
Story by Takahiro Hamato on SoFurry

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#6 of TMNT Stories

I've decided to post my numerous TMNT stories here! For now I'll only be pos...

I've decided to post my numerous TMNT stories here! For now I'll only be posting one shots!!!! But please, read and comment/fav/vote or whatever! Enjoy everybody!!!

Donnie walked through his lair, his mind racked with the things he had to do today. He had to get rid of the bio hazard liquid he had in that jar, and he had to sort out all of his documents. He sighed and sat down in the floor, his lab coat fanned down on the cold cement floor. He sighed again and rested his head in his hands. Then the thought of Renoir appeared in his head. Donnie had been wanting to get a few tests in on Renoir but never had the chance due to Raphael always being around.

He smiled to himself and rose to his feet, then headed off towards Raphael's lair, which was a bit ways away but the trip was worth it if he could get Renoir to come back with him. Donnie walked through the damp sewers, in quite a hurry to try and get Renoir to come back with him to the lair. He finally reached Raph's lair and opened the door. He scanned the room and seen Renoir laying on the floor, breathing heavily. Donnie looked at the smaller turtle on the floor, his chest rising and falling as he breathed deeply.

"Renoir.....you alright?"

Renoir slowly raised is head and stared at Donnie with tired eyes.

"Hello sir, Master Raphael isn't here if your looking for him, he went out. But he told me to keep working out until he got back, but I just can't anymore. I'm so tired."

Donnie looked down at Renoir and gave a friendly smile.

"Well Renoir, I was wondering if I could speak with you for a moment. I have to ask you something..."

Renoir looked at Donnie funny for a moment, then slowly rose to his feet and breathed deeply.

"Well why would you want to ask me something, why would you want to know something about me? You never stop by anymore, why would you come all the way over here just to ask me a question?"

Donnie smiled widely and put his hand behind his back and secretly pulled out the rag that was soaked in chloroform and held it in his hand behind his back. Renoir looked at him curiously as Donnie slowly walked in front of him, then, in an instant. Donnie had the rag over Renoir's mouth, and his arms held behind his back. Renoir's eyes widened but he felt the chemical make him feel woozy, then he fell against Donnie's body, who caught him and put him over his shoulder. Donnie smiled to himself as he walked back towards his lair to finally do what he had wanted to for so long.

After a few hours he arrived at the lair. He walked into his lab and laid Renoir down onto a test table that was big enough for Renoir to lay on. Donnie turned and opened a drawer, then pulled out a syringe. He smiled widely to himself and turned.

"Finally, I finally get Renoir's blood, no more interruptions, no more distractions. Finally I can get his blood."

Donnie looked at teh syringe and the needle, this was it. He looked down at Renoir to se that the young turtle was looking around frantically. Donnie smiled even wider and laughed.

"Your OK Renoir, just relax."

Renoir's eyes snapped to Donatello, who smiled widely and wagged the syringe.

"Mr. Donatello! What are you doing!"

Donnie sighed and noticed that Renoir was not strapped. He quickly set the syringe down and grabbed Renoir's arm, then strapped it to the table, then his legs, then his other arm, all the while the smaller turtle stared at him in shock, and wondered why he was doing this. Donnie sighed as he inspected his test subject fully. He was secured to the table. Renoir tried to pull at the leather straps but it was no use, they were strapped tight. Donnie snickered and picked up the syringe again, then looked at Renoir's arm. Renoir's eyes widened and he struggled more.

"What are you doing! Why did you bring me here?"

Donnie smiled and placed the needle on Renoir's arm, then pushed the needle past his skin, then began to withdraw blood. Renoir gasped and closed his eyes as he felt his blood leave his body. Donnie finished drawing the blood and pulled out the needle. He put a bandaid over the spot and smiled, then looked at the tube filled with red liquid. Renoir eyed him curiously, shock and fear written on his face.

Donnie looked down at him, then smiled.

"Finally, I have what I need, I've been trying to get your blood for the longest of times, but some distraction always intervened.. But now that I have what I need, I can finally do what I've been trying to do for years!"

Renoir stared in shock as Donnie began to laugh loudly, a scary smile on his face. Renoir swallowed hard and tried to move the bonds again, they wouldn't budge. Renoir looked up at Donnie as he was smiling and growled.

"Your crazy...."

Donnie's laughing stopped in an instant and he stared at the younger turtle for a long moment. A nerve inside of his snapping, causing his anger which he always kept under tight lock and key break open. He barred his teeth, his eyes widened and he quickly got on top of the table and sat on Renoir's stomach, then grabbed his shoulders and got in his face, then screamed in anger.

"What did you say! You think I'm crazy! I'm not crazy! You have no idea what I've been through over the years Renoir! Having to deal with the death of my master and father! Having to try and cope with that lose every day, every night, fighting myself to sleep when my body didn't want me too, when all I wanted to do was take a knife to my wrist and let my blood spill on the floor as I died! That would make me so fucking happy! To be able to be with my father! To be able to see him smiling, laughing! Anything! I would do, or give anything to have him back! And with your blood I can bring him back! I can! I know I can! And your calling me crazy! Your calling me crazy! Maybe your the one that's crazy!"

Donnie had his beak pressed against Renoir's, his voice as loud as it would go. Renoir's eyes were wide in shock as he stared at Donnie. Donnie breathed heavily, his grip on Renoir's shoulders tight, his stare deadly. Renoir gritted his teeth and glared back at the purple banded turtle. Then, an unexplainable emotion passed through Donnie, his anger melted away, his facial features softened to a gentle look.

He stared into Renoir's eyes, then, even though he couldn't explain why he wanted too, he slowly pressed his lips to Renoir's. Renoir's eyes widened as he realized that Donnie had kissed him. He never expected this, not at all. He struggled against the binds, but his mind was stuck on the fact that Donnie was kissing him, and slowly but surely began to kiss the genius turtle back. Donnie felt Renoir react to the kiss and that caused his actions to rise. He pressed his mouth harder against the turtle below him, his hands now running over his muscled arms.

Renoir hummed in his throat and opened his mouth to take in a breath. Donnie took this opportunity and slipped his tongue into Renoir's mouth, then found the younger turtles tongue. Renoir was overwhelmingly surprised that Donnie was doing this, but he was so caught up in the romance that he really didn't care. They began to French kiss, slowly and softly at first, then they both became more demanding, pushing there mouths into one another's, biting each other's lips, there actions becoming more forceful as there sexual arousal rose higher and higher until both of there cocks were painfully hard and pressing against the inside of there lower plastrons. Renoir moaned loudly as Donnie bit his lower lip, then thrusted his hips upward, making his groin press hard against Donnie's.

Donnie broke the kiss and ran his hands down the young turtles sides, then to his thighs. The turtle in purple leaned up, sitting straight on top of Renoir, then moved back slightly and spread Renoir's legs, then positioned himself to where he sat between them. He slowly ran his right hand over Renoir's groin, causing the younger turtle to gasp and his cock to emerge from it's hiding place. Donnie smiled and gently latched onto the pulsing organ, then applied firm, slow strokes to it. Renoir moaned and closed his eyes, in he back of his mind he knew this was wrong, oh so very wrong.

But he was enjoying it way too much to care, the way Donnie's hand felt on his hard cock, the way he had kissed him, it had felt so wonderful, so amazing, so right. Renoir felt Donnie's hand run over his hard shaft, he moaned and whimpered, trying to hold back to urge to scream out in pleasure. Donnie continued to stroke the younger turtle's cock ,then with the other hand, he played with Renoir's tail, making the young turtle tense at the feeling of being touched in that sensitive area.

"Well Renoir.....I am happy to say that your by far the best specimen I have had. I can say that in honesty. I have to test my subjects, make sure I can use them, make sure they can meet my expectations. I'm testing you, seeing if you can satisfy me, do you think you can Renoir?"

Renoir gasped as Donnie ran his finger over his opening, then slightly pressed in, making the tip of his thick finger enter Renoir. Donnie smiled as he felt warmth on the tip of his finger, so he pressed in further, making the younger turtle to scream out lightly in pain and surprise from the sudden intrusion. Donnie pushed his finger in more, gently feeling Renoir's inner walls slide against his thick digit, gently exploring the younger turtle's ass. Renoir tossed his head from side to side as Donnie began to slowly push his finger in and out of him, gently finger fucking him. Donnie pushed his finger in all the way, then moved it around, making Renoir scream in pleasure. He smiled widely and leaned forward, his face just centimeters from Renoir's.

"You feel so good Renoir, you are doing excellent. I'd like to be able to study you more, if you'd let me? Would you mind that?"

Renoir opened his eyes and stared at Donnie as he panted heavily.

"Please....Mr. Donatello, please....yes...."

Donnie smiled and moved his finger around more, making Renoir moan loudly.

"Renoir, please, just call me Donnie. And I'll gladly explore further, I'll make you feel good, don't worry Renoir. Just enjoy it."

Renoir nodded quickly then Donnie slowly lowered himself to where his head was at Renoir's waist. Donnie licked his lips as he stared lustfully at Renoir's throbbing cock. It was quite large for Renoir's age. Maybe about 7 and a half inches, Donnie wasn't really sure, but he was certain around 7-8 inches in length, and 2 inches in width. Although Donnie was slightly bigger then Renoir, he still admired the younger turtle's package.

He slowly leaned down while grabbing ahold of the hard cock, and brought the head to his lips, then swirled his tongue around it, causing Renoir to practically scream in pleasure. Renoir panted heavily as Donnie slowly took his cock into his mouth. His tongue moving along his shaft, it felt so good, so amazing! This was nothing like masturbating. Donnie took in as much of Renoir's cock as he could, then raised up and tried again, this time gong down even more. He continued this process, his wet, warm mouth sliding up and down Renoir's throbbing, thick cock.

Renoir moaned and tried to move his arms, but he realized they were still bound, as were his legs. Donnie was only able to move them far enough apart to settle himself. Donnie continued to suck on Renoir's throbbing cock, he began to deep throat it, feeling the hard, huge muscle slid down his throat. Renoir moaned constantly, feeling his orgasm come close. Donnie felt Renoir begin to thrust up into his mouth, and he was smart enough to realize that the young turtle was close to climax.

He pulled off quickly, his mouth covered in a mixture of saliva and pre-cum. Renoir stared wide eyed at Donnie as he slowly reached down and pulled out his own throbbing cock with a sigh of relief. Donnie leaned back and propped himself on his left elbow, then with his right hand, he began to stroke himself, his eyes on Renoir. Renoir watched in silence and lust as he watched Donnie jerk off in front of him, and he couldn't do anything about it. He watched in sexual agony as Donnie moved his hand over his throbbing, erect cock.

Donnie smiled lustfully and with the hand that he was jerking himself with, ran it down to his entrance, then slowly pushed in, making himself close his eyes and moan from the pleasure it caused. Renoir panted heavily as he watched Donnie put on a sexual show for him. He watched every move that finger made, when it paused, when it resumed going in and out, when Donnie just pushed in as much as he could then moved it around, making himself moan loudly in pleasure. Donnie continued to finger fuck himself and smiled even wider at Renoir, who's eyes were on him like a hawk. Donnie stopped his actions and rose back to sitting straight between Renoir's legs.

He slowly placed his hand back to Renoir's entrance, then pushed in slightly, then circled his finger, stretching Renoir's hole, causing the dark orange banded turtle to asp loudly, but the gasp was replaced with a loud moan. Donnie started to finger Renoir again, pushing his finger inside of the young turtle, feeling his warm, smooth walls slid against his finger. He pulled his finger out, then lowered himself even more to where his head was again at Renoir's waist, yet a little bit further down. Donnie looked up at Renoir, who was panting heavily, then opened is mouth and placed his tongue at Renoir's entrance, then licked around it. Renoir gasped and squirmed under Donnie's soft tongue.

Donnie licked around Renoir's hole once more, then entered him, lowly pushing his tongue in, causing it to become enveloped in soft, velvety warmth. Donnie thrusted his tongue in and out of the smaller turtle, licking his inner walls, swirling his tongue, tasting Renoir. The young turtle moaned loudly over and over in ecstacy as he felt Donnie's tongue slid in and out of him. Renoir squirmed again as Donnie slid his tongue in as far as he could, then pulled it back out and lapped at his entrance. Renoir was moaning constantly, which only made Donnie's cock throb even harder and crave more.

Donnie rose from Renoir's waist and stroked his cock a few times, making sure to let Renoir see his hand sliding over his hard, aching cock. Renoir wanted so badly to just touch Donnie, to touch any part of his body, his arms, his chest, his cock mostly, he wanted too so badly. Then, it was as if Donnie had read his mind, he quickly untied his arms and Renoir slowly raised up. Donnie took hold of Renoir's hand and placed it on his hot, aching cock, a soft whimper escaping the genius's lips.


Renoir nodded and began to stroke Donnie's massive, erect cock. He marveled at the size of it, Donnie had an inch or two over his own but he was still amazed that Donnie could have a cock of this length and width. Donnie leaned his head back and moaned loudly as he felt Renoir's soft hand run over his hard, massive cock. The younger turtle continued to jerk off Donnie, wanting to do so much more, but he would not if Donnie wouldn't allow it. Donnie's moans became louder, and they caused Renoir to stroke faster, quickly running his hand over his hard, throbbing cock.

Donnie panted and began to thrust his cock into Renoir's hand, then he grabbed the younger turtles head, then pushed him down onto his cock.

"Oh god....yes...."

Renoir was surprised that Donnie had done that but he didn't care. He greedily sucked on Donnie's thick, throbbing cock like it was his favorite thing in the world, and right now, it really was. Renoir swirled his tongue around the throbbing cock, sucking it greedily, making Donnie moan and thrust into his mouth. Renoir felt Donnie's cock push down his throat, making him almost gag, but he enjoyed it and continued to suck on it happily. Donie placed his hand on the back of Renoir's head as he practically fucked his face.

"Oh god....Renoir....fuck....."

Renoir slowly raised his right hand up and latched onto Donnie's cock and began to stroke it and at the same time sucked. Donnie threw his head back and moaned, then he noticed that his 3d eye visualizer was still on so he took it off and quickly set it down, then removed his lab coat. He panted as he felt Renoir's warm, wet mouth run over his hard, long, thick cock. He felt his climax coming close so he quickly pulled out of Renoir's mouth, panting heavily. Renoir looked at him lustfully, those eyes begging for more.

Donnie groaned and released the latches on his feet, then made him turn over and get on his hands and knees. Renoir obeyed and immediately felt the head of Donnie's throbbing cock at his wet entrance. Donnie grabbed Renoir's hips and thrusted in fully. Burying himself all the way to the hilt. Renoir screamed in pleasure as Donnie began to slowly fuck him. Donnie panted and grunted as he slowly thrusted in and out of the smaller turtle.

"God...Renoir....damn....Renoir....oh god....."

Renoir moaned and whimpered as Donnie's thrusting became harder and faster. Donnie continued to fuck Renoir as he pleased, feeling Renoir's tight ass squeeze around his thick cock as he fucked him, feeling his warm, tight walls slid up against his cock. Renoir moaned loudly and panted as he felt Donnie's thick, long cock thrust in and out of him, stretching his hole to where it almost hurt. Donnie dug his nails into Renoir's thighs, feeling his climax come closer and closer, he thrusted in as hard as he could and as deep as he could possibly go. He felt his release explode, he cummed violently deep inside of Renoir, the younger turtle felt his climax come as well.

He reached down and stroked his cock as he cummed all over his plastron and the examination table. Donnie breathed heavily and pulled out of Renoir's ass. Renoir gasped as he felt Donnie's cock leave him. He fell flat on the examination table, breathing heavily, his body coated with sweat, his plastron covered in white, sticky cum. Donnie breathed heavily and rubbed Renoir's thighs.

"Renoir....oh god...that was great. You were such a good test subject, I'll have to experiment with you more often, maybe run other tests on you, would you mind that?"

Renoir rolled over and laid on his shell, he looked up at Donnie and smiled widely.

"I wouldn't mind that at all.....Donnie."

Donnie smiled and leaned over Renoir, then placed a kiss on his lips. Donnie put on his lab coat again and his 3d eye visualizer. Renoir cleaned off his plastron and looked over at Donnie and smiled.

"I should be getting back, Master Raphael is probably worried about me..."

Donnie smiled and nodded.

"Yeah, I guess you should, well, come back anytime if you want me to run some more tests on you..."

Renoir smiled widely and laughed.

"Oh that I will definitely do...Donnie. I'll see you tomorrow."

Donnie laughed and nodded, then Renoir headed back home and Donnie picked up the vile that held Renoir's blood, then smiled and poured it's contents out in the trash can.

"It's impossible, I was a fool to think it possible....but now I'm alright, now I'm happy....thank you...Renoir."

Renoir smiled to himself as he watched Donnie from the shadows, then he finally began to walk home, a grin on his face. This was turning out good ,maybe it could be more, Renoir thought to himself with a large grin.

Curiosity ain't So Bad

**This is a request I got from a good friend, I hope you like it! Because here it is! Forgive me if it isn't that good or anything, this is my first shot at an LH fic.** Curiosity ain't So Bad The sound of rushing sewer water, although not as pure...

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Not So Simple

It was simple. Every time we would meet, it would be a simple plan. We go to the bedroom, we do what we want, and if I'm at his house, I leave after were done, or vise versa. There were never any words besides during the sex, we'd do what we needed...

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For Better or For Worse chapter 5

**Well I believe chapter 4 was a good success, so I suppose I'll keep everybody entertained with chapter 5. Not much to say but please read and comment, thank you! Enjoy!** Chapter 5 - Understanding Red's POV - I awoke to the sound of...

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