in silence Gar being too focused on flying at high speeds while Cynthia was lost in thought. Cynthia may not have been saying anything but she was doing an awful lot of thinking. What she'd heard earlier had raised too many questions for the champions comfort.

Through the turmoil several questions rose to forefront of Cynthia's mind. Who'd started that conversation? How did Gar know so much about humans or was he just bluffing? and the most important question of all these. Does Gar really want to do those things to me? and then behind those questions there was a more urgent worry. What was going on back at HQ? What was so urgent that they requested her presence back there twice?

On the horizon a glimmer of white sparkled, home was in sight hopefully when she got there all her questions would be answered.


Thanks go out to Torben for allowing me to bounce ideas off him which I found improved the quality and means you don't get a clichéd walk in on fapping scene.

Thanks for reading.


Mistress Cyn Part 2: The Intruders

Disclaimer. this story is an adult work of fiction. So if you're not your younger than 18 or 21 or of legal age in your region don't read it. The COA are not meant to represent any RL religion. I am not responsible for any offense anyone takes at their...

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Teaser- Mistress Cyn

Originally wrote this as an introduction, it didn't fit so I'm repurposing it as a teaser for my next work. N.B. doesn't contain tags, tags are for the actual work. Part 1:...

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Graduation day - Piano man

First I dislike this story, I came up with the plot ages ago and though it'd make a cool idea. Then after I rushed through drafting on Monday I thought meh. Having typed it up I don't like it The conversation feels forced as do the actions at times....

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