Careful what you buy Alice could have told you.txt

Story by Delnova on SoFurry

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John and Henry stood over a bottle that rested on their table. Their eyes glanced between the simple silver glass bottle and the two of them. The label on the bottle had the simple instructions of "DRINK Me." John, the white tiger picked up the bottle and looked it over as he glanced to his shorter friend. The sales clerk had promised a rather humbling experience for the pair, and mentioned how the effects would only last a short while. John glanced over to Henry, his mouse friend, and spoke.

"So we just drink some and be 'humbled' by seeing the world differently. Such an odd sales pitch." The large seven-foot white tiger commented, more to himself than to his friend. The five-foot mouse nodded and then spoke.

"Odd sure but we still bought some. Do you remember why we even went into that store to begin with?" Henry asked. John thought back and though it was only a few hours ago he could not remember why he had convinced the mouse to go down the back ally where they had found the shady drug store and a golden cat with a suit and top hat conducting a group of birds to sing. Yet John remembered in great detail those powerful emerald eyes that drew him into the store, and the clerk's assertive voice. John's eyes glanced to all the strange bottles around and the oddly sweet smell of the store. As the tiger's mind returned to the present a few words passed his ears, "Alice could have told you...."

"So do we try it?" The mouse asked.

"Might as well." John said and opened the bottle. Without a moment of hesitance the large tiger downed half of the bottle in one go. Slamming the glass down onto the table he let out a content sigh. John moved his hand away from the bottle and not one to be upstaged by his friend's bravado, Henry quickly chugged the rest of the concoction.

"Now what?" John muttered. Henry gave a slow shrug in reply as the two waited. The white tiger looked around the room with an unfocused glance as he felt a cold shiver. Something was different. John looked around more, and though everything was the same, he felt as if it was all off just slightly. That slight sense of misbalance grew, as everything appeared slightly stranger. John glanced over to Henry, whose mouth was open in a soundless gasp. The white tiger's eyes grew wide.

Herny's clothes were much baggier than before, nearly slipping off of the rodent. Worse however was the fact that their eyes almost met. The shrinking tiger wore concern on his features as his body quickly sped up its reduction. Logic in his mind said that his quickening heartbeat was pumping the drink through hus body faster, but his mind was not logical and instead simply panicking.

"This isn't real..." John muttered to himself but the fact that his shirt, which before hung tightly to his chest, devoured his whole torso, arms included. The pants only held up because of John's need for wearing pants with far too tight belts. Henry wasn't fairing much better as the now four foot and shrinking mouse blushed with his shirt covering his privates. The white rodent's pants resting at his ankles. Panic had sped up the mouse's change as well, with his thinning form seemingly melting into his shirt.

"This is so weird." John said, his voice shaky.

"Weird doesn't cover it." Henry said, his voice higher as his body went lower down. Both males blushed as the three foot mouse's boxers began to slide down his hips, only to drop to the floor. Henry had given up any attempt at modesty, although his shirt hid anything male from showing. The cloth hung from his shoulders down to his knees, as if he were a child in an adult's shirt.

The plummet in size continued for the pair with John's pants falling down to the floor with a thud. The shorter shirt showed off the bottom of the tiger's crotch and a very empty bulge in the white tiger's boxers. Henry giggled at the sight, even though he knew that the boxers were most likely too big to hold the tiger's junk properly in a way that showed him off. John flipped off his friend and waited for the final steps to happen.

Minutes passed and both stood, staring at each other from under the table as they were only a few feet in height, both their shirts now dragging on the ground. "This is it." Henry said uncertain. John echoed his unsaid hopes of wanting the reduction to stop. Suddenly Henry's body shrunk faster, his shirt absorbing the white rodent into the same color wool. Without a warning the shirt deflated as if it was simply thrown onto the ground.

John didn't have the time to worry for his friend as he felt a heat grow in his body and his perception radically blurred. His body lost inches in seconds and the tee he wore made a snack out of him. A sea of black fabric met the whites tiger's eyes as he struggled in his abandoned clothes.

He struggled to get out of the maze of folds and with effort burst out. A soundless gasp left John's mouth as he saw the world again. Everything was simply massive compared to the tiny tiger. Across the room another maze of cloth moved and burst out a small white rodent. The rodent cupped his hands to his mouth and shouted as loud as he could. "CAN YOU HEAR ME!?" The mouse shouted. John nodded, but realized the distance would make such a sign difficult to tell.

"YES I CAN!" John shouted and ran over to Henry. Though the distance was only a matter of feet, when one is only a few inches tall it changes the rules of distance quite a bit. The two friends closed the distance and stood in silence. Even though it was the same room they both knew quite well, the difference in point of view made everything seem much too grand for them.

"So now we just wait..." Henry muttered. John nodded and turned to his friend, his eyes roamed over the nude mouse's torso, surprised how slim yet toned his friend was. Those eyes glanced lower down and the white tiger had to turn away to avoid his face turning bright red.

"Something up?" Henry asked with concern. The tiger shook his head and caught his breath. John glanced down, his sheath plumper than before, however he hoped the mouse noticed nothing.

"Besides being a few inches tall? Nope." The tiger said with a chuckle as his eyes once more glanced down at the mouse's rather large gear. Thoughts ran through John's head in quick succession. Is he normally that big? Shit his junk is bigger than mine. Why am I embarrassed by being smaller? Such thoughts echoed in the feline's mind for a short time.

As the store clerk had said, an hour passed and their bodies returned to their normal heights. Still naked John glanced at Henry's crotch and felt shame as he saw that the mouse was truly gifted. "Would you stop checking me out?" The mouse muttered under his breath, to quiet for John to hear him. The tiger looked away and walked to his own room.

"I wonder if I can get bigger." The tiger muttered and got dressed. Sometime later he stood at the front door of the shop he had bought the strange bottle and the clerk from before opened the door with a wide smile. He still wore the suit and top hat, though a bowtie was added to his attire.

"I told you, Alice could have told you what to expect. So let's go inside and see what else I can give you." The clerk smiled and led in the tiger, closing the door behind him.

Careful what you buy:Alice could have told you

Some how it is easier to make CWYB a vinette style work than a series. Oh well. Blah Blah 18+ why do I bother with this part? Oh and fun fact, there is a reason for the title. * * * John and Henry stood over a bottle that rested on their table....

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Lowered view

18+ and strange stuff, blah blah blah cock Rod smiled as he spied the large black horse that often bothered so many of his friends during school. The horse's name was Zach, although it didn't matter much to the red wolf. He knew that the horse...

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Master and the Mistress

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